Why is something disturbing inside, there is a state of dissatisfaction, many call it “the soul hurts.”

Pain in the soul is one of the surest signs on the road of life, indicating that you have taken a wrong turn. A feeling of melancholy and a strange foreboding mean that a person is going against his true nature, against his highest principles and true values. Today we will talk about why the soul hurts.

I want to, but I can’t...

Your soul hurts if you don’t allow yourself something internally. For example, a common situation among women: everyone wants to feel like a magical, beautiful creature, but the mind forbids: “No, they say, you’re fat, why do you care about the ideals of beauty.” Or when you really want to just give up everything and move to India, but your parents are categorically against it, and you won’t allow yourself to go against their will.

In such a situation, the soul is as if in a cage - it wants to break out, but you yourself cannot afford to open the lock, although the keys have been dangling in your pocket for a long time. There is no need to be afraid to be yourself and sacrifice what is alien to you - your soul will repay you with a state of joy and gratitude!

I don't want to, but I have to...

It’s also a common situation when people prefer to follow someone else’s ideals, when their soul asks them for something completely different. Often our highest values ​​do not at all coincide with the “morality of society”, but “in order to survive”, we make concessions, do what disgusts us. For example, we deceive, steal, time. Yes, unnoticed, yes, everyone does this, but you can’t fool your soul.

There is an opinion that by submitting to the will of those who seem stronger, we will make a career, become successful, and receive recognition. But in fact, the effect is just the opposite. True happiness and success can only be achieved under the guidance of the soul. Do not go against your brightest principles, no matter how scary it may be.

The world is not interesting...

In general, this is a fairly common case and it is often a harbinger of a big spiritual leap. There is a feeling that material wealth cannot bring happiness, interest in achievement disappears, competition becomes boring, and there is no point in chasing money and status. The fuss around all these imaginary values ​​seems truly meaningless to you and you yourself no longer want to take part in it. Neither greed, nor envy, nor any desires remained in the heart.

When it's not the soul that hurts, but the ego...

Most people confuse the manifestations of their soul and the most ordinary whining of the ego. After all, pain in the soul is a very subtle signal that suggests that we are moving away from our spiritual ideals. Well, the ego, it just wants free pity and love. Here are the cases in which it is not the soul that hurts, but the swollen ego that is playing:

Feelings of guilt or resentment

It never comes from the pure corners of the heart. Self-pity and blaming others for your suffering - no, this is not from the heart. Yes, it's from the ego!

Sense of anxiety

The whisper of the soul is often confused with the most ordinary concern that appears when a swarm negative thoughts raging in my head. Worrying about the future and nervously biting your nails - no, it’s not your soul that hurts, but it’s time to control your thoughts, and for many they are not their own and not about their own.

Feeling of injustice

Sometimes it feels like the world is not being honest with us. And the feeling of injustice develops almost into righteous spiritual anger. "Why are they doing this to me?" - something screams in you. But this is not the soul, but the ego.


Everything is boring, you don’t want anything, the world seems boring and uninteresting. Laziness. And it seems that the soul is fading. But in reality, you just need to learn how to set goals and not give up too early.

Evidence and controversy

Only the ego wants to prove something to someone and argue, compete. If you are not the first in some issue and it gnaws, pulls and strains you, it is not the soul that hurts, but the ego that screams.

When a person feels “spiritually unwell,” rarely will anyone ask him “why does my soul hurt?” Usually they give a popular recipe for all troubles: “Take a break, don’t think about it, switch to another channel!” But let’s admit honestly that this is perhaps the most worst advice of all. In fact, it can be helpful to do just the opposite: take a closer look at the source of your discomfort. After all, pain in the soul is a harbinger of change, and if we don’t listen, something worse happens and sometimes much can no longer be prevented.

Just be here

There is no better healer than the present moment. Disconnect from everything that does not concern this second. Just drop your thoughts, drop your worries, and absorb what is there. Then the rose of your soul will begin to bloom - all the real needs and genuine needs will be revealed in full view. Just stay here. Return to now. Do not remember or regret the past and do not fear for the future.


