For many of us, the real power of the current government is in question. Almost every person has thought at least once about who controls the world in reality, because behind any power there is always some other powerful organization.

Choosing a government ordinary people they believe that they can influence the course of events, although everything has already been decided long ago. In fact, the highest levels of power in any country are planned, skillful decorations, deliberately created by world rulers for their own purposes.

The most mysterious organization, around which there are many legends, is the Society of Freemasons. He is credited with running the global financial system, and some people strongly believe that the United States is not only connected to this organization, but is also controlled by it. These speculations do not have direct evidence, but the fact of the existence of Freemasons and their influence on the international economy cannot be denied.

The desire of secret dynasties for world domination can be traced back to ancient times. However, it was only after the end of World War II that they created a powerful banking system. With its help, they were able to influence the development of the economies of different countries.

By the way, global economic crises do not occur by chance either. With such powerful levers of control in their hands, secret organizations can influence the policies of any state.

You can trace a clear hierarchy of world domination, which consists of 5 steps:

  1. Central control core. It consists of several people who are given supernatural abilities to communicate with the Higher Mind.
  2. The richest families and dynasties on the planet. They manage the main circulation of funds; government representatives of most countries are subordinate to them. According to their plans, wars or large-scale economic crises occur.
  3. Famous financiers, sheikhs, kings, presidents.
  4. Political officials, big businessmen, leaders of religious societies.
  5. FBI, police, GRU, army.

These 5 levels of government have a direct impact on humanity, although they constitute only 10% of the total mass of people. The remaining 90% are ordinary inhabitants of the earth who live their own lives, and most of them are not at all interested in the question of who really rules the world.

The Rockefellers are the most famous financial magnates

The Rockefeller dynasty consists of politicians, bankers, financiers, and industrialists. At its origins is John Rockefeller, who founded in 1870 oil company Standard Oil. He became famous after he became the first dollar billionaire on the ground.

success and great wealth it achieved due to increased demand for petroleum products. Rockefeller gained power and authority after many years of hard work. He pursued an aggressive takeover policy, during which he bought the companies of his competitors, ruined them, created large concerns from several small ones and actually created a monopoly.

John Rockefeller was involved in charity work, financing medical institutions and educational institutions. His heir, John Rockefeller Jr., became involved in real estate. His famous office building was Rockefeller Center, and he was also involved in financial activities and was one of the owners of Chase Bank.

Today the head of the dynasty is David Rockefeller, a supporter of globalization and the creation of world governance. It raises troubling questions such as maintaining population levels after depletion natural resources, advocates for cleanliness of the environment and maintains a leading position in business. The Rockefellers are at the head of the following companies:

  • Xerox
  • Pfizer
  • Boeing
  • Exxon Mobil (oil concern)
  • New York Life (insurance company)

Many attributed to the family a connection with the Freemasons and control of the world. One thing is clear - these are special people who were able to build and maintain their fortune even in difficult periods and influence financial, banking systems all over the world.

Rothschilds - financiers who rule the world

The founder of the dynasty was Meyer Rothschild. The Rothschilds created business relationship, influenced the decisions of royal families, bankers, and financiers. The activities of Nathan Rothschild, one of Meyer's sons, include the sale of gold and the supply of raw materials for certain types of industry. As a result, the Rothschild financial empire became the largest creditor of many European countries even during the wars involving Napoleon.

Clever, well-thought-out moves that were several steps ahead of their rivals, and a well-regulated system for transmitting and receiving information allowed the family to make successful financial decisions and increase their wealth. The Rothschild Empire is one of the initiators of the creation of the American Federal Reserve System.

Many consider this family to be supporters of the “Jewish conspiracy” and attribute unimaginable legends and bloody stories. But taking a sober look at the history of the dynasty, it becomes clear that these people are successful businessmen who were somehow able to win the trust of many countries.

It remains unknown until the end what their goal is - to control the world or to destroy it. And if the power over the world is truly concentrated in their hands, everyone else can only hope that they will make their efforts to preserve and strengthen it, so that people can live in peace.

Families that rule the world

The list of the richest and most influential people on the planet is headed by three dynasties: the Slim family, Gates and Buffett.

Until recently, no one knew Carlos Slim Helu. But he managed to quickly burst into the world of wealth and even oust its leader, Bill Gates.

Contrary to legends, Slim did not make his fortune from scratch. The initial capital was an inheritance from his father in the amount of $400 million. For many years he was engaged in buying up bankrupt enterprises and giving them new life, turning it into a super profitable business. For this they began to call him Midas - in honor of the famous mythical king who turns everything into gold. Today his capital is estimated at $68 billion.

The Gates family is worth about $62 billion. The Microsoft founder actively invests in politics - he funds the US Democratic Party and is involved in charity work.

Some envious people claim that Gates' company makes huge profits due to its monopoly position in the global market. The American government not only does nothing to correct the situation, but also acts on the world market as a kind of representative of Microsoft.

Warren Buffett founded his first investment firm in 1956, successfully turning its initial capital from $100,000 into $7 million. He then bought shares of Berkshire's fading textiles company and quickly turned it into a profitable company.

His investment portfolio is replenished with shares of Gillette, Coca-Cola, McDonalds, American Express, Walt Disney, etc. Today, Buffett's fortune is estimated at $44 billion.

Who is at the helm of government?

The lion's share of the world's wealth, about 80%, is earned by 1,318 companies. They are headed by 147 major corporations, a significant part of which are financial entities and banks of the Federal Reserve of America.

Steve Jobs, Henry Ford, George Soros, Donald Trump – everyone knows the names of famous and influential people today. Do they all really rule the world?

