Omega is a highly toxic substance that is part of hemlock. Just 100 milligrams of it (8 leaves) will be enough to kill a person. How it works: all body systems gradually fail, except the brain. As a result, you, being in your right mind, begin to die slowly and painfully until you suffocate.

The most popular hemlock was among the Greeks. Interesting fact: This plant caused the death of Socrates in 399 BC. The Greeks executed him in this way for disrespect for the gods.


No. 9 - Aconite

This poison is obtained from the fighter plant. It causes arrhythmia, which ends in suffocation. They say that even touching this plant without gloves can result in death. It is almost impossible to detect traces of poison in the body. Most famous case Applications - Emperor Claudius poisoned his wife Agrippina by adding aconite to her mushroom dish.


#8 - Belladonna

In the Middle Ages, belladonna was used as a women's cosmetic (rouge for cheeks). Special drops were even obtained from the plant to dilate the pupils (at that time this was considered fashionable). You could also swallow belladonna leaves - one is just enough for a person to die. Berries are also not a miss: you only need to eat 10 of them to die. In those days, a special poisonous solution was made from the latter, which was used to lubricate arrowheads.


#7 - Dimethylmercury

This is the slowest and most insidious killer. This is because even 0.1 milliliter that accidentally gets on your skin will be enough to be fatal. The most notorious case: in 1996, a chemistry teacher at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire dropped a drop of poison onto her hand. Dimethylmercury burned through a latex glove; symptoms of poisoning appeared after 4 months. And 10 months later the scientist died.


#6 - Tetrodotoxin

This poison is found in blue-ringed octopuses and pufferfish. With the former, things are very bad: octopuses deliberately attack their prey with tetrodotoxin, imperceptibly pricking it with special needles. Death occurs within a few minutes, but symptoms do not appear immediately - after paralysis sets in. The venom of one blue-ringed octopus is enough to kill 26 healthy men.

It’s easier with fugu: their poison is only dangerous when you’re about to eat the fish. It all depends on the correct preparation: if the cook is not mistaken, the tetrodoxin will all evaporate. And you will eat the dish without any consequences, except for incredible adrenaline rushes...


#5 - Polonium

Polonium is a radioactive poison for which there is no antidote. The substance is so dangerous that just 1 gram of it can kill 1.5 million people in a few months. The most sensational case of the use of polonium was the death of Alexander Litvinenko, an employee of the KGB-FSB. He died in 3 weeks, the reason was that 200 grams of poison were found in his body.


#4 - Mercury

  1. elemental mercury - found in thermometers. Instant death occurs if it is inhaled;
  2. inorganic mercury - used in the manufacture of batteries. Lethal if swallowed;
  3. organic mercury. Sources are tuna and swordfish. It is recommended to eat no more than 170 grams per month. Otherwise, organic mercury will begin to accumulate in the body.

The most famous case of use is the poisoning of Amadeus Mozart. He was given mercury tablets to treat syphilis.

It is difficult to determine the most powerful poison. This definition includes any substance that provokes serious pathological changes in the body. Poisons act in different ways. Some slowly and imperceptibly bring a person to a critical point, others cause unbearable pain.

You can predict the effect and take measures to eliminate serious consequences by finding out the exact cause of the poisoning. There is an antidote for each toxic substance.

Poisonous chemical origin

The most dangerous poisons developed by people. Not all were created as chemical warfare agents; for example, sarin was created as a result of the synthesis of pesticides. Its production stopped in the 90s of the 20th century.

The existing reserves were not destroyed, so this poison is used by terrorists and the military. This deadly gas is odorless and colorless and inhaling it can cause chest tightness, nausea, nasal discharge, respiratory failure, spasms, convulsions and coma. As a result, the person loses control of his own body and dies from suffocation.

Widely known Negative influence hydrocyanic acid and substances that contain it. Even a small dose can cause death.

Impact white powder, characterized by severe toxicity, is blocked by glucose. Contact with this gaseous substance causes seizures and respiratory failure.

Death occurs due to the binding of gas molecules to hemoglobin. Oxygen does not reach the internal organs, and the person simply suffocates.

Another type of poison is methyl alcohol. It is often confused with ethanol. Because of this, people who abuse counterfeit alcohol die due to intoxication. If rescue measures are taken on time, the likelihood of death will be significantly reduced. There is a high risk of complete loss of vision.

