The specifics of organizing production in a metropolis require the presence large number repair, construction and related enterprises and organizations construction complex cities.

The generated construction waste consists of heavy and light reinforced concrete, brick, stone materials, insulation, plaster, wood, cardboard, paper, polymer materials, mortar, bitumen, asphalt, trash pound, etc. For example, in civilized countries there is such a thing as construction waste no longer exists. There it is the raw material for useful and necessary products.

Waste management (including construction waste) is one of the main areas environmental activities economic entity as actively influencing environment factor a. The following main types of waste are distinguished: industrial waste; construction waste; sediments from stormwater treatment facilities, water supply stations and aeration stations; medical waste; biological waste; municipal solid waste (MSW).

Typical municipal solid waste of a large modern city contains more than 100 types of toxic compounds. Among them are dyes, pesticides, mercury and its compounds, solvents, lead and its salts, drugs, cadmium, arsenic compounds, formaldehyde, thallium salts, etc. Plastics and synthetic materials occupy a special place among solid waste; they are not subject to biological degradation processes and they can long time(tens of years) to be in environmental objects. When plastics and synthetic materials burn, numerous toxicants are released, including polychlorinated biphenyls (dioxins), fluoride compounds, cadmium, etc.

Industrial waste, like municipal solid waste, is varied in chemical composition. Particularly dangerous is waste from the chemical and oil refining industries and biochemical industries that deal with highly toxic chemical elements and compounds, bacteria and viruses. To such chemical elements These include primarily heavy metals, due to the fact that they are not subject to biochemical decomposition and easily penetrate the human body and the food chain.

The greatest danger is posed by liquid industrial effluents, which are characterized by high concentrations of many toxic substances and can penetrate into the hydrographic network and groundwater, polluting them and negatively affecting soil and vegetation cover. One of the most common components of liquid waste is petroleum products.

Sewage and fecal effluent from industrial zones are no less dangerous. Reducing the negative impact of such wastewater on the natural environment is an important problem for all urbanized areas. A particular danger in this case is associated with bacterial contamination of the habitat and the possibility of outbreaks of various epidemic diseases.

Considering the unresolved nature of many basic problems associated with the removal and disposal of all types of waste, we can say with confidence that currently any metropolis is practically on the verge of biological and bacteriological poisoning from its own waste. And, first of all, any accident on wastewater treatment plants, water and heat supply systems, systematic failure to remove garbage or its disposal at unsuitable landfills lead to the spread of harmful bacteria, leading to a sharp increase in citizens affected by infectious diseases gastrointestinal tract associated with intestinal dysbiosis.

In the field of solid waste management, the influence of new political and ideological guidelines has caused last decade radical changes. In most European countries and North America waste management includes a number of mandatory steps. These include: programs to reduce waste generation; widespread introduction of recycling of waste fractions with consumer properties; use of appropriate waste fractions as raw materials for production processes; extraction and use of waste energy potential; disposal of waste residues that do not have any beneficial properties, at environmentally neutral sites.

This waste management scheme in various countries is determined by specific economic, raw material, demographic and other conditions, depending on which adequate legislative acts are adopted and appropriate organizational and financial mechanisms are launched. In general, these steps are aimed at creating conditions that stimulate the introduction of waste recycling methods that are priority for a given country.

It should be noted that, as in all waste incineration plants in the world, hundreds of tons of toxic ash and thousands of tons of super-toxic dust accumulate. The problem of their processing in the world has not been solved. In this regard, the concentration of waste recycling in certain areas of the city causes a negative reaction among the population and environmentally oriented organizations and creates additional social tension in the city.

With rare exceptions, suburban landfills produce an overwhelming psychological impression, poison the atmosphere and hydrosphere, destroy vegetation, and create an unfavorable living environment.

During storage, all waste undergoes changes caused by both internal physical and chemical processes and the influence external conditions, including colonies of endogenous microorganisms, in some cases dangerous to human health. As a result, both new environmentally hazardous substances and new types of microorganisms can be formed, which pose a serious threat to the natural environment and the health of citizens. Biogenic effects make waste favorable for the reproduction of insects, birds, rodents, other mammals, and various microorganisms. At the same time, birds and insects are carriers of pathogenic bacteria and viruses over long distances.

