Watching a Libra and Gemini couple, compatibility in love, is like watching an intellectual drama by Bernard Shaw. These two are incredibly smart, which is what attracts each other. But their relationship often turns into a battle of wits and resembles walking on a tightrope, where every wrong step takes your breath away. Undoubtedly, this is a dizzying sight, but the question involuntarily arises - where is the love here?

What could stop them from being together?

Geminis are rarely capable of deep feelings. They tend to jump from one romance to another with the same ease with which butterflies flutter from flower to flower. Thus, Geminis are looking for the ideal life partner. The main thing for this sign is intellectual compatibility, and he finds in Libra a partner whom he can easily understand.

Such a union is wonderful for creativity, friendship, and adventure. But family is more than that. When it comes to important decisions, it is quite difficult for the ever-doubting Libra to make them, and for the changeable Gemini to carry them out. Thus, both have many reasons to blame each other for impracticality and unwillingness to deal with pressing matters.

Libras are great at complicating things. They spend a lot of time trying to predict different variants developments and evaluate all consequences. Geminis, on the other hand, simplify everything they can and live in the moment. Unlike Libra, they act without unnecessary thought and rarely regret anything. Of course, Libra tends to accuse Gemini of being unreliable, and Libra seems indecisive and cowardly to Gemini.

Libra and Gemini get along well until they have something to argue about. Both one and the other are selfish and too focused on themselves. They lack listening skills. In the absence of a strong emotional connection, such inattention to each other's experiences can lead to mutual confrontation and rupture of relationships.

Gemini and Libra have a lot in common, which can help them create a long-term union:

  • brilliant mind, common interests, love of novelty, creativity;
  • wide social circle and active social life;
  • optimism, sense of humor and cheerfulness.

Both are sensual and open to love experiences. This relationship is full of romance and tenderness. Their sexual relationship, like aged wine, tends to become... better year from year. And this is already a serious argument to be together.

In this pair, great responsibility lies with Gemini. Libra is a sophisticated and creative person who responds to every emotional impulse of Gemini. If things don’t work out, it means that the frivolous Geminis have missed out on a wonderful partner, one of the best for them in the entire zodiac circle.

If Gemini intends to start a family with a representative of the Libra sign, he will have to reconsider his frivolous attitude towards life and responsibilities. Libra expects natural things from a partner - fidelity and reliability, and they will not agree to anything less. In return, Libra will be an ideal life partner, gentle, caring and willing to compromise. If Gemini hasn’t had their fun yet, then you shouldn’t fool Libra – it could cost them dearly.

Being under the influence of the elements of Air, Libra and Gemini often regard compatibility as love relationships as a reason for a frivolous affair. However, the stars say that if Gemini and Libra have the foresight to see the true potential of their union, then this couple can expect many years of happy life together. But such insight and the ability to work on relationships comes only with age, so only mature Gemini and Libra, ready for change and personal growth, should enter into a relationship.

The dual zodiac signs Libra and Gemini have a lot in common, which allows them to quickly get along with each other and build relationships quite successfully. These signs strive with equal passion for fun, carefree and idle life and at the same time completely alien to hard physical labor. As for everyday life, Libra and Gemini are not very organized, although representatives of Gemini show great mobility and adaptability in this matter.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra in love relationships

The relationship between Gemini and Libra could be called ideal, but there are still stumbling blocks that can destroy love and lead the couple to separation. In order to preserve their feelings, these signs should work on themselves and learn to be responsible, develop together and look at the world more realistically.

This couple is completely immersed in the world of dreams and fantasies, preferring it to the realities of life. They try to shift the problems that arise onto each other and do not want to burden themselves with anything. The Gemini woman goes through life very easily, not obeying rules and laws. Such independence is even liked by Libra, who receives tremendous emotional support from their partner. A couple where the man is Libra and the woman is Gemini may cause bewilderment among others, but they feel so good and comfortable together that they can claim full compatibility in love and maintain feelings throughout your life.

