To organize a computer store, it is not at all necessary to have a good understanding of computer technology; it is enough to surround yourself with qualified personnel who understand this business. But, if, in addition to everything else, you are also a computer expert, then in this case you will be able to combine business with pleasure for yourself. The demand for these goods is characterized by constant growth and is not subject to seasonality. Constant updates and the release of new games with complex graphics dictate the continuous updating of computer equipment.

There are no limits to improvement in this business; it is a continuous process, which can also bring you considerable profit. According to statistics, enterprises specializing in computers have the highest profitability rates.

Games are one of the best-selling products on the Internet, since you buy them and can immediately use this product without leaving home and without waiting for a courier with a package. The gaming industry is simply huge in scale and has long been on par with the film industry. Today we will talk about how to open an online game store.

Where to look for the product?

We won’t talk about what an online store is; most likely, you yourself understand this perfectly well if you’ve found yourself here. Therefore, let's get straight to purchasing goods.

There are publishers, localizers and distributors of video games, and that's what we need. The gaming industry is very fast and fickle, which is why some publishers go out of business and some start. If you know about games, then most likely you yourself know a couple of current publishers. For example, 1C or SoftClub.

We need to find as many active publishers as possible and write to them all by email. You need to find out the terms of cooperation and the price list, then you must compare them and choose the one that suits you.

Of course, there are other ways to sell games. For example, purchasing goods through Steam gifts, when you send a gift to yourself and wait until a client buys it, or buying and selling accounts. But we don’t really recommend these methods, because they don’t look serious.

It should be noted that if you are passionate about creating an online store, then do not rush to register an individual entrepreneur and purchase goods. We'll talk about why you shouldn't do this towards the end of the article.

Warehouse or apartment

If you want to sell games on Xbox or PS, you'll need a place to store them. At first, it could be your own apartment, until the store’s turnover grows and you don’t get stuck in boxes.

When selling games on PC, you may also need some kind of premises. The fact is that some publishers do not send license keys wholesale to you by e-mail. They will send you a bunch of games in packages and you will have to manually open them and take a photo of the keys.

The technical part of creating a store

We figured out where to get games from, now we come to the most important thing and complex issue how to create an online game store?

The first thing we need to buy in mandatory This is a domain and hosting.

Business plan for selling computer hardware and software

If you don’t know what a domain and hosting are, then opening an online store will be very difficult.

We won't have to spend a lot of money at this stage. A domain in the ru zone for about 100 rubles per year and cheap hosting for 100 rubles per month are enough. You can buy all this on

Next, we need to select a CMS, in other words, a site engine. There are both paid and free engines; there are simply a huge number of them on the Internet. 1C-Bitrix, Opencart, MODX, even WordPress with special plugins.

We recommend choosing one in which you or your programmer have experience. If you don’t have experience or know a programmer, then it’s better to choose one of the most popular ones so that freelance programmers can easily finish or redo something on your website.

We chose the CMS, great! Now we come to the design. We won’t talk in detail about what the design should be; we’ll do that another time. Let's just say that you need a PSD layout, which the programmer (or you yourself) must later layout and put on the engine.

There are, of course, more easy way. Get a free template from beautiful design for your CMS. But this is not serious, and besides, search engines may lower your site in search results due to a non-unique site.

At the end of the technical part, we need to attach payment instruments, such as Robokassa, and our site is ready!

Traffic and buyers

We have come to the most expensive, complex and interesting process - searching for clients. In order for goods to be sold, visitors are needed, and finding them is not so easy.

There are several ways:

1. SEO people will find your products in search. It will be very difficult to move to the top and displace large competitors.

3. You can create a store community on VK and try to advertise it in gaming communities.

In general, the more visitors to your site who are interested in buying a game, the more likely you are to sell something.

There are many ways to find a buyer; you are limited only by your budget and imagination.


So, let's figure out what we can earn.

Let's assume that we will sell each game for 200 rubles more than its wholesale cost.
Next, let’s assume that your store has 1000 visitors per day (it will be difficult to achieve such results).

Even if only 1% of visitors buy the game daily, that will be 10 people per day or 2000 rubles per day.

2000 rubles * 31 days = 62000 rubles per month, not bad right?

Of course, the numbers can be absolutely anything. Perhaps 10% of people will buy something, and perhaps 0%, if you collect bad traffic that is interested in how to lose weight in 90 days and gets to your store almost by accident.

You can earn 1,000 rubles per month, 100,000 rubles or even more. It all depends on your persistence and your budget for development.

Why shouldn’t you open an individual entrepreneur and purchase goods?

In conclusion, we would like to note that if you really want your own online store, do not rush to take out loans, open an individual entrepreneur and purchase goods.

Buy a domain, hosting and create a store without products. Try to find clients somehow, through advertising, through SEO or other means. When a customer tries to buy a product, you will show a notification that the product is out of stock. This way you will understand whether there is demand and whether they will buy anything at all from your store.

It's no secret that scientific and technological progress is moving forward very quickly. And today we see that children master the computer faster than they begin to read or write. Be that as it may, one thing follows from this: a computer sales business can make you successful.

