An eclipse is an astronomical situation in which one celestial body completely blocks the light of another celestial body. The most famous are the eclipses of the Moon and the Sun. Eclipses are considered interesting natural phenomena, familiar to mankind since ancient times. They occur relatively often, but are not visible from every point on the earth. For this reason, eclipses seem to be a rare event to many. As everyone knows, planets and their satellites do not stand in one place. The Earth revolves around the Sun, and the Moon moves around the Earth. Periodically, moments arise when the Moon completely or partially covers the Sun. So why do solar and lunar eclipses?

Lunar eclipse

During its full phase, the moon appears coppery red, especially as it approaches the center of the shadow region. This shade is due to the fact that the rays of the sun, tangent to the surface of the earth, passing through the atmosphere, are scattered and fall into the shadow of the Earth through a thick layer of air. This works best with rays of red and orange shades. Therefore, only they paint the lunar disk this color, based on the state of the earth’s atmosphere.

Eclipse of the sun

A solar eclipse is the lunar shadow on the surface of the Earth. The diameter of the shadow spot is about two hundred kilometers, which is several times smaller than the earth. For this reason, an eclipse of the sun can only be seen in a narrow strip along the path of the moon's shadow. An eclipse of the Sun occurs when the Moon comes between the observer and the Sun, blocking it.

Since the Moon on the eve of an eclipse is turned towards us with the side that does not receive light, a new moon always occurs on the eve of an eclipse of the Sun. Simply put, the Moon becomes invisible. It seems that the Sun is covered by a black disk.

Why do solar and lunar eclipses occur?

The phenomena of solar and lunar eclipses are clearly observed through. Observers were able to achieve great achievements by confirming the effect of gravity of large space objects on light rays.

A solar eclipse - is it good or bad, how and what does it affect, whether it should be feared - such questions occupy many people.

From an astrological point of view, the Sun is the light of your personality, your spirit. Literally, it is a symbol of your Self and your individuality. Therefore, solar eclipses are periods that require special attention.

A solar eclipse is the moment when the Moon completely or partially blocks the Sun from an observer on Earth.

It happens on the new moon, when occurs near one of two lunar nodes, North or South. These nodes are, in fact, the intersection points of the visible orbits of the Moon and the Sun.

Many deep karmic programs are associated with the lunar nodes, so a solar eclipse is a special period.

Depending on how far the Sun has gone into shadow, eclipses can be total, partial or annular. The latter relate to periods when the Moon passes across the disk of the Sun, but turns out to be smaller in diameter than the Sun, and cannot completely hide it.

Every year, on average, there are two solar eclipses. However, there may be more. For example, four solar eclipses occurred in 1917, 1946, 1964 and 1982. And in 1805 and 1935 there were as many as five of them!

Periods of Solar Eclipses

Solar eclipses in 2019:

  • January 06, 2019- private solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn in the South Node. Starts at 23:34:25 UT, maximum at 1:41:25 UT, ends at 3:48:21 UT.
  • July 2, 2019- total solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer in the North Node. Starts at 16:55:14 UT, maximum at 19:22:50 UT, ends at 21:50:26 UT.
  • December 26, 2019- an annular solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn in the North Node. Starts at 2:29:48 UT, maximum at 5:17:36 UT, ends at 8:05:35 UT.

* UT (Universal Time - Universal Time, World Time) - average solar time on the Greenwich meridian.

influence of solar eclipses

Solar eclipses have always caused special attention, because the Sun is the brightest and significant object starry sky. They are often mentioned in ancient sources, historical events and scientific discoveries are associated with them.

It is believed that everything that is started during the eclipse carries something hidden within it, something that will bring either problems or favorable opportunities in the future.

A solar eclipse extends its influence for several days before and after the eclipse itself. Therefore, caution is required during this entire period.

The chain of events that starts during a solar eclipse can bring quite profound changes to your life. And these can be serious changes for the better!

