Carolina Kuek or as we all know Ani Lorak, was born on September 27, 1978 in Kitsman. Today the girl is a very famous Ukrainian singer, TV presenter and actress, People's Artist Ukraine, which was able to win 2nd place at Eurovision 2008.

Ani Lorak

Ani Lorak's childhood

Karolina Miroslavovna Kuek was born in the city of Kitsman. Mother, Zhanna Vasilyevna Linkova, worked on the regional radio as an announcer, and father, Miroslav Ivanovich Kuek, worked as a journalist.

Little Ani Lorak is second from left in the photo

The girl's parents divorced before she was born. The baby had 2 older brothers - Igor and Sergei. Unfortunately, her brother Sergei died in Afghanistan.

The girl loved to sing and often performed at city and school talent competitions. She also won the famous Primrose Festival in 1992. After that, she was noticed by Yuri Thales, who offered Ani a singer’s contract.

First performance in the competition

Ani Lorak's career

The song “My God” surprised everyone in 1995 at Russian show talents "Morning Star". Then, at the age of 17, she applied to participate, but it turned out that there was already a girl named Carolina in the show. Then the young singer had to come up with a pseudonym, and she read her name backwards. The result was “Ani Lorak”.

In 1995, Carolina was awarded the Golden Firebird figurine for her performance at the Tavria Games festival.

In 1999, Ani Lorak decided to go on a big tour: the cities of Ukraine, France, Hungary, the USA and Germany.

When the girl returned, she became an Honored Artist of Ukraine, and also began collaborating with Igor Krutoy. Then they created the wonderful song “Mirrors” and signed a new contract.

Ani Lorak and Igor Krutoy

In 2004, a new album called “Ani Lorak” was released, and the girl’s song “Three Habitual Words” became the song of the year.

In 2008, Ani Lorak performed at Eurovision with the song “Shady Lady”, she took second place, and Dima Bilan took first place with the song “Believe”.

In 2013, Caroline released another album, “Light Up Your Heart.” And in 2014, the girl, together with Sergei Lazarev, Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, became a mentor in the 4th season of the show “The Voice of Ukraine”.

Ani Lorak - facts from the life of an actress, model

The comedy musical “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka” in 2001 was a success for the girl.

Ani Lorak could also be seen in the famous musical “Gypsies”, where she played the role of Zemfira, as well as in the musical “Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro” in the image of Fanchetta.

Ani Lorak also released 3 books for children: “How to become a culinary star in 7 days”, “How to become a star” and “How to become a princess”.

In 2010, the girl was a model for the popular Oriflame cosmetics, and was also the face of the travel company TurTess Travel and Schwarzkopf.

Ani Lorak - personal life

Ani Lorak vacationed in Antalya in 2005, where she met Murat Nalchadzhioglu, 30 years old. The man decided to move to his beloved’s homeland, and 4 years later he proposed to her.

On August 15, 2009, the couple got married in Kyiv. And 2 years later, in June, their daughter Sofia was born.

Ani Lorak and her husband Murat Nalchadzhioglu, daughter Sofia

Today the singer is quite in demand both in Ukraine and in Russia. She has many fans who are looking forward to her new songs.

Ani Lorak interview - video

  • Name: Ani
  • Surname: Lorak
  • Date of Birth: 27.09.1978
  • Place of Birth: Kitsman, Ukraine
  • Zodiac sign: Scales
  • Eastern horoscope: Horse
  • Occupation: singer
  • Height: 162 cm
  • Weight: 47 kg

Ani Lorak– one of the sexiest singers in modern show business. For many, she became the standard of femininity, beauty and charm. At the same time, her biography serves as an example of how a simple girl from a provincial Ukrainian town was able to ascend not only to the Ukrainian and Russian stage, but also to become second at the main European music competition.

Photo by Ani Lorak

Since childhood I dreamed of being on stage

The road to the big stage was not easy for Caroline. By the way, she received the name Caroline at the insistence of her Polish grandmother, and in the future, reading it backwards, the pseudonym Ani Lorak will be assigned to her. Miroslav Ivanovich and Zhanna Vasilievna, the girl’s parents, divorced even before the birth of their daughter. It was difficult for a mother to feed her children on the salary of a radio station worker, so early years they were brought up in a boarding school.

