“I decided to look into Odnoklassniki for a couple of minutes, an hour and a half passed” - this is one of the most quoted statements dedicated to social networks. Indeed, it seems that I just opened the page, looked at what was new with my friends, uploaded a couple of photos, changed the status, talked with a childhood friend, “liked” several new videos, and now the second hour of being on the site is coming to an end.

But, fortunately, everything is not as sad as it might seem at first glance, and in this situation you can also find a lot of positive aspects.

So, what are the pros and cons of visiting? social networks? And in order to make it more convenient to calculate the final result, we number each item separately.

Let's start with the positive aspects of social networks

1. Search speed. On social networks you can easily find the right person (if he is registered there, of course), information of interest regarding any companies (Many companies create groups of the same name on social networks), and also simply find like-minded people. Moreover, this can be done simply by specifying several specific criteria. For example, we indicate: First name, last name, place of residence, age to search for a specific person, or write in the search bar “Cooking desserts”, “Paper crafts”, “Sports cars”, etc. - to meet and communicate with like-minded people in groups .

2. Ease of communication and information exchange. Of course, each of us has a mobile phone and we can exchange information via SMS and mms messages. But this takes a considerable amount of money. It is much more convenient, faster and, importantly, more profitable, to send data on social networks.

3. You can create a circle of interests. That is, subscribe to news from interesting communities and groups, make certain purchases (Groups selling any goods are now very developed) and even find a job.

4. Receive reminders on time about holidays, be it City Day, a school friend’s anniversary, or your neighbor’s name day. And after receiving a reminder, you can immediately send a beautiful sticker on a photo or a greeting card.

Now let's look at the negative aspects of social networks

1. Spending a lot of time. But you can spend it with much greater benefit, meet with friends, cook a delicious dinner, or engage in self-education.

2. Detachment from the real world. On social networks we position ourselves somewhat differently than in life. And as a result, there is a risk of becoming so accustomed to the created virtual image that, so to speak, it is not always possible to return to earth on time.

3. Personality degradation. If you pay attention to the speech of overly active users of social networks, you will notice the meaninglessness of most of their conversations and the presence in them of words that are incomprehensible to ordinary people, such as “like”, “use”, “lol”, etc.

4. Social networks are a field of activity for scammers and ill-wishers. Unfortunately, not many people think that posting the most detailed information about your life (address, phone number, place of work) can ultimately turn against you. For example, on a social network you share the joy of buying a new laptop or a fur coat, and a week later you write that you are going on vacation with the whole family, like “Don’t lose me, I’m vacationing in Turkey.” And as a result, when you return from a trip, you may not find a fur coat, a laptop, or other valuables.

Perhaps we’ll end the comparison at this point, thereby leveling out all the pros and cons of visiting social networks.
And based on what was written above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - Social networks do not cause harm if you use them in moderation, devoting to them, ideally, no more than 1 hour a day.

So we considered the issue

The benefits and harms of social networks

Currently, social networks have become an integral part of the lives of a huge number of people. And some regular users develop a certain dependence on such time spent. A considerable part of all registered accounts belong to children aged 5 years and older. Unfortunately, not all parents consider such an important factor as monitoring the time their child spends on the Internet, including on social networks. But the child’s psyche is much more flexible than an adult’s, and the harm caused by constant visiting of social networks can be quite great for a child.

So what danger can lie in wait for a child on social networks?

Of course, that's already regular presence in front of the monitor within a few hours cannot have a good effect on the well-being and health of the child. Firstly, this is, and secondly, due to incorrect position, problems may arise. problems with posture and spine, and thirdly, minimizing physical activity leads to a general weakening of the body, as a result of which immunity suffers, and, as a result, all sorts of viruses and diseases begin to stick to the child. But can an adequate and reasonable parent who loves his child allow this? Of course, many mothers and fathers find it convenient to free up their time in this way by putting their child at the computer and keeping him busy with some kind of game (And often this activity is just online games on VKontakte).

