The meaning of a dream about an icon

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of an icon, it means that you consider your relationship with your partner to be sinful, incorrect, and not the way it is “supposed” to be. Have you ever thought about what exactly they should be and why you should be guided by some rules when starting a relationship?

Icon in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance. A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones. Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen. If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news. To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes. A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.

Why do you have a dream about an icon?

according to Vanga's dream book

Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored. Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves. If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.

Why do you dream about a saint?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

hope; talking to him means longing, regret about the past; hermit - loneliness, lack of recognition.

Seeing saints in a dream, holy images

according to Loff's dream book

Holy images appear in our dreams as messengers of good or representatives of the “morality police.” Although these dreams are generally positive, they can leave you feeling like you are not doing your best to be an ambassador of good in the world. In terms of practical help, the dream can inspire you to participate in a charitable endeavor or fundraiser, on the other hand, it is a reminder of the choices you have to make in life. real life. If your psyche is in the middle of a conflict between the desires of the id and the restrictions of the superego, the latter may enlist the help of symbols of justice to strengthen its position. Sometimes this happens under rather strange circumstances. A dream about an object of sexual desire can unexpectedly dress this object in the cassock of a priest, pastor, rabbi, the clothes of a policeman or a strict teacher who could teach you in the third grade. If the figure of a saint in your dream suddenly turns into a demon or begins to show emotions that are atypical for his rank and position, perhaps this is a sign indicating the need to reconsider the moral principles that you adhere to in real life. Does a saint appear in your dream as a bearer of emotional good or a helper, or like a guardian of law and order?

I dreamed of an altar

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a priest at the altar in a dream means quarrels and discord in commercial and domestic affairs. Seeing a wedding promises sad events in the lives of your friends. The altar will appear to you in a dream in order to warn you against making a mistake. This dream could mean imminent repentance.

Why do you dream about an altar?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

new opportunities; make a sacrifice, lay flowers - for a wedding; kneeling - helping someone who has bowed.

Expert answers


I dreamed from Monday to Tuesday. In the shopping center I saw the start of a fire at night and put it out 3 times. But on the third, after extinguishing the icons with a fire extinguisher, I saw the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Fire came out of his eyes. But in the end she extinguished it and the image was visible intact (almost). What could this mean? (Krasnikova, Sofia)

An icon is a symbol of faith. Seeing her in a dream is a bright omen. The dream book promises all sorts of things life changes and revaluation of values. A number of other explanations for why such dreams occur are given below.

Icon in the house

If you dreamed of icons hanging in the house, but in reality there are none, this plot should be interpreted as a call for prudence. The modern dream book advises avoiding disputes regarding religious views, political beliefs and moral and ethical values. This dream reminds us that winning such an argument is an initially doomed undertaking, but the right way make enemies.

Various Saints

The face of the Mother of God is dreamed of by those who in reality feel an urgent need, if not for real help, then at least in moral support. Such a dream reflects your uncertainty in own strength, perhaps not unreasonable.

The plot in which the Matrona icon appears foreshadows serious trials. It is quite possible that their roots should be sought in past mistakes. On the other hand, this is a chance to fix everything and show yourself on the positive side.

Universal dream book believes that the dreamed Virgin Mary is a sign that in this moment you are under the protection of higher powers. You can safely use their favor.

A dream about an icon of Jesus is an important sign that you can receive in the near future. In general, this is a very favorable dream that promises changes and significant events.

If you dream of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker written, this means that in reality you will remain true to your principles. The plot seen in a dream will help you make a decision that is correct from the point of view of not only morality, but also common sense.

The Dream Book of Wanderers believes that icons of Saints are a symbol of the fact that you need help. The support of an influential person would be very useful to you now. Right now is the most favorable period for promising acquaintances.

An explanation of why the icon of Jesus Christ is dreamed of is given by Grishina in her interpreter. Grishina's dream book warns that at the moment all actions, words and even thoughts are endowed with special power. The dream promises that the result of every action will follow immediately. True, you will also have to reap the benefits.

The icon of the Matrona of Moscow in a dream suggests that in reality you recently managed to avoid serious danger. This plot symbolizes gratitude to fate and higher powers.

Prayer and worship

The Dream Book of the Seasons claims that praying in front of an icon is one of the most positive dreams. What you see in your night dreams means that you will soon receive an interesting offer, on which your material well-being directly depends.

If you dream that you happened to kiss an icon, then in real life you, without a doubt, have extraordinary organizational skills. Now you are especially successful in projects that require teamwork. The universal dream book promises support from management and understanding of subordinates.

Falls, breaks

If you dreamed that the face painted with paints fell, this means that in reality there is a fear of loss or destruction of values, and not necessarily material ones. The universal dream book believes that you are guessing about the intentions of a loved one or an authoritative person to commit an unseemly act that could greatly disappoint you.

If a woman dreams of a broken icon, this may be a reminder that she is missing out on the opportunity to have a child. Such a dream warns a man of the need to take control of the situation, otherwise disaster cannot be avoided.

The icon is lit

If you saw a burning icon in a dream, this should not frighten you. Vlasov’s dream book promises an extraordinary emotional upsurge and tide vitality. A combination of circumstances will provide a new incentive not to give up. This dream encourages you to keep your eyes open so as not to miss the sign of fate.

The plot of having to buy a holy canvas indicates impatience. You often try to influence the course of events without regard to external circumstances. Don’t be surprised if you make a request at the wrong time and get a refusal.

Myrrh streams

A dream in which an icon streams myrrh is very significant. The modern dream book considers it a sign that you can trust your intuition and penchant for mysticism. The dream suggests that it is these qualities that will show the right path out of a difficult situation.

Miller's opinion

Miller's dream book believes that the icon is one of the most prosperous symbols. This sign means that circumstances will develop exclusively in your favor, so use this favorable moment to realize your plans.

If you dreamed of a golden icon, this is confirmation that you have a high scale of values. Faith and religion play a very important role for you.

Miller claims that the ancient icon is a harbinger of epochal changes that will affect the whole family. Perhaps the start of a chain of events will be the receipt of important news.

If you dreamed of a saint with a stern face, this indicates dissatisfaction with oneself. Miller's dream book recommends looking for the root of evil not in the act itself, but in its motivation.

If you dream of icons in a church, it means you have done right choice. This means that now in reality all that remains is to reap the sweet fruits.

Various explanations

Shereminskaya's dream book believes that an icon is a harbinger of amazing changes that will happen to one person significant to you. As a result of a reassessment of values, his attitude towards you will change for the better.

One of the interpreters believes that the icon appears in the dreams of those people whose future will be very prosperous. If the faces evoke positive emotions, then the dream strengthens its positive message.

A dream in which you happen to find a holy canvas means that someone dear to you needs to enlist your approval, your blessing, if you like, in their endeavors. Someone's success or failure can depend only on words.

If you dreamed of a holy face, it means that you are ready to begin doing what you have been planning for so long. Such a dream often contains details, for example, dates, names, numbers, which should be interpreted as signs.

If unmarried girl sees many icons in a dream, this means that her wedding is just around the corner. Small Velesov's dream book warns that the marriage will be successful in all respects. The dreamer expects a full house and the joys of family life.

