Some parents, out of necessity or their own desire, decide to educate their children at home. The family form of education is provided for by law, its norms are regulated by Law No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

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The legislation allows parents to honor any form of education for their children, depending on the needs of the family or the student himself.

The choice of homeschooling can also be influenced by unforeseen circumstances that simply force you to leave school and look for alternative paths acquisition of education. Sometimes family education is the immediate solution.

Purchasing education at home has its own nuances. All responsibility for the results obtained rests with the parents. To carry out this procedure correctly, you should select the right programs, and also explain the certification process at school.


Many people confuse or combine the concepts of family education and homeschooling. Studying at home is only possible for health reasons. In this case, the educational process is completely handled by the responsible school. Teachers come to the child’s home and conduct lessons with him, check his assignments and issue him a certificate.

Family education should be understood as a voluntary procedure when parents take their child out of school to study under their supervision. In this case, the school does not participate in the child’s education, but only tests his knowledge - certification.

To switch to family education, no additional reasons are needed other than the desire of the parents themselves.

The legislative framework

The transition to family education should be carried out on the basis of the following regulatory documents:

  • Education Act";
  • Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1015;
  • letter from the Ministry of Education “On obtaining education in a family form”;
  • Order of the Ministry of Education No. 1400;
  • Federal State Educational Standard;
  • legislative acts of individual subjects of Russia.

It is necessary to take into account the local regulations that apply in the educational institution that accepts certification from students studying in a family form.

Choosing a form of training

Only the parents or legal representatives of the student have the right to decide on the choice of form of education. The child's perspective should be taken into account. The legislation states that parents cannot be refused if they want to transfer their child to another form of education.

It is also permissible to combine several forms. This means that the law does not prohibit combining family and full-time education options.

Parents and their children may decide to learn some subjects at school and learn others at home. Also, by decision of the trustees, children who studied in a family form can at any time switch to full-time and continue their studies in an educational organization. After such a transition, the student will study subjects according to the educational programs established at the school.

To make the transition to a family form, one of the parents will only need to write an application to the local education authority and to the school that the child has previously attended. No other papers are required for this.

The law states that there is no need to go through this procedure every year - it is enough to write an application once. If parents changed the family form of education to full-time, then for the subsequent change they will need to write an application again to the relevant authorities.

Parents can change the form of education for their child and write a statement about it at any time. There are no restrictions in the legislation on the timing, as well as the maximum number of changes in the form of education. This means that parents have the right to change the form of education as many times as needed.

Features of family education

At school, children can study in different forms: full-time, part-time or distance learning. If the child or parents are not satisfied with this, they can switch to a family form of education. To make the transition, you don’t have to wait until the end of a quarter or half a year—you can do it at any time. The same applies to returning to school if another form of education is not suitable.

School administrations do not like it when children go to homeschooling – this worsens the school’s statistics and raises many unnecessary questions.

Often they try to persuade parents to leave their child at least in absentia. But the last word still remains with the parents, since legally the school does not have the right to refuse to switch to another form of education.

To transfer a child to another form of education, the following steps should be taken:

  1. Write an application addressed to the director of the educational institution, indicating your desire to switch to a family uniform.
  2. Send a notification to the Education Department (this can be done either independently or through the school administration).
  3. Write an application to enroll your child in external studies for certification.
  4. Choose the right one educational program and study school subjects at home.

Some time after this procedure is completed, a Department employee may call parents and ask about switching to a family form. This is a normal process, since from now on the child is registered with this organization.

After the transition is completed, parents must be invited to the school to sign a family education agreement. It is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains at the school, the other is given to parents.

The contract must contain all the necessary aspects, namely:

  • conducting consultations;
  • carrying out student certification;
  • use of the school library;
  • participation in school-wide events, etc.

Family education according to the new education law 2019 does not prohibit the choice of a family form of education. However, it should be remembered that to carry out such a procedure, first of all, parents must have the necessary knowledge of most school subjects. The child will still take school exams, but without the appropriate knowledge this will be impossible.

If the child goes to first grade

If the child has not yet attended school, but is just about to go to first grade, there is no need to write a statement to the director. You should immediately go to the Department of Education and write a special notice there.

An employee of the organization will have a conversation with the parents, and if he decides that their decision is thoughtful and correct, then he will send them to a certain school. In that educational institution the child will undergo certification.

Each school has its own Charter, which sets out the rules for certification. This means that in one institution it can take place every quarter, in another - once a year. Some schools choose a block system for exams, others want the child to take all tests.

The procedure for teaching first-graders in family education should consist of the following steps:

  1. Study the rules and charters of local schools.
  2. Make an appointment with the Department of Education and fill out a notification.
  3. Coordinate the assignment to the school with Department employees.
  4. Get directions to educational institution for entry into external studies.
  5. Coordinate all necessary points with the school director.

The school will need to write an application for certification. This aspect should be treated very carefully, since the points established in it will have to be followed. Almost always, you should write only one application for all certifications, but some schools ask you to write a statement for each certification separately.


There are several types of student certification:

  • current;
  • intermediate;
  • final (state).

There is no ongoing certification for individuals who are undergoing family training. To have the opportunity to take intermediate and final certification at school, the child is registered as an external student there.

There is no clause in the educational legislation that would speak of mandatory annual intermediate certification. In the law one can only find a mention of the child’s right to participate in such certification.

Parents can write a statement about the need for certification:

  • before the start of certification;
  • at the end school year;
  • before state certification.

If the application is submitted immediately before the start of certification, the child will not be enrolled in the educational institution. If the application was written at the beginning of the school year, then the child will receive the right to use the school library, and he will also be entitled to financial compensation, if this is provided for by local government regulations.

To achieve this, a middle school for family students must be incorporated into a municipal building. In this case, the educational institution will be financed from the local budget.

If, based on the results of certification, a student receives an unsatisfactory grade, academic debt is formed. If it is not eliminated, the student will be transferred to school.


Article 44 of the current education law places full responsibility for a child's education in a family format on his parents or guardians. The school is responsible only for organizing the certification procedure.

Actions of officials that are not lawful, or their inaction, can be appealed by parents in court. This is stated in Article 45 of the Education Law.