Do not forget that, in addition to ordinary people who spend time on social networks in order to chat with school friends, watch interesting pictures or videos and play games, there are also those who hide their real identity by introducing themselves with fictitious names and providing information deliberately false information. But among such users there may be maniacs and perverts. They can introduce themselves as childhood friends of the child's parents, neighbors, parents of classmates and make an appointment, promising to give a gift for his parents, warning that they do not need to know about it, since it is a surprise. And this is not the only example of luring children into the clutches of criminals.

The next danger is the child’s detachment from the real world. After all, communicating with peers on a social network is much easier. And a child can acquire live communication skills only in real life. And if he spends more time talking through Internet messages, then in the very near future he may have problems communicating with classmates and friends in the yard.

Also, one of the consequences of constantly being on social networks is a decrease in concentration. In other words, it becomes difficult for a child to focus his gaze on one object (for example, reading a book), since in a social network he constantly has to transfer his attention from one object to another.

Dear parents, in order to avoid unpleasant and sometimes very sad consequences, try to limit your child’s presence at the computer as much as possible, and also carefully monitor his communication on the Internet. in social networks. Take the time to have a preventative conversation, explaining who you can carry on a conversation with and who you shouldn’t. And then your child will not get into trouble and harm his health.

So, we have shown what exists

The harmful effects of social networks on the life and psyche of a child

The influence of social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte on a person’s real life

Most of the world's population spends more than one hour every day in in social networks. And many even transfer their entire lives into virtual space, sometimes forgetting about real time altogether.

Every year, a considerable number of people move more and more away from live communication, walks in the fresh air, picnics, etc. in favor of spending time on social networks.

Of course, living in the virtual world is much easier, since it becomes possible to think about every word before writing it, thanks to which many conflicts can be avoided. In life, we sometimes speak without thinking, which often leads to unpleasant consequences.

Nowadays, we congratulate friends more and more often via the Internet, stick stickers on their photos in Odnoklassniki, post cards on the VKontakte wall, or simply add congratulatory comments to photos. Although it really wouldn't hurt to call in person.

Games on social networks also began to take up a lot of time. It is rare to meet a person who has never participated in them. Some people plant and water the garden, some fight zombies or raise pets, and some solve logic puzzles and riddles. And this entire gaming audience is not limited to certain age limits. Both children and adults are passionate about this.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when communication and games on social networks have the most negative impact on real life. Many people lose their jobs because they waste their working time on online entertainment. Family breakdowns are also common. There can be absolutely many reasons for this. Starting with banal acquaintances, which lead to far from harmless meetings, and ending with excessive enthusiasm for the above-mentioned games and applications to the detriment of time that should be devoted to your children and significant other. And how many scandals flare up because of the reading of the correspondence of one of the spouses.

Again, let's return to the problem of real communication. After all, when we get used to writing text on a social network, we lose our emotions. As a result, speech becomes much less developed. After conducting a little research in this area and talking with regular visitors to the virtual space, we can conclude that the speech of these people is replete with words like: “Oki” and “Smacks.” And communication with them does not carry any semantic load. As a rule, on a social network, users express their thoughts and emotions through statuses, that is, certain phrases several words long. Agree, but in real life it is practically impossible to express your opinion in this way.

Excessive enthusiasm for communicating on social networks can lead to the manifestation in a person’s mind of an illusory world in which he is the smartest, most beautiful and quick-witted. And this fact does not give a person a chance for realization in real life. It turns out that in the virtual world he is a hero, but in reality he has nothing.

These consequences are especially fraught for the not fully formed child and youth psyche. Since, preferring virtual communication, they excessively protect themselves from the realities of life and, as a result, can get problems in contact with classmates and teachers.

Of course, it will definitely protect itself from the world of Internet hobbies and social networks very difficult, but still limiting their influence on real life will not be superfluous.

