Nizhny Novgorod resident Elena Karimova, suspected of murdering her two young children, had her detention period extended until August 25, 2018. Now the woman is being tested for sanity in one of the Moscow psychiatric clinics.

Let us recall that on April 28, 2018, two small children, 4-year-old Khadija and 2-year-old Suleiman, were found strangled and burned in an abandoned vegetable storehouse near Nizhny Novgorod. Soon she was detained on suspicion of committing this crime. birth mother killed children - 27-year-old Elena Karimova. She did not deny it and admitted that she committed the murder because of a lack of money to support the children.

“For two weeks now, both Elena herself and her mother have been in Moscow,” the girl’s friend Aziza told Komsomolskaya Pravda in Nizhny Novgorod. - There she undergoes a medical examination for sanity.

By the way, Elena Karimova herself, who initially admitted her guilt, now began to deny her involvement in the crime.

Now Elena claims that other people committed this crime,” Andrei Kirillov, head of the first department for especially important crimes of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Nizhny Novgorod Region, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. “However, the investigation has no reason to suspect that anyone other than the children’s mother may be involved in this murder.” It has now been established that it was Elena Karimova who bought all the substances necessary to destroy the corpses of children. We are currently awaiting the results of the final examinations, after which the case can be taken to court.

True, relatives of Elena Karimova herself still do not believe in her involvement in the crime. They, together with their neighbors, have already written a collective letter in her defense.

We can’t believe that Helen could do this! - says Aziza. - Moreover, during a recent meeting with my mother, she said: “Don’t trust anyone! I didn’t kill anyone!”

True, in response to the question of who is behind this crime, both the relatives and acquaintances of the girls just shrug their shoulders. At first, they asked to find her second husband, the father of her two murdered children, who was on the international wanted list. However, so far the search has not yielded any results.

A month before the murder, Elena decided to deprive him of parental rights, says Aziza. - She thought that the status of a single mother would give her more rights and benefits. But in response, he began to threaten her, and then went on the run. She just now told her mother about this.

Meanwhile, Elena Karimova’s relatives now and then go to the cemetery where 4-year-old Khadija and 2-year-old Suleiman are buried. Although Elena’s mother still does not believe that her grandchildren are buried there.

She says all the time: “Even if it’s not them, I’ll still take them the toys,” recalls Aziza. - That’s why there are always a lot of all kinds of bears and cats there. Although recently vandals looted everything there. I don’t know who needed to steal toys from the cemetery.

On April 28, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, a 27-year-old mother of two children who were found burned in a vegetable storehouse in the Semenovsky district was detained. Elena Karimova strangled her four-year-old daughter Khadija and two-year-old Suleiman in the back seat of the car. After this, the woman dumped the bodies in an abandoned roadside warehouse near the village of Osinki and set them on fire. And when she was detained a few hours later, she didn’t even try to deny it - she immediately stated that she killed the children because she had nothing to support them.

But on social networks the woman does not look like a beggar or a marginalized person. A beautiful young girl with smooth skin, fashionable well-groomed eyebrows and eyelash extensions - in one visit to the beautician, she clearly gave more than is required for food for the children for several days.

She is my soul, my dearest person, my most long-awaited daughter. The one for whom I am always on my feet, the one for whom I live. She is my copy, as harmful as I am. My air, my most affectionate, most smart girl, Elena wrote about her daughter Khadija on April 12, 2018. And a little over two weeks later, she brutally killed her along with her brother.

“It was like we were in a bottleneck”

Residents of nearby villages had previously avoided the vegetable storage facility, which was abandoned 30 years ago. Situated next to the highway, it was a tempting place for passing motorists.

Drivers usually throw garbage there or relieve themselves. Convenient - I stopped, did my job and moved on. We don’t go there ourselves,” says Evgeny Katyshev, a resident of the village of Osinki, located opposite the ill-fated place.

It was Evgeniy’s neighbors who sounded the alarm - they saw that the grass was burning near the vegetable store and came out with shovels to extinguish it. It turned out that not only the grass was burning, but also one of the compartments of the abandoned barn. No one went inside - the firefighters were called. Two employees dealt with the fire in half an hour and had already begun to fold up their sleeves when the driver of the fire truck heard a colleague scream.