Dream Interpretation Icon

Icon, Icon of the Mother of God, Icon of the Mother of God, Icon of the Mother of God, Icon as a gift, Icon burning, Icon of the Virgin Mary, Golden Icon, Icon of Jesus Christ, Icon of the Matrona, Icon streaming myrrh, Icon of St. Nicholas, Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Icon falling, Icon broken, Icon of St. Nicholas, Icon, Kissing icon, Icons in the house, Icons in the church, Icons and candles, Icons of saints, Glowing icon, Buy icons, Weeping icon, Inverted icon, Many icons, Burning icon, Talking icon, Ancient icon, Broken icon

If you dreamed of an Icon or saw Many Icons in a dream, Dream Interpretations believe that in reality you need reassurance and protection. Dream Interpretations believe that Icons appear in a dream at that difficult moment, when in reality you feel your own weakness or find it difficult to find a way out of the current situation. Accurate interpretation Dream books suggest compiling only on the basis of a detailed analysis of the dream you saw. So, if in a dream you happened to Pray or Kiss an Icon, This good sign- you will find long-awaited protection in the person of the Higher Powers. And a bad omen: a Broken or Crying Icon in a dream. This is a sign that difficult trials, bitter disappointments, or even someone’s death await you in reality.

I dreamed of an icon of Jesus Christ, an icon or many icons in a dream, I dreamed of icons of saints or candles- repentance, pangs of conscience, appeal to spirituality; otherwise - the need for support and patronage.

Icons appear in dreams for two reasons. First of all, the Icon, like any church paraphernalia, can testify to internal repentance, torment of conscience for committed unseemly acts or sins. The second reason for the appearance of Icons in a dream is weakness, helplessness and the need for powerful help and support, which you experience in reality. You have probably gone through all the options and ways to find a way out of the current impasse. Now, having failed to cope with your problems on your own, you turned your gaze towards the Higher Powers.

Dreamed of a golden or luminous icon, Kissing an icon in a dream- salvation from temptation or sin.

A similar dream appeared at that moment in time, when in reality you were on the verge of committing some serious sin. This dream brings you a joyful message - nothing threatens your spirituality, you will be able to resist temptation and successfully overcome it.

I dreamed about icons in the house- joy.

I dreamed about icons in a church- purification through mental suffering.

In the traditional interpretation of such dreams, it is believed that Icons Seen in one’s own home prophesy peace, happiness and tranquility in the family. Your house is under all-seeing eye Almighty. If you continue to live with Faith in your soul, then you will be able to avoid many troubles and problems. The Church Icons that you saw in a dream carry a not so joyful prediction, indicating either repentance for what you have done, or predicting that not the best times will come for you.

Buy icons in a dream- desire to gain support and patronage.

I dreamed of an icon received as a gift- you will gain patronage and protection.

The icon you saw in a dream can be deciphered to mean “powerful help and protection.” It is probably reliable protection that you are sorely lacking at this moment in life. By buying an Icon in a dream, you are taking steps towards gaining long-awaited patronage. The dream of a Gifted Icon carries the most favorable forecast - in reality you can count on the support and protection of powerful forces.

I dreamed of a talking icon- parting words, message, libel.

It is necessary to remember as accurately as possible the words spoken by the Icon in a dream. This is a really important message, a parting word or advice on how you can best behave in real life.

I dreamed that an icon was burning, A burning icon in a dream- fatal error.

In a dream you received a very important signal. Your behavior in reality can lead to serious consequences. The Saints do not approve of your actions and let you know that you may make a mistake, which will be fatal for you.

I dreamed that the icon was streaming myrrh- deliverance through religion.

The Myrrh-streaming Icon has always been considered a miraculous phenomenon, and its appearance in a dream is an extremely lucky sign. The Oil Exuded by the Icon in a dream Symbolizes that you can hope for the best. However, This will become possible if you live with sincere Faith in your soul.

I dreamed about an ancient icon- spirituality rooted in your past.

Any Antique item present in a dream is, in one way or another, a reminder from your past. The Ancient Icon is a hint for you. It is necessary to remember spirituality and those values ​​that were relevant to you once upon a time.

I dreamed of an inverted icon- temptation, Temptation; threat of committing a sin.

I dreamed that an icon was falling in a dream- you will not be able to resist temptation or sin.

Such dreams should be taken as a hint and a warning. Probably, in reality you now find yourself in a situation where only one step separates you from the fall. Or we're talking about about a strong temptation and seduction, succumbing to which you will step over your conscience, violate your ideas about morality, virtue and sin.

I dreamed of a crying icon- troubles, troubles and problems; alarm signal.

I dreamed of a broken or broken icon- a great misfortune, Death in the family.

A broken, crying or broken icon is a very alarming signal. In reality, you are left without the protection of the Almighty. The most difficult things can happen in your life now. negative events. Very often, such dreams really portend the loss of something very dear to you.

I dreamed about the icon of the Mother of God, Icon of the Mother of God in a dream (for young girls)- to marriage.

I dreamed about an icon Mother of God, Icon of the Virgin Mary in a dream- happiness in the family; peace and well-being in the home.

The Mother of God is the patroness hearth and home, Motherhood and everything that is somehow connected with family relationships. If you saw the bright face of the Virgin Mary, which calmly and benevolently looked at you from the Icon in a dream, this is a very favorable signal. Your home, Family, children and parents are under the protection of the Mother of God. A very bright and positive stage of life has begun for you. And an alarm signal, if the Virgin Mary looked sadly or displeasedly at you from the Icon in a dream. This is a sign that the Mother of God is not happy with your current behavior. To find family happiness, you need to reconsider your waking behavior model.

I dreamed about the icon of Matrona- healing, enlightenment; for women - healing from infertility, Pregnancy.

I dreamed about the icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, the Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in a dream- happiness, well-being, luck, prosperity.

Icons depicting the face of one or another Saint or Saint appear in a dream at the moment when in reality you need patronage and protection in precisely those areas of life for which the Saint you see is responsible.

Dream Interpretation Icon of the Mother of God

Why do you dream about the Icon of the Mother of God in a dream according to the dream book?

I dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God - a favorable omen, an expectation of prosperity and happiness. The dream book defines the image of the Mother of God as outside guardianship or receiving wise advice.

A dream can act as a warning of an approaching threat or danger. You should be careful and vigilant towards yourself and your loved ones.

Which icon of the Mother of God did you dream about?

Seeing in a dream an icon of the Mother of God with a baby

Dreaming of an icon of the Mother of God with a baby means meeting an interesting person. For a girl of marriageable age, such a dream promises the meeting of a worthy man who is ready to become a like-minded person and a faithful companion.

I dreamed about the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The dream book interprets the icon of the Kazan Mother of God as a symbol of the beginning of difficult times, but with the hope of the intercession of higher powers. If you need to confess, go to church to venerate the saints in order to be filled with their protection.

How many icons of the Mother of God have you dreamed about?

I dreamed about many icons of the Mother of God

Seeing many icons of the Mother of God at the same time in a dream means joyful events in the family. Seeing many icons in a church is an instruction about the need to think about spiritual cleansing. Rethink your existing values, perhaps your view of the world will undergo significant changes.

The icon is given as a gift

Dream Interpretation Icon is given as a gift dreamed of why in a dream an Icon is given as a gift? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Icon being given in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Icon

D. Loff wrote: “There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also relate to your life experiences (for example, the crucifixion, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).”

Dream Interpretation - Icon

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Dream Interpretation - Icons

Dreams about icons often reflect either POWER or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Dream Interpretation - Icon

A lot of icons means fun.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Also see Prayer, Church.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

kiss the icon

Dream Interpretation Kissing an Icon dreamed of why you dream of kissing an Icon? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Icon in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Icon

If you dreamed of an icon, then you consider the relationship with your partner to be sinful and wrong. What then, in your opinion, should they be and is it necessary to follow any rules in this case?

Nostradamus said: “The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.

To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.

A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.”