Seven ways to avoid misfortunes during a solar eclipse:

  1. You should not complete new and important things and tasks, especially if they are tied to you. There is no need to take out a loan or lend money these days.
  2. Don't get involved in new projects, no matter how tempting they may seem, without very careful prior thought.
  3. Try not to be on the street for a long time at the moment of the eclipse. In ancient times it was believed that this would steal good luck.
  4. Put off long trips and transfers. You shouldn't enter new home during the eclipse.
  5. Try not to go to work on the day of the eclipse if you are not planning important changes. It is also not recommended to open your own business or register a company on this day.
  6. You should not have a wedding or propose marriage on this day.
  7. It is not recommended to sort things out during this period, except in cases where you would like to take them to another level.

During the solar eclipse, try to be as careful as possible and control your emotions.

During a solar eclipse it is favorable:

  • Introduce new habits. For example, do yoga, start running in the morning.
  • Collect information on an issue that is relevant to you. You may receive an unexpected clue or learn something significant.
  • Symbolically begin new stage in your life, just make sure that it doesn’t just come to your mind on the day of the eclipse, but is thought out in advance.
  • Learn something new.
  • Prepare plans for long-term projects that you would like to implement significant changes. For example, practice in preparation is very suitable.

Don't forget that emotions are unstable during a solar eclipse, so try to avoid unnecessary quarrels and disputes.

Features of solar eclipses in zodiac signs

Depending on what sign the Sun is in at the time of the eclipse, the manifestations of general moods will be different.

How will the solar eclipse affect different signs zodiac:

  • During a solar eclipse in Aries a special theme may be independence, the desire to prove oneself, one’s initiative in relationships. It’s good at this moment to lay the foundations for your health, some serious business in which you will lead.
  • In the sign of Taurus The influence of the eclipse will manifest itself as follows. Attention will be focused on completely earthly issues: money, property, securities, etc. A solar eclipse in Taurus can stimulate changes in your money habits, as well as the way you earn a living. Favorable for raising your self-esteem, feeling significant and valuable.
  • During a solar eclipse in the sign of Gemini You can get important information that you have been looking for for a long time, find out important facts. Also the theme of this eclipse is travel, business trips or relocations, relationships with neighbors, with brothers and sisters. The amount of paperwork may increase.
  • Solar eclipse in the sign of Cancer updates issues related to home, real estate, and parents. It can also bring career changes. The likelihood of moving, selling or buying real estate increases. Issues of interaction with the clan and family may come to the fore.
  • During a solar eclipse in the sign of Leo Yours creative projects, interaction with children can receive a new impetus. Also, one of the topics of such an eclipse is the question of taking a vacation. It is possible to receive money from real estate or from parents.
  • The main theme of a solar eclipse in Virgo- these are changes in routine tasks, daily routine, work. Also this good time to start or change a diet. It is very good during this period to start changing your space, for example, organizing it in your home or office in a new way, putting your financial affairs in order.
  • Solar eclipse in the sign of Libra raises issues of partnership, marriage, interaction with the immediate environment, and translates them into new level. There is more energy and dynamics in these areas. Relationships with friends may also change greatly; a new important person may appear in your environment.
  • One of important topics solar eclipse in the sign of Scorpio- this is the theme of internal transformation. There may be a feeling of abandonment, loneliness, loss of trust. During this period, the likelihood of obtaining loans increases; your debtors can pay off their debts, even those that are long overdue.
  • Solar eclipse in Sagittarius expands perspectives. Therefore, if you were planning to publish something, or want to make yourself known, you can do it now. This eclipse also reveals themes of long-distance travel and studying the culture of other peoples.
  • During a solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn the theme of setting meaningful, big goals is emphasized, career growth. There may also be changes in social sphere, difficult working issues that will need to be resolved. During this period, recognition comes for past achievements, allowing you to take a new step forward.
  • The main theme of the solar eclipse in the sign of Aquarius are issues of group activity, as well as issues related to the topic of alienation. For example, a child who has grown up and left home to start independent life. Tension may arise in contacts with people around you, friends, colleagues and employees. Relationships in the family and at work can move to a new level.
  • Solar eclipse in the sign of Pisces focuses on what may come up from your past and create a problem. May require privacy or hospital visits. If a relationship begins during this period, it is built on deep mutual understanding. This eclipse can also bring you out of a state of isolation. This is considered to be one of the most inspiring positions of the eclipse.

To go through the period of a solar eclipse without loss requires control over emotions, accuracy and caution. This is especially significant if you yourself were born during an eclipse, or it affects important points in your horoscope. For example, a solar eclipse in Virgo, and you were born under the sign of Virgo.