The fireman initially mistook the find for the burned body of a dog. But he came closer and realized that these were the bodies of two kids. Then he told me that the bodies were lying in an unnatural position, as if they had previously been in a narrow place - apparently, that’s why at first there were rumors that the bodies were lying in a suitcase. There was nothing left of the limbs - the bodies were so burned that only one leg survived, there were simply no arms or legs, and the gender was impossible to understand, recalls Evgeny Katyshev.

The terrible news quickly spread throughout the area. First of all, the district police checked the families living in the villages of Osinki and Tarasikha, not far from the scene of the incident. School directors and kindergarten teachers in the Semenovsky district reported to the district prosecutor about all absentees. But all the children either regularly attended classes or were sitting at home with a common cold - there were no mysterious disappearances in the area. It’s not surprising - after all, the kids were brought not from the surrounding villages, but from Nizhny Novgorod, and meanwhile their mother was diligently covering her tracks...

Twice she burned the corpses of her children

Two days before, on the morning of April 25, 2018, Elena Karimova put her four-year-old daughter and two-year-old son in a Kia car, which she had previously rented from one of the city companies. There she strangled both children with her own hands, the press service of the Investigative Committee of the Investigative Committee for the Nizhny Novgorod Region told Komsomolskaya Pravda - Nizhny Novgorod.

On the same day, Elena tried to get rid of the bodies of the dead children. The woman bought lighter fluid at a gas station and took the children’s bodies into the forest. Not far from the village of Shaldezh in the Semyonovsky district, she made a fire and placed the bodies of the children there. However, at some point the woman became scared - the thought suddenly occurred to her that hunters might see her.

I immediately put out the fire with water, put the bodies back in the car and returned to Nizhny Novgorod. And the next day I tried again to get rid of the bodies. She hid them in an abandoned granary and set them on fire again - the detained woman did not deny it and revealed shocking details to the investigators.

According to Karimova, she committed the crime because she could not provide her children with a decent life in material terms - they say, there is no job, no husband, and nothing to raise children with. But the facts indicate the opposite: for example, a woman spent at least 40 thousand rubles a month on car rental alone. And shortly before the murder of the children, Elena purchased a ticket to a foreign resort...

During the investigation of the criminal case, a complex of forensic and forensic examinations, including psychological and psychiatric examinations, will be carried out in order to determine the woman’s sanity. In the near future, the suspect will be charged and a preventive measure will be chosen.


Mikhail Vinogradov, forensic psychologist:

The presumptive point of view is that the woman is sane. She calmly and prudently thought through the murder. Most likely, she killed her daughter first because she was older and could begin to resist. Then she strangled her two-year-old son because he was small and defenseless. I bought a ticket to a foreign resort in advance. With what persistence she tried to get rid of the corpses! But she didn’t take into account that the smoke could give her away. She had money from somewhere, but she did not consider it necessary to spend it on children - it prevented her from living the way she wanted. I didn’t give them to the shelter because I didn’t want to seem soulless. This type of woman like Karimova always wants to be good, to evoke admiration and envy. After the murder, until she was caught, she would play the victim, kill herself so that everyone would feel sorry for her. In any case, she will undergo a psychiatric examination.

For three days now, Nizhny Novgorod has not been able to recover from the monstrous murder of two tiny children - 4-year-old Khadija and 2-year-old Suleiman. As it turned out, the kids became victims of their own mother - 27-year-old Elena Karimova first strangled them, and then doused them with gasoline and cold-bloodedly burned their bodies in an abandoned vegetable storehouse near Nizhny Novgorod.

Immediately after the arrest, the woman fully admitted her guilt and stated that lack of money forced her to commit murder. They say that after the divorce from her husband there was nothing to support the children. However, her friends and acquaintances still do not believe what happened.

