How to properly prepare for the baptism of a child? The rite of baptism of a newborn child is shrouded in a huge number of folk signs, traditions and rules. Let's talk about the most popular of them: what you need to pay attention to on the day of baptism, and what folk signs- nothing more than a prejudice? In this article we will look at 30 of the most popular rules and signs that may help parents decide how, when and why to baptize their baby.

Baptism of children. Rules, signs and traditions associated with the sacrament of baptism:

  1. It is considered a good sign if the child begins to cry less after the baptism ceremony, is not so capricious, and begins to sleep better. It is also believed that after baptism the child’s health improves. It is not for nothing that they advise not to postpone the baptismal ceremony if the baby was born weak or premature - in this case, the sacrament can be performed even within the walls of a maternity hospital or at home.
  2. The godfather must give the child a cross, and godmother— buy clothes for baptism.
  3. You cannot wipe the water off the baby’s face after bathing - the holy water must dry on the face itself.
  4. After the baptism ceremony, the clothes the baby was wearing cannot be washed. It is necessary to let the holy water dry on it, and then leave it and protect it as a talisman throughout the child’s life. It is believed that if a baby is sick, he should be wiped with a baptismal robe - and this will help him recover. Also, these clothes cannot be reused at another baptism ceremony.
  5. Baptismal clothing should be exclusively light in color. As a rule, white. Minor drawings, inscriptions, and embroideries on baptismal clothing are also allowed.
  6. If a child does not cry during the ritual, this is very good omen. It’s even better if the baby fell asleep during the sacrament.
  7. It is believed that the child will have happy life, if you hear church bells before the christening.
  8. You cannot buy a cross made of gold - this metal is considered unclean and sinful. The cross should be silver or just metal.
  9. The child’s life will be happy if immediately after the baptism ceremony a wedding takes place in the temple.
  10. It is a bad omen to postpone the previously planned baptism of a child to another date.
  11. An unbaptized baby cannot be brought into someone else's house. You can visit with your baby only after the sacrament.
  12. The woman should be the first to baptize the boy, and the husband should be the first to baptize the girl. Otherwise, it is believed that the godson will take away their happy family life.
  13. Non-believing people cannot be godparents, mentally ill people, as well as drug addicts and alcoholics.
  14. Children cannot become godparents. The girl must be at least 13 years old, and the guy must be at least 15.
  15. It is impossible for several children to be baptized in the same water (font). This is a bad omen.
  16. It is a bad omen if during the ceremony the priest forgets or confuses the words, objects fall from his hands.
  17. There shouldn't be anything between godmother and father love affair- it is a sin. It is also desirable that they be blood relatives.
  18. A pregnant woman cannot baptize her child - otherwise both her godson and her own baby will often get sick.
  19. For a child's christening, a measured icon is ordered or purchased from the church. It is called measured because it corresponds in centimeters to the height of the child at birth. This should be the child’s personal icon; only a child can pray in front of it. It is believed that the measuring icon is a strong talisman for the child, gives him protection.
  20. Godparents should not sit in church - otherwise the child will face an unfortunate fate.
  21. Before the baby is baptized, you should not show it to anyone, not even relatives. It is believed that the child does not yet have protection, so the baby can be jinxed.
  22. I will accept that you cannot refuse if you are asked to become godparents, the church explains this: refusing is not a sin, but baptizing a child and not taking part in his life and spiritual development is a great sin. Therefore, it is better to refuse if you are not sure that you can conscientiously fulfill all the duties of a godfather or mother.
  23. The child must be baptized on the eighth or fortieth day of life, then the sacrament will give the baby very strong protection.
  24. On the day of baptism, the child’s guardian angel appears, so do not delay the ceremony and baptize the baby quickly.
  25. After baptism, the baby receives his second (church) name, which cannot be announced to anyone.
  26. Before the baptismal ceremony (both relatives and godparents) must read a prayer.
  27. A woman who has had an abortion should not be invited to become a godmother.
  28. When baptized, the godmother must have her head covered, and she cannot be baptized in trousers - it must be a skirt or dress below the knees.
  29. The rite of baptism is a sacrament, therefore it involves the baby and God-parents, the natural father may also be present. It is advisable not to invite other relatives and friends to the ceremony. They can congratulate the baby already at the christening - this is a celebration in honor of baptism.
  30. You can baptize a child on any day of the week, as well as on major church holidays and fasting. However, among the people it is Saturday that is considered the most successful day for the sacrament.