To organize a computer store, it is not at all necessary to have a good understanding of computer technology; it is enough to surround yourself with qualified personnel who understand this business.

Business Plan for a Computer Store

But, if, in addition to everything else, you are also a computer expert, then in this case you will be able to combine business with pleasure for yourself. The demand for these goods is characterized by constant growth and is not subject to seasonality. Constant updates and the release of new games with complex graphics dictate the continuous updating of computer equipment. There are no limits to improvement in this business; it is a continuous process, which can also bring you considerable profit. According to statistics, enterprises specializing in computers have the highest profitability rates.

To develop your business, you will need quite large investments, since all the equipment is quite expensive. Therefore, consider the possibility of lending from a bank or an interested investor. The payback period for such a business is from one to two years. The difficulty also lies in choosing the assortment for your store, and then the suppliers with whom you will work on an ongoing basis. In the future, you can think about opening an entire chain of stores, but first you must find satisfied and regular customers.

To run a business successfully and efficiently, you need to take seriously the preparation of a business plan, which will help plan your activities. You can find such examples below.

Download business plan for a computer store

Theoretical justification for the feasibility of a business - contains a business plan that describes the priorities for the development of a computer business. Statistical data on the development of the personal computer market is presented. Contains a list competitive advantages maintaining and managing the store. Particular attention is paid to the range of products offered and the location of the store. The principles that must be followed to successful work computer store. An option for an advertising company to create your own website is proposed, where visitors could familiarize themselves with products and their prices.

Economic analysis business description organizing a project to assemble and sell computers. An economic justification for the feasibility of this business is given. All calculation data are presented in tables. A production and sales plan has been developed. The calculation of the required personnel has been made, including the fund wages. In addition, the balance of income and expenses, cash flows is presented. Indicators of liquidity, profitability, turnover ratios, and indicators of net working capital were calculated.

Organizational aspects and advertising tricks - contains a business plan with a theoretical description and economic justification for the project. A complete study of the sales market, existing competitors and potential consumers was carried out. Much attention is paid to the choice of premises and the development of the advertising policy of the enterprise. It describes what you need to pay attention to when choosing store personnel. From this material you can learn how to properly arrange computer equipment in a store, all the tricks and secrets, because every little thing plays a role.

Calculations of all technical and economic indicators of activity - a business plan for opening a computer store combined with a club is presented. Contains brief description investment project, describes the type of activity and the list of services provided to the consumer. Conducted marketing research to study competitors. The table shows their strengths and weak sides, the main competitor has been found. The difference between this business plan and previous ones is the provision of a SWOT analysis. Calculations of all economic performance indicators were made, cash flow channels were presented.

Advertising is a powerful tool that is used to promote a particular company or even a product. Unfortunately, nowadays advertising has become something familiar and frivolous; once effective techniques have become commonplace, which no one pays attention to.
Advertising has become so familiar that the consumer has already developed his immunity to it, which is why advertising specialists in any company have to puzzle over how to attract new consumers and retain old ones. This problem is especially acute in companies involved in the sale of popular goods and services: food, clothing and computer equipment.
Computers, laptops, tablets today have moved from the category of “unique” to the category of “everyday” items that are necessary for almost every person. This is probably why the modern market is filled with companies engaged in the sale and repair of computer equipment.
How to make sure that the consumer goes specifically to your store or service center in cases where his laptop does not turn on?
How to attract your target audience specifically to you? This will help to make a powerful advertising company, which can be remembered for its originality.
Some time ago, the decision to hang a banner advertising a computer store upside down was considered original.

Business plan for a computer equipment store

It made people pay attention. This arrangement immediately caught the eye, because it stood out from the general background.
Today, advertising, especially outdoor advertising, requires a special approach and creativity that will make the audience remember the name of your company, as well as highlight the advantages of your product.
If there is a lot of competition, you need to try to be different from everyone else. Become the fastest service center or the most convenient store. Some kind of zest that will stand out not only on advertising media, but also in everyday work, should be present even in the most ordinary company. People should think that the fastest and highest quality laptop repairs are provided only by you.
Of course, it is quite difficult to create an advertising image that does not correspond to reality. It is much easier to build an advertising campaign if your image is supported by real actions - quality work, unique style, fast service and so on.
Agree that you can only say that you provide high-quality laptop screen repairs if this is true.
Advertising should not work for show, but solely to increase sales and attract consumers, so it’s worth Special attention devote to this tool.

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  • Characteristics and description of computer hardware store processes

    ⇐ Previous12

    The Russian computer equipment market is steadily expanding by approximately 17% per year. For every 100 residents there are 43 personal computers, that is, almost every second person has computer equipment.

    The main goal of a computer hardware store is to satisfy the customer's needs for purchasing goods and services in the field of computer hardware and electronics.

    Products in this area are not produced on the domestic market, therefore, distributors of foreign manufacturing companies play an important role in supplying a computer store.

