The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) establishes that nuclear powers are those states that have carried out nuclear explosion before January 1, 1967. Thus, de jure the “nuclear club” includes Russia, the USA, Great Britain, France and China.

India and Pakistan are de facto nuclear states, but de jure they are not.

The first test of a nuclear charger was conducted by India on May 18, 1974. On May 11 and 13, 1998, according to a statement from the Indian side, five nuclear charges were tested, one of which was thermonuclear. India is a consistent critic of the NPT and still remains outside its framework.

A special group, according to experts, consists of states that do not have nuclear status and are capable of creating nuclear weapon, but refraining, due to political and military inexpediency, from transitioning to the category of nuclear states - the so-called “latent” nuclear states (Argentina, Brazil, Taiwan, the Republic of Korea, Saudi Arabia, Japan and others).

Three states (Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan), which had nuclear weapons on their territory remaining after the collapse of the Soviet Union, signed in 1992 the Lisbon Protocol to the Treaty between the USSR and the USA on the Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms. By signing the Lisbon Protocol, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus acceded to the NPT and were included in the list of countries that do not possess nuclear weapons.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

To begin with, let's remember that nuclear weapons can destroy all living organisms, people, including the most as soon as possible. And accordingly, this particular type of weapon is capable of destroying our entire world within a few seconds.

The second question that arises before creating the list is why did these countries still create nuclear weapons, despite the fact that they are an active form of destructive material? The answer to this question is that this type of energy is useful for humanity, but if it is used for peaceful purposes. Basically, the reason for the appearance of nuclear weapons in a country is the desire to protect itself from external aggressors. Interestingly, only the Americans actually used nuclear weapons in World War II against Japan, but the effect of this is still felt in the relevant areas of the country.

Here is a list of ten countries with the largest number nuclear weapons all over the world.

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Today, Iran is not a nuclear weapons country because there is only one Islamic country in the world that is considered nuclear weapons - Pakistan. But before that, it was believed that Iran had created several types of nuclear or chemical weapons. Islamic Republic Iran signed a treaty with the United States to eliminate nuclear weapons, as more than 1,000,000 people were killed during the Iran-Iraq war.

After the fatwa of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran stopped creating nuclear and other types of weapons, and everything created previously was destroyed by the UN Security Agency. But rumors still persist that there are still nuclear weapons left in Iran that have not been destroyed, but no one knows exactly how many.

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The country's official name is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. We constantly hear about North Korea in the news as it seeks to increase the number of nuclear weapons. It was also reported that North Korea fired three ballistic missiles towards the United States. This country does not have a good reputation, as it is considered the most hated of all countries in the world.

It is quite difficult to determine the level of well-being of the people due to the closed nature of North Korea, but huge amounts of money are regularly spent on defense. This country created nuclear weapons for defense, tests have already been carried out and the Koreans have about 10 nuclear warheads. But this country is considered one of the most dangerous for life.

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Another popular country in the world, officially called Israel, is also considered a Jewish state. On the other hand, Israel is another one of the most hated countries in the world due to its continuous war with Palestine, so it is not only fiercely hated in Muslim countries, but in others too.

It has been reported that Israel has a large number of nuclear weapons, but they are mainly being developed with the help of America, which is considered Israel's strategic partner. The state was formed in 1947 and has not expanded its territory due to the war with Palestine, so there are still about 80 nuclear weapons in this country.

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India, official name - Republic of India, one of the most important countries in the world and is one of the most large countries, the second largest population in the world with approximately 1.3 billion people.

If we talk about the defense of this country, it has surpassed many countries in the world, because last year it acquired a large number of weapons from Russia, now there are from 90 to 110 nuclear weapons - this is the third figure among all countries in the world. Many nuclear experiments of this country have failed, but they are being carried out continuously due to the state of cold war on the border with Pakistan.

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France is an extraordinarily beautiful country, which is officially called the French Republic and has a population of about 67 million; its capital is Paris, which is also the most beautiful, largest and most cultural center in the world. The country itself is also considered the cultural center of Europe and has a dominant position in terms of defense.

