Hello, friends! At the moment, many users of the social network Vkontakte have not only their own page, but also a group. You can also be an administrator of one or more of these. In any case, you are responsible for the community content: checking comments, publishing entries, expanding the audience.

And of course, when adding a certain number of entries every day, the question may arise: how to clear the wall in the group? This is what we will talk about now.

In order to delete all posts in the VKontakte group, we will use a special extension for the Instrumentum browser. For example, I will delete all entries from my creation “My first group”.

To delete them, open the Google Chrome browser and go to your VKontakte page. I’m showing this browser as an example, since I downloaded the extension from the Chrome Online Store.

An icon for the installed extension will appear in the upper right corner of the browser - click on it. Then click on the “Log in via VKontakte” button.

The following window should appear. At the top right you will see your avatar and profile name. For the extension to gain access to your account, click on the “Allow” button.

Click on the Instrumentum icon again. The main window will open. Click on the “Community” item in it.

In the “Community” line, select from the drop-down list the community whose wall you want to clean. In the “Criteria” item, mark with a marker what exactly needs to be removed. After that, click “Delete entries”.

Return to your VKontakte page and open the group from the wall of which you just deleted all posts. I have cleared it, and instead of publications the message “No news yet” is displayed.

That's all, we deleted the posts in the VKontakte group. Moreover, you now have an interesting extension installed, which has many other functions, but if you no longer need it, you can .

If you know any other ways to clean a wall in the VKontakte group, write about them in the comments.

For more than 3-4 years now. During this time, your wall could have accumulated a lot of posts that you reposted or published yourself. One day you will want to delete them all and clear your wall of old posts. Now we will tell you how to do this in 10 seconds, even if you have a lot of posts on your wall.

How to clear a wall on VKontakte using the Google Chrome browser?

This method does not require any programs, nor will you need any additional programming knowledge. As usual, we simply use the login "View code". And so we open the VK page on which you want to delete all posts on the wall. Right-click on the wall itself from above and select "View code".

In the open window, go to the tab "Console", and place the cursor at the very bottom of all codes.

Then copy this code and paste it there. Then click Enter:

var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div")onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall, 1000);

The script will automatically start deleting entries, then just restart your computer and everything will be deleted, and your wall will be empty. If the script does not run on , try on .

There is also another way to clear posts from the wall on a VK page. Via plugin VkOpt. It is very easy to download the plugin by simply typing it into the search.

After installing the plugin, restart the browser and go to your wall. Enter the tab "All entries" and at point "Actions" choose "Clear the wall"

Cleaning will occur within 20-30 seconds depending on your number of records.

Greetings, dear friends! Almost each of us has a page on the VK social network. Due to its enormous popularity, a lot of advertising, spam and other things have appeared on the site that clog not only our personal messages, but also the wall.

In this material I will tell you how to quickly clear a wall in VK of all entries with one click. Of course, I will make a simple instruction for novice users, which describes the process of standard deletion of an entry. But our main task is to delete all posts from the wall at once.

Helpful advice! In your privacy settings, you can control who can post on your wall. For example, if you allow only your friends to make posts, then you are unlikely to be bothered by advertising and spam.

How to clean a wall in VK quickly

I will talk about the following methods:

1. Deleting a post on a wall is a standard method for novice users.

2. Clearing the entire wall in the Mozilla browser.

3. Clearing an entire wall in the Chrome browser.

4. Browser extensions that clear the wall.

5. Standard way to clean a wall

For some reason, the VK social network does not provide for complete wall cleaning. We are asked to delete entries one by one. Of course, this is convenient for those who do not have many messages on their page. However, if you want to clean the entire wall at once, then proceed to the following methods. To delete a message, we need to hover the mouse over the desired entry. After this, two icons will automatically appear in the upper right corner: “Edit” and “Delete entry”.

We are interested in deleting, so select the desired icon (cross) and left-click on it, as shown in the screenshot below:

Before the first page refresh, you will have the opportunity to restore a deleted post or send it to spam. This way you can delete all posts on the wall. But you must admit, this will take too much time. Therefore, many of you, of course, will have a question: how to clean a wall in VK quickly and very easily?

If you need to delete only part of the records, then other methods will not help you - you will have to manually clean the wall. Script methods allow you to clean the entire wall at once. Don't be intimidated by the fact that you will have to work with scripts. The instructions are simple, even novice users can handle it. Let's start looking at interesting ways that will help you know how to clean a wall in VK quickly.

