Perhaps in student years a military training teacher told you about the various ranks that are used in our army, but it is unlikely that you absorbed this information with the same eagerness with which you laughed furiously in class, smoked in the school yard or pulled the pigtails of the girls in your class .

However, knowledge about this subject should be in every man’s head, so that he, without hesitation, understands who is a “real major” and who is “Warrant Officer Shmatko.”, military ranks in the Russian army.

Rank categories in the Russian Army

There are two main groups of ranks in the Russian troops:

  • shipborne (refers to those who serve at sea);
  • military (go to representatives of ground troops).

Ship ranks

  1. Navy (both under water and above water). Marine uniform has always suited men. No wonder girls like sailors so much!
  2. military naval units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It sounds unusual, but there are also police officers at sea.
  3. protection of the coastal (Border) service of the Russian FSB.

They do not chase unscrupulous fishermen who caught a couple of buckets of crucian carp without permission. Their direct responsibility is the capture of illegal immigrants and other criminals on the country’s waterways.

Military ranks

It is not so easy to see sea captains in snow-white uniforms on the streets of cities, especially if there is no sea nearby. But this is no reason to be upset!

Titles are also given in:

  1. Armed forces.
  2. Ministry of Internal Affairs (servicemen from the category of “policemen” or district police officers).
  3. Ministry of Emergency Situations (dared souls saving people in trouble).

Vadim, an Emergency Situations Ministry worker from Khmelnitsky, says that many people imagine the Ministry of Emergency Situations workers as real rescue heroes who live all day long as if in a thriller. Unfortunately, this is not entirely true. The life of an EMERCOM nickname consists of daily visits to some priests in order to carry out explanatory work, otherwise they will inadvertently burn down the church and everyone who came there. Rescuers also remove cats from trees and teach old women how to light the stove so as not to die from carbon monoxide. But the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees still evaluate their work positively. This is facilitated by titles, uniforms and social benefits.

  • foreign intelligence service (Yes, yes! Imagine - new Stirlitz!);
  • and other military units of our country.

Ranks table

In order to make the description of ranks less boring, we decided to present information about them as a cheat sheet (military and ship ranks, located on the same line, are analogues):

Type Military Korabelnoe
Non-officer private,
Lance Sergeant,
staff Sergeant,
Senior Warrant Officer
senior sailor,
foreman of the second article,
foreman of the first article,
chief petty officer,
chief ship's foreman,
senior midshipman
Jr officers junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
Senior officers major,
lieutenant colonel,
captain 1st rank,
captain 2nd rank,
captain 3rd rank
Senior officers major general
Lieutenant General,
Colonel General,
army General,
Marshal of the Russian Federation
rear admiral,
vice admiral,
fleet admiral

Shoulder straps

  1. Soldiers and sailors. There are no insignia on the shoulder straps.
  2. Sergeants and petty officers. Badges are used as insignia. Warriors have long called them “snot.”
  3. Ensigns and midshipmen. Cross-stitched stars are used as insignia. The shoulder straps resemble those of an officer, but without stripes. Also, there may be edgings.
  4. Junior officers. There is a vertical clearance and metal sprockets (13 mm).
  5. Senior officers. Two stripes and large metal stars (20 mm).
  6. Senior officers. Large embroidered stars (22 mm), located vertically; no stripes.
  7. General of the Army, Admiral of the Fleet. A large star with a diameter of 40 mm, not metal, but embroidered.
  8. Marshal Russian Federation. One very large star (40 mm) is embroidered on the shoulder strap. Silver rays diverge in a circle - the shape of a pentagon is obtained. The pattern of the Russian coat of arms is also noticeable.

Of course, when reading the text, many have difficulty trying to imagine appearance shoulder straps Therefore, especially for them, there is a picture in which all of the above is clearly depicted.

Shoulder straps of non-officers

Officer's shoulder straps

  1. Marshal of the Russian Federation - the highest rank in ground forces ah, but there is also a person above him who can give him orders (even command him to take a prone position). This person is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is also the President of the Russian Federation. What is noteworthy is that the title of Supreme Commander-in-Chief is classified as a position, not a military rank.
  2. Vladimir Putin, who currently holds this position, left the Federal Security Service as a colonel. Now, in his position, he issues commands to military personnel with ranks that he has never achieved in his entire career.
  3. Both naval and ground forces are subordinate to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Therefore, admiral is the highest rank in the Navy hierarchy.
  4. Writing the names of ranks of the RF Armed Forces with a capital letter in order to show respect to experienced servants is a completely unnecessary matter. All ranks from private to admiral are written with a lowercase letter.
  5. The prefix “guard” adds special prestige to the way this or that title sounds. Not everyone is destined to receive it, but only those. who serves in the guards regiments.
  6. Servants who have retired from military affairs and calmly dig potatoes in their dachas do not lose their rank, but continue to wear it with the prefix “reserved” or “retired.”