The Gemini man and the Libra woman have almost perfect compatibility in love, but their feelings can quickly cool down if she, having fully recognized his leadership in the relationship, forgets about her development and plays the role of the victim. Gemini will quickly get bored with this, and he may switch to another woman. Such feelings can only be saved general activities in the intellectual sphere, which will provide the basis for long intimate conversations and debates.

Sexual Compatibility of Gemini and Libra

This couple is indifferent to manifestations of animal passion, and the technical aspect of sex is not important to them. Gemini and Libra crave sensuality, romance, and leisurely enjoyment of each other. They also like to play with each other and try something new in their sexual pleasures. These signs always feel good in bed, because they do not encroach on each other’s freedom and do not descend into jealousy.

Gemini Woman + Libra Man

Bright, extraordinary, loving everything new and unusual, the Gemini woman transfers these qualities to sexual relations. Such women have a particularly sensual and romantic union with representatives of the Libra sign. The Libra man completely submits to the game that the Gemini woman dictates to him in sex, so their compatibility is very harmonious.

Libra Woman + Gemini Man

Being in the power of a man of the Gemini sign, the Libra woman experiences incredible sensual pleasure. In turn, she introduces a touch of romanticism into their sexual relationship. Both do not tolerate violence, vulgarity and vulgarity, preferring them to leisurely pleasure in each other. Having the same temperament, the Gemini man and the Libra girl are doomed to harmony, mutual understanding and complete compatibility in sex.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra in marriage

The compatibility of these zodiac signs in a family is sufficient to live together for a long time and happy life. Of course, like many couples, there are slight misunderstandings and quarrels between them, but the commonality of their interests, the same views on life and understanding of each other allow them to create strong and long-term alliances.

Gemini Woman + Libra Man

Compatibility in family life of such zodiac signs as the Libra man and Gemini woman deserves special attention. From the first minute, a strong and at the same time easy and trusting relationship develops between them. The most interesting thing is that these two are not afraid of any difficulties. They will easily survive periods of lack of money and crisis, and an unsettled life will not affect their relationships in any way. This marriage is completely based on feelings for each other, and it is always long and happy.

Libra Woman + Gemini Man

The Libra woman is distinguished by her fickle character and frequent changes of mood, which does not confuse the Gemini man at all, and often such compatibility finds expression in marriage. It must be said that the Gemini man does not at all strive for family relations, and only representatives of the Libra sign are able to bring him closer to this. But at the same time, such a union becomes very emotional and restless, which will require wisdom and patience from the spouses, as well as the ability to make concessions and compromises.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra in friendship

The friendship of Libra and Gemini is based on complete mutual understanding, vital interests and a common attitude. Representatives of these zodiac signs love not only to spend leisure time together, but also to conduct common business. They are united by a craving for beauty and comfort, as well as new acquaintances and travel. If friendship arises between opposite-sex characters, then there will be a place for friendly sex without mutual obligations.

Gemini Woman + Libra Woman

If women of these signs become friends, then they will definitely be friends with their families. They will always find topics for conversation, become good advisers to each other and will never be bored. The Gemini woman will bring novelty and bright emotions to communication, and the Libra woman will become a pleasant and interesting interlocutor for her friend.

Libra Man + Gemini Man

Men of these signs are able to transfer their friendships to joint business, which will not cause their competition and rivalry. Together they form a team of leaders who will always be in the spotlight. They do not like to be content with each other's company and are constantly looking for new acquaintances and new experiences.

Compatibility of Gemini and Libra at work

Gemini and Libra are creative people who are passionate about their work and open to everything new. As a rule, their working tandem is successful. The only thing that can darken their relationship is boring routine work, which is better transferred to other performers.

Gemini Boss + Libra Subordinate

The Gemini leader has excellent reactions and quickly adapts to the situation and finds the right solutions. His subordinate Libra perfectly complements the work process with his ability to negotiate and come to an agreement. Together they objectively assess work situations, and what they do is always doomed to success.