The most dangerous is considered to be the leachate formed in the body of the landfill during the interaction of waste with infiltrating materials. precipitation. The filtrate contains numerous components of the breakdown of organic and minerals. As a result of numerous data, it has been established that the timing of leachate release, depending on the hydrogeological structure of the site, can vary from 1 (for sandy) to 25 (for clay pounds) years after disposal of waste in landfills. Zones of active water exchange confined to the upper part of the section, and primarily pound waters, are especially susceptible to contamination by filtrate.

Until recently, when organizing landfills, the main role was played by factors that take into account immediate interests; the principle of saving money was dominant; in this regard, many facilities are located in exhausted quarries and other unused lands. The majority of objects are in critical or potentially dangerous condition.

As a rule, private landfills are not properly equipped; there is non-compliance with the rules for operating these facilities. Savings on environmental protection measures allow these commercial firms to reduce tariffs for waste accepted for disposal. That's why financial losses official system waste management are very significant, which does not allow the full implementation of work on the technical arrangement of existing landfills to ensure their complete environmental safety.

The main directions in the field of reducing production volumes and increasing waste disposal volumes are as follows: increasing the efficiency of control over the generation, disposal and disposal of waste; creation of a unified system for accounting for the movement, sorting, placement, disposal, and processing of production and consumption waste for the city and region; improving the incentive system for waste management, including the development of low-waste industries; improving the technology for collecting and removing garbage and waste; increasing capacity most efficient enterprises for the processing of secondary raw materials, waste processing plants, landfills, waste transfer and waste briquetting stations; increasing the number of well-equipped landfills, reconstruction, liquidation and subsequent reclamation.

In any area there is a garbage dump, which is located outside the residential area. A landfill is a piece of land where waste is dumped for disposal. And where the garbage is then burned, buried, or formed into deposits located further away from civilization. Landfill is the most common waste disposal option. Although this option has been practiced for many centuries, it still continues to have a detrimental effect on the environment.

on this topic

Waste dumped at a landfill different types, which must be separated by their nature before disposal (separate plastic from paper and wood, food from chemicals, etc.) It is important that the landfill has small area and was covered with a new layer of soil every day. To do this, you need to dig a pit of the required depth, in which garbage will accumulate, and cover it with soil. This process disposes of solid waste, and if performed correctly, the disposal products will not harm the environment. But only a few landfill owners comply with this requirement, which in turn increases the destructive impact on the environment several times. In fact, landfills are formed due to the dishonesty of people who dump garbage in the nearest convenient place, without thinking about what the consequences will be. But an “accidentally” created landfill can have a fatal impact on the environment, and even more so on people living nearby. An unequipped landfill promotes the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, insects, and rodents—sources of dangerous (sometimes fatal) infections.

Let's pay attention to the most dangerous impacts of landfills. Firstly, it is a gas that is released by organic waste. Each landfill can accommodate a limited amount of waste and must be closed when the maximum volume is reached. An excess of waste slows down the recycling process, which increases harmful fumes and, consequently, people inhale deadly gases, which can be recognized by the smell of rot. Gas release must be controlled by specially installed impermeable barriers and gas exhaust systems.

Secondly, landfills must be covered with special materials that do not allow moisture to pass through (the bottom of the pit must be covered with the same material). After all, if moisture comes into contact with waste, a toxic liquid is formed - leachate, which can penetrate the soil and, mixing with groundwater, poison it. If filtrate does form, the pit should be equipped with a special system of collectors through which it will flow and be subject to special cleaning.

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As landfills increase, the scale of destruction increases. The global spread of harmful fumes contributes to an increase in air temperature in the environment, which violates weather laws. This could cause ice caps in the polar regions to melt and sea levels to rise.

Many scientists have studied the impact of landfills on the health of people living nearby. The results are shocking. Pregnant women living near garbage dumps have a high risk of giving birth to a child with congenital health anomalies. The rest of the population suffers from the nervous system, musculoskeletal system and skin.

Therefore, attention should be paid Special attention waste disposal process, which must occur in accordance with established requirements.

A misconception is that burning waste is considered the most effective way significantly reduce the volume of accumulated waste. Few people think that if you burn all types of waste at the same time, this leads to the fact that in the process of burning waste not only unpleasant odors, but quite toxic substances are also released into the air, poisoning people who breathe the air. It will be more efficient to burn waste in special waste incineration plants, while the resulting thermal energy can be used to generate electricity or steam, which is essentially recycling.