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams in which an icon appears in this way: “If you saw icons in a house in a dream, such a dream predicts that a conflict will break out in your family.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.”

Dream Interpretation - Icon

The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.

To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.

A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Icons

Dreams about icons often reflect either POWER or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power.

There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also be relevant to your life experiences. (For example, crucifixion, full moon, Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).

Is the experience somehow related to icon images related to sacred or supernatural phenomena that took place in your life?

In your dream, do other people honor these icons or neglect them? How do you feel about this?

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Icon - if you dream of icons (images), then this is a good omen. Icons - angels. Icons, images are a treasure; image. A mother handing over an icon to her daughter in a dream means a wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

A good sign, portends good health, family well-being, and good luck at work.

The appearance of an icon - providence is watching you and it depends on you which road to follow.

A lot of icons means fun.

Falling before the icon is a sign of joy.

Pray with bows to the ground- to possible loss in the house.

Pray on your knees - for the fulfillment of desires.

The mother gives icons to her daughter for the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored.

Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

The dream in which you see an icon is a sign of providence that will put you before a test, either you will choose a dishonest path that promises you material benefits, or you will prefer decency to easy money. Seeing many icons at once in a dream means that in reality you will experience joy in your family. Lighting a candle or lamp in front of an icon means you will have to endure poverty and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing an icon in a dream means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones. A crying icon is a dream of misfortune. A fallen icon is a symbol of fatal circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing - favorable opportunities for establishing relationships with the right people, to establish business contacts, you will be able to benefit from the business you have started under the most difficult circumstances;
pray in front of the icon - your business partners will offer you support;
buy - your friends will refuse to help you, you may lose your job or family through your own fault;
look at the icon in the church - you will soon make the right choice;
for a young girl - successful marriage You will never regret that you married this person.
Also see Prayer, Church.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Icon - If you dreamed of an icon, it means that you consider your relationship with your partner to be sinful, incorrect, and not the way it is “supposed” to be. Have you ever thought about what exactly they should be and why you should be guided by some rules when starting a relationship?

The deceased asks to find an icon

Dream Interpretation The deceased asks to find an icon dreamed of why in a dream the deceased asks to find an icon? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see the deceased asking you to find an icon in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Icon

If you dreamed of an icon, then you consider the relationship with your partner to be sinful and wrong. What then, in your opinion, should they be and is it necessary to follow any rules in this case?

Nostradamus said: “The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.

To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.

A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.”

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams in which an icon appears in this way: “If you saw icons in a house in a dream, such a dream predicts that a conflict will break out in your family.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.”

D. Loff wrote: “Dreams about icons often reflect either strength or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power. There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also relate to your life experiences (for example, the crucifixion, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).”

Dream Interpretation - Icon

The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.

To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.

A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Icons

Dreams about icons often reflect either POWER or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power.

There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also be relevant to your life experiences. (For example, crucifix, full MOON, Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).

Is the experience somehow related to icon images related to sacred or supernatural phenomena that took place in your life?

In your dream, do other people honor these icons or neglect them? How do you feel about this?

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Icon - if you dream of icons (images), then this is a good omen. Icons - angels. Icons, images are a treasure; image. A mother handing over an icon to her daughter in a dream means a wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

A good sign, portends good health, family well-being, and good luck at work.

The appearance of an icon - providence is watching you and it depends on you which road to follow.

A lot of icons means fun.

Falling before the icon is a sign of joy.

Pray with prostrations to the ground - to possible loss in the house.

Pray on your knees - for the fulfillment of desires.

The mother gives icons to her daughter for the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored.

Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

The dream in which you see an icon is a sign of providence that will put you before a test, either you will choose a dishonest path that promises you material benefits, or you will prefer decency to easy money. Seeing many icons at once in a dream means that in reality you will experience joy in your family. Lighting a candle or lamp in front of an icon means you will have to endure poverty and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing an icon in a dream means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones. A crying icon is a dream of misfortune. A fallen icon is a symbol of fatal circumstances.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing - favorable opportunities for establishing relationships with the right people, for establishing business contacts; under the most difficult circumstances, you will be able to benefit from the business you have started;
pray in front of the icon - your business partners will offer you support;
buy - your friends will refuse to help you, you may lose your job or family through your own fault;
look at the icon in the church - you will soon make the right choice;
for a young girl - a successful marriage; you will never regret that you married this particular person.
Also see Prayer, Church.

Dream Interpretation - Millet

Millet - dreams of millet - someone will ask for something; millet - request.

Find icon

Dream Interpretation - Icons (icon)

To see rich icons in a gold or silver setting in a dream means not to believe in anything.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

A reminder of eternal truths that everyone remembers sooner or later.

Usually such dreams foreshadow purification through mental suffering.

Sincerely praying in front of an icon in a dream: a sign of imminent relief.

Broken or cracked icon: heavy sign. Perhaps cruelty and callousness have penetrated too deeply into your heart, but the retribution for such a sin is really heavy.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

The icon symbolizes consolation in God or admiration for some person.

Seeing an icon means joy and good behavior.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Icon - With a good face - for good luck. You have been blessed by a higher power. With a dark, bad face - temptation. You think you are doing great things, but in reality you are indulging in personal pride and ambition. Faceless - you worship the “colossus with feet of clay”, change your priorities.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Praying in front of an icon or just looking at it is a dream warning about upcoming choice. For some time you will be torn between a painful desire to break off relations with a person who suppresses you sexually and is a source of pain and grief, and the fear of changing something in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Icons

Looking at icons in a dream means donating to the church.

Dream Interpretation - Icons

You will have a favorable opportunity to establish relationships with the right people.

Imagine the face of the saint depicted on the icon. Contact him with short prayer about help.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

A dream in which an icon is present is a symbol of bright joy, prosperity, and protection from temptations.

Your solution to your life problem will be correct.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing an icon means joy / removal from temptation / remembering the sin.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

To suffering and restrictions.

Seeing a lot of icons means big troubles in the future.

12th house of the horoscope.

Find the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Dream Interpretation Find the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker dreamed of why you dream about Finding an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Find the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Nikolay

Numerous stories about Nicholas’s intercession for those unjustly convicted date back to the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine; Arriving at the place of execution of three townspeople of Mira, Nikolai snatches the sword from the hands of the executioner and publicly denounces the bribed judge; when three generals in Constantinople fall under an unjust sentence, Nicholas, who is at that time in his city, far from the palace, appears to the emperor in a dream and explains to him his mistake.

In a similar way, during a bread shortage, a certain grain merchant dreams of him and imperiously orders him to take his goods to Mira. Evil Spirit.

Maliciousness Evil spirits in relation to a person it manifests itself in a variety of forms.

The most typical actions: demons scare people with sound (knocking, humming, howling, crackling), touch (of a furry paw), pressing in a dream, strangling a person, causing insomnia, tickling to death; If a person is associated with evil spirits, then the Soul, having left him in a dream, commits various atrocities.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

If you dreamed of an icon, then you consider the relationship with your partner to be sinful and wrong. What then, in your opinion, should they be and is it necessary to follow any rules in this case?

Nostradamus said: “The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.

To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.

A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.”

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams in which an icon appears in this way: “If you saw icons in a house in a dream, such a dream predicts that a conflict will break out in your family.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.”

D. Loff wrote: “Dreams about icons often reflect either strength or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power. There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also relate to your life experiences (for example, the crucifixion, the full moon, the Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).”

Dream Interpretation - Nikolai the Saint

To receive the help of heaven at a difficult moment, the intercession of Nicholas (prophetic dream).

