Let's look at what temperature records in the world and the places where they were recorded. In other words, this selection is 10 hottest and coldest places on earth.

To begin with, I propose to consider the coldest ones. These places are generally considered to be the coldest on Earth. Brrr – I wouldn’t want to live there (:

  • Antarctica. Vostok station.

This station belongs, as you probably already guessed, to the Russians. This is where it was recorded coldest temperature. A significant date is July 21, 1983, then there was severe frost, and the thermometer showed our planet's record -89.2 °C. And now a little more specifically about this place: the altitude is 3.5 kilometers above sea level, the station is located in the area of ​​one of the largest lakes in the world: Lake Vostok of the same name. Naturally, the lake is not on the surface, it is located under the ice at a depth of 4 kilometers.

  • Canada. Eureka station.

This research station often call the coldest populated area in the world. -20 ° C is the average annual air temperature, and in winter it usually drops to -40 ° C. This station is intended as a meteorological station and was created in the middle of the last century.

  • Russia. Yakutia. Oymyakon.

Well, this place is already in the North: 350 km from the Arctic Circle to the south. Was recorded here lowest temperature record for the Northern Hemisphere-71.2 °C (1926). Which confirms Memorial plaque, installed after this event.

  • USA. Denali (Mount McKingley).

This one high point North America. Mount McKingley is the coldest on Earth, its height is 6,194 meters.

  • Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar.

And this is already the coldest capital. The height above sea level is 1.3 kilometers. The thermometer very rarely shows temperatures above -16 ° C in January.

Well, we visited the most “icy” places. Personally, I wanted to immediately drink a cup of hot coffee or tea, but this is not at all necessary, because next we will go with you to the hottest countries. Well, let's continue!

So, hottest places in the world.

  • Libya. El Azizia.

Al Aziziyah is only about an hour's drive from Mediterranean Sea. And despite this it is very hot there. For example, on September 13, 1922, the days were so hot that the thermometer tirelessly showed 57.8 ° C.

  • Africa. Ethiopia. Dallol.

The place is 116 meters below sea level. And it is in Dallol that it is observed record high average temperature air+34.4 ° C. The area is covered with salt and is volcanic in nature, so nothing grows here and there is nothing living at all.

  • Libya. Dashti-Lut Desert.

It was in this desert that it was recorded highest temperature on the Earth's surface +70 ° C. This is a record!! This is the maximum temperature!! By the way, about the date: they were able to record such a temperature here twice: in 2004 and in 2005. This desert is one of the driest places on the planet. There is also nothing living here, including even bacteria. Just imagine: not even bacteria can survive there! But the dunes there are like in a fairy tale: they reach 500 meters in height and are the most beautiful!

  • USA. California. Death Valley.

This desert belongs to the second record for highest temperature: +56.7 ° C. The average summer temperature here is approximately +47 ° C. Death Valley is the driest place in the USA, it is surrounded by mountains and is located 86 meters below sea level.

  • Thailand. Bangkok.

The average annual temperature in this city is +28 ° C. The hottest time here is from March to May - the average temperature in these months is +34 ° C, and if you also take into account that the humidity is 90%, then this is in general (in vain I drank a cup of hot coffee all still (=).

Let's summarize. We visited amazing places: these were the places where we recorded temperature records, the lowest and the highest. Personally, I realized for myself: there is no need for extremes; and it turns out that I am quite happy with the climate of the place where I live, it can be both cold and hot here, but in moderation compared to the places listed above.

The maximum and minimum temperature of a person causes irreversible effects that can be fatal, so knowing the limits of the human body allows us to keep it in a healthy state. This is why it is important to know what the maximum and minimum temperature a person can have.

The normal human body temperature is considered to be between 36-37 degrees. Minimum temperature healthy person observed around 6.00 am. The maximum temperature can be recorded in the late afternoon, in the time interval 16.00-18.00.

Body temperature can rise or rise for various reasons: hypothermia, heat or sunstroke, the presence of various infectious diseases, ovulation period in women, stress, physical activity.

Our body adapts to temperature changes and protects itself in the following way: when the temperature rises, we begin to sweat more; when the temperature drops, the muscles begin to contract quickly, and trembling occurs.