V-Ex is considered one of the most dangerous poisons. This gas is used as a chemical weapon mass destruction. To penetrate the body, inhalation for a few minutes or short contact with the skin is sufficient.

A fast-acting remedy leads to death in just a quarter of an hour.

Don't forget about mercury and arsenic. The first slowly poisons the body, causing partial dysfunction of the central nervous system and subsequent mental disorder. All vital organs suffer from exposure to this metal. Vapors and soluble mercury compounds are formed already at room temperature, so you need to be careful when using a thermometer.

It is impossible to imagine a list of “The most powerful poisons” without arsenic. The 33rd element of Mendeleev's Periodic Table has been used as a poison for more than one century.

Symptoms of intoxication are similar to the clinical manifestations of cholera. It is possible to provoke chemical poisoning through potassium chloride. This substance is intended to fertilize the earth, but its penetration into the body is fraught with sudden cardiac arrest.

Plant substances

Some biological components are also dangerous; such poisons are presented in no less variety than synthetic ones. You can cause death using chilibuja nuts. One of the most famous poisons, strychnine, is obtained from them.

Severe intoxication is accompanied by convulsions that lead to death. This substance is not large quantities used in the treatment of paralysis and to accelerate metabolic metabolism.

A dangerous poison called ricin is produced from castor beans. It is several times stronger than potassium cyanide, but due to technical difficulties it cannot be used as a weapon of mass destruction.

The outcome of poisoning directly depends on the method of penetration of the toxic substance into the body.

If inhaled, death is unlikely, but if even a few grains enter the bloodstream, there is practically no chance of a favorable outcome.

Among plant poisons, curare is considered the most famous. It was prepared on the basis of herbs growing in South America. Death caused by this substance is very painful. A man gradually dies from paralysis respiratory system, remaining fully conscious but unable to move.

Poisons produced by representatives of the animal world

The world full of dangers from which man is not immune. Often culinary preferences become the cause of his disability or even death. Fugu dishes are quite popular in Japan due to their “extreme” nature.

Due to the slightest mistake in the cooking process, the visitor can be poisoned. A similar reaction is explained by tetrodotoxin. It is found in the organs of puffer fish, the skin and eggs of aquatic inhabitants living in the tropics.

Neurotoxins, particularly batrachotoxin, are present in the skin of amphibians from Colombia. Their body does not produce poison. It is formed as a result of dart frogs eating their normal food. The toxic substance “kills” the nervous system and causes respiratory failure.

TO tropical fish and you can add snakes and spiders to frogs. 250 species have been recorded in nature poisonous snakes. Unfortunately, there is no universal anti-snake serum. To administer the necessary antidote, you need to know what type of animal attacked.

Intoxication occurs when poison enters the bloodstream. A similar effect is caused by the penetration of chiriquitotoxin (chiriqui toad), alpha-latrotoxin (karakurt spider) into the body.

Pathogenic microflora

Poisoning can be caused by poisons produced by pathogenic microorganisms, including:

  • Bacteria Clostridium botulinum. They cause botulism, a toxic infectious disease that affects the central and peripheral parts of the body. nervous system.
  • Anthrax bacilli. There are two forms of development: intestinal and cutaneous. The first type of pathology leads to death in 95% of cases. With the second, 80% of patients survive.
  • Rods of the genus Clostridium. These are the causative agents of tetanus. Infection occurs when damp soil gets into open wound. Characteristic symptoms include convulsive syndrome, respiratory and heart failure, and impaired swallowing reflex. In the absence of timely treatment, the likelihood of death is high.

The risk of intoxication of the body increases when consuming spoiled food. For example, if the storage conditions for potatoes are not met, solanine accumulates in them. Even bread can be poisonous if cereals infected with ergot were ground during the production of flour.

Poisonous mushrooms

The most common poisons are amatoxins.

They are found in fly agarics and toadstools. The first signs of poisoning may appear after 10-12 hours. Such slowness is fraught with serious complications.

First aid is provided too late, so it is impossible to prevent the negative impact on internal organs. This will subsequently have a negative impact on your overall health.

10 fastest-acting toxic substances

There are several classifications of poisons. The defining characteristic is the minimum dose that can cause death.

