At the age of 21, young people are already accepted by society as adults, independent. At the same time, this same society reveals itself in all its colors, both light and dark, forcing a person to obey the rules and live in accordance with them. Then a person understands that his independence is relative, since it must fit into the laws of society.

During this period, many have already found permanent work or started a family, increasing the psychological burden. Now a person takes on not only the role of a son/daughter, a student, but also a mother/father, an employee. The need to have time to do everything teaches you to think quickly and not slow down.

The other side of 21 is living for your own pleasure. A certain amount of irresponsibility is still permissible now, but there will be no opportunity for it in the future. Therefore, some strive to use this time completely.

If you haven’t managed to start a family by the age of 21, find a job and enjoy life, young man Depression and loss of strength may occur. It will be important for him to get answers to the questions: “What do I want?”, “What needs to be done for this?”

Physiology of age

The process of growth and formation of the organism ends, and all the main dimensional characteristics of the body reach almost their final size. A period of full physical maturity begins. Bone finally replaced the intervertebral discs and made the sacral spine immobile. The ossification of the phalanges of the toes and hands has completed.

Age Statistics

The population of the Russian Federation in this age period (20-24 years) is 12,671 thousand people. Of these, 6,409 thousand are young people, 6,262 thousand are girls.

Of the population of this age group, only 9.4% are employed in the Russian economy

You were born in 1998 or 1999

1998 — August 17. In Russia, the ruble depreciated, which led to an aggravation of the economic crisis. The country's government resigned.

September 24. The first transplant of a limb from a deceased patient to a living one took place. A hand and forearm were transplanted in the city of Lyon, France.

12 December. The first organ transplant to a child was performed in the United States. A three-year-old Florida boy received a heart, lung and liver transplant at a Pennsylvania hospital.

1999 - 1st of January. Most countries of the European Union have switched to paying in the new European currency – the euro.

March 24. The first NATO air raid was carried out on Yugoslavia. USA invaded sovereign state, which was not threatened by a third party.

2000 - 26 March. Election of V.V. Putin to the post of President Russian Federation. The official inauguration took place on May 7.

A robotic developmental doll has been created in the USA. She knew how to talk, laugh, cry, blink, make grimaces. In the process of communicating with people, she increased her lexicon and reached the developmental level of a two-year-old child.

The first medicinal products were created in Novosibirsk, the prefix “Bifido” was added to the usual name. They contain a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria, which have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, prevent the development of pathogenic microbes and nourish the body with B vitamins and vitamin K. Such products quickly gained popularity among buyers.

2001 - January 15. The official launch of the English site Wikipedia took place - a resource that today has become an assistant in quickly obtaining encyclopedic data in all areas of life.

11 September. The largest terrorist attack in world history was committed in the United States. As a result, the Pentagon was damaged and destroyed Shopping mall, and human losses amounted to about three thousand people.

2002 - 1st of January. The European Union introduced euro coins and banknotes, which became the single currency for most EU countries and played an important role in stabilizing the global European economy.

October. After 50 years, restoration has begun railway between North and South Korea.

October 23. In Moscow, Russia, Chechen terrorists took hostages at the Nord-Ost theater center on Dubrovka. Three days later, on October 26, all the terrorists were killed during the assault by special forces. One of the hostages died from a bullet wound, the remaining 116 people died from exposure to the gas used during the assault.

2004 — Bloodless revolutions took place in Georgia, Ukraine, and Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which more democratic leaders came to power.

1st of May. European Union expanded its scope by including ten new countries.

2005 - 5 January. Eris, the largest of the dwarf planets in our solar system, has been discovered.

2006 - March 29. The first total eclipse of the sun in the 21st century could be observed in Russia.

24 August. Scientists have stripped Pluto of its planetary status. This decision was adopted at the meeting of the International Astronomical Union in Prague, Czech Republic.

2007 — Genetics have discovered modifications in the human body that are responsible for the development of certain diseases. After DNA analysis, it became possible to identify a predisposition to certain diseases.