So we have briefly shown

The influence of social networks Odnoklassn, VKontakte on a person’s real life

We see that the Internet and social networks have made people dependent on social networks. Man, instead of real life, live communication, replaced it with virtual communication. The Internet and social networks are necessary, they have become part of our lives. But nothing should have the will of a person, his purpose. You need to understand that a person was born not for social networks, but for learning to love other living beings on earth. And this time is short!


  1. Every year, a lot of people move more and more away from live communication, walks in the fresh air, picnics, etc. in favor of spending time on social networks.

VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki - all of them, sparing no expense, are fighting for our attention.

Let's find out the dark side of what is happening: what is the harm of social networks?

In this article we will carefully analyze why social networks are harmful. And, of course, we will learn to minimize, or even get rid of, this harm. But first, let’s highlight the benefit, because it is undoubtedly also present.

So, the benefits of social networks are as follows:

1) Always in touch with many people (including those who are far away).
2) Always up to date with the latest events and...
3) Entertainment: music, films, pictures, articles.
4) Educational information: documentaries, lectures, books, articles.
5) A means of promoting creativity and business.

There may be other advantages, but these are the main ones. Now let's move on to the disadvantages of social networks. Let’s immediately make a reservation that harm to social networks, as a rule, is caused by unreasonable, excessive use. Although everyone determines the limits of reasonable use for themselves, so everything is relative. Okay, let's get started!

1⃣ Social networks eat up time. Time is the most valuable resource. And we often waste it on all sorts of stupid things. Of course, you also need to relax and have fun. But if we get stuck on social networks to the detriment of something important and useful, then the harm is obvious.

What to do? Limit the time we spend on social networks. Although restrictions are often not the best solution. After all, it’s not always iron. It is much more effective to replace all sorts of cats on YouTube or the pseudo-humor of MDK with something really useful. After all, there is something that you like and at the same time makes you better? Healthy lifestyle guarantees: every person has it, you just need to find it in yourself. Develop, improve, get out of your comfort zone and try new things - and you will definitely find something after which you will feel sorry for wasting your time aimlessly. It’s optimal to find it or just a hobby, then you yourself will understand and feel everything. Even if you remain a regular user of social networks, you will spend your time usefully, that is, receive from networks mainly the information that is USEFUL for you, your business and your life. Good luck!

2⃣ Social networks teach you to consume. The result is an ideal consumer - the dream of all marketers and sales managers. The point is that social media can be used in different ways. that is, to create something new. Or you can be an ordinary consumer of information. Of course, in this life we ​​are all consumers to some extent. But if a person only does what he likes, reposts, comments (and does this on a huge scale), then by doing so he kills the spark of the creator in himself. Because behavior on social networks shapes behavior in reality.

What to do? Firstly, you should reduce or completely abandon those that do not provide obvious benefits. Secondly, it is desirable to change the consumption/creation ratio in favor of the latter. After all, social networks are a powerful tool for creating and promoting your creation. There are thousands of possibilities, and you can successfully do something on social networks for your own benefit.

3⃣ Social networks are addictive. And you yourself won’t notice how this happens. It’s just that suddenly you will be left without the Internet or VK will once again fail - and then you will feel an irresistible craving for your favorite social network. Although you may not feel it - if you haven’t gotten involved enough yet. In any case, sooner or later, using social networks becomes a habit, and the inability to carry out a habitual action causes discomfort. Yes, social networks give freedom - freedom to communicate, receive and exchange information - but at the same time they take away this freedom. By the way, the problem of youth dependence on social networks is especially acute.

What to do? First of all, you can. Secondly, there is no need to make social networks the center of life, you should not attach great importance to them. And if you are suddenly left without your usual social network, then perhaps it’s time to do other things?

4⃣ Social media makes you unhappy. Many studies have been conducted, the result of which is the same: people feel more unhappy the more they use social networks. Why? Because so-called friends on the Internet post their best photos, videos, statuses. I emphasize - they post only the best! And when a person sees how fun and interesting his “friends” live, sooner or later he begins to think that his life is boring and dull. Conversely, people who spend more time socializing with friends in real life are less likely to experience such negative feelings.