Delete all entries in the Mozilla browser

Today, users of computers and other gadgets choose either “Mozilla Firefox” or “Google Chrome”. You ask: “What about Opera, Yandex Browser, etc.?” Opera has been running on Google Chrome's engine for a long time. Of course, it has its own features, but in terms of software, these browsers are practically no different. This also applies to Yandex Browser, Amigo and other clones.

And now about the removal. Launch the Mozilla Firefox browser and go to your page on the social network. In any free space, right-click and select the item called “Examine Element”, as shown in the screenshot below:

Now open the “Console” by clicking on the corresponding item in the browser menu. There you will see a line where you need to insert a script (a script is several commands aimed at performing a specific chain of actions).

Here's what we need to copy and paste:

Just select this text, right-click on it and select “Copy” (Ctrl+C) from the context menu, then paste it into the console line - right-click on it and select “Paste” (Ctrl+V) (Paste to where number 2 is in the figure).

Be prepared for your browser to warn you not to use commands you don't know about. To bypass this protection, you must enter “allow insertion” in the line. The entry must contain only these two words - no quotation marks or periods.

After that, insert the text indicated above again. After this action, the process of deleting all posts from your wall on the social network will begin. When the wall is completely clear, you will need to close the console and reload the page.

Helpful advice! If you're proficient in Java, you'll be interested in clearing the wall with Firefox extensions called Firebug and Greasemonkey. The principle of operation of the extensions is approximately the same, so you can choose any option.

How to clean a wall in VK quickly using browser extensions

If you don't like doing things manually, you can try browser plugins and add-ons. Be sure that there are extensions for any browser that allow you to perform various manipulations with the VK website. It cannot be said that it is easier to delete entries using browsers, because the methods described above take no more than five minutes.

We will focus on an extension called “VKopt”, which is used by Google Chrome users. First you need to download the plugin. To do this, go to the extensions menu.

There you can find this extension in the search. Why did I choose this plugin? The answer is simple: it is present in the official Google Chrome store, which means it is safe. Therefore, I recommend that you choose “VKopt” if you don’t want to remove the wall manually. You can also go to the official VKopt website and download the extension for other browsers.

I will show you the removal process using Mozilla Firefox as an example.

After installation, reload the page. You will see new functions that you can further understand. We are interested in “Wall”, which is now at the bottom of the menu. Click on it and select “All entries”.

At the top right you will see an Actions button. You need to select "Clean" the wall and confirm your decision.

How to clean a wall in VK quickly in the Google Chrome browser?

The method described below is also suitable for Yandex Browser and Opera. Many users are intimidated by the word “scripts”, which is associated with programming. But in reality, all the processes are simple; clearing the wall of messages will take you a few minutes if you use today’s instructions. I will give an example using a Yandex browser.

Launch the browser and go to your page. IMPORTANT: to delete all entries, you must be in the My Page section (vk.com/id*****). This method is performed almost exactly the same as in the Mozilla Firefox browser. On an empty space, right-click once and select View element code in the context menu - the screenshot below will help you with this:

After that, you will see the developer tools on the right side of the screen. You can study them later, now we just need to go to the “Console” (Console). Sometimes users have a problem when they do not see this item. The point here is the small resolution of your screen. To open the console, click on the arrow located in the top line - after this, all the items that do not fit will appear on the browser screen.

We need to enter the following script into the console line:

var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ( "(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";");eval (fn_arr_2);if (i == z.length)(clearInterval (int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval (del_wall, 1000);

After this action, press the “Enter” key on your keyboard. Here, unlike Mozilla Firefox, we will not need to confirm our actions. After pressing the key, deleting all entries will begin automatically; the browser will spend approximately 1 second per entry. This is the most effective script that allows you to delete all entries, not just those that are currently visible on the page.

After the cleaning is completed, errors will start popping up in the console - don’t worry, the script just can’t find posts on the wall that have already been deleted. Now you need to close the console and reload the page. If this is not done, the browser will continue to try to delete entries. Done, your wall is now completely clear of posts.

I would also like to present to your attention another method that will allow you to clean your VKontakte wall quickly and without any programs. Watch the video below, which shows everything in detail.