Where can I find a sample application for transition to family education? This form can be obtained from the Department of Education website. The document should be addressed to the school principal. The text must indicate the messages on the legislative acts based on which the transition takes place.
The new legislation classifies family education as forms of education outside educational institutions. How good or bad is this? Article 17 of the new law states that family education is considered to take place outside of school. This also followed from the provisions of the old law, but was not described so clearly. This led to schools considering it possible to control educational process in family.

The new law clearly states that learning takes place outside the school, which means that the school has no right to interfere with it. This innovation makes the law clearer and eliminates ambiguities.

Do children studying in the family have anything to do with school? They have, but no longer as direct students, but only as certified ones. The law says that certification takes place externally, and children have the right to take it for free. Although external students are legally enrolled in an educational institution, they are not considered students.
Is approval of certification a mandatory condition? No, but experts strongly recommend doing so. In this case, parents will know exactly when and what exam awaits their child. Otherwise, you may find out too late that teachers are already busy and there is no one to accept the certification. The date can be postponed over and over again, which will not bring comfort to either the parents or the child.
What can you do if the school principal is not available during office hours and no one else wants to accept the application? The application can be sent by registered mail with a notification that it has already been served. This way you won’t have to wait for the director and parents will be completely confident that the document has reached the addressee.
When will my child no longer need to attend school? The date of transition to family education will be announced by the Department of Education. From now on there will be no need to go to school.
How many times a year will the child need to attend school? Firstly, you will need to come for certification. Their number is specified in the contract. Secondly, the child will be able to attend the school library and school-wide events, but this is completely voluntary.
What rights does a child in family education receive? The child can receive textbooks for free, use the library, and also take part in school events. In addition, a family student has the right to consultations before certification. Two hours are allocated for each subject.
In this case, is it possible to issue a certificate stating that the child is a student of an educational institution? This is only possible if the child is enrolled in school as an external student. Otherwise, he will not be considered a contingent of the school, and therefore he will not have the title of school student.
How to receive compensation for a child’s education on a family basis? This is a very complicated procedure, since compensation is not paid in every educational institution. You should check with your local Department of Education about the possibility of receiving such payments.

Obtaining a quality education is one of the most important stages in the life of any person. This is the basis for further development, obtaining a good and stable job, as well as other valuable opportunities. The knowledge gained in childhood and adolescence is the foundation for further success in life, which is why education at this stage is so important. Now there are different approaches to learning, but there are those that should be given special attention. The project website, created in 2010, demonstrated all the advantages of the concept of distance education in school education. the site is a private initiative created by a team of enthusiasts under the leadership of entrepreneur Mikhail Ivanovich Lazarev. Many specialists take part in the project: teachers, directors, programmers, computer graphics specialists and other professionals. The site is a real treasure trove useful information— it presents video lessons, notes, interactive tests and simulators on subjects of the school curriculum.

In 2014, a subproject was created on the basis of the portal. This is a system that allows you to complete the entire course remotely schooling together with teachers or completely independently. These solutions show that distance family education is an effective option for learning in a variety of situations.

What is a family form of education?

This form of study involves studying general education subjects outside of school, at home. The essence is to study the disciplines of the program at home, but, as a rule, the child takes exams and certifications in the institution where he is officially enrolled in the family form of education. This type of training is chosen when studying outside the school for various reasons is more appropriate than attending a full-time educational institution.

What forms of family education are there?

There are several types of learning without attending classes in a full-time school. They differ in two features: the nuances of organizing the educational process, and the reasons why the transition to this form of education occurred.

We can roughly distinguish four types of homeschooling:

Home-based training. This type of training is designed specifically for children with disabilities. The list of diseases for which transfer to such training is possible is established by law. Its latest edition for 2016 contains 60 points with an explanation for each of them (Order of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation dated June 30, 2016 No. 436n). In this case, the child is required to be taught at home by teachers of the school to which he is attached, although it is possible to agree with the educational institution on self-study. The school provides parents with all educational and methodological literature, as well as a special journal for monitoring learning. Permission for this form of education can only be obtained with the conclusion of a medical commission.

Family learning. This is an option in which the student can attend an educational institution on a general basis, but the parents and the child themselves decided that it would be better to study outside of a regular school. The reasons may be different, but usually they boil down to the fact that gaining knowledge at home will be much more convenient and effective than in an educational institution.

Externship. This type of training involves the independent work of a student who has outstanding abilities and the ability to study at a good level. Often such children take exams ahead of schedule: modern legislation allows taking exams as an external student three years in advance. You can apply for an external program for a child of any age.

Distance education for children. Today, this format of study can be either a partial addition to attending a regular school, or a full-fledged opportunity to study the entire program outside the framework of a regular educational institution. This training option assumes that the child studies information materials posted in a specialized online system. They can be presented in different formats: these are visual video lessons, text summaries with illustrations, and interactive tests to test knowledge. The important point is that distance learning for families does not deprive the child of communication with teachers. Thanks to modern means of voice and video communication, teachers can be “present” in the child’s home, while actually being thousands of kilometers away. Thus, within the framework of this format, the child receives absolutely everything he needs for comprehensive development and learning.

Family education in Russia: history and modernity

Family education in Russia has a long history. It was very common in the 18th-19th centuries. The teachers invited to the home were usually clergy and seminarians, students and university staff. Wealthy noble families could afford to use the services of foreign tutors.

A break in the traditions of family education occurred in 1917, when the revolution occurred. During the Soviet era, family education was abolished, all children were required to attend secondary school. An exception could be made only for children who could not attend school for health reasons. As now, during the Soviet period, students actively used the services of tutors, although they were outside the scope of officially permitted work activities.

But period modern history Russia can be considered a renaissance of the traditions of family home betrothal. In the early 90s of the last century, such types of education as family education, external studies and tutoring received new life. Children and their parents have received much more opportunities to choose the type of education and create comfortable conditions for classes. Interest in extracurricular forms of study has increased significantly.

Today family education is available to everyone!

Today in Russia, family education is available to every family and every child. The law establishes that parents are given the right to independently choose the school and method of education for their children. Increasingly, families are opting for remote learning using modern online systems. In accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, no specific conditions are required for transfer to foreign countries. school education. To study outside of classes in a full-time format, only the consent of the student and his parents (or legal representatives) is sufficient. Of course, to transfer to family education it is necessary to carry out certain administrative procedures.