Opinions differ between two categories of people. Some believe that:

Like all wealthy families, these dynasties have a profound influence on the global economy as a whole. They develop new industries, invest in innovations and inventions, donate money to charity and can defend their personal interests at the government level.

Most likely, these names and the history of the creation of their wealth are an example of how to build and save your business, resorting to the correct establishment of all processes and connections. After all, their main trump card is an accurate understanding of the situation and the ability to analyze informational resources, directing them in the right direction.

No wonder they say:

Whoever owns information has the power to rule the world.

Perhaps this is the main secret of the success and prosperity of these powerful families. But attributing to them control of the world and the desire for dominance remains controversial.

Supporters of the other side hold completely different views. Although modern world- a very complex system so that several people could manage it, but still for various reasons and, having strong evidence of this, many people are sure that this is exactly the case...

Who has power over all the earth and why has suffering, evil, cruelty and atrocity infested the world despite efforts to end it? The Bible exposes who controls human rulers and world powers. Book - Think and Grow Rich!

Is there someone behind all the evil?

“I shook hands with the devil,” these words were uttered by the commander of the United Nations troops in Rwanda, recalling the fact that he had not
managed to stop the massacre that occurred in that country in 1994.

Another eyewitness to those horrific events said: “If anyone still can’t believe that Satan exists, then I would like to meet this man at one of the mass graves in Rwanda.”

Are such atrocities really the work of the Devil?

Most people do not believe that there is an evil spirit being behind the senseless violence. Many people think that evil motivates people to be cruel,
inherent in human nature, and that main reason evil is our selfish essence.

Some believe that a group of rich and powerful people, forming a kind of shadow network, have been ruling the world for decades. There are those who blame all the suffering and injustice

What do you think? Why has suffering, evil, cruelty and atrocity infested the world despite efforts to end it? Why does humanity stubbornly follow the path of self-destruction, without thinking about the consequences of its actions? Is there someone behind all this? Who really rules the earth? The answer may surprise you.

Who rules this world?

You most likely have never met any of the heads of criminal organizations. Does this mean that there are no such people? Underworld bosses are masters at hiding who they really are and can even direct criminal activities while in prison.

However, when we read in the newspapers about drug wars, prostitution, human trafficking and much more, we understand: Seeing the harm that leaders cause to society underworld, we make sure that they exist.

So before we look in detail at what the Bible says about the Devil, let's discuss some misconceptions that plague many people.
believe that the Devil is a real person.

1. Could a loving God create the Devil?

Since the Bible says that God is good and perfect, it seems illogical that he would create an evil and vicious person.
This is what it says about God: “He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. He is a God of faithfulness, with no injustice, just and upright” (Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 5:4).

However, it is worth considering this: Can a perfect person created by God do wrong? God did not make anyone robots; on the contrary, he endowed his intelligent creatures with free will - the ability to make decisions independently.

Thus, they can choose between good and evil. In fact, if intelligent creatures, people or angels, without the ability to decide for themselves how to behave, always did the right thing, then their actions would have no moral significance.

It is reasonable to conclude that God would not give his creatures free will and at the same time restrain them from doing evil if they wanted to do it. Jesus, speaking of the Devil, “[He] did not stand in the truth,” implied that he had abused the gift of free will (John 8:44).

As can be seen from the words of Jesus, the one who became the Devil was originally a perfect spiritual person and “[stood] in the truth.”

Therefore, Jehovah God did not create the Devil. And the fact that he endowed his creatures with free will testifies to his love and trust in them.

Can perfect creation lose perfection?

The perfection bestowed by God on rational creatures is relative. Although Adam was created perfect, he had to take physical
restrictions set by the Creator. For example, he could not eat earth, stones or wood without causing harm to his health. What if he
disregarded the law of gravity and jumped from a high cliff, he would have fallen to his death or suffered serious injuries.

Likewise, no perfect creature - neither man nor angel - can go beyond the moral standards established by God without suffering harmful consequences. If an intelligent creature abuses free will, (Genesis 1:29; Matthew 4:4).

2. Is the devil a servant of God?

According to some, this is stated in the biblical book of Job. According to one work, the Devil's words, “I have wandered the earth,” are suggestive of Persian spies who traveled to gather information and report it to the king in whose service they were (Job 1:7).

But if the Devil really is God’s spy, then why did he need to explain to God that he “wandered the earth”? In the story of Job, the Devil
called Satan, which means “adversary,” and this indicates that he is the main enemy of God, but not his servant (Job 1:6).

Where does the idea that the Devil is God's servant originate?

In the 1st century AD e. in some apocryphal books - for example, in the books of the Qumran community "Rule" and "Book of Jubilees" - the Devil is depicted as the one
who bargains with God and at the same time submits to his will.

Historian Geoffrey Barton Russell wrote in his book Prince of Darkness that, in the words of Protestant reformer Martin Luther, “The Devil is
an instrument of God, like the scissors or hoe with which God cultivates his garden.”

Russell explained that “the hoe takes pleasure in cutting the weeds,” but it is in the hands of God and does his will. Luther's teachings
later adopted by the French theologian John Calvin, offended the sense of justice of many believers. They wondered: How can a loving God not only allow evil to happen, but want it to happen? (James 1:13).

3. The devil is nothing more than the personification of evil

For example, who did God speak to as described in Job 2:3-6? Was he addressing some abstract evil within Job, or was he talking to himself? Moreover, would God first praise Job for his virtues and then put him to the test?

To attribute this to God is to call him unprincipled rather than one in whom “there is no unrighteousness” (Psalm 92:15).

In contrast, God did not listen to the Devil, who, saying: “Please extend your hand,” asked him to harm Job. Absolutely
It is obvious that the Devil is not the personification of evil or the dark side of God's personality, but a spiritual creature who has become an adversary of God.