What to do? If you master this skill, your life will be much happier. There is no point in comparing yourself to someone, you are unique and inimitable. And you have your own path. If you still can’t compare yourself with others, then realize the fact that only the best is posted on social networks. The best thing is just a beautiful wrapper, but inside there may be problems and the like. But they are not put on display! So it seems that everything is wonderful on the outside, but you just have to dig... The solution is not to bother and not to envy, it’s pointless.

5⃣ Social networks deprive people of communication. Communicating online is much easier than in real life. Many of us are already afraid to get out of this cozy cocoon. We are gradually turning into domestic social phobes and sociopaths, depriving ourselves of the joy of real live communication. What other disadvantages are there of communicating on social networks? Yes, for every taste and color! For example, you wrote something important, but your interlocutor did not answer because he was busy. Everything is a nightmare - they ignore you! Or maybe someone didn't like you? This is a tragedy, how can we continue to live?! Probably each of us has experienced something similar.

What to do? Communicate more in real life and do not try to replace live communication with virtual ones. Communication on social networks is currently not able to replace a real meeting or spending time together. But social networks can easily add negativity. To avoid this, you just need to not sweat the small stuff and understand the illusory nature of virtual communication.


Like everything around, social networks have a dual nature. There is good and there is bad. So use the good, and try to leave the bad behind. This is a reasonable approach.

I take this opportunity to invite you to Lifestyle and Healthy Lifestyle page on VKontakte. Only necessary and high-quality information about happiness and health! Please subscribe!

More on the topic:

How to get rid of bad habits and acquire good ones? How to finish what you start? 7 recommendations The benefits and harms of green tea for the human body Health benefits and harms of pine nuts


Open your VKontakte news feed. How much is there! Group updates, new photos of friends, articles, “A new, unique community has appeared on VKontakte.” Quotes, jokes, pictures. Everything is interesting, and I want to see everything!!! You turn on your favorite songs and plunge into the vast ocean of texts, photos and videos...

So what's wrong with that?

1. Addiction from social networks. Yes, yes, exactly like that and without any excuses. On social networks, a person seeks pleasure - a “like”, an approving comment from other people, a “repost”, etc. In search of positive emotions, we go to the social network again and again. And - we often abuse it, forgetting about everything else :) Frequent visits also lead to other difficulties:

2. Soon there will be problems with concentration. You are constantly distracted. You check the social network over and over again for updates. You “jump” from one topic to another. You cannot concentrate on work or reading books for a long time. As a result, you lose productivity and efficiency. No, no, this is not “just a person like that.” Rather, it is “a person has spent too much time on social networks” (or, alternatively, on the Internet in general). In the language of scientists, this is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

3. Memory impairment. We read, listen and watch a lot on social networks, but much of it flies, as they say, “by the box office.” This condition is best described by the old saying “it went in one ear, out the other.”

4. Impaired critical thinking, decreased analytical abilities. When, tell me, should I THINK about what I read? Some psychologists advise not to start reading at all if a person is not ready to answer a few simple questions: “What is this text about?” What does it give me, what should I learn? Finally, “Is this true, am I being deceived?”

Recently, a Scottish scientist conducted an interesting experiment. His subjects had to solve a simple logic problem—one that could easily be found on social networks. The actual task:

Ball and bat cost £1.10. It is reliably known that a bat is one pound more expensive than a ball. How much does the ball cost? Most people automatically answer: £0.10! But who said a bat costs £1? We only know that it is one pound more expensive. In order to solve the problem correctly, you just need to “not believe” what is said (and really, you never know what an unfamiliar experimenter says?) and remember school mathematics. But people, alas, believe. Correct answer:

0.05 lbs.

