School graduation script “Initiation into the profession”

Available in our school life traditions that go back decades: a ceremonial beginning school year– first bell, Teacher’s Day, ceremonial end of the school year – last call, prom. And there are those who are still very young. ...Methodological weeks, marathons, scientific conferences. ...

Today is the presentation of another holiday - Initiation into the profession.

I would like to wish that it also becomes a good tradition in our area.

It's not thoughts that amuse the public,

But having loved the spirit of knowledge,

We want to glorify in advance,

Young colleague, you!

Dear guests, let us welcome our energetic, creative, unique, brave, young professionals, the future Shatalovs and Amonashvilis! We welcome you, our hope and change!

There are very distinguished guests at our celebration. Let me introduce the guests of our holiday......

The floor is given......

Teacher is a word that in Eastern countries is written with a capital letter. A calling that requires a person to have all his strengths and abilities without reserve. A service that knows no holidays or changes.

(Musical number)

Not every person can be a teacher, since this profession requires enormous work, great experience, enormous patience, and love for children.

He wrote very accurately and aptly about the teacher. famous writer S.L. Soloveitchik “The teacher is an artist, but his listeners and spectators do not applaud him. The teacher is a sculptor, but no one sees his work. The teacher is a doctor, but his patients do not always want to be treated. Where can he get the strength for inspiration? Only in yourself, only in yourself"

Evening. Street. Barely working lights. You put aside the documents that have not yet been completely sorted and go home, assuring yourself that this won’t happen again, you won’t be so late at school anymore, that you won’t overload yourself. When everything piles up, it’s hard to push away the thoughts: “In general, maybe being a teacher is not for me?” You drag yourself home and, having already lowered your head on the pillow, sadly think: “how to calm the class in 15 seconds,” “how to stop a student rushing at a speed of 100 km/h with one glance,” “how to cram a million tasks into 45 minutes of a lesson.” plan"

And sleep came in fits and starts and the countdown to the alarm clock had already begun.

Morning. Fatigue accumulates in the chest in a large, dissatisfied lump. And the feeling that I no longer have the strength. You go to school, a little depressed. When suddenly you are pulled out of your apathy by the screams of your students, who run to greet you when they see you another hundred meters away. They wave their hands, and at the same time umbrellas, jackets, and briefcases. And you begin to smile sincerely and warmly. You wave at them and smile. Do you know what's inside? And happiness settles inside you......

Dear young teacher! The book of yours professional life is still being written, and we hope that it will turn out to be a solid tome with rich content. But now we can guess that thanks to you, this book will be as kind and wise as you are, it will be imbued with the light of knowledge and warmth that you sincerely share with children. And it will not neglect trifles and insignificant events. This book will be worthy of your name!

And now we will reveal the secret of how the first chapters of your professional book were written over the course of two years... And the head of the district school will help us with this young teacher …….

Speech by the head of ShMU

Musical number

You have only recently embarked on this path. You are a fresh stream in our holy cause, a young shoot of brilliant ideas and aspirations. We only wish you light students, and let every word of yours fall into fertile soil and grow with the amazing fruits of enlightenment!

There is such a profession - to love children.... A teacher is such a difficult but interesting job. He has to do everything: sew, knit, draw, have acting and organizational skills. Know medicine, hygiene, literature, have ideas about morality and ethics. Is it possible to retell everything... Now we will see...

(Speech and presentation of preschoolers)

Each person is talented in his own way, but discovering this talent is not easy. Who to be? This question sooner or later arises before every person. One becomes a musician, another a programmer, a third a surgeon, a fourth a logistician, and someone wants to become a teacher.

Full name, teacher primary classes started her teaching career as a teacher preschool education in a nursery - kindergarten, and now a primary school teacher high school and, teaching his first-graders, masters the basics of the teaching profession.

(teacher's speech)

Musical number

Teaching English is not an easy task.Lessons foreign languages, well, what to hide, sometimes they are difficult, but they certainly never become boring.

We are pleased to welcome young teachers to this stage, full name, teacher in English high school and full name, high school English teacher

Speeches by English teachers

Young interesting phrase. On the one hand, he is a specialist, and on the other hand, he is young, which means he is “green” and does not know how to do anything. You can say: you learned, work, gain experience, get bruises and bumps, a year will pass, another - you will learn. Everything is true if you work with technology, but with a teacher there are always living people - children. They can't wait for you to grow up and gain experience. They need you smart, kind, cheerful, wise here and now. It doesn’t matter to them that you yourself are only 20-23 years old. And at this moment it is very important that you are greeted as a colleague, as a friend who can be advised, prompted, helped, warned, supported. You had such teachers next to you for two years; these are your mentors. So tell us,………

So, over to you, young professionals...