November 4. In the USA took place presidential elections. The first black president in the history of the state, Barack Obama, became the head of the state.

2009 — August 17. A disaster occurred at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Hundreds of people became victims. The cause of the problems was a series of shortcomings and a failure in the redistribution of electricity in the power system.

2010 - 18th of March. Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman proved the Poincaré conjecture, which was considered one of the unsolvable Problems of the Millennium. For this, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a prize of $1 million, which he refused.

April 10th. A plane crash occurred over Smolensk, in which Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland, his wife Maria Kaczynskaya, the high military command, Polish politicians, as well as religious and public figures(total 97 people).

First created living cell, in which its own DNA was replaced with DNA created artificially. Humanity has received new tools for developing technologies for artificially growing organs.

2011 - 11th of March. In Japan, off the northeastern coast, an earthquake occurred, the magnitude of which reached 8.9. As a result of the earthquake, a devastating tsunami arose, as a result of which over 15 thousand people died, several thousand are considered missing.

May 2. Osama bin Laden, the “No. 1” terrorist in the world, the leader of Al-Qaeda, who, in particular, is considered responsible for the September 11 terrorist attack, was killed.

September 7. An international charter flight crashed near Yaroslavl. On board the plane was the team of the Lokomotiv hockey club, which was flying to Minsk. 44 people died, one survived.

2012 - February 21. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scandalous punk prayer service of the PussyRiot group took place, three members of which were detained by the police.

December 1. Russia has headed the G20, a forum of representatives of countries with the most developed economies: Australia, Japan, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, UK, France, Germany, Turkey, India, USA, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Mexico, Canada, China.

2013 - February, 15. A meteorite fell in the Urals - the largest celestial body that collided with the surface of the Earth after the Tunguska meteorite. Because of the “Chelyabinsk” meteorite (it exploded in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk), 1,613 people were injured.

February, 15. Asteroid 2012 DA14 flew by at the minimum distance from planet Earth (27,000 km). This was the closest distance in the entire history of astronomy.

18th of March. Putin V.V. signed an agreement on the admission of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol to Russia. This treaty comes into force from the moment of ratification Federal Assembly- 21 March.

2015 - Jan. 7. A terrorist attack took place at the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, based on a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed previously posted in the magazine. 12 people were killed and 11 people were injured.

The age difference is 21 years. Choosing a Spouse

I want to quote a book by one of my favorite authors
Allan and Barbara Pease

Why men want sex and women want love

The text is devoted to selecting a partner from candidates.
This passage left me with a strange, unpleasant aftertaste, despite the undoubted correctness of what was written. I wonder what thoughts what you read will lead you to?

Here are the qualities Graham Steele's ideal partner should have:

– age 25-45 years

- elegant

- athletic and healthy

- caring, loving, attentive

- non-smoker

- with a university degree

- loving music

- educated and cultural.

"When I made this list, I described myself, trying to be as honest as possible. Soon I was spending 60 hours a week on the computer. And this lasted for almost three years. I sent out my resume, responded to letters received and chatted with women. Sometimes I met some very quirky people, I had a lot of fun."

Here's what Graham did:

1. He looked through more than 20,000 pictures and profiles on marriage sites.

2. He received about 1000 photographs and full descriptions various women. This amounted to about 5% of total number information.

3. He sent his photograph and description to these 1000 women. 30% of them (about 300) answered him.

4. By e-mail he asked if they wanted to have children. The majority (285) answered yes.

5. Then he sent these 285 women a “killing letter” - he firmly said that he did not want to have children, since he already had three of them. About 60% did not agree to similar relationships.

6. This left Graham with about 100 women with whom he could develop relationships. This is 10% of thousands of suitable candidates.

7. Graham began communicating with each of these hundred women online, by phone, and by email. 38 met him in person. Their relationship either strengthened or ended.