I didn't expect this from Lena. Even on social networks you can see how much she loved her children, - her colleague Hazrat is horrified (the hero’s name has been changed - Ed.) - So she often visited Moscow, but the children Lately were sick, and she had to live with her parents in Nizhny Novgorod for now. Suleiman recently had chickenpox, so she dropped everything and rushed to him.

However, Elena Karimova demonstrated her love for children in in social networks. Just two weeks ago, on April 12, 2018, she wrote very touchingly about her daughter.

She is my soul, my dearest person, my most long-awaited daughter. The one for whom I am always on my feet, the one for whom I live. She is my copy, as harmful as I am. My air, my sweetest, smartest girl.

However, just two weeks later she brutally dealt with the kids.

In an old five-story building on the outskirts of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, people talk about their neighbor, 27-year-old Elena Karimova, in nothing more than a whisper. In a house built like a dormitory, everyone knows each other - after all, there is one long common corridor and forty apartments on the floor. It’s not like getting through here, you won’t even be able to breathe unnoticed. Therefore, the news about the monstrous murder committed by Elena was taken especially sharply here.

We have lived in this house since 1989, and Lenochka was born in 1991. So I have known her, one might say, from the cradle,” recalls my sister ex-husband Elena Aziz Karimova. – I was always a very cheerful and sociable girl. I really liked her. Therefore, when love broke out between Lena and my younger brother, I was only glad.

At that time, the girl had just graduated from school. The chosen one, A. Karimov, was three years older. Soon the young people got married and moved to live in Belgium. Fortunately, my husband’s older brother lived there.

They lived there for eight months. They didn’t get a job anywhere - they just rested and visited their brother,” says Aziza. “And then they came back and soon divorced.” I don’t know what happened to them - he loved her, and she loved him. This is understandable - after all, her first man.

However, even after the divorce from her brother, Aziza did not break off relations with her former daughter-in-law - whatever one may say, she is a dear person. True, Elena herself did not stay long in Nizhny Novgorod. Soon after the divorce, she moved to Moscow.

I don’t know how she lived there and what happened to her. It seems like she worked at a gas station,” says the woman. - Only then did I see her with her new husband - such a healthy, tall man. Although he is much older than her - he looks to be over forty. He is originally from Azerbaijan. But he lives in Moscow. There she married him.

From her new husband, Elena soon gave birth to a daughter, Khadije, and a couple of years later, a son, Suleiman. All her friends unanimously assure her that she doted on children.

No one loved them like she did. I used to shake over every sore,” recalls Aziza. Whether a pimple pops up, or the temperature rises, she doesn’t sleep at night. She always asked me for advice: what pills to give, how best to care for her. After all, I have two children myself. In general, she was a wonderful mother. I can’t even imagine that she could have killed them.

But Elena’s relationship with the father of these children has not been going well lately. Therefore, last year the girl moved back to Nizhny Novgorod, to her mother.

In December 2018, her father died. Although they were divorced from her mother, she maintained a relationship with him. I was very worried after his death,” says Aziza Karimova. – Since last year she has lived mainly here. Occasionally I only drove my KIA to Moscow. I haven't seen her new husband since then. And two months ago, in March, they officially divorced. As Elena explained, he began to raise his hand against her and the children.

Elena’s husband, apparently, showed no interest in his children. At least, all her friends claim that he did not pay child support. The girl herself, who had recently been on maternity leave, did not officially work anywhere. True, she did not complain about financial difficulties - she managed to earn a living by distributing cosmetics. Elena was seriously interested network marketing and sold household chemicals, sports nutrition, cosmetics. No one could even imagine that she had nothing to support her children. Although this is exactly the version she voiced to the investigators.

The hardest thing is happening to Elena’s mother now. Because of severe stress The woman's health had seriously deteriorated. She lives in the same house as Aziza Karimova, but flatly refuses to communicate with journalists.

We won't comment on anything. Let the investigation look for her second husband,” Elena’s relatives shouted through the door.

Elena Karimova herself is now in custody. By decision of the court of the Moskovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, she was arrested for two months. The investigation into this heinous crime continues.

