Being in an interesting position, girls need to saturate their diet with useful substances: minerals, amino acids. Vitamin E during pregnancy is prescribed, if not during planning, then in the early stages. It is one of the most important connections for both mother and child.

What is it prescribed for?

It is believed that girls need to take certain vitamins regularly, regardless of various factors. Vitamin E is one of these. It is called the elixir of beauty, because it promotes skin elasticity, nail strength and good hair condition.

How is vitamin E useful during planning and pregnancy?:

  1. Tocopherol helps improve reproductive functions. Before conceiving, many women experience various problems; to eliminate them, doctors often prescribe vitamin E;
  2. It helps protect the skin from stretch marks and acne. It is a known fact that the condition of the epidermis depends on a number of external and internal factors. This includes care, proper nutrition, and walks in the fresh air. Tocopherol promotes the production of elastin, resulting in protection against the appearance of wrinkles and stretch marks. It can be taken orally and applied to problem areas;
  3. Its deficiency may be the main cause of hair loss and brittle nails;
  4. Like magnesium, it is an antioxidant. Its use will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and protect against stress;
  5. Folic acid, calcium and substance E contribute to the normal development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy. They are responsible for the functioning of the child’s future nervous system. In addition, they protect it from aggressive external factors.

But, tocopherol may also be harmful for the female body. Firstly, you may be allergic to it. It manifests itself in rashes and stomach upset. Secondly, according to some doctors, this substance dissolves in adipose tissue, which actively grows during pregnancy. Ultimately, its quantity may exceed the permissible limit.

Thirdly, it is not advisable to drink it in the third trimester. At this time, it can be extremely dangerous due to its ability to increase the elasticity of the uterus - this can contribute to premature birth.

Video: important vitamins during pregnancy

How to take vitamin E

Vitamin E is sold in capsules and solution; any type can be taken both during pregnancy and during planning and after childbirth. The doctor prescribes a dose based on the individual characteristics of the body. Considering that its excess in the body is very dangerous, you need to be careful when choosing the right dose.

The optimal daily dosage of vitamin E for the average adult is 20 mg, but during pregnancy this figure can vary greatly. In some cases (if there is a possibility of miscarriage at first), the dose is up to 400 mg. In this case, it is better to buy yourself tablets or multivitamins.

Photo - Vitamin E in products

When preparing for pregnancy, the optimal solution would be products containing this compound.

Table of products containing tocopherol and its dosage in it:

Product Amount of tocopherol in 100 grams Required amount per day (calculated at 300 mg/day)
Almond 27 1000
Wheat germ oil 300 100
Sunflower oil 75 400
Olive oil 7 4250
red fish 30 1000
Walnut 23 1100
Dried fruits 5 6000

Instructions on how and how much to drink vitamin E during pregnancy:

  1. You should drink it throughout the first trimester - twice a day before meals. Depending on the chosen regimen, the doctor may prescribe one in the morning and one before bed. The dose of vitamin E is the smallest 200 mg, the maximum – 400 mg (only if there is a threat of pregnancy failure);
  2. In the second trimester, this pattern changes slightly. During the period of active fetal development, the vitamin is prescribed in a complex of various minerals (calcium, zinc, magnesium). In most cases (if the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies), it should be taken once a day on an empty stomach. It's best in the morning;
  3. This course lasts a month, after which you need to take a break. You should start taking tocopherol again only after taking tests from your doctor. Based on the general condition of the body, he draws a conclusion. Many girls are prohibited from taking it until the end of pregnancy;
  4. In this case, nutrition comes to the fore. Containing products should be present in the daily diet: nuts, dried fruits, fats.

Photo - Vitamin E in capsules

After childbirth, an overdose of vitamin E is no longer as dangerous as during pregnancy, and the dosage rate is completely different. It is not recommended to take it for the first month - the body has accumulated enough nutrients, but you can start from the second month. Doctors recommend returning to the usual dose - from 20 to 60 mg (taking into account lactation).

Sometimes specialists in antenatal clinics also prescribe tocopherol injections. The injection solution is practically no different from the drinking solution, except that it is absorbed faster. Used for critical deviations.

Vitamin E during pregnancy is one of the most important and important vitamins. It is vitamin E that is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy and allows you to bear a healthy baby. Let's look at the features of this vitamin, how and when it should be taken and how it affects the body of a pregnant woman.

Tocopherol or vitamin E is responsible for the healthy development of pregnancy. So, translated from Greek, tocopherol means to bear a healthy baby, “tokos” means birth, “ferro” means to carry. In general, vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the body from cancer. If a woman does not have enough vitamin E, she experiences loss of strength, muscle weakness, problems with the menstrual cycle, a weak immune system and the body's protective functions. In very severe cases of vitamin E deficiency, a woman may experience infertility. Vitamin E in combination with vitamin C can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis.