The more opportunities and choices, the better the result. Now in Russia, more and more families are ready to transfer their child to home schooling, even if he has every opportunity to attend regular in-person classes. Moreover, more and more often, regular school education is partially supplemented by home education. The child can be helped by tutors, and he can also study in various online schools.

What are the advantages of this approach to learning and in what case would it be the best option?

It is often believed that only those children who have health problems are transferred to family education. But on this moment more and more children and parents are choosing home method learning based on its benefits, and not under the pressure of circumstances.

Among the advantages of the family form of education are the following:

  • The student copes better with the educational course program. This becomes possible due to the fact that in this version of acquiring knowledge it is ensured individual approach taking into account the characteristics and abilities of a particular student. At the same time, in large classes of regular schools, teachers simply do not have the opportunity to devote much time to each child;
  • the child is less distracted by what he does not need or is not interested in. Not all educational institutions teach in high level, it happens that children are not interested in studying in a particular class and in a particular school. Regularly visiting a place you don't like can lead to negative emotions and a decline in academic performance. Homeschooling is a way to get rid of all the unpleasant circumstances. The child will receive knowledge in a comfortable environment where nothing will interfere with learning;
  • Children in family education have more opportunities for comprehensive development. With this form of training you can study interesting for a child objects in depth. Also, the educational course can include information that is missing in school curriculum.
  • the child spends less time and gets tired less. It often happens that a student lives in a remote locality and the journey to school takes a lot of time. While in family education, the child can spend the saved time more usefully. It can be spent on things related to both entertainment and the development of the child.
  • the possibility of conflicts with negatively-minded peers and high school students is eliminated. Family education may be the best option for children who, due to their character traits, have difficulty adapting to a team;
  • the ability to create a flexible lesson schedule taking into account the student’s biological rhythms. This has a positive effect on the child’s health, well-being and performance;
  • development of intelligence and creative thinking qualities. A stereotypical and template approach that hinders the formation of individuality is excluded;
  • development of skills of independence, responsibility and organization. Children who study remotely using modern online systems control their own schedule. The child is fully responsible for his results: he has no opportunity to cheat homework or look at the test results. This approach helps the child develop skills of independence, discipline, and the ability to plan his time. It is unlikely that anyone will doubt that all these qualities will be needed in adult life - further study and work.

As you can see, the reasons for switching to family education can be very different. Each family has its own reasons for this. The only important thing is that modern legislation is designed in such a way that the choice of form of education is not forced and everyone finds the optimal solution.

It is known that most children of the appropriate age attend regular schools. But very often, learning within the framework of a standard concept can be inconvenient.

Homeschooling is often chosen for those children who cannot go to school due to health problems. Very often, for such children, this training option is the only opportunity to obtain a certificate. Government agencies and private organizations take care of such children, thanks to which they study the school course on an equal basis with their healthy peers. In the future, these guys can enter prestigious university, many of which offer distance learning opportunities.

But the range of reasons why many families choose family education is not limited to medical reasons. In many cases, homeschooling is chosen for gifted children. These guys want to study disciplines that are important to them in depth. Often they master the program ahead of their peers, but in the lessons these children are simply bored. Relatives of such children usually want their children to learn from teachers who are masters of their profession. They may not be satisfied with the level of teaching at their local school. In this case family form education would be the most suitable option. Even if the family lives in a small village or village where there are no significant educational opportunities, you can always take advantage of distance learning. In this case, the child will be able to learn from the best teachers and receive the highest quality knowledge.

Often education in the form of family education is chosen for children who have difficulty studying or if the child does not perceive the teacher’s explanations well at school. Alas, not every institution has good teachers who can clearly explain difficult aspects and interest children in the subject. The reason may also be that the child has conflicts with teachers and other students at school. In this case, education in the form of family education can also be the optimal solution that will protect the child from possible problems of such a type. As a result, the child will be able to avoid negative circumstances and study the school course with good grades and pass final exams with excellent results.

Difficulties with attending classes in full-time school often arise for children who are seriously involved in sports or creativity - singing, music or other forms of art. These children spend a lot of time on training and extracurricular activities, and go to competitions. It may be difficult for them to attend classes on a fixed schedule, and family education in this case will be the best solution. With this approach, you can create a flexible lesson schedule, and the child will have the opportunity to devote the necessary time to his favorite activity and prevent grades from dropping in the school course.

Homeschooling is also an excellent option for families who, due to their professional activities, have to move from time to time. In such situation the best option There will be education using distance learning tools. Thanks to this solution, it will be possible to eliminate problems caused by the need to find new schools or tutors when moving again. In addition, the child will not have to deal with problems every time getting used to the team at a new school.

The family form of education is suitable for absolutely all families with a progressive view of education. Now many organizations are ready to help parents implement this concept of acquiring knowledge. Right choice family education center will be the first step to successful education.

Approaches to organizing family education

In some cases, when transferring a child to a family form of education, parents themselves teach him the entire school course. Of course, they, like no one else, will strive to give their children the best of what is in the curriculum. However, it may be difficult for parents to understand aspects of all the various school disciplines due to the lack of special or teacher education. Of course, you can use the help of private tutors. But paying an hourly rate for their services can be a problem for the family budget. Moreover, finding teachers can be difficult, especially in a small community. It is also important to note that you can verify the quality of the teacher’s services only after several lessons.

But many parents who have opted for family education will be pleased by the fact that they do not need to search for tutors or delve into the intricacies of algebra, physics and other complex subjects. It is enough to take advantage of all the advantages of modern online learning systems.

Family education with Home School website: all the opportunities to conquer the heights of knowledge

Since 2008, the project site has been a leader among video lessons for school courses and has earned many positive reviews. A service has been developed especially for children and parents who have chosen a family form of education, with which you can complete the entire school curriculum online. What is needed to start studying? - just create your own account Online! In order for you to have the opportunity to consider all the benefits of our distance family education center, the first week of training is available without payment. IN Home school You can study individual subjects in addition to regular school, or switch completely to remote learning.

How does the Home School course work?