So, let’s summarize what you should and shouldn’t do during a solar eclipse:

  • Try not to plan anything important during the eclipse. Remember that the influence of an eclipse extends to several days before and after it.
  • Check if the eclipse point coincides with significant point Your horoscope (position of the Sun, Moon, etc.). If yes, then you should be especially careful.
  • On the day of the eclipse, try not to be outdoors when the eclipse is at its maximum.
  • Follow these seven tips to avoid bad luck during a solar eclipse. Remember that the impact of the chain of events triggered by an eclipse can be very long-lasting and fatal.
  • Check which zodiac sign and which node, North or South, the eclipse is in. Use the recommendations from the article.
  • Be careful and careful during the solar eclipse, this will allow you to go through this period without losses and with favorable results.

You can choose the optimal solution for your situation during a consultation, read more about which.

Any questions? Please write them in the comments to this article. I will also be grateful for your response.

With respect and good luck,

Solar eclipse:
Total solar eclipse, partial solar eclipse, annular eclipse

IN lately Astronomy has ceased to be a compulsory subject in school; hopes are pinned on this publication for the possibility of filling the forced gaps in education with the help of the Internet...

First of all, let’s turn to the Great Soviet Encyclopedia to take advantage of the time-tested and undoubtedly outstanding scientists definition of the subject of our conversation: “An eclipse is an astronomical phenomenon in which the Sun, Moon, planet, satellite of a planet or star ceases to be visible in whole or in part to an earthly observer.
Eclipses occur due to the fact that either one celestial body covers another, or the shadow of one non-self-luminous body falls on another similar body. An eclipse of the Sun is observed when it is covered (overshadowed) by the Moon."
Solar eclipses always occur on New Moon.

A solar eclipse is a unique phenomenon every time.
What types of eclipses are there?

We are so used to our moon that we don’t even realize how lucky we are with it! And we were lucky to have her twice. First, our Moon is not some shapeless boulder like Phobos or Deimos, but a neat, round mini-planet! Second: The Moon is now far enough away from the Earth and there are no daily earthquakes and huge waves, once in the past caused by the tidal forces of the Moon (in our time, the Moon is moving away from the Earth at a speed of 4 cm per year - in earlier eras this happened faster). The Moon is now so far away that its apparent angular size is close to that of the even more distant Sun. And once upon a time the Moon was so close to the Earth that solar eclipses occurred every new moon, although at that time there was no one to look at them...

Each solar eclipse is unique in its own way; exactly how the eclipse will look for an observer on earth is determined by 3 factors (in addition to weather): the angular diameters (dimensions) of the Sun visible from the observation point α and the moon β and the trajectory of the Moon relative to the Sun and stars (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. The angular diameters of the Sun visible from the Earth's surface ( α ) and Moon ( β ), the trajectory of the Moon’s movement across the starry sky (dotted line).

Due to the fact that the Moon and the Earth move in elliptical orbits (the Moon is sometimes closer and sometimes further from the Earth, and the Earth, in turn, is sometimes closer and sometimes further from the Sun), the apparent angular diameter of the Moon, depending on its orbital position, can vary from 29 .43" to 33.3" ( minutes of arc), and the apparent angular diameter of the Sun is from 31.6" to 32.7". Moreover, their average apparent diameters, respectively, are for the Moon: 31"05" and for the Sun: 31"59".
Depending on whether the visible trajectory of the Moon passes through the center of the Sun, or intersects its visible region in an arbitrary place, as well as various combinations of the visible angular sizes of the Moon and the Sun, three types of solar eclipses are traditionally distinguished: partial, total and annular eclipses .

Partial solar eclipse

If the observed trajectory of the Moon does not pass through the center of the Sun, then the Moon, as a rule, cannot completely obscure the Sun (Fig. 3) - an eclipse in which the Moon covers the Sun is not completely called partial (partial from the word “part” with the meaning “partial” eclipse"). Such an eclipse can occur for any possible combination of the apparent angular diameters of the Moon and the Sun.

The majority of solar eclipses occurring on Earth are partial eclipses (approximately 68%).