Your inner heart (not to be confused with a physical organ) is the most accurate instrument for measuring the purity of thoughts. Thoughts that cause fear must be discarded. Pain in the soul can be cured if you trust the guiding hand of the world and choose those options for reality that our heart tells us.

There really aren’t that many reasons why a person’s soul hurts. Let's try to figure out how the soul hurts and briefly talk about the reasons heartache, let’s try to understand where this pain comes from and how it proceeds and what is accompanied by it.

How the soul hurts from loss

Yes, it is the loss of loved ones and loved ones that are the main causes of mental pain. Moreover, these losses can be divided into actual losses, when a person dies, and separations, when it is not a person who dies, but a relationship or feelings. And from practice it follows that people often experience the latter type of mental pain no less acutely than the death of dear people. How does your soul hurt? It's different for everyone. Someone is killed and cries bitterly, unable to remember without tears everything that connected him with a loved one. Some people experience this outwardly calmly, but their hearts clench all the time. For some, awareness of the loss does not come immediately, but with awareness, the person falls into severe depression. This condition is very complex, when a person becomes lethargic and apathetic, he is not interested in anything, he lives, one might say, automatically. And if in ordinary automatic existence there is nothing particularly terrible, then in a state of depression it is accompanied by a decline in activity. A person loses interest in literally everything, and those who happened to observe such people said that it was as if they were communicating with a wall. This is what loss sometimes brings people to, and it is precisely this state that often follows deep mental pain - acute experiences. And this pain is the stronger, the less the feelings are expressed externally. It’s not for nothing that many medical specialists and psychologists recommend not holding back feelings and emotions during the grieving process.

How the soul hurts from parting

It would seem that parting should not cause such serious mental pain as an actual loss. But in fact, people often perceive separation from a friend or loved one almost more acutely. And this can be explained very simply: for them, this person also seems to be dying, since communication with him becomes no longer possible. And if in the case of a deceased person everything is clear - you will not see him again, then in the case of separation the situation may be worse psychologically: you see this person, but you know that a relationship with him is no longer possible. Such mental pain is expressed in experiences caused by memories of the past. Most mental pain is pain about the past.

What else makes my soul hurt?

There is another kind of mental pain. It is caused by the hopelessness of human existence. Here we're talking about about situations with which a person cannot do anything, but which are not caused by losses. This is the experience of loneliness or social injustice. Many compassionate people's hearts turn over when they see how people and animals suffer. And the mental pain is stronger the less a person can do for these creatures. And to understand that the soul hurts is very simple: as a result of losses, separations or injustice committed towards others, a person has various unpleasant thoughts, he cries or suffers in silence, or feels serious anxiety. It is these experiences that are the most frequent accompaniments of what is called mental pain. Of course, this expression is figurative, but it is the one that best describes the human condition caused by the above reasons.

Let us try to figure out what kind of condition it is when the soul hurts and cries. Moreover, to understand not only this condition, but also the reasons why the soul wants to cry. Let’s start with them, since there are many reasons for mental suffering, but all of them can be very accurately classified.

Why does the soul cry

There are actually not so many of these reasons, or rather groups of reasons. The soul can cry only from experiences. What are these experiences? This could be parents’ worries about their children or, conversely, children’s worries about their parents. These may be difficult thoughts about your friends and loved ones. It can also be reflections on the fate of specific people, groups of people, and even entire nations. Some will say about humanity as a whole. Perhaps, but such experiences, as a rule, are devoid of acuteness. And the sharpness comes from worrying about specific people or creatures to which we are accustomed, and it pains us to see them suffer. It also happens that a person’s soul quietly cries for long-gone times. This is a form of nostalgia. And in fact, when a person remembers, for example, his childhood, it is sometimes difficult to resist simultaneously sad and pleasant memories. Sad because this will never happen again. Mental suffering is an integral part of any rational being burdened with various attachments, because we experience it because we are attached, we love someone or something.