Php","lockerId":1378,"tracking":"1","postId":226,"options":("demo":0,"credential":true,"actualUrls":0,"text": ("header":"\u041f\u0440\u043e\u0434\u043e\u043b\u0436\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0435 - \u043f\u043e\u0441\u043b\u0435... \u043b\u0430\u043 9\u043a \u0430! :)","message":"

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By the way, the experiment was not over. In the second phase, people were also asked to cope with the task, some of whom already knew the correct answer. When the result had to be reported, opinions changed rapidly as some people heard the results of others. Scientists summarize: we too often act “automatically” and groundlessly believe the first “authority” we come across from social networks.

And what are all these useful texts, funny photos, “clever” videos? Cute, tasty “chewing gum” that replaces complete food for the mind. “Quotes from the greats” will never replace a thoughtful acquaintance with the work of these great representatives of humanity. If you understand that intellectual work is becoming more and more difficult, perhaps you should go on social networks less often.

5. Dullness, indifference, feeling of “I don’t care about anything”. Our parents cried when they read an emotional text or a sad movie. We do this much less often - there is so much content (information) that emotions become dull. “Mental indigestion” occurs. As a result, healthy emotions are replaced by the main enemy of man - indifference.

6. Fatigue, vision problems(you are still sitting “at the computer” or the bright screen of a smartphone or tablet), overweight, cardiovascular diseases(due to a sedentary lifestyle).


Troubles regarding “personal data”

Social networks can harm not only the psyche, but also quite tangible things. Fill out your registration form at the end, social networks write. Tell us everything, everything, everything about yourself, post photos and videos, indicate your interests. It will be easier for friends to find you and find out what they didn’t know yet. To friends - and anyone else! An acquaintance of mine, an adherent of right-wing views, at one time posted nationalist pictures on his VKontakte wall. The guy works at a school. The offended student went ahead and “snitched” to the police! The first time, the acquaintance got off with a slight fright in the form of a fine. And he almost got fired from his job.

Your data is collected and carefully stored in various "Internet businessmen". In 9 cases out of 10, these are people who want to do nothing but “make money” from you by selling a miracle course. I will definitely write a separate article about them. For now, I’ll note that these people “knock” on friends, write letters about seminars and trainings, and promise mountains of gold. How will they find out about you? Because you indicated your city! Did you write your mobile number? Well, an unknown schoolboy hired by a self-development or business guru will enter the number into someone’s database, and you will be bombarded with SMS and advertising messages. They get money - you get nervous, and if you buy something from them (oh, these people know how to convince) - you end up with bitterness from a meaningless purchase.

Unsolicited information

This point is relevant for minors (“adult” content, swearing, dangerous ideologies), people with specific diseases (shopping addiction, gambling addiction). There is a lot on social networks that it would be better not to see.

Waste of money

This is especially true for Fotostrana and Odnoklassniki, which are simply obsessed with pumping out money for services. VIP status? Requirement to pay to see girls ready to meet? 5 plus? Rise to first place in the rankings?

What is this all about? You will “feed” the entrepreneur, get momentary pleasure - and the next day you will realize that you spent ABSOLUTELY in vain. But you still have to go and earn new money... Don’t do that. Seek quality pleasures, friends!

Crime - virtual and real

A cunning scammer can force you to download a malicious program. This is done simply - write a text in the spirit of “Hey, look, here’s a cool video!” The message comes from a friend’s page, which has already been hacked. The trusted user goes over - and then he is asked to download the player, without it he cannot watch the video. Not suspecting a catch, the person clicks on the “download” button - and that’s it, you get a virus. I remember well how a couple of years ago I revived a friend’s computer, which had crashed for a similar reason.

What’s more, there is a very real danger. Blind dates, which are very easy to arrange through a social network, can end sadly for a girl, including rape.

No, why? Follow the principle of “eating to live, not living to eat.” For example, do not go to “contact” and others like it more than 1-2 times a week. I don’t think that such a visit should last more than an hour (after an hour and a half, it is advisable to take a break from any activity, remember at least the classes at the institute). This is extremely general advice, and everyone can and should decide for themselves. Exceptions are possible for work purposes. For example, Twitter is very convenient for a news writer - the necessary information appears there very quickly. The main thing is not to move away from the list of sources into the general feed :). However, this is a slightly different topic, and it’s time for us to finish.