Who really rules the world?

Today many people think that believing in the Devil is old-fashioned. However, the dominance of evil in our world cannot be explained otherwise than by the existence of the Devil.

In addition, having rejected the idea of ​​the existence of the Devil, many rejected faith in God, and with it

“The best of all the inventions of the devil,” wrote Charles Pierre Baudelaire, the 19th-century poet, “is to convince us that he does not exist.” The devil, trying to make people believe that he does not exist, questioned the existence of God.

If there is no Devil, then responsibility for all evil falls on God, which is why many people lose faith in him. Isn't that what the Devil wants?

The Bible explains: “The God of this system of things has blinded the minds of [unbelievers] so that the light of the glorious good news of Christ, who is
image of God" (2 Corinthians 4:4).

One important question remains: How will God deal with the Devil, who is behind all evil and suffering?

The secret ruler of the world exposed

According to many Bible translations, the expression "evil spiritual forces" does not refer to some abstract evil, but to powerful wicked ones
spiritual personalities.

In some translations this expression is rendered as “ evil spirits in heaven" (Bishop Cassian's translation) and "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly world" (Good News).

Therefore, the Devil rules the world through other rebellious angels who have “forsaken their proper habitation” (Jude 6).

The prophetic book of Daniel shows how these “rulers of the world” have exercised their authority since ancient times. Concerned about the well-being of his fellow tribesmen, who in 537 BC. e. returned to Jerusalem from Babylonian captivity, the prophet Daniel prayed for them for three weeks. The angel sent by God to console the prophet explained why he could not come earlier. He said, “The prince of the kingdoms of Persia resisted me twenty-one days” (Daniel 10:2, 13).

Who was this “prince” of Persia? Obviously, the angel was not talking about the Persian king Cyrus, who favored Daniel and his people. Moreover, how could an ordinary person resist a spiritual creature for three weeks if the angel once destroyed 185,000 warriors in just one night? (Isaiah 37:36).

This hostile "prince" of Persia could only be a minion of the Devil, that is, a demon who was given power over the Persian Empire. God's angel then said that he would have to fight again with the "prince of Persia" and also with another demon, the "prince of Greece" (Daniel 10:20).

What conclusion can be drawn from this? The invisible “rulers of the world,” the demon princes, actually exist. They obey their master
Satan the Devil, and rule the world divided between them. What is their goal?

The ruler of the world shows his true colors

IN last book In the Bible, Revelation, the Apostle John describes how Jesus, the Archangel Michael, triumphs over the Devil and demons. Next he
explains what terrible consequences for the earth their expulsion from heaven turns out to be: “Woe to the earth... for the Devil has come down to you in great anger,
and he knows that he has little time left” (Revelation 12:9, 12).

How does the Devil's anger manifest itself?

Just as many hardened criminals follow the principle of “rule or destroy,” the Devil and demons, doomed to destruction, are determined to destroy the earth and people.

Knowing that his time is short, Satan uses one of the main components of the present system of things, big business, to instill
consumerism that leads to depletion of natural resources and destruction environment, and this threatens the existence of humanity
(Revelation 11:18; 18:11-17).

In addition, the inherent nature of the Devil is reflected in politics and religion. In the book of Revelation, political
powers are portrayed as beasts to whom Satan has given “great power.”

Since then, the Devil knows that there is little time left before his destruction. Although the whole world lies in his power, millions of people are not deceived by his desperate attempts to bend them to his will.

The Bible opened their eyes to his true nature and intent (2 Corinthians 2:11). They take comfort from the words of the Apostle Paul: “God, who gives peace, will soon crush Satan under your feet” (Romans 16:20).

“The former things will be remembered no more,” the Bible says (Isaiah 65:17).

What a relief will be experienced by all who are freed from the power of the secret ruler of this world!

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Let's talk about the actions of the Jews in strategic terms. As already mentioned, the Jews, after their dispersion throughout the world, could not have the material and technical base, the real strength of weapons, and the number of Jews in comparison with all the peoples of the world is simply incomparable. Simply put, the Jews could not enter into a fight with all of humanity with swords and spears. We have already said in the words of the Apostle Paul: “What is the advantage of being a Jew, or what is the benefit of circumcision? A great advantage in all respects, but especially in the fact that they have been entrusted with the word of God.” Therefore, always and first of all, Jews could only fight at the level of words. And they know well from the beginning that consciousness is controllable, and if consciousness is controllable, then the environment is controllable.

Therefore, the main activity of the Jews was aimed at creating and introducing into humanity ideas (anti-words), which, being instilled into the consciousness of people, would chain them into certain models of existence, as a result of which this would lead them to decay, corruption, impoverishment, enslavement, discontent, rebellion, hostility, anarchy and, ultimately, self-destruction. That is, the creation and introduction into humanity of ideas that lead humanity to deposition, to a base state at the level of lower sensuality, instincts, passions, consumerism, slave labor, etc., as a result of which for the Jews there appeared real opportunity domination over peoples. Ideas of democracy, economic ideas of Marx, ideas of communism, ideas of revolutionary transformation of the world, etc. worked well for the Jews.

And above all, the ideological sphere was important for Jews. And therefore, most of all, Jews worked in theology, philosophy, lawmaking, literature and poetry. The “Judaizing heresy” was introduced from century to century into all Christian religions. The Jews successfully engaged in profaning Christianity, leading people away from faith to reason, and successfully tilted religions towards a distortion of the Gospel truth. “Planting religions” and reorienting them towards Kabbalah was the main task of Jews in all nations. Jews have always made great efforts to initiate legislation, to create laws pursuing the narrow goals of Jewish hegemony and introduced them into all societies, and have always fought for amendments to existing legislation and constitutions. This has always been and is to this day the first and “holiest” thing for Jews in all nations. Since Jewish lobbyism (“to act secretly, to intrigue, to engage in fraud, as well as to influence and manipulate”), as a means for the adoption of laws pursuing the selfish goals of the legislator, has always been strong.