How different people's souls cry

The soul can cry in different ways. For some, this is quiet sadness, when a person likes to be alone for a long time and silently feel sad, constantly reminding himself of people who have long passed away or those with whom he broke up. The cry of the soul can well be expressed in visible tears - often memories bring them to us. For some, this manifests itself in fits of despair and even anger. In this case strong feelings may be due to feelings of injustice of something happening or what has happened. In a word, the soul cries in accordance with a person’s temperament. For some it is a quiet and sad silent cry, for others this cry is expressed in tears and even in screaming and anger. Sometimes it happens that a person can behave outwardly absolutely normally and calmly, but his internal state is such that it seems as if his heart is bleeding and his soul is no longer just crying, but sobbing. Such people are most susceptible to stress, depression and various nervous diseases. In this case, it is recommended to give at least some external expression of your experience. If you can’t cry, at least share with someone your experiences and thoughts about the situation that worries you.

In the most severe illnesses We also need the strongest means, precisely applied.(Hippocrates)

Pain is something that everyone is familiar with. Pain can be different: physical and internal or mental (in psychology such pain is called psychalgia). Any pain is heaviness, torment, suffering. We perceive pain as cruel punishment, injustice, evil... This is what we want to stop.

So how can we stop it?

How to deal with pain?

First, let's admit that pain is not evil. Pain is our hardwired last resort to force us to take care of ourselves. We wouldn't live to see today if there was no pain.

If there was no pain, then we would not feel tooth decay, and then we would lose all our teeth.

If there was no pain, then no one would think of treating bruises, fractures, or internal diseases. This means that we would only live until the first serious illness. If we didn’t feel pain, we wouldn’t understand that something was wrong with our body, and we wouldn’t go to specialists for help.

Pain is our most faithful assistant, protecting our lives and our well-being. Pain prevents the worst consequences by drawing our attention to the fact that something is wrong with us and demands that we fix it.

How to respond to pain?

What would you say if you saw a picture like this... A person who bought a new expensive car, equipped with a good alarm system, wakes up at night because the alarm system is screaming throughout the entire yard. Without finding out the reason, he begins to scold the alarm. In his opinion, it is the alarm system that is to blame, which does not allow him to sleep. Not the thieves who break into the car, not he himself, who out of laziness does not want to go out and look or call the police, but the alarm system! Of course, we will consider such a person not particularly smart (to say the least).

Or another situation... A person suffers pain, despite the fact that everyone around him recommends urgently seeing a doctor. He himself believes that only pain bothers him. At first he tolerates it, then tries to drown it out with painkillers. The pain continues to intensify, but in the end it turns out that if he had contacted him right away, the doctor would have helped him avoid serious consequences for the body. Now the unpleasant consequences are obvious. Is this person smart?

Oh, how we ourselves are like these characters when we suffer from mental pain! Unfortunately, we often do not want to see the reasons for our mental pain. For some reason we stupidly endure, suffer, suffer, reach despair (even suicide), try different ways to drown out the pain, we try to fight it, forget ourselves, but... we don’t hear its signal, we don’t correct its cause.

People whose mental pain is so great that they want to free themselves from that pain by committing suicide are like those who struggle with alarms and fuses rather than with the real cause. They believe that one can be freed from mental pain by destroying the body. It’s not the body that hurts! It’s the same as if a person has a stomach ulcer and he tries to cure it by amputating his leg!..

So what's wrong when your soul hurts?

A normal person understands that it is not pain itself that prevents us from living, but the reason that causes this pain. Therefore, when something hurts in our body, we try to understand the location of the pain and find its cause. If there is hope that the cause can correct itself, we wait, endure, taking painkillers, and if we understand that the cause remains and the pain does not go away, then we go to the doctor, undergo a diagnostic test, and with the help of an appropriate specialist we correct this cause. If your kidney hurts, we go to a urologist, if your throat hurts, go to an otolaryngologist, if your stomach hurts, go to a gastroenterologist, if your heart hurts, go to a cardiologist. And who should you turn to if your soul hurts?