Orthodox believers know about the seven Christian sacraments, one of which is baptism. The teaching says that every Orthodox Christian needs to be baptized in order to save his soul and gain the Kingdom of Heaven after physical death. God's grace descends on those who are baptized, but there are also difficulties - everyone who accepts the ritual becomes a warrior of God's army, and the forces of evil fall upon him. To avoid misfortunes, you need to wear a cross.

The day of baptism is very important for a believer - it is like the day of his second birth. This event must be approached with full responsibility. Let's talk about what the baby needs to perform the sacrament, what to buy and take with him, what godparents should do, how to celebrate this holiday at home.If the godparents (godparents) take on part of the responsibility for organizing the ceremony, this will be correct. Preparations for the holiday are carried out by all its participants, especially the baby’s relatives.

It is believed that wearing a pectoral cross protects a person from the forces of evil, and also strengthens his spirit and directs him to the true path. The appearance or cost of the material of the cross does not matter at all - as long as the cross is Orthodox and not pagan

When is the best time to baptize a baby?

According to custom, the baby is baptized on the 8th or 40th day after birth. There are circumstances that may affect the timing of baptism infant: if the baby is sick, the illness poses a threat to life, you can baptize him earlier. Orthodoxy says that after christening a person has a guardian angel who is always behind his right shoulder. He will protect the baby and can save him. It is believed that what more prayers addressed to the angel, the stronger he will be.

Some people prefer to wait until the little man grows up and becomes stronger. back side medal is that while the baby is an infant, he sleeps in the arms of godmother and calmly endures the sacrament. The older he gets, the more difficult it is for him to serve quietly. At 2 years old, the baby is spinning, wants to run, go outside. This creates difficulties for the priest and godparents, because the action can last more than an hour. Bathing a baby in the font is also easier.

The first thing mom and dad do before the sacrament is choose a spiritual name for the baby. In our country, a tradition has developed of calling a baby in the world by a name other than the one given to him at baptism in the church - this is a custom justified in Orthodoxy, since it is believed that church name Only the mother and father, the priest and the successors can know.

Then the little man will be more protected from life’s adversities. In the church, you can agree that the baby is named after the saint on whose day the baby’s birth date falls.

Recommendations for preparing for the baptism ceremony of a small child

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How to organize a child's christening? You need to visit the temple where the procedure will take place. In the church shop you can ask any questions you may have. The church minister in the shop will offer you to read a brochure about baptism, which describes all the rules. The date of birth of your baby will be written down, and the desired church name of the baby and the names of his godparents will be asked. For the ceremony, a voluntary payment is made in the form of a donation, which goes to the needs of the temple. How much should I pay? The amount of donation may vary from church to church.

Before the sacrament of baptism, godparents must be sent for an interview with the priest. If the baby’s mother and father come along with them and take part in the conversation, this will only be a plus. The priest will tell you how the baptism of a young child is performed, and what you need to take with you. He will definitely ask during the conversation whether the mother and father and the baby’s adoptive parents are baptized. If not, then the unbaptized should be baptized before the sacrament is performed on the baby. During the conversation, the priest will give recommendations to the baby’s family and set a day and time for the child’s baptism. On this day, you should arrive early in order to have time to get your bearings and prepare. Many parents invite a photographer to their child’s christening and take photos and videos. You need to know that to record videos and take photographs, you must ask permission and blessings from the priest.

