You've probably heard a lot of different information about carbohydrates many times. They are an integral part of the diet of each of us. Carbohydrates are the most important source of energy for the human body.

But why does one type of carbohydrate help in gaining muscle mass, while another will promote fat deposits? Let's figure it out!

In addition, products containing a large number of fibers are generally low in fat, especially cholesterol. All of these features are reflected in the fact that people with higher fiber intake have lower mortality rates from heart disease and live longer overall. This, by the way, is similar to those vegetarians who also have a lower incidence and risk cardiovascular diseases, partly due to higher fiber intake, although a number of other factors also apply.

What is it and what does the term carbohydrates do? This scientific name comes from the Latin name for sugar, i.e. sugar. Carbohydrates and sugars are thus the same, where the distribution is into simple carbohydrates, sugars and several compound carbohydrates. Where are the carbohydrates?

What are carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are organic elements consisting of complex and simple sugars. They are found in food and are one of the key sources of energy.

There are two types of carbohydrates: simple (fast) and complex (slow). The main difference between them is the molecular structure and the rate of absorption by the body.

Healthy carbohydrates in food

Simple carbohydrates, such as in fruit, honey and anywhere traditional food sources such as sweet-tasting sugar are added. That's why he says that anyone who takes weight loss healthily and seriously should limit sweets with a high content of simple sugars. Although they quickly supply the body with a source of energy, they also wear out quickly, following hunger, which was associated with subsequent drinking after sweets.

Composite carbohydrates, however, are already an important source of energy for the body and have a very important also due to the fiber content. Absorbed by a simpler and therefore more man and his body was full. Contain them more food, they can be found, for example, in bread, rice, pasta, but also cereals contain carbohydrates, including sugar here, along with a layer of very positive presentation.

Simple carbohydrates include fructose and glucose(monosaccharides and disaccharides). Therefore, foods containing such carbohydrates have sweet taste. The glycemic index (GI) is used to evaluate the carbohydrate content of foods. This indicator determines the effect of foods on blood sugar levels. So, food with a high GI does not bring much benefit to the body; it should be consumed as rarely as possible. Because regular increases in blood glucose levels cause insulin spikes. This can affect the body’s independent production of this hormone, which leads to the appearance diabetes mellitus Type I

From a nutritional point of view, therefore, unsuitable simple and refined sugars, which, although quickly enter the bloodstream and give the person immediate energy, but on the other hand, increase the level of insulin in the blood and subsequent underutilization of glucose, glycogen, and fat. In addition, for example, diabetics should only protect simple sugars in foods and watch saccharide units because they must have adequate carbohydrate intake in the body. The same applies if you want to lose weight effectively.

Complex carbohydrates- These are polysaccharides. And, despite the fact that their main task is to supply the body with energy, they have a slightly different principle of operation. They are based on pectin, fiber and starch. They stimulate the digestion process, satisfy hunger and satiate the body for a long period of time. They also take more time and energy to digest, so your blood sugar rises evenly.

Thus, there seems to be an ideal distribution of dietary proteins, fats, carbohydrates and a low percentage of highly concentrated carbohydrates. This brings health problems in addition to weight gain. If you are poor, therefore omit the typical diet of junk sugar foods, such as the candy mentioned. As for consuming carbohydrates at night, it may be healthy to eat them, but such a “carbohydrate dinner” should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime. After eating carbohydrates there is actually an increase in blood sugar and insulin levels and for healthy nighttime regeneration of the body, it is necessary for these values ​​to return to normal again.

The benefits of carbohydrates for the body

Carbohydrates perform vital functions:

Replenish the body's energy reserves;

Promotes productive brain function;

Improves digestion;

Reduces the risk of blood clots.

Do simple carbohydrates contribute to weight gain?

Carbohydrates, which are easily digestible, promote the production of insulin, which inhibits the breakdown of fats. If physical activity insignificant, fats are deposited in the body. But if you eat simple carbohydrates and exercise, muscle mass will be formed by increasing the level of glycogen in muscle tissue. Therefore, whether your muscles or stomach grow depends on you.