Vitamin E during pregnancy helps improve the movement of oxygen from mother to baby, prevents blood clots, improves the condition of nails, skin, hair, and reduces cramps in the upper and lower extremities. Vitamin E helps during pregnancy. Its regular use allows you to bear a healthy baby and protects against the threat of miscarriage in the early stages. This vitamin is involved in the formation of the baby’s vital systems, especially in the respiratory system. That is why the first complex of vitamins that every pregnant woman should have is vitamin E and folic acid. This combination of beneficial vitamins will improve ovarian function and maintain hormonal levels at normal levels.

Harm of vitamin E during pregnancy

Harm from vitamin E during pregnancy can occur due to an overdose of the drug. Many experts in the field of pregnancy planning and gynecologists argue that excess vitamin E can harm the unborn baby. A study was conducted in the UK on the effect of vitamin E on pregnancy. Thus, scientists were able to prove the contradictory facts proving the benefits of vitamin E for women carrying a child. British scientists claim that high doses of the drug cause asthmatic attacks and eczema in the expectant mother, and cause oxygen starvation and pathologies in the baby.

But do not worry, since the doses of vitamin E prescribed to pregnant women do not have the above-described dangers. But do not neglect the dosage of the vitamin prescribed by the doctor. Since this may well cause various kinds of allergic reactions and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Vitamin E at the beginning of pregnancy

Vitamin E plays a very important role at the beginning of pregnancy. He is responsible for preparing the female body for the process of bearing a baby. Also, the vitamin protects the body from infections and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes. This is very important during pregnancy, especially in the early stages. During pregnancy planning, the vitamin improves sexual functions in the female body, restores hormonal balance and improves progesterone production.

All this suggests that vitamin E takes part in the process of preparing for the conception of a child, that is, at the beginning of pregnancy. The vitamin must be taken for all nine months, as it maintains normal levels of progesterone, which is the most important female hormone.

If you don't take vitamin E during pregnancy, it can cause a miscarriage. And in the last trimester, vitamin E is responsible for the accumulation of fluid. That is, its absence can cause high blood pressure and the accumulation of excess fluid. Another beneficial property of vitamin E is that it prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin during pregnancy.

Vitamin E during pregnancy: instructions

Vitamin E during pregnancy is responsible for the functioning of the whole body. The vitamin regulates the functions and activities of the reproductive, nervous and endocrine systems. It also helps with urological and gynecological problems. Vitamin E deficiency can cause uterine dysfunction, which is not acceptable for women who are planning to become pregnant.

Let's look at the features of this substance, everything you need to know about vitamin E during pregnancy. Instructions for use of the drug and its main characteristics.

  • Vitamin E affects the reproductive function of both male and female bodies.
  • Improves vision and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • Stabilizes hormonal levels and strengthens capillary walls.
  • Stimulates the process of skin regeneration and prevents the development of tumors.

The vitamin is recommended to be taken when planning pregnancy. This is very important for women who have had miscarriages in the past or have not gotten pregnant for a very long time. So, according to the instructions, during pregnancy the maximum dose of vitamin E is 16 mg. Vitamin E is recommended to be taken simultaneously with vitamin A and selenium. Vitamin E is of plant origin and is found in large quantities in vegetable oils. Vitamin E is absolutely resistant to heat treatment, but is destroyed when interacting with iron and rancidity of fats, as well as under the influence of sunlight.

The main signs of vitamin E deficiency in the body:

  • Sexual dysfunction (involuntary abortions, inability to conceive).
  • Increasing muscle pain, pigmentation and hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Signs of excess vitamin E:

  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Ulcers and herpes on the lips, tongue, palate.

The main cause of vitamin E deficiency is an unhealthy, unbalanced diet. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy and during the nine months of bearing a baby, it is very important to maintain normal vitamin E.

Use of vitamin E during pregnancy

The use of vitamin E during pregnancy is mandatory. The norm of tocopherol, or vitamin E, for women is 8 IU, and for pregnant women it increases several times. The vitamin is also necessary for newborns, their dose is from 3 to 7 IU.

High doses of vitamin E used during pregnancy are completely justified. A high amount of tocopherol helps the body of mother and baby to function normally. In addition, the vitamin fights various diseases and infections. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant.

Vitamin E Zentiva during pregnancy

Vitamin E zenvita during pregnancy is an excellent antioxidant, takes part in the biosynthesis of cell proliferation, protein and heme. Also, the vitamin is responsible for the healthy functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems and prevents the process of hemolysis of red blood cells. During pregnancy, the vitamin is irreplaceable, as it is responsible for the functioning and development of smooth skeletal muscles, connective tissue and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin E zenvita during pregnancy is responsible for the metabolism of prostaglandins and nucleic acids.

Tocopherol is a natural antioxidant that inhibits the work of free radicals, which are responsible for lipid oxidation. The vitamin has a positive effect on the reproductive system and slows down the aging process. During pregnancy, vitamin E is necessary for:

  • Normal development of pregnancy and growth of the baby.
  • Regulating the nutritional system, making it balanced and complete.
  • Increases physical endurance and prepares the female body for the upcoming birth.