The educational process includes several components. The children study video lessons for each section of the school course. They are created in accordance with educational standards, but all aspects of the subject are presented in the most understandable form. Thanks to modern animation, physical laws, properties geometric shapes and other components of the program are presented in the most understandable form.

The video materials are supplemented with illustrated text summaries and interactive features to control the assimilation of the topic. Tests and training programs will help you understand what information the student has learned well and where there are still gaps in knowledge. A variety of forms of presenting information will not let children get bored and makes the learning process effective and interesting. Thanks to this, the general education program is much easier to assimilate even for those children who have difficulty studying.

As in a standard school, students complete tests and homework, and are given grades that are entered into a convenient online journal. And thanks to convenient newsletters about the most significant events, loved ones will always be aware of the child’s progress.

Using text, voice and video communication, our teachers advise students and explain in detail the complex nuances of each topic. The work is based on an individual approach to each child in family education. The school employs highly qualified teachers - many of them have academic degrees and are laureates of professional skills competitions.

How much does it cost for family education on the Home School website?

The cost of studying at our online school is determined by the training format and payment period. In any case, thanks to affordable prices, this option is more profitable than paying hourly for expensive lessons from hired tutors.

There are two formats to choose from:

  • Format "Independent"- in this option, the student will have access to all information materials (video lectures, tests and simulators for testing knowledge) for independent study. A rational choice for children who attend a regular full-time educational institution, but want to study selected disciplines of the school course additionally;
  • Format "With a teacher" - All the possibilities of the first option, but interaction with the teacher is also expected: checking homework, consultations, answering questions. This option is more expensive, but it provides a better study of the subject. Great for kids in family learning.

Distance learning: great opportunities for a great future!

Good parents strive to give the best to their children. Today, more and more families are opting for home schooling, and we are aware of its multiple advantages. Modern technologies and educational methods have significant potential. Make the most of it modern world to give your child a successful future. Whether you choose classes in addition to attending a regular school or a family form of education, it will be a reliable assistant for you!

The majority of children in our country study at school, which is the basic stage for obtaining systematized knowledge and acquiring a minimum of practical and social skills needed in the future.

Children's attendance at school from September to May is perceived by parents as a given and an indispensable duty of every child. And few people think about alternative education. However, it is possible to obtain a general education on a completely legal basis not only within the walls of a traditional school. There are other options and possibilities.

Today you can often hear phrases such as “home education”, “family education”, “individual education”. And, as evidence shows, more and more parents and their children are choosing family homeschooling. What kind of education is this, how to switch to family education and how to organize it? Let's try to figure it out.

There are many reasons for switching to individual learning at home. And most often, the basis for the desire to receive home education without the child attending school is the discrepancy between the interests of the students and the educational institution:

  • If there are health problems (disability, serious illness), the child is physically unable to attend school and is forced to switch to home schooling. medical indications;
  • at the request of the parents due to certain family circumstances.

The advisability of switching to homeschooling is fully justified in the following cases:

  • professional music and sports classes, which are difficult to combine with regular school attendance due to frequent absences for competitions, contests, and shows;
  • the child successfully masters the school curriculum and is well ahead of schedule, and he is not interested in the lessons (this is fraught with a loss of interest in learning in general). “Jumping” over the class does not always save you in this situation, because mentally and physical development the child lags behind the older children with whom he will study;
  • Frequent moves of parents, because of which the child is forced to constantly change schools, friends, teachers. As a result, it is possible psychological problems and decreased academic performance;
  • the belief that at school it is impossible to obtain the knowledge and skills of interest in the required volume;
  • conflict situations with teachers and classmates, because of which the child categorically refuses to attend an educational institution (ridicule).

In all these situations, family education can be a salvation. But how to transfer a child to home schooling? And what could be the consequences of such a step? What laws govern homeschooling in Russia?

Options for obtaining family education in Russia

If on family council It was decided that homeschooling would be best option for your child, then a lot of questions immediately arise. What to do next? How to arrange home schooling and how does it differ from other forms of education? Which documents should I refer to?

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Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 is the main document that will help find answers to many questions related to the education of children in our country. From it you can learn that in order to receive a general education, it is not necessary to go to school. Children can study outside its walls.

Article 44 of the law defines preemptive right parents themselves (taking into account the child’s opinion) choose for him one or another form of education and training until the end of 9th grade (completion of basic general education). Further, the right to choose becomes the privilege of the child himself. But, of course, you still can’t do it without parental consent.

Parents who choose home schooling can provide children in the family with general education at all levels (preschool, primary, basic general, secondary general). But this decision can be changed at any time. And the child, like his other peers, can go to school again.

The process of educating children outside of school involves home education of several types (it is not prohibited to combine different shapes training and education). We will look at some of them.

Family learning

Family learning occurs in the form of family education or self-education.

This form of education involves the direct and most active participation of parents in organizing the educational process at home, who can themselves act as teachers or invite teachers and tutors (whose services are paid) to teach their children.

During family education, the child is assigned to a school in which he takes exams. And this is one of the principles of organizing home education.

The law states that general education outside of school can be obtained in the form of family education. And general secondary education is in the form of self-education (a method of acquiring knowledge that promotes the development of thinking, outside the walls of an educational institution and without the participation of teachers).

This division sometimes causes confusion and the erroneous assumption that such a form as family education is, in principle, inaccessible to older children receiving general secondary education. In fact, the law states that family education can be used at any level of general education (primary, basic and secondary).

The nuance is that younger children, when studying outside of school, can only study in the form of family education, which, due to their age, requires mandatory parental participation. At the senior level, you can choose: self-education, family education, or a combination of both (theoretically, this is also possible), since adult children are already able to study independently without parental intervention.

How to switch to homeschooling?

And again let's turn to the law. At the request of parents, you can choose a family form of education at any level of general education. As well as returning to school, expressing a desire to study there again.

Having chosen family education, the parents of a minor are obliged to inform in writing about this to the territorial district or district education department, where records are kept of children who wish to be educated at home.

The relationship between the school and the parents of children who have chosen to study at home, in terms of organizing the educational process, is regulated by regulatory legal acts. You should not write a statement asking to expel your child from school (as some general education institutions require) when registering for home schooling.