At night, fast carbohydrates such as rice, potatoes or whole grain pasta are more appropriate than high-fiber carbohydrates. The diet should be that they are the most limited so. empty carbohydrates such as chocolate, candy and sweets Carbohydrates with a low glycemic index on the body are positive, for example in fruits, so they should not be limited, the opposite carbohydrates with a high glycemic index are worth when eating is excluded, and even if you do not overweight because these sugars cause various diseases, such as the diet should be balanced and even focus on fat, the next day you should have all the ingredients evenly distributed in the food. Of course, hand in hand with weight loss, but an optimized body weight is exercise, fitness, fitness for both men and women with professional bodybuilding experience.

Ratio of carbohydrates to muscle gain

During training, you need to monitor your diet and, as sports nutritionists advise, complex carbohydrates worth consuming before physical activity, A simple carbohydrates leave on Then.

Those who set out to lose weight should not exceed the norm of 50-60 g of foods that contain carbohydrates. To keep your weight at the same level, 200 g per day is allowed. Exceeding this norm will contribute to weight gain.

Of course, you don't have to be a bodybuilder and a bodybuilder pockets your previous weight problems and unhealthy lifestyle. What is important is regular physical activity of the appropriate size and type. Carbohydrates may also contain various proteins and winners, which are nutritional supplements developed after a workout and can be replaced by natural influx, which would be due to the required amount and levels on the contrary in food products are sometimes insufficient. But it is not limited to "chemicals" or in a supplement suitable for exercise, it can also be natural sugars.

Basic foods containing simple carbohydrates

If a product contains sugar and/or flour, it can be classified as fast carbohydrates.

Sources of fast carbohydrates are sweet fruits and berries, dried fruits (raisins, figs, dates, pineapple), sugar, honey, cakes, pastries, cookies, candies, halva, condensed milk, jam and syrups, sweet drinks (especially carbonated drinks), chocolate products, semolina, 1st grade wheat pasta, White bread.

Typically, during physical exercise, fitness or sports, however, it is true that you need two hours after training to get into the body a sufficient amount of stored energy, fluids, and then do not forget to rest. The actual turn of the exercise should take place on an empty stomach where it is more effective to burn that fat and other consumables in the body, in most cases it is also true that when you exercise or spend on other aerobic or anaerobic activities you should do this for a long time, as a rule, the first 20-40 minutes of the body burns the first dates of simple sugars in the body, and only then begins to burn the fat of the carbohydrate reserve before training is also not recommended, since we're talking about only to their rapid burning and this has no effect on weight. Carbohydrates have a big impact on human body, brain function and metabolism, and in the case of regular excess supply, the main changes occur only in metabolism, which leads to obesity or overweight.

Food product Glycemic index Carbohydrates per 100 g of product
Rice flour 95 77,5
White rice 70 26
Brown sugar 70 95
Rice pudding 85 43
Fried potatoes 95 24
Baked potato 95 17
Wheat flour 85 67
Celery root 85 10
Pumpkin 75 6
Watermelon 75 9
Dates 70 68
Chocolate bar 70 48
Beer 110 6
Chips 70 55
Noodles 70 56

Basic foods containing complex carbohydrates

Such carbohydrates are found mainly in the following foods: buckwheat, Brown rice, oatmeal, carrots, potatoes, legumes (lentils, peas, chickpeas, beans), pumpkin, corn, beets, whole grain bread, whole wheat pasta.

Food product Glycemic index Carbohydrates per 100 g of product
Orange 35 9
Figs 35 40
Cherry 26 11
Plum 24 10
Grapefruit 22 8
Pomegranate 35 13
Apple 30 9
Peach 35 14
Quince 35 8
Apricot 20 10
Cereals 40 65

Carbohydrate deficiency in the body

Of course, it is almost impossible to remain without carbohydrates, since they are found in many foods. But if you exhaust yourself with diets, their lack can manifest itself in the form of the following symptoms:

Because the body begins to absorb and convert more carbohydrates rather than fats and cause some weight gain due to stored fat but unused carbohydrates. In addition, there is another problem and that is the rapid aging and deterioration of body cells. The average daily intake of carbohydrates in healthy adults should be between 300 and 400 g, and particularly in the form of polysaccharides such as vegetables, fruits, cereals, rice or potatoes. However, the body's supply above these limits or inappropriate form of simple and refined carbohydrates, the body does not use the current, but stores them in inventory and excess amounts are deposited as fat reserves.

