In the 80-90s, Chumak was famous throughout the country as a healer; millions of people placed containers of water near their televisions so that he could charge them with his powerful energy.

Allan Chumak, who received a journalistic education, has worked on television since 1965, first as a sports commentator. He also worked as an editor in the Main Editorial Office of TV Information of APN. In the late 1970s, while preparing exposé articles on the topic of charlatan healers, I felt strange abilities in myself, sated with a certain “energy.”

Later, in one of the radio programs, Chumak admitted that he was taught by voices “who worked as announcers in shifts,” and he only took notes and then learned healing from these recordings.

In the 80-90s there was a boom in magicians and psychics in the Soviet Union. Viewers were waiting for television sessions with Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Allan Chumak. They gave “good intentions” and healed. The ratings of programs with their participation went through the roof. Then Chumak became one of the most famous healers in Russia thanks to television sessions. In addition, he conducted mass and individual meetings.

Recorded from Soviet television in the late 80s - early 90s

The famous bioenergy therapist conducted telesessions at the Central Center of the USSR, during which he charged various substances with healing energy by making passes with his hands. Spectators placed jars of water, creams, and ointments in front of the screens, and Chumak directed an energy charge at them. He was a very influential person, since his program on Soviet television was part of the program “120 minutes” (originally “90 minutes”), which was shown at 7 am.

Allan Chumak conducting a séance outside his home, 1989.

It is characteristic that during one of the sessions Chumak used the simplest methods of suggestion to an “inexperienced audience”: handing over samples of “charged cosmetic cream” to the public (“for testing”), he directly indicated: “Look, this is a charged cream, and this is - uncharged. Try it and feel the difference." Of course, the creation of a psychological attitude predetermined the corresponding response, especially among suggestible people.

From the point of view of traditional medicine, Chumak simply used the method of armed suggestion using a placebo effect.

At first, the state and society reacted very favorably to Chumak’s gift. He became an honorary member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement, as well as a laureate of the. Lomonosov "For outstanding achievements in studying the problem of information interactions." The healer also received a state patent for the invention “Transfer of bioactive information to moisture-containing substances.”

The activities of Allan Chumak and his colleagues caused sharply negative assessments in the scientific community. RAS Commission on Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification scientific research has repeatedly noted that the “Chumak effect” does not exist and scientists have not found a single case of healing of people. Finally, the Ministry of Health issued an order restricting unconventional methods of treatment, and Chumak’s activities were banned in Russia. Since then, he has appeared on television only as a guest.

In 2000, Chumak ran in the Samara region in the State Duma elections, but could not get through: he received about three percent of the vote. Later he wrote three books about his gift.

Chumak - Soviet and Russian television figure, who called himself a healer and psychic. He is also the author of several books.

According to Chumak, he had two diplomas higher education- State Institute physical culture(coach) and Moscow State University (journalist). Since the 1960s, the future healer worked as a coach, then became a sports commentator on television.

Psychic abilities, according to his recollections, suddenly appeared in him, while preparing revealing articles about charlatan healers.

Chumak himself presented it this way: “When my Gift was revealed - and at that time I turned 42 years old - in one wonderful moment I saw the world in all the fantastic diversity of energy-informational interactions. I gained the ability to see people's auras. And then it seemed to me that a waterfall had fallen on me.

I felt as if streams of invisible water were falling on me, pressing on me, washing me - dense, heavy, tangible, I felt them in every pore. But there was no water either above me or around me.

There was energy. Its most powerful flows passing through my body. After some time, the sensations weakened, but this did not make them any less obvious. Energy overwhelmed me.

When I opened my palms and concentrated on the flow through them, they turned purple, tense veins stood out on my wrists, and my fingers swelled. Sometimes my blood pressure would rise and I would feel faint – my body couldn’t cope with the force it was receiving.”

As a result, Chumak left television and began seeing sick people.

“They started talking about me, they started making appointments from all over Moscow, they came from other cities,” he recalled.

However, a few years later Chumak returned to the television industry - now with sessions in which he “charged” water, creams, ointments and other substances, while moving his lips and making passes with his hands.

The miraculous powers acted even at a distance - to “charge” the water, it was enough to place a jar of it in front of the TV.

“At the request of the leadership of the Central Television, in the summer of 1989, I conducted six therapeutic sessions for television viewers in Ostankino. For three months, recordings of these sessions were broadcast in the mornings. Just a month after the start of this “action,” six million letters arrived at CT – and in each such letter there was gratitude for the treatment, getting rid of the disease,” Chumak himself said.