Dream Interpretation - Icon

The icon is a symbol of spirituality, prophecy, repentance.

A dream in which you pray in front of an icon means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones.

Seeing a crying icon in a dream is a bad omen.

If in a dream you hold an icon in your hands, in reality you will receive the long-awaited news.

To see in a dream how you place a candle in front of an icon means to experience remorse due to past mistakes.

A fallen icon is a symbol of a fatal mistake.

Dream Interpretation - Icons

Dreams about icons often reflect either POWER or unity. You want to feel unity with the Universe, and icons are the right link to make this unity possible. Sometimes you may dream of a situation in which you need supernatural power to resolve a conflict. Icons in this case will serve as a guide or symbol of such power.

There are a huge number of icon images available to all people. The ones you find in your dreams will also be relevant to your life experiences. (For example, crucifix, full MOON, Star of David, Stonehenge, Buddha).

Is the experience somehow related to icon images related to sacred or supernatural phenomena that took place in your life?

In your dream, do other people honor these icons or neglect them? How do you feel about this?

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Icon - if you dream of icons (images), then this is a good omen. Icons - angels. Icons, images are a treasure; image. A mother handing over an icon to her daughter in a dream means a wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

A good sign, portends good health, family well-being, and good luck at work.

The appearance of an icon - providence is watching you and it depends on you which road to follow.

A lot of icons means fun.

Falling before the icon is a sign of joy.

Pray with prostrations to the ground - to possible loss in the house.

Pray on your knees - for the fulfillment of desires.

The mother gives icons to her daughter for the wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing icons in a house in a dream - such a dream predicts that a religious conflict will break out in your country, resulting in casualties and great damage. It will take years for peace to be restored.

Removing icons from the wall - such a dream suggests that a crisis of faith will come when people stop living according to the laws of God, and this will cost them dearly, they will punish themselves.

If you dreamed of icons in a church, then this means that your only salvation in difficult times will be faith, and even if you are not a very religious person, you will come to church like the prodigal son, and God will not turn away from you.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

The dream in which you see an icon is a sign of providence that will put you before a test, either you will choose a dishonest path that promises you material benefits, or you will prefer decency to easy money. Seeing many icons at once in a dream means that in reality you will experience joy in your family. Lighting a candle or lamp in front of an icon means you will have to endure poverty and humiliation.

Dream Interpretation - Icon

Seeing an icon in a dream means that you pay too much attention to material problems and forget about spiritual ones. A crying icon is a dream of misfortune. A fallen icon is a symbol of fatal circumstances.



Hello! I had a dream, but I can’t understand it, please help me decipher it. I dreamed of a white wall, several icons hang on it, all icons are the Mother of God (Theotokos), and one of the icons weighs as if lying down (horizontally). Thank you.


an icon of the Mother of God hung on one nail and it seemed to tell me that I promised to read the akathist every day, but I don’t do it. And I woke up from the fact that my fingers (which are baptized) seemed to be numb and were folded, as at baptism.


Hello! Today I dreamed that on the shore there was an icon of the Mother of God and three more faces next to it, and nearby there was a frozen stream, but the ground was without snow.


Hello! On the night from Friday to Saturday, I dreamed that my work colleagues presented an Icon of the Mother of God. Colored, old (bright colors), landscape format and size s greeting card. Mother on the right, baby on the left. I'm not religious, but I believe. I consider myself a secular Sunni Muslim. Although the family on the paternal side reveres Elder Ilyas (In Christianity - Saint Elijah) as the “family” Saint. Please give an interpretation.


I was sitting at the computer and suddenly something happened to my left. I got scared and saw the icon of the Mother of God flying and I started screaming then I woke up


I dreamed of a daughter with short-cropped hair. But I feel that it is growing. Although in life she has a braid. And then, like a book, for a few minutes I saw the face of the Mother of God as she was depicted in ancient icons ah, a little stern. In dark red clothes and a thin face. The icon appeared so quickly and the book closed that I didn’t see if there was a child.


I bought a large icon of the Mother of God of Azov (I don’t know if such an image actually exists) in a wooden frame


The icon was gold, sewn to the new bra, the bra was black and white, new, very beautiful. Two women (apparently Muslims) were sitting with me, the one who had this bodice (young) did not pay attention to the icon, and the second (older) asked her, they say, do you know what this is? She replied that she didn't know. And then the older one said that this was an Orthodox thing and that we couldn’t wear it, because they could flog us for it. The young woman offered to cut off this icon, but for some reason it didn’t work out, then she gave me the bra. I cut off the icon and put it in my mouth and began to chew. It was night. I remember that I was walking with my mouth full and wanted to spit something out, suddenly I noticed a lot of people (men), they themselves were not visible - only silhouettes, their eyes glowed like a cat’s in the dark, their eyes were hungry, wild, I was very scared , I ran back, ran, and suddenly the day suddenly came. I found a dead gopher - I cried terribly, because it seemed to me that something had happened to my beloved.
Thank you!


The icon of the Kazan Mother of God was in the attic of an old house, with an old clock and some other things hanging nearby. I saw the icon in the window and was surprised that there was an icon in the house. My brother lives in this house.


In the sky near two moons standing together (white and yellow), the face of the praying Mother of God appeared in full height, turning slightly to the side, and then was replaced by a face looking straight ahead, but no longer in full height.


I dreamed of a crying icon of the Mother of God, then she came to life and we talked to her, she gave me advice and talked about the future


It’s as if I’m in a monastery or on holy land and I ask the girl to show me an icon to buy, she shows me three icons of the Mother of God, all with the same image, the Mother of God in a white robe, I chose the smallest one, its price is 30 rubles, the girl came out and I waited for her for a long time, then a woman came and said that the girl was taken to the police and sold me an icon, I left, either walked or wandered in a green park with very green trees and this was the territory of a monastery, or so it seemed to me


Hello! I dreamed that I ran into a church with a young man, and I began to run around the church and look for the icon of the Mother of God. I ran from icon to icon and cried and cried a lot, and here in the corner on the right, an old and very large icon stood, the one I was looking for. I ran up to her and began to kiss her and sob, asking her, “Help, please, help!” and I repeat this many times. And after that I woke up. Dreams are very rare, but this one is just like this, just like reality...


The Mother of God had a dream a long time ago. It was highlighted on the wall in bright rays.
I still don’t understand whether it was in Java or in a dream. The dream has not left my head for several years.


In a dream, I put a silver ring with a pendant cross with the face of the Virgin Mary on my finger, the ring is very beautiful


For three nights in a row, icons of the Mother of God are present in the dream. They are present in the background. But when I woke up, I realized that they were there and I remember them more clearly than the dream itself!


Hello. I had a dream. my house deceased grandmother, he is no longer there either. But I dreamed about it at a time when they were living in it, and as if I subconsciously knew that there was no one there and I couldn’t enter, I was kneeling with an icon of the Mother of God and praying. What is this for? can you tell me? Thank you in advance.


an old wooden church in which there was a very old icon of the Mother of God which lay on the table and highlighted the world with which I then smeared myself


I go out onto the porch kindergarten I work there, and with right side above the building in the sky I see an image Holy Virgin with a baby on his left hand and above them is a small cross and a circle, similar to an icon for a chain. I call another teacher, she looks and I take pictures on my phone. And when I wanted to show the photo to others, on the phone there were only children’s drawings about the Mother of God.