    In turn, the computer equipment store sells products, i.e. is engaged in bringing the goods to the consumer. This store is a legally independent organization whose activities are aimed at selling computer products from various manufacturers with whom an agreement was concluded for the right to represent this brand of a particular computer product.

    For a computer store, the main business processes are:

    · purchasing and supplying products to the store;

    · presentation of available products to the buyer;

    · sale of computer products.

    The purchase and delivery of products to the store is the main initial process for the actual sale of products.

    Presentation of existing products to the buyer includes: displaying the product in store windows, providing the characteristics of the relevant product, and also providing the buyer with the opportunity to test the product.

    Sales of computer products include: concluding sales and purchase agreements, applications for the provision additional services, and accordingly preparing the goods for delivery.

    Auxiliary business processes in a computer hardware store are:

    · support of the store’s website;

    · creation of test benches.

    Site support includes: ensuring smooth operation of the site, improving the user interface, developing functionality, updating the product catalog.

    Creation of test stands - equipment of a stand to allow the client to test the product.

    Let's take a closer look at the business process “Sales of computer products.”

    This process is divided into several subprocesses:

    1) choice of computer equipment;

    2) making a purchase;

    3) payment for goods;

    4) delivery of goods.

    The subprocess “Selecting computer equipment” consists of: viewing the catalog, consulting with the manager, inspecting presentation goods, making a decision to make a purchase, checking the availability of goods in the warehouse. The main characters are the manager and the client.

    The sub-process “Making a purchase” includes: filling in customer data, printing a sales order, printing an application for the provision of services, signing an application and order. The main actors are the client and the manager.

    The sub-process “Payment for goods” consists of: submitting documents to the cash register, paying for goods at the cash register and signing the sales contract. The main characters are the cashier and the client.

    The subprocess “Issue of goods” represents the preparation and conclusion of an act of issuance of goods and its transfer to the buyer.

    Business plan for opening a computer hardware store

    The characters are the buyer and the warehouse employee.

    Figure 2.1 shows a context diagram of the “Sales of computer products” business process. This diagram represents a set of input, control, output information, as well as control mechanisms.

    Figure 2.1 – Context diagram of the “AS-IS” model “Sales of computer products”

    2.2 “AS-IS” model

    Figure 2.2 shows the decomposition of the first level of the “AS-IS” model “Sales of computer products”, consisting of the following functional blocks:

    · choice of computer equipment;

    · making a purchase;

    · payment for goods;

    · delivery of goods.

    Figure 2.2 – Decomposition of the first level of the “AS-IS” model “Sales of computer products”

    Figure 2.3 shows the decomposition of the “Selection of computer equipment” functional block.

    The decomposition of the “Purchase Making” functional block is presented in Figure 2.4.

    Figure 2.5 shows the decomposition of the “Payment for goods” functional block.

    The final functional block is “Product Issue”.

    Let us analyze the constructed “AS-IS” model and identify its shortcomings.

    The ineffectiveness of this model lies in the lack of use of web technologies. The absence of an official website for a store selling computer equipment does not allow:

    · obtain 24/7 customer access to the product catalogue;

    · inform customers about prices and availability of goods in stock;

    · place an order for the necessary products online without leaving your home;

    · obtain reliable information about the demand for the product;

    · get an online consultation.

    The shortcomings found in the “AS-IS” model are corrected by creating a “TO-BE” model (as it will be), that is, a model new organization processes at the enterprise.

    The introduction of a website into the process of selling computer equipment should eliminate the identified shortcomings of the previously discussed “AS-IS” model and improve the business process we are studying.

    2.3 “TO-BE” model

    Figure 2.6 shows the decomposition of the first level of the “TO-BE” model.

    Figure 2.6 – Decomposition of the first level of the “TO-BE” model “Sales of computer products”

    The “TO-BE” model involves the introduction of a new functional block “Selecting computer equipment on the site.”

    Figure 2.7 shows the decomposition of the “Selecting computer equipment on the site” functional block.

    Figure 2.7 – Decomposition of the functional block “Selection of computer equipment on the site”

    The “Selection of computer equipment on the site” block includes:

    · viewing products in the electronic catalogue;

    · creating a shopping cart;

    · entering the necessary client data;

    · confirmation of an order;

    · assignment of a unique number to the order.

    Also, the “TO-BE” model assumes the emergence of a new official – “Site Manager”. His responsibilities include: online consultation with clients and managing orders on the website.

    The economic effect of the improved model (“TO-BE”), in addition to eliminating the shortcomings of the “AS-IS” model, is as follows:

    · a new point of sale is opened on the Internet, which leads to an increase in sales, and, consequently, to an increase in profits;

    · website implementation is one of the low-cost methods of organizing sales;

    · acceleration of the process of selling goods;

    · collection of analytical data, so you can find out which products are ordered more often, from which cities, at what time, etc.;

    The advantages of the “TO-BE” model presented above indicate the feasibility of implementing the proposed option for selling computer equipment.


    This work examined the essence of business processes, identified a goal that involves achieving certain measurable results or products to satisfy internal or external consumers, and described the key properties of the business process.