The top ten included only natural substances:

  1. Diamphotoxin has the greatest toxic power. It is produced in the body of the larva of the leaf beetle of the genus Diamphidia. Its distribution range is in South Africa. The most dangerous poison can disrupt the electrolyte balance and greatly reduce the level of hemoglobin in the blood. The dose may not exceed 0.000025 mg/kg.
  2. The action of a cytotoxic poison called palytoxin becomes fatal at a dosage of 0.00015 mg/kg. It is formed as a result of the vital activity of coral polyps Palythoa toxica, P. Сaribacorum.
  3. Batrachotoxin is found in the skin of dart frogs of the genus Phyllobates. The lethal rate is 0.002 mg/kg.
  4. Typotoxin is produced by the Australian taipan. At least 0.002 mg/kg of snake venom must enter the blood.
  5. Tetrodotoxin poisoning can occur from eating improperly prepared puffer fish. The critical dose is 0.008 mg/kg.
  6. Titutoxin is the venom of the yellow scorpion. A rapid lethal outcome is possible even when 0.009 mg/kg penetrates the body.
  7. Chiriquitotoxin is found in the skin of toads belonging to Atelopus chiriquiensis. Lethal dose equal to 0.01 mg/kg.
  8. Alpha-conotoxin is found in a substance secreted by the mollusk Conus geographus. The minimum sufficient amount is 0.012 mg/kg.
  9. Alpha-latrotoxin is produced by the Latrodectus spider (black widow). Death occurs from 0.045 mg/kg.
  10. Neurotoxin II is produced by the Central Asian cobra. The lethal dose is 0.085 mg/kg.

The list of dangerous substances does not end after listing these poisons.

Be careful, do not take unfamiliar drugs and do not touch animals if you are not sure of the safety of your plan. If poison gets inside, be sure to call ambulance. Delay costs lives.

It is noteworthy that products widely used in everyday life can be poisonous. And often the names of the most powerful poisons appear in simple objects. They are always near a person, and he does not even know about them.


One of the most dangerous poisons for humans is called methanol. The thing is that it was often confused with wine alcohol. And you cannot distinguish one from the other by taste and smell. Fake alcohol is sometimes made from deadly poison with the name methanol. And this fact can only be revealed by conducting appropriate laboratory research. At best, a person who drinks such a drink goes blind.


IN old times and many families still keep a mercury thermometer at home. But if you spill this substance at home, this is quite enough to cause poisoning. There is no dangerous chemical poison called mercury; it is its vapors that are dangerous. They separate at room temperature. In addition to thermometers, the same element is included in fluorescent lamps. For this reason, safety precautions must be observed with them.

On this moment There are about 2,500 species of snakes in the world, and only 250 of them have cleverly named venoms. The most famous reptiles of this type are cobras, vipers, rattlesnakes and sand elves. Their venom poses a danger to humans if it enters the circulatory system. The first official antidote was released in 1895. At the same time, there are no universal antidotes - there is one for each type of snake.

Potassium cyanide

The fastest killing poison is called potassium cyanide. It has been used since ancient times, and is the most famous “spy” poisoning method. This is what intelligence officers use in films - there it is presented in the form of ampoules or tablets. It has the smell of bitter almonds. It is noteworthy that simply inhaling or touching this substance is poisonous.

It is found in a number of herbs, foods, and cigarettes. It is used when gold is extracted from ore. Its lethal effect is possible due to the binding of iron in the blood, so the supply of oxygen to vital organs is stopped. It is noteworthy that they tried, but failed, to poison Grigory Rasputin with this substance. The thing is that it was added to a sweet product, and glucose is an antidote for this poison.


Poison is also found in mushrooms; this is the most accessible type of toxic substance. The most famous are false honey mushrooms, pale toadstools, lines, fly agarics. Most often, poisoning with toadstool occurs due to the fact that different types This mushroom has a lot. And a number of them are very similar to edible ones. One mushroom is enough to kill several people at once.

It is noteworthy that the German nation has learned to prepare fly agaric mushrooms in such a way that they lose their poisonous properties. However, such cooking takes at least a day. If the expiration date is violated, such a dish again becomes dangerous to humans.

Potatoes and bread

You can safely add potatoes and bread to the list of names of poisons. If potatoes are stored incorrectly, solanine accumulates in them. It leads to poisoning and even death. Bread will be poisonous if made from flour containing grains contaminated with ergot.

The most famous poison

The name of the poison, which is among the most famous, is curare. He plant origin, produced in South America. It quickly causes respiratory paralysis. Initially it was used in hunting animals, and in the twentieth century its use in medicine began. He was extremely popular among the Indians.