If we talk about past wars, this country took part in both the First and Second World Wars. France is known as the country of nuclear energy, there are about 300 nuclear weapons, so the defense capability of this beautiful country is also considered the best in the world, as the highly organized army has new technological weapons.

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Great Britain

Great Britain is one of the oldest countries in the world, which is also known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. It is also a wealthy country with a population of 65.1 million, making it the fourth most populous country in Europe. The capital of Great Britain is London, it is an important financial center for different nations peace.

The defense capability of this country is considered one of the highest in the world; this country is also a nuclear power, which has about 225 nuclear or chemical weapons. The army is also known throughout the world as one of the best - due to the presence of highly qualified personnel. And this is one of best countries in terms of living conditions, even despite nuclear energy.

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China is the most developed country in the world, because almost everything that is used on our planet is produced here. It is the leader in population with more than 1.38 billion inhabitants. This happy country officially called the People's Republic of China, it is also the largest electronics manufacturer, sending its goods to almost every country in the world.

China is also a nuclear energy country, so there are 250 nuclear weapons here, so the defense of this country is very high level due to the use of new technologies in the manufacture of weapons or other equipment used in the army. China is the world's oldest state and occupies the third largest territory in the world, after Russia and Canada.

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Pakistan is one of the most beautiful and important countries in the world, appeared on the map in 1947, according to the 1973 constitution, it is called the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. It is the second largest Islamic country in the world due to its population of almost 200 million.

Thus, Pakistan is the only Islamic country in the world that has nuclear weapons. Defense is a priority, so no money is saved on purchasing weapons. Pakistan's stockpile is about 120 nuclear weapons.

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The United States of America is considered one of the most powerful and influential countries in the world. The country includes 52 states and a total population of 320 million. If we talk about defense capability, this is the most highly organized army, which has new and best weapon, and also this country is number one among the nuclear powers in the world, having almost 7,700 nuclear weapons.

It is the only country to have used nuclear weapons against its population - Japan in 1945 during World War II. The USA has many differences with many countries including Russia, China and Pakistan, hence also considered as the most hated country in the world.

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Russia is also one of the most influential countries in the world, known for the high quality of its weapons. Official name - Russian Federation. It is the largest country in the world by area, but has a population of about 146 million.

One of the most ancient countries in the world. Russia is the largest arms manufacturer in the world. Its stockpile of nuclear weapons is the largest among all countries in the world, amounting to about 8,500 units. Russia sells weapons to all countries of the world, so there is no doubt about their quality. This allows the country to claim the title of superpower.

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This was an article about the most powerful countries with nuclear weapons. Thank you for your attention!

The total number of nuclear warheads in the world today is over 20 thousand, according to data from the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). More than half of this amount - 11 thousand - is contained in the arsenal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

A report published today on the SIPRI website reveals that the world's eight nuclear powers have a total of 20,530 nuclear warheads. Of these, 5,027 are deployed. Russia occupies a leading position here too: at its disposal Missile Forces strategic purpose(Strategic Missile Forces) 2427 missiles with nuclear warheads. The United States is slightly inferior in this regard - it has 2,150 deployed nuclear warheads. France has almost 300 similar missiles, and Great Britain has almost half as many.

However, 5 thousand deployed warheads are just the tip of the global nuclear iceberg. The number of military nuclear warheads mothballed in military warehouses exceeds this figure three times. The strategic nuclear stockpiles of the big five - Russia, the USA, France, Great Britain and China - as well as India, Pakistan and Israel that join them, amount to 15,500 warheads.

Russia remains the undisputed leader here, capable of equipping 8,570 missiles with nuclear warheads. The United States is not far behind, with 6,350 warheads stored in its warehouses. Great Britain and France have 65 and 10 nuclear weapons, respectively. China's entire nuclear arsenal of 200 warheads is kept in an undeployed state. The military nuclear potential of Delhi and Karachi is estimated at approximate figures: 80 - 100 warheads for India and 90 - 100 for Pakistan. Israel, according to experts, has 80 nuclear warheads.

While major nuclear powers are making efforts towards global nuclear disarmament, analysts note the growth of military nuclear capabilities in Third World countries. Thus, within the framework of the agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States on the reduction of strategic and offensive arms (START-3), Russia reduced its arsenal by a thousand nuclear warheads. The United States cut its offensive reserves proportionately - by 900 units. But India and Pakistan, judging by the calculations of experts, have increased their combat power approximately 20 nuclear warheads each.