However, already in 1993, the Ministry of Health adopted a document restricting unconventional methods of treatment, and Chumak had to cease its activities. After that, he, in his words, “did a lot of scientific and experimental work: in collaboration with scientists, he studied his Gift.” He provided “help” to those who wanted it at individual receptions and sometimes organized creative meetings with the audience.

After Chumak's popularity began to decline, he published several books and even ran for State Duma elections in the Samara region, but received only a little more than 3% of the vote.

In his first book, Chumak devoted several chapters to how unknown voices taught him to use his abilities to heal people and told him about the world order.

He wrote: "I never worried about my mental health, used to consider myself a full-fledged and sane person. And so the first thing I did was think sensibly: isn’t it time to go “give up”? Where they treat people who have, as psychiatrists say, “commanding voices” in their heads... But you know, sometimes we meet a person and begin to believe him unconditionally, no matter what he looks like, whether he’s smiling or gloomy. So, I listened to myself and realized: I believed the voice from the first word, from the first sound.”

The spirits of deceased patients also spoke to him. In an interview with one of the Ukrainian publications, Chumak told how the spirit of a terminally ill woman who died of cancer communicated with him in the form of a bluish ball. The spirit allegedly thanked him for the support provided in the last days of his life.

In addition to healing, Chumak discovered that he had the ability to “clairaudience” - he said that he was able to hear what was happening on the other side of the city. For example, one day he allegedly heard a service in a temple, went there and discovered that the service was actually going on. Chumak could also “change at the energetic level” a person’s future, if this was required for recovery.

Currently, Chumak’s website is operating, where it is offered to buy DVDs with sessions for 3,500 rubles, loaded photographs for 1,000, or improve your health with an online video session. With the help of sessions, it is proposed to correct fate, get rid of damage, treat the gastrointestinal tract, musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system. The shelf life of photographs is six months, then they are lost. magical power. The disc will last for a whole year, but if overwritten, the power will also be lost.

Allan Vladimirovich Chumak was born in Moscow on May 26, 1935. He graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University and the State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (GTSOLIFK), worked on television, first as a sports commentator, and then as an editor in the main editorial office of television information of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

He allegedly discovered his “abilities” in himself when he was preparing a series of articles exposing charlatan healers. Since 1983, he worked at the Research Institute of General and Pedagogical Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

With the beginning of perestroika, Chumak, along with Anatoly Kashpirovsky, became one of the most famous “healers” in the USSR and then in Russia: his television sessions “charging” jars of water and various ointments and creams were watched by millions of people.

In 2000, Chumak tried to get into the State Duma from the Samara region, but lost - just over 3% of voters voted for him. After the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation restricting “non-traditional methods of treatment”, Chumak’s activities in Russia were suspended.

Chumak talked a lot about how the “gift” was discovered, but, unfortunately, the versions differ. So, in 2016, in the series of films “Confession of a Psychic,” in which the first part was dedicated to the life and work of Allan Chumak, he stated that his abilities were discovered not during the preparation of articles, but after the stress he experienced in childhood.

On the radio in the winter of 2009, he stated that he was taught special abilities by voices speaking in his head. They allegedly “worked as announcers in shifts,” and he only needed to take “lecture notes.”

“Healer,” who became one of the pioneers of pseudoscience in the wake of perestroika, was repeatedly criticized by scientists. Thus, the Chairman of the RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience and Falsification of Scientific Research, Academician Eduard Kruglyakov called the “Chumak effect” pseudoscientific. According to him, not a single one real case No healing of seriously ill people was recorded.

Moreover, it is difficult to estimate how many people died as a result of believing in “charged water” and refusing therapy. People simply triggered the disease, relying on the miraculous capabilities of such healers as Chumak, Kashpirovsky and many like them.

Chumak responded by saying that he supposedly had a gift from God.

"I baptized person, I don’t need intermediaries. I feel the Lord within me - who do I need as an adviser?” said the “healer” in an interview with the Segodnya portal in October 2010.

Chumak Alan Vladimirovich
Date of Birth
Place of Birth

Moscow, RSFSR


Allan Vladimirovich Chumak(May 26, 1935, Moscow, RSFSR) - a popular psychic healer and bioenergy information freak in the early 90s. A television journalist by profession, president of the regional public Foundation for the Promotion of Research into Social and Anomalous Phenomena.