Boss Libra + Subordinate Gemini

A more creative Libra boss will find in his Gemini subordinate a reliable and proactive employee who may well be his right hand and replace in emergency situations. For this work tandem to be successful and long-lasting, their team needs good performers who are ready to do hard and monotonous work.

Knowing the characteristics of the zodiac signs will help you properly build your personal relationships, relationships in friendship and at work. Tell us in the comments how much you think the Gemini + Libra pairs match the astrological descriptions in terms of compatibility.

Who is suitable for Gemini?
Fine neutral Badly
a lionFishCapricorn
Who is suitable for Libra?
Fine neutral Badly
a lionVirgoScorpion

Libra and Gemini have good compatibility, because the signs belong to the same element. They are able to like each other at first sight and quickly find a common language. Most of all, air signs of the Zodiac value intelligence.

Intelligent conversations bring together a man and a woman born under the constellations of Libra and Gemini. The difficulties that arise in the union are solvable. The main thing is that partners do not engage in battles for leadership and learn to adhere to their obligations.

Characters of signs

The union of Gemini and Libra will be successful if they recognize the subtleties of each other's character. Both signs are difficult natures. They have many similar features, although there are significant differences. Among other things, characters are influenced by the Moon, Sun, year of birth and other factors.

Gemini character

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, a fickle planet. This sign is dual, mysterious and contradictory. It is probably difficult to find such a multifaceted personality in the entire Zodiac. Geminis are in constant motion, thirst for change, and explore the world with the greed of a child. Here are the main character traits inherent in the air sign:

  • Variability and impermanence
  • Speed ​​in decision making
  • High level of intelligence
  • Paradoxical thinking
  • Mysteriousness
  • Cold
  • Talkativeness
  • Selfishness
  • Optional.

Gemini's character has both negative and positive traits. They become the intellectual center and engine of any union and achieve success in the sciences. The paradoxical mind helps to find connections even between things that at first glance are completely different. In love, Geminis are cold, easily enter into relationships, but also easily break them off. Marriage ties They tie themselves up late, often on the initiative of their partner.

Libra character

GEMINI + LIBRA - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Gemini and Libra. Compatibility Horoscope Love and Sexual Horoscope

Compatibility of Libra man and Gemini woman

Compatibility of Gemini man and Libra woman

psychology of compatibility in marriage of the sign Libra with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Compatibility Gemini and Libra

Gemini sign compatibility with Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio


Compatibility Horoscope - Libra

Gemini compatibility

The sign of Libra, according to the horoscope, is the most indecisive. These people are torn apart by internal contradictions; they have difficulty choosing what to do in a given situation. At the same time, Libras do not like to enter into external conflicts; they are born diplomats and look calm and balanced. They value love, relationships, family comfort. Here are the main character traits of Libra:

  • Indecisiveness
  • Slowness in making decisions
  • Kindness
  • Grace of manners
  • Diplomacy
  • Intelligence
  • Communication skills
  • Natural charm
  • Stubbornness
  • A specific sense of humor.

Libras are extroverts by nature; in a company they often play the role of a peacemaker, capable of resolving any dispute. They do not like to rush, especially when making decisions. They get irritated when they are pushed too persistently into action. If there is a clear goal, they are efficient. But more often they like to shift responsibilities to someone else. Possess leadership qualities, but there are many signs that dominate them. Libra will specifically defend the position of leader only in an alliance where they are naturally stronger.

General compatibility of Libra and Gemini

So, we figured out a little about the characteristics of the characters’ characters. How do they affect the compatibility horoscope of Libra and Gemini? This air couple is a tangle of contradictions. In Gemini there are two personalities living at the same time, and Libra is a constant fluctuation between extremes. Signs attract each other with their intelligence, ease of communication, and they quickly make contact. Unfortunately, both partners love to talk, but do not know how to listen. At the beginning of a relationship, this situation seems natural. But then arguments begin between the man and the woman.

Libra claims to be the leader in a couple. But they are too indecisive to truly take a stand and lead their partner. The sign acts slowly, weighing all the pros and cons. Geminis are impetuous, they do something first and then think about the consequences. Libra lives in the future, and Gemini lives in the present. Both signs are stubborn and try to insist on their own. Libra is irritated by their partner's detachment and lack of commitment. Geminis do not accept slowness and indecision.