Hello, for the first time I dreamed as if it were reality that I was in a holy cave, there was a spring running and there was an ancient icon of the Mother of God, and I knelt down and prayed and drank water, and there was a descent like into a pit, but I was afraid to go there and talk someone started with me, he said the icon had been there for more than a thousand years, and there were human bones everywhere, I asked then why they didn’t help these people and the bones couldn’t be removed from here, he answered everyone, you can’t, especially since they themselves didn’t want to help themselves they didn’t believe, but the bones were not in the water, but all around, and he says their torment and repentance (in the sense of not during life, but after death, they repent, as if they wanted to help everyone sincerely, but could not help themselves, like martyrs, or how to say) in bad deeds they do this holy and clean water.


a dream in which mothers found an icon of the Mother of God. and shows it to me. and on it the baby lies horizontally and in it I recognize myself with my eyes closed


Hello! I dreamed that I was walking somewhere along the corridor, and suddenly I saw two icons hanging on the wall, the first one was so old and gold, I don’t remember the other, but it was also an icon, just not gold. I was surprised when I saw the icons and stood silently watching


I dreamed of an Icon of the Mother of God, I approached it but didn’t see myself. The icon was bright and warm. It was as if he was audible.


Lately I’ve often been dreaming about a church and some coffins. But today, from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God; it was the same as at my mother’s house, only it was large and hung high on some pillar. I prayed, turned around and saw many coffins with men and a crowd of people, it seemed to me that they were opening their eyes a little, but then it was okay, someone from the crowd said that these were the 12 apostles and yet I woke up in fear

[email protected]:

Hello! My name is Elena, I had a dream on October 15, 2014. an icon appeared in the window, very large and bright, in rich colors, when I saw it, I began to read a prayer, and mom and dad stood nearby and said thank God.


I dreamed that the image from the icon began to move and became alive, after which it began to talk to me, what is it


I accidentally found gold jewelry in the ground under a bench on the street, it seems, but a man passed by and I only took a square pendant with the Mother of God and something else and hurried away...


Today I dreamed that I was swimming in a pool, and how the little mermaid dived into the water and suddenly saw an icon of the Virgin Mary. I immediately felt uneasy because in a dream I thought “how did she end up here?”


I am sailing on a boat very quickly against the current, with difficulty, with the last of my strength, I climb up the steep bank, I enter the cave, I see cleanly decorated rooms, large, spacious and huge beautiful icons, I see my father and mother, I watch dancing people through the window.


I remember the dream vaguely, as if in a fog. It seems like in the church (which I visited earlier last week) there was a large icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” hanging on the wall.


I dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God with Jesus in her arms, but tears of blood were flowing from her right eye. The tunnel is dark and there is a young man standing,


In the dream, it was as if I took a taxi to another city, and we stopped in a large brick church. I understood that this is one of the main churches where many are trying to get to. I came with an important question for me, and when I found myself in the church, I looked around - I was already standing at the corner with the icons of the Mother of God and the Blessed Matrona. I prayed to them (on my own, not knowing prayers)


Hello! I dreamed that I was in an unfamiliar 5-story building, in rented apartment at his young man(in real life we ​​live together), I go out into the entrance to go to the neighboring apartment to visit a friend, suddenly the fire alarm goes off, everyone runs out of the apartments, we are told that we need to go up to the roof, on the windows of the entrance I see black soot and flames. We went up to the top floor, near the stairs to the attic a woman placed an icon of God's maieri and a burning church candle, I went up and began to pray, cross myself many times, although I did not feel fear for my life, after some time we were taken out into the street, the fire was extinguished.


I’m sitting on the bed and suddenly a large icon of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms appears in front of me. The icon is very beautiful, all colorful, it feels like I wasn’t sleeping but saw everything in reality.


I dreamed of a fight in a cemetery, with a murder. And then I turn my eyes to the left, and there is a dug grave and the Mother of God with her baby.


My husband and I are driving up the mountain. I look out the window, there is a blue sky and in the sky there is an icon of the Mother of God. and I tell my husband, Misha, look at the icon in the sky and then it seemed to disappear into the sky.


Hello, I dreamed that my friend and her daughter came to my work to wish me a happy birthday! they gave me a gold bracelet and an icon of the Mother of God (small) which for some reason I put on Golden ring, I look at my hand and I have another “save and preserve” ring there and on the nameless one there is a gold ring and an icon hangs on it, everything happens in the office of the director, a person close to me, in her presence!


I dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God with a mole on her cheek; circles like halos are visible from the mole. And someone says nearby: this woman will die soon. She has cancer of a mole, but it is not being treated.
In fact, I have skin cancer, I had a mole removed in 2013, and am now seeing an oncologist.


I dreamed of my pregnant lover, who was about to give birth... I was about to take him... then the picture changes and I drive past a temple (small, sandwiched between two houses)... I went into the temple, went to the far right corner and there was an icon of the Kazan God mother... I asked her for a husband...


I dreamed of a dark room with a scary picture and I understand that I need to expel dark forces, I I begin to read the Lord’s Prayer, the darkness does not want to retreat, I ask the man nearby to sprinkle holy water and continue to read the prayer, the darkness leaves the picture and a bright, light and kind image of the Mother of God appears.


Hello! About a week ago I dreamed that I was in church. I clearly see the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which begins to tear, I want to look at other icons and see that the icon of the Mother of God is also tearing. I understand that this is not an ordinary dream, so I would really like to know what it means.


I remember I had a gold pendant hanging on me with the image of the Mother of God, like on a gold chain, I really liked it, I was going somewhere so beautiful, it was so large, the pendant was square or slightly rectangular, then I wanted something to color, they told me to color it with a green pencil, but I already saw red yellow ones there colors, there was also a guy with whom I was friends in my youth, I’ve been dreaming about him for the second day, and this is not the first time I’ve been dreaming about God’s mother either


A man with a child in his arms was walking towards him, carrying an icon. Mother of God, and she glowed with light because it was dark outside.


huge sand wall yellow color(the whole dream is in yellow sunny shades), there is a lake or river nearby, the water is clean but not transparent, quiet, I swim out, walk along the bottom with my hands, almost out of the water and right hand I rest on something, I don’t remove much sand, there are small icons and pendants in a pile (one pendant was like my mother’s, only in the dream it was broken in half), some of them are bent and broken. I take everything, get up and run to give it to my husband, thinking suddenly he needs it.
I myself am not a believer. husband is a believer.


Hello! At first, in a dream, I saw several small icons that were not very clear, and among them was a small icon in warm colors of the Mother of God. THEN I saw somehow on the side a large golden icon of the Mother of God


in a dream I dreamed of my Mother of God carriage, as if the middle of the Mother of God carriage had broken and the frame from the Mother of God carriage remained


I dreamed that I was standing looking at the sky and through the fog the image of the Mother of God emerges, and I understand that this is kind of like a church, and then I leave and am accompanied all the way by a parrot, who sits on my shoulder, he either flies away or sits back.


I dreamed of an Icon of the Mother of God with the baby Jesus in her arms in a turquoise outfit, she just stood straight in front of me and began to float very slowly, as if on water, moving away from me, as if going back to the horizon line and that’s all. Why could such a dream be?


I saw the Mother of God coming out of the window all in white and with wings on her back. and she said that in 2 weeks everything would be fine


I have a private house, I see that 3 earthen steps, supported by planks, lead to my house (I don’t have steps, just a path), then I see a guy about 25-30 years old and I give him a very beautiful icon of the Mother of God, my heart just rejoiced! he quickly leaves, and another man appears right in front of me and asks: did you give it to him? I’m in denial and suddenly I feel uneasy. I woke up and realized that I shouldn’t have given the icon away! and what is this for?


I saw in a dream man's hands holding the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which made me shake violently and I woke up. What does this mean.