    A classification of business processes by location in organizational structure, purpose, place in the hierarchy of the organization’s goals, the main components of the balanced scorecard.

    The basics of business process modeling and their approaches have been studied.

    The IDEF and ARIS business process modeling methodologies are considered, the advantages and disadvantages of the IDEF0, IDEF3, DFD, etc. standards are identified.

    The study of the above-mentioned material made it possible to model a real business process for the sale of computer equipment and electronics in the IDEF0 standard, display the AS-IS model, identify shortcomings and bottlenecks of the current sales methodology, and then develop a new methodology that meets the requirements of the organization, which made it possible to correct the following shortcomings:

    · obtaining 24/7 customer access to the product catalogue;

    · informing customers about prices and availability of goods in stock;

    · placing an order for the necessary products online without leaving home;

    · obtaining reliable information about the demand for goods;

    · receiving online consultation.

    And also get additional economic benefits.

    ⇐ Previous12

    Related information.

    IN modern world Paper documents have long lost their primary importance. They were replaced by new computer technologies. And today, PC knowledge is the most in demand when hiring and in any other life situations. Modern mothers do not know how to manage without computer educational games for their children, and students cannot imagine studying without these innovations. Working on the Internet is becoming one of the popular and available ways making money. This means that the need for computer technology is growing every day. Is it worth thinking about a business related to the sale of computer equipment? It is quite possible, but this market niche is not available to everyone, since it requires large investments. This business plan for a computer equipment store will help an entrepreneur understand the nuances of implementing a project and earn a decent amount of money from it.

    Market analysis

    The retail market for computer equipment in Russia is considered one of the most popular and competitive areas of trade. This is due to several factors: improved well-being of the population, the emergence of new models of computer equipment, innovation, scientific and technical progress.

    According to statistics, 40% of the total retail sales volume comes from information technology. The most popular suppliers of computer equipment to the domestic market are Samsung, Asus, Lenovo, Acer, HP. The main importer of computers in the Russian Federation is China. Its share in the Russian market is more than 85% of all imported goods.

    In 2017, the decline in sales volumes of the computer equipment market was influenced by the emergence of improved mobile devices(phones, tablets, convertible laptops).

    However, the Ministry's forecasts information technologies and the connections of the Russian Federation for 2017-2018 are impressive. Experts promise stable growth in demand for computer equipment. On average, the indicators will increase by 15% annually. And per 100 residents of Russia, the ICT provision of the population will increase from 30 to 45 people.

    The above statistics indicate that a novice entrepreneur can safely occupy his niche in the computer equipment market and achieve its long-term development.

    Project Summary

    Initial costs: 2,234,000 rubles.

    Organizational and legal form: individual entrepreneur.

    Services provided: retail trade in computer equipment.

    Net monthly income: 290,000 rubles.

    Payback period: 1-2 years.

    Before opening his own store, an entrepreneur will need a premises with an area of ​​160 square meters. This area, in addition to the main hall, is also designed for storage space.

    Store location - retail outlet in the open spaces shopping center, located in the city center. The premises will be taken on long-term lease.

    The organization should include premises for a sales area and a large warehouse. It is necessary to have a website where all kinds of products sold by the company are presented.

    The outlet will operate online and offline. This means that part of the goods sold, smaller in size, will be displayed in the store window. The rest of the range will be available for display and purchase on the company's website.

    The computer equipment retail outlet will operate according to the following schedule:

    • Monday-Friday: 09:00-09:00.
    • Saturday: 09:00-17:00.
    • Sunday is a day off.

    The computer hardware store will offer its customers the following range of services:

    • Consultations with consumers by phone, on the website and directly in the sales area.
    • Sale of computer equipment, parts and accessories.

    The store will sell ready-made computer equipment and the most popular components. Research has shown that a significant percentage of the income of computer hardware stores comes from consumables - cartridges, flash drives, headsets, etc.

    At the start, prices for products sold will be set 5-7% below market prices. Price increases will occur as we gain a competitive position in the niche.

    Operational plan

    The operational plan for opening a computer hardware store includes the following steps:

    1. Renting premises. Concluding a long-term agreement with the landlord.
    2. Registering a business – choosing an organizational and legal form (IP). There is no need for certification or licensing of the enterprise.
    3. Select OKVED code: 47.41.1 " Retail computers in specialized institutions"; 47.41.2 “Retail trade in software in special stores"; 47.41.3 “Retail sale of peripheral devices in specialized establishments.”
    4. Carrying out repair work.
    5. Entering the organization into the state register, registering it with the tax authority and other administrative authorities (SES, fire service).
    6. Site development.
    7. Purchase of furniture and necessary equipment.
    8. Selection of personnel.
    9. Purchase of goods.
    10. Development of a marketing strategy.
    11. Opening a computer hardware store.

    Selecting a room

    The computer store, with an area of ​​160 square meters, will be located in the city center, in a shopping center. The choice of location was due to the high traffic volume of city residents.