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The application indicates that family education has been chosen for the child, indicating references to the relevant articles of the law (Articles 17, 44, 63) and a request to enroll him as a student for external certification at school (Articles 17, 33, 34). Based on this application, the child is enrolled as an external student and included in the number of students, although he is not a student at the school. If a child previously studied at this school, he automatically drops out from among its students, but remains an external student there.

What is the difference between the status of “student” and “student” and do children in the family form of education have anything to do with school? The answer is yes, but only insofar as it concerns external certification. The school cannot in any way influence, control or adjust the educational process of homeschooling. The function of an educational institution is limited to conducting final and intermediate certifications.

The result of training in the form of family education is confirmed by final certification, which is carried out free of charge in accordance with Article 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


Among the forms of out-of-school education, home-based education stands out. This option of teaching at home for medical reasons is a necessary measure, and it is designed for unhealthy children who find it difficult (or sometimes impossible) to attend school. These are disabled children and children with long-term chronic diseases that require long-term treatment.

Education can only take place at home, without visiting school (teachers come to the student’s home). An individual educational schedule is drawn up for the child. Notebooks, textbooks and teacher services are provided free of charge.

This type of home schooling is a chance to study the school curriculum provided by the educational institution in which the student is registered and obtain a matriculation certificate. Exams and tests are also taken at home.

Studying in this form without leaving home is possible if a number of conditions are met. Necessary:

  • provide a certificate from a medical control and expert commission;
  • write an application to the educational institution addressed to the director;
  • choose a training program that is appropriate to the child’s health status: general, in which training follows the same system as peers at school, but lessons can be longer or shorter in duration, the lesson schedule is not as strict as at school, the number of subjects studied per day abbreviated, or auxiliary, which is developed individually for the child.

After completing the auxiliary program, the child receives a certificate indicating the specific program that he completed. A student in the general program will receive a regular certificate.

After all the formalities have been completed and the documents have been submitted, an order is issued to organize home-based education, according to which the class schedule, curriculum are approved, teachers are appointed, the location of classes, and the frequency of certification. And in general, the process of individual learning is organized, which is regulated by the rules of the school of which the student is a student.

At the same time, the intensity of the educational process depends on the physical and mental capabilities of the student, his ability to assimilate the material. To record the lessons completed and the child’s progress, a special journal is created, which parents submit to school at the end of the school year.

Sonya Samsonova, the founder of her alternative educational project, Krasnoyarsk, ponders why neither public schools, nor private institutions, nor homeschooling provide adequate answers to the global issues of educating the next generations.

Over the past decades, parents' requests to schools have gone from “make my child smart” through “make my child successful” to “make my child happy.”

And if the school was ready (at least tried) to answer the first two questions, then the question of happiness clearly goes beyond the school’s competence and confuses many.

Progressive parents realized that neither a great mind, nor great career success, nor the presence of a classic family of the format “mom + dad + two children” guarantees a child peace of mind, a sense of satisfaction and, ultimately, mental and physical health.

Parental pangs of choice and difficult decisions

Power may change, but parents are forever. Being a parent is a much more responsible role than being a president or a minister. And today, more than ever before, mothers and fathers are under pressure from a huge number of factors, not even from the birth of a child, but from the moment they first think about him. Is ultrasound harmful or not? Give birth or caesarean? How long to breastfeed? Vaccinations: for or against? Sleep: joint or separate? Sling? Kangaroo? 4 mugs at 4 years old - a lot or a little? Preparing for school at 5 or 6 years old? Choose a school or a teacher? Doesn't want to go to school - what to do?

The problem is compounded by the fact that there are no right answers. Specialists - teachers, doctors, psychologists, physiologists from local pediatricians to professors of the world's leading clinics argue with each other, bringing powerful arguments on both sides. Not all parents are experts in chemistry, biology, medicine and psychology, and certainly not in all of them at once. Their heads are spinning from forums and blogs on the Internet, radio and TV programs, books and articles.

Today, parents have to bear the burden of responsibility for each of their choices, defending it to grandparents, neighbors staircase, on the playground, and sometimes in front of government institutions - a clinic, a kindergarten, a school.

But there are two more tests ahead: the first is the school years, the second is how your child will appreciate your efforts. Nobody knows whether in the future your son will ask you why you didn’t move to an ecologically clean region or even a country when he was covered with scabs of an allergic rash, suffocating in native land. Maybe your daughter will say that she has no friends because you didn’t send her to kindergarten, and then to a regular school. Eternal questions, torments of choice and difficult decisions.

Leaving the education system

The average resident of our country has three options for ensuring a child’s secondary education: the well-trodden path of a municipal school “by registration”, an expensive education in a private educational institution, or the increasingly popular rejection of public services all over the world and the transition to the family form of education provided for by law.

With the first two options, everything is more or less clear: we all studied in public schools and know their procedures, advantages and problems very well. Only a few of us graduated from elite private schools, but even if not, it is also clear that the conditions and quality of education there approximately correspond to the difference in the cost of services.

What is logging out? Exit where?

Into the unknown. Into the cosmic, endless and, thanks to the Internet, boundless educational space of the whole world.

Scary again, lots of questions again. Fortunately, there are rays of light in this dark kingdom of homeschooling options, open (I dare say, non-institutionalized) forms of education, interactive educational platforms - these are modern publications (magazines, newspapers, blogs, websites) and support groups for parents who have chosen family education (SO). It would seem that this is the future: freedom from the school leveling comb, tyrant directors, hysterical teachers, overloaded schedules, unhealthy diets, cruel peers, dangerous companies, school stress.

Family education in the form of home schooling frees the child from school, but what kind of education does it provide?

If it's family-owned, does that mean it's modern?

No. In the modern high-tech world of information and communication technologies and moral degradation, when a few own the wealth of the whole world, and millions are starving, when you can destroy an entire family with one post on Instagram - no, the best mother and father will not be able to give their child a modern, high-quality education at home, nor from tutors. They will be able to give what they themselves consider good, namely, to help the child become well-read, well-mannered, erudite, and physically developed. But it is impossible to give something that you yourself have no idea about.