Received a journalistic education (Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, State Institute physical culture named after. Lenin, Moscow), has been working on television since 1965 - first as a sports commentator.

In the late 1970s, while preparing exposé articles on what he believed were charlatan healers, he felt in himself certain abilities, saturation with a certain energy.

Since 1983 - work at the Research Institute of General Pedagogical Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, he became one of the most famous healers in Russia thanks to television sessions, during which he “charged” various substances with the help of passes: water, creams, ointments, etc.

After the Ministry of Health adopted an order restricting unconventional methods of treatment, Chumak’s activities were banned and suspended in Russia.

In 2000, he stood for election in the Samara region. State Duma, however, received a little more than 3% of the votes.

He was involved in cycling professionally. Created sports section at the university and trained several masters of sports using his methods. .

Method of conducting sessions

During television sessions, he “charged” various substances with the help of passes: water, creams, ointments, etc., not only in the studio, but also the television viewers.

Unlike another famous television freak, Kashpirovsky, he did not utter a word during the sessions - he made passes and mumbled his lips.

He is brilliant in that he was able to saturate the airtime exclusively with his face: his programs consisted for the most part of Chumak’s torso and head sticking out from under the table, who in silence made some mysterious passes with his hands, reminiscent of sign language interpretation, thereby guaranteeing a cure for a whole range of diseases. The viewer was asked to do nothing to be cured; he didn’t even have to look at the guru.

Using the TV, he not only treated diseases, but also “charged” the water: millions of hamsters placed glasses of water near the cactus screens. It was also possible to charge water over the radio: millions of hamsters put water in jars to the radio and listened to the silence. It’s a pity there were no cell phones in the country back then, since Chumak also knew how to charge batteries.

Also, Chumak sold his photographs, which had to be applied to sore spots for healing. Naturally, the more photos were attached, the more healing the effect.

It must be said that Chumak was a very influential person, since his program was part of the “120 minutes” program (originally “90 minutes”) on Soviet television, which was shown at 7 am. Thanks to this fact, Moscow cattle were actively exposed to the daily phimosis precipitation of the television miracle worker right from the morning.

It is characteristic that during one of the sessions Chumak used the simplest methods of suggestion to an “inexperienced audience”: handing over samples of “charged cosmetic cream” to the public (“for testing”), he directly indicated: “here, look - this is a “charged cream”, - and This one is uncharged. Try it and feel the difference." Of course, the creation of a psychological attitude predetermined the corresponding response, especially among suggestible people. Medical requirements (evidence-based medicine) for organizing such tests are completely different from A. Chumak’s methodology. In fact, A. Chumak widely used the “armed suggestion” method, using the placebo effect.


  1. For those who believe in miracles, A. Chumak, 2008, EKSMO. . An autobiographical book that reveals one’s own attitude towards the world with an attempt to general outline describe its device.
  2. Psychic book. Practical techniques for healing yourself and your loved ones, A. Chumak, 2008, EKSMO. . The book logically continues the first autobiographical edition, however, the book contains inserts of mental exercises that help, in the author’s opinion, to gain peace of mind and be healed.
  3. The healing power is within you, A. Chumak, 2009, EKSMO. . The book logically continues the second and talks about ways to correct the surrounding reality, or rather about how to change your attitude towards the world and the phenomena occurring in it and through it: get an interesting job, achieve your dreams, live an interesting life. The book's material also relies on a set of thinking exercises.

During a radio broadcast in the winter of 2008-2009, he admitted that his special abilities were taught by voices that spoke in his head, “working as announcers in shifts,” and he also kept notes of lectures that were dictated to him. He subsequently studied from them. In his first book, he devoted several chapters to this fact, from which one can learn that the voices of the teachers who helped him only taught him to use his abilities in such a way as to heal people without harming them. They also talked about the world order

In the late 1980s, Allan Chumak became a famous healer and psychic. Soviet Union. When he conducted “healing sessions” and “charged” water on TV, millions of citizens thirsting for healing gathered in front of the screens. They believed that water, ointments and creams “from Chumak” would certainly heal, rejuvenate and bring good luck. Thousands of people stated that Allan Vladimirovich helped, and the illnesses went away.

Skeptics called the “healer” a charlatan and argued that Allan Chumak was helping himself with his gaze and hand movements on the other side of the screen, while others were either “cured” of imaginary diseases, or the placebo effect was in effect. The fact remains undeniable that Allan Chumak became a legend of his time, and with his appearance in the USSR, citizens began to become acquainted with extrasensory perception and healing.