Total solar eclipse

If at any point on the Earth's surface observers can see that the Moon completely covers the Sun, then such an eclipse is called a total solar eclipse. Such an eclipse occurs when the apparent path of the Moon passes through the center of the Sun or very close to it and at the same time the apparent diameter of the Moon β must be greater than or at least equal to the apparent diameter of the Sun α (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Total solar eclipse, March 20, 2015 in 12:46 observed near the North Pole.

A total solar eclipse can be observed within very small areas of the earth's surface, as a rule, it is a strip up to 270 km wide, outlined by the shadow of the Moon - observers in areas adjacent to the shadowed areas see only a partial solar eclipse (Figure 5).

Rice. 5. Total solar eclipse, the shadow of the Moon on the surface of the Earth, the dark dotted line indicates the trajectory of the shadow area

For each specific area, a total solar eclipse is very rare. In Moscow, for example, there is a total solar eclipse last time was in August 1887 (08/19/1887), and the next one is expected on 10/16/2126. So, if you sit in one place for a long time, you may never see a total solar eclipse in your life ( however, in August 1887, Muscovites still did not see him due to bad weather ). Therefore: “If you want to survive an event, do everything possible to make it happen!” /Slogan of Enthusiasts/
Thank God, in general, on the surface of the Earth, total eclipses do not occur very rarely, on average once every year and a half and account for almost 27% of all eclipse variants.

Annular solar eclipse

If the trajectory of the Moon passes near the center of the Sun, but the apparent angular diameter of the Moon is less than that of the Sun β < α , then at the moment the centers align, the Moon cannot completely obscure the Sun and a glow in the form of a ring is created around it, such an eclipse is called annular (Fig. 6), but in oral speech, which traditionally strives to express the meaning as briefly as possible, the expression annular eclipse has been established, i.e. . "Annular solar eclipse" is a term, but "annular eclipse" is just jargon for now...

Rice. 6. An annular solar eclipse, someday...

Annular (annular) solar eclipses are currently the most rare species eclipses, they account for only 5%. But, as we know, the Moon is gradually moving away from the Earth and annular eclipses will occur more and more often.

Why solar eclipses happen so rarely

Main reason The reason that solar eclipses in our time do not occur every new moon is that the plane of the Moon’s orbit does not coincide with the plane of the ecliptic (the plane of the Earth’s orbit) and is inclined to it at an angle of 5.145 degrees (Fig. 7, item 1). In this figure, as well as in all others, the sizes of the angles and the ratio of the scales of objects are exaggerated for clarity of the images.

Rice. 7.

Work on the article "Solar Eclipses" continues.

Sergey Ov(Seosnews9)

Solar eclipses of 2019:
January 2019 - Partial solar eclipse ;
July 2019 - Total solar eclipse;
December 2019 -
(observed in Russia)

06.01.2019 04:28 - New Moon.
This new moon will happenpartial solar eclipse January 6, 2019 at 04:41 MSK, eclipse it will be possible to observe in eastern Mongolia, northeastern China, Korea and Japan, in Russia - in the south of Eastern Siberia, the Far East, Kamchatka, the Kuril Islands and Sakhalin.

02.07.2019 22:16 - New Moon.
This new moon will happen total solar eclipse , the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin July 2, 2019 at 10:26 pm MSK, a partial eclipse of the Sun can only be observed in the south Pacific Ocean, Central and South America (Chile, Argentina), alas: will not be observed in Russia...

26.12.2019 08:13 - New Moon.
This new moon will make the inhabitants of the Earth happy with the third solar eclipse of the year - it will be annular solar eclipse (annular), the maximum phase of the eclipse will occur December 26, 2019 05:18:53 MSK, the annular eclipse can be observed in the east of the Arabian Peninsula, the south of India, Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Malaysia and Indonesia, particularly in Central and Southeast Asia, Australia and western Oceania , in Russia the eclipse will be observed in Transbaikalia and Primorye .

February 2018 - Partial solar eclipse;
July 2018 - Partial solar eclipse;
August 2018 - Partial solar eclipse
(observed in Russia)

16.02.2018 00:05 - New Moon
This new moon will happen partial solar eclipse , the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin 02/15/2018 at 23:52 MSK, a partial eclipse of the Sun can only be observed in Antarctica and southern South America (Chile, Argentina) - summary: V Russia will not be observed.