When the body hurts, we understand that from the nerve endings at the point where the disease is localized, a signal about trouble comes to the corresponding part of the brain.

Where and where does the signal come from in case of mental pain? Have you ever thought about this?

No? And why? This is worth thinking about carefully...

Maybe the signal arrives in the brain in an unknown way? Maybe it comes to the heart, because sometimes it hurts from worry? May be, solar plexus is the center of spiritual pain?

Alas. Science decisively and unequivocally states that human consciousness is not localized in the body. That is, no cluster of nerve cells, not even the brain, can and does not perform the function of what we call human consciousness. In the near future, our article on this topic will be posted on the website with links to many authoritative sources of high and impartial science.

Therefore, if you are a purely materialist and completely deny the existence of the soul, the invisible world and everything connected with it, we can make you happy: it means that nothing hurts you. Because according to science, there is no consciousness in the material body, which means there can be no mental pain. Therefore, you can now begin to rejoice - just as materially as you suffer - and finish reading this article.

Psychology - a science whose very name contains recognition of the existence of the soul (psyche - soul, logos - to know) - lost a lot when it abandoned the very concept of the soul. That is, it sets itself the task of treating the soul, which it has ceased to recognize, but has not introduced any other reasonable understanding of the soul. The situation is simply absurd. How can you treat an organ if you don’t recognize it and know nothing about it? Therefore, traditional psychology almost always throws up its hands in the case of mental pain. With the help of modern pharmacological drugs, you can reduce the intensity of the pain of the soul, with the help of psychotherapeutic techniques, distract from pain, learn to live with it, even drown out this pain for a certain time, but despite the vast experience accumulated over a century and a half, modern psychology does not have the opportunity to influence the eradication reasons leading to this severe pain.

Why does the soul hurt? (Let's say right away that we do not consider cases of severe mental illness- schizophrenia, etc., - which occur in suicide victims in approximately 20% of cases.)

Just as the body hurts because we damage it in some way or do not give it what it needs, so does the soul. What does the soul need?

One of the modern priests writes:

“It is well known that ignoring the deepest aspirations of the human spirit gives rise to that very distortion of human nature, which is traditionally called sin - the source of disease. Therefore, the most important thing for a sick person is reconciliation with God, restoration of trampled or lost manifestations of the human spirit. Reconciliation with God is repentance, this awareness of one’s sin, awareness of responsibility for one’s life, for the state into which a person has driven himself and the desire, the thirst to begin new life, reconciling with God and asking Him for forgiveness.

Since ancient times, the Church has always associated illness with the internal state of a person, with human sin. Therefore, the basis Church Sacrament Blessing of oil for the healing of the sick is a prayer for the forgiveness of sins. And regardless of whether we resort to the Sacrament of Anointing, or we are going to be treated, the first thing we must start with is awareness of our responsibility, awareness of our sin and the will of God for you to be healthy.”

Sin is not a fashionable word. Perhaps because people who are far from the Church understand by it a violation of some rules, the observance of which God needs from us, and not at all ourselves. After all, the motto of our time is “take everything from life.” And here for some reason they demand something from us. Of course, we can’t like this...

In fact, sin is a crime against one's own soul. If you compare it with the body, it’s like not feeding your body, like cutting it with a knife, hammering nails into it, pouring acid on it. In this case, God is like a good doctor who stands nearby, with medical instruments and drugs at the ready, and asks us to quickly stop self-torture and come to him so that he can cure us.

If you observe yourself, every person can notice how unpleasant it becomes in his soul when he does something bad. For example, he will get angry with someone, become cowardly, upset someone, take a bribe, not give someone what he asks for, or cheat on his wife. As such actions accumulate, it becomes harder and harder for the soul. And we forget what real, pure, childish joy is. We are trying to replace joy with primitive pleasures. But they don’t make you happy, they only dull you. And the soul dries out and hurts more and more...