Transforming your favorite social network from a source of many hours of “hanging out” into “another site that I sometimes go to” will definitely benefit you. You will become a calmer, more attentive, thoughtful person and avoid a number of stressful situations. Sounds like it's worth it, doesn't it? If you agree, start right now! Dramatically limit your time on social media for one month and feel the difference!

More useful news - here!

Hello, dear friends!

With the advent of the Internet in our world, it has completely and radically changed. Social networks have outlined the vector of development in favor of total integration of web platforms.

And these platforms, in turn, taught us to surf in a sea of ​​information and opportunities, among which we can find communicating with people, listening to music, and even watching video films.

Another great feature is involvement in the lives of other individuals. Are you viewing photos? Share juicy comments and express your opinion without fear, right?

You have moved into the virtual world of communication with bots, real people and yourself, through social networks, which, like a web, have entangled every second person living on the blue planet. Some manage to make money by creating entire pages, groups and arrays on the site.

But have you thought about the harm that accounts, communities and publics have brought with them? The benefits and harms of social networks - which outweighs?

Undoubtedly, they are huge technological achievements that promise us many opportunities and benefits. But along with the pros, there also come the cons. I cannot say with ironclad conviction that social networks are harmful for children and adolescents, just as I cannot assure you that computer games should be banned.

With a healthy, disciplined approach to technology innovation, you can reap benefits, or even benefits, by making your life easier. Danger lurks just around the corner. This practice will not affect the psyche as completely as we think. What is the hidden danger and what is worth knowing about the social networks that are cleverly spread out in front of us?

Harm from social networks


Because spending time online fuels our pleasure zone in the brain, we want to spend time there constantly, developing an addiction.

A kind review or comment, along with a sweet and long-awaited like, strengthens the positive experience and we plunge headlong into the imagined reality.

The desire to get euphoria again is similar to the behavior of a drug addict. And so, we start our day by watching the news, continue our day at our usual address, and before going to bed, we can still be found there - on the social network.

We get used to this mode as quickly as quickly as our fingers learn to crack seeds. Sometimes it seems as if, when born, a child is already an expert in the user issue of social networks.

Receiving attention and a shock dose of enthusiastic “likes” forces us to search for content in a more sophisticated way, taking billions of selfies, which has long been recognized as a serious mental disorder.

And why all? Yes, because it’s nice to be in the spotlight of people who may not even know us directly. You can make friends with anyone! With the Pope, a pop star or a childhood friend. And everything is here - in the treasured icon located on the phone.

Have you noticed that the usual communication on the phone has been transformed into unsubscribing letters, electronic, soul-free phrases, supported by emojis that imitate the emotional response of the interlocutor?

Such surrogates have long become standards that are gradually replacing live communication and are a victory for bloggers who have found huge profits in this situation.

Even at the moment of a long-awaited meeting, we cannot afford to ignore the opportunity to “check in” at a cafe and present a photo with loved ones to the general public.

But be careful with personal and confidential materials that you transmit over the Internet, scammers are not asleep! For example, do not announce that you are going on vacation. Better post photos when you get back! Plus, you'll have more time to enjoy your trip.

Concentration of attention

Due to the fact that publications are small in volume, we are accustomed to absorbing information in minimal portions due to the fact that it has become difficult to concentrate. Lots of offers for business, home improvement, help to save lives and this is just the beginning!

Carrying out several processes at the same time is a side effect of using a social network. You can chat with a person, listen to music, mark your favorite posts and do all this at the same time. And this is far from the best method for increasing intelligence!

Waste of time

Instead of doing something useful, or just going for a walk in nature, we tie ourselves to the Internet, monitoring its speed and maniacally scrolling through the feed. This reduces intelligence, provokes the development of stress and completely cuts people off from reality.