The Jews managed to extol and introduce into humanity the goals of lower physical existence: science and art (the Renaissance) and, accordingly, managed to introduce into the consciousness of people a scientific materialistic rethinking of the world, up to a return to paganism (pagan holidays and folk traditions, demonstrations, carnivals, absurd idolatry), which made it possible to introduce atheism into humanity, as a result of which humanity was thrown away from faith in God and was actively led to decay.

The Jews managed to return humanity to the Hellenic idea of ​​democracy, they managed to create a “conventional unit of the majority” (democracy), which they used well for their own purposes. That is, the creation of democracies and the principles of separation of powers allowed Jews to fight monarchies in a civilized manner and make their way to the thrones, and then again, on the basis of the “crisis of parliamentarism,” delegate legislative initiative to their presidents. The Jews managed to divide the peoples into the aristocracy and the plebs, into masters and slaves and contrast them with each other (“divide and conquer”), through which huge masses of people in riots and revolutions exterminated their monarchs and their aristocracy, and the Jews skillfully taking advantage of this came to power over peoples.

The Jews managed to create and introduce into the people the ideas of patriotism and the superiority of one nation over another, to fence off peoples from each other with sovereignties and borders and, alternately pitting one people against another, to incite wars. The exhausting wars of peoples mutually weakened each other, which served to strengthen the Jews. And the achievement of “pre-revolutionary conditions” through ideological, economic and political sabotage, as the achievement of overstrain for the people, when the upper classes cannot govern in the old way, and the lower classes cannot live in the old way, has always been a panacea for Jews for all ills. And also, the creation of overvoltage and the improvement of rights as an illusory liberation. It was through this that peoples were led to riots and revolutions. The achievement of a “pre-revolutionary situation” today for the whole world, when all governments of peoples cannot govern in the old way, and all peoples cannot live in the old way and the formation of a social worldview towards a new world order is the last step in the historical struggle of the Jews for dominance over everything humanity, for the reign of a super-king of Jewish blood over the earth. And all this is “sanctified” by their “holy” purpose.

And all this is the implementation of the Kabbalistic laws of the Tetragrammaton, such as the Law of Self-Assertion of Substance in Creativity, the Law of Transmission Quaternary and other laws of Kabbalah, based on which the Jews historically turned all peoples into a passive environment for insemination with their active principle. The theoretical power of the Jews over the world, being initially comprehended and confirmed by the promises of God, given by God Himself to their fathers, and knowledge through the occultism of the objective laws of the universe, and then throughout history being wisely translated into practical volitional and strong implementation of this theory into real existence, leads the Jews to magical power over all humanity to this day.
In making such statements, we do not have the slightest need to go deeper into this global theme. It is not suitable for people and is not conclusive on a human level. But this will be proven to all humanity by the appearance on earth of the Great Tribulation, the rise of the Antichrist and the revelation of the Great Judgment of the Lord by the Second Coming of Christ.

Interesting words that frankly convey a thought powerful of the world this relative to the rest of humanity: “Man does not tolerate anything that goes beyond the ordinary... We should all be the same. Not free and equal from birth, as the constitution says, but simply that we should all become the same. Let people become like each other like two peas in a pod; then everyone will be happy, because there will be no giants next to whom others will feel their insignificance... If you don’t want a person to be upset about politics, don’t give him the opportunity to see both sides of the issue. Let him see only one, or even better - not a single one... Fill people's heads with numbers, fill them with harmless facts until they feel sick - nothing, but they will think that they are very educated. They will even have the impression that they think that they are moving forward, although in reality they are standing still. And people will be happy, because the facts with which they are stuffed are something unchangeable. But don't give them such slippery stuff as philosophy and sociology. God forbid if they start drawing conclusions and generalizations.”

It is this scenario that is being embodied on Earth. Every inhabitant of the planet is literally inundated with useless and false information; it seems to him that life is becoming more complicated, and there is less and less hope of understanding the intricacies of information chaos. With the advent of multi-channel television and the Internet, the brains of many people who cannot think for themselves have fallen into a state of conceptual uncertainty. People think in a standard way, speak in a stereotyped way and do not have a definite, self-made opinion.

A receptive information field has already been created from humanity for waging virtual information, psychological and psychotronic wars in order to gain power over the whole world.

How to be to the common man in such situation? Learn to see truth in simplicity. Remember algebra: if you reduce the numerator with the denominator, the right and left sides of the equation, the mathematical expression simplifies and becomes understandable. It’s the same in life. In the end, behind the mask of a forest of false words lies the simplicity of the plan.

The life of the entire civilization and each individual person depends on politics. Today, many have already guessed that politics is made not by public heads of state, not in parliaments, not in fiery debates, but in the brains of individual people. There are not many of them. But it is there that ideas are born that then shake the whole world.

Nothing comes from anywhere on its own. Everything has its previous roots. By understanding the past, you will understand the present and predict the future.


In any group of people, even a temporary one, a leader immediately stands out. The relationship between the leader and the crowd comes down to a simple goal - the desire to command. Some people like obvious public leadership, others prefer informal shadow leadership, “gray eminence.”

Power and money are two sides of the same coin, a kind of two-faced larva. Every ancient prince understood this perfectly. The essence of any power is racketeering and protection. The prince protected the territory with the population, imposing tribute (tax) on the people. That's why they were called subjects. The owner is the owner. The word "power" comes from the word "to own." The sovereign is the owner of everything. If a state loses property, it loses power and collapses. In this case, the people become the slaughtered victim. Today, many states, in a fit of demagogic liberalism, have squandered people's property. Their fate is sad.