Weakness (it is especially pronounced during and after mental stress);


Inability to concentrate and work productively;




Muscle weakness;

Deterioration of the digestive process.

A particular danger is the insufficient supply of carbohydrates to the brain, which needs them for full functioning. If the brain does not receive enough carbohydrates systematically, memory problems may appear.

Few people also know that, for example, foods high in industrial sugar not only cause stomach upset, but also constipation, which can also be associated with heavy weight. Part of the problem of overweight and obesity is mainly a combination of poor diet with high consumption of refined and simple sugars and on the contrary, low polysaccharides of income, and the absence of physical exercise or other polysaccharides of physical movements should be 80% daily consumption calories, but instead of putting an end to the opposite, which subscribes directly to fat deposition and the accumulation of fatty deposits in correct menu body for people suffering from overweight or obesity, therefore it should contain only a minimum of simple sugars, and, if possible, and preferably in the form of fruit or honey. The diet should provide the necessary nutrients for the functioning of the body.

Excess carbohydrates in the body

Excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates will not pass without leaving a mark on the body. It will be reflected in the following manifestations:

The appearance of fat deposits and deterioration in physical fitness;

Risk of obesity;

Increased blood sugar;

Risk of developing diabetes.

As you can see, carbohydrates can turn you into a chubby little bear or make you look like you're on the cover of a bodybuilding magazine. It all depends on what direction you direct them in, and if in the right direction, they will work in your favor.

This means ensuring the supply of proteins, carbohydrates and, of course, fats, which are an integral part of the diet and are just as necessary as other ingredients. However, it is also necessary to choose sources rich in vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals. Many people believe that something special must be eaten to achieve a character. In contrast, fitness products have fairly common products that are available in almost every grocery store.

If you're active, don't worry about the occasional rule violation. However, we should prefer a certain group of foods that are more valuable than others. Their use should be more frequent. In keeping with a healthy style, milder treatments of foods without added fat, such as frying, should be avoided. From a suitable source, in case of frying, the dishes will be completely inappropriate, which will lead to excess weight, especially with frequent repeated consumption of such cooked dishes.

Most diets offered by open sources require you to eat only proteins for weight loss, but this is unwise for your health. It is much more important to know what carbohydrates you can eat when losing weight, what foods contain them, and the difference between slow and fast. Based on this information, it’s easy to create an individual nutrition plan for yourself that will prevent you from starving but will help correct your figure.

Which products are best and why

There are foods that are commonplace that everyone has certainly encountered before, or at least encountered. Each of them contains certain substances that exceed other sources in terms of their concentration or the presence of any unique component that provides the body with the necessary advantage.

We will first introduce the first valuable source, which is characterized by a high proportion of almost pure protein. An almost indispensable resource for those who want to lose weight. The amount of protein that protects muscle mass and fat, is an ideal food for fitness enthusiasts. This is also important for dieting where the goal is to build lean fat. You only need to eat skinless chicken because there is more fat.

What are carbohydrates

If proteins are the building blocks for muscle tissue, and fats are needed for blood vessels and the heart, then carbohydrates are a source of energy, without which the body’s vital functions are impossible. Their complete exclusion, as you might guess, leads to the fact that a person becomes lethargic, experiences weakness, cannot concentrate on basic tasks, and feels hungry. Doctors say that a deficiency of this macronutrient in the diet (as happens during active weight loss) is the main reason for the craving for “harmful” foods (chocolate, cookies), since they contain glucose, an alternative source of energy.

Eggs are another rich source of proteins with the highest biological value. Although it has been said that yolks are harmful, it is now known that they contain vitamins that are not found in white. Easily digestible proteins are suitable for diets. It is recommended to combine a whole egg with egg whites to ensure the supply of egg yolks, but at the same time eliminate the egg to partially reduce the proportion of lipids.