    An area of ​​160 square meters should accommodate a hall for displaying goods, a storage room, a staff room and a bathroom. The showroom will occupy at least 50% of the total area of ​​the rented premises.


    Name Quantity, pcs. Amount, rub.
    1 Shelving and racks 4 35 000
    2 Pallet truck 2 25 000
    3 Computer tables 2 2 500
    4 Office computer 2 40 000
    5 Printer 1 5 000
    6 Cash machine 1 20 000
    7 Surveillance Camera 1 1 500
    Total: 129,000 rubles

    Purchase of goods

    The store's assortment will consist of the following computer equipment:

    • Monitors and system units.
    • Accessories ( motherboards, video cards, processors).
    • Keyboards and mice.
    • Printers, scanners, copiers (the most relevant option is MFP).
    • Laptops, netbooks.
    • Columns.
    • Webcams.
    • USB media.
    • Cartridges.
    • Memory cards.
    • Headset.
    • PC cables.

    It is difficult to place the entire range of products offered to customers on the sales floor. Therefore, the windows should be occupied by new equipment and bestsellers. It is necessary to group products in the showroom according to their purpose. The rest of the range must be presented on the company’s official website.

    It would not be superfluous to organize a delivery service in the city and outside the city for “virtual” clients.

    Funds for the purchase of computer equipment for sale – 2,000,000 rubles.

    Site development

    To develop a company website, it is better to use the services of a web studio that can do its job efficiently. In this case, the task of the company owner is to clearly state his wishes to the developer.

    Key points to pay attention to:

    • Calm color scheme in design.
    • Possibility to place a product catalog.
    • Prompt updating of prices, discounts and bonuses.
    • The ability to group products and make selections based on technical characteristics.
    • Indication of company contact information (addresses, telephone numbers, names).
    • Photos, video reviews and product characteristics.
    • Ability to leave comments for clients.
    • Possibility of online communication between potential consumers and company consultants.

    Personnel composition

    Selection of personnel – important aspect when opening a computer store, which is worth paying special attention to. An incompetent specialist can create a “bad” reputation for the company, make anti-advertising, which will bring losses to the company.

    Marketing campaign

    • Website creation.
    • Distributing leaflets in a shopping center.
    • Placing a bright sign on a shop window or facade.
    • Posting leaflets in public transport.
    • Launch contextual advertising.
    • Creating communities in popular in social networks with timely addition of news, consulting potential consumers.
    • Flexible system of seasonal discounts, installments, bonuses, promotional offers.

    Financial plan

    Start-up costs

    Monthly expenses


    When calculating estimated income, you should rely on average data. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the population of the specific city in which the business is located, the location point of sale, the well-being of residents of a given area, the location of competing firms.

    The purchase of an average client is about 20,000 rubles. On average, about 60 purchases are made in computer hardware stores during the month. This means that the company’s estimated monthly income will be equal to 1,200,000. The company’s net income per month will be 290,000 rubles.

    The average payback period for a business is 1 year, but in practice this period can reach from 3 to 4 years.

    Still, the profitability of the business is high. Despite thorough capital investments, the project brings a good monthly profit, which will cover all initial costs.


    This business plan for a computer equipment store with calculations is suitable for implementation as an independent unit or an addition to an entrepreneur’s existing plan. The example of this project indicates that the computer niche in the sales market is one of the most expensive and difficult. Only an entrepreneur who has a sufficient amount of financial resources and inexhaustible faith in his own project can master this type of business, since there are more and more competitive companies on the market every year.

    The most expensive purchase when implementing this business is computer equipment for sale, the cost of which reaches 2 million rubles. But you shouldn’t despair at the beginning of your career path and give up when you encounter the first difficulties. After all, only those who walk can master the road!

    MS Word Volume: 44 pages

    Business plan

    Reviews (27)

    We present to you - a thoughtful and calculated document created for individual use. It will definitely be useful to all those who decide to start selling computers and office equipment. This is a modern line of business that can be expanded at any time by offering consumers the services of a setup and installation specialist, a restoration specialist, and setting up certain programs.

    Of course, any document on organizing a computer company cannot be implemented without certain financial investments. They will be needed in order to rent premises for the company, purchase the necessary equipment, and if computers are assembled to order, parts and devices. In addition, the core of the company will be people - experienced specialists who are well versed in computers and similar equipment.

    By purchasing a document on opening a computer hardware store from us, you receive material on which you can immediately act. It calculates investments and the degree of risk, indicates technical and economic parameters, as well as general description project. Such a company or store can operate in large and provincial cities. If quality services are provided, there will always be customers there, since computers today are one of the most popular and purchased equipment.

    Once upon a time, trading computers was considered the maximum profitable business, and in as soon as possible turned an enterprising entrepreneur into a successful businessman. Today the situation has changed, the market is saturated with computer products, and, nevertheless, a competent organization of a computer business can bring significant profits. However, this is not possible for every entrepreneur.