In the ranking of the most famous names of poisons, arsenic cannot be ignored. This is a “royal” poison that has been used since ancient times. There are known cases of its use even under Caligula. He eliminated competitors in the political arena; the nobility loved him in the Middle Ages.

Poisoners in history

The most famous users of poisons were representatives of the Borgia dynasty. They actually made it its own art form. An invitation to a feast from them made anyone shudder. The most insidious were Pope Alexander IV Borgia and his children - Cesare and Lucrezia. They derived their formula and the name of a rare poison - cantarella. Presumably, the composition included arsenic, phosphorus and copper salt.

It is noteworthy that the father of the family himself died after mistakenly drinking a cup of poison that was intended for another.

About the most powerful poison in the world

It is hardly possible to accurately answer which name of the poison implies the most dangerous substance. The toxins of botulism and tetanus are extremely strong. Moreover, the source of botulism can be home preparation.

Natural poisons

Batrachotoxin is considered the most powerful natural poison. It is this substance that produces the skin of the small but dangerous dart frog. It is found in Colombia. One such amphibian contains such a concentration of dangerous substances that it can kill several elephants.

Radioactive poisons

Radioactive poisons are very dangerous. The most famous of these is polonium, which has a slow effect, but one gram of it is enough to kill 1,500,000 people.

Polonium was discovered in uranium ore. When it is outside the human body, it is not a dangerous substance. It does not penetrate the skin. But as soon as it is inside the body, polonium instantly causes severe damage to internal organs. Death in this case is inevitable.

Chemical poisons

Chemical poisons with the name of the group are produced by synthesizing various substances. One of the strongest poisons in this group is acrolein. It was often used on the battlefields of the First World War as chemical weapons.

Soman is a chemical that smells like apples. At the same time, a minute after the defeat, the pupils begin to dilate and breathing becomes difficult. It began to be used in 1944.

The next known chemical poison is called carbon disulfide. It smells quite pleasant, but acts like a drug. A person poisoned by it loses consciousness, begins to have convulsions and headache, vomiting and shortness of breath are possible.

The scientific name of the poison, which is classified as chemical and has an ammonia odor, is trimethylamine. Even in small concentrations, it irritates the eyes, the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs, and its main effect is suffocating.

Chlorine is the simplest gas that has a metallic taste. It is widely used in the industrial sector, and was also used by German troops in the First World War. It causes lung burns.

Composition of snake venom

The scientific name for snake venoms is serpentotoxin. This substance mostly consists of proteins that clot blood and destroy proteins. Sea snakes produce poison with neurotoxins - they paralyze the nervous system. In addition, such substances cause rapid tissue necrosis, disrupt the functioning of internal organs, and reduce cardiac output.

It is noteworthy that the composition of snake venoms has not been fully studied. But by processing them, man learned to use such substances in medicine. Thus, cobra venom is used for analgesic effect. Viper venom is used to eliminate the ability of blood to clot for 3 weeks. There is reason to believe that one day snake venom will become a treatment for thrombosis.

Classification of poisons

A separate classification of poisons is used, and it is carried out for many reasons. Thus, in forensic science, blood poisons are isolated - they change the composition of the blood, gluing and destroying red blood cells. This group includes arsenous hydrogen, bertholite salt, carbon monoxide, and mushroom poison.

In addition, they release toxic substances that change the composition of hemoglobin. Death is achieved due to the fact that oxygen stops flowing from the lungs to the tissues. This is how, for example, carbon monoxide and a salt of nitric acid act.

Destructive poisons represent a separate category. They provoke necrosis and dystrophy. For the most part, their action affects internal organs. This category includes arsenic, lead, phosphorus.

There are also neuro-functional poisons, as the name suggests, their effects are aimed primarily at the human nervous system. Strychnine and phenamine excite the central nervous system. While it is suppressed by morphine, codeine, ethyl and methyl alcohols. Cyanide compounds paralyze the nervous system.

The most toxic metal is arsenic. This is what insect repellents are impregnated with.

Pope Clement VII died in 1534 from toadstool poisoning.

Abraham Lincoln's mother died when she drank the milk of a cow that was feeding poisonous plant, - wrinkled window sill. This cause of death was common for thousands of people in the 19th century. The leaves of this plant are very similar to nettles, and people often confused them.