Vitamin E 200 during pregnancy

Vitamin E 200 during pregnancy is a drug that is used as an adjuvant for the treatment and prevention of the respiratory tract, muscular system, gastrointestinal tract, joints, nervous system, and various disorders of the endocrine glands. Vitamin E 200 during pregnancy helps to cope with poor, unbalanced nutrition, diseases of the skin, liver, and gums. The vitamin is taken during pregnancy planning, throughout pregnancy and in the postpartum period.

The dose of the vitamin is selected individually after passing the necessary tests, which will show the level of the vitamin in the body before its use. For women, vitamin E may be prescribed in such cases as:

  • Menstrual irregularities - 100 mg for 3 months.
  • Infertility or miscarriages in early pregnancy - 200-300 mg.
  • For neurological problems - 100 mg for 2 months.
  • For cardiovascular diseases - 100 mg for 40 days.
  • For skin diseases - 100-200 mg for 40 days.
  • For preventive purposes - 100 mg for 3 weeks.

Vitamin E dosage during pregnancy

The dosage of vitamin E during pregnancy is prescribed only after a complete examination of the female body and passing all the necessary tests. Despite all the benefits of vitamin E and its positive effect on the female body, an overdose of the vitamin can be dangerous. Tocopherol or vitamin E is classified as fat-soluble, as it can accumulate in adipose tissue, which is deposited during pregnancy. Thus, vitamin abuse can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Vitamin E is responsible for muscle elasticity, and during pregnancy, especially during childbirth, this is undesirable. Therefore, monitoring the dose of vitamin E during pregnancy is very important. The daily dose of vitamin E for the human body is 20 mg. The dosage of all medications is measured in international units IU. So, 1 IU is 1 mg of tocopherol acetate and 0.67 mg of tocopherol.

For many women, during pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes 200 and sometimes 400 mg of vitamin E per day. But do not worry, since for pregnant women the dose of tocopherol is selected individually. But, the daily norm for pregnant women should not exceed 1000 mg of vitamin E per day. But this does not mean that you can prescribe a dose of the drug yourself or take it without a prescription. Doctors prefer to prescribe women multivitamin complexes that focus on vitamin E.

Vitamin E is found only in plants and can be found in:

  • Nuts.
  • Rose hips.
  • Vegetable oils.
  • Seeds.
  • Eggs.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Borom rice.
  • Wheat sprouts.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Bran and whole grain products.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that vitamin E should not be taken together with iron-containing medications. As for products, after vitamin E you can take other vitamins 8-12 hours later.

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Vitamin E overdose during pregnancy

An overdose of vitamin E during pregnancy is very dangerous. Some pseudo-doctors claim that an excess of the vitamin can cause heart disease in an unborn baby. But don’t worry, because in order for this pathology to become a reality, the expectant mother needs to take more than 40,000 IU per day, that is, 400 capsules of vitamin E. Such a dose can be fatal for both mother and baby.

An overdose of vitamin E can cause an allergic reaction - skin flushing and itching. Also, if the drug is taken for a long period of time and in large doses, then the occurrence of gopocoagulation, liver enlargement, headache and nausea, bleeding and gastrointestinal tract problems, increased fatigue and unreasonable weakness cannot be ruled out.

If vitamin E is taken in the doses recommended by the doctor, then an overdose is excluded. If a pregnant woman is prescribed the vitamin at a dose of 400 mg per day for a long period of time, this can cause not only an overdose, but also a dyspeptic disorder. If you have the above symptoms of vitamin E overdose during pregnancy, you should immediately seek medical help and stop consuming the vitamin.

The norm of vitamin E during pregnancy

The norm of vitamin E during pregnancy is 200-400 mg. The dosage depends on the trimester of pregnancy and the amount of vitamin in the body before taking the drug. But do not worry about such a large dose of drugs, since vitamin E is an essential element for the normal course of pregnancy.

But an overdose of the drug can cause serious pathologies for the unborn baby. A pregnant woman already has a disturbed hormonal balance, therefore, the body often begins to actively burn fat deposits and release vitamin E into the blood. This process must be regulated, so an overdose of the vitamin is very dangerous. Many pregnant women have questions about why, if the norm of the vitamin for a healthy person is 20 mg per day, and for a pregnant woman it is 200 mg or more per day. This dose is justified by the fact that the synthetic vitamin is not completely absorbed. Long-term use of this vitamin creates an optimal concentration of the vitamin in the blood.

Excess vitamin E during pregnancy

Excess vitamin E during pregnancy has a negative effect on the body. Excess of the drug can cause:

  • Decrease in life expectancy.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • The risk of developing heart pathologies in the baby (especially with high doses of the drug in the early stages of pregnancy and at the time of planning).
  • Nausea, vomiting and bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Enlarged liver.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke and cerebral hemorrhage.