    If you want not only to survive, but also to actively conquer the computer equipment market, it is important to get off to a successful start without making annoying mistakes at the initial stage. The business of selling computers can hardly be called simple due to the presence of high competition. In addition, there are many large companies operating in this market sector that can absorb numerous small firms. By selling large volumes, computer “monsters” can afford to keep selling prices low. Against this background, opening a computer store is fraught with many pitfalls, which are very important for a novice entrepreneur to take into account.

    Without relevant experience in this market sector, there is no point in even thinking about opening a computer hardware store. This area of ​​business is very specific, and it will be easier for you to understand certain nuances if you have previously worked in a similar organization. It is clear that price competition with large retail chains is not possible. This means that you will have to attract a potential client in a different way: impeccable service and special privileges for regular customers. In addition, they are in high demand among buyers different kinds additional services, for example, assembling computer equipment at home.

    When planning to open a business selling computers, think about organizing a free information service so that your customers can ask questions that interest them at any time. And there are a lot of them, especially if the buyer is poorly versed in computer technology. And the opportunity to get a free consultation can be a decisive argument in favor of contacting your company. When forming the assortment of your store, focus primarily on high-quality, but at the same time inexpensive models. Don’t forget about consumables, as well as components for computer equipment, since this product accounts for a significant portion of sales.

    It should be noted that business with computers minimum investment practically impossible. In order to open a business selling computers, you will need at least 40 thousand dollars. If you decide to work in the market as a distributor, then minimum amount, which you will need - 500 thousand dollars. And at first you can forget about profit, since in order to consolidate your position in the market you will have to maintain low prices for goods. There is no way to do without clear planning in such a business, otherwise serious problems. Drawing up a business project for a computer store will not cause you any particular difficulties if in the process of work you are guided by a professional business plan for a computer store.

    Reviews for a computer store business plan (27)

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      Computer store business plan

      Thank you for the opportunity to download a ready-made and very high-quality business plan. I really liked your attitude to business. It’s not every day that you meet such professionals who don’t cheat, but provide the opportunity to download good document at an affordable price.

      Vladimir, thank you for your high assessment of our work. We really try to provide quality business plans at an affordable price so that as many entrepreneurs as possible can benefit from them. We hope that the document will be useful to you. I wish you success.

      Computer store business plan

      So I decided to open my own store. A friend recommended downloading your business plan, and emphasized the low price. So, in general, not bad, the overall impression is normal. The only thing missing was some details in the form of some calculations. I managed it myself, but it was a little difficult.

      Igor, we agree with you, it is problematic to take into account individual nuances in any ready-made document; this is only possible on order, and this is much more expensive. We tried to take into account many points, but the fact that you did the additional calculations yourself is only beneficial, because understanding the economics of the enterprise will allow you to manage it more effectively in the future. We wish you good luck.

      Computer store business plan

      I have been friends with computers for many years, but opening a store is completely different, I understood this from the very beginning. That’s why I delayed making a final decision. But then I got acquainted with your business plan and realized what I was missing. I studied it from cover to cover, fortunately, everything is described very clearly. Now I’ve got down to business and I’m sure that everything will work out for me. This document helped me a lot, thank you very much.

      Victor, we agree with you, it’s one thing to think, another thing to make up your mind and start acting. Many entrepreneurs lack confidence, but a business plan gives it, along with it comes an understanding of future costs, what results can be achieved and how long it will take. We are also confident that you will succeed and wish you successful implementation of your plans.

    In stock Computer store business plan 5 10

    More recently, the phrase “personal computer” sounded quite unusual for the average person, but today almost every apartment has either a desktop computer, a laptop, or another similar device. Visiting a digital store is essentially equivalent to going to the grocery store. It is worth noting that computerization Russian society continues to increase volumes, which means that opening a computer store can potentially bring significant profits.

    About 3-5 years ago, desktop computers occupied more than 50% of the volume Russian market computer equipment, with the main buyers being corporate clients. Rapid growth in sales has blurred the boundaries between the categories of enterprise and consumer digital technology. Today, sales volumes in the private sector significantly exceed sales volumes for the same period in the corporate sector. Portable equipment has become the main product on the market; it is this category that has become popular among ordinary people.

    The format of computer stores has also changed; for example, in 2010-2011, office sales were the most common. Today, retail sales of computer equipment are largely carried out in a store format, and this too is gradually changing. For example, today an even larger part of digital equipment stores focuses on arranging a showroom, but some stores are appearing in whose showrooms either equipment is not displayed at all, or is displayed in minimum quantity. At the same time, such stores are equipped with special places equipped with a computer, with the help of which customers can select the necessary equipment directly from the warehouse.

    One of the global trends is the increasing influence of the Internet on people's lives. Of course, Russian residents are not yet morally ready to buy remotely Many categories of goods, but portable computer equipment and components are on the list of goods that an increasing number of people are trying to buy remotely. Naturally, this leaves an imprint on the ways of promoting the store. If previously advertising in the media played a huge role, now advertising posters in the metro, now advertising a computer store on the Internet is having an increasing impact on sales.