Fortunately, air element endowed both signs with ease. They do not know how to harbor grievances for a long time, methodically take revenge or annoy their partner with nagging. Their quarrels end in a calm conversation, with deep intellectual analysis. Geminis are not used to living in yesterday; what is important to them is what is happening here and now. Libra values ​​peace of mind and a pleasant atmosphere in the home most of all. They know how to compromise and find the right words for reconciliation. That’s why Gemini and Libra maintain compatibility for a long time, despite all the contradictions. Their union is based on deep affection and true friendship.

Sexual compatibility

The temperaments of the zodiac signs are similar, because sexual compatibility Gemini and Libra have a good one. He and she are great lovers who rarely tire of each other. Let's figure out what preferences each sign has.

Gemini Sexuality

An intellectual sign behaves accordingly in bed; sex for him is not sensual pleasure, but a reason for another experiment. Natural curiosity makes Gemini look for new partners and new ways to satisfy their desires. Of course, if a person has not been given certain attitudes since childhood. When Geminis are raised with strict morals, they are likely to limit their ardor to conventional methods of sex, with one partner. If there is no “brakes”, Geminis become sophisticated lovers, even perverts.

Often, Geminis completely refuse carnal love. They lead a bohemian life, realize themselves in the profession and creativity. Only after meeting a person with whom they are ready to connect their lives do they enter into a sexual relationship. Love will never take the main place in the life of a zodiac sign. The world is too interesting and big to devote your whole life only to feelings. Gemini's reputation as good lovers comes from technique rather than the subtle sensuality found in other signs.

Libra Sexuality

The patroness of Libra is the goddess of love Venus. She endowed the sign with refined taste; he will not go to bed with just anyone. Libra seeks compatibility in love relationships on a high, spiritual level. For them, falling in love is important in itself; they look at the object of adoration as if it were a work of art. Bed is just one of the stages, far from obligatory. Libra prefers to go a long way before giving in to love. It is extremely rare to end up in bed with random people or on a first date.

Sexual experiments are not alien to the sign, although they are far from Gemini. They do not suffer from a sanctimonious attitude towards carnal love. Raised in strict morality, Libra constantly fluctuates and may even refuse sex, especially outside of marriage. If moral principles are not too strict, Libra will pay enough attention to sexual pleasures, but they will never put them at the forefront. Work, self-improvement, and friendship are more important to them.

Compatibility in bed between Libra and Gemini

The compatibility of Libra and Gemini in bed is more like a union of two experimenters than a sensual connection. For both, romance, a long love game, and new ways of satisfaction are important. Partners do not accept rudeness and vulgarity, but do not suffer from false shyness. Both are ready to spend hours discussing all the details of the sexual game and enjoying its sophistication. No one will behave like an unbridled tiger.

In bed, as in life, Gemini and Libra seek equality and balance. Of course, a mobile and dynamic sign will show more initiative. But Libra is not averse to realizing their fantasies. Problems arise if lovers become jealous of each other. Family life also leaves its mark, sex becomes boring, love moves to another level. If both are satisfied with this relationship (and this happens often), the marriage is not in danger.

Compatibility of Libra men and Gemini women

Libra men love Gemini women. Refined, well-groomed, intelligent girls are able to captivate a born esthete. The relationship between the couple is easy and relaxed. Feelings are based on intellectual communication and common interests. A Gemini woman and a Libra man see their compatibility quickly, so they become attached to each other and do not delay marriage. The couple lives harmonious life, they rarely have problems. A woman makes a man more decisive and self-confident; she does not bother him with everyday problems. A man gives his wife freedom; he is not used to limiting anyone.

Partners know how to seek compromises and do not bother with conflicts.