Vitamin E is not prescribed in case of hypersensitivity to the drug. Vitamin E should not be taken together with anticoagulants and medications that contain iron. All this suggests that you can take the vitamin only after the permission of the doctor, who will choose the individual dosage and timing of taking the vitamin.

An excess of vitamin E during pregnancy causes complications for the female body. It can cause allergic reactions in the form of dermatitis and cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system. But, despite this, a normal dose of the drug maintains all the vital functions of the body at a high level.

If you are concerned about possible complications from taking vitamin E, consult your gynecologist. The doctor will order a number of tests, including a blood test. This will allow you to determine how much vitamin E is contained in the body before taking the drug. That is, this will avoid an excess of vitamin. By the way, the vitamin does not have to be taken, only in the form of a medicine. There are many foods that contain the daily requirement of the vitamin.

Consult a gynecologist, your doctor will help you choose the right dosage of vitamin E during pregnancy, so that the nine months of waiting for your baby will be the happiest and not overshadowed by various diseases or complications.

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Price of vitamin E during pregnancy

The price of vitamin E during pregnancy is not high. This is what makes this drug so popular among expectant mothers. This vitamin, necessary for the normal functioning of the body, is useful and indispensable for pregnant women, and its cost makes it affordable to ordinary people.

The vitamin can be purchased at any pharmacy; its cost will depend on the form of the drug. Vitamin E can be in capsules, tablets or injection ampoules. Also, the cost of the drug depends on its volume. Thus, a vitamin that is sold in capsules of 400 or 200 mg will cost from 30 to 50 hryvnia per package.

If we take into account the fact that the optimal dose of vitamin is 1 ampoule, capsule or tablet per day, then a pack of the drug will last for at least a month. The vitamin should be consumed an hour before meals and for two to three months for women who are planning pregnancy and for pregnant women during the first and second trimester. That is, taking vitamin E will not be expensive for you and will not hit your wallet or family budget.

During pregnancy, expectant mothers take a number of vitamins and minerals for the full development of the fetus and successful childbirth, for example, vitamin E. Many people ask: What should be the daily dose of vitamin E? How much vitamin E should you take during pregnancy?

How much vitamin E do pregnant women need and why?

The chemical name of vitamin E is tocopherol, this vitamin improves the transport of oxygen to tissues and cells, i.e. protects red blood cells. We can say that a sufficient concentration of the vitamin is the best prevention of the development of anemia and fetal hypoxia in pregnant women.

Research has proven that vitamin E improves sperm production and promotes conception. The risk of miscarriage and many other pregnancy pathologies is reduced. But it is worth remembering that prescribing vitamins is a preventive measure for many pathologies, but not a treatment, and the vitamin itself is not a medicine in the literal sense.

How to take vitamin E correctly during pregnancy?

For pregnant women, the vitamin is prescribed only after consultation with a leading gynecologist, according to indications. These are all women from risk groups with multiple pregnancies.

How much vitamin E to take during pregnancy (dosage)

Most often, the dosage is determined in mg or IU. Answer the question: how much vitamin E to take during pregnancy? Definitely difficult. The daily dosage is calculated individually, taking into account the age of the pregnant woman, the characteristics of the course of pregnancy, place of residence, dietary habits, etc.

The optimal dosage during pregnancy is 10 - 12 IU, up to 15 IU per day. To more accurately calculate the daily dosage, doctors often use the formula: for every kilogram of body weight you need 0.3 mg of the vitamin. But in case of multiple pregnancy, the norm can be increased.

Typically, during pregnancy, the dosage of vitamin in capsules is 2 - 3 per day, the exact concentration depends on the lifestyle of the pregnant woman, the principle of her nutrition and, of course, on the course of pregnancy.

An equally exciting question: how long will you have to take vitamin E during pregnancy? The vitamin is prescribed in capsules in the first trimester of pregnancy, and throughout its entire duration, the capsules should be taken with meals. From the second and third trimester, the vitamin should be taken as part of a complex multivitamin for pregnant women.

Vitamin E during pregnancy: overdose

Due to the ability to accumulate, an overdose of vitamin E can sometimes form. For pregnant women, this condition is very dangerous due to many pathological conditions. The functioning of the heart, digestive tract (loose stools), etc. is disrupted.

Excess vitamin E can cause hypertension, so if blood pressure increases, pregnant women are advised to reduce the daily dose. Symptoms of hypervitaminosis may include atherosclerosis, increased bleeding of the gums, and flatulence.

What does vitamin E contain for pregnant women?

There is a list of products that contain different concentrations of tocopherol. The daily requirement of vitamin E during pregnancy can be met with food, but the situation is complicated by the fact that the use of substances to speed up the ripening of vegetables has a negative effect on the content of vitamins in them.

Foods that contain high concentrations of vitamin E include:

  • unrefined vegetable oil and butter, but butter contains 5 times less tocopherol than vegetable oil;
  • liver, lard, beef;
  • legumes;
  • fresh apples;
  • various herbs and berries - rose hips, dandelion.