The priest will be able to tell you more about the sacrament and instruct the godparents, with whom a preliminary conversation must be held. Parents of the baby can also attend.

Who to choose as godparents?

Usually, godparents are people of the same sex as the baby: for girls it is a woman, for boys it is a man. You can invite two godparents of different genders. Then the baby will have a spiritual father and mother.

The question of who is worthy to become your baby's godfather is very important. Godparents become the baby's second parents. Think about who treats the little man better, who is ready to bear responsibility for him, give him a spiritual example, and pray for him? Most often, relatives and family friends become recipients.

It is best if the godfather is a deeply religious person who knows and observes church traditions and laws. This person should be at your home often because he is responsible for raising you. little man, first of all – spiritual. He will be next to your baby all his life.

Can be chosen as godfather sister or mom and dad's brother, a close friend or family friend, or the baby's grandparents.

The recipients must be baptized themselves - this must be done in advance. Parents need to understand that the issue of choosing godparents must be approached very seriously.

Who can't become a godfather?

Baptismal laws in Orthodox Church are such that they cannot become godfathers:

  1. atheists or non-believers;
  2. monks and nuns;
  3. mentally ill people;
  4. children under 15 years of age;
  5. drug addicts and alcoholics;
  6. promiscuous women and men;
  7. spouses or sexually close people;
  8. baby's parents.

Brother and sister cannot be godparents to each other. If you are baptizing twins, you must not do it on the same day. Twins may well have the same godparents.

If twins are growing up in a family, then they need to be baptized in different days, but another pair of godparents is not needed for this - it is enough to find two reliable and pious people

Memo for godparents

  • Appearance. The child's adoptive parents should come to church with their pectoral crosses on the neck. If it is a woman, she wears a skirt that is below the knee and a jacket with sleeves to the temple. A headdress is required for the godmother. The rules for being in church also apply to a man’s clothing: you cannot expose your knees and shoulders, that is, even in hot weather you will have to give up shorts and a T-shirt. A man is in the temple with his head uncovered.
  • Purchases and payment. People often ask, who should buy a cross for a child’s baptism? Who pays for the procedure? There is a certain procedure for baptizing a newborn child and preparing for it.
    1. It assumes that the godfather buys a cross for the godson and also pays for the baptism. The godmother buys a cross for her goddaughter. It is best to choose a cross made of ordinary metal or silver. It is not customary to use a golden cross at a ceremony. When choosing a cross, make sure that it cannot injure the baby; let the cross have oval edges.
    2. In addition to the godmother's cross, you need to buy a towel, baptismal shirt and sheet in advance. She buys kryzhma - the material in which the baby is baptized. Caring mothers keep the material for many years, as it helps to cure the child from illness. The sick little man is wrapped in kryzhma, and he begins to recover. It should be stored in a place hidden from prying eyes, since it is believed that through it it can be used to damage the baby.
  • Preparation. People appointed as spiritual parents are required to prepare for the rite of baptism small child and themselves. Preparation includes strict fasting, starting a few days before the event, and refusal of entertainment and pleasure. The day before, it’s a good idea to take communion in church, before going to confession. You must take your child's birth certificate with you to church. You can watch the video of the baptism in advance to roughly understand the sequence of events.
  • Prayer. Recipients are required to learn the “Creed” prayer. This prayer is read by the priest three times during the sacrament of baptism of the child; the godfather may also be asked to read it by heart.