Problems arise when partners have to make quick decisions. Libra is not capable of this, and Gemini is trying to simply evade the decision. The ease of union brings happiness, but at the same time it is fraught with danger. The husband and wife may not notice that they have begun to live a separate, independent life; nothing binds them. In such a situation, marriage and relationships exist formally for years, bringing no happiness to anyone. A breakup can happen due to a woman who is too carried away outside world, forgetting about family. A man is more attached to home, but he can unexpectedly fall in love, even platonically, and break up.

How to solve problems

To maintain compatibility between Libra women and Gemini men, partners must pay more attention to each other. Free time It’s better to spend it together, otherwise the spouses will move away from each other and will no longer be able to find common ground. If a woman suspects a man of cheating, she should not ignore this fact. It's much easier to make him fall in love with you again. Gemini can do this, because they are ideal for Libra. It is important to talk about love and feelings, without them the couple faces complete collapse, Gemini and Libra will lose their marriage.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Gemini man

Gemini man and Libra woman are a harmonious couple. They have no problems how to win each other, the guy and the girl quickly find a common language, a strong connection arises between them, based on the similarity of characters and temperaments. The man takes on the role of leader. He makes decisions, and the woman willingly allows him to manage common finances and make plans for the future for both of them. But in such a seemingly ideal situation, danger lurks. If a wife completely devotes herself to her husband and forgets about herself, she will become uninteresting to him.

Geminis do not get attached to people, so they easily leave a woman for a new friend, interesting adventures and connections.

If a man in love with a Libra woman insists on independence too much, he will lose it. The wife will get bored and feel acutely loneliness. After all, attention and understanding that she is loved is important to her. Libra is an amorous sign, so they quickly find passion on the side. This is not always physical betrayal; love can be platonic and even unrequited. The woman moves away from the man, the marriage turns into a business union in which the spouses live an autonomous life. Today they are together, and tomorrow they are apart.

How to solve problems

Libra woman and Gemini man should spend more time together. Are common interesting activities, conversations on intellectual topics, discussions will bring spouses closer together. A wife should not completely devote herself to her husband, she should have her own world, a riddle that a man will solve. The spouse should not forget about his other half. Any woman, and Libra in particular, requires attention and manifestations of love. Words are important, so Geminis need to talk about their feelings more often. Only then will the compatibility of a Libra woman and a Gemini man last for many years.

Astrologers know that compatibility of zodiac signs plays a vital role in building relationships. But love is blind, so lovers rarely pay attention to the warnings of the stars. Fortunately, there are couples for whom there is no need to be interested in the combination of signs, since their compatibility is ideal. An example of such a union would be Libra and Gemini, whose compatibility is remarkable.

Characteristics of Gemini

The zodiac sign Gemini is under the protection of the element of Air. This light element of the horoscope gives its pets an amazing disposition and a huge supply of energy.

Briefly about the sign:

Gemini is a dual sign, so changes in his mood and behavior are fully justified by the zodiac. This windy and eccentric nature, loving adventures and all sorts of events. If necessary, they themselves can create these incidents, since the organizational abilities of the sign are developed in the best traditions of Mercury, which patronizes it.

In addition, the patron planet endowed its pets with extraordinary sociability. Twins can’t imagine their life without society and interactions. This bright and wise interlocutors capable of infecting the team with the strangest ideas in the blink of an eye.

But don’t worry, because the sign’s energy is enough for all your endeavors. Another thing is that he can’t bring all ideas to completion. His excitement quickly ignites, but just as quickly fades away. Windy Geminis are constantly carried away in search of new achievements.

In relationships, Geminis act as a bright ray of light, which knows no sadness and routine. When falling in love, they are able to present their chosen one with the whole world. But often promises to give a star from the sky remain on paper, because Gemini immediately considers what was said to be perfect.

The duality of Gemini is reflected in their love relationships. The sign is characterized by some posturing.

He tries to adapt to the situation and puts on the mask that his partner needs, which he can only take off in the circle of his closest people.

Description of Libra's temperament

Libra is another pet of the light and windy element of Air. This sign came to our world in order to shine in it and decorate it. This is a follower beautiful words and actions, elegant and refined. Communicating with Libra is a pleasure. This warm and sincere people for whom the ability to conduct an intelligent discussion is more important than life.