Note that, according to the US State Department, which published its report on American strategic capabilities a few days ago, the United States has more warheads than Russia. The report indicates that the Americans have 882 deployed ballistic missiles s, and Russia has only 521. Moreover, the United States has a total of 1,800 nuclear warheads, and the Russian Federation has 1,537.

The published information was the result of data exchange between nuclear powers under the START-3 agreement. Exchange of information, when the United States transferred its database to its Russian counterparts, without, however, indicating specific numbers.

Meanwhile, the implementation of START III remains under threat due to disagreements between Russia and the United States over the American missile defense system in Europe. In mid-May, the Russian Foreign Ministry threatened to withdraw from the treaty if the Americans continued to place their weapons in European countries. Previously Head of the Main Operations Directorate General Staff Russian Armed Forces Andrei Tretyak said that the deployment of the American missile defense system near Russian borders will benefit our nuclear deterrent forces (SNF). Research organizations of the Ministry of Defense came to such conclusions during the analysis of plans to modernize the US missile defense system.


It is foolish to deny that the nuclear arms race is over. The United States of America and the Russian Federation are leading the way, North Korea is looking for new technologies, having already captured nuclear weapons, and countries like Iran or Brazil already have powerful charges. Almost all countries are already ready for the Third World War, which may be radically different from the previous two. Adolf Hitler's hair would have stood on end if he had known about modern weapons capabilities. And you? So, five countries with powerful stockpiles of nuclear weapons. Approximately, of course. After all, such figures are a military secret.

No. 5. France

The country conducted its first nuclear test in 1960. And although France's nuclear strategy was not initially aggressive, today it boasts the presence of very powerful nuclear bombs. According to some estimates, France's stockpile includes about 290 active warheads.

No. 4. Great Britain

Britain conducted its first nuclear test in 1952. Manufacturing project nuclear bombs they called it "Hurricane". The UK currently has more than 250 warheads. the main objective project - to give a worthy response to the aggressive strategy for the production of nuclear weapons and weapons in principle, which the USSR undertook in its time.

No. 3. China

China has far more warheads than estimated on official Chinese and world news sites. Moreover, according to rumors, China is going to overtake the United States in terms of reserves. The state's first test was conducted in 1964. Today it is rated as one of the most powerful in the world.

No. 2. United States of America

Oddly enough, the USA is in second place, at least officially, because... It is difficult to find a more closed and at the same time powerful state than the United States. Moreover, despite the fact that total known, one can only guess about the power of each charge. The country has more than 7,500 warheads. But by the way, the USA today has .

No. 1. Russia

And finally, first place! Russia conducted its first nuclear test in 1949. And went down in history as a state, having greatest number nuclear warheads, as well as as a state that detonated some of the most powerful nuclear warheads during testing. Just imagine, 57 megatons of TNT! They say that this explosion was carried out specifically to intimidate the United States. Russia's total warhead count currently stands at around 8,500 warheads or more.

The arms race in the 20th century encouraged powers to develop under the plausible pretext of deterring nuclear attacks. In fact, some countries categorically deny their involvement in combat tests, even though indirect evidence indicates the presence of a nuclear arsenal on their territory.

But, whatever the position, scientists and ordinary mortals interested in the issue understand: if the bombing begins, then the historical “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945 will seem like an amateur performance in comparison with that fiery cauldron , which will begin on the planet. Considering the current capabilities of the nuclear arsenal of some countries. Whatever one may say, the most powerful nuclear bomb was made under the USSR.