And when something happens an important event in our life - for example, some great loss, it does not even occur to us that the enormous pain that has befallen us is somehow connected with our mistakes. But that's exactly how it is. Pain in various crises of human relationships is caused by our vindictiveness, or hatred, or vanity. Pain when breaking love relationship would be many times less if the relationship itself were not overshadowed by resentment and selfishness. Pain at death loved one is aggravated by murmuring against God. And so on.

The conclusion is the following: mental pain signals to us that something is wrong with the soul, perhaps we have wounded our soul somewhere and must correct ourselves.

Where is the pain of the soul treated?

If we have never dealt with our soul, believing that spiritual life consists of visiting theaters and reading novels, then we need help in treating mental pain, we cannot cope on our own.

Where to run when your soul hurts? Where to go for help?

Of course, it’s better to go to a place where you can definitely get treatment. This should be a place that has proven treatment traditions, tools and conditions for treatment, and most importantly, millions of cured patients.

In fact, we have already named the main and only Doctor of mental pain above. I have seen hundreds of people healed from heartache. And all of them were completely cured in only one place and only with a single Doctor. This hospital is the Church, and the Chief Doctor in it is the Lord God!

This Doctor, who does not treat for money, He does it selflessly and with great love. This Doctor is waiting for those who feel bad, because He is always ready to lend a helping hand. He doesn't have days off or lunch breaks. He is always ready to begin healing your soul.

This Doctor does not treat with fake, but with ever-living, proven and very effective medicines. He never refused to help anyone, but He will not force Himself on you, He will not persuade you to be treated by Him, because this Doctor respects your freedom and choice, and He does not need advertising. This Doctor simply sincerely wants to help you because he loves you. He is counting on your trust in Him and your fulfillment of His instructions.

If you still have little trust and therefore are still afraid to turn to Him, remember that you are not risking anything. You can commit suicide even after only a year of spiritual life. After all, you still have nothing to lose.

How does God heal heartache?

We have already found out that pain is caused by violations of the needs of the soul. This means that this pain must be treated by satisfying these needs.

Do not believe that the lists of human needs that have been widely circulated and practically canonized by populist psychologists (the most famous of them are Maslow's pyramid), including self-realization, recognition, social status, communication, affection - this is really what a person needs. Even if you score 100 out of 100 according to this list, you will not be happy. Because happy is the one who satisfies the needs of the soul. And they differ from the mentioned list.

The main and only need of the soul is actually love. And God is love. Drawing closer to God increases love. Moving away from God through sins reduces love and increases mental pain.

This means that the soul does not need some little things. She needs God Himself. Only He can satisfy her needs.

And He is ready to give Himself to us. He wants to give himself to us and through this save us from pain and enlighten our souls with love.

Prayer is compared to the breath of the soul or food for the soul. Those who prayed experienced the truth of these comparisons for themselves. Science has not been able to touch or measure the substance that enters the soul during prayer. The Church calls this substance grace. Prayer is the fastest healer of mental pain.

An equally necessary source of grace for a person is the communion of the body and Blood of Christ. This article is not theological. We only want to show you the only true way to heal your soul from its pain. Therefore, regarding the great miracle of communion, we will only say that the fruits of this miracle are undoubted and tangible. Many people I know got rid of severe psychological disorders, body diseases, despair, depression after taking communion, and once, almost before my eyes, a woman recovered from melanoma (very aggressive malignant tumor). Communion is preceded by the healing sacrament of repentance - confession. During confession, a person is forgiven all his confessed sins. It’s as if all the nails that he stuck into it are removed from his soul, and all the wounds he inflicts on himself are healed. A person's conscience becomes clear. Do you still remember how good it feels when your conscience is clear?

One can be satisfied with the short-term effect, the successful survival of a certain crisis. But then soon it will come new crisis. Perhaps heavier than before. If you don’t want to experience pain, if you want to live in love and joy, you need to take care of your soul constantly.