Nuances of christening

  • A little man can be baptized on any day of the week - on holidays and weekdays, on Lent and on an ordinary day, but most often christenings take place on Saturday.
  • The foster children are supposed to pick up the child from the parents in advance and go with him to church on the appointed day and time. Their parents follow them. There is a sign that the godfather should chew a clove of garlic and breathe in the baby’s face. In this way, evil forces are driven away from the baby.
  • Only the closest people are present at the ceremony in the temple - the parents of the boy or girl receiving the sacrament, maybe grandparents. The rest can come to the house of the baptized person after the ceremony and celebrate this event for festive table.
  • Baptism of an infant does not always take place in the church itself. Sometimes the priest conducts the ceremony in a specially designated room.
  • If necessary, parents can arrange a ceremony at home or in the maternity hospital. To do this, you need to come to an agreement with the priest and pay all his expenses for organizing the sacrament.
  • The priest reads prayers and anoints the newborn. Then he cuts a lock of hair from his head, as if making a sacrifice to God. Then the baby is lowered into the font three times, the priest says: “Here is the cross, my daughter (my son), carry it.” Together with the priest, the godfather says: “Amen.”
  • The child’s parents also come to church, observing Orthodox customs. They dress as is customary in the temple. During the ceremony, the mother can pray for her child. Such prayers will surely be answered.
  • In the evening, relatives and friends come to the holiday with gifts. Their choice depends on wealth and imagination: toys or clothes, baby care items or an icon of the baby’s patron saint.

Traditionally, baptism takes place on the premises of a church, but in some circumstances parents may request an outdoor ceremony - for example, at home or in the maternity ward

Features of christenings for boys and girls

The christening of a girl and a boy differs little. During the ritual, the godfather carries the male child behind the altar, but the godmother does not carry the female child there. The christening of a newborn girl requires the presence of a headdress, that is, a headscarf is put on her. When a little boy is christened, he is in the temple without a headdress.

If both godparents participate in the ritual, then first the godmother holds the boy’s child, and after bathing in the font, she takes him in her arms Godfather and carries it to the altar. The girl is held in her arms only by her godmother. This is the main difference in the ritual for children of the opposite sex.

If the procedure for baptizing a small child is followed, the child’s blood and spiritual parents will prepare for christening, and the child will grow up healthy and cheerful. When he grows up, he will become a highly spiritual person striving for a righteous life.

Baptism is one of the main sacraments of Orthodoxy. This ritual consists of accepting Christian faith. It is designed to protect a person from influence dark forces and direct his life in a bright spiritual direction. There is an opinion regarding the correctness of accepting Christianity already at an adult, meaningful age. However, Orthodox priests claim the opposite. Being baptized in infancy, a person early finds a guardian angel, is cleansed of original sin and is forever accepted into the holy church monastery.

The Orthodox Church recommends that infants be baptized on the 8th or 40th day after their birth. Newborn children staying in dangerous disease, it is worth christening as soon as possible. Before the christening, you need to decide on the choice of an Orthodox name for the baby. A saint bearing the same name becomes his intercessor before higher powers. Orthodox name a limited number of people should know, this will make a person invulnerable to evil and ill-wishers.

Child baptism in church

Many people are interested in what days and how a child is baptized in the church. The rules are almost the same in each Orthodox church. You can choose any day of the week for christening. The exception is major church holidays, when due to heavy workload the priest will not be able to perform the ceremony.

Preparation for the sacrament

Preparation for the sacrament involves the purchase of a baptismal kit, preliminary conversations with a clergyman and the choice of godfather and mother. The baptismal set includes a shirt (diaper), a pectoral cross and an icon depicting the patron saint. For female infants, a hat or scarf is added. The baptismal shirt (kryzhma) is considered a miraculous amulet and must be kept throughout the life of its owner.
With its help, traditional healers remove curses and help in the treatment of serious diseases.

Kryzhma for baptism

You can buy kryzhma or sew it yourself. This can be done by both the mother and the future godmother. Preference is given white color fabric as a symbol of purity and purity.

Traditionally, the godfather buys the pectoral cross. It should be made of inexpensive metal. It is allowed to have a cross made of silver, as this metal is capable of purifying and driving away evil spirits. But gold is not considered pure, so gold crosses are undesirable. You can purchase such a cross in the future, not forgetting to consecrate it. After the sacrament is performed, the pectoral cross is supposed to be worn constantly as a symbol of faith.