Brief description of the sign:

  • diplomatic;
  • communicative;
  • charming;
  • unstable;
  • indecisive.

However, the harmonious outer shell hides the unstable inner world. Libra is under the auspices of Venus and Air, which makes their feelings unstable and always fluctuating. Today this person wants to have a family and four children, and tomorrow he is packing his suitcase for a trip around the world.

He is a dreamer and theorist for whom the whole world is open. But Libra lacks decisiveness, so they often remain on the shore, not risking getting into any boat. Their speeches are beautiful, their plans are fantastic, but, alas, these fantasies are not followed by action.

In relationships, Libra is an eternal child. Astrologers call this sign one of the most difficult in love, since even its representatives themselves cannot fully understand their feelings.

There is no partner next to whom Libra would not have to improve. Lazy and idle representatives of the symbol are ready to be content with fleeting affairs, just so as not to start a serious relationship. Fortunately, most adult Libras decide to take a serious step, even if it is not taken in their youth.

The complexities in Libra's character are revealed in all their glory when it comes to decision making. Hesitation is the sign's favorite thing. Making decisions on his own is like torture for him, so Misunderstandings often arise in a love union, if the other half mistakes such indecision for indifference.

Gemini man and Libra woman

By combining these two people, the stars exceeded even their own expectations.

A pair of Gemini man and Libra woman - harmony at first sight.

This is exactly the case where character flaws become advantages. Compatibility of the zodiac signs Libra and Gemini is beautiful fairy tale about love, written in heaven.

Air sign relationships

Astrologers are sure that the woman under the sign of Libra was born to make the Gemini guy happy. This is the prom queen who will instantly attract his gaze and never let go. The flighty boy instantly loses his instability when he meets a charming lady of Air.

The lightness in his temperament will gather dust on the shelf, because next to this lady he will have to work on his masculinity. Unexpectedly even for himself, this the guy will become a brave knight in the fight for the best trips to the sea and in the battle with a broken crane. The Libra princess will definitely thank her lover with such an inspiring compliment that he has never heard before.

From the outside it may seem that the girl plays the leading role in this relationship. She twists and manipulates the guy, and his loving soul only sighs languidly in response. But everything is not as simple as it may seem. Geminis can play different roles, and the man will adapt to his beloved exactly as she wants.

Diplomacy girls play a key role in finding mutual understanding in a couple. She knows how to smooth out even the sharpest corners, so there are practically no scandals in this union. And this is fortunate, because Geminis have a persistent allergy to all sorts of showdowns.

A man will perceive a girl’s whims and indecisiveness as sweet coquetry, because this lady knows how to advantageously present her character to others. She gentle, modest, But sociable and playful. The feminine features in the pet of Venus are executed in such an elegant form that, even while in a relationship, this lady will become the heroine of the dreams of casual acquaintances.

Sociability and coquetry girls will only warm up the sense of ownership in Gemini. Before meeting her, this guy was unfamiliar with the heat of jealousy, but in a relationship with Libra he will have to experience it. It is the desire to keep the flighty chosen one that will lead to a decisive step on the part of the man.

If during the courtship period Gemini managed to show himself with the best side, taking care of the young and indecisive Libra, the girl will answer the proposal with consent. Otherwise, she will delay her response and immediately evaporate from the relationship being built.

Family life of a couple

When a serious connection is formed, the partners’ view of the union will change somewhat. The first problems will appear when you try to build the financial foundation of a marriage. Both partners have a simple attitude towards money, and sometimes even like to squander their hard-earned money. But neither of the spouses seeks to move mountains in the professional field. Therefore, this married couple cannot avoid financial difficulties. But the compatibility of the signs Libra and Gemini does not provide for long-term disagreements over such an insignificant issue.

Everything will work out when the wise Libra lady begins to praise her husband for every penny he gets, thereby reviving in him a knight and a breadwinner. She herself will definitely work, but will never pursue earnings. Her the goal of the work is communication, for which she will go to her workplace every day.