Caroline's dreams of singing on stage have not left her since she was four years old. Having matured a little, the active, artistic and cheerful girl enjoyed performing at school concerts, took part in competitions and did not give up on her dream of becoming a singer.

"Morning Star" and first victories

At one of Caroline’s performances, producer Yuri Thales drew attention to her and offered cooperation. On the big stage, they first started talking about her when the girl became a participant in the Russian musical project “Morning Star” in 1995. It was then that she had to take a pseudonym, since a contestant with the same name already participated in the program. Carolina read her name backwards; the pseudonym Ani Lorak suited her so well and she liked it so much that she never parted with it again.

The debut on television brought the young performer her first popularity. According to the results of the survey “New Stars of the Old Year,” Ani was recognized as “Discovery of the Year.” Her success was consolidated with a victory at the Tavria Games and second place at the Chervona Ruta festival.

The Tavria Games of the next two years were also not without Anya’s participation. In 1996, she was nominated for the Golden Firebird award as “best singer,” and in 1997 she announced her second album with the song “I’ll Be Back.” Carolina also managed to conquer New York with her talent and became the first at the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition.

Conquering the music scene

By the age of seventeen, the young performer had already recorded her debut album. The disc was released by an English studio and the album sold only 6 thousand copies, however, it reached domestic listeners and was well received.

At the age of 19, Ani Lorak has already received recognition in Ukrainian show business and on the stage. The young girl became the first performer to perform in such at a young age was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

A new creative revolution occurred after concluding a contract with Igor Krutoy in 1999. The first fruits of the work were the song and video “Mirrors”, and later the next album “Where You Are” (Ukrainian “Tam, de ti e...”) was released. As a result:

  • victory in the category “best singer of the year” at the Tavria Games (2002, 2003);
  • “Golden Disc” for the impressive number of copies sold of the album “Where You Are...”;
  • Lorak took a place in the top 100 sexiest women;
  • annual winner of “Song of the Year”;
  • a new album “Ani Lorak” in 2004 and another “Golden Disc”;
  • new “golden” albums “Smile” in 2005 and “Rozkazhi” (“Tell”) in 2006;
  • sales of the album “15” pushed it to the rank of “platinum” (2007);
  • repeated presentation of the Golden Gramophone.


By 2008, not only all of Russia, Ukraine and the CIS countries knew about Ani Lorak. She has already toured half the world and her concerts everywhere were a great success. Obviously, only the Eurovision Song Contest remained unconquered, where the singer went in 2008 (the first attempt in 2005 to represent Ukraine at Eurovision was not successful).

At the prestigious European championship, Ani won second place for her country with the composition “Shady Lady” (author Philip Kirkorov). After such success, a series of bright events befell the artist:

  • “Golden Gramophone” for the Russian version of the song “Shady Lady” - “From Heaven to Heaven” (2008);
  • the album “Sun” reached platinum, and the song of the same name was awarded the “Golden Gramophone” (2009);
  • Ani was awarded the title “Person of the Year” in the category “Idol of Ukrainians” (2009);

In 2008, Carolina finally captivated the Ukrainian public, artists and the top government and was awarded the proud title of People's Artist of Ukraine.

Ani and Murat

We must pay tribute to the fact that Ani Lorak never exchanged relationships. Before her first official marriage, the singer was in civil marriage with his producer Yuri Thalesa.

In 2005, while vacationing in Antalya, she met businessman Murat Nalchadzhioglu. The co-owner of the travel agency “Turtess Travel” was so captivated by the beautiful Ani that he soon moved to her homeland. In 2009, the couple officially registered their marriage in the Kiev registry office, and later a luxurious wedding celebration was organized in Turkey.

On June 9, 2011, baby Sofia was born, and in 2012 she was baptized (family friend Philip Kirkorov became godfather).

Success continues

Over the past few years, the titled singer has continued her march through the musical Olympus with the same success, touring, participating in various projects and being awarded prestigious awards.

In addition to concert activities, she takes part in charity events and social life. She also had the honor of being the UN Goodwill Ambassador for AIDS in Ukraine.

Femininity and attractive beauty could not go unnoticed by cosmetic corporations. Lorak became the face of Oriflame, Schwarzkopdf, as well as the travel company Turtess Travel.