You need to train yourself to give the soul what it needs and not do what hurts it. To do this you need to change your habits.

This is a long process that requires constant attention and effort. But as you, with the help of the Doctor, find your mistakes and correct them in the depths of your soul, the heaviness will leave you, a feeling of true joy will fill your soul.

The main work will be done not by you, but by this unappreciated, omniscient, loving Doctor. All you have to do is accept this wonderful gift of healing.

If you want to be physically healthy, you must follow the rules of hygiene. If you want to be mentally healthy, then you also need to observe your hygiene standards). As Professor Zurab Kekelidze, Deputy Director of the State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after V.P. Serbsky, said about this: “There is such a thing as mental hygiene. Don't do anything that violates mental health! Read the Ten Commandments - everything is written there! We don’t know the laws, we do a lot of stupid things.”

  • "joylessness"
  • "feeling of emotional numbness"
  • "feeling of absence of feelings"
  • other sensations, often the most exotic.
  • Definition of Heartache

    What is pain in the soul? Is this a disease or a protective reaction of the body?

    From a doctor's perspective, it's both.

    The brain, in this way, tries to convey to us, to signal that it is sick and needs help to cope with today's problem. If he is not helped today, then tomorrow this condition may provoke the formation of a more complex mental pathology.

    Mental pain as a defensive reaction

    Any person can experience mental pain, including those who are mentally healthy, for example, those who have experienced a significant loss of someone or something.
    Many conflicts that seem insoluble can cause a feeling of pain in the soul for people with a certain personality type (suspicious, anxious, with increased responsibility, always doubting everything). In these cases, mental pain is regarded as a protective reaction of the psyche to excessive stress.

    Mental pain as a symptom of a disease

    However, it is not uncommon for mental pain to be a manifestation (symptom) of mental illness ( mental disorder). Should be paid Special attention that the expression itself, “mental illness,” has a direct origin from the words mental pain. Feelings of mental pain are the most common symptom of the most common mental disorder. recent years– depression.


    All reasons for experiencing pain in the soul, as mentioned above, can be divided into two groups:

    • first – diseases (mental disorders and behavioral disorders),
    • the second is psychological (psychogenic), conflicts between “real” and “desired” (true neuroses).

    Help with mental pain

    It is possible and necessary to help a person experiencing mental pain.

    In some cases, help means conversation and support or, conversely, isolation and temporary loneliness.

    In others, neurometabolic therapy using special methods of psychotherapy and medications, constant strict supervision by the attending physician.

    Unfortunately, there is no universal remedy for mental pain. Each case requires an individual solution.


    Is it possible to relieve or relieve mental pain on your own? If possible, how?

    If pain in the soul is not a symptom of a mental disorder, then you can try to treat mental pain yourself with some activities, such as: take a contrast shower, try giving physical activity(squats, running, swimming), try to sleep.

    If mental pain is a manifestation of any illness, then you need the help of a specialist psychotherapist or psychiatrist. The problem is that, as a rule, with mental disorders, a critical attitude towards one’s condition may decrease, and the patient does not seek help or turn to a specialist. A healthy man who, after stress, suffers from pain in the soul, on the contrary, tends to seek support and help from loved ones, tries to find a way to treat mental pain, and turns to a doctor for advice.

    What to do if you or your loved one are gripped by pain in the soul and will not let go? If, in addition, it also intensifies day by day?

    There is only one answer. You need to go to a psychotherapist or psychiatrist.

    Firstly, he knows how to quickly help and relieve this painful feeling.

    Secondly, if mental pain is a manifestation of some mental disorder and treatment is required, then a psychotherapist will be able to select therapy (medication and psychotherapy).

    The Brain Clinic provides adequate assistance to all those who come with different types and varying degrees of pain in the soul.

    Call +7 495 135-44-02

    We will help you or your loved ones get rid of mental pain!

    We help in the most severe cases, even if previous treatment did not help.