Small forest fruits such as raspberries, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries contain a large proportion of vitamins and especially bioflavonoids. Highly valued as a source of microelements. Worth mentioning are blueberries, prized for their blue dye anthocyanin. It has antioxidant effects, has a positive effect on the eyes and overall regeneration of the body. It is even believed that this dye affects the degradation of fat. For the internal environment, an apple full of fiber is soluble and insoluble, it contains carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.

Figuring out what carbohydrates you can eat while losing weight is the main task of every person who cares about their health. A simple classification helps with this, according to which they are divided into:

  • complex or slow;
  • simple or fast.

Complex carbohydrates

This group is characterized by a large number of structural units - among which are glycogen, fiber and starch. Wherein last element is a set of simple saccharides, and the first is responsible for energy production. Fiber or cellulose is required for saturation and is a slowly digestible element, and is not completely digested. Complex carbohydrates can be eaten frequently because they do not stimulate sharp fluctuations in insulin, and their constituent units additionally help reduce general level Sahara. This is their most useful type.

Fast carbohydrates

An alternative name for this group is easily digestible or simple carbohydrates. They are distinguished by a minimum number of structural units: no more than 2 molecules. They are processed in a matter of seconds, so they enter the blood almost instantly and provoke a spike in sugar with a high glycemic index. This entails an instant rise in energy, but it falls at the same speed. You can eat fast carbohydrates when you have a loss of strength, when you need to urgently restore your performance. short term, but they do not saturate for long, so it turns out to be a vicious circle.

What foods contain carbohydrates

Almost all foods have some amount of this macronutrient, excluding meat (even shellfish), which is a source of protein. Although after heat treatment it receives a certain amount of carbohydrates if it is supplemented with seasonings, sauces, etc. The same applies to lard, vegetable oils, but fats predominate here. Hard cheeses (Parmesan, Gruyère, etc.) are also deprived of this macronutrient.

Most carbohydrates in food are found in:

  • cereal crops;
  • plant foods (vegetables/fruits);
  • bakery products;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

Foods high in carbohydrates

Even when losing weight, you can safely use carbohydrate foods in your diet, but you need to take into account its composition and understand your daily intake. Products high in carbohydrates are not enemies to the figure and can even be one of the basic elements of the menu if they are difficult-to-digest compounds and not simple sugars. The main carbohydrate-containing products are:

  • bread and related products (bread, cookies, buns, pies, etc.);
  • confectionery;
  • sweet drinks;
  • pasta;
  • cereals (this includes both cereals and flakes);
  • potato;
  • mayonnaise;
  • honey, sugar;
  • fruits;
  • nuts, seeds;
  • dairy products.

Products with minimal carbohydrate content

Finding food that has almost no this macronutrient is easy if you remember the calorie content of 1 gram of carbohydrate - it’s about 4.1 kcal. A simple logical conclusion would be: foods with minimal carbohydrate content are foods with minimal energy value. Among them:

  • greenery;
  • vegetables (excluding the previously mentioned potatoes, boiled carrots and beets);
  • eggs;
  • mushrooms;
  • feta cheese and other soft cheeses.

Slow carbohydrate foods

The basis of a healthy diet should be complex macronutrients, since they satiate for a long time and do not cause insulin spikes. All products with slow carbohydrates have a high calorie content, but this is the case when these numbers are beneficial when losing weight. The list of such products is as follows:

  • porridge (with water, since milk is a source of lactose or sugar, which causes a rise in insulin) from cereals, not flakes, which have not been actively purified;
  • wholemeal bread;
  • the legume group - chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas - is additionally a source of vegetable protein, and therefore is valued for weight loss and among vegetarians;
  • vegetables, among which the leaders in terms of benefits (due to the amount of fiber) are all types of cabbage, zucchini, tomatoes, and peppers.