In 2011, Ani participated in the project “The Phantom of the Opera”. The People's Artist was repeatedly invited to perform as a guest star on the adult and children's New Wave. In 2014, she took a seat on the jury of the music show on Ukrainian television “Voice of the Country”. The singer also managed to participate in the creation of several children's publications (“How to become a star”, “How to become a princess”).

The repeated winner of the title “Singer of the Year” in Ukraine also manages to implement business projects. In 2006, Lorak opened the “Angel” restaurant in the Ukrainian capital, and in 2015, together with her husband, the “Mangal” restaurant.

When in 2014, after the outbreak of hostilities in Donbass, the artist continued to perform in Russia, she was criticized by nationally minded Ukrainian authorities. In her native country, protesters even caused riots at her concerts a couple of times, and the authorities called her position “anti-Ukrainian.”

The main thing is family

Despite all the interethnic ups and downs, Ani Lorak remains a popular singer in both Ukraine and Russia. She continues to create, act, sing and participate in television shows. In 2015-2016, the singer was nominated for the Fashion People Awards and, of course, she did not go without an award: victory in the category “Fashion Singer” (2015) and “Fashion Voice Women” (2016).


People's Artist of Ukraine, Ani Lorak, was born in the city of Kitsman, September 27, 1978. She was the second child in the family. For a long time, Ani Lorak’s parents could not come up with a name for their daughter; they eventually settled on the name Olga, but at the request of her grandmother, who was Polish, they named her Caroline. Ani Lorak's real name is Kuek. Karolina Kuek's father works as a local journalist, despite the fact that he graduated from a music school with a degree in conducting. Mom was a radio announcer.

Thanks to the fact that dad had a musical education, he was able to develop his daughter’s interest in music. Since childhood, Carolina Kuek began to take part in all sorts of concerts, first at school and then at a more serious level. It must be said that Carolina developed and progressed very quickly - at the age of 14 she became the winner of the Chernivtsi festival “Primrose”. Thanks to this victory, Karolina was noticed - producer Yuri Falesoy signed a contract with Karolina Kuek. This was the first professional contract in Caroline's life. Just three years later, Carolina Kuek became famous thanks to the Morning Star-95 program. It was because of this program that Carolina came up with her pseudonym “Ani Lorak”. It happened like this: while submitting an application for the competition, Carolina Kuek encountered a problem - one of the participants had already submitted an application under the name Carolina. Therefore, I had to come up with a pseudonym for myself. For a long time, Caroline could not come up with something worthwhile; in a fit of despair, she simply wrote her name backwards, “Ani Lorak,” and it turned out to be just what she needed. Already under a new pseudonym, Ani Lorak took second place at the Chervona Ruta festival, which was held in Crimea. And at the end of this year (1995), Ani Lorak completed recording her album “I Want to Fly,” which, unfortunately, was released in a circulation of 6,000, but not a single copy was released in the CIS. In 1996, Ani Lorak took part and won the Big Apple Music 1996 Competition, which was held in New York. In December 1997, Ani Lorak released the album “I'll Be Back.”

In 1999, Ani Lorak was awarded the title of People's Artist of Ukraine. She became the youngest person to be awarded this title, and it is not surprising, because she was barely 19 years old.

In 2000, Ani Lorak began collaborating with Igor Krutoy, as a result of which the song “Mirrors” appeared. In 2001, Ani Lorak released the disc “Where You Are...”. A year later, Carolina is recognized as the best singer in Ukraine. 2004 was no less successful for Ani Lorak than previous years - her album “Ani Lorak” received the status of “golden album”, the song “Three Loud Words” was recognized as the best song of the year, and Ani Lorak as the best singer of the year. In 2005, Carolina Kuek released the album “Smile”, the song of the same name from which she wanted to perform at Eurovision, but the group “Grinjoly” with its political song “Since we are rich...” prevented Ani Lorak from entering the competition. Thank God fate gave Caroline another chance. In 2008, Ani Lorak took second place at Eurovision, after Dima Bilan.

There is one unique singer on the Russian stage with a voice range of more than 4.5 octaves. She was born in Ukraine and since childhood she has been accustomed to overcoming various difficult moments in life. Fans of popular music will be interested to know creative biography Ani Lorak, who managed to win the title of Show Business Diva. She can not only sing beautifully, but also write songs and compose music for them.