Childhood and youth

The future “magician” was born in Moscow in May 1935. Biography of Allan Chumak – white spots. Information about the family and parents is fragmentary and contradictory. Some sources say that the boy grew up as an ordinary child. Like his peers, he was a moderate hooligan, played football in the yard, and skipped classes. He studied poorly; teachers called Allan a slob. Neither transfers from class to class, nor from one school to another helped: the guy did not take up his studies.

Other sources describe a miracle boy who surprised his relatives and peers with stories about the culture and religion of India, information about which he could not get either from newspapers or books, since there was no literature on this topic in the Chumaks’ house. In post-war Moscow, only a few knew about the Vedas and the wheel of Samsara.

Young Allan amazed adults with information taken from nowhere about the fates of celebrities, and told little-known events of history. But in the 1940s, the boy was perceived as an eccentric and a dreamer.

The truth is somewhere in the middle, but in high school Allan Chumak did not think about healing. After graduating from school, the guy entered the Institute of Physical Education. After receiving his diploma, he got a job as a cycling coach.

At the age of 29, the promising coach was forced to leave the sport. Before his dismissal, the commission entrusted Chumak with visiting international conference in the capital of Belarus, but when the commission members read Allan’s scientific work, they doubted his competence. The young man made controversial statements that had no scientific justification.

Allan Chumak did not give up and surprised his friends: on the first attempt, the fired coach entered Moscow State University, one of the most prestigious faculties - journalism. After graduating from university, he got a job at popular newspaper"Evening Moscow". Then he moved to the reputable Trud and Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Biographers of Allan Chumak claim that the future “magician” became interested in extrasensory perception and other “miracle practices” while working for a newspaper. But in those years, the journalist looked at “healers” exclusively as charlatans and swindlers. Rumor has it that he even prepared revealing publications about the fraud of “miracle doctors.”

Extrasensory perception and healing

There is no information at what moment a turning point occurred in the journalist’s mind. But the young man, the deeper he delved into the essence of the phenomenon, the more he became fascinated by the “unexplored possibilities of the Universe.” Suddenly, Allan Chumak discovered “wonderful abilities” and “certain energy” in himself. Confident in the amazing abilities sent down to him from above, Chumak comprehended the intricacies of extrasensory perception and healing.

Allan Chumak "charged" water through the TV screen

The healer first appeared on screens in 1989, as part of mass health sessions. Soon Allan Chumak's programs on central television became regular. In a matter of months, the name of the psychic was recognized by a country of millions. During the “therapeutic sessions,” the city streets became empty. Trusting citizens sat down in front of blue screens, having prepared, as Chumak recommended, water, creams, ointments and candles.

According to the “healer,” substances displayed in front of televisions “absorbed” miraculous healing energy and cured ailments. They brought happiness to the healthy in their personal lives and “attracted” wealth and success in business. Millions believed.

People of the middle and older generations remember Allan Chumak’s “therapeutic monologues” on television in the late 1980s and early 1990s. “Healers”, after performing on central television channels, became stars, not inferior in popularity to the prima donna. Russian stage and members of the first level government.

Scientists and luminaries of science vainly exposed the “phenomenon” of Allan Chumak, citizens believed in “healers”, just as children believe in fairies and the good Santa Claus.

Academician Eduard Pavlovich Kruglyakov explained to gullible citizens that Chumak’s method is pseudoscientific, there is no evidence of the healing effect of psychic sessions. Thousands of scientists agreed with him, pointing to the placebo effect. But Allan Chumak convinced fans that he received a gift “from above”; he received information from “voices” that sounded in his head.

The psychic's performances stopped after the Russian Ministry of Health adopted a number of regulations limiting unconventional methods of treatment. Allan Chumak disappeared from television and appeared as part of “live” sessions, at stadiums and on the stages of cultural centers. Soon Chumak curtailed his activities. There was information in the media that Allan Vladimirovich was writing books.

Three books by the legendary “magician” were published from 2007 to 2009. In them, Allan Chumak revealed the secrets of healing practices, gave advice, and talked about the “voices” that taught how to use the gift sent down.

With the advent of computers and the Internet in the lives of citizens, Allan Chumak returned to activity, but without his former popularity. He launched an official website where he posted video sessions. The healer claimed that regular viewing of the video for 7 months would cure any disease and improve the health of the body. Videos where Allan Chumak “treats” the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract, liver and alcoholism have become the most viewed.