8. Out of a hundred women, Graham invited 24 foreign women to vacation with him in Brisbane, Australia, on the condition that they pay for the plane ticket and he covers the rest of the expenses. 16 women agreed.

9. These same 16 women agreed to have sex before marriage. If they had not suited each other, then everything would have become clear immediately.

10. Women came from everywhere. Everyone had a great time. Some were virgins and so they left (“It was my decision”). If they were not suitable for each other sexually, then Graham considered further relationships a waste of time. "Of all the women, I immediately singled out Emma, ​​even before our personal meeting. I remember exactly the day she answered me. It was Easter. I spent eight hours researching women on the site and marked 100 of them that day. Three of that group came to see me in Brisbane, and one of them was close to perfect. But she was a little stern, and I thought it would be difficult to deal with her. And Emma was just perfect. When she came to Australia, we immediately liked each other. We soon became engaged and married the following year. That was nine years ago."

When Graham met Emma, ​​he was 50 years old. He was involved in real estate and enjoyed playing the guitar and singing. Emma turned out to be a 29-year-old Chinese woman with a university degree. She fit Graham's list perfectly. She also played the guitar and learned to play the piano. When we spoke to Graham and Emma, ​​they had been married and happily for nine years. We could say that these are people who are perfect for each other.

nadia79 (Switzerland)

Once upon a time, unions in which the age difference between lovers was ten, fifteen, and even more so twenty years, caused surprise, if not outright condemnation.

But in the twenty-first century we can safely talk about a trend - the number of unions with a significant age difference is growing.

Still from the film "Sex in big city 2"

It is common to think that such unions are often implicated in self-interest, in the social, career and financial ambitions of the parties, that these are unions “without a future”, without prospects, accompanied by a lot of difficulties.

However, as practice shows, many men and women most often look for traditional values, depth and quality of relationships in these unions. As a psychologist, having the opportunity to compare psychological problems in peer couples and couples with a significant age difference, I come to the conclusion that these unions have very good reasons.

And often marriages of different ages become more harmonious and happy, and most importantly, more stable than couples of the same age. Let's try to consider all the possible pros and cons, strong and weak sides such unions. I would like to make a disclaimer right away: we will talk about marriages concluded on the basis of mutual feelings, and not for any other reasons.

Social side

Tilda Swinton and Sandro Kopp. The age difference between this couple is 18 years. They have been together since 2004


A union in which the man is older is created, in addition to love and joy, as a rule, precisely for them and for their sake. Everything is ready: where to grow, what to grow for. Most psychologists agree that the age of “conscious fatherhood,” that is, the age at which a man really wants to have children, comes closer to forty.

Men who became fathers early, just after twenty, later admitted more than once during consultations: “Only when the child was already ten years old did I finally understand what it was to be a father.”

Jason Statham is 20 years older than Rosie Huntington-Whiteley. In June of this year, their first child was born - son Jack Oscar. Jason became a father at 50

In a “woman is older” union, a man needs to be prepared for the fact that there may not be children. But, in the end, family is not only children. First of all, it is a union of two loving people. It also happens differently: in my practice, I have encountered several cases when children appeared in marriages where women were over forty. What’s interesting is that in such couples the man also goes into fatherhood as consciously as possible, although he may still be relatively young. A late (for a woman) child is a responsible step, and is possible only if both spouses sincerely wish to complete the family.


Also one of strengths such marriages. At least in the “older woman” option - this, as they say, is not in the top ten, but in the hundred. Most psychologists and sexologists have long agreed that the peaks of male and female sexual activity do not coincide by age. A man's heyday occurs between twenty-seven and thirty-seven years, a woman's heyday occurs between forty and fifty.

This does not mean that before or after none of them are interested in sex, we're talking about specifically about mature sexuality in its prime.

After forty, a woman already has a very good idea of ​​what she wants. Not burdened by the maternal function, she can allow herself to be the most relaxed, sincere and most comfortable in sex. And in this state, a young man is much more suitable for her.