But the most effective way to destroy waste is complex recycling, when for each type of waste a disposal method is selected that will be as effective as possible.

To date, the problem of the negative impact of production waste has not yet been completely resolved both in the world and in our country. household waste on public health. Due to population growth, the amount of waste is increasing daily. The constant accumulation of waste leads to various human diseases, the manifestation of morbidity in newborns, and the emergence of various allergic reactions human body on chemical substances, their toxic properties, toxicological hazard due to contamination from accumulated garbage, biological and microbial soil contamination. Solid household waste poses both epidemiological and environmental hazards.

So in Russian Federation According to experts, 600–1200 million tons of solid household waste have been accumulated. At the same time, about 30 million tons of waste are generated annually, of which about 95% is buried.

In Russia, waste disposal occurs the old fashioned way. The main methods of disposal are waste incineration and disposal in landfills. This attitude towards waste leads to an environmental disaster, since combustion produces many different harmful substances that enter the atmosphere and create a danger to humans and their health.

When burying waste, of which there are more than a hundred substances, these are heavy metals found in batteries, lead in batteries and paint, mercury in cleaning products and lamps, glass, plastic, rubber, etc. At the same time, glass and rubber can lie in the ground for more than a hundred years, metals - about a hundred years, polymer packaging - more than fifty years, plastic and paper - several decades.

An acute question arises about the constant accumulation and progression of waste in places where people live. You also need to understand that if waste is not removed in a timely manner, stored incorrectly and removed untimely, then conditions can be created for infection of people, the emergence of infectious diseases, and the ecological condition of not only the atmosphere, but also groundwater deteriorates.

The problem of forced waste disposal and recycling is relevant both in Russia and in many countries of the world. This issue is resolved most rationally in Japan and partly in the West, where waste recycling is a fairly profitable business.

According to an analysis by scientists in more than 20 countries, the most common method of waste disposal is municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills. The solid waste landfills themselves differ from each other only in their design features, created depending on the local conditions of the region, the structures and equipment technologies used, and new developments used in storage and sorting.

In the Russian Federation today, more than 31 billion tons of unrecycled waste have accumulated, and their amount increases daily by an average of 60 million tons.

According to the Ministry's estimates natural resources Russia has established that human activity produces about four hundred kilograms of waste per year. Of which, approximately 150 kg are plastics, 100 kg are waste paper, and about 150 kg are glass, metals, and other various materials.

Based on data from Russian Technologies, approximately 40% of garbage in our country is a valuable raw material for recycling, but only about 7-8% of household waste is actually used. The remaining waste is transported to landfills.

In Russia, according to scientists, today there are 243 waste processing plants, 50 waste sorting complexes and 10 waste incineration plants. The waste processing plant is capable of producing the following raw materials: - glass, paper, fuel, heat, non-ferrous and ferrous metals, chemicals and various polymer wastes. But it still fails to cope with its task of reducing the number of landfills. Repeated attempts were made to implement the system in Moscow separate collection Solid waste when containers were installed different colors and it was planned to sort the waste when collecting it. But positive results in this matter were never obtained. Residents of the houses simply did not notice the sorting containers and ignored them, but the problem of waste recycling was never solved.

How is this problem solved in other states? For example, in Germany, a system was adopted and introduced in 1991 according to which German companies must reduce the size of packaging, achieve their self-decomposition and introduce a mandatory fee for their disposal. This system is strictly regulated and carefully controlled by established officials and services. A large fine is imposed for non-compliance, so the collection mechanism is strictly followed. Today, Germans buy garbage even from other countries and successfully recycle it, making a profit. Sorted waste is processed into secondary raw materials. During sorting, the remaining waste that is not suitable for recycling is used as fuel.

The high motivation of the population to collect waste is associated with learning from childhood, their concern for the environment and their health, therefore ecological catastrophy they are not in danger.

In Japan, the country's residents treat their land very carefully and with special love, and strictly monitor their health. The Japanese allocate sufficient funds for waste collection and disposal. In the land of the rising sun, more than 400 million tons are formed every year. industrial waste, for the disposal of which the enterprises themselves are responsible, and about 50 million tons of household waste, which are under the jurisdiction of municipalities. At the same time, the main method it uses to dispose of household waste is incineration (accounting for approximately 70%), recycling and landfilling. Since 2007, Japan has adopted an amendment on the recycling of containers and packaging (reduction of packages). Issues regarding waste disposal are accepted by Japanese society together with the state, as a result of which waste is disposed of competently, and this approach to the problem becomes the way of life of the Japanese. They are characterized by: - ​​small territory, lack of resources, careful attitude to nature.

