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What does "figurative meaning of a word" mean?

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

figurative meaning of the word

secondary (derived) meaning of a word that arose on the basis different types associative connections through metonymy, metaphor and other semantic changes. For example, the figurative meaning of the word “wake up” (“the forest woke up”), “falsify” (“falsify the facts”).

figurative meaning of the word

secondary (derived) meaning of a word, associated with the main, main meaning through relations of metonymic, metaphorical dependence or any associative features. P. z. With. can arise on the basis of spatial, temporal, logical, etc. correlation of concepts (adjacency of material and product, process and result, etc.), average metonymic meanings of the words “edition”, “finishing”, “wintering”, “image” ”, based on associations by similarity (in shape, color, nature of movements, etc.), for example, the metaphorical meanings of the words “dull”, “fresh”, “stamp”. As a result of the transfer of names on the basis of a common function, many P. z. arose. pp., for example, in the words “wing”, “shield”, “satellite”. P. z. With. have greater syntagmatic coherence (see Syntagmatic relations), while direct meanings are most conditioned paradigmatically (see Paradigmatic relations). Patterns of occurrence of P. z. With. (regularity and irregularity of formation of semantically homogeneous groups of words, etc.), the nature of their relationship with the main meaning (for example, the direction of development from more specific values to more abstract ones, etc.) can be described both in synchronic (see Synchrony) and diachronic (see Diachrony) plans. In the history of the development of the language of P. z. With. can become the main ones and vice versa (average development of meanings for the words “hearth”, “slum”, “red”). This shift in the semantic structure of a word is influenced by various factors (emotional and evaluative elements, associative connections accompanying the word when used, etc.).

Lit.: Vinogradov V.V., Basic types of lexical meanings of a word, “Questions of Linguistics”, 1953, ╧5; Kurilovich E., Notes on the meaning of words, in his book: Essays on Linguistics, M., 1962; Shmelev D.N., Problems of semantic analysis of vocabulary, M., 1973.

Figurative sense

Terminological dictionary-thesaurus on literary criticism. From allegory to iambic. - M.: Flinta, Science. N.Yu. Rusova. 2004.

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Summary of a Russian language lesson in 6th grade

(teacher: Nesvat L.N., teacher of Russian language and literature MKOU OOSH village.

Ershovka, Vyatskopolyansky district, Kirov region)


Direct and figurative meaning of words.

Goals: 1)

To introduce students to the literal and figurative lexical meaning of a word


To develop the ability to find words with a figurative meaning in the text,


Develop skills in working with spelling and punctuation.

During the classes:


1) Teacher's word:

Friends, before announcing the topic of today's lesson, I want to ask you a question,

related to literature, do you know who Ilya Muromets is?

(People's hero, hero of many epics)

In one of the epics about Ilya Muromets there are the following words: “The word is like an apple: from one

green on one side, ruddy on the other, you know how to turn it, girl...”

Think about the meaning of this sentence: The word, if we consider it from different sides,

miscellaneous - “Green on one side”, “Ruddy on the other”. And most importantly: "You know how to do it, girl

turn over", i.e. know how to use your words, as a word can have more than one meaning

It turns out that a word, in addition to its direct meaning, can also have another meaning,

portable. This is the topic of the lesson: “Direct and figurative meaning of the word”

(write in notebooks).

2) Write on the board:

iron nails, iron health.

Teacher's explanation: In the phrase iron nails the adjective means

What is the meaning of the word green? (Unripe,



Information on the use of figurative words in fiction

works. (Information from the textbook).

Vocabulary work: personification, metaphor

13) Execute exercise 339


Words with a figurative meaning make it bright and expressive not only

poetic speech, but also prose.

15) Let's turn to exercise 342.

a) Reading the text.

b) Determination of speech style, type of speech.

c) Determining the title of the text.

d) Vocabulary work: azure, coral, sapphire.

16) Recording text, explaining spelling.

: I hope you will be able to determine the literal and figurative meaning of a word. A

When you were very little, you probably didn’t understand a lot. Famous

children's writer K.I. Chukovsky recorded several statements of children who did not know

Reading the following statements by role and explaining the words used in

figurative meaning:

“I won’t go to school,” said fifth-grader Seryozha. - There on exams


b) - Here In winter it will snow and frost will hit

-And then I won’t go outside.

- Why?

- So that the frost doesn’t hit me.

V) The boy is asked about his sister

- What does your sister Irinka lie down with the roosters?

She doesn’t lie down with the roosters - they peck: she goes to bed alone in her crib.

Mom washed the shirt and asked Petya to hang it to dry in the sun.