In the case where the man is older, both for a long time will be concerned about the offspring and their raising - sex in such a marriage can be calm and comfortable, because neither the woman nor the man is at the peak of their capabilities, but they will, again, pay tribute to love with equal interest. All problems begin only when a long journey has been traveled together and one of the partners begins to lose vitality, and the second one is still full of it. And here it is necessary to discuss what, according to many, is the “stumbling block” of such couples.


It is believed that growing old with someone the same age is not scary - the same changes occur with both, people face the same type of problems. But this is only at first glance. A man, for example, ages earlier in terms of sexuality. And in my practice there were many peer couples in which the woman suffered from this.

What is actually scary about aging? Illness and loss of interest in sex, loss of external attractiveness. The younger partner, willingly or unwillingly, will force the other to keep himself in good shape - by the very fact of his existence. And it’s even better to do this consciously: come up with general health measures, joint sports activities.

Hugh Jackman and Deborah-Lee Furness, for example, go down the slide. Deborah is 13 years older than her husband

Loss of interest in sex is a problem that concerns “older man” couples more. Yes, it will be extremely difficult for a sixty-year-old man to satisfy the needs of a forty-year-old woman. However, he who is forewarned is forearmed. It is worth visiting a specialist in advance and getting advice on how a man can maintain sexual function and how to diversify his sex life.

The problem of loss of external attractiveness may affect “older woman” couples more. Although sometimes here we are talking not so much about the loss of attractiveness, but about the woman’s own experiences in this regard. Men, as a rule, love “with their eyes” only at first, then the emphasis shifts to tactile and olfactory sensations, which they associate with the “feeling of family.” And in this context, two extra wrinkles on their beloved face are simply invisible to them.

    Marriage with a man who is ten or more years older is -

In conclusion, I want to say one thing: in couples with a large age difference, there is a rare balance of power within the family. Partners give each other different information - after all, these are people from different generations, different opportunities, different points of view; they keep each other “on their toes”, compensating for each other’s shortcomings and shortcomings: if one is weak in something, the other is strong in this, and vice versa. And if all this is superimposed on mutual feelings, then such unions are sometimes more harmonious than pairs of peers. And one more thing: couples of different ages, as a rule, consist of very brave people, because in our society it is still “not accepted” to enter into such marriages. And if people know how to love no matter what, there is already something to respect them for.

What does the age difference between spouses mean? What kind of relationship does it promise?

According to the Avestan astrological tradition (Avesta is the sacred book of the ancient Iranians) New Year begins on March 21, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries.

Therefore, if one partner was born before March 21 of any year and the other after March 21, the difference in the years of both partners should be reduced by one year. If both partners were born after March 21, then the age difference is established by simply subtracting the years lived.

It is customary to round the difference to the nearest year if it is no more than three months, i.e. 1 year and 10 months is 2 years, and 2 years and 8 months is still 2 years, etc.

Age difference 1 year- strong business relationships are formed. Such partnerships help strengthen financial situation. It is good to enter into such a marriage of convenience.

Age difference 2 years- gives an illusory form of communication. Marriage can only exist on a spiritual basis and community of interests. In the case of simple emotional attachment, the initial attraction often turns into hostility later and the marriage may break up.

Age difference 3 years- leads to very tense relationships built on struggle and rivalry. This couple's relationship is often on the brink, on the edge. In addition, one of the partners usually bears a heavy burden of trials and temptations, and he is often ready to slander his other half.

Age difference 4 years- gives many chances for a more or less harmonious marriage, built on friendship, mutual assistance, and cooperation. But, alas, time can change relationships for the worse.

Age difference 5 and 10 years- this is not a random meeting. There is a karmic connection between partners that requires working off mutual debts. Karma keeps them close to each other; they must go through life in one direction, but at the same time one of them must be the leader, the other the follower.

Age difference 6 and 9 years- gives a very severe form of relationship. In this union, trials, struggle, intrigue, and intrigues on the part of close relatives are inevitable. Such a union is good for people for whom a calm family life causes boredom, for thrill-seekers.