I dreamed of how they beat a man at a construction site and during the fight his gold chain with icons was torn. I found this chain and three icons. On two the image was not visible, and on one there was the Mother of God. I took this icon first and clearly saw its image, and then I took everything else and thought that I could turn in the gold and get money


a black creature with the face of a devil climbed into my eye. It was very scary. Some man signed an icon of the Mother of God and gave it to me. And he threw out this devil. And said don’t be afraid.


I saw my own home, I saw the person I live with and it was as if I was pregnant for 3-4 months. as if I felt a movement.. and at one moment there was a pain cutting in the lower abdomen.. as if spring.. there is a little greenery already, the trees are green. Mom seems to be nearby all the time.. in the garden at the end where previously so-called (cattle manure) was on in that place this pile has already rested for a long time leveled with the ground, that is, the heap itself, when it stands for several years, it becomes like fertilizer, like earth... so, as if its surface is quite solid and you can sit on it from the side ladybug and begins to quickly draw an icon of the Mother of God with a baby in her arms... her eyes were lowered and not very pronounced and with a smile on her face... when she appeared in the whole image it was somehow good, calm... it was as if she was still looking at me with a smile on face...


I enter the church, I have something in my left palm, I don’t see any other icons except the Kazan Mother of God. I approach the icon, open my palm, a ray of light comes out and pierces the icon in four places, it all shines...


I dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God (I don’t remember the name of the icon, the Mother of God with open hands) and a voice lists five names of my relatives for whom I pray


The dream was short, but very clear. An icon of the Mother of God hangs in space and suddenly a voice sounds that lists five names: my son, grandson, nephew, me and brother, for whose health I pray every day and write notes in church.


Good evening! I dream that I am walking down the street with my mother bad weather clouds, fog and suddenly a rainbow appears. We look at her in amazement and she begins to glow and the face of the Mother of God appears in the sky (after the rainbow), we stopped and began to ask and read the Lord’s Prayer. and that was it, and the dream was interrupted. Tell me what this is for?


the dream was colorful in the sky from the mountain appeared in a red glow the Mother of God passes for a while and immediately she leaves a colorful image of two apostles appears


I dozed during the day. and when I opened my eyes I saw clearly in the clouds Mother of God and there was a baby at her feet.. this vision lasted 2-3 minutes.. then the cloud cleared...


I’m standing in someone else’s house in front of an icon depicting the Mother of God, pregnant, in a blue dress and a dark cape! I just looked at her!


Good afternoon I dreamed of an ancient icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness. She was very beautiful, but tears were streaming down her face.


Good afternoon I dreamed of an ancient icon of the Mother of God of Tenderness. The Virgin Mary was very beautiful, but tears were streaming down her face. I also cried, began to pray and woke up.


I was sitting on the street with my sisters (all widows), suddenly the wind rose and the wallet fell near us, they opened it, and in each compartment of the wallet there was an icon of the Mother of God, and pension cards, from which they decided that grandma had lost her wallet, ran into the street, and there my grandmother was looking for her wallet, I gave it to her. That's all.


I dreamed that I was sitting in the corner, holding a small icon in my hands and crying, and a priest passed by with people and read a prayer, I looked out the window, and there people were being beaten with a whip and they somehow treated me well and reached out.


I had a dream in which a guy asked me to stab an icon Mother of God, I I’m horrified and push him away, what could this mean?




2 shrouds, one of them to the Kazan Mother of God. Saved me from falling into the abyss


sandy shore, water in a muddy sandy color, and looking into the lake on the water there was the face of the Virgin Mary and a candle was burning nearby


Good afternoon. I had a dream that I found a spring on a mountain, the water in it was clear. I climbed the mountain and saw it flowing down the mountain so beautifully and under it there were a lot of icons, I remembered the icon of the Mother of God and the icon of Patriarch Tikhon. In a dream, I realized that this was a holy spring and drank water from it. There was such joy in my soul. Tell me what does this mean?


Good afternoon, Tatyana!
Here is the description of the dream: I see a deep quarry, black earth, below a boy plays with a shovel, as if in a sandbox. I go down to him, help him dig and find three gold pendants with the face of the Mother of God. I took them, but I thought why? unpleasant feeling, anxiety.


I clearly understood and held in my hands a book with the outlines of a Mother and a baby. I realized that this was it, the holy book. There was no clarity in what was seen.
Books are taken off the second night.


I dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God. And the frame was pierced with two long nails, and the points of the nails were directed outward, they were on the side of the face of the icon


I dreamed of devils they annoyed me then, as if blocking me from them, an icon of the Kazan Mother of God appeared, what does that mean?


in the middle of the church, on a stand, lies a vicon of the Mother of God; the frame is creased, and the vicon itself is dim, I wanted to kiss, but they put me on a knee, but I didn’t.


in a dream I dreamed of an icon of the Virgin Mary with Jesus Christ in her arms! warm dream... the icon hung on the wall in a beautiful frame


Hello. dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God. just an icon. I just dreamed, looked me straight in the eye, and I’m not a deeply religious person, I rarely go to church, but I woke up and knew exactly which icon I had dreamed about.
And tell me why I dream about eating pancakes, and in general there are a lot of baked goods in the circle


I dreamed about the icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria. And then a voice that said that you need to constantly remember her.


I don’t remember where this happened, I climbed onto a shelf in some closet and accidentally pulled out from there an icon of the Mother of God on the Dostoch, not painted, but burned out with a special burning device?


in reality, I gave my word. that I will quit smoking. I quit and haven’t been cast for almost a year. and in my dream I dreamed that I got nervous and lit a cigarette. one cigarette. and then the icon of the Mother of God appeared. and I walked up to the icon. asked for forgiveness. that I promised and quit. it was so nerve-wracking and it won’t happen again. and said a prayer


I dreamed of a small icon of the Mother of God with a baby, my husband gave it to me and told me to give it to my son


I see silver all around White light. I hear a rather masculine voice spoken by a manticore, an icon of the Kazan Mother of God, with seven arrows. I wake up. The voice sounded from behind and above


Hello. I am dreaming of a house, an unfamiliar old woman. I show her a large icon of Our Lady of Kazan. I say: “The icon is real, venerate it while you have the opportunity.” The icon in a gold frame is very bright. The old woman seems indifferent, but I turn around and there is no icon. She says: “Take one of mine, she has a lot of them and they are also beautiful.” I'm just looking for mine.


I dreamed that I entered the temple of the Kazan Mother of God. There were icons there that showed me the dates of May 1st. The icons were all hers. There were no candles, I was alone. But I didn’t feel bad or uncomfortable.


A young man and I are visiting his mother. I don't know her in real life. There is a long table in the room without a tablecloth. Guests are sitting at the table, they are talking about something about themselves. He and I came and stood at the table. His mother comes up to me and gives me a white towel with blue patterns. And he says that the face of the Kazan Mother of God is depicted there. I don’t see anything except the pattern (I’m of a different faith) a man brings us a large dish of food to me and my boyfriend. I take a closer look and see that it is snow-white rice and seasoning for it. We try it with him - very tasty and sweet. Then I discover that the towel gift is lying with other things in the bag, but for some reason this bag is on the floor. And this somehow excited me in a dream. I think this is such an important and valuable spiritual gift and it should not be on the floor. And I think why his mother put it that way. That's all. To myself: This is no longer a dream - My relationship with the young man is not completely defined. He's not sure yet. And we are now at odds. I don't know how to decipher the dream. But I know that this is information for me. Help, maybe you can give me a hint.