It is worth remembering that vitamin E is destroyed under the influence of sunlight and temperature, so all foods containing vitamin E must be taken raw (whenever possible).

Expectant mothers are more attentive to their health than other people. They are interested in everything that is prescribed by doctors - why they need to take it, the correct dosage, whether it is possible to replace chemical drugs with natural products that have the same properties. I suggest taking a closer look at the vitamin E recommended for pregnant women and learning about its benefits and contraindications.

Vitamin E during pregnancy

While carrying a baby, a woman should receive more vitamins and minerals than usual. They are necessary for the growing fetus and the expectant mother herself to avoid health problems.

Principle of action on the body

Vitamin E has the unique property of slowing down the aging of the body and launching rejuvenation processes, which has earned its second name - the vitamin of youth and beauty. The rejuvenating effect can be achieved thanks to a good supply of oxygen to the cells and ridding them of decay products.
Tissue regeneration is extremely important for the blood, skin, digestive tract, mucous membranes and respiratory tract, because constant cell renewal occurs there

There are several other important effects that tocopherol (vitamin E) has on the human body:

  • prevents excessive formation of blood clots, reducing blood clotting, and is a preventive measure against blood stagnation in tissues and organs. Due to reduced coagulability, blood vessels do not become clogged and blood flows through them without interference. The condition of the walls of blood vessels also improves, they become smooth and cholesterol plaques do not manage to attach, which helps a lot in the prevention of atherosclerosis. Therefore, vitamin E helps to avoid heart and vascular failure;
  • increases the body's resistance to infectious pathogens, improving the functioning of the immune system. Together with vitamin A, it protects the lungs from exposure to air containing harmful impurities;
  • stops attacks of muscle cramps and accelerates the healing of burns and all kinds of wounds, and the scars do not remain on the skin at all or are hardly noticeable. Normalizes muscle tone, putting their performance in order;
  • affects the production of hormones necessary to maintain the sexual and reproductive functions of the body. Tocopherol in women regulates blood supply to the uterus and ovaries, and during pregnancy it stimulates the synthesis of progesterone and helps the placenta form. Reduces the impact of premenstrual syndrome and increases the chance of complete cure of fibrous tumors in the mammary glands.

Regardless of a person’s gender, tocopherol helps lower blood pressure, expanding and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, and prevents the development of anemia and cataracts. Effectively helps normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

The name tocopherol comes from the merger of the Greek words “tokos” and “ferro”, which literally translates as “bringing procreation”.

The importance of vitamin E during pregnancy for the expectant mother and fetal development

Women bearing children are prescribed a course of vitamin E, because tocopherol:

  • takes an active part in the production of hormones necessary for the period of bearing and breastfeeding a child to proceed without deviations;
  • helps the fetus to fully develop, including the formation of the baby’s blood cells;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • reduces the risk of premature resolution;
  • regulates the functioning of the nervous system;
  • protects the retina and muscle tissue from harmful effects.

Video: What you need to know about prenatal vitamins

Why is tocopherol deficiency dangerous for the expectant mother and fetus?

  • severe toxicosis in the first 12 weeks;
  • miscarriage - spontaneous abortion in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • increasing muscle pain;
  • vision problems;
  • the appearance of pigment spots on a woman’s body;
  • poor coordination during movements or difficulty pronouncing words clearly (dysarthria);
  • gradual death of liver cells;
  • convulsions, increased blood pressure and swelling in the third trimester - obvious manifestations of late toxicosis;
  • significant deterioration in the condition of hair, skin and nails;
  • disruptions in the digestive system and sleep disorders;
  • developmental delay of the fetus;
  • insufficient milk production - hypolactation;
  • placental abruption, which threatens the inevitable death of the child, or extremely premature birth, after which only a small percentage of newborns survive.

Vitamin E is fat-soluble and can only be absorbed by the body through fat-rich foods. Therefore, during pregnancy and at the planning stage, when taking tocopherol is also recommended, low-calorie diets are contraindicated.

During pregnancy, I was prescribed vitamin E twice, in addition to all the others in the complex. The first time was in the 11th week, when I almost fell twice within a week due to lack of coordination. I told the doctor, got tested and was prescribed gelatin capsules with tocopherol. And at the 19th week, the skin on the corners of my lips began to crack, after which the doctor again recommended the same capsules to me. Both times the dosage was the minimum allowed, so that the deficiency did not turn into excess. I heard that it is better to plan the conception of children in the fall, when the body is filled with vitamins received over the summer. I think I agree with this, based on my own experience of carrying a son conceived in the spring. For several years by that time, I was sure that it was not my destiny to become a mother, and pregnancy came as a surprise, albeit a pleasant one. The meager supply of vitamins after the winter months had to be replenished with medications, until the new harvest. And my sister, who became pregnant in October, only took Elevit Pronatal for the first three months and no additional vitamins or microelements were prescribed to her. The tests are good, we are expecting the birth of our nephew in a month. Still, it seems to me that natural vitamins are healthier than synthetic ones.