Nuclear arsenal of countries, number of nuclear warheads by country 2017/2018

A country Nuclear program Number of nuclear arsenal (warheads)
Second country to develop nuclear weapons. It has the largest arsenal of any country and is investing heavily in modernizing its warheads and launch vehicles. 7000
The first country to develop nuclear weapons and the only country to use them in war. The US spends the most on its nuclear arsenal. 6800
Most nuclear warheads are carried on submarines equipped with M45 and M51 missiles. One boat is on patrol 24/7. Some warheads are launched from aircraft. 300
China has a much smaller arsenal than the US and Russia. Its warheads are launched from the air, from land and from sea. China is increasing the size of its nuclear arsenal. 270
It maintains a fleet of four nuclear submarines in Scotland, each with 16 Trident missiles. The UK Parliament voted in 2016 to modernize its nuclear forces. 215
It is significantly improving its nuclear arsenal and related infrastructure. IN last years he increased the size of the nuclear arsenal. 120-130
India has developed nuclear weapons in violation of non-proliferation obligations. It increases the size of the nuclear arsenal and expands launch capabilities. 110-120
It maintains a policy of ambiguity regarding its nuclear arsenal, neither confirming nor denying its existence. As a result, there is little information or discussion about it. 80
North Korea has a new nuclear program. Its arsenal probably contains fewer than 10 warheads. It is unclear whether he has the capacity to deliver them. We wrote the nuclear bomb of North Korea. 10
Total 14900 warheads

Nuclear Club list of countries


  • Russia received most of its atomic weapons after the collapse of the USSR, when mass disarmament and removal of nuclear warheads to Russia were carried out at the military bases of the former Soviet republics.
  • Officially, the country has a nuclear resource of 7,000 warheads and ranks first in the world in terms of weapons, of which 1,950 are deployed.
  • First test former Soviet Union carried out in 1949 with a ground launch of an RDS-1 rocket from the Semipalatinsk test site in Kazakhstan.
  • The Russian position regarding nuclear weapons is to use them in response to a similar attack. Or in case of attacks with conventional weapons, if this threatens the existence of the country.


  • The case of two missiles dropped on two cities in Japan in 1945 is the first and only example of a combat atomic attack. Thus, the United States became the first country to carry out an atomic explosion. Today it is also the country with the most powerful army in the world. Official estimates report 6,800 active units, with 1,800 deployed in combat status.
  • The last US nuclear test was carried out in 1992. The US takes the position that it has sufficient weapons for its own defense and defense allied states from attack.


  • After World War II, the country did not pursue the goal of developing its own weapons of mass destruction. However, after Vietnam War and the loss of its colonies in Indochina, the country's government reconsidered its views, and since 1960 it conducted nuclear tests, first in Algeria, and then on two uninhabited coral islands in French Polynesia.
  • In total, the country conducted 210 tests, the most powerful of which were the Canopus in 1968 and the Unicorn in 1970. There is information about the presence of 300 nuclear warheads, 280 of which are located on deployed carriers.
  • The scale of the global armed confrontation clearly demonstrated that the longer the French government ignores peaceful initiatives to curb weapons, the better for France. Even France acceded to the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty proposed by the UN in 1996 only in 1998.


  • China. The first test of atomic weapons under code name China held “596” in 1964, opening the way to the top five residents of the Nuclear Club.
  • Modern China has 270 warheads in storage. Since 2011, the country has adopted a policy of minimal weapons, which will be used only in case of danger. And the developments of Chinese military scientists are in no way behind the leaders in weapons, Russia and the United States, and since 2011 they have presented to the world four new modifications of ballistic weapons with the ability to load them with nuclear warheads.
  • There is a joke that China is based on the number of its compatriots, who make up the largest diaspora in the world, when talking about the “minimum necessary” number of combat units.

Great Britain

  • Great Britain, like a true lady, although it is one of the leading Five nuclear powers, has not practiced such indecency as atomic testing on its own territory. All tests were carried out away from British lands, in Australia and in the Pacific Ocean.
  • She began her nuclear career in 1952 with the activation nuclear bomb with a capacity of more than 25 kilotons of TNT on board the frigate Plym, anchored near Pacific Islands Montebello. In 1991, testing was stopped. Officially, the country has 215 charges, of which 180 are located on deployed carriers.
  • The UK actively opposes the use of nuclear ballistic missiles, although there was a precedent in 2015, when Prime Minister David Cameron cheered up the international community with the message that the country, if desired, could demonstrate the launch of a couple of charges. The minister did not specify in which direction the nuclear greeting would fly.