Age difference 7 and 14 years- gives the most mysterious relationship between partners. IN family life- continuous secrets, misunderstandings, inability to agree. Someone from the outside will constantly interfere in the marital relationship. Manifestations of the evil eye and damage are possible. Such a connection is unpredictable and it is unknown what it can lead to: either rebirth or internal breakdown. Such unions are good for a secret love affair.

Age difference 8 years- gives spiritual comfort and the most harmonious form of marriage. The union of partners is based on deep affection and mutual assistance. Stability of relationships and confidence in each other help to reveal their creativity. And this further contributes to the creation of a happy and prosperous marriage.

Age difference 11 years- leads to the most unpredictable consequences. Relationships between partners develop like: “all or nothing!” Constant changes, persistent struggle for leadership, and incessant criticism of each other are possible. There is one good feature in this marriage - an irreconcilable couple can start all over again at any time.

Age difference 12 years- enormous difficulties in mutual understanding and interaction between partners, leading to very great unreliability of marriage. An alliance can start well and then fall apart miserably. He is strange and dual. One of the partners usually always creates obstacles in the development of the other. The consequences of such an alliance can be the most severe and terrible (even murder).

Age difference 13 years- leads to interference in the relationships of partners by supernatural forces. The relationship is clear, predictable, missionary, leading to spiritual rebirth, transformation of consciousness, clarification. This is the “path to heaven”, the road to spiritual heights or... the “path of death”, that is, degradation.

Today unequal marriages will no longer surprise anyone. And both in one direction and in the other. How does a large age difference between spouses affect family life? And what kind of life should it be in order to guarantee an idyll in family relationships?


At first glance, it is marriages between peers that should be the most prosperous. Still, common interests, a common circle of friends, approximately the same life experience and future prospects work to unite us. However, not everything is so rosy.

To begin with, couples of the same age most often meet in early marriages - 19-23 years old. And at this age, spouses are usually not yet ready to adapt to each other. Lacks wisdom and flexibility in relationships.

In addition, discrepancies in sexual interests often have an impact. Experts say that a woman’s true sensuality awakens only at the age of 30, while for the stronger sex this very peak occurs at the age of 21 - 25.

Perhaps it is for these reasons that 53 percent of marriages concluded by young people the same age fall apart.

In addition, some believe that it is men who are married to women the same age who are most often inclined to change their companions during the ill-fated midlife crisis.

Marriages between peers have a better chance of finding harmony when people meet when they are old enough, with the necessary life experience and baggage.

Wife is older than husband

IN Lately Such marriages are perceived by the public much more calmly. Moreover, as experts say, they have many advantages.

To begin with, in purely sexual terms, it is easier for a 20-year-old man to match with a woman who is 5-6 years older than him than with someone his own age.

The heyday of female sexuality occurs in the period from 30 to 45 years, and for some it lasts up to 50. In the stronger sex, as research shows, by the age of 35-40 a period of steadily high sexuality begins, and after 45 it slowly goes down. decline So it turns out that in terms of sexual hours, older women are the best match for young men.

True, with age the importance sexual relations for the wife it will fade into the background.

But usually by this time the spouses have other points of contact that keep them close to each other. After all, in the end, people who agree not only in bed dare to enter into such relationships.

Complex and insecure young guys who grew up under the tutelage of their mother and grandmother often fall in love with older women. They do not know how to express themselves through “real masculine actions” (well, there is a fight over girls, active courtship). And therefore they are not popular with their peers.

The wives of such men most often do not fully satisfy the instinct of motherhood. Or she doesn't have children of her own. Or her children have already matured and do not need their mother’s care.

Such a union can last quite a long time if the husband-boy does not suddenly grow up one day or for some reason begins to be burdened by excessive guardianship.

Tend to fall in love mature women and romantic natures, to whom such women seem to be the embodiment of the female ideal - well-groomed, educated, gentle and romantic. It is these kinds of romances that usually drag on for a long time and then successfully develop into marriage.