Maximum human temperature

The maximum temperature for a person is considered to be 43 and above. At this temperature a person can die. A condition in which a person has a temperature above 41 degrees is called hyperpyrexia.

Hyperpyrexia is the body's most important defense mechanism. At high temperatures, the activity of leukocytes and phagocytes increases, which protect the body from viral and bacterial infections. Also, with hyperpyrexia, the production of interferon, an antiviral protein, increases, thanks to which the body’s cells become immune to viruses.

Hyperpyrexia occurs due to the penetration of viral and bacterial infections into the body. The harmful effects of hyperpyrexia include: dehydration, breathing problems, convulsions, irregular heartbeat, exhaustion, weakness, loss of appetite.

Maximum body temperature is especially dangerous for pregnant women, children, and the elderly.

Minimum human temperature

Minimum temperature A person's temperature is considered to be 15-23 degrees; when the body cools to this temperature, death can occur.

A condition characterized by a temperature drop below 35 degrees is called hypothermia. The main cause of hypothermia is hypothermia and areactive sepsis. Hypothermia caused by exposure to cold can cause frostbite various parts skin.

Symptoms of hypothermia include drowsiness, paleness, weakness and loss of coordination, slurred speech, difficulty thinking, apathy, loss of consciousness, weak pulse, slow shallow breathing.

Hypothermia is dangerous to your health and is a medical emergency.

A person's minimum and maximum temperatures are life-threatening conditions that can lead to death. Avoid hypothermia, treat viral and bacterial infections in a timely manner, undergo regular medical examinations, healthy image life - all this will help you avoid health-threatening hyperpyrexia and hypothermia.

Body temperature- an indicator of the thermal state of the human body or other living organism, which reflects the relationship between the heat production of various organs and tissues and the heat exchange between them and the external environment.

Body temperature depends on:

— age;
— time of day;
- effects on the body environment;
— health status;
- pregnancy;
- characteristics of the body;
— other factors that have not yet been clarified.

Types of body temperature

Depending on the thermometer readings, the following types body temperature:

— less than 35°C;
— 35°С — 37°С;
Low-grade body temperature: 37°С - 38°С;
Febrile body temperature: 38°C - 39°C;
Pyretic body temperature: 39°С - 41°С;
Hyperpyretic body temperature: above 41°C.

According to another classification, the following types of body temperature (body condition) are distinguished:

  • Hypothermia. Body temperature drops below 35°C;
  • Normal temperature. Body temperature ranges from 35°C to 37°C (depending on the state of the body, age, gender, moment of measurement and other factors);
  • Hyperthermia. Body temperature rises above 37°C;
  • . An increase in body temperature, which, unlike hypothermia, occurs while maintaining the body’s thermoregulation mechanisms.

Low body temperature is less common than high or high body temperature, but nevertheless, it is also quite dangerous for human life. If the body temperature drops to 27°C or lower, there is a chance that a person will fall into a coma, although there have been cases where people have survived at temperatures up to 16°C.

Temperature is considered low for an adult healthy person below 36.0°C. In other cases, a low temperature should be considered a temperature that is 0.5°C - 1.5°C below your normal temperature.

Body temperature is considered low which is more than 1.5°C below your normal body temperature, or if your temperature drops below 35°C (hypothermia). In this case, you must urgently call a doctor.

Reasons for low temperature:

- weak immunity;
- severe hypothermia;
- a consequence of an illness;
- thyroid disease;
low hemoglobin;
- hormonal imbalance
- internal bleeding;
- poisoning
- fatigue, etc.

The main and most common symptoms of low temperature are loss of strength and.

Normal body temperature, as many experts note, mainly depends on age and time of day.

Let's consider values ​​of the upper limit of normal body temperature in people of different ages, if measured under the arm:

normal temperature in newborns: 36.8°C;
normal temperature in 6 month old babies: 37.4°C;
normal temperature in 1 year old children: 37.4°C;
normal temperature in 3 year old children: 37.4°C;
normal temperature in 6 year old children: 37.0°C;
normal temperature in adults: 36.8°C;
normal temperature for adults over 65 years of age: 36.3°C;

If you measure the temperature not under the arms, then the readings of the thermometer (thermometer) will differ:

- in the mouth - 0.3-0.6°C more;
- in the ear cavity - more by 0.6-1.2°C;
- in the rectum - more by 0.6-1.2°C.