In 2008, viewers saw Allan Chumak again: he appeared in the Ukrainian TV show “Battle of Psychics” as the chairman of the jury. Chumak lasted one season on air, losing to his Israeli colleague Uri Geller. Allan Chumak also tested his strength as a politician. In 2000, the former “magician” ran for Russian Duma from the Samara region, but no trace remained of its former popularity: Chumak received 3% of the votes.

Personal life

Allan Chumak started a family twice. From his first attempt he left behind a daughter, Elena, born in 1967.

The psychic’s second marriage turned out to be successful: Allan Vladimirovich lived with his wife Lyudmila for forty years. In 1984, the couple had a son, Dmitry Chumak.


In the capital, on the evening of October 9, 2017, at the age of 83. The death of her husband was confirmed to journalists by the psychic’s wife, while the woman refused to name the cause of death.

“A person has passed away - that’s enough,” said Lyudmila.

The death of the healer was reported on Facebook by a journalist who had been friends with Allan Chumak for 27 years.

Magician, enlightened one, magician, charlatan, deceiver - they called Alan Chumak as many names as possible. This personality, as many “children of the nineties” may remember, is quite influential. This man easily managed to touch many hearts and minds of the Soviet public. Let us remember that it first became known during the Soviet Union. Then he became famous as a man with unusual abilities. Popularity came to him in the eighties.

Some time later, he also suddenly disappeared, and also unexpectedly appeared again, many years later. What exactly is Alan Chumak and what goals did he pursue in his life, and what was his life in essence?

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Alan Chumak

Because this man was famous person, many fans, among other things, wanted to know his height, weight, age. Years of life of Alan Chumak – 1935-2017. And during this time he did a lot, earning not only all-Union fame, but also sincere love many people. And although mostly among them there were only sick and desperate people, this did not stop Alan from becoming one of the most popular and sought-after leading psychics of the Soviet Union.

Although, looking at photos of Alan Chumak in his youth and now, one can hardly say that this young and unremarkable guy will become a real celebrity in the future.

Biography and personal life of Alan Chumak

On May 26, 1935, the future healer Alan Chumak was born in Moscow. This non-standard name was given to him by his father, Vladimir Chumak, who worked as a translator. What his mother did remains unknown.

Among the family there was often talk that the boy had certain abilities. He was an inquisitive child, but this did not affect his school studies one bit.

Chumak's first profession was coaching (cycling). This became his favorite business, which he soon abandoned due to squabbles with management. Having then received the profession of a reporter at Moscow State University, he also became interested in extrasensory perception.

Realizing that he was not without a gift, Chumak began to actively develop it, and in the nineties he began performing on television, amazing the public. He quickly gained fame. But difficulties began after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when activities similar to his were banned, and Chumak was forced to stop everything.

The biography and personal life of Alan Chumak still raise many questions. Some still call him a healer, while others call him a charlatan. And although he died almost a year ago, the causes of Chumak’s death still remain completely unknown. The grave of the famous psychic is located at the Troyekurov cemetery.

Family and children of Alan Chumak

No less popular than the biography of the famous healer is the topic of the family and children of Alan Chumak. And this is not surprising, because many were interested in knowing at least something about family life one of the main idols of the Soviet era.

Despite the fact that he had supernatural skills, he was not able to find true love right away, since he married twice in his entire life. He also has two children - a daughter from his first wife and a son from his second. There is a 17 year difference between them. But it is worth noting that it was with his last wife that Chumak spent 40 whole years, which, undoubtedly, were truly filled with happiness.

Son of Alan Chumak - Dmitry Chumak

It is impossible not to notice that, although the Soviet healer himself was widely known throughout the Union, not much is actually known about his children. The son of Alan Chumak, Dmitry Chumak, was born in 1984, when Alan was married for the second time. Having matured, Dmitry decided not to repeat the fate of his father, and chose his own path, taking up the work of a private entrepreneur.

High-profile news about the healer’s son appeared only once - when in 2011 he was kidnapped in order to receive a ransom. The kidnapper, as it turned out, was one of the FSB officers. Otherwise, the descendant of the famous psychic leads a quiet life, far from the press.