    When opening a computer store, you must initially decide on the target audience. If you plan to sell home appliances, then it is more advisable to rent premises in a residential area of ​​the city, but if the assortment is based on office equipment, then the store should be located in business districts.

    A computer store should not be opened on the outskirts of the city, despite low rate rent. The point is that when large quantities orders, delivery of equipment to the opposite end of the city will take much longer, which in turn will negatively affect the reputation of the store and the profitability of the business. You can rent premises not in the center only when creating a network of computer stores.

    The cost of premises in crowded places in the central part of the city is much higher than on the outskirts, so it is more advisable to rent the premises, as this will allow you to quickly change the location if a more attractive option appears or market conditions change.

    The computer store premises must be at least 100 square meters. m. In this area it is necessary to equip:

    1. Showroom;
    2. Stock;
    3. Repair shop;
    4. Staff premises;
    5. Bathroom.

    Initially computer store will be little known among city residents, so the delivery service may not be in great demand, so it is better to allocate at least 50-60% of the total area of ​​the premises for the showroom. The area of ​​the warehouse and showroom may vary depending on the focus of the business, that is, if the main income comes from remote orders, then storage space should be allocated more space by remodeling the premises.

    Product placement

    Often it is not possible to present the entire range on the sales floor. Of course, it is necessary that all purchased new products be presented on display. However, the novelty of technology in this case is not the only determining factor. The overall focus of the store is a more important factor in space allocation. In particular, the shelves in a computer store located in a residential area should display convenient home models of desktop computers, gaming laptops, and computer toys. If the store is office-oriented, then the main places should be office equipment, models designed for office work, and consumables.

    It is also necessary to take into account such a factor as the wealth of people visiting the store, that is, if the store is located in an elite area or near an elite building, then priority space in the display window must be allocated for expensive and multifunctional equipment.

    There are also several general principles to avoid errors when placing goods:

    • The best places on shelves should be allocated to profitable products, the categories of which will stand out after a few months of store operation;
    • For large items, it is best to allocate lower shelves. Psychologists note that this will not allow visitors to feel discomfort due to the unstable position of the equipment.
    • Products need to be grouped in accordance with their purpose, for which shelf talkers are most often used - cardboard or plastic panels attached to counters to highlight the product category.


    To organize the work of a computer store in its staffing table The following positions must be provided:

    • Manager – 1 person;
    • Sales consultant – 3 people;
    • Site administrator – 1 person;
    • Equipment repair specialist – 1 person;
    • Driver – 2 people.

    During the 90s. Most people who wanted to purchase computer equipment understood practically nothing about either the models or the characteristics. It was enough for the sales consultants to offer the client at least something, supplementing their recommendation with a large number of terms, and the client left with the purchase.

    Today, computer technology no longer inspires awe; it has turned into an ordinary, quickly becoming obsolete work tool or an equally obsolete means of entertainment. Of course, there are still people who understand a computer as a kind of “black box,” but most of the target audience is able to independently choose the right model.

    However, this does not mean that a sales assistant in a computer store is not needed, rather the opposite, because visitors today may have specific questions about the advantages of a particular model under certain conditions. Naturally, today sales consultants simply need to have a sufficiently deep understanding of this subject.

    Despite the apparent simplicity, finding a competent sales consultant in a computer store is quite difficult, since in addition to knowledge and understanding of the features of the models, the candidate must be able to quickly and clearly explain to the client all the technical nuances of operation and maintenance.

    Costs and payback

    To open a small computer store you need 65-80 thousand dollars, which will be distributed among the following cost items:

    1. Renovation of the premises - 2.5-3 thousand dollars;
    2. Purchase of warehouse and commercial furniture, office equipment – ​​8-10 thousand dollars;
    3. Purchase of 2 vehicles – 20 thousand dollars;
    4. Purchase of the first batch of equipment – ​​30-40 thousand dollars;
    5. Website development – ​​1.5-3 thousand dollars;
    6. Advertising – 2-3 thousand dollars;
    7. Other – 1 thousand dollars.

    Monthly expenses:

    1. Salary fund – 8-9 thousand dollars;
    2. Advertising – 1.5-2 thousand dollars;
    3. Rent – ​​3-4 thousand dollars;
    4. Other – 1 thousand dollars.

    Total: 13.5-16 thousand dollars.

    The payback period for funds invested in opening a computer store will be approximately 2-3 years.

    If 15 years ago the phrase “personal computer (PC)” was just beginning to come into use, today there is a computer, laptop or tablet in almost every home. And often families have more than one similar device. In this regard, the population regularly needs components or programs for their PCs. And, as you know, demand creates supply. Therefore, opening a computer store would be a good idea. We'll talk about how to do this today.


    Before you start drawing up a business plan for a computer store, you should understand a couple of fundamental factors. First of all, keep in mind that there is quite a lot of competition in this field today. After all, even in small towns, as a rule, you can find more than one computer store.

    In this regard, it is necessary to somehow stand out from your direct competitors. First of all, this will be facilitated by the highest quality of customer service. After all, a satisfied customer, as a rule, not only returns to the store himself, but also brings family, friends and acquaintances.