It is noteworthy that some animals react very sharply to poisonous gases. For this reason, they served as indicators for people of the presence of poison in the air. In World War II, these were cats for the Germans, and budgies for the British.

IN gas chambers cyanide was used. This applies to executions in the USA and to the extermination of Jews by the Nazis. Survivors of this phenomenon describe its smell as “bitter almonds.” When cyanide enters the body, it makes blood circulation impossible. At the moment, executions by this method are prohibited due to inhumanity.

It is noteworthy that one of the most dangerous nerve gases - VX - was initially released for sale as Amiton pesticides. And only then did scientists find out how dangerous such a substance is for humans. During the Cold War it was a backup weapon.

In Vietnam War Defoliant from Dow Chemical and Monsanto companies were very actively used. They destroyed trees that provided cover for enemies. The poison contains a substance that provokes the development cancerous tumors. Due to the widespread use of this composition in Vietnam, many women gave birth to stillborn children or with abnormalities - with extra fingers, without certain parts of the body, with mental retardation. And this substance has not yet evaporated; it remains in Vietnam.

Lead is also considered poisonous. It was used 8,000 years ago, but people became aware of its danger not so long ago. Just a couple of decades ago, people learned that this substance affects internal organs, causing poisoning. The ultimate manifestations of lead exposure are: mental disorders, diarrhea.

History of poisons

The first mention of a poisoning investigation is a document drawn up in Rome in 331 BC. Suddenly, a series of deaths of noble patricians occurred. Initially, a version of the epidemic was expressed, but the denunciation of one of the slaves pointed to the guilt of Cornelia and Sergius, patricians. They possessed a whole range of poisons. While convincing the Senate that these were drugs, they took these drugs and died.

During civil strife in Ancient Rome Suicides by poisoning were common. At the same time, it was permissible to provide the authorities with a good reason and receive a poisonous decoction. It is noteworthy that it was then that the tradition of clinking glasses appeared - during such a ritual, wine spilled out of the glass and went to the neighbor. In this way, the man proved that there was no poison in the cups.

In the writings that have survived to this day from those times, thoughts often appear about how difficult it is to recognize poison. Over the centuries, poisoning has acquired the characteristics of a separate art - poisoners learned to eliminate bitterness by adding sweets, bad smell replaced by odorous substances. Poisons were mixed with medicines intended for the sick. Rescue from this scourge was very difficult.

Poison is a toxin that can cause severe poisoning or even death. The effect on a person depends on the amount of poison, as well as its type. It can enter the body through the mouth, respiratory organs and skin. Symptoms of poisoning may appear immediately after contact or several hours later. First aid must be provided immediately after signs of intoxication appear.


Highlight the following types poisons:

  • Local poisons, which include substances that act only upon direct contact. These are mercury, arsenic, alkalis and acids.
  • Systemic poisons. After entering the body, they are sent through the blood to all organs. These are potassium cyanide, strychnine, hypnotics.
  • Chemical poisons, which are classified as acids, alkalis, salts, gases. These are various organic and inorganic compounds.

Poisons can also be household poisons, that is, they are found in the immediate environment of a person. These are paints, herbicides, insecticides, rat poisons and other substances. Therefore, when using such products, you must take precautions - wear a mask on your face and rubber gloves on your hands.

The most dangerous poisons

There is a list of the most dangerous poisons in the world. Moreover, their danger lies in various reasons:

  • Methyl alcohol. Such a substance, after entering the human body, causes intoxication. And if you drink it in large quantities, irreversible blindness or even death is possible. Therefore, at the first symptoms of poisoning, the patient must be given assistance and taken to the hospital. The danger of such poison is that it appearance, the taste and smell are completely identical to ethyl alcohol, so they can be easily confused.
  • Mercury. It is found in mercury thermometers. And if you break 2 thermometers in a room, then all the people in it will receive serious poisoning. The same substance is found in fluorescent lamps. Therefore, care must be taken when handling such items.

Mercury vapor is dangerous, and it begins to evaporate at room temperature. Therefore, if you break a thermometer or a lamp outdoors in winter, it’s not a big deal - the mercury balls can be collected and thrown away.