Daughter of Alan Chumak - Elena Chumak

As for the daughter of this man, there is practically no information about this woman. The daughter of Alan Chumak, Elena Chumak, is the first-born of the Soviet healer; she appeared in 1967. On the Internet you can see several photos of her together with the famous dad. And it is worth noting that Elena is almost a copy of her father. Perhaps that's all. There is nothing more intelligible about what a woman lives or does today.

She is currently 50 years old. It is quite possible that she has long had her own family, children and maybe even grandchildren. But ordinary people there is no way to know about this. Be that as it may, whether to share your personal life or not is a personal matter for everyone.

Ex-wife of Alan Chumak

Who is she really? ex-wife Alan Chumak - unknown for certain. Their marriage was short-lived, and the divorce took place a long time ago. And there is no information about this marriage, except, perhaps, that the healer’s first child, daughter Elena, was born in this marriage. Although, from her photo in her youth, it is quite possible to assume that Chumak’s first wife was a very pretty woman.

Be that as it may, TV presenter, clairvoyant and healer Alan Chumak has repeatedly mentioned that he loves his children equally. They are both already adults and live with our own lives. As for his first wife, it is not even known whether she is still alive.

Alan Chumak's wife - Lyudmila Chumak

No matter how psychic Chumak was, if he, of course, really was one, this did not save him from a common mistake of many young people - an unsuccessful first marriage. In fact, his true love was his second and last wife Alana Chumaka - Lyudmila Chumak. They were married for 40 years, and this woman stayed with him until last days healer. Chumak always spoke about this woman with tenderness, often noting her immense support and wisdom.

Alan was immensely happy when Lyudmila gave him a son. When it became known about the death of the psychic, Lyudmila, like the rest of the family, did not disclose the causes of death.

Free healing sessions from Alan Chumak

Let us recall that in the eighties of the last century, the appearance on Soviet television screens of various psychics and healers created a real sensation and became, perhaps, a sensation.

Free treatment sessions from Alan Chumak were especially loved by viewers, probably even more than Alexander Kashpirovsky. After all, Chumak did not act as sharply and aggressively as his “colleague”. They were a little afraid of Kashpirovsky for such a manner. These healing video sessions gathered the whole country from young to old on television screens. Many even charged water or ointments with these sessions to give them special power.

Wikipedia Alan Chumak

Information about this mysterious man, as well as about many famous and indeed famous people, can be found in the popular Internet encyclopedia. Wikipedia Alan Chumak will allow you to find out a little more details about him.

Of course, it is unlikely that it will be a secret or a surprise to anyone that he earned fortunes from his sessions. But at the same time, few people know that he provided help to people in need. Some call him a fraudster, others call him a unique person. Be that as it may, even after his death, Alan Chumak is still the subject of controversy. All that can be said with certainty is that he lived an extraordinary life.

Allan Chumak - a unique healer or a deceiver? He is known for his television shows, where he demonstrated magical abilities. But did they really exist or was it just quackery?

In the article:

Allan Chumak - biography

The future famous psychic was born in Moscow on May 26, 1935. Known as a TV presenter, a healer with amazing abilities. He truly was a man of mystery, a legend of his time. Followers believe that he is a real magician, skeptics call him a charlatan.

It was with Chumak that the Soviet public began to become acquainted with extrasensory perception and healing. In the eighties, his name was known to everyone in the USSR, but at one point Allan disappeared from television.

Information about his childhood years is quite difficult to find: Chumak did not particularly talk about his adolescence. Contemporaries claim that he was a simple child, unaware that he has powers.

Along with this, in the media you can often find references to the fact that Chumak’s unique talents made themselves felt quite early. One of the legends associated with the healer: as a child, Alan surprised his younger brother and parents with facts from Indian culture, religion and history. The boy seemed to have received this information from space.

As a child, Chumak amazed adults with stories that he could not read anywhere. He could accurately talk about historical facts without preparing in advance.

The child knew the Vedas, the wheel of Samsara and other attributes of Eastern culture, which were little studied in post-war USSR. In the forties, such miracles were perceived as eccentricities.

Allan Vladimirovich Chumak

The boy studied poorly, so he was often transferred from one school to another. The only thing he was ready to connect his life with was sports. After graduating from the Moscow Institute of Physical Education, Alan became a cycling coach and achieved good results.

Alan Vladimirovich was even sent with scientific work to an international conference in Minsk. But the competent commission was alarmed by the facts that Chumak presented in his work. At the age of 29, the coach was forced to retire from the sport.