Without holding back his laughter, a military pensioner from Kharkov, Alexander, says that the colonel, whether he is retired or in reserve, will instill fear in any traffic cop who stops him on the road for violating traffic rules. The guy will get off a hundred sweats while he pretends to reprimand the offender, and then he will completely let the colonel go without a fine. So, a title always helps in life.

  1. Army doctors are also given special ranks. For example, “major of medical service.” The situation is similar for lawyers - “captain of justice”.

Of course, it’s a long way from George Clooney from ER, but it still sounds decent!

  1. Having just taken this path and entered a university, young guys become cadets. For now, they can only dream of how they will receive their first title, and then one of the highest ones. There is another group of students. They are called listeners. These are those who have already received military rank.
  2. While the one-year military service is underway, you can at most become a sergeant. Not higher.
  3. Since 2012, the ranks of chief petty officer and chief sergeant have been abolished. Formally, they exist, but in reality, servicemen receive the following ranks, bypassing these ranks.
  4. We all know that a major is higher than a lieutenant, but for some reason this logic was not taken into account when ranking general ranks. A lieutenant general is higher in rank than a major general. This is the system in the Russian Armed Forces.
  5. To receive a new rank in Russian troops, you need to have a certain length of service and personal achievements. Before assigning the next rank to a candidate, commanders judge the soldier’s moral character and combat and political training skills. The table below describes the length of service requirements required to move from one rank to another:
Rank Job title
Private All those newly called up for service, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
Corporal There are no full-time corporal positions. The rank is given to soldiers in the lowest positions, with a high level of training.
Junior Sergeant, Sergeant Squad, tank, gun commander
Staff Sergeant Deputy Platoon Leader
Sergeant Major Company Sergeant Major
Ensign, Art. ensign Material support platoon commander, company sergeant major, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high level preparation. Sometimes they work in lower officer positions when there is a shortage of officers
Ensign Platoon commander. This rank is usually awarded when there is an acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer training courses.
Lieutenant, Art. lieutenant Platoon commander, deputy company commander.
Captain Company commander, training platoon commander
Major Deputy battalion commander. Training company commander
Lieutenant colonel Battalion commander, deputy regiment commander
Colonel Regiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
Major General Division commander, deputy corps commander
Lieutenant General Corps commander, deputy army commander
Colonel General Army Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
Army General District (front) commander, Deputy Minister of Defense, Minister of Defense, Chief of the General Staff, other senior positions
Marshal of the Russian Federation Honorary title given for special merits

In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, two types of ranks have been established for persons undergoing military service- military and naval. IN ancient Rus' The presence of insignia and certain military units formed on a permanent basis was completely excluded. The division of the then still pitiful semblance of a standing army into separate formations took place in accordance with the number of soldiers who were in one or another formation. The principle was as follows: ten warriors - a unit called the “ten”, led by the “ten”. Then everything is in the same spirit.

The history of the emergence of military ranks in Russia

Under Ivan the Terrible, and later under Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, this system underwent some changes: Streltsy hundreds appeared, and military ranks appeared in them. At that time, the hierarchy of ranks was the following list:

  • Sagittarius
  • foreman
  • Pentecostal
  • centurion
  • head

Of course, between all the above ranks and the ranks that currently exist, the following analogy can be drawn: a foreman is a warrior, in our time performing the duties of a sergeant, or a foreman, a pentecostal is a lieutenant, and a centurion, respectively, is a captain.

After some time, already during the reign of Peter the Great, the hierarchical system of ranks was again transformed to the following:

  • soldier
  • corporal
  • ensign
  • lieutenant, called lieutenant
  • captain (captain)
  • quartermaster
  • major
  • lieutenant colonel
  • Colonel

The year 1654 became outstanding in the history of the formation of military ranks in Russia. It was then that for the first time in the history of Russia the rank of general was awarded. Its first owner was Alexander Ulyanovich Leslie, the leader of the operation to capture and liberate Smolensk.

Categories of military ranks in the Russian Army

One of the largest political events XX century, which occurred in Russia, namely October Revolution 1917 was the last stage towards the formation of an established system of military ranks, which has not undergone any changes for a whole century.