Loved ones, children and even your grandmothers, can be part of the illusory world and, instead of enjoying each other’s company, prefer phantom content.

Benefits of social networks

Before expressing the pros, I will mention that if you notice an addiction, you should take action as early as possible and limit the time you devote to social networks. How to choose the most suitable platform for yourself?

In addition to the usual communities that we talked about earlier, there are platforms that help you find employers and enlist the support of HR, for example, LinkedIn.

  • speed of information search: finding the right individual, contacting it, or even finding an entire company is no longer a problem;
  • ease of communication and cost savings;
  • create your own circle of interests and share your thoughts with the world;
  • Receive important notifications about friends' birthdays or receive invitations to events in a timely manner.

Friends, this article has come to an end.

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Social networks, undoubtedly, can be both useful for a person and cause him considerable moral, physical and sometimes even material damage. Read about the negative impact of social networks on your lifestyle - perhaps you should already think about whether you organize your time online correctly.

The harm that social networks can cause


Many people get so used to spending time on social networks that, when they wake up, the first thing they do is check all their pages, “sit” on them while traveling in transport, during school or work hours, in each institution they look for a Wi-Fi connection point, otherwise and even experience an obsessive desire to check their account almost every ten minutes. Moreover, they often don’t notice it themselves or don’t consider it a problem, although addiction to social networks is already a recognized psychological addiction.

Communication on social networks contributes to the fact that a person slowly begins to abandon the outside world. Isolated or lonely people are especially susceptible to this. It is much easier for them to communicate on social networks, but the possibility of remote communication becomes a disadvantage when live communication completely disappears.

Information garbage

Also, the huge amount of available information makes it difficult for a person to concentrate on one thing and he very quickly begins to lose patience - which can lead to attention deficit disorder.


On social networks, people not only communicate with their friends, but also track the pages of old acquaintances, former lovers and friends, popular bloggers, celebrities, etc. Every day they watch the lives of other people on social networks and see other people’s successes and achievements, which Many people feel envy and dissatisfaction with themselves.

Watching someone else’s “ideal life”, social network users may experience stress from the fact that society expects the same success from them, moreover, this can lead them to depression.


Being on social media can take a lot of time. For some, fifteen minutes a day is enough to check their account; for others, fifteen minutes an hour is not enough - after all, they need to write a message to someone, re-read the entire news feed, like photos, etc. As a result, an active user of social networks begins to procrastinate, does not go to bed on time, which is why he gets tired, suffers from lack of sleep, or even even from insomnia.

If you are constantly in front of a computer, laptop or mobile device, you can significantly damage your vision and worsen the condition of your spine, muscles and joints.

Fraud on social networks

You can suffer from scammers not only on social networks, but almost anywhere on the Internet, but social networks increase this likelihood significantly.

Many people provide real information about themselves on social networks, which makes it much easier for scammers to collect data about their victims and then use it to deceive. They can also hack your page and use it for their own purposes.

The benefits of social networks

  • Social networks help restore connections between people. Thanks to them, each user can try to find his old friend, acquaintance, former classmate or distant relative. In addition, people can communicate with each other from different parts of the world.

  • Social networks also make it easier to find new acquaintances and friends for those who are embarrassed to make acquaintances in real life or fail in face-to-face communication. A written form of communication is better for many people, and thanks to a page on a social network, you can immediately get an idea of ​​what the user looks like, what he is interested in, who he communicates with, etc. - this will help you determine in advance whether you will like such a person or not.
  • In addition to communication, social networks offer users a huge amount of content: photos, videos, news, articles, audio recordings and more. All this is collected in one place, so it will be faster and more convenient for the user to search for the information he is interested in.

  • Recently, social networks have made it possible to promote your business. They will also help you find an audience of viewers for the results of your creative hobby, which can later be monetized: this opportunity is used by photographers, artists, video bloggers, etc.

We told you what exactly are the harms and benefits of social networks, and whether you can control your time on these resources in order to enjoy only their benefits, or give them up completely out of harm’s way - the choice is yours.