Petya left, but soon returned with the shirt.

- Why didn't you hang it up to dry?

- I don't “reached the sun,” answered Petya.



Children, you have heard funny stories. No less fun, I think

will seem to you ex. 340.

20) Exercise: In each pair of sentences, indicate the words used directly

figurative meaning.

The wind howls and whistles in the chimney. The dog howls.

The tired day turned to night. The tired boy bowed his head to

mother's shoulder.

Dad came home from work. The long-awaited day of departure has finally arrived.

The hostess warmed the water. A cheerful song warmed us on the way.

21) Let's summarize the lesson.

a) How does a figurative meaning differ from a direct one?

b) Why are words with figurative meanings used in speech?

) Homework:

Theoretical information on pp. 132-133, exercise 338

Types of figurative meanings of a word.

Multiple meanings of the word. Direct and figurative meaning of the word.

Words in a language can have one, two or more lexical meanings.

Words that have the same lexical meaning are called unambiguous or monosemic. These words include:

1) various terms (not all): subject, electron;

2) various thematic groups:

a) names of plants (birch, poplar);

b) names of animals (minnow, jay);

c) names of people by occupation (doctor, livestock specialist, pilot).

Moreover, most words in Russian have multiple meanings. The development of polysemy of words is one of the active processes, due to which the vocabulary of the Russian literary language is replenished.

Word used in more than one meaning, usually called ambiguous or polysemic(from Greek poly - many, sema - sign).

For example: according to the dictionary of D.N. Ushakov's word easy

1. light in weight (light leg);

2. easy to learn, solution (easy lesson);

3. small, insignificant (light breeze);

4. superficial, frivolous (light flirting);

5. soft, accommodating (easy character);

6. casual, elegant (light style);

7. smooth, smooth, gliding (easy gait).

One of these meanings is primary, initial, and the others are secondary, resulting from the development of the primary meaning.

The primary value is usually the direct value.

Primary value - ϶ᴛᴏ the basic meaning of the word, directly naming an object, action, property.

In its literal meaning, the word appears out of context. Eg: forest ʼʼmany trees growing over a large spaceʼʼ; in a figurative meaning: many ʼʼforest of handsʼʼ, not understanding anything ʼʼ dark forestʼʼ, building material ʼʼlogging.

The figurative meaning is secondary. It arises on the basis of the similarity of objects in shape, color, nature of movement, on the basis of association, etc.

There are two basic types of figurative meaning of a word - metaphorical and metonymic. As a type of metonymy - synecdoche.

Let's look at each one separately.

Metaphorical transfer.

The essence of this transfer is that the name of an object is transferred to another object, based on the similarity of these objects.

The similarity should be:

1. according to form. For example, the word ʼʼbeardʼʼ we call a person’s small beard - ϶ᴛᴏ the direct meaning. In a figurative sense, we call the protrusions of keys a beard. Apple is a fruit, a smooth apple.

2. by color similarity. Gold is a precious metal yellow color͵ ʼʼgold of her hairʼʼ - hair color.

3. by similarity in size. The pole is a long thin pole, the pole is a long thin man.

4. by similarity of sounds. Drum - beat the drum, the rain drums.

5. transfer by function: janitor - a person sweeping the yard, street; A device in a car that is used to clean glass.

Metaphors are about general language- this is the metaphorical meaning of the word, which is widely used and known to all speakers: the head of a nail, the needle of a Christmas tree.

Individually - copyrighted are not characteristic of the common language. Οʜᴎ are created by writers and poets and characterize his stylistic style. Eg , bonfire red rowan, birch th tongue of the grove, chintz sky (S. Yesenin). Started to rumble river life (Leonov).

Metonymic transfer.

Its essence is that the name is transferable from one subject to another on the basis of contiguity.

Here, contiguity is usually understood as spatial contiguity, proximity of an object, temporal contiguity, etc., ᴛ.ᴇ. objects named by the same word may be completely different, but they are nearby in space and time.

1. Transferring a name from a container to its contents: audience - a room for classes, the people in it; class - students (class listened), room; plate - dishes, contents in a plate (ate a bowl of soup).

2. Material - product made from it: crystal - a type of glass, a product made from it; gold - she has gold in her ears.

3. An action is the result of that action.: jam - a cooking process, berries boiled in syrup.

5. Action - the object of this action: book publication – illustrated edition.

6. Action - a means or instrument of action: preparation of vegetables - preparation on the table.

7. Action - place of action: exit from the house - stand at the entrance.

8. Plant - the fruit of a plant: pear, plum.

9. Animal – fur or meat of an animal: chicken, mink, eggs.

10. An organ of the body is a disease of that body.: stomach - the stomach is in pain, the heart is playing naughty.

11. Scientist - his image: Ampere, Volt.

12. Locality - a product invented, manufactured there: Kashimir - a city in India, fabric; Boston is a city in England, fabric.