Military ranks

  1. Private. One of the first, considered the lowest military rank armed forces RF.
  2. Corporal. A rank that is awarded to military personnel who are part of the armed forces of the Russian Federation for any military distinction.
  1. Major.
  2. Lieutenant colonel.
  3. Colonel.

Ship ranks

Ship ranks can simply be listed in order of seniority (lowest to highest) due to their full correspondence with the land equivalent:

  1. Sailor, senior sailor.
  2. Foreman 2 (second) article, foreman 1 (first) article, chief foreman, chief ship's foreman - representatives of a group of military personnel classified as sergeants and foremen.

  3. Midshipman, senior midshipman - military personnel of the group of warrant officers and midshipmen.
  4. Junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain-lieutenant - a group of military personnel representing junior officers.

  5. Captain 3 (third) rank, captain 2 (second) rank, captain 1 (first) rank - representatives of senior officers.

  6. Rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, and fleet admiral are representatives of senior officers, respectively.

As with military ranks, the highest military rank for the navy is Marshal of the Russian Federation.

What is very noteworthy is that naval and military military ranks are also assigned to the following formations: the security forces of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc., as well as water border formations that ensure security near coastal borders.

Colors and types of shoulder straps

Now let's turn to the shoulder straps. With them, unlike titles, things are somewhat more complicated.

Shoulder straps are usually distinguished according to the following series of criteria:

  • the color of the shoulder strap itself (different depending on the military structure);
  • the order of arrangement of distinctive signs on shoulder straps (also depending on a particular military structure);
  • the color of the decals themselves on the shoulder straps (similar to the points above).

There is another important criterion - the form of clothing. Accordingly, the army does not have the widest selection of clothing, which is allowed according to the regulations. More precisely, there are only three of them: everyday uniform, field uniform and dress uniform.

Shoulder straps of non-officers

Let's start with a description of the everyday uniform and the shoulder straps that come with it:

The everyday uniform of non-officers includes shoulder straps with two narrow stripes along the edges of the longitudinal part. Such shoulder straps can be seen on the shoulders of privates, non-commissioned officers, and warrant officers. All these images are presented above in the sections of military and ship ranks.

Officer's shoulder straps

Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of officers are divided into three more subtypes:

  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of junior officers: have only one stripe running down the center along the shoulder strap itself.
  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of senior officers: they have two longitudinal stripes, also located in the center.
  • Shoulder straps for the everyday uniform of senior officers: they differ sharply from each of the previous types in that they have a special fabric relief over the entire area of ​​the shoulder strap. The edges are framed by one narrow strip. A distinctive sign is also the stars that follow strictly in one row.
  • It is impossible not to include in a separate group the Marshal of the Russian Federation and the type of shoulder straps corresponding to his everyday uniform: they also have a special fabric relief, which was mentioned in the paragraph above, but are fundamentally different in color. If shoulder straps are in each of previous paragraphs were a dark green rectangle, these are distinguished by their immediately striking golden color, which is quite consistent with the high-profile title of their bearer.

An interesting fact is that on February 22, 2013, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin signed a decree that on the shoulder straps of army generals and admirals of the Russian Navy there will be one star with a diameter of 40 mm instead of 4 stars in one line as before. The corresponding image is presented above.

  • Non-officer field uniform: shoulder straps are a regular rectangle, camouflaged as a summer taiga with a transverse (or longitudinal) stripe.
  • Field uniform for junior officers: distinctive sign stars of relatively small size serve.
  • Field uniform of senior officers: major, lieutenant colonel have one and two large stars on their shoulder straps, respectively, colonel - three.
  • Field uniform of senior officers: all persons holding ranks in accordance with the previously announced composition have absolutely the same structure (dark green stars, strictly in a row), but shoulder straps different in the number of distinctive insignia. Just like in everyday uniforms, the General of the Army and the Marshal of the Russian Federation are distinguished by large stars

These features can be seen in more detail in the picture:

It was not long before military clothing became comfortable and practical. Initially, her beauty was valued more than the qualities mentioned a little earlier. Fortunately, when Alexandra III(third) came the understanding that rich uniforms are too expensive. It was then that practicality and convenience began to be considered the primary value.

In certain periods of time, the soldier's uniform resembled ordinary peasant attire. Even in the conditions of the already existing Red Army, little attention was paid to the fact that there was no unified military uniform. The only distinctive sign of all soldiers was a red bandage on their sleeves and hats.

Even shoulder straps managed to be replaced for some time with ordinary triangles and squares, and only in 1943 were they returned as distinctive signs.

By the way, to this day, military personnel of the Russian Federation wear a uniform that was designed by the well-known fashion designer V. Yudashkin in 2010.

If you have read the entire article and are interested in testing your knowledge, then we suggest taking the test -

Admiral(vf) - higher
in the naval service a rank corresponding to the rank of general in the land forces
troops. Commands the fleet. Admiral ranks 4: admiral general,
admiral, vice admiral and rear admiral.

Commodore(vf) - in England and Holland, naval officer, squadron commander

Captain - ship commander. It may even hold the position of lieutenant (more on this in the next paragraph)

Lieutenant -
naval officer, is the captain's mate. However, Lieutenant
is the commander of a rank 4 ship with 14-16 guns. For such
ships captain is not appointed. On a rank 3 ship with 50 guns
the lieutenant is the senior mate of the captain (since according to the regulations there
no lieutenant captain). Speaking modern language the lieutenant is
watch officer, watch commander, i.e. part of the crew carrying
ship service in a given period of time.

Ship's secretary -
There is only one secretary on any ship. We can say that this officer
is the captain's assistant for personnel records, staff work,
accounting, monitoring the work of all supply services, correspondence. He must
control the receipt of all supplies on the ship, keep a logbook,
familiarize the crew with the Charter, written orders and instructions
senior naval commanders, keep court records, draw up
contracts for the supply of supplies, control the distribution of food and other
property for personnel, take into account booty taken from the enemy,
record the consumption of gunpowder and cannonballs during the battle, make requests to the port
to replenish supplies, copy the belongings of the dead and
pass them on to relatives. He has no right to leave the ship
(except for the performance of duties requiring his presence on
shore) until it is parked for a long time and will not

Priest (chaplain) -
the priest was equated rather with officers in his position, but also
It was impossible to definitely classify him as an officer. Rather, he just stood there
apart. The navy had one chief priest in charge of
activities of ship chaplains. Each ship had
the priest who officiated all religious activities. Moreover he
was obliged to visit the wounded and sick and ease their mental
suffering. The priest was responsible for the priestly supplies and kept records of them and
use (camping church, throne with vestments, Gospels,
crosses, etc.)

Doctor -
There was one doctor on all ships. Depending on the ship's rank
he had different quantities assistants The doctor was in charge of accounting,
supplying medicines, medical instruments, keeping records of patients,
was responsible for the treatment of patients, the quality and quantity of food given to them.
During the battle he was forbidden to go on deck, but had to
be in the interior where the collection point for the wounded has been determined. If
it was established that the sick or wounded person died from the negligence of the doctor, then
the latter was considered a murderer and subject to execution.

- one of the senior officers. According to the regulations, only the navigator was higher than him.
All ships had one skipper. The skipper was responsible for accounting, availability,
storage, use, repair, replenishment, replacement of skipper
property. He kept a journal of this property. To the skipper's property
included the entire removable spar (masts, yards), all rigging (ropes,
ropes, blocks), anchors, lanterns, washing and cleaning equipment, candles,
carpentry equipment and tools, boat sails, all metal
caulker's products, equipment, materials and tools, lubricants
materials, fastening materials (nails, staples, bolts). Skipper accepts
to the ship all this property and monitors the completeness of receipt and quality.
He is also responsible for the distribution of all property and supplies to locations
storage, securing property from rocking. When placing the ship on
anchor and removal from the anchor monitors the movement or reception of the anchor
rope, operation of locking devices. He is also responsible for the organization
cleaning the ship, putting things in order. The skipper supervises the work
sailors, punishes the careless, trains the incompetent. Sub-skipper replaces
skipper in his absence.

- was responsible for the navigator’s property, its receipt, storage,
use, expenditure. Flags were considered navigator's property.
signal flags, pennants, ship and boat jacks, compasses,
hourglasses, logs, lots, lamps. The navigator kept a logbook
navigator's equipment, monitored the replenishment and serviceability of his
property. He was also responsible for sea charts, sailing directions, and the serviceability of the helmsman.
ship control. He checked the compass and hourglass. During
sailing, he had to check the maps with the real coastline,
islands, rocks, reefs and map all their changes.
The navigator is obliged to inform the officers and captain about the dangers of the ship's course
(shoals, reefs, rocks) and insist on changing it, and even if the captain
or another officer will not listen to him, and the ship will be lost, then the navigator
will be executed or sent to hard labor. When anchoring, the navigator
is obliged to ensure that there is no shallow water in this place and that the ship’s hull is not
would have broken through with its anchor. The navigator helps the navigator, and in his
absence is entirely the responsibility of the navigator's service.

- specialist of the junior command staff of the ship's crew (in the Navy -
senior officers); immediate supervisor of the deck crew. IN
The boatswain's responsibilities include maintaining the hull in good condition,
rigging and deck equipment of the vessel, management of general ship work
and training of ordinary members of the deck crew (sailors) in maritime affairs,
monitoring order and cleanliness on the ship. On large warships
there is one chief boatswain and several boatswains.

Midshipman -
direct assistant to officers. The main responsibility is to monitor
complete and accurate execution by all crew members of the officers' orders.
Other responsibilities include organizing stacking and placement in
premises of the ship's property and keep a log of this property.

- These are naval gunners. One might say - gun commanders. By
the number of cannons and gunners can be said that for every three guns there were two
gunner. Consequently, the gunners were engaged in loading, aiming and
firing a shot, and rolling the guns into place, cooling, cleaning
after the shot was assigned to the soldiers. Sailors have no relationship with guns

- commands the sailors located in this cockpit. He must follow
for the presence of its sailors on the ship, for the health of its sailors,
the cleanliness and serviceability of their clothing, the provision of food to the sailors and
returning leftover food and utensils to the kitchen so that the products
weapons, things, and gear were not taken from the ship. Quartermaster also
is the commander of the boat, monitors its serviceability, equipment,
manages it on the water and commands the sailors assigned to the crew

A carpenter
- is obliged to monitor all wooden parts of the hull and spar and
repair them; exercise quality control over the materials received on board the ship
wooden spar parts (masts, yards); together with a caulker
eliminate leaks in the housing. I am also obliged to monitor whether there are receipts anywhere
water into the housing. Keep a log of receipts and consumption of wood
parts, materials. Must know the dimensions and design of all
wooden parts so that they can correctly order on shore
production of parts for this ship.

Caulker -
obliged to keep an eye on it. so that there are no leaks in the hull, so that hatches and
the gun ports were tightly closed. When leaks appear along with
ship's carpenter to remove them.

Sailing master
- on a ship of any rank there is one sailing master. Under his leadership
one or two sailing students. Responsible for ensuring that the sails are in good condition and
fix them.

Soldiers (Marines)- were involved in servicing guns to help the gunners, and boarding and landing teams were made up of them.

Sailors -
junior rank. Engaged to work on a ship, such as: work with
sails, pumping water from the hold, keeping the ship clean. On
on the robber ships they formed the boarding crew.

The well-being and confidence of every state is based on its army. It is the military, which is an indestructible symbol of strength and power, that is respected by all citizens without exception. In addition to the infantry, paratroopers, tank crews and signalmen representing the ground forces, there is also this military power protects the peace of citizens of its country from the water borders. In accordance with the regulations, each military man is assigned a rank. This also applies to sailors. True, they have a slightly different gradation.

Naval ranks are divided into:

a) qualification and professional;

b) naval;

c) honorary.

The first category includes the ranks of sailors who sail on civil courts. These naval ranks were first used in the 18th century. These include: boatswain, skipper and navigator. A person could receive one of them only after passing a special certification approved by the Russian Admiralty. At the beginning of the 20th century, this system underwent a total reform, as a result of which naval ranks were replenished with another category - navigation ranks, which began to include captain and navigator. The merit of each of them was measured in four categories. Reforms have affected the flotilla more than once. Today, the naval ranks of the civil fleet include the following categories:


a) long-distance/short-distance captains;

b) long/short navigation navigators;

c) ship mechanics of three categories;

d) ship electromechanics of three categories;

e) ship radio specialists of the first and second category, as well as ship radio telegraphists and operators.

Assigned to people who joined or were called up to serve in the navy. However, the initial rank depends on qualifications, special military training, as well as skills. A young man called to conscript service onto the ship, receives the rank of sailor. It corresponds to the rank of private in the ground forces.

A senior sailor is commensurate with the rank of corporal. The commanders of the ground squads are similar to the foreman of the first and second articles. The ranks of chief petty officer and chief petty officer in the fleet correspond to such ranks on land as deputy platoon commander and combat unit foreman. An ensign of the ground forces is not inferior to a midshipman on a ship. For this reason, the senior warrant officer should not be the first to give military salute senior midshipman, since their ranks are equal. The gradation of lieutenants (from junior to senior) is similar. Then the differences begin. Thus, a lieutenant commander in the navy corresponds to a captain in the ground forces. The admiral of the fleet is the same general. The highest naval rank is admiral general - it is similar to field marshal general.