I didn’t quite understand whether my dream went to its destination. I repeat: the young man’s mother gave me a towel with the image of the Kazan Mother of God. I don’t see anything other than a blue pattern on white. Then this gift, along with other things in the bag, ended up on the floor. I wonder why she put the package like that? This is such a spiritual gift and there is no place for it on the floor in a bag. At the table we were served a large sweet and tasty rice dish. We tried it with him. The table is large and long without a tablecloth and his relatives are there. Everyone is sitting, but the young man and I are standing. It seems like we arrived later.


I came to see my girlfriend (there was a choice of which girls to go to) I went to my beloved, without flowers, without anything. I arrived, she went to the bathroom, I saw clean water flowing from the tap. While she was in the bathroom, I met her father who He showed me several icons. I took the icon of the Mother of God in my hands. There was a feeling of pleasure and calm.


Write your dream here for interpretation... I dreamed of a thundercloud over the houses, it dissipated and it turned out to be an icon of the Mother of God as a baby; another one appeared next to it, but no longer from the cloud.


I dreamed that I saw my husband wearing a gold cap with a gold icon


hello, I dreamed about the icon of the Mother of God Kogbutto, she was in my hands and I read a prayer and healed a person


I dreamed that my mother and godmother found the icon of the Mother of God in my parents’ house. Our late grandmother was nearby. And when I took the icon and pressed it to me, sticks flew at me, aiming straight at me, but not a single one hit. The face was kind and bright. By the way, there was no one around in the male line. Only my grandmother (deceased) mother, my godmother and me


Hello! My name is Svetlana - the thing is that I don’t remember the whole dream, but at the end I have been seeing the icon of the Mother of God next to me for several days in a row and as if she is saying - everything will be fine, I’m nearby!


Hello. Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”. Large sizes. They suggested that I take this icon home.


I remember the dream from the moment when my aunt, with whom we have not communicated for many years, told me that I need to turn to the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God for help. According to her, this church is located on Tatarskaya Street in Moscow (in reality there are no churches there). In a dream, I found myself in this church and saw this icon. The icon looked unusual: the face was carved, not painted, on wood, the icon was varnished. The date 18...(1859? I think) was cut out on the bottom left, although the icon looked like new. I remember looking at her for a long time. I never considered myself a religious person; I’ve only been wearing a cross for almost a year. In infancy he was baptized in the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The church is already closed. Whether this has anything to do with sleep, I don’t know.


I had a dream last night a strange dream: I saw the icon of the Mother of God in a burning furnace, the flame was bright, but the icon itself did not burn.


I dreamed of an icon of the Mother of God in a burning furnace. The flame in the furnace was bright, but the icon itself did not burn.


At work, in the boss’s office, there is a board hanging on it, four rows at the top and four rows at the bottom, there should be icons. There are prints of them. As expected, we must attach icons in their places. In the top row, the icon of the savior is already attached in its place. The boss says that she managed to get the icon of Hodegetria. Then I attach this icon (and it’s like a sticker) to the board in its place. The sticker doesn’t really want to stick, but I still managed to attach it. But at the same time, I’m afraid that the boss will scold me for attaching it without permission. The icon is very colorful with a warm golden color.


I dreamed that I. In an old, crumbling abandoned house I found a cross with a chain and an icon of the Kazan Mother of God, but without the little Jesus. And she took it for herself. I didn’t touch someone else’s cross and chain, knowing that I shouldn’t take other people’s crosses. Moreover, I found it hidden under a ceiling beam and had to make an effort to remove it.

Icon in a dream- There will be trouble in your family. Tears, grief and loss will overtake you. Every person dreams and it is a very good sign that you dreamed about an icon.
Carrying an icon in a dream means some kind of blessing for all your endeavors, which will end quickly and successfully. This also means that relationships within the family will become stronger and your financial situation will improve.
Seeing an icon in a dream means that fate will present you with a difficult choice. Your future life will depend on whether you prefer material wealth or spiritual development and enlightenment.
Seeing a fallen or crying icon in a dream- a very bad sign.
Holding it in your hands means receiving the long-awaited news.
For mature people, seeing an icon in a dream means that, for some reason, you consider the relationship with your partner to be sinful.
A crying or fallen icon seen in a dream can be considered a bad omen.
If in a dream you buy an icon, then you may not expect anything good. This most likely means that many people who have helped you in the past will turn their backs on you. Also, things at work may get worse, but only you and no one else will be to blame. It may turn out that in a dream you visit a church and see an icon in it, then even in the difficult situation you can find the right way or do correct solution.
If in a dream a blissful face is depicted on an icon, such a dream promises good luck in everything, a blessing from heaven.
If the icon is faceless, then you should change your life priorities and not waste yourself on trifles.
If young and unmarried people dream of an icon, then in reality it will protect them from deception and strong temptation.
If a young unmarried girl saw an icon in a dream, this means imminent marriage. Her marriage will be long and happy.
If the icon you dreamed of has a good face, it means you are blessed for some important work that you are about to begin. Cast aside doubts and boldly proceed to your plan.
If you dream of several icons at once, then this means great family joy, heavenly favor and well-being in the home.
If you dream about how you pray in front of an icon, then you should think about developing your inner world and spiritual origin.
The icon promises a successful marriage, which will be long and strong if it is dreamed of by young girls.
When the icon has a dark, gloomy appearance with a bad face, you know that in reality temptations and temptations await you. If you give in to a fleeting passion, you will regret it for a long time.
Praying in front of an icon in a dream means asking for help, support in solving difficult problems. life problems. Deep down, you doubt that you can cope with adversity. Gain strength and patience, then life will get better.
It is not a good sign if you saw a darkened or split icon in a dream.
One of these signs is that you will have the opportunity to improve relationships with your family, business partners that may appear in the near future, and other people close to you.
An icon coming to life before your eyes in a dream speaks of such a trait of your character as faith in paranormal activity, supernatural forces, destined line of fate and luck. However, this state of affairs does not harm you at all. On the contrary, thanks to my intuition, belief in miracles and significant events, you manage to achieve success in achieving your goals.
Such an icon means that if you do not correct your mistakes in the near future, your situation will only worsen, you will suffer failures and losses.
A dark or stern face foreshadows numerous and absolutely empty temptations.
Most often this means that you have done wrong things that are causing people to suffer.

Even in Rus' there were many beliefs associated with these paintings of holy people. Some of them said that if you break the image, there will be seven years of misfortune and illness. Other signs say that the icon is a faithful guardian of the home from evil spirits and demons, a mentor in difficult situations and a healer for ailments. Many people have already experienced similar beliefs on themselves and realized that there is truth in them. The same applies to dreams, because they serve as a kind of transmitter of messages from another world. As a rule, what an icon means in a dream is sure sign changes in life. The most important thing is to remember in what form she appeared in your dream. Let's find out what changes we can expect.

Seeing the faces of saints in a dream - what could this mean?

First you need to restore the dream image. If you have observed bright and joyful images of saints, this marks a pleasant event associated with your family. Be prepared for the fact that your plans will come true in the near future, that disturbing diseases will begin to recede, and you will have more friends and well-wishers. Usually such dreams come to the minds of positive people, for whom kindness and compassion are not an empty phrase.

Seeing the image of the Virgin Mary is considered a sign of prosperity, family happiness and the birth of a new life. According to many interpreters, it is also a symbol of human love and pure thoughts.

The dream books also indicate that if you dream of an icon in a beautiful and elegant frame, then financial well-being the dreamer will become significantly better. For girls, this dream symbolizes a fateful meeting or marriage. After such a dream, men should be ready to make an important decision.