Contraindications for prescribing vitamin E to pregnant women and side effects

Tocopherol should not be taken if you are hypersensitive or after a heart attack. Considering that heart disease is often discovered in unsuspecting young women, you should never start taking vitamins on your own.

Among the side effects when taking tocopherol are the following:

  • allergic reactions accompanied by itching and hyperemia (redness) of the skin;
  • decreased blood clotting and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver enlargement;
  • loss of strength, nausea, headache.

Vitamin E doses are in most cases measured in the international unit - IU, which is equal to 0.67 mg of tocopherol

Interaction with other drugs

You should not take medications containing vitamin E together with the following medications:

  • containing iron and silver due to the incompatibility of these elements;
  • giving an alkaline reaction (for example, sodium bicarbonate);
  • reducing blood clotting.

Tocopherol interacts well with the following medications:

  • enhances the effect of using anti-inflammatory drugs based on hormones synthesized by the adrenal glands - diclofenac, prednisolone and ibuprofen;
  • reduces the unwanted toxic effects on the body of glycosides - plant substances that support normal heart function - digitoxin, vitamins A and D.

Video: signs of vitamin E deficiency in people

Overdose of tocopherol during pregnancy

To get an overdose of vitamin E, you need to try harder. Strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations, even in combination with vitamins entering the body from food, helps to avoid their excess. But if an overdose does occur, treatment is prescribed by a doctor based on examination and tests. Therapy is usually aimed at eliminating symptoms.
To prevent overdose, buy vitamins on the advice of a doctor, and not under the impression of advertising, and strictly follow the recommended dosage

Consequences of tocopherol overdose for mother and child:

  • increase in body weight and mass fraction of fat in tissues. Fat-containing products have the ability to remain with a person for a long time in the form of deposits on the sides, which is extremely undesirable for pregnant women. After all, excess weight makes labor weaker;
  • excess vitamin E can cause congenital deformities and pathologies of internal organs in a child;
  • hypervitaminosis can provoke premature birth, as it increases muscle tone, including the uterus. Therefore, taking medications containing tocopherol is contraindicated in the third trimester;
  • Most often, exceeding the norm leads to disruptions in the nervous and digestive systems, and disrupts the functions of the kidneys and liver.

In my opinion, expectant mothers should take medical advice seriously to avoid vitamin deficiency or excess. You should not skip doses and then take a double dose at one time. If a woman is prone to forgetfulness, you can do as I do - set an alarm clock for the time of the next appointment, and to be on the safe side, ask someone close to you to remind you. My mother called me.

Instructions for use: dosage, frequency and duration

Self-medication is especially not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Therefore, the dose, number of doses per day and duration of the course have the right to be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician during a personal examination and with the results of laboratory tests in hand.
If you don't feel like eating fresh vegetables, try disguising them as desirable but not recommended junk food

Daily dose of vitamin E during pregnancy

Pregnant women are supposed to consume up to 30 mg of tocopherol daily, but when prescribing drug treatment, a three-digit number is indicated. Do not be afraid, if you strictly follow medical recommendations, an overdose is unlikely, because not the entire amount of the substance is absorbed by the body, some of it is excreted along with waste products. If your gynecologist has prescribed you to take the drug, the treatment regimen will be approximately as follows:

  1. During the first 3 months, tocopherol is needed to reduce the risk of miscarriage; it helps the embryo to gain a foothold in the uterus and has a beneficial effect on the full formation of the organs of the unborn baby. From conception to the end of the first trimester, the daily dose of the drug is 200 mg in 1-2 doses with meals, because this is more convenient than counting the amount of vitamins in the food eaten. In addition, some women rarely manage to eat properly due to toxicosis. Although, vitamins that enter the body with food are best absorbed, and those who can eat a balanced meal can do without additional medications.
  2. From the 13th week, vitamin E also plays an important role for mother and fetus. It continues to directly participate in the formation of fetal systems and organs. At the stage of formation of the child’s respiratory system, which begins in the middle of gestation, tocopherol is necessary so that the formation of the respiratory organs takes place without deviations from the norm. And the vitamin will make mother’s skin elastic and act as a prevention of stretch marks. The daily dose can increase to 400 mg, but each case is considered individually. The course lasts 30 days, then they stop taking it and take tests again, and if necessary, the doctor draws up a new regimen for taking the drug.
  3. Starting from the 27th week, tocopherol is prescribed to prevent swelling, but due to the effect on muscle tone, which provokes premature birth and complications during delivery at term, they try to prescribe it only when absolutely necessary. The dose per day does not exceed 200 mg.