Speech by young professionals

Musical number for mentors

Yes... A teacher's job is hard,

And sometimes you have to first

Work up a sweat

To reach the pinnacle of excellence.

Dialogue of the presenters:

Who will help? young specialist reach the pinnacle of excellence?


And who will help the young specialist adapt to school everyday life?


Who will introduce a young specialist to modern trends in pedagogy?


Who will help a young specialist create his own professional growth program?


Who is a role model for a young teacher in the organization? pedagogical activity?


Yes. A mentor for a young teacher is both a consultant, a standard, and a navigator in teaching activities.

On behalf of the mentors, the floor is given to the full name, the mentor of the young teacher, full name

Pedagogical bread

Let's take 2 kg of justice, a glass of sincerity, add patience,

a spoonful of punctuality, a handful of unpredictability, mix everything with prudence, energy, humanity. We will decorate all this with elegance.

Musical number

I wish you with all my heart perseverance, patience and hard work. Let no barriers of the first difficulties, which are sure to arise, upset you and force you to leave the race. Let the potholes and ruts not frighten you or turn you away from your chosen goal. And if you are capable of this, if you have perseverance in your character and your will is strong, then you will definitely reach your goal. And your reward will be newfound professionalism.


Dear friends and colleagues! For you
This meeting today is like a holiday.
Songs flow for you, warm congratulations sound,
These moments are so pleasant and memorable.
Every glance wishes you good luck, patience,
And smiles, hope, strength, inspiration.
Year after year, the family of teachers grows,
Congratulations and success to you, teachers!
We sincerely congratulate all those present,
We enter the school year together and boldly.
We accumulated strength during our vacation, new ideas,
We look forward to seeing our children at school.
In the meantime, let's rest, say, an hour or two,
Let's watch the performances and get ready for battle!

/ Quiet music sounds - audio or piano, against which the presenter continues. /


Living life is not a field to cross,
It is very important to find yourself in it.
Happiness, if it succeeds,
And your work will be called a calling!

/ To any improvised melody, accompanied by a piano, the music teacher performs an introduction - “verses” to the production. /

An ordinary story, a little romantic
Sometimes we want to tell you something problematic.
Atypical nature, quite pretty,
Leading from childhood to maturity on stage to show.
All poems, for the power of impression
We will put it into the sounds of music... create, just create.
We will invite the audience to participate, because we are one dynasty.
We want to charge you with an amazing example!

/ The soundtrack of the song “ School years”, and a first-grader girl enters the stage with uncertain steps, looking around. In her hands is a bouquet of flowers and a briefcase. Then she sits down at her desk. The presenter, located at the edge of the stage, or behind the scenes, continues./


A student sat down at her desk,
She really wants to study!

/ The bell rings and the Teacher enters the makeshift classroom. At this time the Student gets up. She can use gestures to invite everyone present in the room to stand./


The teacher came in...
The whole class stood up!


Sit down, children, now
We'll sail on a ship
To a wonderful world of goodness and knowledge.


The first teacher is our idol,
Creator of wonderful endeavors!

/ The teacher performs the first verse of the song “ What do you have chat at school". The student raises her hand “wanting to answer.” The teacher approaches her, takes her hand and leads her to the edge of the stage. The second verse is performed by the Student. The third verse sounds in a duet. The bell rings. A teacher with flowers and a student with a briefcase leave the stage./


It was our first call. After
It has been heard hundreds of times over the years.
I want to add between the lines,
The beloved sang: “Home, freedom!”
Completed first grade, second,
Behind them are the fifth and tenth...
And here's to your graduation party
The boys and girls came...

/ The introduction of the song “Waltz of Parting” sounds. 3-4 couples, boys and girls, appear on the stage in a whirlwind of waltz. Our heroine is among the dancers. An ensemble of teachers, freely depicting communication, stops in two groups on different sides of the stage and performs the “Waltz of Parting” ( hear the anxious winds blowing). When performing the second verse of the song, the heroine joins the teachers. The couples also leave the stage in a circle. Behind them, to the last chords of the final passage, the teachers also leave, “communicating.” Only one graduate remains on stage - our heroine./


I made a firm decision today
Be sure to become a teacher
Guys come to my class
And year after year, gradually
They are getting smarter before our eyes,
Thanks to my efforts.
Will I be able to leave a good mark on fate?
So there is a calling!