13. Time - events that took place at that time, year: the year was 1918, 1941.

As a result of metonymy, a number of common nouns, formed from proper names: volt, ampere, ohm, boston, macintosh.


This type of lexical transfer is based on following principle: the name is transferred from part to whole and vice versa.

For example, a “head” is a part of the body of a person or animal.

This name must be transferred to the whole person.

for the whole Headache - direct meaning.

Borya – bright head – figurative (synecdoche).

A herd of 20 heads.

Mouth is part of the face - direct meaning.

“We have 5 mouths in our family” - figurative.

A car is any mechanism, a passenger car.

Overall, a tool is a technical device of some kind (a tool

on part of labor) – direct meaning; gun - portable.

Synecdoche, as a special type of transference, is united by many scientists with metonymy and is perceived as its variety.

Some characteristic features person are often used to designate that person, to refer to him. This use of words is especially typical for colloquial speech: “I’m getting the little blue cap.” ʼʼHey, beard, where are you going?ʼʼ

Little Red Riding Hood is a classic example of synecdoche.

Homework. Abstract by V.V. Vinogradov “Basic types of lexical meanings of words”, “Questions of linguistics” 1953, No. 5.

Topic No. 8. Vocabulary of the Russian language from the point of view of its origin.


1. Original Russian vocabulary.

2. Borrowed vocabulary.

3.Old Slavonicisms, their characteristics and use in modern Russian.

The vocabulary of the Russian language is one of the richest in the world and has more than a quarter of a million words.

It is believed that the Russian language contains 90% native and 10% borrowed vocabulary.

The vocabulary of the modern Russian language contains lexical layers of various historical eras.

To the original vocabulary These include all words that came into the modern Russian language from the languages ​​of their ancestors. For this reason, the original Russian vocabulary is divided into 4 layers belonging to different eras. Let's look at each of them.

1.Indo-European vocabulary. Until the 3rd – 2nd centuries BC.

In the 6th-5th millennium BC. there was a single civilization, which was called Indo-European, and a single unwritten Indo-European language.

The words of this era are the most ancient. Οʜᴎ are known not only to Slavic, but also to other families of languages: Germanic, Romance, etc. For example, the word sky is found, in addition to Slavic, in Greek and Latin.

Vocabulary of Indo-European origin includes:

A) some words for kinship terms: mother, sister, brother, wife, daughter, son;

b) name of wild and domestic animals: wolf, goat, cat, sheep, bull;

V) name of food products and vital concepts: sky, fire, house, month, name, water, meat;

G) name of actions and signs: see, divide, eat, be, live, carry, white, vigorous, sick, alive, angry;

d) numerals: two, three, ten;

e) prepositions: without, before.

2.Common Slavic vocabulary(proto-Slavic). From III – II centuries. BC. to VI AD

These are words that arose during the period of linguistic unity of the Slavs. Οʜᴎ, as a rule, are known to all Slavic languages: Ukrainian.
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- spring, Polish – vrosna.

About 2 thousand words belong to this layer. Οʜᴎ make up 25% of the words in our daily communication. These include thematic groups: of agricultural implements: scythe, hoe, awl, sickle, harrow;

2.product of labor, plants: rye, cereals, flour, cranberries, maple, cabbage;

3.names of animals, birds, insects: hare, cow, fox, snake, woodpecker;

4.names of human body parts: eyebrow, head, tooth, knee, face, forehead;

5.kinship terms: grandson, son-in-law, mother-in-law, godfather; of home, vital concepts: house, hut, porch, bench, oven, spring, winter, clay, iron, etc.;

7.abstract vocabulary: thought, happiness, evil, good, excitement, grief.

During this period there appears a large number of

adjectives, denoting characteristics and qualities by color, size, shape: tall, long, large, black;

verbs denoting various labor processes: cut, saw, dig, weed;

verbs denoting actions and states: guess, warm, hold, dare, divide, doze;

numerals: one, four, eight, one hundred, thousand;

pronouns: you, we, you, which, everyone;

adverbs: inside, everywhere, yesterday, tomorrow.

Common Slavic words were the basis for the formation of many new words. For example, from the verb live in the Russian language about 100 derivative words.

3.East Slavic vocabulary. VI century – 14-15 centuries.