Please note: if you are prescribed a smaller amount per day, do not increase the dose yourself; the doctor knows best how much vitamin E each patient needs. In the third trimester, it is better to obtain tocopherol exclusively from food.
It will be healthier for the body if salads are dressed not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil, which contains vitamin E

Should all pregnant women be prescribed vitamin E supplements?

In any case, the decision whether or not to prescribe any vitamins in addition to your diet is made by the doctor during a personal meeting and after receiving test results. But, most likely, the following categories of expectant mothers will need mandatory replenishment of tocopherol in the body:

  • if a woman cannot get vitamins from a nutritious diet - with toxicosis or a tendency towards vegetarianism;
  • if a pregnant woman suffers from diabetes or other problems with the endocrine system;
  • if the expectant mother has health problems that cause a deficiency of vitamins in the body;
  • if during previous pregnancies there were miscarriages or fetal development abnormalities were observed.

Video: how to take tocopherol correctly

Vitamin E preparations for pregnant women

Modern pharmacology provides a wide selection of medicines to solve many health problems. Even vitamins are produced taking into account gender, age and other indicators.

Name Dosage form Compound Contraindications Features of use during pregnancy Packaging cost
Vitamin E capsules
  • tocopherol 100 mg;
  • sunflower oil.
Thyrotoxicosis and individual intolerance.100–200 mg per day, with breakfast or lunch. The duration of the course is determined by the attending physician.From 68 rubles (depending on the manufacturer).
Aevit Gelatin capsules with liquid contents.
  • tocopherol - 100 mg;
  • retinol (vitamin A) - 55 mg;
  • sunflower oil.
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and E;
  • with caution in case of thyrotoxicosis and problems with the gallbladder.
In the first trimester, it should be used with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor in the amount recommended by him.From 14 rubles (depending on the number of pieces in the package).
Vitamin E Zentiva Gelatin capsules with liquid contents.
  • tocopherol acetate - 200 mg;
  • sunflower oil.
Should be taken with caution
  • in severe forms of cardiosclerosis;
  • after a myocardial infarction;
  • with an existing risk of thromboembolism.
Only as prescribed by a doctor, in the second trimester, 1-2 capsules per day.From 261 rubles.
Biovital Round biconvex dragees
  • vitamin C - 20 mg;
  • vitamin A - 500 IU;
  • vitamin B1 - 0.25 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 0.25 mg;
  • vitamin B2 – 0.25 mg;
  • vit. B9 – 0.25 mg;
  • vitamin PP - 2.5 mg;
  • vitamin B12 – 0.005 mg;
  • ferrous sulfate - 50 mg;
  • sodium-iron (III) citrate complex – 50 mg;
  • dry extract of hawthorn fruits - 4 mg;
  • dry extract of hawthorn leaves and flowers - 2.5 mg;
  • dry extract of motherwort herb - 1 mg.
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • all types of anemia, except those caused by vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • over 35 years of age with a history of miscarriages.
The dragees are swallowed without chewing. The dosage and duration of therapy is determined by the doctor.From 250 rubles.
Elevit Pronatal Oblong-shaped tablets, film-coated.
  • vitamin A - 3600 IU;
  • vitamin D - 500 IU;
  • vitamin E - 15 mg;
  • vitamin C - 100 mg;
  • folic acid - 0.8 mg;
  • vitamin B1 - 1.6 mg;
  • vitamin B2 - 1.8 mg;
  • vitamin B6 - 2.6 mg;
  • vitamin B12 - 4 mcg;
  • nicotinamide - 19 mg;
  • biotin - 200 mcg;
  • calcium pantothenate - 10 mg;
  • calcium - 125 mg;
  • magnesium - 100 mg;
  • phosphorus - 125 mg;
  • iron - 60 mg;
  • zinc - 7.5 mg;
  • copper - 1 mg;
  • manganese - 1 mg.
  • increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • vitamin A hypervitaminosis;
  • vitamin D hypervitaminosis;
  • hypercalcemia;
  • hypercalciuria (increased calcium in the urine);
  • severe renal failure;
  • iron metabolism disorders;
  • disorders of copper metabolism (Wilson-Konovalov disease);
  • lactose intolerance,
Relatively low doses of components allow you to take the complex throughout pregnancy, 1 tablet per day.From 700 rubles.

Table: foods with the highest vitamin E content

Video: where to look for natural sources of vitamin E

The role of vitamins while expecting a baby cannot be overestimated. All the resources of a woman’s body are spent so that she can carry a child for 9 months, maintain health and strength for childbirth. Even a varied diet cannot provide the body with all useful substances, since raw foods are rarely used in food, and cooking technology is usually associated with heat treatment. For the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development, the body especially needs vitamin E. It is important to prevent an overdose, since its excess is harmful to the baby’s body.


The role of tocopherol in the body during pregnancy

During pregnancy, vitamin E (tocopherol) is necessary as it prevents cramps, improves muscle elasticity, and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen. Tocopherol plays an important role as an antioxidant, protecting the tissue cells of a woman’s body from damage by peroxide compounds (free radicals). These substances are formed as a result of exposure to toxins (herbicides used on plant products and toxic substances present in the air and dust). Free radicals are also formed in the body under the influence of ionizing radiation, certain medications and other unfavorable factors.

