Do you want to finally understand what human chakras are and what their significance is - to understand what the chakras are responsible for?
In this article we will try to give you a complete and detailed answer to this question.
Here you will find the most detailed description human chakras and their meanings. Simple and in clear language with pictures, photos and examples!

So, let's go!

Rice. 1. Human chakras and their meaning. What are the chakras responsible for?

What are chakras?
Why does a person need chakras?
Who even said that humans have chakras?
Well, an arm, a leg, a head, a silicone breast - it’s clear. They are visible to the naked eye and, if desired, can always be measured using a caliper.
What to do with chakras?
Who saw them, who measured them?
Who groped them?
What device?
And how to confirm these measurements?
Who can give a detailed description of the chakras, reliably tell about the human chakras and their meaning, as well as the peculiarities of the location of the chakras on the human body?
And most importantly: how to apply this information in practice?

What kind of animal is this so incomprehensible to science - chakras - and what do they eat them with?
Or maybe these are just inventions of a fevered imagination or some kind of heresy in general?
Chakras-chakras... Are they even real? They exist?
After all, most people, having heard the word “chakras,” begin to look at someone who had the imprudence to mention this word in their presence with some kind of unkind and wary gaze, twisting it at their temple and persistently wondering if he has ended up in a sect?

Well, let's figure out what human chakras actually are and what they are responsible for!

Fig.2. The most common reaction to the word "chakras"

What are human chakras? Myth or reality?

Please take a few seconds away from reading this article.
Look around you!
Look very carefully!
What do you see?
Notice anything unusual around you?
Well, besides the table, chairs, walls, ceiling...?
No...? Don't you see anything? Can't you hear? Don't you feel anything special?

Meanwhile, right now several tens or even hundreds of radio waves of various frequencies from mobile communication antennas are passing through your body and brain, wi-fi routers from neighboring apartments and offices, as well as waves of music and news FM radio stations.
But you don't see or hear them, right?
So maybe they don’t exist, maybe it’s all fiction, heresy, fantasy...?

Just a hundred years ago this is exactly what it would have looked like.
But now you can easily open your laptop, connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi without physical wires, listen to your favorite radio station on your radio and at the same time call your friend on your mobile phone to ask her if she believes in chakras and if she has them :-)

Rice. 3. Analogy between wi-fi connections and human chakras

So, as you see, not everything that really exists in this world is in the visible spectrum of human perception. But just because we don’t see it doesn’t make it any less real.

The same applies to human chakras.
It’s just that in order for them to become visible, real and tangible, they must be measured with special instruments.
Which ones? Read on...

The meaning of chakras. Where does a person get energy for his life?! What are the chakras responsible for?!

Chakras are special energy centers in the human energy structure, which are responsible for absorbing the spectrum of energy and information necessary for the body from the surrounding space, as well as for removing (releasing) energy and information from the human body.

That is, through a person’s chakras, a two-way energy-information exchange with the environment occurs.

The chakras filter and supply the body from the surrounding energy chaos with the necessary volumes of energy in their frequency spectra (each chakra works in its own frequency range and in its own individual coding), and also remove excess, spent or information-encoded energy from the human body (for communication with other ) energy.

Let's explain in simpler “human” language.

Where does a person get energy for his existence...?

Yes, that's right - partly from food!

But do you think this food eaten completely covers our energy needs?

How much can a person eat per day?

Well, 2-3 kg - no more. So it is known that a person covers the needs for so-called chemical energy by the food he consumes only by 10-15, maximum 20%! From food, the body also receives the building blocks for the regeneration of all organs.

Where does the rest of the energy come from?

If all our energy came from food, we would have to eat up to 40 kg of food per day!
In fact, almost 80% of energy comes to a person from the outside, through the so-called energy centers - chakras. Without such energy exchange with the environment, carried out through the chakras, a person would not be able to exist physically!

Fig.4. Human chakras and their meaning: 20% of the energy for the functioning of organs and systems is extracted from material world chemically: from food consumed. The other part of the energy (80%) is supplied to the human body by energy-informational means through energy centers - chakras.