The girl was born in the small provincial town of Kitsman in Ukraine on October 27, 1978. Ani Lorak's difficult childhood was predetermined even before she was born. The singer's parents divorced before Caroline was born, so she had to live in complete poverty.

After birth, Ani Lorak received the silent surname of her father, whose name was Miroslav, but after the advent of popularity she abandoned it. The girl's family lived quite poorly, since she was far from the only child. At the age of 7, Zhanna Vasilyevna placed Ani in a special Sadgorsky boarding school on the outskirts of Chernivtsi. She lived there until the eighth grade, because her mother worked around the clock, but was still unable to feed the children.

From the age of four, little Carolina dreamed of becoming a famous singer, but life did not allow her to achieve this. At the boarding school, the girl constantly took classical music lessons and participated in all little-known competitions, where her abilities were noticed, which became a ticket to the Ukrainian stage.

Singer career

Having won the “Primrose” singing competition in Chernivtsi, Lorak was able to meet producer Yuri Thalesa, well-known in certain circles. He saw in the girl enormous talent and her incredible promise. In 1992, the singer signed her first contract. For more than two years, Carolina learned the intricacies and pitfalls of show business.

Ani Lorak's real name is Carolina Kuek, and at first she performed under it. But after people began to recognize her on the street, she had to come up with a pseudonym for herself. This was the producer's main requirement. In 1995, Ani claimed victory in the famous music competition, but there was already a participant from Russia with a similar name, so the girl had to quickly find a way out of the situation. Then her mentor read the singer’s name backwards and approved this option.

In the same year, Yuri arranged for the girl to appear on the popular television program “Morning Star”, where she gained fame on an all-Union scale. Ani began to be called the golden voice. She was also able to win the first Golden Firebird award in her life at the famous Tavria Games. This year became a real breakthrough for the future star. Caroline's earnings and career skyrocketed. The singer began to interest eminent journalists and earned the reverent love of fans, the number of which grew with each new album.

There were a huge number of prestigious competitions in which Carolina participated under the guidance of the producer. Victory at each of them always brought greater popularity and increased the army of admirers. Lorak was engaged in her favorite profession and worked very hard. In 1998, she became a promising singer in Ukraine.

In 1999, despite her age, the star was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, and five years later Lorak became an honorary Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations. In 2008, the singer performed at Eurovision and took an honorable second place there.

In addition to her unique voice and youth, the singer has amazing charisma. She was often invited to model for the most popular clothing designers. On the territory of Ukraine, the girl became an official representative of the famous cosmetics company Oriflame, the Schwarzkopf & Henkel corporation and the tour operator TurTess Travel.

Bullying in Ukraine

Ani Lorak's problems at home began in mid-2009. At this time, she took part in Yulia Tymoshenko’s campaign tour “With Ukraine in the Heart.” Residents of the country remember this mistake of hers well. But the persecution of the artist began after the tour in Russian Federation, while it began Civil War on the territory of Donbass.

Aggressive nationalists began to disrupt all the singer’s concerts, and local media published scandalous articles about her. Some Ukrainians wanted to ban Caroline from performing in Russia. And they also did not like the contacts and strong friendship of the girl with the king Russian stage Philip Kirkorov.

Ani Lorak performed with the following Russian celebrities:

  • Timur Rodriguez;
  • Valeriy Meladze;
  • Grigory Leps;
  • Egor Creed.

Many artists stood up for Lorak, but the radical Svoboda party started a real persecution. Despite everything, Caroline continues to give concerts in the Baltic states and the Russian Federation, because art is much more important to her than political ambitions. Now Ani is refraining from touring in Ukraine, fearing for her safety.

Personal life of Carolina

Caroline's personal life is extremely open to the public. From 1995 to 2003, she lived with her producer and inspirer Yuri Thalesa in a civil marriage. In 2009, the singer got married with Turtess Travel Director Murat Nalchadzhioglu. Future husband Ani Lorak met her in Turkey, and a year later he moved to live in the capital of Ukraine.

At the beginning of 2011, the singer gave birth to a charming daughter, Sofia, who legally received her father’s surname Nalchazhdiogl. In March 2012, she underwent baptism in Kyiv, and godfather Philip Kirkorov was chosen for his daughter. Lorak said that the pop king became her older brother, whom she lost in early childhood. The singer goes to training every day. The girl began to get involved in sports after giving birth, as she gained 16 kilograms, which is a lot for her height.