Later, the couple will learn to coordinate expenses, which, by the way, will be unanimous. Both halves will prefer a joint vacation to boring renovations or buying a new bed. Travel will benefit them by strengthening mutual understanding.

Strengths of marriage- listening skills. Two soul mates met in the Libra - Gemini union, the compatibility of the signs in which is excellent. Both partners are sociable and take a keen interest in each other's affairs. It is important for them to know in detail about all the experiences of their other half. Heart-to-heart conversations will not subside in this family even for a day.

The partners also have a great atmosphere in the bedroom.

Both complement each other harmoniously. There will be no leaders and followers in this pair. Equality in sex life will be the key to diversity in your intimate life.

Libra man and Gemini woman

No less harmonious relationships will develop if the role of the woman goes to Gemini, and the man is born under the constellation Libra. These are signs that are destined to be together, since their worldviews are similar, and their characters somewhat resemble each other.

Romance and relationships

From the very beginning of the relationship, the signs will feel an intangible attraction. And it’s not surprising, because this is how a union of representatives of the same element manifests itself. Halves can communicate without words and feel the mood of the chosen one from a distance. To create perfect couple, it was not for nothing that the stars introduced Libra and Gemini, whose compatibility in love is amazing.

The initiator of a relationship can be either a man or a girl. The duality of Gemini will fascinate the Libra guy. He does not like boredom and monotony, so he will definitely like the versatility of the girl. In the instability of Gemini, Libra will look for similarities with their soul, because both signs are characterized by changeability and the habit of doubt.

The halves will spend time together. At first they can't get enough of each other, but later they will fit a partner into their busy schedule of conquering the world. They will also have common interests, as well as a common circle of friends. Both outgoing signs will prefer to mix their acquaintances into a huge whirlwind of friendship.

The guy will sound the alarm first. Let him sociable, But excessive coquetry his lady in public will upset him. He gradually will begin to harass her with questions and control. This is where the decisive moment in the relationship comes. If a girl mistakes such jealousy for adoration, the relationship is destined to work out. If she perceives her partner’s behavior as an attempt to limit her freedom, Gemini will disappear forever.

Surprisingly, both partners will not strive to quickly legitimize the relationship. They already know how to resolve disagreements, and trying to keep a partner in the form of wedding ring They don’t find it tempting. Both signs are wary of marriage. Civil relations seem to them much more prosaic and unburdensome.

Life under one roof

Let the Gemini girl periodically dream of beautiful things wedding dress, it is enough for her to realize that her beloved is next to her. Having moved under one roof, the partners will begin a new chapter in their relationship.

The Libra man will view marriage as an obligatory, but not immediate event. He is ready to live his whole life in comfortable cohabitation, after which he will meet old age with a stamp in his passport.

In life together Some disagreements await partners. The Gemini girl is so loaded with ambitions, plans and attempts to quickly solve all this that she has practically no time left for her beloved. The guy, on the contrary, is committed to stability, so the frequent absence of the lady of his heart will depress him. The discrepancy between the publication schedules will also upset both of them.

There are also differences in the rhythms of life. But partners understand each other perfectly, so they will be able to survive this stage. Scales - power sign. This measured a man who carefully builds a map and only then sets out on the road.

The Gemini girl is filled with a thirst for accomplishment. She rushes through life like a whirlwind and takes on all things at the same time.

At first, she will not understand the slow man, accusing him of indifference to their future together. Later she will learn to watch how her chosen one slowly savors life.

Possible marriage problems:

Example ideal relationship will be Libra and Gemini, whose compatibility in love relationships is ideal. Disagreements in this couple arise less frequently than solar eclipse, and they last just as long.

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Quite high. The unifying factor is a commitment to a fun, carefree lifestyle; they equally do not like to work a lot and hard. Both are endowed with leadership qualities. In household, Everyday life It is difficult for them to come to an agreement on the issue of division of responsibilities. In addition, Gemini is much more mobile than Libra in all its manifestations.