After receiving a journalistic education, in 1965 he began working as a sports commentator on television. At the end of the 1970s, he prepared a series of works dedicated to charlatans. According to the psychic himself, at that moment he felt his gift. Since 1983, the man began collaborating with the Scientific Institute of General and Educational Psychology of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR.

In the late eighties of the 20th century, he became one of the most popular psychics thanks to sessions on television. From the screen, he charged containers with various liquids with chaotic hand movements. However, after an order from the Ministry of Health restricting unconventional methods of treatment, Chumak’s activities were suspended.

Treatment sessions

Over the course of several years, Alan developed his talent and studied the intricacies of extrasensory perception. And starting in 1989, he began performing in front of audiences at various mass health sessions. His programs became popular and were broadcast on central television. It took Alan a little time to become famous throughout the country.

He was a kind of magnet: during his performances the streets became empty - everyone was glued to the blue screens. It may sound funny now, but back then, viewers laid out water, creams, and drinks in front of their televisions so that they could recharge themselves with the power of the Great Master.

The healer's main audience were easily suggestible people. It is worth noting that Chumak good psychologist, since during the sessions he passed tubes of “charged” cream and uncharged cream into the hall. Preliminarily explained which one has magical properties, and which one is not. After this, the psychic asked people to feel the difference. Of course, he got the expected effect.

Chumak's monologues became especially popular in the early nineties. Critics and skeptics, meanwhile, began to study his phenomenon more closely, putting forward various versions regarding the gift of a healer.

Academician Kruglyakov was one of the first to assure people that the psychic is simply a charlatan, healing is pseudoscientific, since there is not a single real confirmation of the magical effect of his sessions.

There were many skeptics who argued that the Chumak phenomenon (as well as) is akin to the placebo effect - people convince themselves that such manipulations will help them recover and change their lives for the better.

Alan Vladimirovich, on the contrary, insisted that his talent was given from above. The psychic added that the voices in his head told him everything he knew at the moment.

The most popular videos were about treatment of the musculoskeletal system, gastrointestinal tract and sessions aimed at restoring the entire body. Chumak’s further career was hampered by documents that limited unconventional methods of treatment.

Ministry of Health Russian Federation banned such propaganda on television, after which Chumak disappeared from the screens, but continued to conduct sessions with people.

However, this did not last long. From 2007 to 2009, Allan Vladimirovich published 3 books in which he talked about his healing practices. He called himself a researcher who is trying to uncover the nature of the emergence of supernatural talent in himself and other healers.

In 2008, together with his wife Lyudmila, he appeared on television. The healer became the chairman of the jury of the popular show “Battle of Psychics” (Ukraine), but did not stay there for long.

Chumak's activities today

Alan Chumak has not stopped his activities to this day, but he did not conduct mass sessions, but sold DVDs. The video, he said, can cure any disease in less than 7 months. The healer claims that you need to watch the magical video session every day and trust Allan’s gift. On his website he states:

Alan Chumak is a scientifically proven phenomenon of distance healing.

However, there is not a single confirmation from official medicine and science that this person has psychic or healing abilities. It also seems strange to readers official statistics about his practice. Allan states that:

The number of car accidents decreased by 67%, the number of fights decreased by half, and suicide attempts decreased by 11%.

All this dates back to 1989, when the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Center for Biorhythmology at the Academy of Sciences tracked statistics for 180 days before Chumak’s 64 sessions and for the same period after. Official sources cannot confirm the information.

The site has reviews from Dmitry Gordon, Roman Viktyuk, Evgeny Yevtushenko and others. Alan Vladimirovich helped not only ordinary people, but also stars. At the same time, Chumak insisted that he does not treat specific diseases or specific organs, but the entire body as a whole.

The psychic does not deny the existence of problems that can significantly worsen a person’s condition. On the website Chumak offers to purchase a disc that will take effect within 10 days (in difficult cases Treatment may take up to 7 months).

The energy effect lasts about 20 minutes, the cause of the disease disappears and the person recovers. It is indicated that regular use of a therapeutic video session helps relieve almost any ailment.

Just like in the 90s, before watching a video, you need to place any moisture-containing objects that you want to charge in front of the screen. The website guarantees that if a person is not cured within seven months, they will return their money.

Today, official science does not particularly talk about healers and psychics who came from the Soviet Union (Chumak,). Everyone must decide for themselves what to believe in: in official medicine or in the miraculous possibilities of charged objects.

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