In an old five-story building on the outskirts of the Avtozavodsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, people talk about their neighbor, 27-year-old Elena Karimova, in nothing more than a whisper. In a house built like a dormitory, everyone knows each other - after all, there is one long common corridor and forty apartments on the floor. It’s not like getting through here, you won’t even be able to breathe unnoticed. Therefore, the news about the monstrous murder committed by Elena was taken especially sharply here.

Let us remind you that for three days now in Nizhny Novgorod they have been discussing the brutal murder of two tiny children - 4-year-old Khadija and 2-year-old Suleiman. Suspicion immediately fell on their mother, Elena Karimova. Soon the woman was detained. She did not deny her guilt and immediately told all the details of the brutal murder. They say that she first strangled the children and then burned their corpses in an old abandoned vegetable storehouse near Nizhny Novgorod. But the girl’s relatives still don’t believe in her guilt.

“We have been living in this house since 1989, and Lenochka was born in 1991. So I know her, one might say, from the cradle,” recalls the sister of Elena’s ex-husband Aziza Karimova. – I was always a very cheerful and sociable girl. I really liked her. Therefore, when love broke out between Lena and my younger brother, I was only glad.

At that time, the girl had just graduated from school. The chosen one, A. Karimov, was three years older. Soon the young people got married and moved to live in Belgium. Fortunately, my husband’s older brother lived there.

“They lived there for eight months. They didn’t get a job anywhere - they just rested and visited their brother,” says Aziza. “And then they came back and soon divorced.” I don’t know what happened to them - he loved her, and she loved him. This is understandable - after all, her first man.

However, even after the divorce from her brother, Aziza did not break off relations with her former daughter-in-law - whatever one may say, she is a dear person. True, Elena herself did not stay long in Nizhny Novgorod. Soon after the divorce, she moved to Moscow.

“I don’t know how she lived there and what happened to her.” She seemed to work at a gas station,” says the woman. - Only then did I see her with her new husband - such a healthy, tall man. Although he is much older than her - he looks to be over forty. He is originally from Azerbaijan. But he lives in Moscow. There she married him.

From her new husband, Elena soon gave birth to a daughter, Khadije, and a couple of years later, a son, Suleiman. All her friends unanimously assure her that she doted on children.

“Nobody loved them like she did.” I used to shake over every sore,” recalls Aziza. Whether a pimple pops up, or the temperature rises, she doesn’t sleep at night. She always asked me for advice: what pills to give, how best to care for her. After all, I have two children myself. In general, she was a wonderful mother. I can’t even imagine that she could have killed them.

But Elena’s relationship with the father of these children has not been going well lately. Therefore, last year the girl moved back to Nizhny Novgorod, to her mother.

– In December 2017, her father died. Although they were divorced from her mother, she maintained a relationship with him. I was very worried after his death,” says Aziza Karimova. – Since last year she has lived mainly here. Occasionally I only drove my KIA to Moscow. I haven't seen her new husband since then. And two months ago, in March, they officially divorced. As Elena explained, he began to raise his hand against her and the children.

Elena’s husband, apparently, showed no interest in his children. At least, all her friends claim that he did not pay child support. The girl herself, who was recently on maternity leave, did not officially work anywhere. True, she did not complain about financial difficulties - she managed to earn a living by distributing cosmetics. Elena was seriously interested in network marketing and sold household chemicals, sports nutrition, and cosmetics. No one could even imagine that she had nothing to support her children. Although this is exactly the version she voiced to the investigators.

– I’m very sorry about what happened. I don’t even know how I could do this,” Elena Karimova told the Komsomolskaya Pravda correspondent in Nizhny Novgorod.” – Until May 2017, I lived with my husband, and then we divorced, and it became difficult to raise children. I have never had an official job.

The hardest thing is happening to Elena’s mother now. Due to severe stress, the woman’s health seriously deteriorated. She lives in the same house as Aziza Karimova, but flatly refuses to communicate with journalists.

– We will not comment on anything. Let the investigation look for her second husband,” Elena’s relatives shouted through the door.

Elena Karimova herself is now in custody. By decision of the court of the Moskovsky district of Nizhny Novgorod, she was arrested for two months. The investigation into this heinous crime continues.