Godparents often wonder what is better to buy for the cross: a chain or a cord? In church shops they sell ropes - gaitanchiki, specially designed for wearing it. They are safe and easy to use and are especially suitable for young children.

Relatives and godparents should first visit the priest and ask him all the necessary questions about the upcoming ceremony. He will tell you in detail what is needed to properly participate in it. To take photos or videos, you must obtain his approval and blessing. On the day of christening, you must have the baby's birth certificate with you. Based on this, a baptismal certificate will be issued.

Choosing godparents

The choice of godparents should not be made for mercantile reasons. Priests advise inviting believers for this, who in the future are able to become spiritual parents and mentors for the godson, and, if necessary, replace his father and mother. They must necessarily belong to the Orthodox faith.

Future godparents are invited to the temple for a conversation with the priest. The priest will tell them how the child is baptized, explain their role in the ceremony and in the spiritual life of the future godson. Church rules strictly define the category of persons who cannot be godparents:

  • the child's parents;
  • atheists and representatives of other religions;
  • temple staff;
  • minors;
  • persons who are married to each other.

Women are forbidden to be present in the holy monastery during menstrual periods. Before the sacrament, godparents are required to observe a three-day fast, confess and receive communion.

Baptism of children in church

Church rules previously prohibited parents of children from being with them during the ceremony. Today, the procedure for the ceremony has changed somewhat and an Orthodox priest can baptize a baby in their presence.

All participants in the ceremony need to pay attention to their appearance. It must meet church requirements. In clothes, subdued colors are preferred. All those present must wear pectoral crosses, and in the hands of baptismal candles.

Women are not supposed to wear short, revealing dresses or skirts. The head is covered with a scarf or scarf. Flashy jewelry and bright makeup are excluded. Female children must also have their heads covered. Men are allowed into the temple without a headdress.

Christenings of children of both sexes follow the same rules. The first sacred act is the laying of the hand of the priest on the baby. Such a gesture symbolizes gaining the protection of God. The godparents answer some of the priest’s questions on behalf of the godson, then the priest anoints the child church oil(oil).

After the anointing, the godparents with the baby in their arms must go to the font. The priest sanctifies the water and immerses the baby in it three times. If a boy is being baptized, then the godmother brings him to the font, and if a girl is baptized, then the godfather brings him to the font. After washing, you need to put on a baptismal shirt and cover your head. The priest performs the rite of anointing, which happens only once in a lifetime.

Rules for baptism in the church

Then a small strand of hair is cut from the child's head. The baby is carried around the font 3 times. This means that he accepted Orthodox faith and united with her forever. The entire ceremony is accompanied by constant reading of prayers.

Upon returning from the holy monastery, all those invited gather at the festive table. During the celebration, children are given gifts and warm, sincere wishes.

Duration and cost of the ceremony

The duration and cost of the ceremony vary. Many parents are interested in how long it takes to baptize a child in a church. This largely depends on the priest. Most often, the ritual takes from 30 minutes to 2 hours.

The main material expenses fall on the shoulders of the blood father and mother, although there was once a custom to pay everything in full to the godfather. The cost of baptism in a church is indicated in the price list with prices for church services. It can be found in the icon shop. You can find out how much it costs to baptize a child in a church from its workers. Traditionally, the amount ranges from 600 to 2000 rubles.

Everyone decides for himself whether to believe in omens or not. There are beliefs associated with christenings. Our wise ancestors advised us to do the following:

  • do not inform strangers about the date of the upcoming christening;
  • allow only an even number of guests into the temple;
  • before the christening, count all the money in the house - this will ensure the child a comfortable life;
  • on the day of christening, as on the days church holidays, do not perform any work;
  • do not open the doors of the house to anyone until all participants in the ritual return from the temple;
  • do not take a pregnant woman as a godparent;
  • on a holiday, do not make noise or quarrel in the house;
  • After the feast, the last of the guests should be the godmother and father.