In the Middle Ages, many secret Masonic organizations (orders) appeared. There are many names, but the goal is the same - to seize power from legal sovereigns, reshape the world and establish world domination, globalization, a “new order”. The same people headed or belonged to different organizations, which suggests that there was (and is) one secret, coordinated community of powerful people. These people are few. Units. Only they know the true secret goals, the rest of the numerous members are just pawns in the hierarchical pyramid of blind executors.

One of the most influential legal Masonic organizations is the Vatican. He himself created various orders or patronized them. Sometimes, as happened with the Templars, he betrayed them.

Masons are romantic because the knightly myths that they created for themselves create an aura. But these are just myths that can be easily deciphered by a thoughtful analyst who owns methodological tools. The owners themselves hardly believe in the virgin birth, resurrection, the Holy Grail, the sacredness of the head of John (the Templars were accused of secretly worshiping a certain bearded head), etc. Fairy tales were invented for neophytes and other people. Undoubtedly, the mythology was created by high professionals. But the technology of myth-making itself is understandable. Freemasons shroud their myths in an aura of occult mystery of some kind of super-knowledge. This betrays them and suggests that in the depths of Freemasonry there are no worthwhile philosophers, for anyone more or less familiar with Hermeticism understands that no one has ever hidden all the so-called esoteric secrets: they have been lying openly for centuries and are accessible to everyone.

Masons (masons) call themselves followers of the guild of those ancient masons who created temples. This is the external side of the myth. Even the owners of the lodges, obsessed with money and power, do not know that their name comes from the “stone” chain of archetypes sewn into the field genome. Only the lonely ancient magi, who owned the secret of the philosophical “stone” - the runic genome, could call themselves true masons. It was the Magi who possessed real hidden power over the world, for their thoughts are capable of influencing reality. But, having reached the pinnacle of spiritual development (the magic of the subconscious), the sorcerer understood that he was just a conductor of God's will. Here the sorcerer is deprived of power and not deprived, for his will coincides with God’s, and strives to merge his personality with God. Self-sacrifice of one's will and freedom in the name of merger is not a sacrifice of one's Ego, but a qualitative rebirth. This is the true goal of the sorcerer. So the desire of the earthly Masonic princes of the world for world domination is just a dream of something that is not understood. Masons (like the church) only have access to ritual magic - the lowest level. And all their so-called initiation levels are a propaganda bluff designed to recruit simpletons.

What do we see today? All the same. From the abundance of secret societies, we will highlight those that are the most influential at present (some of the information was collected by Michael Benson in the book “Inside Secret Societies”). You know that the dollar rules the world. And the rest without comment.
Jekyll Island Group

On November 22, 1910, exactly 53 years before the assassination of President Kennedy, a group of 7 people who owned 25% of the world's capital gathered on Jekyll Island to plan the organization of a central bank. They were: Frank A. Vanderlip, who later became president of the National City Bank of New York, who represented the Rockefeller family at the meeting, Abraham Pitt Andrew, who later became Secretary General of the United States Treasury, Henry P. Davison, who represented J. P. Morgan, Charles D. Norton, president of the First National Bank, Benjamin Builds; another Morgan aide, Nelson W. Aldridge, chairman of the national finance commission and father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., Paul Mortitz Voburg, who represented M. M. Voburg's banking system in Germany and the Netherlands.

The result of their meeting was the Federal Reserve Act, which was signed by President Woodrow Wilson on December 23, 1913. The Federal Reserve is a centralized bank owned by individuals from whom the United States borrows money.

It is said that the founding of the Federal Reserve legitimized the activities of a secret government, which includes richest people peace. The Federal Reserve system prints US currency. The only president who seriously proposed changing the Federal Reserve system so that printing money was no longer its responsibility was Kennedy.

As A. Ralph Epperson writes in his book The Invisible Hand: An Initiation to the Secret Version of History, multimillionaire banker Meyer Rothschild said, “Give me control of a nation’s money and I won’t care who makes its laws.”
Trilateral Commission

The plan to create a Trilateral Commission was first proposed in 1970 by the head of the Department studying Russia at Columbia University Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was convinced that the need for cooperation between the governments of Asia, Europe and North America is constantly increasing. In the world of global communications and economics, there will soon be a need for a single government for the entire Earth.

“The concept of national independence is no longer viable,” he believes.

Brzezinski adds that this single earthly government will be financed by “a single tax system for the entire Earth.”

Brzezinski first presented the idea of ​​creating a Trilateral Commission at a meeting of the Bilderberg group held in Belgium in the spring of 1972. The meeting at which the commission was to be organized was held in July 1972 at the Rockefeller estate near Tarrytown, New York. The commission was officially created on July 1, 1973. David Rockefeller became its chairman. He previously served as chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. Brzezinski was elected North American founding director.

Living up to its name, the Trilateral Commission acquired three headquarters - in New York, Paris and Tokyo. It is governed by an executive committee of 35 members. Meetings are held approximately once every nine months. The commission's activities are funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Ford Foundation, Time Warner, Exxon, General Motors, Wells Fargo and Texas Instruments.

The Trilateral Commission believes that too much democracy in politics can be dangerous. The commission's paper, published in 1975 under the title "The Crisis of Democracy", stated that democracy works best in a "moderate version". To prove this, the commission argues that too much democracy weakens a country and makes it unable to respond quickly enough to a crisis. To put into perspective the direct relationship between the Trilateral Commission and national government policy, it is worth remembering that one of the authors of this document, Harvard professor Samuel P. Huntington, later became the Council's planning coordinator. National Security under President Jimmy Carter, and in this position helped create the Federal Agency for emergency situations(a civilian group that has the right to take over the government of the country in emergency situations).