Young nuclear powers


  • Pakistan. The common border with India and Pakistan prevents them from signing the Non-Proliferation Treaty. In 1965, the country's foreign minister said that Pakistan would be ready to begin developing its own nuclear weapons if neighboring India began to do so. His determination was so serious that he promised to put the entire country on bread and water for the sake of protection from armed provocations of India.
  • Development of explosive devices has been ongoing for a long time, with variable funding and construction of facilities since 1972. The country conducted its first tests in 1998 at the Chagai training ground. There are about 120-130 nuclear warheads in storage in the country.
  • The emergence of a new player in the nuclear market forced many partner countries to impose a ban on the import of Pakistani goods into their territory, which could greatly undermine the country's economy. Fortunately for Pakistan, it had a number of unofficial sponsors who provided funds for nuclear testing. The largest revenues were oil from Saudi Arabia, imported into the country daily at 50 thousand barrels.


  • The homeland of the most cheerful films was pushed to participate in the nuclear race by its proximity to China and Pakistan. And if China has long been in the position of superpowers and does not pay attention to India, and does not particularly oppress "
  • Nuclear power prevented India from venturing out into the open from the very beginning, so the first test, codenamed “Smiling Buddha” in 1974, was carried out secretly, underground. All developments were so classified that the researchers even notified their own Minister of Defense about the tests at the last moment.
  • Officially, India admitted that yes, we sin, we have charges, only in the late 1990s. According to modern data, there are 110-120 units in storage in the country.

North Korea

  • North Korea. The favorite move of the United States - “showing strength” as an argument in negotiations - was very disliked by the DPRK government back in the mid-1950s. At that time, the United States actively intervened in the Korean War, allowing the atomic bombing of Pyongyang. The DPRK learned its lesson and set a course for militarizing the country.
  • Together with the army, which today is the fifth largest in the world, Pyongyang is conducting nuclear research, which until 2017 was not particularly interesting to the world, since it took place under the auspices of space exploration, and relatively peacefully. Sometimes the neighboring lands shook South Korea from medium-sized earthquakes of unknown nature, that’s all the trouble.
  • At the beginning of 2017, the “false” news in the media that the United States was sending its aircraft carriers to meaningless promenades off the Korean shores left a residue, and the DPRK, without much concealment, conducted six nuclear tests. Today the country has 10 nuclear units in storage.
  • How many other countries are conducting research on developing nuclear weapons is unknown. To be continued.

Suspicions of nuclear weapons storage

There are several known countries suspected of storing nuclear weapons:

  • Israel, like the old and wise Reve, is in no hurry to lay his cards on the table, but does not directly deny the presence of nuclear weapons. The “Non-Proliferation Treaty” has also not been signed, and it’s more invigorating than the morning snow. And all the world has is just rumors about nuclear tests, which the Promised One allegedly carried out since 1979 together with South Africa in the South Atlantic and the presence of 80 nuclear warheads in storage.
  • Iraq, according to unverified data, has been storing an unknown number of nuclear weapons for an unknown number of years. “Simply because it can,” they said in the United States, and at the beginning of the 2000s, together with Great Britain, they sent troops into the country. Later they apologized heartily that they were “mistaken.” We didn't expect anything else, gentlemen.
  • Came under the same suspicions Iran, due to testing the “peaceful atom” for energy needs. This became the reason to impose sanctions on the country for 10 years. In 2015, Iran pledged to report on uranium enrichment research, and the country was released from sanctions.

Four countries cleared themselves of all suspicion by officially refusing to participate “in these races of yours.” Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine transferred all their capacities to Russia with the collapse of the USSR, although the President of Belarus A. Lukashenko sometimes sighs with a hint of nostalgia that “If only there were any weapons left, they would talk to us differently.” And South Africa, even though it once participated in the development of nuclear power, openly withdrew from the race and lives quietly.

Partly due to the contradictions of internal political forces that opposed nuclear policy, partly due to a lack of necessity. One way or another, some have transferred all power to the cultivation of the “peaceful atom”, and some have abandoned nuclear potential altogether (like Taiwan, after the accident at Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine).

List of countries that have phased out nuclear programs:

  • Australia
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Libya
  • Egypt
  • Taiwan
  • Switzerland
  • Sweden
  • South Korea