/ The graduate leaves, the presenter continues. /


And I went to college,
Graduated with dignity...
In this class they are waiting for her,
There's a killer contingent of kids here...

/ To the music of “rap”, the STUDENTS enter with an imposing gait. Their roles are played by teachers. In a cheeky tone, without taking the chewing gum out of their mouth, they carry on a conversation./

1 student:

Today they brought in a new chick
So that mathematics can teach us. Yo!
(Gestures with hands)

2nd student:

Where is Galina?

1 student:

We got her.

3rd student:

And I can’t stand young people, lads!

2nd student:

Let's arrange a meeting for her!..


Let it heal your nerves later!..

/ They stand in a circle, whisper, gesticulate, laugh./


The surprise for the teacher is ready.
Can you pass the test?..
To earn authority,
It takes a lot of effort...

/ The bell rings, and a young teacher, our heroine, enters the “class” with a timid, hesitant gait. In her hands is a cool magazine and a pointer. /


Hello guys…
Let's get acquainted?..

1 student:

And we are always ready!

2nd student:

What, bros, let's have some fun?!

/ The lads sing and dance to the soundtrack of the song “tu es fortu” performed by “In-Grid”. /


So she entered the class
Holding your magazine under your arm,
She greeted me, clearly thinking: “How good I am!”
But we can’t be taken for a show-off,
It’s not our first day at school...
OH!...Did your voice disappear somewhere from excitement?...
We cannot be curbed by threats or persuasion.
And it’s not worth giving lectures about education here,
Or pour out a blizzard about the importance of knowledge of sciences
We only love DISCO, the killer, caressing sound!

/ They dance to lose. The teacher sits down in shock. The magazine and ruler fall to the floor, but after a while, having gained control of herself, she gets up and with an assertive step in the rhythm of the music approaches the students and sings to the same tune./


I completely understand you guys, yes... the music is great!
And what’s important is that she fits into our classroom.
Well, why strain your brains and take tests?
There is no need for a certificate to shine in a DISCO before retirement!
To dress decently and go to a disco,
We need to find a sponsor, uncle or aunt,
They are given diplomas and higher positions and ranks,
Only.. it’s unlikely that they need you in your role, guys!

/ The teacher is dancing. The students look at each other with wide eyes and shrug their shoulders. At this moment, the musical accompaniment changes and, to the melody of the song “Hey, you up there,” the HEAD TEACH quickly steps onto the stage. She sings while gesticulating./

Head teacher/sings/:

What kind of “ta-ra-ram” is this?
Everyone quickly took their seats!
I'm going to see the director now...
I won't spare any of you!..

/Addresses the auditorium/.

And you, in the first row?..
After all, I am from everyone I'm waiting for your attention,
Well, they've completely fallen apart
I'm in your class like I'm in hell!..
It's time it's time,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes... /etc./

Teacher /sings to the same tune/:

I apologize to you,
We'll sort it out quickly now
This... was a surprise to me from the guys,
And none of them is to blame.
We all know for a long time:
Studying is expensive every hour!
Please, excuse me...
Forgive us in last time

/The chorus is sung by the students and the teacher and everyone present in the hall. /

It's time, it's time,
yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes...
Time for fun! / 2 times/.

/ The music ends, the HEAD TEACHER turns to the TEACHER./

Head teacher:

Now teach your lesson,
Then, go see the director...

/ The head teacher leaves. The bell rings, the students noisily “run out of the classroom” and leave the stage. The teacher comes to the stage and, looking at the audience, sings an “aria of despair” to the tune of the song “Belle”. /


I imagined everything completely differently.
Pain, the first day, and immediately failure.
How to calm the rush of despair in my soul,
After all, I have long dreamed of becoming a teacher.
Well, how can I understand this generation?..
How can I pass on my knowledge to them?!
And you can’t become limp, because I’m a teacher,
I must conduct my lesson with dignity!

/ At the last chords of the song, he leaves the stage with his head down. /


Days pass by, life goes on.
Believe in your dream and finest hour will come!
Be persistent, kind, patient,
Brighten up your work with a burst of creativity.
Love your work and believe in its meaning,
Success always brings inspiration!

/ All participants in the production come on stage and perform the song: “Everything is in your hands” to the tune of the song of the same name by L. Agutina. /

Autumn outside the window is spinning in the arms of September
The day was awakened by a gentle scarlet dawn.
The festive flow is again, bringing joy to school
Childhood and dreams, feelings and flowers, and you...