As a rule, women who are capable of seriously captivating men younger than themselves are extraordinary individuals, and next to them a young man matures quite quickly, gaining self-confidence and life wisdom.

So, psychologically, such a relationship can benefit both. If only a woman is smart enough not to treat her husband like an unreasonable baby. Because even if he married adult woman due to the fact that he needs a motherly type wife, he will soon rebel from such treatment anyway.

Husband is older than wife

But still, it is considered most acceptable when a man is older than his chosen one. True, recently marriages have become fashionable in which the husband is almost fit to be the father of his wife.

From the point of view of experts, there is nothing unnatural in the desire of men to marry young women.

Women are attracted to older men because, firstly, they are wealthier and more successful than their peers. And women, again by nature itself, are prescribed to “fall for” such representatives of the stronger sex.

Secondly, very often girls who grew up without a father or simply did not receive enough fatherly love fall in love with much older men.

Girls who are accustomed to constant parental care, when they grow up, will also fall in love with men older than themselves, who will become a parent and husband for her, as they say, in one bottle. And if a man likes a father-daughter relationship, family harmony is guaranteed for this couple. He will always be able to feel like the undisputed head of the family. She will never challenge his leadership.

Some women choose men much older than themselves, thus trying to increase their self-esteem. As a rule, these are girls with a deep-seated inferiority complex who received little praise in the family.

Next to a man who is 20 or more years older than her, who is ready to admire his young wife, she can finally feel like a queen.

So, whatever one may say, unequal barges contain many positive aspects. Although, of course, there are pitfalls.

In unequal boats, experts say, those who are younger age faster. Especially a woman. But she still has a need for feelings. And if some Don Juan appears on the path of such a woman, then it is possible that loyalty to her husband will be over.

So consider it

So what is the optimal age difference between spouses? There is no consensus on this matter.

Some experts believe that for a stable, long-term relationship, the age difference between spouses should be approximately 5-7 years.

Other scientists even offer a formula for calculating an ideal marriage: “husband’s age: 2+7 = wife’s age.” That is, if a man is 40 years old, divide by 2 - it turns out 20, then add 7 and get his age ideal wife: 27 years.

Astrologers suggest determining the compatibility of spouses by age based on the ancient Zoroastrian calendar. Here it does not matter at all which of the spouses is older. The main thing is how much.

So, according to this system marriage between peers although it guarantees a successful union and many children, it does not always imply personal growth.

One year difference promises a marriage based on trust, mutual assistance, as well as harmonious joint raising of children.

Two years - such marriages are usually romantic and sudden. The spouses face an endless series of ups and downs, alternating violent passion with periods of sharp cooling.

Union of spouses with three years difference at an older age he is too emotional and will withstand the test only if one of the partners is able to balance the relationship. Marriage is similar six years apart at the age of the partners. It will work out successfully only if both are willing to maintain the relationship. But in terms of unleashing the creative potential of spouses, such a marriage is considered an ideal option.

Marriage where husband or wife four years older promises complete harmony. This is a friendship-marriage in which a trusting relationship between spouses remains even after a divorce.

Difference between spouses at 5, 10 or 15 years beautiful if they are combined common affairs and interests.

A marriage with a difference between husband and wife is also considered extremely stable at 7, 8 or 14 years old.

Nine years difference promises a difficult and conflict-ridden marriage, which, however, can stimulate the creative potential of lovers of spice in relationships. An eleven-year marriage in which quarrels and reconciliations alternate is similar.

With a twelve year difference At an older age, success in marriage especially depends on the willingness of partners to make concessions.

Married thirteen years apart, According to Zoroastrians, spirituality comes to the fore. Well and a sixteen year difference aged, in their opinion, is the best union, combining the magic of all lucky numbers.

... However, the main condition for a happy life together still remains love, the desire to give warmth and understanding to your chosen one. And then no age difference will be a hindrance.