The Trilateral Commission has been called a "cabal" of powerful people who want to rule the world with the help of international corporations. One of those who felt this was Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican senator who lost to Lyndon Johnson in presidential elections 1964

Goldwater said: “What the Trilateral Commission really wants is to create a worldwide economic power superior to the power of the government of any of the countries in the union. As the creators and leaders of this system, they will rule the world."

Among the members of the Trilateral Commission is Alan Greenspan, who has been chairman of the Federal Reserve since the Ronald Reagan administration.

As for Ronald Reagan, it is worth remembering that when he ran for president in 1980, one of his opponents was Republican candidate H. W. Bush. Reagan was very critical of Bush's membership of the Trilateral Commission and the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). However, as we now know, having won the election, Reagan not only made Bush vice president, but after Bush was elected president, during the transfer of power it turned out that out of 59 people on Reagan’s team there were 10 members of the Trilateral Commission, 10 members of the Bilderberg group and 28 members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

Despite the fact that the commission regularly publishes a list of its members and documents in which it expresses its official position on various issues, most of its internal activities are classified. Its meetings are held in private.

Grigory Yavlinsky spoke at one of the meetings of the Trilateral Commission. Theses of his speech (London, March 11, 2001):

"How Russian politician I would have to talk about problems modern Russia. However, given that we live in a period of globalization, and Russia is participating in this process, I would like to say a few words about the global economy.

The Russian economy has many internal problems, but it is largely influenced by the West. The Russian economy is influenced by many reasons, both internal and external. Every year at the beginning of January my team analyzes the results of the past economic year in Russia and in the world to understand in which direction development will begin in future. A similar analysis was made for 2001.

Contrary to the calming and quite optimistic forecasts, we note dangerous trends in the development of the US economy and express concern about the consequences that this may have for the economies of other countries. The results of our research, conclusions and forecasts are as follows:

1. Already in December 2000, the US economy entered a period of recession;

2. Already at the end of 2000, US banks began to reduce lending volumes on a large scale, interest rates on low-quality (risky) securities jumped sharply, thereby increasing the gap between interest rates on high-quality securities and low-quality securities to the highest level. high level since 1990;

3. The American economy will not be able to overcome the recession until at least early 2002, despite interest rate cuts undertaken by US Federal Reserve Chairman Allan Greenspan and tax cuts proposed by President George W. Bush;

4. This year, the United States may face an increasing number of bankruptcies, which will increase the number of unemployed people by more than 4 million people;

5. Interest rates on both short-term and long-term loans will fall, and the dollar will also weaken;

6. The stock market will see the S&P 500 index fall below 990 and the NASDAQ 100 index fall below 1600 this summer before moving back later this year in anticipation of an economic recovery;

7. A recession in the United States will have a serious impact on the economies of other countries, especially emerging market countries, the lion's share of whose GDP comes from exports to the United States;

8. Economic recovery in both the US and other countries will be very weak in 2002.

Of particular concern is the creation and collapse of a bubble economy in the Internet-related high-tech sector. When companies can raise capital without much effort or expense, the allocation of capital investments becomes inefficient, leading to a lack of positive results. Thus, in the 80s, Japanese companies managed to attract huge funds almost for free, and we know well how this ended for the Japanese economy. The situation is different in the US, but we should not underestimate the impact of a possible collapse of the high-tech bubble economy on the economy as a whole.”

Of course, G. Yavlinsky did not reveal anything new for the powers that be; he was politely listened to and thanked. The very fact of Yavlinsky's presence at the meeting of the Trilateral Commission should have puzzled Russian analysts. Why did he suddenly cave in to the Masons? And they apparently drew certain conclusions.
Federal Reserve

The Federal Reserve is a privately owned central bank that prints and sells the United States' currency. When the news says that the United States has trillions of dollars in debt, what they mean is that the people of the country owe that money to the Federal Reserve. Members own the bank richest families. The Chairman of the Federal Reserve is Alan Greenspan, who is also a member of the secret society known as the Trilateral Commission.

The law that created the Federal Reserve was passed by Congress largely thanks to the efforts of Senator Nelson Aldridge, who was David Rockefeller's maternal grandfather. It is said that the birth of the Federal Reserve marked the end of economic freedom in the United States. The reserve was owned by the twenty richest families. TO today nothing changed. The Federal Reserve shares, each generating about $150 billion in revenue each year, are still owned by descendants of the same families.

As stated on the official Federal Reserve website: “The Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States, was established by Congress in 1913 to provide the people with a safer, more flexible and stable monetary and financial system.

The Federal Reserve faces four major challenges today:

Implementation of national monetary policy,

Supervision and management of banking institutions and protection of consumer rights to obtain credit,

Maintaining the stability of the financial system and

Providing certain financial services to the US government, financial institutions and foreign official organizations.

The Federal Reserve system, the income tax (16th Amendment), and America's participation in World War I were all due to the efforts of the same small group of people, almost identical to the Jekyll Island Group.

Only two United States presidents advocated a free economy: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy. Both were assassinated: Lincoln in 1865 in Washington, Kennedy in Dallas, Texas in 1963.
Bilderberg Group

An interethnic group of members of the ruling elite of Europe and North America, who may be plotting to subjugate the rest of the world to their power. Like the Knights Templar before them, this group appears to be fighting for the unification of Europe. Among other things, this group contributed to the conclusion of the Treaty of Rome, which led to the emergence of a pan-European market and the euro, a currency common to the entire continent.