Remember the Pareto 20/80 principle?
Energy extraction from food and from a person’s chakras is subject to precisely this natural ratio: a person receives 20% of energy from food (chemically), 80% through the chakras (energy-informational way).
This is precisely what explains the phenomenon of sun-eating: sun-eaters are able to exist long time without food due to a special energetic restructuring of your body at the level of the chakras and replenishment from solar energy (although here we should not forget that from food the body receives not only chemical energy, but also building elements for the regeneration of all organs and systems of the physical body).
Raw food diet and vegetarianism - here too.

But about nutrition - a separate conversation.
We are now talking about human chakras!
And, as you can see, their meaning is common system human life cannot be underestimated.

Rice. 5. The importance of chakras in the general human energy system (chemical + energy-informational) in accordance with the Pareto principle

Chakras. Description of operating principles

So, understanding the issues of describing chakras and their meaning for humans, we found out that chakras are energy centers that carry out energy-information exchange between the body and the human energy system with the surrounding space.

Figuratively speaking, through the chakras, a person “eats” the energy necessary for the body, and also releases (“excrements”) waste or unnecessary energy, which is then absorbed either by the plant or animal world, or by inanimate systems (systems with a low vitality/vitality coefficient: stones, minerals). The recipient of energy (and information) emanating from the chakras of one person can also be another person.

That is, detailing the description of chakras, we can say that a chakra is a kind of local energy-informational gastrointestinal tract of the body.

There are 7 chakras in total. Each of them works in its own energy-informational frequency spectrum.

Rice. 6. Description of the chakras in accordance with the model of the energy-information frequency spectrum

To make the description of chakras more understandable, we can say that human chakras receive and emit not only energy, but also information. This is why we talk about energy and information exchange through chakras.

Remember for a moment the school or college physics course, namely the section on electromagnetic fields and waves.

How is information transmitted? In encoded form: an information component is superimposed on the carrier energy wave using modulation. In the same way, information is received and transmitted in the human chakras. That is, an energy wave can be modulated by an information wave.

Rice. 7. Chakras: description of the principle of receiving and transmitting information (modulation)

The lower chakras of a person (1,2,3) are distinguished by the predominance of energy over information, the upper ones (6,7) - by the predominance of information over energy. Middle chakras (4, 5) - adapt the energy and information of the lower group of chakras to the upper ones and vice versa.

Any human chakra can be in 2 states:

  • in the phase of absorption of energy and information from the surrounding space
  • in the phase of radiation (release, removal) of energy and information from the body.

These phases alternate.

Rice. 8. Location of chakras on the human body

Location of chakras on the human body

Human chakras are located in the following areas:

Structurally, each chakra is a rotating cone about 3-5 cm in diameter. These cones narrow as they enter the human body and then “connect” to the main energy column - the spine (system bus - in terms of computer analogies).

Rice. 9. Chakra Cone

Chakras, in accordance with their location on the human body, supervise certain organs and systems, supplying them with energy (and information) from the outside and bringing out the spent energy (and information) of these organs.

As when breathing: inhale-exhale, oxygen - in, carbon dioxide - out. This way it is supported energy balance(homeostasis) in the body.

Therefore, by the quality of the energy mixture “exhaled” by the chakra and the frequency of “breathing” of each human chakra, one can judge the processes that occur in the organs and systems of the physical body.

A forced (or vice versa, slowed down) energy mode of operation of any human chakra - energy center - indicates a problem with the internal organs associated with it.

Rice. 10. Location of chakras on the “system highway”. Connecting the energy inputs of the chakras to the main human energy channel - the spine. Analogy with connecting peripheral devices to the system bus in computer architecture

Rice. 11. Chakras: location on the body and correspondence to the “supervised” organs, connection with the human endocrine and nervous systems

Rice. 12. Correspondence between the location of the human chakras and the glands of the endocrine system. Thus, energy-informational influences on the chakras affect the somatics of the body through the endocrine glands

Human chakras. Differences in chakra polarization in men and women

Chakras have differences in polarization depending on the gender of a person, which determines the different perception of the surrounding reality by men and women. More details about this in this video: