Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school № 2

Bogoroditsk, Tula region

A.L. Barto "Vovka is a kind soul."

Public lesson in literary reading at the School of Russia. 2nd grade

teacher primary classes

Khrunova Svetlana Nikiforovna


Literary reading lesson

Date: 02/14/2014

School: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 2

Class: 2 V

Educational and educational complex "School of Russia"

Teacher: Svetlana Nikiforovna Khrunova

Subject: A.L. Barto “Vovka is a kind soul.” The hero and his actions.

Goals: Create conditions for students to become acquainted with A.L. Barto’s new poem.

Lesson objectives:

    promote enrichment vocabulary, speech development;

    promote the development of expressive reading skills, fundamentals mental activity: memory, attention, thinking, imagination, developing the ability to compare and contrast;

    contribute to the development of an attentive, polite attitude towards others, towards each other;

Form UUD:

Personal UUD:

To form the ability for self-esteem based on the criterion of successful educational activities, realize creative potential in objective-productive, socially oriented activities based on moral principles and moral standards;

Regulatory UUD:

Be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher;

Predict the content of the work;

Explain the lexical meaning of some words based on the textbook dictionary and explanatory dictionary;

Be able to express your assumptions based on working with the textbook material;

Communication UUD:

Be able to express your thoughts orally;

Listen and understand the speech of others;

Learn to work in a group, form your own opinion and position;

Talk about the characters, expressing your attitude towards them.

Cognitive UUD:

Be able to navigate your knowledge system: distinguish new things from what is already known with the help of a teacher;

Search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using reference materials textbook, your life experience and information received in class (under the guidance of the teacher).


Continue introducing students to the works of A.L. Barto;

Be able to compare and contrast;

Be able to work with text work of art, quickly navigate it;

Methods: verbal, visual, problem-search, self-analysis of activities (reflection).

Organization of space: frontal work, working in pairs, independent work.


- basic : L.F. Klimanova Literary reading 2nd grade part 2

- additional : multimedia projector, screen, computer, electronic physical training.

Application: presentation, cards with poems, cards with the beginning of phrases

1.Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.

Update the requirements for the student in terms of educational activities;

Creating conditions for students to consciously find themselves in the space of learning activities in the classroom

Organizes the emotional mood of the lesson

Tune in to Good work at the lesson.

Guys, guests came to our lesson today. We welcome all guests, 2nd grade students and I, teacher S.N. Khrunova.

We will respond actively

To behave

So that dear guests

They wanted to come again.

Smile at each other and wish each other good luck.

Be able to express your thoughts orally.(Communicative UUD).

2.Updating knowledge

Organize repetition of the material necessary for self-determination topics and objectives of the lesson.

Organizes repetition of what has been learned. Check homework

Answer the teacher's questions and complete the assigned tasks. Remember the poems of A.L. Barto

Working with the textbook p.45

Slide 2 Read the epigraph of the lesson. (reading in chorus)

How do you understand this proverb? (children's answers)

Result: Everything you said was correct. He who reads a lot knows a lot.

Slide 3

Which section are we looking at? (Writers for children)

Well done kids. You did well.

Slide 4 View the book display. Who is their author?

Slide 5 What do you remember about Agnia Lvovna Barto. (Children’s answers.)

Result: Her wonderful poems are instructive and sincere and will always teach us to be kind, polite, caring, and merciful. From the early childhood you know her poems.

Slides 6,7,8 Who wants to recite the poem Teddy Bear, Bunny, Airplane.

Well done boys.

Slide 9 Checking homework. Open the textbook on p. 45.

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the poem “To School.” Let's read it and try to answer the question: Can the poem be called humorous?

(reading a poem by 5 students, answering a question.)

Slide 10 Vocabulary work.

Humor is a harmless, good-natured laugh at a character or event.

Be able to express your thoughts orally(Communicative UUD).

carry out analysis of objects (Cognitive UUD).

3. Goal setting, work on new material.

determination of the topic, lesson objectives


Organizes work in pairs.

Organizes work to develop skills in drawing conclusions.

Organizes group work checks

Organizes preparation for reading by role.

Together with the teacher, they formulate the purpose of the lesson.

They accept the learning task, remember the rules of working in pairs, work in pairs according to the plan, prepare answers to questions..

What do you think we will study in class today?

Bottom line: We will get acquainted with another poem by A.L. Barto.

Slide 11 Lesson objectives. (children read)

  • reflect

    Become kinder, more polite and more responsive

Slide 12 Working with the textbook.

Open the textbook on p. 46. ​​Here is another poem by A.L. Barto. Read the title. Look at the drawing.

Who do you think this will be about? (children's answers)

After listening to this poem, we will find out why Vovka is called a kind soul.

Reading a poem. (audio recording)

Did you like Vovka?

Why was Vovka called a kind soul?

Do you want to have such a friend? Why?

Slide 13 Speech warm-up.

The teacher asks the children to imagine that they are balloons. On the count of -1, 2, 3, 4 - children take 4 deep breaths and hold their breath. Then, on the count of 1-8, slowly exhale.

Raise your head up, inhale. Lower your head to your chest, exhale (a quiet breeze blows).

Children close their eyes. Hunters must determine by smell what kind of object is in front of them (orange, perfume, etc.)

Read with a buzz, with your eyes only, read out loud. Breathing exercises.

Ra - bra - kind

Le - vle - surprised - surprised

Lo - golo - white-headed - white-headed

Ri - cree - scream - screamed

4. Independent work.

Slide 14 What kind of Vovka? (Work in pairs)

To answer this question, read the poem yourself and discuss with your desk neighbor what words would be appropriate for this character?

(Children's answers, discussion of why they think so)

Slide 15 What kind of Vovka?

5. Reading by roles.

Slide 16 How many characters are there in the poem? Name them (author and Vovka)

Now, when reading by role, try to convey all these qualities of Vova, to convey your attitude to what is happening.

Slide 17,18,19 What will be the tone of the reading?

Slide 20 Exercise for the eyes

6. Consolidation of what has been learned.

Why does everyone like Vovka?

Can we say that he is a sincere boy?

What phrases do you know with the word soul?

Slide 21 Soul wide open - they talk about an open, sociable, friendly person who has nothing to hide.

The soul rejoices

A person has done a good deed for himself or for others, he is happy and pleased.

When your soul rejoices, what do you want to do?

Slide 22 My soul will be good if I...................

Using the example of Vovka’s good deeds, continue the sentence.

Slide 23 Do you want to know what happened next with Vovka? Find a collection of poems called “Vovka the Good Soul”

On your desk are excerpts from this collection. Read and prepare to read aloud. ?

Children reading poetry out loud.

Be able to determine and formulate the goal in the lesson with the help of the teacher (Regulatory UUD)

Be able to express your thoughts orally,listen and understand the speech of others (Communicative UUD).

Be able to navigate your knowledge system; carry out object analysis. (Cognitive UUD).

Be able to compare, analyze, generalize. (Cognitive UUD)

7. Summary and reflection of educational activities in the lesson

Record new lesson content;

Organize reflection and self-evaluation by students of their own educational activities.

Organizes recording of content.

Organizes reflection.

Organizes assessment of educational activities

Answer the teacher's questions.

When asked, they tell you what they learned, know, and were able to do.

Our lesson is coming to an end, express your attitude towards the lesson with phrases on your table and on the screen.

Slide 24

Today I found out....

It was interesting....

Gave me a lesson for life......

I wanted........

8. Lesson summary.

What do they teach?

(Grades for the lesson are received......)

Slide 25 Homework (optional)

1. Learn a passage from the textbook by heart.

2.Find other poems about Vovka and prepare expressive reading liked.

3. Prepare an expressive reading of an excerpt from the textbook.

Slide 26

Thanks everyone for the lesson.

You did a good job, give yourself and your classmates a round of applause.

Be able to express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD ).

Be able to assess the correctness of an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment (Regulatory UUD).

The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities (Personal UUD ).

When you open a new book, you always wonder what's in it. What world will the author lead the reader into, what stories will he tell?

The work “Vovka the Good Soul” is a very kind and instructive book. It is very easy and fun to read as it is written with humor, in short poems that are very easy to remember.

The main character of this book is Vovka, a kind soul. This boy is trying to help people. Vovka cheers up the babies on a walk, becomes a big brother to the girl and scolds the hooligan Andryusha.

This collection of poems was published back in 1962, but even now the works of Agnia Barto are read by both adults and children, who learn life from this book.

Vovka was known and loved by all the residents of the street - he had a good disposition, was well-mannered, honest, and always rushed to help people. We will now look at some poems from the cycle “Vovka is a kind soul.”

Poem “Yesterday I walked along Sadovaya”

The first poem from the cycle “Vovka is a kind soul” is the verse “Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya.” In it we meet our main character - the boy Vovka. The author describes his walk along one of the Moscow streets. Suddenly a loud “Good morning!” sounded from the window.

It was the little boy Vovka who greeted all passers-by. People were surprised at the little boy, but responded to his greeting with friendly smiles. Over time, the author learned more about her friend - his name was Vovka, the boy was the favorite of all people, as he greeted everyone with a smile and sincerity. Vovka never left small children in trouble who needed his help, and was also very polite with adults and never misbehaved.

Poem “How Vovka became an older brother”

Agnia Barto describes to us the following situation: little girls, playing in the sandbox, began to brag about their older brothers. The girl Tanya told about her older brother, who wore a pioneer tie, did well in school, and most importantly, had such strength that he could pull out a weed in the garden right from the roots.

The girl Valechka also had a ten-year-old brother - the boy protected her from all offenders. Valechka said that if she was hunted big tiger, her brother immediately began to fight him and would win. Suddenly the girls’ stories were interrupted by Katenka’s loud crying. She was the only daughter of her parents.

The girl said that yesterday she was scratched and bitten by a cat, but no one protected her. Vovka heard this cry. The kind boy told everyone that from Monday he would be Katya’s older brother, and would not let anyone hurt her, not a cat, not hooligans, not a predatory tiger.

Poem “Vovka has grown up”

Time passes, and all the children grow up. This happened to the good-natured Vovka. When he was twelve years old, the boy began to be ashamed of his kindness. He made the decision to become evil. To begin with, Vovka decided to beat up the yard cats. During the day, Vovka chased the cats, and when night came, he went out into the street and tearfully asked for their forgiveness for the harm he had caused.

Then Vovka decided to shoot sparrows with a slingshot. For a whole hour the boy chased the birds, pretending that he could not keep track of them. Then Vovka secretly buried his slingshot under a bush - because he felt sorry for the birds. The boy decided to do evil things for show, so that adults would think that he had become evil. However, Vovka still remained the same good-natured person as he was in childhood.

Found a mistake?

Children's poetess Agnia Barto is known for her interesting children's poems, which live in the memory of every person from early childhood. Barto's poems are kind and cheerful, every child will find himself in them.

Series of poems “Vovka is a kind soul”

The famous children's poetess A. Barto wrote a series of children's poems, the main character of which is a boy named Vovka. Vovka was known and loved by all the residents of the street - he had a good disposition, was well-mannered, honest, and always rushed to help people. We will now look at some poems from the cycle “Vovka is a kind soul.”

Poem “Yesterday I walked along Sadovaya”

The first poem from the cycle “Vovka is a kind soul” is the verse “Yesterday I was walking along Sadovaya.” In it we meet our main character - the boy Vovka. The author describes his walk along one of the Moscow streets. Suddenly a loud “Good morning!” sounded from the window.

It was the little boy Vovka who greeted all passers-by. People were surprised at the little boy, but responded to his greeting with friendly smiles. Over time, the author learned more about her friend - his name was Vovka, the boy was the favorite of all people, as he greeted everyone with a smile and sincerity. Vovka never left small children in trouble who needed his help, and was also very polite with adults and never misbehaved.

Poem “How Vovka became an older brother”

Agnia Barto describes to us the following situation: little girls, playing in the sandbox, began to brag about their older brothers. The girl Tanya told about her older brother, who wore a pioneer tie, did well in school, and most importantly, had such strength that he could pull out a weed in the garden right from the roots.

The girl Valechka also had a ten-year-old brother - the boy protected her from all offenders. Valechka said that if a big tiger was hunting her, her brother would immediately start fighting him and would win. Suddenly the girls’ stories were interrupted by Katenka’s loud crying. She was the only daughter of her parents.

The girl said that yesterday she was scratched and bitten by a cat, but no one protected her. Vovka heard this cry. The kind boy told everyone that from Monday he would be Katya’s older brother, and would not let anyone hurt her, not a cat, not hooligans, not a predatory tiger.

Poem “Vovka has grown up”

Time passes, and all the children grow up. This happened to the good-natured Vovka. When he was twelve years old, the boy began to be ashamed of his kindness. He made the decision to become evil. To begin with, Vovka decided to beat up the yard cats. During the day, Vovka chased the cats, and when night came, he went out into the street and tearfully asked for their forgiveness for the harm he had caused.

Then Vovka decided to shoot sparrows with a slingshot. For a whole hour the boy chased the birds, pretending that he could not keep track of them. Then Vovka secretly buried his slingshot under a bush - because he felt sorry for the birds. The boy decided to do evil things for show, so that adults would think that he had become evil. However, Vovka still remained the same good-natured person as he was in childhood.

(estimates: 1 , average: 3,00 out of 5)

Title: Vovka is a kind soul

About the book “Vovka is a kind soul” by Agnia Barto

Agnia Barto needs no special introduction. After all, both adults and children are very familiar with her work.

The cycle of poems “Vovka is a kind soul” was created by the author in 1962. All the poems have long become favorites for several generations of happy children and grateful parents. Since the publication of the book, Vovka’s name has been a household name.

What does an ordinary boy Vovka need to do in order to be called a “kind soul”? The answer to this and others no less interesting questions can be found in the poems that Agnia Barto wrote with love and kindness for the youngest readers.

Vovka is a very good boy. What do you need to do to become like this too? After reading the poems, children will certainly want to be like him. They will definitely find answers to their questions in the book. And they will also discover that the book is written not only about the boy Vovka, but also about each of them.

“Vovka is a kind soul” is a long-recognized classic of children's literature. It helps adults remember their childhood. And children can go on an exciting journey with wonderful characters.

Agnia Barto writes poems that make it easier for children to form correct views on many things around them. Vovka teaches us to be honest and fair. He shows by his example what can lead to good deeds, and how important they are for every person. The boy is undoubtedly a positive hero and a good role model.

The book “Vovka is a kind soul” includes almost all the best poems of the wonderful poetess Agnia Barto. It has long been loved by many readers due to its easy-to-remember writing style.

A little reader will definitely be interested in reading kind and beautiful poems filled with light humor. A child of any age can understand them, since the author knows very well what small children think about, how they look at the world and what their dreams are.

The book “Vovka is a kind soul” is a wonderful collection of poems, perhaps the best in the author’s biography, which can be read independently by children, as well as their parents. Pleasure after reading is guaranteed to everyone without exception.

Barto's book is a wonderful gift for all young readers. It is ideal for both simple reading and for developing children's memory. The child will be able to quote individual lines almost immediately.

On our website about books you can download the site for free without registration or read online book“Vovka is a kind soul” by Agnia Barto in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. Buy full version you can from our partner. Also, here you will find last news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers there is a separate section with useful tips and recommendations, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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