No book, no school in the country, no courses can teach this. Modern education not wider and not deeper than subject knowledge - it is META-subject, its basis is mathematics, natural sciences and literature, but its essence lies ABOVE them (yes, you know the theorem, but what will you do with it?).

Modern skills cannot be developed in tandem with a loving mother.

Only in a real multi-age team of different people from different families and cultures. This cannot be achieved in homeschooling.

While parents of children in family education teach each other to “read” textbooks and “explain” to children, “retelling” the content (a teaching technology characteristic of the 16th-19th centuries), while leading “experts” of family education tell how to “learn all subjects” through unschooling - it is clear that their task is to get out of school with little loss, to “pass subjects”, “to close quarters and half-years”, to free their children from school for... for what seems best in the parent’s opinion.

I'm not only a parent, I'm an education specialist and a proponent of professionalism. I want my children and I to be treated by a professional doctor, protected by a professional lawyer, dressed by a professional tailor, and we want to learn from a professional teacher in a modernly organized educational space according to the most advanced educational standards. Neither public nor private schools, nor homeschooling will provide these conditions. But there is a way out.

Looking to the future: what will happen?

Just as Waldorf schools are opened at the request of the parent community, small schools will appear in Russia, focused on achieving modern quality of education in accordance with the values ​​and incomes of families. These schools will not be run by those appointed from above, but by educational specialists chosen by parents.

Perhaps a headhunt will begin and parents will be able to hire public school principals, while at the same time new faces and names will emerge for those who have not been able to achieve positions in the public system.

It is this, and not endless and stupid government reforms, that will lead to teachers mastering the most advanced technologies, implementing an individual approach, and applying effective methods.

And educational organizers will hear and respond flexibly to family requests, providing truly transparent financial reports (rather than collecting more thousands for repairs and gifts).

A network of such initiative schools, of course, will not displace public education, but will finally lead to true reforms of the country’s educational system, because the old Russian school simply will not be able not to change in the conditions of such competition with the new modern school.

What does happiness have to do with it?

We will not be able to reveal the secret of happiness and create its recipe. But at least the new initiative schools in Russia will provide an opportunity for small associations of parents, teachers and educational organizers to come to a common understanding of what is good and right for children. And if not, join another small school, or open another one. When we equip the space of every small school and give our children the opportunity to experience what it is like to live and learn, understanding and respecting each other, making informed choices rather than being subject to the will of others, openly asking questions and expressing their opinions, appreciating the endless possibilities that found themselves in the hands of humanity and, in connection with this, enormous responsibility for the fate of all people - this will already be a lot compared to the decadent state in which we find ourselves today.

We must learn to reach agreement in small groups, making local decisions. Then, in tens of years, our children will be able to take effective solutions on a planetary scale, so that the resources of all subsoil, heights and oceans and of all people serve to solve world problems and contribute to the development of everyone. Isn't this happiness?

Who among us didn’t skip school as a child? Do you remember with what pleasure we did this, how tempting this feeling of freedom and the opportunity to do only what we wanted was?
And if you think about it, not much has changed since then: children just as happily skip classes, inventively coming up with various excuses that would help them miss at least one day of school.

Is the school education system really that good?

How many of us remember our school with tenderness and gratitude? How much of the knowledge that was persistently put into our heads was useful in later adult life? Which of us has mastered it well? foreign language thanks to the school program? Who was able to put the knowledge of historical dates into practice?
Have you noticed how with each year of schooling your child’s healthy curiosity and interest in knowledge fades away? Yesterday’s why, who tormented everyone with questions “why and wherefore?”, slowly but surely loses interest in everything that just yesterday worried him more than anything in the world. The dry language of school textbooks, the suppression of imagination, the authoritarianism of the teacher, suppressing any expression of the child’s own opinion - confidently do their job.
It is very difficult to fight a system whose achievements are very doubtful, and the damage to the physical and moral health of a child is obvious. On the side of the school education system are a number of teachers, directors, officials from the Ministry of Education and, oddly enough, most of the parents.
If you conduct a survey of parents, asking them the only question “Why did you send your child to school?”, then the answer, as a rule, is standard: 8 out of 10 people answer that “it’s the way it’s supposed to be,” “the time has come,” “how could it be otherwise?” -That?".
That is, most parents don’t even imagine that it is possible to educate a child using some other methods, preserving the child’s psyche, physical health, and at the same time putting quality knowledge into the head.
From statistics: 7% of schoolchildren have congenital diseases, 18% have hereditary diseases, 44% acquired during their studies.
According to research results, 66% of schoolchildren suffer from physical inactivity, and 24% have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. By the end of the day and week, 41% of students develop severe fatigue and 52% have neurosis-like reactions.
The main “occupational” diseases of schoolchildren: scoliosis, myopia, neuroses.
So, if you ask yourself whether there is a way out of this vicious situation and what needs to be done to ensure that school is not a source of deterioration in health, then the answer suggests itself: you just need to refuse to attend school.
Is it possible? Is this legal? And how will the child study if he does not go to school? These are the main questions that parents ask when discussing this topic.
Until recently, only those children who had serious illnesses and for medical reasons were forced to study at home with visiting teachers.
In 1992, the country's President Boris Yeltsin signed a historic decree allowing parents to independently choose the form of education for their children, including the family form of education (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” dated July 10, 1992 N 3266-1, Art. 10).
The family form of education today is the only option for creating a friendly and child-friendly educational environment that can take into account the individual characteristics and abilities of each student.
Parents are given a unique opportunity to help their child distribute his time taking into account the biological clock - there is no need to get up early; taking into account hobbies and abilities - more time is allocated for visiting clubs and sections of interest; in addition, it becomes possible to complete the course of study in accordance with the child’s abilities, at a pace convenient for him - accelerated, moving through the class or, conversely, slowed down, carefully working through a difficult subject.