    It also makes sense to think about the stylish design of your outlet. As for documenting your business, it is quite enough to register as individual entrepreneur or LLC (if you are starting a business together with a partner). Obtaining any certificates or licenses is not required.

    Choosing a location for the salon: center or outskirts?

    When developing a business plan for a computer store, you should decide in advance whether your store will be aimed at corporate clients or end consumers. The choice of premises will directly depend on this.

    So, if you plan to work only with the end consumer, then the territorial location of your store will not have of great importance. This will only affect the range of goods: for example, in residential areas more emphasis should be placed on video games and home appliances, and in the center - on the needs of office workers.

    It's a completely different matter if your business is focused on wholesale buyers. In this case, much attention should be paid to both service support and organization of supplies. Supplies. And if you open your store on the outskirts of the city, the process of delivery and service will be significantly more complicated. And, on the contrary, the closer geographically you are to your clients, the better business relations you will have with them.

    What should the premises be like for a computer hardware store?

    So, we’ve figured out where it’s best to locate your salon. As for the room itself, its area should be about 80-100 square meters. The showroom will have 50-60 sq. meters. The remaining area should accommodate a repair shop, warehouse and administrative premises.

    In addition, when drawing up a business plan for a computer store, think about possible additional income in the form of copying, laminating, printing from digital media, etc. Of course, you won’t earn a lot of money from this. However, these services will allow you to attract additional potential clients to your salon.

    Computer showroom design and advertising

    It is very important to equip your store with a bright and visible sign with a clear and accessible message, semantic load which reflects the essence of the activities of your outlet. Experts are sure that best advertising for such a business is the appropriate design of the facade of the building.

    Place stickers on the walls and windows with a list of goods and services available for sale, contact information, as well as tempting promotional offers. As for additional methods of promotion, the business plan for a computer equipment store should also include the creation of your own website on the Internet, which you can promote through contextual advertising. In addition, you should take care of producing promotional flyers, as well as discount and bonus cards for regular customers.

    Showroom design, merchandising

    For those people who are wondering “how to open a computer hardware store,” experts recommend paying attention to the following fact: in addition to a properly drawn up business plan, the lion’s share of the enterprise’s success depends on the work of consultants and salespeople, as well as on the display of goods. We propose to dwell in more detail on the second point. So, the basic rules of merchandising for a computer hardware store:

    The showroom should display the entire range of available products.

    It is recommended to place the product on to the following principle: small-sized products are placed on the lower shelves in large volumes, just like large-sized ones. Bulk but fairly light goods (bags and backpacks for laptops, etc.) should be placed on the upper tiers. Medium-sized products must be placed on the middle and upper shelves.

    Promotional items should be placed in the most visible place in the showroom.

    Each unit of goods must be provided with a sign indicating basic information and price.

    Products eligible for any ongoing promotion must have a bright sign indicating both the new and old prices.

    An integral merchandising rule for a computer store is the grouping of goods by type (laptops with laptops, printers with printers, etc.) or by purpose in accordance with purchasing motives.

    Pay attention to how your product is lit. After all, the buyer should be able to examine it in all details.

    This rule follows from the previous one. After all, dust will be very noticeable on well-lit shelves. Therefore, pay special attention to maintaining cleanliness in your store.


    If you are planning to open a computer salon, your business plan must include hiring qualified and experienced employees. After all, the success of your business will largely depend on their work. We bring to your attention the basic rules for the staff of your computer salon:

    The customer is always right. This rule is unshakable and is not discussed. The buyer should always be treated with respect, even if he manages to misspell the word “Winchester” five times.

    If the seller sees that the client is not a computer specialist, then in a conversation with him he should not use specific and obscure terms for ordinary people, so as not to confuse him.

    Each salesperson in your salon should have an excellent understanding of the main types, brands, specifics and components for all products available for sale.

    In addition, all employees must know exactly where a particular product is located and what its price is. Also, the seller should always be aware of why the price of promotional products has been reduced.

    As for the wages of your store employees, in addition to the basic salary, it should also include a percentage of sales volume. Such a system will serve as additional motivation for sellers.


    When drawing up a business plan for a computer store, it is very important to carefully consider what exactly you will sell. If your salon is aimed at a wide range of consumers, then you should take care of the assortment that meets the needs of each group of potential clients.

    Computer Store Suppliers

    If you are just starting to work in this line of business, then it makes sense to find suppliers in your city or region. It is likely that in this case the price of the product will be higher than, for example, from the manufacturers themselves, but thanks to the close location you will be able to quickly update the assortment of your store. As your business develops, you can begin to cooperate either directly with manufacturers or with their dealer networks.

    Computer store financial plan

    If you are planning to open a small retail outlet, then you will need starting capital of 50-60 thousand dollars. A full-fledged store with a wide assortment will require an investment of 100 to 200 thousand dollars. As for the profitability of this business, it ranges from 10 to 25%. With the right approach to business, you can recoup your initial investment in one and a half to two years.