Both the composition of the group and its activities are classified. The center of this organization, fighting for the unification of Europe, is located in Holland. The group does not have an official name. (The name might help track the group.) It is informally called the Bilderberg Group because it was first discovered during a meeting at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland, May 29-31, 1954.

And although meetings of Europe's ruling elite date back to the 1940s, the group itself was not officially organized until the early 1950s. It is believed that the founding father of the Bilderberg group was the Polish socialist Dr. Joseph Hieronymus Ratinger (whose middle name translates as “involved in the occult sciences”). Another one of the founders was the Dutch Prince Bernard. In the past, the prince was a member of the fascist SS, and then, having married favorably, became the main owner of shares in Dutch Shell Oil.

At first, the United States was represented in the group by S. D. Jackson, publisher of Life magazine, associated with the CIA. Jackson is known for being a special adviser on psychological methods conduct of the war under President Eisenhower, and the fact that a few hours after the assassination, Kennedy bought the Zapruder film and defended the official version of the assassination, refusing to release the film for public viewing. [Abraham Zapruder, who became one of the eyewitnesses to the assassination of J.F. Kennedy, managed to capture the entire event on film.]

The current member of the Bilderberg group is Alan Greenspan, who since the Ronald Reagan administration for a long time was Chairman of the US Federal Reserve System. The group includes both men and women. Some of them are members of the royal families of Europe. The royal families of Great Britain, Sweden, the Netherlands and Spain are rumored to be associated with the group.

The Bilderberg group has connections with many secret societies that have special influence. The group's chairman, Lord Peter Carrington of the UK, is also president of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, which is in turn a department of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

According to Dr. John Colman, the British secret service MI6 created the Bilderberg group as a branch of the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

[The Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) is the British branch of the society, the American branch of which is known as the Institute international relations. The group was founded on May 30, 1919 in Paris, as the first step towards creating a one world government after the end of the First World War. Some say that they wanted to extend British rule over the entire Earth. The creation of the group was the idea of ​​President Woodrow Wilson's advisor, Colonel Edward Mandel House, and a group of international bank owners. This group absorbed a pre-existing secret society called the “Round Table” (named after the legendary Round Table of King Arthur and his knights). Meetings of RIIA members took place at Chetnam House, St James's Square, London. Much of the money and power behind this group, as was the case with the Round Table, belonged to Cecil Rhodes, who owned most of the diamond mines in South Africa.]

Another famous name mentioned in connection with the Bilderberg group is David Rockefeller, of whom writer Jim Mars said: “He is the link between the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg.”

The dollar is not only world currency, but also a symbol of modern globalization. The dollar is decorated with symbols of esoteric teachings. The number 13 is repeatedly repeated on the banknote, which in Kabbalistic symbolism means the mother letter M. In the left corner of the bill, above the inscription “The great seal”, there is a Masonic pyramid of 13 levels of initiation. The pyramid itself symbolizes the hierarchical unity of world power, which is determined by the top of the pyramid - a luminous Masonic triangle with the eye of the “great architect of the universe” or, in other words, the eye of Sirius. The truncated pyramid is a symbol of the strict hierarchy (and not democracy) of the world order established by the “free masons”. It expresses the goal and dream that Freemasonry is predetermined by the role of the world elite, the ruling clan, the “chosen people” to whom God promised to give all the power and all the values ​​of other goyim nations.

The slogan “Annuit coeptis novus ordo seclorum; MDCCLXXVI" means "A new order of the ages has been ordained; 1776" in a global empire under the rule of the dollar. On right side banknotes, the American eagle holds a shield with 13 stripes, in the right paw there is a symbol of peace - an acacia branch with 13 leaves and 13 flowers, and in the left - a symbol of war - a bunch of 13 arrows. In the eagle’s beak there is a ribbon with the traditional Masonic slogan of 13 letters: “E pluribus unum” (“Out of many, unity”). The Kabbalistic Star of David of 13 pentagrams - five-pointed stars - hovers above the eagle.

A little about the Kabbalistic sign M. Masons wear ritual aprons stylized to resemble this letter. By the way, Email Google is decorated with the Masonic logo M. In the runic, the sign M stands for the rune Ehwaz. This is the 7th arcana of the Tarot system. He corresponds to the Egyptian god Set, who killed his brother Osiris. This ancient Egyptian allegory means the murder of the spiritual by the earthly, which is a sign of Satanism. Therefore, the Masonic “Order of Set” existing in the secret community is considered satanic.

The dollar received its modern appearance in 1928. The design of the dollar bill was developed by emigrant artist Sergei Makronovsky. Many (including Wikipedia) write that Nicholas Roerich is hidden under the pseudonym of Sergei Makronovsky. However, no documentary evidence of this fact was found from reliable sources. But rumors are not groundless. Try to analyze it yourself. N. Roerich is an outstanding, mysterious and ambiguous personality, in his youth associated with the interests of various intelligence services. He has become wiser with age. If you carefully read him and Helena Roerich (wife), you will see lengthy discussions about teaching, about the code of devotion of students, hints about a certain sacred teaching of living ethics “Agni Yoga”, but... there is no teaching itself. Disappointedly, you close the book with the question: “Where is the teaching itself, about which there is so much agitation?” But this is exactly how (essentially advertising) texts are written that are intended to create sects, orders and lodges. N. Roerich’s article “Epidemics” (Beijing, 02/12/1935) testifies to his interest in psychotronics, and E. Roerich openly called for the mastery of psychic weapons.

The banknotes were introduced into circulation under President Franklin Roosevelt in the late 30s of the 20th century on the initiative of Vice President Henry Wallace. Conversations about Masonic symbols on dollars began immediately. And with good reason, because it is no secret that the founders of the United States were Freemasons. Masonic symbols are present on all US government buildings.