Opportunities and rights of a family student

The role of the school in which the child is enrolled in family education is reduced to certification - the child takes tests, tests and exams after a certain period (quarter, year). Also, every family student has the right to use school laboratories, libraries and, if necessary, receive advice from teachers.
In addition, the student is freed from the need to waste time on dubious lessons like singing or drawing, and devote the freed-up time to his own hobbies, which is important for the formation of a harmonious personality.
From a personal example: my son, who was passionate about computers and the “presidential sport” - judo, was given complete freedom of action with the transition to a family form of education.
“Owl” by biological type, he had a very difficult time getting up early for school, took a long time to get into the working rhythm and had difficulty falling asleep in the evening, because his intellectual and physical activity has not yet begun to decline. Having switched to a new form of education and having the opportunity to get up as the need for sleep is satisfied, the son began to have time to do much more things, adjusting the daily routine to suit own desires and needs. Because lessons were always quite easy for him; he spent most of his time doing what he loved - studying computer programs, basics of programming and wrote his own reviews on computer topics.
The reviews written by a 9-year-old boy were so competent and technically correct that visitors to the forums where he published his works refused to believe that the author was still just a child. The opportunity to devote as much time as you want to your favorite activity is one of the advantages of the family form of education.
It was the same story with sports - having agreed with the coach about additional training, the son gladly increased physical activity, that earlier, when attending a regular school, he was not able to: lessons in singing, drawing, physical education, labor training and other subjects not included in the compulsory course ate up the lion's share of the time that could have been spent on more productive activities.
Of course, not all parents are ready for a family form of education, because... responsibility for the quality of knowledge will be placed on their shoulders. How many parents are ready to take their child through school again? How many are ready to take responsibility for a child’s success and lose such a convenient excuse as “That’s what school is for, let it teach”?

To help parents

Fortunately, parents who do not want to be “cuckoos” who abandoned their children to school and thereby abdicated any responsibility for the quality of education, physical and mental health There are more and more children in Russia. And what’s even more pleasing is that there are enthusiasts who meet such conscientious parents halfway and organize all kinds of help at all levels - educational, bureaucratic, moral and others.
So, for example, the only Family Education Center in Russia, created by the Chapkovsky family, took on the difficult role of coordinator and mediator between parents and the bureaucracy.
Parents whose children study at this Center are freed from many bureaucratic obstacles, and their children have the opportunity to study in a healthy intellectual environment, without compromising their mental and physical health.
Anyone can study through the family education system after coordinating their decision with the school administration. But if parents prefer to receive additional qualified assistance in the difficult task of educating their own child, then contacting the Family Education Center will provide them with this opportunity.
From a personal example: the director of our school near Moscow, to whom I approached with a question about the possibility of transferring a child to a family form of education, listened to me with bewilderment and, hardly hiding his hostility, asked how realistically I assess my strengths in teaching?
Like, all his teachers are experienced teachers, with higher education, and I, yesterday’s housewife, looked up from my cooking pots and dared to take a swing at an area where even teachers often feel helpless? In addition, they made it clear to me that RONO does not approve of those actions of school authorities that go far beyond the usual framework of traditional educational principles, and unnecessary headache With a family-oriented child, our school doesn’t need it at all. All my references to legislation caused the only reaction - “if you so want, do the paperwork yourself, the school will not do this, and it is not a fact that you will be able to ensure that you are provided with all the necessary certificates and orders...”
Having contacted the Chapkovsky Center for Educational Education, I had a long conversation with the director of this center, who wanted to make sure of the seriousness of my desire to educate my child on my own, in my own family. After which the director had a conversation with the child, he was surprised that his son’s notebooks contained underestimated grades. right decisions– our assessments school teacher reduced for bad handwriting, and it didn’t matter how correct the decision was. After the interview, we were accepted into the CSC and since then we have not had any problems with the bureaucratic side of the issue: the Center collects all the necessary documents, prepares contracts, processes cash payments to parents, etc. We, parents, only have to sign the agreement once a year...
After preliminary testing of the child’s knowledge, he is assigned to the appropriate class - it is no secret that many children are so ahead of their peers in their development that they are simply bored of studying with their peers.
Officially, the children will be on the list of one of the Moscow schools, the charter of which prescribes a form of family education, but they will study at home, with infrequent visits to the educational center.

Classes at the Family Education Center

At the CSC, the child will be offered a lesson according to the program of the class whose level suits the student most.
Children come to classes at the CSC 1-2 times a week, depending on age and level of education.
The duration of the classes is not similar to standard school ones, because each lesson lasts 1.5 hours. This time, as practice shows, is optimal for schoolchildren, because... Most of the usual 40-45 minutes at school are spent on laying out textbooks, creating a working mood and discipline, answering homework, and only a small part of this time is spent on explaining new material.
A lesson lasting 1.5 hours often combines related subjects, which gives scope for creativity and does not limit the child’s thoughts and imagination.
There are no random people among the teachers at the CSC - only those who love children, know how to work with them, are creative personality and loves their subject, they are selected during the selection of personnel.
Classes take place in cozy offices equipped with everything necessary, and the number of students rarely exceeds 5 people, which allows the teacher to pay maximum attention to each child.
Having studied new topic and having received homework assignments, the child studies at home for the remaining days of the week, planning classes at his own discretion, in accordance with his personal daily routine.
Children undergo intermediate and final assessments of knowledge not in the center itself, but in the school on whose lists they are listed, and in the same school graduates receive certificates.

Organizing classes at home

Initially, the family education system is focused on developing children’s skills in independent work and a creative approach to the learning process.
Of course, the best teachers for a child are his parents, but this does not mean that parents will spend whole days sitting with their child over textbooks. The task of parents is to teach classes, in which drawing up a curriculum helps a lot. In the process of studying, it becomes clear which subjects should be given more time, which ones can be postponed “for later”, because... they are given to the child easily and naturally.
From personal experience: my son has always had a penchant for humanities subjects, therefore, having received new textbooks in September, he greedily devoured the entire year's course in history and a six-month course in biology in a month. He enthusiastically wrote his own essays, searched for additional information on the issue that interested him on the Internet, leafed through numerous encyclopedias - until interest in these subjects began to decline. Loaded with such a solid store of knowledge, the son forgot about these textbooks for a long time, leafing through them only to refresh his memory before the quarterly assessments. The situation was approximately the same with the Russian language - having innate literacy, the child easily and quickly did his homework several weeks in advance, which made it possible to free up more time for doing what he loved and for concentrating on those subjects that were more difficult for him - mathematics, physics.
The advantage of family education lies in this - the opportunity to learn at your own pace, taking into account individual abilities. And don’t worry that some school subjects have already faded from memory, and you won’t be able to be a teacher for your own child. Studying any subject with your child, using all available information resources, parents are doing a good job with their task, even if they were once impassable poor students in this subject at school.