Products with fast carbohydrates

You can determine sources of simple carbohydrates by referring to their chemical composition– if a product contains a large amount of sugars, it will be classified as easily digestible. All sweets (cakes, candies, etc.) are automatically included in this group, even honey, which is considered safe for weight loss. Dark chocolate goes here, although it can replace milk chocolate due to good composition. Almost all factory products contain fast carbohydrates, since flavoring additives often contain sugar, even in sauces and mayonnaise.

A few more nuances:

  • Semolina is the only porridge that is considered an “empty” carbohydrate.
  • Cane sugar is not light in calories, but the same as refined white sugar.
  • Snacks and breakfast cereals, even if they are based on cereals, are a secondary product, which is a set of “empty” macroelements.
  • Preserves, jams and confitures, even homemade ones, also provoke sugar surges due to GI.

Norm of carbohydrates per day

The daily amount of this element is never reset to zero, even if you are aimed at rapid weight loss. Completely eliminate carbohydrates - trigger active burning of glycogen, but at the same time give impetus to dysfunction nervous system, liver, kidneys, heart and other systems. In addition, excess protein, which is typical for weight loss methods of this type, leads to ketoacidosis - poisoning of the body with elements of its breakdown. If you calculate individual norm carbohydrates per day, you can lose weight without such terrible consequences and without feeling constant hunger.

When dieting

Exists classic rule, relevant even for those who want to lose weight quickly - the share of carbohydrates in the diet should not be less than half of the daily plate. The ideal ratio is 7:3, where the smaller number refers to the sum of fats and proteins. A shortage is fraught with a permanent feeling of year, as a result of which it will be difficult to maintain the diet. At the same time, simple carbohydrate foods are completely excluded during weight loss, and the indicated figure will need to be supplemented only by those that the body will absorb for a long time.

When losing weight

Even if you need to quickly lose weight, you can only reduce the daily amount of carbohydrates in your diet to 50 g. An individual calculation is more reasonable, according to which at least 2.5 grams of this macronutrient are taken for every kilogram of body weight. So for a woman weighing 55 kg daily norm carbohydrates for weight loss will be 137.5-140 g. If there is physical activity, the consumption of this microelement per day increases to 5 g/kg.

What carbohydrates should you eliminate to lose weight?

From the above information you can isolate key moment– simple sugars pose a danger to your figure. As a result, you yourself can easily tell which carbohydrates you should not eat when losing weight – fast ones, i.e. sources of high GI. Their main problem is the synthesis of insulin in response to the entry of such a macronutrient into the blood. If the body does not immediately begin to use up the resulting sugars, they become fat deposits. Experts advise eating such foods only before physical activity.

The right carbohydrates for weight loss

Good food for weight loss - rich in fiber and has a low GI: it takes a long time to break down. The right carbohydrates for weight loss can be easily identified by the absence of natural sweetness, i.e. fructose, sucrose, etc. there are no elements there. “Good” macroelements will be found in:

  • vegetables (especially cruciferous);
  • greenery;
  • cereals;
  • legumes

Please note that it is not enough to consume only complex carbohydrates when losing weight - they should be included only in breakfast and lunch, and in the evening and at night you should eat only proteins. If you really want light carbohydrate-containing food (milk and its “relatives” are here), you need to eat it in the morning. For snacks, sweets can be replaced with high-carbohydrate nuts - they are heavy because they contain a lot of fat, but they provide good nutrition, and a small portion (10 pieces) will not harm.

List of complex carbohydrates for weight loss

According to nutritionists, all high-carbohydrate foods that contain more than 2 molecules will not negatively affect your figure. However, to be more confident in a positive result from a diet or simple menu correction, you need to know the list of complex carbohydrates for weight loss. Food aimed at losing weight should contain:

  • fiber;
  • pectins;
  • glycogen;
  • starch (to a lesser extent).

You can see this list of carbohydrates in weight loss products - cereals, nuts, seeds, which contain fiber, apples and apricots, cabbage, cucumbers, cranberries - sources of pectin, buckwheat, rice, pasta, which contain starch. It is difficult to obtain glycogen from food because it contains minimum quantity(mainly in fish), but it is in excess and is not needed.

Video: healthy carbohydrates for weight loss