And here is the actual code that you need to insert:

java***script:var h = document.getElementsByClassName("post_ac tions");var i = 0;function del_wall ()(var fn_str = h[i].getElementsByTagName("div").oncl ick.toString ();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split ("());var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split (";");eval (fn_arr_2) ;if (i == h.length)(clearInterval (int_id))else(i++ ));var int_id=setInterval (del_wall,1000);

So, to summarize today’s article “How to clean a wall in VK quickly,” it should be noted that the extension is quite convenient, so I recommend that you look into it in detail. It will be easier for you to work with your page on a social network. This is especially true for those who spend a lot of time in contact. For example, you can take administrators of groups and public pages.

That's all, I hope that my instructions helped you, and you will now know how to clean a wall in VK quickly thanks to the methods described above.

If you once registered on a social network such as VKontakte a long time ago and are a fairly active user who often reposts all sorts of posts to his wall, likes friends’ posts, adds photos to the wall, etc., then over time your wall becomes like a collection of all kinds of spam. It is logical that the question may creep into your mind: “How to clean a wall in a VK in one fell swoop, and most importantly, is it possible to do this efficiently and quickly?” We will answer this question briefly: “YES, it is possible.”

You only need to take into account one thing: it is impossible to delete all posts from the wall using the built-in functions of VK; for this you will have to use third-party resources, which you will learn about after reading this article.

Important: before you decide to delete all entries at once, make sure that you know exactly your password for your page and the email to which it is linked. And the phone with the number that was linked when registering your account is at your fingertips.

Important: There is a certain chance that the VK administration will consider your page to be hacked and may block it.

How to remove a wall (its contents) using plagiarism?

This method is the easiest to use, and all because you do not have to manually enter any additional values. All you have to do is install one of the plugins suggested below:

- PluginVkOpt is the most popular browser extension for working on VKontakte. It has huge functionality: downloading music, video or photo album, and can also clear the page at once in one click. Another undoubted advantage of this plugin is that it can work on almost all currently popular browsers, such as opera, google chrome, yandex browser, amigo, Orbitum, etc.

After installing the plugin, you need to make some adjustments to the functionality. To do this, click on your mini-avatar in the upper left corner of your page and find the VkOpt line in the pop-up menu. After this, the plugin menu will open, where you can make the desired settings.

Well, after this it’s time to start doing what you want, namely: deleting all posts at once. To do this, find information on your page about the number of your entries and click on it with the left mouse button. After which an additional menu will open where you can delete all posts with just one click.

- Instrumentum plugin, this is another great extension with which you can not only delete all posts from your wall, but also get rid of (delete) all your friends in one fell swoop, and also, on the contrary, accept all requests at once. The only downside is that it works on browsers that are based on the Webkit engine core.

For its functionality, install the plugin from the extension store and log in to it via VK. After that, click on the plugin icon, which is located to the right of the address bar and find the line “Deleting posts on the wall.” After that, select which records should be deleted: all, your own, or records of other users and click “Delete records”.

How to delete entries using a browser script?

At first glance, this method may seem complicated and incomprehensible, but it is not, there is nothing complicated about it and now you will understand why.

The first thing you will need to do is right-click on an arbitrary location on the VK main page and select “Explore element” in the additional context menu. Then select the "Console" tab.

Now you need to copy the following code into the tab that opens:

"var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div")onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str.split (“(“);var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(“;”);eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval(del_wall ,1000);"

And press “Enter” - the page cleaning process starts.

vkontaktewallcleaner program

After installing this program, first of all you will be asked to log in (you cannot skip this point), after which in the main profile window, find the “Cleaning” section. After this, the program will offer everything that it can remove. You also need to select the “Clean the wall” item. After the operation is completed, the corresponding notification window will pop up.

Numerous posts, notes from acquaintances and friends, congratulations and other information accumulate on the wall over time in huge quantities. Sooner or later, it will be difficult to find an important link or an interesting entry among it, so many users are thinking about how to quickly clean the VK wall and do it as efficiently as possible.

The seemingly simple task of deleting posts from a VKontakte wall seems so only until the moment when the page owner needs to remove a hundred or even more posts. The settings that the VK network offers currently make available only one way to do this - by manually selecting and deleting each post or entry. If there are a large number of such records, it will take quite a lot of time.