13.07.2018 05:48 - New Moon ( , (super new moon) - translation option from English word"supermoon", the other is "Super Moon". During a new moon, the Moon is usually not visible, but on such occasions there are very strong tides, the best option translation will be: “Strong Moon”?)
In addition, on this new moon there will be partial solar eclipse , the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin 07/13/2018 at 06:02 MSK. The eclipse can be observed, alas, only in Antarctica on the Budd Coast, the southernmost part of Australia, Tasmania or in the waters Indian Ocean between Antarctica and Australia - the eclipse will not be observed in Russia .

11.08.2018 12:58 - New moon( , Strong Moon)
On this new moon it will also happenpartial solar eclipse , the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin August 11, 2018 at 12:47 MSK, the eclipse can be observed in the north of Canada, Greenland in the Scandinavian countries, in Russia - in the northern and middle latitudes of Central Russia, throughout Siberia and Far East , northeastern Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China .

2017: February 2017 - Annular solar eclipse; August 2017 - Total solar eclipse

26 February 2017 17:58
On this winter new moon there will be annular solar eclipse . The maximum phase of the eclipse will begin February 26, 2017 at 17:54 MSK . An annular eclipse of the Sun can be observed in the south of Argentina and Chile, southwest Angola, and private in the south South America, Antarctica, western and South Africa - will not be observed in Russia.

21 August 2017 21:30- astronomical new moon.
On this summer new moon there will be total solar eclipse
. The maximum phase of the eclipse will begin August 21, 2017 at 21:26 MSK. A total eclipse of the Sun can be observed, alas, only in North America on the territory of the USA, private in Russia - in Chukotka (the Moon will barely touch the Sun); in other countries- in the USA and Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland and the UK, Portugal (at sunset), Mexico, Central America, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname, Guinea and Brazil.

March 2016 - Total Solar Eclipse + Supermoon

09 March 2016 04:54 Moscow time - astronomical new moon;
This new moon will happen total solar eclipse, the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin March 09, 2016 at 04:58 MSK, a total solar eclipse will be observed on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Halmahera, private in Russia- in Primorye, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands and Kamchatka; in other countries in India, China, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, USA and Canada (Alaska) ;

01.09.2016 12:03 - astronomical new moon;
This new moon will happen annular solar eclipse, the maximum phase of the eclipse will begin September 01, 2016 at 12:08 MSK , An annular eclipse can be observed, alas, only in central Africa and Madagascar, and a partial eclipse in all African countries, in Saudi Arabia, Yemen and the Indian Ocean

March 2015 - Total Solar Eclipse + Supermoon

March 20, 2015 12:36 Moscow time - astronomical new moon; ;
On this new moon there will be a total solar eclipse, the maximum phase of the eclipse will occur on March 20, 2015 at 12:46:47 MSK, total eclipse of the sun can be observed in the Faroe Islands, Spitsbergen and the North Pole, partial eclipse in Russia- throughout the European part and Western Siberia; as well as in Greenland, Europe and Central Asia. ;

* Eclipses, eclipse = Z.

Z. - astronomical phenomena, which consist in the fact that the Sun, Moon, planet, satellite of a planet, or star ceases to be visible in whole or in part to an earthly observer. Shadows occur due to the fact that either one celestial body covers another, or the shadow of one non-self-luminous body falls on another similar body. Thus, the Earth of the Sun is observed when it is covered by the Moon; W. Moon - when the shadow of the Earth falls on it; Z. satellites of planets - when they fall into the shadow of a planet; Z. in systems of double stars - when one star covers the other. Zoning also includes the passage of a satellite’s shadow across the disk of a planet, the occultation of stars and planets by the Moon (the so-called occultation (see Occultation)), and the passage of inner planets- Mercury and Venus - along the solar disk and the passage of satellites across the planet’s disk. With the beginning of manned flights spaceships It became possible to observe the Earth from the Sun from these ships (see illustration). Of greatest interest are the rays of the Sun and the Moon, associated with the movement of the Moon around the Earth.

Big Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd ed. 1969 - 1978

Observations of the Moon explained the causes of eclipses. It is clear that solar eclipses can only occur during a new moon, that is, when the Moon is between the Earth and the Sun.

The Moon blocks the light of the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth. In those places through which this shadow passes, a solar eclipse is observed.