In Holland, close attention is paid to waste sorting; in the Netherlands, environmental coupons are distributed to activists of separate collection; in Barcelona, ​​children participating in waste collection are given treats. People are constantly being encouraged to improve the environmental situation in Western countries.

Having analyzed the impact of waste on public health, scientists have found that the leading positions in the world in waste disposal today are occupied by European countries that have learned to successfully deal with waste, actively use it to separate it, and prevent environmental disaster.

It is necessary to introduce experience in Russia European countries for the collection and disposal of both household and industrial waste and to achieve a reduction in their impact on human health.


1. Onishchenko G.G. The influence of the state of the environment on public health. Unsolved problems and tasks. // Hygiene and sanitation. – 2003. – No. 1. – P. 3 – 10.

2. Khizov A.V. The impact of household waste on the environment and public health. Technogenic and natural safety: TPB-2014: Collection scientific works Third All-Russian Scientific and Practical. conf. with international participation October 8-10, 2014 (SSTU), Publishing House "Poly-Ex", Saratov, 2014. P. 96-97.

Relevance: Environmental pollution is one of the the most important problems Nowadays. The volume of waste, including toxic waste, is growing every year. All waste poses a threat to the environment, many of them are dangerous to human health, because... contain dyes, solvents, detergents, drugs, mercury, etc. Hypothesis: One of the problems of cleanliness in the city is the organization of unauthorized landfills and unauthorized dumping of garbage into unspecified places. Garbage dumps cause soil, air, and water pollution, which leads to a deterioration in health and the emergence of a number of diseases among the population of nearby areas. Purpose of the work: - to study the impact of household waste landfills on the environment and determine ways to resolve the situation. Objectives: 1. Conduct a review various sources, indicating environmental pollution by landfills. 2. Study the types and composition of household waste. 3. Study the places where household waste is collected, analyze their condition and determine the necessary measures to improve them. 4. Find out the potential impact of landfills on human health. Object: Garbage dumps

Now in the Urals there are about 600 solid waste landfills, of which only 71 have permits, the rest work with all sorts of violations. In the territory adjacent to the capital of the Urals there are only landfills for waste disposal of the 4th and 3rd degrees of the safest materials. These, for example, include Appliances, counterfeit audio and video products. And all this can be “grinded.” Garbage problem

Solid waste is often found in landfills. Toxic substances included in such waste penetrate into the soil, water, atmosphere, having a detrimental effect on environmental situation our area. To date, we have produced so much waste that in order to dispose of it in natural conditions it will take several thousand years. Impact of solid waste

Results of solid waste decomposition Typical solid household waste of a large modern city contains more than 100 types of toxic compounds. Among them are dyes, pesticides, mercury and its compounds, solvents, lead and its salts, drugs, cadmium, arsenic compounds, formaldehyde, thallium salts, etc. Plastics and synthetic materials occupy a special place among solid waste; they are not subject to biological degradation processes and can remain in environmental objects for a long time (tens of years). When plastics and synthetic materials burn, numerous toxicants are released, including polychlorinated biphenyls (dioxins), fluoride compounds, cadmium, etc.

Ecological scientist chairman of the regional board public organization“Green Cross” member of the Public Chamber of the region Maria Sobol: People’s attitude towards the “garbage problem” often leaves much to be desired, and it is no coincidence that, on behalf of Governor Mikhail Yurevich, a concept is now being developed to form an environmental culture of the population. Recycling waste will reduce the burden on landfills and turn waste into income. Scientists about the problem of recycling:

Natural processing of waste requires many years and even centuries. Rubber soles of boots - years.

Natural processing of waste requires many years and even centuries. Nylon products – years.