  • Snake poison. Approximately 250 species of snakes are venomous. However, the antidote for each type of reptile must be separate. This is the danger - after the poison enters the blood, the antidote must be administered as soon as possible, otherwise death will occur within 20 minutes - 4 hours (depending on the type of snake).
  • Potassium cyanide is the fastest-acting poison in the world. Moreover, you can be poisoned by it either by touching it or by inhaling it or if it gets in through the mouth. Under its influence, iron binds in blood cells, as a result of which the supply of oxygen to vital organs stops. Death occurs within a few minutes. The substance has the smell of bitter almonds. Neutralized by glucose, so ineffective in sweet environments.

Available poisons

One of the most accessible poisons is mushrooms. In the summer, when their season begins, many experience poisoning. Moreover, after eating some varieties of mushrooms, not only intoxication, but also death is possible. Therefore, without knowing the name of the mushroom, it is better not to take risks. You can only collect species that are definitely safe. Only one poisonous mushroom from a whole basket - and poisoning is guaranteed. These include false honey mushrooms, fly agarics, pale grebe and others. For example, there are several varieties of toadstool, and some of them are practically indistinguishable from edible mushrooms.

Fly agarics can also be edible if prepared correctly. They need to be boiled for 24 hours, draining the water as often as possible. But it’s better not to risk it and eat honey mushrooms, russula, boletus and other edible mushrooms.

Potatoes can also contain dangerous poisons for the human body. If potatoes are stored incorrectly (when the root crop is exposed to sunlight), solanine is formed in it. This substance causes severe intoxication in humans. It is not difficult to identify low-quality potatoes - as a rule, their skin takes on a greenish tint.

It is necessary to prepare bread only from flour purchased from trusted sources. It is not recommended to purchase it on the market. If the flour is contaminated with ergot, the baked bread will be poisonous, since the bacterium is not killed by heat treatment. Of course, such poison will not lead to death, but it will cause irreparable harm to health.

At home, you can also easily become poisoned by chemical fertilizers. For example, potassium chloride is very dangerous because once it enters the bloodstream, the substance blocks the activity of the heart. Death occurs in just a few minutes.

Deadly poisons in nature

Scientists have compiled a list of poisons that, once ingested, have a high probability of death:

  1. A neurotoxin found in the venom of some snakes. Immediately after the bite, the victim becomes inactive and drowsy. But after a while, muscle cramps appear, breathing becomes more frequent. Death occurs within 20-30 minutes due to paralysis of the respiratory tract. Moreover, no hematomas or tumors appear at the site of the bite. However, such a snake bites very rarely. It is necessary to immediately administer the Anticobra antidote to the patient. If serious breathing problems are observed, ventilation is performed.
  2. Alpha-latrotoxin, which is contained in spider venom of the karakurt genus. At the moment of the bite, a burning sensation is observed, and after 20-30 minutes the pain spreads throughout the victim’s entire body. The patient’s well-being begins to improve within a few days, and after 2-3 weeks, his or her complete recovery occurs.
  3. An alpha-conotoxin found in the venom of some species of shellfish (eg, conus shellfish). If you take a shell with a mollusk in your hand, it immediately pierces it with spines. In this case, the victim feels unbearable pain, as a result of which he loses consciousness. After a few minutes, the heartbeat quickens, the fingers go numb, shortness of breath and paralysis of the limbs appear. Registered deaths after an injection of the geographical cone. Moreover, there is no antidote. The patient can only be saved with copious bloodletting from the injection site.
  4. Titutoxin, which is produced by the yellow fat-tailed scorpion. The poison is so toxic that it kills even an adult. It is with the bite of this scorpion that 95% of all deaths from this poison are associated. They are found in Africa and the Middle East. It is immediately necessary to administer Anti-Scorpion serum, which will help save the victim’s life.
  5. And finally, the deadliest poison in the world is diamphotoxin. This is the most powerful poison on our planet. Contained in the blood of the larvae of the leaf beetle, common in southern Africa. The insect belongs to the same family as the Colorado potato beetle. The poison is intended only for protection from predators - after eating the beetle, it dies from excruciating pain. After entering the victim’s body, the poison reduces the hemoglobin content by approximately 75%, since red blood cells are intensively destroyed. Poison can only enter the human body through the mouth. There is no antidote.

All poisons are very dangerous and deadly, so if you need to come into contact with them, you need to do this with the utmost caution. If you notice symptoms of poisoning with toxic substances, you must urgently call an ambulance. In some cases, even minutes decide the outcome of the situation. Therefore, if the poison is very dangerous, it is necessary to take an antidote as quickly as possible. Otherwise, there is a high probability of death.