A shadow strip 200-250 kilometers wide, accompanied by a wider penumbra, runs at high speed across earth's surface. Where the shadow is thickest and darkest, a total solar eclipse is observed; it can last, at most, about 8 minutes: in the same place where the penumbra lies, there is no longer a total, but a particular, partial eclipse. And beyond this penumbra, no eclipse can be detected - the Sun still shines there.

So people finally found out why a solar eclipse occurs and, having calculated the distance from the Earth to the Moon, equal to 380 thousand kilometers, knowing the speed of movement of the Moon around the Earth and the Earth around the Sun, they could already determine with absolute accuracy when and where solar eclipses would be visible .

And when these hitherto mysterious celestial phenomena became clear to people, people also understood that much of what was said in holy scripture, is not true. There is a fairy tale that on the day of Christ’s death the Sun darkened and “darkness reigned over the entire Earth from the sixth hour to the ninth hour.” And we know that this could not have happened. To do this, it was necessary to perform another miracle - to stop the movement of the heavenly bodies for three hours. But this is as absurd as the tale of Joshua, who ordered the Sun to stop.

Knowing the cause of a solar eclipse, it is easy to determine why lunar eclipses occur.

Lunar eclipses, as we can imagine, can only happen during the full moon, that is, when the Earth is between the Sun and the Moon. Falling into the shadow cast by our planet into space, the Earth's satellite - the Moon - is eclipsed, and since the Earth is many times larger than the Moon, the Moon no longer enters the dense shadow of the Earth for a few minutes, but for two to three hours and disappears from our eye.

People were able to predict lunar eclipses two thousand years ago. Centuries-long observations of the sky have made it possible to establish a strict, but rather complex periodicity of lunar and solar eclipses. But why they happened was unknown. Only after the discoveries of Copernicus. Galileo, Kepler and many other remarkable astronomers made it possible to predict the onset, duration and location of solar and lunar eclipses with accuracy down to the second. Almost with the same accuracy it is possible to establish exactly when solar and lunar eclipses occurred - a hundred, three hundred, a thousand or tens of thousands of years ago: on the eve of the battle of the Russian army, Prince Igor with the Polovtsians, or on his birthday Egyptian pharaoh Psametikh or that distant morning when the progenitor modern man for the first time armed his hand with a stone.

Thus, we can conclude that solar or lunar eclipses do not at all represent any unusual celestial phenomena. They are natural, and, of course, there is and cannot be anything supernatural in these phenomena.

Eclipses of the Moon and Sun also happen quite often. Several such eclipses occur around the globe every year. Solar eclipses, of course, are observed only in certain places: where the shadow of the Moon runs across the globe, eclipsing the light of the Sun.

The period from 2018 to 2033 was chosen because... it is quite interesting in relation to solar eclipses visible from the territory of Russia and the CIS countries. During these years, 14 solar eclipses will be observed from the territory of our country, which includes two total eclipses, two annular eclipses and 10 partial eclipses. Particularly interesting will be the annular solar eclipse on June 1, 2030, the band of the annular phase of which will pass through the entire country from west to east from Crimea to Primorye!

It is worth noting that, for example, in the period from 2034 to 2060 (twice as long), only two total and three annular solar eclipses will be observed in our country! The difference is obvious, so we can say that Russians and residents of the CIS are lucky with solar eclipses in the next fifteen years.

How do solar eclipses occur? The cause of solar eclipses is our celestial neighbor the Moon. The apparent diameters of the Sun and Moon as seen from Earth are approximately the same. This means that the Moon, moving in its orbit, at some point can completely (total eclipse) or partially (partial eclipse) cover the Sun (during the new moon phase).

A total solar eclipse is the most spectacular and spectacular astronomical phenomenon! If night falls in the middle of the day and stars become visible in the sky, this is very impressive! Unfortunately, the visibility of such a phenomenon extends only to a small area where the lunar shadow falls. But as the lunar shadow moves, it forms a narrow strip on the Earth’s surface (on average about 200 kilometers wide). The length of such a strip is several thousand kilometers, but this is still not enough for a total eclipse of the Sun to be seen by all residents of the hemisphere of the Earth facing the daylight. Total solar eclipses can occur every six months, but due to the peculiarities of the Moon's movement in its orbit, they most often occur only once a year.