Natural processing of waste requires many years and even centuries. Plastic bag- years

3. Do not throw trash into sinks or toilets. Every year, millions of tons of sewage enter the sea, killing all living things. They take months to naturally recycle, but most plastics, for example, packaging materials are not biodegradable at all. Some tips

Are you concerned about the problem of garbage in your city/town? Are you ready to sort waste (collect separately paper, plastic, metal, glass, food waste)? Are you ready to hand over waste (waste paper, glass, plastic, etc.) to recycling collection points? Are you ready to take part in a cleanup event to clean up garbage or arrange waste collection/storage sites? Questions from the questionnaire.
Ideas for respondents. The option with the most common answers is presented. I can’t Someday I will do it I will definitely do it I don’t want to I could Suggestions + Collect waste paper + Use both sides of the paper for notes + Reuse plastic bags+ Make compost from waste + Reuse parts from old machinery + Don’t throw away clothes

Recommendations: To improve the state of the environment, it is necessary to take measures to organize the collection and disposal of household waste: 1. Sorting and appropriate processing of household waste is recommended. 2. In the process of producing consumer goods, use the most environmentally friendly technologies and materials. 3. Increase the number of containers and bins in places largest accumulation garbage and close them with lids. 4. Organize recycling collection points where you can donate waste paper, bottles, batteries and cans. Previously, these points existed, and many city residents successfully used them. In addition, these points, it seems to me, will contribute to the sorting of recycled materials being handed over.

5. Resolve the issue of construction and commissioning of a waste processing plant as soon as possible; - introduce into the practice of actions to eliminate spontaneous landfills the planting of trees and shrubs in the areas where landfills are being disposed of in order to prevent re-contamination of the territory. 6. Regularly hold “Days of Struggle for Environmental Safety” actions in the city or any other locality with mandatory summing up of results through radio, television, and the press, and turn such actions into holidays. 7. Schools can organize students to create propaganda posters and leaflets about the dangers of environmental pollution. Recommendations:

It's no secret that last years The most pressing issue for Russian citizens is the issue of ecology. This is confirmed by a survey of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), conducted on behalf of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation. The survey determined that the greatest concern among residents is the problem of municipal waste - this is 44% of the total volume noted by citizens environmental problems.

Traditionally used landfills are usually associated with many problems - they are breeding grounds for rodents and birds, pollute water bodies, spontaneously combust, the wind can blow debris away from them, etc. In the 50s, so-called “sanitary landfills” began to be introduced for the first time, where waste was sprinkled with soil every day.

Based on articles from sites: http://news.ners. ru/dom-u-svalki-est-li-opasnost.html an article was written about the mortal danger for residents of a solid waste landfill

A landfill or waste disposal site is the most complex system, a detailed study of which has only recently begun.

When there is a lack of oxygen, organic waste in a landfill undergoes anaerobic fermentation, which leads to the formation of a mixture of methane and carbon monoxide (so-called “landfill gas”). A very toxic liquid (“filtrate”) is also formed in the depths of the landfill, the release of which into water bodies or groundwater is extremely undesirable.

Requirements for modern landfills include requirements for site selection, design, operation, monitoring, decommissioning and the provision of financial guarantees (disaster insurance, etc.)

When choosing a site, it is necessary to avoid the proximity of airports, water bodies, groundwater outcrops, wetlands, tectonic faults and seismically hazardous areas.

Safe operation of the landfill involves the following measures:

procedures for the exclusion of hazardous waste and maintaining records of all accepted waste and the exact coordinates of its disposal;
ensuring daily coverage of dumped waste with soil or special foam to prevent waste from spreading;
control of disease vectors (rats, etc.), which is usually ensured by the use of pesticides;
pumping out explosive gases from the depths of a landfill (methane can be used to produce electricity, for example, throughout the UK, such installations produce 80 MW);
controlled access of people and animals to the landfill - the perimeter must be fenced and guarded;

hydraulic structures should minimize the entry of rainwater and surface water into the landfill;
surface runoff from the landfill must be sent for treatment; the liquid that is released from the waste should not get into groundwater - for this purpose special drainage and waterproofing systems are created;
Regular monitoring of air, groundwater and surface water in the vicinity of landfills should be carried out.
Particular attention should be paid to the decommissioning of the landfill with subsequent reclamation of the solid waste landfill. As a rule, the initial design of a landfill should include an action plan for reclamation and long-term monitoring of a closed landfill, etc.

Reclamation of landfills (MSW)

Every solid waste landfill sooner or later closes when it accumulates the maximum permissible amount of waste. And it is quite logical that the land occupied by the landfill needs to be put back into economic use, or reclaimed. Moreover, the costs of this event should be included in the price at the stage when the design of solid waste landfills is carried out.