Social adaptation

Another issue that is no less troubling to parents is the issue of communication and social adaptation. Family education is not about isolating a child from society, nor about creating “greenhouse” conditions for individual “mimosas.” “Family children” differ favorably from their schoolchildren of the same age in that they have open-minded thinking, are free in their judgments and are not oppressed by the authority of adults. Education at home allows these children to devote most of their time to developing their own interests and talents. Therefore, all kinds of circles, sport sections and interest clubs are an environment where a child’s social adaptation occurs even more pronounced than at school. Well, don’t forget that children communicate with each other while walking in the yard, visiting guests, etc.
From personal experience: watching my son, I noticed that he has periods when he can sit at home for months, communicating virtually with his friends, paying maximum attention to his favorite activities and at the same time not feeling discomfort from the lack of communication. At other times, he prefers to do the opposite - he goes to numerous competitions, goes to visit friends, goes on tourist trips to which the same friends invite him, and is at home as rarely as possible for a school-age child.
I don’t observe any problems with adaptation in the team. Another thing is that he doesn’t like every team, but he is free in his choice, and I am glad that his choice does not fall on companies former classmates who tried their first cigarette and bottle of beer at the age of 12, and their more intellectually developed and interesting peers...
In the Chapkovsky Center for Social Education, this point was also taken into account, and, as practice shows, the creation of a multi-age environment in a single team (class, for example) contributes to the development of a child’s communication skills better and more productively than what happens in a regular school.

Transfer to family form of education

The transition to family education is regulated by Art. 52 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, which talks about the right of parents to independently select the form of general primary, secondary and complete education of the child.
According to clause 4. Art. 52 of the Law “On Education”, a child studying in the family education system has the right to switch to a general education form at any stage of education, i.e. go back to school again.
In order to switch to the form of family education, parents must submit an application to the head of the school. At this stage, most parents begin to experience the first difficulties in the form of disagreement from the administration.
Fearing responsibility before inspection officials from higher organizations, school administrations strive in every possible way to avoid various “parental experiments,” referring either to the school charter, or to prohibitions from educational authorities, or to legislation.
Therefore, in order to avoid possible difficulties, I recommend that MirSovetov readers find in advance a school for registering a child, the charter of which stipulates the possibility of studying in the form of family education.
In the event of a persistent refusal by a general education institution to transfer a child to a family form of education, parents have the right to submit a written application to the regional ombudsman for children's rights or to the ombudsman for human rights under the President of the Russian Federation.
Refusal to transfer a child to a family form of education is a direct violation of the Constitutional Law on the right to education (Article 43, paragraph 5).

Preparation of documents

As a rule, a general education institution is required to prepare the necessary documents, provide the necessary information and conduct office work.
But at the moment there is no legalized list of documents that are required to transfer a child from one form of education to another. Each school is guided by its own requirements, so the list of documents below is very approximate:
- parents’ application for transfer to education in the form of family education;
- order to transfer to training in the form of family education;
- an order regulating the certification of a student;
- minutes of the meeting of the Pedagogical Council;
- order on the results of the student’s certification;
- schedule of consultations and certification of the student;
- an agreement on the organization of the development of general education programs in the form of family education between the educational institution and the parents (legal representatives) of the student.
When drawing up a contract key point is to consider the procedure, timing and scope of the student’s intermediate certification.
Separately, it is worth discussing the list of textbooks and other educational materials, because in practice, there are often cases when a school requires certification in a subject within the framework of its textbooks, different from those with which the child was taught at home. In such a situation, all rights are on the side of the parents, because They are the ones who are responsible for the results and quality of education.
For its part, a general education institution is obliged to provide the student and his parents with not only textbooks, but also courses, the opportunity to use laboratories and a library, and provide advisory assistance.
When the time comes for certification, parents have the right to choose the form of the exam: written, oral, essay, testing, etc. In addition, parents have the right to attend the exam.
From personal experience: all children who study at the Chapkovsky Center for Educational Education pass certification every year in different Moscow schools, i.e. Neither children nor teachers get used to each other, there is no bias and there are no pre-prepared expectations - no one knows who this or that teacher is or what level of knowledge this or that student will show. But absolutely all schools recognize the presence of a teacher from the CES at the exam as fair - teachers do not hide that the family form of education is still a novelty for them, that the teachers of the CSE know their children better, and therefore, taking into account the human factor, the presence of a familiar teacher at the exam will only have positive effect. Parents completely trust the teachers from the CES and therefore do not strive to attend the exams; they only form a kind of support group, waiting for their children in the corridors of an unfamiliar school.
One day, after some exam, my son stayed late to wait for his friends, and while he was waiting for them, he struck up a conversation with the local English teacher.
Having briefly talked about the innovative method that my child started using in early childhood, the teacher was so interested in the son that he ran for a notepad and pen to write down the name and author of such an effective and exciting method.
After this conversation, the teacher admitted to me that he had previously considered the “family kids” to be some kind of “mimosas” living in the greenhouse conditions of home education, but as it turned out, these children are not at all such “complete nerds” as it might seem, but interesting interlocutors with a fairly independent manner of judgment and unexpected conclusions...
Transfer to the next class is made on the basis and results of certification. In case of unsatisfactory mastery of the curriculum by the child, the school reserves the right to terminate the contract with the parents.
All high school graduates who successfully pass the final certification are required to issue an educational institution with a state-issued document confirming receipt of secondary education.
It is also useful for MirSovetov readers to know that parents who have entered into an agreement with the school on the transition to family education have the right to receive monetary compensation in the amount of out-of-pocket expenses for educating a child in a public school. In other words, the parents of a student with a family receive a certain amount, which, relatively speaking, is their “teacher’s salary.”
Since 2005, federal payments have been abolished, and parents now receive compensation from the local budget.
According to A. Antonov, head of the department of family sociology of the sociological faculty of Moscow State University, the family form of education contributes not only to the harmonious development of the child, but also general strengthening and family unification.