Gemini and Libra - compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility Gemini man - Libra woman

Such relationships may give the impression of being ideal, but despite the great similarity of the partners, some character traits can make them irreconcilable opponents.

Most often, this couple meets at some social event or while traveling. When they begin to live together, the leading role of the Gemini man becomes obvious: it is he who leads the relationship, quickly reacting to the changing situation and making decisions for both. Libra women readily and even gratefully assign themselves second roles, agreeing that their partner should be more sociable, businesslike and successful. Relationships in a pair of Gemini man and Libra woman are characterized by the latter’s sacrificial position. She can completely obey, giving her partner complete freedom of action, neglecting her own desires and interests, but in this case she quickly becomes uninteresting and boring in the eyes of her chosen one. This may provoke him to look for new experiences on the side, or the relationship will be completely upset.

The horoscope calls intellectual pursuits, hobbies, and discussions the “cement” that holds together the relationships between representatives of these two zodiac signs. They can and should learn new activities, attend some courses, so that they always have something to talk about.

The Gemini man, who is overly concerned about his own independence and forgets about the existence of his beloved, can make a significant contribution to the deterioration of these relationships. Geminis run away from everyday life, but they also need to respect their partner, who takes care of their life together, often sacrificing their social success. Meanwhile, a man is able to seriously assist a Libra woman in her advancement, although not too fast. If she begins to do what she loves, the horoscope promises that the marriage will become even happier for both.

Compatibility Libra man - Gemini woman

This is a relationship in which there is always room for dreams, illusions, and secrets. Both men and women are predisposed to daydreams; both try, if possible, to avoid thoughts and actions related to the harsh reality of everyday life. This similarity is both weak and strong point. A Libra man and a Gemini woman have fun and interest in each other's company, they find a common language without problems, but both try to avoid responsibility, wait until the other shows determination and copes with the problem that has arisen.

Mutual acquaintances often consider this couple somewhat strange, not seeing prospects in it, but, despite the opinions of others, such partners not only improve relationships, but can live quite happily throughout their lives. At the same time, they are, as it were, inhabitants of " parallel worlds", which, however, do not contradict each other.

A sociable and active Gemini woman takes everything in this life easily, goes against the rules, does not recognize conventions, prefers to spend her life among people, without burdening herself with household routine. Her Libra partner is more attached to home, financial support falls on his shoulders, although the independence of his partner and the ease of her character in general appeal to him.

Gemini will definitely try to make Libra go out into the world more, free himself from some complexes - and indeed the chosen one becomes even more sociable, independent and decisive. He gives his partner emotional support, thanks to which she begins to act more consistently and collectedly.

Both partners know what makes their other half happy, and they try to give everything they need. Feeling confident in each other, they gain the opportunity to more fully express themselves and gain a certain degree of freedom. In order for the relationship between a Gemini woman and a Libra man to be successful, they need to go beyond purely everyday decisions, everyday problems, communicate more, study and travel.

Libra and Gemini - sexual compatibility

The sexual relationship of these people gives great pleasure to both, because... their temperaments are balanced; they will not torment each other with possessive claims and attacks of jealousy. For both higher value has a love game, romance, rather than naked physiology, for them sex is not a thirst that must be quenched at all costs, but a leisurely pleasure that can and should be stretched out. Relationships are built on sensuality, and not on animal passion, there is no hint of vulgarity and rudeness. For excellent compatibility in this area, Libra and Gemini can thank their belonging to the element of Air. Their erotic dates will be bright and memorable, especially since both are not against experiments in bed.

Compatibility horoscope for Libra and Gemini in work and business

They can be successful and enthusiastic employees, qualified specialists who see the situation objectively and know how to correct it at their own discretion. They are open to new trends and show a good reaction to the situation (especially Gemini). Libras are stronger in communication, they easily achieve mutual understanding and sympathy with business partners and simply the right people. In order for the return from the couple’s joint work to be maximized, it is advisable to have additional assistants who will take care of the executive part of the project, bringing to life the ideas proposed by such creative personalities, How