Orthodox priests teach that the mere fact of baptism is not enough to enter into Heavenly Kingdom. What is important is further life in Christ and participation in all church sacraments. The Church calls on parents of baptized children to live in its bosom and set a worthy example to the growing generation.

Rules for baptizing a child in church: video

Child baptism rules. When to baptize a child, everything about baptizing a child

You have had a baby and now the question has arisen about the baptism of the child. How to baptize a child, when to baptize a child and why baptize a child at all? We will talk about all this in our article. Before baptizing a child, of course, it is better to consult with your spiritual father, but you will find the answer to the main questions here.

In the modern world, every parent chooses whether to baptize their child or not. It happens that parents do not want to impose their religion on their child, so they leave the right to the child himself, when he grows up, to make a choice.

But most believing parents still try to ensure that their precious child’s guardian angel is with the baby throughout his life, and he will appear in the child only after baptism.
Parents always have a lot of questions - when to baptize, where to do it, how it will happen. Of course, it is better to get answers to all these questions from your priest, with whom you will baptize your child. We can explain some of them.

Why is a child baptized?

But really, why do they baptize a child? The question is quite controversial, let's try to find an answer to it. Everyone probably has their own opinion here. After all, someone still thinks that the Universe came into being because of a big bang and everything appeared by itself, and there is no Creator, and the Bible is fairy tales... As for me, it is stupid not to believe that God exists, but this my personal opinion. Let's return to the issue of child baptism. Why baptize a child? Parents who believe in God do not have such questions. And for parents who don’t believe... why baptize a child if you don’t believe? Pay tribute to fashion? This is of no use! After you baptize your child, you will have to teach him Orthodox traditions, visit the temple with your baby and give him communion. During the rite of baptism, we dedicate ourselves to God and renounce the works of Satan. So, before you baptize your child, think about why you are doing this? A baptized child will have his own guardian angel, the child will be able to ask for help from God, since he will be under his protection, the child will have an intercessor - a saint, whose name will be given to him at baptism.

If your parents different religions, then first of all they must agree among themselves about what religion they would prefer to baptize their child into. Don't forget that this is not an easy choice and if you still decide that your child should be Orthodox person, then adhere to Orthodox traditions in his upbringing.

When should a child be baptized?

According to tradition, a child must be baptized on the fortieth day after birth, but it can be later. This happens because a woman after giving birth is considered unclean and cannot enter church. This law is established by the Bible, you cannot go against it. You can baptize earlier, but in this case the mother will not be present at the baptismal ceremony in the church.

After the baby is baptized, the priest reads a cleansing prayer over the mother, and only after that can she go to church and touch shrines.

How to choose the right name for a child at baptism?

Choosing a name for a child is a very important and responsible decision for parents. After all, as they say, whatever you name the ship, that’s how it will sail. We have two articles on our website, how to choose a name for a boy and how to choose a name for a girl, you can read them, then it will be easier for you to decide what name to give your child after his birth. Of course, you can choose a name before baptism. You can select a name by Orthodox calendar(in accordance with the names of the saints that appear in the calendar on the date of birth of your child). But it often happens that the names of saints do not really correspond modern world, then choose the name you like. If, some time after baptism, you want to change the child’s name, then they will not rebaptize him. And when you pray for your child or light candles, you will need to call the baby by the name with which you were baptized.