Around the 6th-7th century, the collapse of the common Slavic language into the South Slavic, West Slavic and East Slavic (Old Russian) language is attributed. The Old Russian language becomes the language of the Old Russian people, united in the 9th century in single state- Kievan Rus.

East Slavic vocabulary - ϶ᴛᴏ words that arose in the period from the 6th to the 15th centuries, common among the languages ​​of the East Slavic group: Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian. These words are not found in others Slavic languages . Eg:

quite (Russian) zovsim (Ukrainian) zusim (white)

snowfall snowfall snowfall

kinder kinder dabrets

The East Slavic layer represents a fairly diverse vocabulary, reflecting in all its diversity the political, economic and cultural life of the Old Russian state.

During this period, many words appear on the basis of common Slavic vocabulary:

bullfinch (Russian)

snow< снiгур (укр.)

snyagir (white)

complex numerals: eleven, forty, ninety;

Difficult words: hook-nosed, today;

suffix words – finch, blackberry, pantry.

4.Actually Russian vocabulary.

In the 14th century due to the collapse Kievan Rus The Old Russian language splits into Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian. The Russian (Great Russian) nationality was formed.

Actually Russian vocabulary - ϶ᴛᴏ words that arose from the formation of the Russian nationality and continue to arise to the present day.

The basis for the creation of Russian vocabulary itself were words and morphemes of original Russian origin. ᴛ.ᴇ. Common Slavic, East Slavic:

1.almost all words with suffixes: chick/schik, nickname, - body, - lk, - nost

mason, wallet, teacher, mower;

2.many difficult words: steamship, airplane, steelprogress;

3.words with prefixes na, do, for and suffix xia: to look at it, to wake it up, to start talking;

4.abbreviations: JSC – Joint-Stock Company, CJSC - closed joint stock company, LLC - limited liability company, private security company - private security company.

Types of figurative meanings of a word. - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "Types of figurative meanings of words." 2017, 2018.

Words, phrases, phrases and sentences - all this and much more is inherent in the concept of “language”. How much is hidden in it, and how little we actually know about language! We spend every day and even every minute next to him - whether we say our thoughts out loud or read or listen to the radio... Language, our speech is a real art, and it should be beautiful. And its beauty must be genuine. What helps in the search for true beauty

The direct and figurative meaning of words is what enriches our language, develops it and transforms it. How does this happen? Let's understand this endless process when, as they say, words grow from words.

First of all, you need to understand the figurative meaning of the word, and what main types they are divided into. Each word can have one or a number of meanings. Words with the same meaning are called in clear words. In the Russian language there are significantly fewer of them than words with many different meanings. Examples include words such as computer, ash, satin, sleeve. A word that can be used in several meanings, including figuratively, is a polysemantic word, examples: house can be used to mean a building, a room for people to live, a family way of life, etc.; the sky is the air space above the earth, as well as the location of visible luminaries, or divine power, conduction.

With polysemy, a distinction is made between the literal and figurative meaning of a word. The first meaning of the word, its basis, is the direct meaning of the word. By the way, the word “straight” in this context is figurative in nature, i.e. the main meaning of the word is “something even,

without bends” - is transferred to another object or phenomenon with the meaning “literal, expressed unambiguously.” So we don’t have to go far - we just need to be more careful and observant in what words we use, when and how.

From the above example it already becomes clear that a figurative meaning is a secondary meaning of a word that arose when the literal meaning of the word was transferred to another object. Depending on what feature of the object served as the reason for the transfer of meaning, there are different types of figurative meaning such as metonymy, metaphor, synecdoche.

Direct and can resonate with each other based on similarity - this is a metaphor. For example:

ice water - ice hands (by attribute);

poisonous mushroom - poisonous character (by attribute);

star in the sky - star in hand (by location);

chocolate candy - chocolate tan (based on color).

Metonymy is the selection of some property in a phenomenon or object, which by its nature can replace the others. For example:

gold jewelry - she has gold in her ears;

porcelain dishes - there was porcelain on the shelves;

headache - my headache went away.

And finally, synecdoche is a type of metonymy when one word is replaced by another on the basis of a constant, really existing relationship of part to whole and vice versa. For example:

He is a real head (meaning very smart, the head is the part of the body in which the brain is located).

The entire village took his side - every resident, i.e. the “village” as a whole, which replaces its part.

What can we say in conclusion? Only one thing: if you know the direct and figurative meaning of a word, you will be able not only to use certain words correctly, but also enrich your speech, and learn to beautifully convey your thoughts and feelings, and maybe one day you will come up with your own metaphor or metonymy... Who knows?