Nowadays there are many rumors about plastic surgery Carolina. People comment on photos on the singer’s Instagram page, which show the girl’s greatly enlarged lips. But experienced plastic surgeons assure that this shape appeared after special makeup, and not surgical intervention. Lorak does not comment on this news in any way, instead posting new photos online without any funds.

In the summer of 2018, the singer’s husband was spotted in the company of Ukrainian socialite Yana Belyaeva. Murat gave her various signs attention while Carolina gave a concert at the stadium in Baku. For several months the couple did not comment on this event, and at the beginning of this year they officially divorced.

Since Lorak’s zodiac sign is Libra, she is characterized as a very sensitive, active and cheerful girl. With the help of her determination, she always achieves her goal. Friends describe her as a romantic person who values ​​devotion and fidelity.

At the beginning of February 2018, the singer staged a worldwide concert called DIVA, which was directed by the famous Ivan Bondarchuk.

Its premiere took place on February 10 in the capital of Belarus and created a real sensation in show business. The level of vocals, direction and good special effects of the concert is unique for the territory of the Russian Federation. Lorak dedicated this speech to all women.

During the performance of the main song, Ani Lorak appears in unexpected images:

  • Virgin Mary;
  • Coco Chanel;
  • Mother Teresa.

For Caroline, this concert became a great challenge. She does not leave the stage for almost four hours, performing incredible acrobatic performances during the songs. The show uses a moving platform, 450 special line hangers, 20 small elevators and 250 stage outfits.

Ani Lorak is not only a well-known recognized singer in many countries. She is a People's Artist of Ukraine, a successful actress, model, TV presenter, poetess. She has everything that any woman could dream of: success, talent, intelligence, beauty, charm, youth, loving husband Turk Murat, daughter Sofia.

Little Ani Lorak with her mother and brothers

The young singer was born in Kitsman in Ukraine. She came to fame after participating in the TV show “Morning Star” in 1995. From an early age, the young talent took part in various vocal competitions, conquering the stage from the age of 4.

Caroline Kuek's parents divorced before she was born. She was raised in a boarding school until the 7th grade, as the family lived poorly. It was difficult for the mother to feed her children. Caroline was not the only daughter in the family.


From my real name she had to refuse. Thanks to the producer, Carolina got a pseudonym. He read her first name and last name backwards. In the future, he will become the singer’s common-law husband.
Ani Lorak continues to work fruitfully and do what she loves.

The singer’s career growth begins in 1995. During this period, she received the first award at the Tavria Games and recorded the album “I Want to Fly.” Ani Lorak deserves popular recognition and is becoming popular. Lives in the capital - Kyiv with a producer from 1996-2004. They were not officially registered.

The singer takes part in Eurovision in 2008, representing Ukraine. She won an honorable second place by performing the song “Shady Lady”. The singer has to date released 2 platinum and 5 gold discs.

Personal life of the artist

The singer married a Turkish man, Murat, in 2009. She still lives with him. Turk Murat moved to his beloved from Turkey to Kyiv, and at first he didn’t even know about star status Ani Lorak. Daughter Sofia was born in 2011, inheriting her father's surname. Philip Kirkorov becomes her godfather.

There is complete harmony and love in her home. The couple purchased an apartment in a new building in Kyiv on the 24th floor. The area of ​​the love nest is 300 m2. This is a duplex penthouse with a terrace. Luxurious stylish apartment is made in restrained colors: white, gray, brown, beige. The apartment has a separate spacious dressing room where the singer stores her everyday clothes and costumes for concerts.

The singer, despite latest events in Ukraine (the war in Donbass) continues to tour Russia. Currently, he often lives and works in Moscow, actively touring the cities of Russia. Ani is not going to leave Ukraine.

She officially stated:

“Of course in Ukraine, I’m not going to change my place of residence, but I’m going to perform in different countries peace."

In an interview, she notes that all families in her country now want only peace, prosperity, and well-being for their children. Politicians have an ambivalent attitude towards the singer. The singer’s concerts were disrupted by nationalists who did not like the singer’s touring activities in Russia. For my daughter on social media. her father stood up on the networks, saying that Ani Lorak is out of politics and only earns her living.