The substance participates in the formation of hormones that ensure the normal functioning of the reproductive system, promotes the production of progesterone and estrogens. Estrogens are necessary for the normal maturation of the egg and its preparation for fertilization. And thanks to progesterone, the embryo is fixed in the uterus, the placenta is formed, which provides nutrition and blood supply to the developing fetus.

In addition, vitamin E is taken during early pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. Pregnant women often experience dilation of veins due to the formation of blood clots in the vessels. Tocopherol is taken to reduce the risk of thrombosis.

It is necessary for the formation and growth of fetal muscles, its vascular system and cardiac muscle, and is involved in the development of the respiratory system. Increasing levels of progesterone and estrogen promote the formation of prolactin. This hormone regulates the process of lactation in a woman’s body after childbirth.

Video: The role of vitamin E in the body. Which products contain the most of it?

Complications due to tocopherol deficiency

As a result of a lack of vitamin E during pregnancy, the following complications may occur:

  • threat of early pregnancy termination;
  • increased blood pressure and the appearance of edema in the third trimester;
  • a sharp deterioration in the condition of the skin, hair, nails;
  • muscle pain, cramps.

Note: This is a fat-soluble substance. In the body it is absorbed only together with animal or vegetable fats. Therefore, for better absorption of vitamin E during pregnancy, low-calorie diets are unacceptable.

Why is excess vitamin E dangerous?

Accumulation of the substance in the body's fatty tissue can lead to an overdose. With long-term use of loading doses of vitamin E during pregnancy, the following negative consequences appear:

  • congenital developmental pathologies in a child;
  • nervous system disorder in a woman;
  • due to increased elasticity of muscle tissue, tocopherol should not be consumed at the end of pregnancy, as premature birth may occur;
  • deterioration of kidney and liver function;
  • Long-term use of large quantities of this drug leads to a deficiency of vitamins A, D and K.

Vitamin E should not be taken simultaneously with medications containing iron salts; at least 8 hours should pass between taking such substances. Iron compounds destroy this substance.

Synthetic vitamin E is taken during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. Subsequently, food becomes its main source.

Daily intake of vitamin E

While carrying a child, the recommended daily dose is 15 mg/day, however, in the event of a threatened miscarriage or convulsions in the 1st trimester, the doctor may prescribe a dose of 100-200 mg/day or higher. When prescribing a dose, it is taken into account that the synthetic vitamin is not completely absorbed. A safe norm that does not cause overdose symptoms is the consumption of 300 mg/day of tocopherol.

Physiological need for vitamin E in women

What foods contain vitamin E?

It must be taken into account that a significant part of the vitamin is destroyed during frying, so pregnant women should use unrefined vegetable oil for preparing salads. Rancid oil does not contain tocopherol. The main part of it enters the body with plant foods. Meat, liver and fish contain the vitamin in small quantities.

Product Vitamin E content (mg/100 g product)
Wheat germ oil 49.4
Almond oil 39
Roasted sunflower seeds 36.3
Cottonseed oil 35.3
Almonds, nuts 30.8
Mayonnaise 30.0
Red pepper 29.8
Spices, curry 22.0
Soybeans 17.3
Peanut 10.3
Egg 10.1
Dried apricots 5.5
Olives 5.0
Sea ​​buckthorn 5.0
Granular caviar, beluga 4.0
Rose hip 3.8
Wholemeal bread 3.8
Chocolate 2.9
Liver 1.3
Flounder, herring 1.2
Beef meat 0.57

Video: How to take vitamins during pregnancy

Vitamin complexes for pregnant women

The following vitamin complexes are available for use during pregnancy. Vitamin E is also included in their composition:

  1. Complivit Mama (Russia). A single dose contains 12 mg of vitamin E.
  2. Alphabet Mom's Health (Russia) - 20 mg.
  3. Elevit Pronatal (Switzerland) - 15 mg.
  4. Pregnakea (Britain) - 20 mg.
  5. Femibion ​​(Austria) - 13 and 25 mg.
  6. Vitrum (USA) - 22 mg.

All these complexes contain vitamins A and C, which promote better absorption of tocopherol. The drugs are taken with or after meals so that the stomach is full, otherwise their effectiveness will be low.

In addition to vitamin E, complexes for pregnant women also contain folic acid, necessary for the growth of the embryo, the formation of its nervous system, hematopoietic organs, and biotin, a substance that improves fat and carbohydrate metabolism. This helps maintain normal skin, nails and hair, which deteriorate during pregnancy. Preparations containing vitamin E and indicated during pregnancy differ in the content of such additives, as well as minerals (calcium, zinc, copper and others). Your doctor should advise which drug to choose.

Video: Why pregnant women should take vitamins