You know, everything is in your hands, everything is in your hands,
All in your hands,
You know, everything is in your hands, everything is in your hands,
Believe me!

The bell will ring and you will enter the classroom for your lesson.
Warm the gaze of restless children's eyes with your heart.
Happiness if the day is bright,
And when he's in black
Don't shed bitter tears,
Smile quickly and sing!

Chorus: the same.

If fate brings you to a boarding school through friendship,
A frisky family will take you to such heights!
It will give you so much strength and patience,
Skills and inspiration -
You can become completely
You are the manager. GOROO or GUNO!

Chorus: the same.

/ To the applause of the audience, the participants in the production leave the stage. /

Dedication to newly arrived teachers

    We welcome today

Newly arrived teachers

Those who are full of strength and knowledge,

Fresh thoughts and ideas.

    And my first month at school

You have successfully completed -

And they taught me something

And they were able to captivate the children.

1. Our teaching staff has developed a tradition of dedicating newly arrived teachers. This is how in the municipal autonomous educational institution “Secondary comprehensive school No. 4" with in-depth study of the English language, abbreviated as MAOU Secondary School No. 4 with UIAYA, four new individuals and one gallant individual appeared. And only for them today will the coronation and registration take place.


2. Today, on Teacher’s Day, you are entering MAOU Secondary School No. 4 from UIAA.

Everyone entering MAOU Secondary School No. 4 with UIAL is obliged to:

    Arm yourself with Federal State Educational Standards, plans and notes, and from grades 1 to 9 technological maps, lists and other papers to prove your professionalism.

    Remember what they have long said in Rus': “Talent must be hungry.” Therefore, give up on everything and eat exclusively spiritual food.

    Amaze yourself and others with your own invention, imagination, talent, enthusiasm, as well as modesty and politeness.

    And now I ask you to take an oath and after each point repeat three times: “I swear!” (take turns reading)

Solemn oath

    We swear to teach only based on the state program - a step to the right, a step to the left is considered an attempt to escape.

ALL: We swear! We swear! We swear!

    We vow to uphold the Olympic motto “Faster, Higher, Stronger”. This means: don’t run faster than the wind during recess, don’t jump higher than the administration, don’t be stronger than Atlanta, and don’t carry bags with notebooks weighing more than 10 kilograms.

ALL: We swear! We swear! We swear!

    We swear not to scream louder than the children and forgive them for their pranks.

ALL: We swear! We swear! We swear!

    We swear to love all children and remain faithful to the school.

ALL: We swear! We swear! We swear!

    Colleagues, let's congratulate the new arrivals and present memorable gifts.

(Teachers are awarded crowns with the inscription “Learning is light” and badges


    Here we have a replenishment.

Our business is not easy

We wish you patience

Infinite, at that.

    Become your children's best friend

And manage to do everything:

Teach, inspire, force,

And at the same time, you won’t get bored.

In the assembly hall there are freshmen of the 20th academic year, teachers, guests.

On the screen there is a splash screen: the inscription “Congratulations on your initiation as a student!” against the backdrop of the main college building.

The presenters take the stage.

Presenter 1: Hello, dear friends! We are glad to see you in our cozy, hospitable assembly hall at the Student Initiation Celebration.

Presenter 2: Today, students of the general education department of the humanities (technical) direction and their curators came to the hall.

Presenter 1: This is now your abode,

Your family is here now!

In our glorious friendly home

Welcome, friends!

Presenter 2: We want to show you a short film about our college, which was made by our volunteers. So, our college through the eyes of students:

A college video that includes a slideshow of the new intake groups.

Presenter 1: Especially for you, first-year students of the 20..academic year, we have composed a new song, which is called “First Year”.

The song “First Course” plays.

First course

There is no better college in the world, believe me,

Senior students can give you advice:

If you dream of the future, come to us to study,

We will answer any question.

First course, first course!

You came to college one day.

First course, first course!

Everyone wants to study here.

For first year students

Undoubtedly the most important.

For every taste,

It doesn’t matter if we know them yet.

First course, first course!

This is a college, not a university,

Let's go to the session with courage!

We have gathered in this hall today,

Don't get bored and have fun with us!

It is impossible to perform on this stage without excitement -

Don't be embarrassed and be brave!

Presenter 2: It was not by chance that you chose our college and your future profession? The performance of each group today will be dedicated to the presentation of the profession.