Naval ranks and shoulder straps are inseparable, however, like ranks, military epaulettes in the navy differ from those of the ground forces: along with the stars, stripes are sewn onto them - drags.

In order to know exactly how, according to the regulations, you are supposed to address a military personnel, you need to understand the ranks. Ranks in the Russian Army and shoulder straps provide clarity in relationships and allow you to understand the chain of command. In the Russian Federation there is both a horizontal structure - military and naval ranks, and a vertical hierarchy - from the rank and file to the highest officers.

Rank and file

Private is the lowest military rank in the Russian Army. Moreover, the soldiers received this title in 1946, before that they were addressed exclusively as fighters or Red Army soldiers.

If the service is carried out in a guards military unit or on a guards ship, then when addressing a private, it is worth adding the same word "guard". If you want to contact a military personnel who is in the reserve and has a higher legal diploma, or medical education, then you should contact - "Private Justice", or "private medical service". Accordingly, it is worth adding the appropriate words to someone who is in reserve or retired.

In a ship, the rank of private corresponds to sailor.

Only senior soldiers who best carry military service, receive the title Corporal. Such soldiers can act as commanders during the latter's absence.

All additional words that were applicable for a private remain relevant for a corporal. Only in the Navy, this rank corresponds to Senior sailor.

The one who commands a squad or combat vehicle receives the rank Lance Sergeant. In some cases, this rank is assigned to the most disciplined corporals upon transfer to the reserve, if such a staff unit was not provided for during service. In the ship's composition it is "sergeant major of the second article"

From November 1940 to Soviet army a rank appeared for junior command staff - sergeant. It is awarded to cadets who have successfully completed the sergeant training program and graduated with honors.
A private can also receive the rank - Lance Sergeant, who has proven himself worthy to be awarded the next rank, or upon transfer to the reserve.

In the Navy, a sergeant of the ground forces corresponds to the rank foreman.

Next comes the Senior Sergeant, and in the Navy - chief petty officer.

After this rank, there is some overlap between land and sea forces. Because after the senior sergeant, in the ranks Russian army appears Sergeant Major. This title came into use in 1935. Only the best military personnel who served excellently in sergeant positions for six months deserve it, or upon transfer to the reserve, the rank of sergeant major is awarded to senior sergeants certified with excellent results. On the ship it is - chief petty officer.

Next come warrant officers And midshipmen. This special category military personnel, close to junior officers. Complete the rank and file, senior warrant officer and midshipman.

Junior officers

A number of junior officer ranks in the Russian Army begin with the rank Ensign. This title is awarded to final year students and graduates of higher military educational institutions. However, in the event of a shortage of officers, a graduate of a civilian university can also receive the rank of junior lieutenant.

Lieutenant Only a junior lieutenant can become a junior lieutenant who has served a certain amount of time and received a positive educational certificate. Further - senior lieutenant.

And he closes the group of junior officers - Captain. This title sounds the same for both ground and naval forces.

By the way, the new field uniform from Yudashkin obliged our military personnel to duplicate the insignia on the chest. There is an opinion that the “runaways” from the leadership do not see the ranks on our officers’ shoulders and this is done for their convenience.

Senior officers

Senior officers begin with rank Major. In the navy, this rank corresponds to Captain 3rd rank. The following Navy ranks will only increase the rank of captain, that is, the rank of land Lieutenant Colonel will correspond Captain 2nd rank, and the rank ColonelCaptain 1st rank.

Senior officers

And the highest officer corps completes the hierarchy of military ranks in the Russian army.

Major General or Rear Admiral(in the navy) - such a proud title is worn by military personnel who command a division - up to 10 thousand people.

Above the Major General is Lieutenant General. (The lieutenant general is higher than the major general because the lieutenant general has two stars on his shoulder straps and the major general has one).

Initially, in the Soviet army, it was more likely not a rank, but a position, because the Lieutenant General was an assistant to the general and took on part of his functions, in contrast to Colonel General, who can personally fill senior positions, as in General Staff, and in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, in the Russian armed forces, a Colonel General may be the deputy commander of a military district.

And finally, the most important serviceman who has the highest military rank in the Russian army is Army General. All previous links must obey him.

About military ranks in video format:

Well, new guy, have you figured it out now?)