More information about the possibility of solar eclipses can be found, for example, in the book “Total Solar Eclipse of March 29, 2006 and Its Observation” (link at the end of the article).

Total solar eclipses can be observed from the same locality on average only once every 300 years. This makes it necessary to travel into the visibility range of the eclipse. A total solar eclipse is accompanied by a partial solar eclipse, which is visible on both sides of the total eclipse band, where the lunar penumbra falls. The farther from the central line of the eclipse, the less the disk of the Sun will be covered by the Moon. But the width of the stripe of a partial solar eclipse is much greater than that of a total eclipse, so partial eclipses can be observed from the same observation point much more often. Thanks to the large territory of our country, we can observe solar eclipses more often than residents of countries with a small territory.

There are only partial eclipses, when the shadow of the Moon passes above or below the polar regions of the Earth, and only the lunar penumbra falls on our planet, showing the appearance of a damaged Sun. An annular eclipse is different in that the Moon completely sets on the disk of the Sun, but cannot completely cover it due to its smaller apparent diameter (when the Moon is near its apogee, i.e. the point of its orbit farthest from the Earth). As a result, the solar ring around the dark disk of the Moon is visible from Earth.

It should be noted that a total eclipse in the European part of Russia will only be observed in 2061. If you look at the map of the bands of total and annular eclipses over 20 years, you can see how rare total solar eclipses are, even for such big country, like ours.

The next total solar eclipses in 2019 and 2020 will be observed in Chile and Argentina. Therefore, those who want to see this wonderful phenomenon as soon as possible need to prepare for a transatlantic flight!

But let’s return to the eclipses of the period 2018 - 2033 described here, and consider them in more detail.

For convenience, which can be downloaded and printed.

Solar eclipses in Russia and the CIS in 2018 - 2033

(world time)

The 2018 solar eclipse will be a partial one. It will occur at the new moon on August 11, and the eclipse band will cover the northeastern part of our country with a maximum phase of 0.736 in Chukotka. Residents of North America, Scandinavia and China will also see private phases. The duration of the eclipse will be slightly less than 3.5 hours. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Leo.

Another solar eclipse of 2019 will be annular. It will occur at the new moon on December 26, and a strip of the annular phase will pass through the Indian and Pacific oceans, crossing Arabia, southern India and Indonesia from west to east. The maximum duration of the annular phase will reach 3 minutes 40 seconds at a phase of 0.97. Residents will see private phases southern regions our country, the countries of Africa, Asia and Australia. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Sagittarius.

The 2020 solar eclipse will be annular. It will occur at the new moon on June 21, and the ring-shaped phase will pass through Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and the Asian continent. The duration of the ring-shaped phase at the maximum of the phenomenon will reach only 38 seconds with a phase of 0.994. In this case, the thinnest ring of this eclipse will be observed. In Russia and the CIS, the eclipse band will cover the entire southern half of the country. The maximum phase of about 0.7 can be observed in the Central Asian CIS countries. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Taurus.

The 2022 solar eclipse will be a partial one. It will occur at the new moon on October 25, and the eclipse will cover the western half of Russia. The maximum eclipse phase of 0.861 will be available for observation from the territory of our country in Siberia. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Virgo.

The 2026 solar eclipse will be total. It will occur at the new moon on August 12, and the band of total eclipse will pass through the waters of the Atlantic and Arctic oceans, Western Europe and Russia. A total eclipse will be observed in Taimyr (the duration of the total phase is 2 minutes), and a partial eclipse will cover the Far North of the country. The eclipse will occur in the constellation Leo.

The 2029 solar eclipse will be a partial eclipse. It will occur at the new moon on June 12, and the eclipse will pass through the Arctic Ocean, as well as across North America and the Far North of our country. The maximum eclipse phase of 0.458 will be available for observation from North America. In Russia, the smallest phases of the eclipse will be visible (about 0.2 or less). The eclipse will occur in the constellation Taurus.

The 2031 solar eclipse will be annular. It will occur at the new moon on May 21, and the annular eclipse with a maximum phase of 0.959 will pass through the Indian Ocean, as well as across Africa, India and Indonesia. On the territory of our country, the eclipse will be observed in its southern part with small phases (Central Asian CIS countries). The eclipse will occur in the constellation Taurus.