The dollar is recognized as the world currency and the master of the world. The reason is not only economics. The dollar has long been not backed by either gold or the industrial power of the United States and has already become an empty bubble. In fact, Americans are quietly buying up all the valuables in the world for empty pieces of paper that they themselves print (20 families of the “chosen people”). This is not an obsession, but a worldwide Masonic conspiracy (or conspiracy). Nevertheless, the dollar continues (for now!) to remain coveted for any inhabitant of the planet. Why? Read about the fact that sacred logos influence reality regardless of our belief or disbelief in mysticism in the article “Magic and Political Technologies” I won't repeat myself.

You can’t think of a better way to distribute Masonic specific signs into the hands of everyone than through money. “And I saw another beast [money] coming out of the earth; he had two horns [wealth and power] and spoke like a dragon... And he will make sure that everyone - small and great, rich and poor, free and slave - will receive a mark on right hand their [money] or on their foreheads [power], and that no one will be able to buy or sell except the one who has this mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Let's think about it

From birth, each of us feels like we belong to our people, to our language. Every inhabitant of the planet wants his language and his people to live. The more languages ​​(peoples) there are on Earth, the more customs and rules of life, the richer and more diverse the culture of humanity. Each nation has its own idea of ​​life, inherited from its ancestors, and its own protected shrines. Therefore, every nation resists unification and the imposition of other people's views and values. It's in the nature of things. “Re-educating” peoples means enslaving them.

The people can only protect themselves with the help of the state. Others effective ways the story didn't come up. You can preserve yourself as a people with the help of ideology, as the Jews did with the help of their scripture. But do all peoples have their own scripture? The result of centuries-old information wars (imposition of foreign religion, Inquisition, religious wars, crusades, etc.) peoples have lost their ancestral heritage. Almost everyone is unified and herded into the stall of several religions. Globalization did not start today. Note that in ancient times people were tolerant of the views of their neighbors and of dissent at home. Even the Jew Solomon encouraged worship various gods. Today, all religions are intolerant of each other and look askance at competitors in the struggle for flocks. Why? Because everyone is infected with the Masonic virus of world domination. Where can some Siberian shaman go: he has long been labeled a filthy pagan. Smart people have long given up on everything and gone into internal opposition to everyone, into their inner temple, looking for the truth in ancient legends. And they find it.

Compared to the time of civilization, the institution of the state is quite young. We know that in ancient Hellas every city was sovereign. There were many kings. There was no common state of Greece. So is Rus'. The Scandinavians called us Gradaria - the country of towns and cities. What is a city (city)? This is a fenced, enclosed, fenced place. That is, each sovereign city lived its own life under the control of either a council of citizens (veche), as in Novgorod, or they invited a prince.

I'll digress. European occultists interpret the Hagalaz rune as hail - a piece of frozen water that fell from the sky. They heard the interpretation from the Russian Magi, but did not understand the meaning of the Russian word “grad”. Because the Hagalaz rune is the archetype (principle) of separation of a part from the One whole, enclosure, enclosure, separateness. I digressed from the topic to give you a hint about the lost and forgotten Russian heritage of great knowledge, in comparison with which all borrowed religions are just naive children.

The owner of everything that exists on the territory where the people live must be the people. Then he is free and independent. Then he is united and patriotic. Then he will lay down his life to defend his own.

They say: “Common means no one’s, ownerless, lifeless. And what has an owner is profitable and alive.” Don't believe it. You are being fooled by a Masonic false postulate. The vitality of the economy does not depend on the form of ownership, but on the mind and conscience of managers. Private enterprises are also successfully going bankrupt and dying. And the diligence of a hard worker depends on the stimulation of his work, and not on the form of ownership: it makes no difference to him whether he works for the state or for the owner. Why are they fooling you? Because they want to destroy the state.

If the state is without property, it is without power. It is a chatty, impotent, disrespected dummy. Many states have already lost their sovereignty. They are controlled by international oligarchic corporations. The President of the United States is only so cool in appearance. In fact, he is a puppet in the hands of the shadow rulers.
Kennedy was once defiant. Got a bullet. With this in mind, all of Europe stands at attention. And there are no rulers beyond the reach of Masons. No ruler is confident in his surroundings. No one knows how many secret chevaliers and horsemen of various orders and lodges there are in his country. Have you noticed that the media have long been occupied by a certain category of people who broadcast as if they had undergone the same instruction somewhere? In a very strange way, the oligarchs turned out to belong to this category.

With the collapse of the USSR, Russia was suddenly loved and despised. Now they hated and respected. Why? Because Putin began to take the stolen property into the hands of the state. Because he contrasted the world's empty paper dollars with real energy resources as a means of politics. Because he doesn’t run to the “Washington regional committee” for advice. Because in a real international situation he creates a modern state-corporation. There is no other way today. And it's hard work. Russia cannot be saved with balalaika patriotic songs about the spirituality of the people. You can only enjoy conversations when someone does the dirty work for you: creates, builds, feeds, protects and... thinks.

As an intelligence officer, he understands the ins and outs of the Masonic meaning of international politics without a touch of naivety. The result of his reign is obvious. Are you unhappy? Don't you agree? Could you do better yourself? Everyone has learned to speak, because every cook these days is a politician who demands that he be publicly consulted, but try to make it so that corruption, our national scourge, has disappeared, and all citizens of Russia became virtuous, well, at least 80%, if not all. Will you do this if you are suddenly lucky enough to come to power? If you do, then the Golden Age will come for Russia.
Is the West reproaching Putin for the secrecy of his plans? He is doing the right thing in that he and his entourage (the brains of Russia) are thinking about it without leaking information. Real politics are done in silence. Just like any worthwhile endeavor.

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