Presenter 1: Do you want to know your profession?

Hurry up to our college!

Presenter 2: If you look pretty

And they look like a top model

Presenter 1: And they’re not stupid either,

Don't be stingy with a smile.

Presenter 2: So, being a student too!

And a student - he can do a lot!

Presenter 1: Discover talent in college

And master a profession!

Presenter 1: But studying is not easy -

After all, there are more than a hundred items!

Presenter 2: From semester to semester

There is no room for laziness here!

Presenter 1: Don’t be timid, look boldly:

Diplomas are coming!

Presenter 2: There is one family in college.

With dedication to you!

Presenter 1: Today senior students came to congratulate and support us. They often perform on this stage!

Presenter 2: Today is a holiday for us. And any holiday means music, songs, dances. A fiery “Hip-Hop” dance will be performed for you by a 3rd year student, our favorite – Aika!

Presenter 1: Thank you, Aika! I wish I could learn to dance! Secrets of mastery... Mastery in creativity, mastery in future profession- things are interconnected.

Presenter 2: I think our creative heights are still ahead,

But the first recognition begins here, in our college, in this assembly hall, because our first-year students take the stage—

Group 9D-11 - the most beautiful girls in the world! Let's support them with applause!

Group performance...

Presenter 1: And now the group will show their presentation...

Presenter 2: Representatives of the group come on stage...

Presenter 1: Welcome to the next group -...

Presenter 2: That's not all! Let's meet the group...

Presenter 1: The presentation of the groups ends with the most fun group on the course - group 9KM-11!

Presenter 2: And now representatives of the groups - first-year prefects - are invited to the stage. We have prepared a small test for them - a quick survey. Feel free to take the stage!

Presenter 1: Are you ready? Started:

  1. Who are the students? (The main consumers of ballpoint pens)
  2. Why does a student need a record book? (To collect teachers' autographs)
  3. What is a session? (The battle is not for life, but for a scholarship)
  4. What is a scholarship? (A student's moment of joy)
  5. Who is a curator? (One who takes care of fledgling chicks, like a mother hen)
  6. Why do students study in pairs? (So ​​that later, at work, you don’t have to worry)
  7. How can you decipher the word “student”? (A lot of money is urgently needed, there is nothing to eat. Period)
  8. Which cheat sheet is the best? (The one in the head)
  9. What qualities does a student need? (Ability to run quickly from the department head)
  10. How many of you know the recipe for a student sandwich?

(bread with mayonnaise)

Presenter 2: Well, the elders did not let us down. And now we move on to the most solemn moment of our holiday - the student oath.

Presenter 1: The path to the profession is not easy,

And there are many temptations in life.

But don't fool yourself -

After all, study somehow

I, a student, will be ashamed

Indecent, undignified.

I'm not afraid of the session!

I swear to this!

Presenter 2: There are many different professions.

They all don't like idle people,

They all dislike laziness.

I will overcome all obstacles!

I will pass exams, tests,

I'm not afraid of any work.

I will gain solid knowledge -

I swear to this!

Presenter 1: It’s not enough to be a good guy.

I'll become a professional!

I firmly decide this

I say this proudly!

College is the path to my success.

Does anyone think differently?

Away doubts and sadness:

I swear to be a student!

Presenter 2: And now, according to tradition, all freshmen present must take the student oath, so we ask you to repeat the word “We swear!” in chorus after it sounds in the text of the oath. Attention!

We, joining the ranks of students of the St. Petersburg Technical College of Management and Commerce, swear to proudly carry this title throughout our lives. We swear, having joined the ranks of young professionals after graduating from college, to always serve the cause of the prosperity of Russia.


We swear to master knowledge and not give in to difficulties. We swear to defend the honor of the college, not sparing our belly, and, if necessary, other parts of the body.


We swear to be not only specialists in our profession, but also singers, athletes, musicians, actors and to keep our sense of humor not in a savings bank.


We swear not to forget our beloved college and rush to it at the first call, no matter where we are in the world.


We swear to leave our mark on the earth without leaving too much of a legacy. We swear to live honestly, act according to our conscience and fight injustice.


We swear when going to the exam to know the name of the teacher, the name of the subject and the color of the textbook. We swear that upon graduation from college we will receive diplomas in the same composition as now, so that we will not be painfully ashamed of the years we spent aimlessly.


We swear to be gallant like the French, cheerful like the Italians, serious like the British, thrifty like the Japanese and rich like the Americans. Which means we vow to be real college students!