Thus, the reclamation of solid waste landfills is a complex of works that are aimed at restoring the national economic value and productivity of the areas being restored. In addition, these works are also aimed at improving environmental conditions.

The process of reclamation of solid waste landfills begins immediately after the completion of waste storage there. This procedure is performed in two separate stages: technical and biological.

At the technical stage, the development of technological and construction measures, structural solutions for the installation of protective screens for the base and surface of the landfill, collection, purification and utilization of biogas, collection and treatment of leachate and surface wastewater is carried out. Thus, the technical stage of reclamation of a solid waste landfill includes the following activities:

Stabilization of the landfill body (delivery of soil for filling gaps and cracks, its planning and creation of slopes with the required angle of inclination, etc.).
Construction of a degassing system for collecting landfill gas.
Creation of a system for collecting and removing filtrate and surface runoff.
Creation of a multifunctional reclamation protective screen.
The biological stage of reclamation involves a complex of agrotechnical and phytomeliorative measures aimed at restoring disturbed lands. This stage is carried out after the engineering and technical stage of reclamation. This stage of solid waste landfill reclamation includes the following activities:

Soil preparation.
Selection of planting material.
Sowing plants.
In each specific case, the selection of design solutions for the reclamation of a closed landfill is carried out on the basis of previously completed engineering surveys.

Collection of landfill gas (syngas)

Landfill gas is formed as a result of fermentation of organic waste components located in the body of the landfill during biochemical decomposition processes. In addition, there is also quite a lot a large number of water vapor. The gases and vapors that arise in the body of the landfill form a wet gas mixture, the main components of which are methane CH and carbon dioxide CO2.

Because of this chemical composition, as well as the presence of other hazardous components in landfill gas, its emission may have an impact Negative influence on the environment, manifested in the form of:

danger of fire and explosion.
obstacles to the reclamation of a solid waste landfill.
dissemination of a corresponding unpleasant odor.
release of toxic and hazardous components to human health.
negative impact on the climate.
Based on this, the resulting landfill gases must be collected and subsequently disposed of (processed). For this purpose, at the stage when the construction of a solid waste landfill is being carried out, special gas outlets are provided. Through them, landfill gas enters the storage area, where it is subjected to a purification procedure.

Collecting landfill gas is quite a responsible matter, since in the absence of proper management of its collection, excess amounts of gas accumulate inside the landfill. This leads to an increase in pressure, the accumulated gas seeks a way out, resulting in the destruction of the body of the landfill. And this can lead to quite unpleasant consequences, since untreated landfill gas contains a huge amount of harmful and toxic substances that are extremely dangerous to human health.

There is another category of waste storage facilities that appeared as a result of the actions of shadow businesses. Waste is accepted and stored in violation of all regulations. As a result, groundwater, soil, and air are polluted due to uncontrolled burning of garbage. “The greatest difficulty here is that often, after “shitting” on certain territory, “businessmen” disappear or get off with fines that are insignificant for them, while dozens of hectares remain contaminated forever,” states the chairman of the Green Front, Sergei Vinogradov.

Legal landfills - subject to compliance with all technological standards of operation and constant monitoring - theoretically should not harm the city and its citizens. In practice, the so-called human factor is often included. “Any landfill is a source of potential danger. The main factor of the negative impact is the fire of landfill masses as a result of negligence and violation of the rules for operating landfills,” says Gulnara Gudulova, assistant head of the Department of Rosprirodnadzor for the Northwestern Federal District.

Residents of areas located in relative proximity to solid waste landfills feel the results of such negligence personally, periodically inhaling smoke or the “amber” carried by the wind. “It can be said with a high degree of probability that bad smell from landfills has a negative impact on human health,” says Sergei Vinogradov. In his opinion, when plastic burns, substances such as formaldehyde, acetic acid, acetaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and dioxins can be released into the air. The latter have a powerful mutagenic, immunosuppressive, and carcinogenic effect. When foam rubber, which is used to make furniture, is burned, toxic gases containing cyanide compounds are released into the atmosphere. Burning rubber produces dense black, greasy smoke containing hydrogen sulfide and sulfur dioxide. Both gases are hazardous to health. As a result of the rotting of the garbage remaining in the ground, Vinogradov continues, dangerous radon gas is formed, which is difficult to detect, since it is colorless and odorless. But this gas is poisonous and also radioactive.