It is worth noting that the above data are based on a study of 90% of patients, but at the same time, 10% have a body temperature that differs up or down, and at the same time, they are absolutely healthy. In such cases, this is also the norm for them.

In general, temperature fluctuations up or down from the norm by more than 0.5-1.5 ° C are a reaction to any disturbances in the functioning of the body. In other words, this is a sign that the body recognized the disease and began to fight it.

If you want to know the exact indicator of your normal temperature, consult your doctor. If this is not possible, then do it yourself. To do this, you need to take temperature measurements over several days, when you feel great, in the morning, afternoon and evening. Write down the thermometer readings in your notebook. Then separately add up all the indicators of morning, afternoon and evening measurements and divide the sum by the number of measurements. The average value will be your normal temperature.

Increased and high body temperature is divided into 4 types:

Subfebrile: 37°C - 38°C.
Febrile: 38°C - 39°C.
Pyretic: 39°C - 41°C.
Hyperpyretic: above 41°C.

Maximum body temperature, which is considered critical, i.e. at which a person dies is 42°C. It is dangerous because metabolism in the brain tissue is disrupted, which practically kills the entire body.

Only a doctor can indicate the reasons for high temperature. Most common reasons are viruses, bacteria and other foreign microorganisms that enter the body through burns, disruption, airborne droplets, etc.

Symptoms of fever and fever

— Human body temperature (oral temperature) was first measured in Germany in 1851 using one of the first mercury thermometers to appear.

- The world's lowest body temperature of 14.2 °C was recorded on February 23, 1994 in a 2-year-old Canadian girl who spent 6 hours in the cold.

- The highest body temperature was recorded on July 10, 1980 in a hospital in Atlanta, USA, in 52-year-old Willie Jones, who suffered from heatstroke. His temperature turned out to be 46.5 °C. The patient was discharged from the hospital after 24 days.

What do most people know about human body temperature? The best part is that a temperature of 36.6 °C is considered normal. Of course, the facts published below will not be a discovery for knowledgeable people, but others will be interested in learning something new for themselves about human body temperature, according to Real Facts.
1. The hypothalamus is responsible for thermoregulation in the body, performing the function of a thermostat.
2. A person’s temperature changes by 0.5-1 degrees during the day, unless of course the person is healthy and does not artificially increase his body temperature.

3. A person’s temperature is different in different places where it is measured. For example, normal body temperature in the armpit is 36.5 °C; when measured orally (in the mouth), a temperature of 37 °C is considered normal. When measuring a person's body temperature rectally (anus), the norm is 37.5 °C.
4. The maximum permissible human body temperature is considered to be 42 °C. Upon reaching it, the metabolism in the brain tissue is disrupted and its cells begin to die.
5. Doctors consider the minimum human body temperature to be 25 °C. At this time, irreversible consequences occur in the human body. Although even at a temperature of 27 ° C a person almost always falls into a coma, a person’s cardiac activity and breathing are disrupted. But a temperature of 32 °C only causes chills and poses virtually no danger.
6. The highest human body temperature recorded in medical practice is 46.5°C. This temperature was recorded in an Atlanta hospital in the United States in a man who suffered heatstroke. Fortunately, the 52-year-old American remained alive and was discharged from the medical facility after 24 days. The source does not specify what condition he was in. However, we are sure that heat stroke seriously affected his health.
7. The lowest body temperature of a living person is 14°C. It was reported on February 23, 1994, rectally in a two-year-old child from Canada. Carly Kozolofsky was exposed to twenty degrees below zero for six hours. Fortunately, the child was saved.
8. For the first time, human body temperature was measured using a mercury thermometer in Germany in 1891.
9. The beginning of the twentieth century gave humanity the idea that lowering the constant temperature of the human body prolongs its life. However, this opinion has not found scientific confirmation.
10. With his consciousness and inner conviction, a person is able to increase the temperature of his body. There are cases where the opposite effect was achieved.
11. The temperature of the human body rises during mental work, stress, nightmares and sex.