Previously, a similar option was available on the network itself, but for security reasons, the ability to clear the entire wall in VK was disabled at once. If an attacker gains access to a user’s page, he can permanently delete all data with one touch, and many people may have a large amount of valuable information stored there.

Immediately before deleting all entries on the VKontakte wall, you need to check your own registration data that is required for access - recovery phone number, passwords, etc.

This may be required to restore access if it is blocked by the administration. Deleting information en masse looks suspicious from a security point of view and your account may be suspended.

How to clean a VK wall using Chrome

The Chrome browser is one of the most popular browsers among users all over the world. It is the one that is used by default to access Vkontakte, and further instructions for deleting posts are given using its example. The first method of clearing a VK wall does not require additional extensions, scripts and other utilities for implementation and is used only thanks to the built-in browser tools, which in our case is Chrome.

  • First, you need to go to the main page of your network account and then go to the “My Page” section.
  • Move the cursor over any empty field, press the right mouse button and activate the browser function “View element code”.
  • The abundance of different symbols and commands should not alarm you. In the menu that appears, or rather, in the upper part of the field with the code of the element being viewed, there is a “Console” tab. We go into it by clicking with the mouse pointer.
  • Now we need to insert a special script into the open management console - code written in Java Script, which will allow us to delete posts from the VK wall. The script itself (var z = document.getElementsByClassName("post_actions");var i = 0;function del_wall())(var fn_str = z[i].getElementsByTagName("div").onclick.toString();var fn_arr_1 = fn_str .split("(");var fn_arr_2 = fn_arr_1.split(";");eval(fn_arr_2);if(i == z.length)(clearInterval(int_id))else(i++));var int_id=setInterval (del_wall,1000);).
  • After entering it, you need to press “Enter”, thereby starting its work. All existing posts on the wall will be deleted sequentially. Social status on the network, as well as personal photos and other information will not be moved or changed.

While the script is running, the system may display an error message that a specific record was not found. Since the script itself deletes all entries manually, with a frequency of about a second, if an error occurs, you need to refresh the profile page and the procedure will continue. Gradually, the executable code will be able to clear the entire wall in VK in a period of several seconds to 5-10 minutes, depending on the number of entries.

How to clear a VK wall in Firefox

Another popular browser is Mozilla Firefox, the use of which in order to delete all entries from the VKontakte wall we will consider below. This browser, as well as Chrome discussed above, also provides the ability to view page code and download executable scripts with the only difference being the location of the control elements. To quickly remove a VKontakte wall, you can not install extensions, but try to do it according to the instructions below.

  • Log in to your account and go to the “My Page” menu.
  • Right-click on any empty field without links or other data.
In the browser context menu that opens, go to the “Examine element” item
  • In the same way, go to the similar “Console” menu and transfer the above code to the line. It is cross-platform and independent of the browser itself.
  • The Mozilla Firefox browser will warn the user about the possible consequences of using third-party scripts and applications, so it is possible that you will have to refresh the page and re-enter the code.
  • After the cleaning procedure is completed, you will need to close the console tab, exit the social network and restart the browser.

How to clean a VK wall using extensions

A method is also available to clear the VKontakte wall completely using special browser extensions. They operate in a similar way, with the only difference being that the user does not need to write the script himself, but simply press a key in the browser menu and activate the extension. This method of deleting all entries in VK differs in that:

  1. does not require you to independently search and enter a script in order to delete everything from the wall in VK;
  2. more safe;
  3. extensions can provide the user with additional customization options.

As you know, the browsers discussed above have the ability to install additional extensions that perform certain functions. Today there are a huge number of them, so with their help you can greatly facilitate the work, including removing the entire wall in the VK at once.

One of these extensions is the VKOpt add-on, which gives the user access to manage his page with great opportunities for optimization

This add-on is suitable for many popular browsers, and can be found in the company's application store for Chrome, Mozilla and other platforms. Among other functions, you can use it to quickly clean your VKontakte wall, customize the display of certain elements, manage downloads, edit a post on the VKontakte wall, and more. To do this you need to do the following.

  1. We install the extension from the application store of the selected browser or from the official website of the project.
  2. Go to your VKontakte page in the “Posts” section.
  3. To delete all posts on VK, click the plugin menu “N entries” and after that the “Actions” menu will appear above all entries, where the function buttons for editing them are located.


Now you know how to clean a VK wall.