Choosing godparents

Usually, close people are chosen as godparents for their child - friends, one of the relatives. It happens that parents take as godparents people who were witnesses at their wedding. Of course, anyone can be godparents - sister and brothers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, friends and girlfriends. At the same time, they should not be non-believers, they should be representatives of the Orthodox Church, they should not be married to each other, nuns and monks, the mentally ill, young children, as well as those who came to church drunk, are not accepted as godparents. If you have chosen people who have not yet been baptized as godparents, then they must do this before your child’s baptism ceremony takes place. Remember that being a godfather is a great responsibility, first of all, before God. The godfather is obliged to pray for his godson and take part in raising the child in the Orthodox canons. If you are not baptized, this will not be an obstacle to the baptism of your child.
A little about the question of godparents married to each other. Married people cannot be godparents of one child. If this happens, then according to the rules, they should no longer share the same bed (that is, performing marital duties is prohibited). If a man and a woman first became godparents of one child and then decided to get married, then Orthodox canons they cannot do this, because they are each other’s spiritual sister and brother.
In any case, you must choose not only loved one, but a person who is ready to take care of the child will become his spiritual mentor. For example, in Catholic countries, upon the death of parents, godparents will be the first candidates for guardianship of the child, other relatives will be considered only in second place. It is possible that the child will have one godfather. In this case, he must be of the same sex as the child.

Selecting a cross

In this matter, freedom of choice is provided. It will be practical if the cross is small with rounded edges so that the child does not get hurt. It is not at all necessary that the cross be made of precious metal; for baptism, as a rule, they buy an ordinary metal cross. The more expensive one can be given as a birthday present later.
Of course, it is better to baptize a child in a church. Choose any one you like, but better yet, baptize in the one you go to. There are times when a child is sick, then the priest baptizes both at home and in the hospital.
Women need to wear skirts (not mini-skirts) and cover their heads for baptism. Men do not cover their heads. For a child, they usually buy baptismal sets, which include a cap, a diaper, and a baptismal shirt. All this undoubtedly creates a feeling of celebration, but this is not at all necessary. For baptism you need a clean vest or beacon, a clean towel or diaper. At baptism, the child will be without clothes; they dress him in a baptismal shirt after.
For a child’s christening, godparents can give an icon of the child’s patron saint, a cross, or a baptismal shirt, which can then be passed on from generation to generation. Gifts given for christening are purely symbolic, because the most important thing for a child is baptism itself, which will help him find a patron and protector.

Video. on what days are children baptized?

It should be on the fortieth day after birth. But few who want to baptize their baby strictly adhere to the rules. Basically, the decision about the time of baptism is made by relatives based on their own concepts of convenience.

Why is a specific day chosen for baptism?

Those who want to baptize a child in the summer motivate their decision by the fact that warm weather After bathing, the child will not catch a cold. Sometimes they try to coincide the date of baptism with another event - for example, with the birth of a child. Some people want to plan for the weekend when most relatives will be able to attend church. There are also parents who simply do not want to baptize their child in infancy.

Parents can independently choose at what age they should baptize their child. If you have any difficulties in making a decision, you can always simply consult with a priest.

Clearly certain rules in this matter no. As for the fortieth day after birth, this is completely optional - you can baptize earlier or later, no matter how old the child is. You simply should not postpone baptism, if you have already decided on it, unless absolutely necessary for a long time.

When forty days have passed since the birth of the baby, there is one caveat - the mother is not always allowed to be present with her own child. Some priests may insist that a woman not enter church - after giving birth she has not yet had time to cleanse herself.

At what age can a child be baptized?

It is possible to baptize a child starting from birth - at special cases, for which there is a special Epiphany of fear for the sake of mortals. You can read this prayer over a child in danger yourself by sprinkling him with water - any will do. The sacrament performed in this way will then need to be supplemented in the church.

You can also perform full baptism from the ninth day of life - this is not prohibited by the rules of the church, but you may have your own point of view, so you should not rush randomly into the first church you come across.

There is an opinion that a child cannot be baptized on church holidays and during Lent. It is possible, but the temple must agree on this in advance. It must be borne in mind that on holidays there are a lot of parishioners, and the child will feel better with a small number of people and a calm atmosphere during the sacrament of baptism.

It is believed that before baptism the child does not have a Guardian Angel, and he is defenseless against any damage.

In any case, whenever you want to baptize a child, first you need to choose a church and talk to the priest. This can be done by parents, and someone from relatives, and those who will