Disassembling a frame or glass indicates that financial difficulties, perhaps even poverty, will overtake you for a long time. Dream books also say that this is a sure harbinger of discord in the family and circle of friends. So that the effect of the dream does not affect your life, go to church and light a candle for your family well-being and mutual understanding.

Finding an icon in your dream - what to expect?

This is a very auspicious sign, symbolizing happiness and prosperity. You will forget about your sorrows and illnesses. Family relationships will give warmth and joy.

Accepting images of saints as a gift means that there is a person in your environment who wishes only good things for you and is doing everything possible to make your life better.

Losing an icon in a dream means that you have become a victim of gossip and intrigue. It’s as if you have lost your energy protection and become disarmed. Also, be on alert, for three months after such a dream, your body will not be able to resist various ailments, take care of your health. During this period, try to think more positively and do good deeds more often. In this way, you can protect yourself as much as possible from the negative consequences of this dream.

Based on these interpretations, it becomes clear that the faces of saints appear in dreams for a reason. These are harbingers of either positive events or a warning about worries, illnesses and troubles. It would be useful to remember that kind and bright people dream only of the best things, which in turn attracts only joy into real life. Let this time you dream of a beautiful and pure icon that brings goodness and happiness.

Most people intuitively feel whether they had a prophetic dream or an ordinary one that does not provide information about it. If you have a dream about icons, then there is no doubt - this is not a simple dream, so it is advisable to remember the details of the dream as much as possible in order to interpret it later. If you had a dream with such a plot and are tormented by the question “Why do you dream about icons in a dream?”, then you can look for the answer in dream books.

What does vision mean?

    Vanga's Dream Book

    The dream about an icon has several interpretations. A seriously ill person dreamed of an icon - this means that soon a turning point will come in the course of his illness. In a difficult period of life, to see in a dream and at the same time a bright, joyful dream is a sign of good changes, while it is worth praying, behaving piously and trusting in the help of the Almighty.

    In a prosperous period of life, seeing icons of saints in the house - such a dream reminds of the importance of spiritual life, but when interpreting it is worth taking into account the details of the dream: if the dream is bright and kind, then you don’t have to fear for your future; a gloomy dream means that trials of fate are coming in reality.

    Esoteric dream book

    This a dream is a harbinger of a turning point in life when a person has to make a fateful choice.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Seeing one like this the day before important eventsa sign that you should not forget: the spiritual is paramount, the material is secondary.

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Such a dream is interpreted as a message from the secret world about impending fatal changes in fate, when old relationships and connections will collapse, and surviving this period will be very difficult; a lot of mental strength will be required.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Fatigue, fear of the future, desire to find a protector and patron– a dream about icons becomes a reflection of such waking experiences. The details of the dream will help you understand its true meaning.

What image did you see?

Seeing an icon with the face of Jesus Christ in a dream means that in reality a repentant person will find consolation, his conscience will no longer torment him, because he will understand how to correct past mistakes and will do it sincerely, from a pure heart.

Dream about the Seven Shot Icon - a sign that in reality the dreamer has taken a dangerous path. Before it is too late, you need to get rid of evil thoughts, envy and resentment.

Seeing the icon of the Mother of God - such a dream serves as consolation and gives hope that your aspirations and prayers will be answered, your life will change for the better.

Icon of the Kazan Mother of God with a baby - the dream has several interpretations:

  • This is a dream for single women promises a fateful meeting.
  • Family people have such a dream - to a prosperous family life and in love and harmony.
  • For those who only dream about new additions to the family, such a dream also serves as a good sign.

The image of Matrona in a dream is a good sign for people who dream of parenthood. Such a dream is a sign from above that your prayers for the appearance of a child in your life have been heard from above. If a lonely or unhappy woman in a relationship had a dream about an icon with the face of Matronushka, then this is a good dream, foreshadowing the acquisition of family happiness and prosperity.

To see the image of Seraphim of Sarov: to see a dream about an icon with the face of this saint - a sign that you should rely on the will of God and there is no need to rush things, everything is going as it should be.

Seeing Nicholas the Pleasant (Wonderworker) - a dream about an icon with the face of this saint gives hope that even in the most difficult situation strengthen your spirit and find the strength to take care not only of yourself, but also of your loved ones and those in distress.

The Holy Trinity - a dream about such an icon gives hope that will find answers to all questions that he is tormented, he will find his way and faith that he is doing the right thing.

What did you do?

In the Wanderer's dream book, in the 21st century dream book, in Vanga's dream book and in others modern dream books are given detailed interpretations details of the dream about the icon. These details of the dream will help you find the answer, what events and phenomena does the dream warn about?

  • Broken icon- a dream is a warning that in reality you will be faced with a difficult choice, there will be a temptation to act dishonestly and offend another person, causing him suffering.
  • The icon fell and at the same time it broke- a dream that in reality you should be more careful and not succumb to the persuasion of people with unclean intentions, as you risk becoming a victim of deception.
  • To have a dream that an icon is falling- a dream is a harbinger that in reality you should be more careful and circumspect so as not to get into trouble.
  • Find an icon in some abandoned place and bring it to your home or church- in real life you will soon gain something important, and it will not necessarily be material value, rather, on the contrary, spiritual value.
  • Find an icon in a crowded place- in your decisive role another person will play, and what changes these will be - good or not - will be told by other details of the dream.
  • Find the icon and clean it of dirt- in reality, someone may need your help and you will try to help the person in need.
  • Giving an icon- in reality you will take care of someone and do it from the bottom of your heart, with good thoughts. However, a dream with such a plot has an ambiguous interpretation. For example, in the Wanderer’s dream book it has the following meaning: in reality, someone will take advantage of your kindness and responsiveness for their own selfish purposes.
  • Accept an icon as a gift– the dream promises that in reality, after the shocks and trials you have experienced, your view of the world will change and you will begin to understand people better.
  • Relatives or acquaintances gave the icon in a dream– you will receive wise advice in reality or you will be able to independently find the answer to a question that worries you, which will be the beginning of change.
  • Accepting an icon as a gift from a stranger- you will be able to forgive, and this will give you peace and strength for new achievements.
  • Buy an icon- a dream that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the pursuit of material wealth, you will be able to discern what you need and focus on bringing something good and spiritual into your life. In the Wanderer's dream book, a dream about buying an icon has a slightly different interpretation: it means material losses that you will regret, since you will let go of what is passing away with a heavy heart.

Be baptized in front of the icon

A dream in which you pray and are baptized in front of an icon at home signifies new stage in your life, when you try to get rid of aggravating circumstances and live consciously, literally building relationships brick by brick with those people who are dear to you.

To be baptized in front of an icon in a temple - such a dream foreshadows that you will find a mentor, a spiritual teacher, or establish a relationship with the person whose opinion you value. Seeing such a dream on the eve of important events in your life (for example, getting a job, important negotiations, wedding, etc.) is a good sign.

Lots of old images

A dream in which you see many ancient icons foreshadows a new stage of life, when fateful meetings will take place, outdated connections will be broken, and what has been bothering you will become a thing of the past. It is possible that through trials and obstacles you will gain wisdom in life and humility.

A dream in which you see unusual phenomena associated with an icon (for example, a myrrh-streaming image), portends amazing events in reality. The main thing is to see this miracle in the bustle of everyday life, not to miss it by focusing on worldly vain affairs.

Who had the dream?

In many modern dream books it is believed that a dream about an icon dreams on the eve of fateful trials when they act against all odds.

A woman or girl dreams about an icon as a harbinger that There will be changes related to their family, home and people close to them.