Speech is a complex process in which various organs are involved. Articulatory gymnastics for children helps to train the muscles of these organs, as a result of which speech development occurs faster and the child develops correct pronunciation. There are various sets of exercises. Some are aimed at general speech development, others help cope with diction problems.

A speech therapist will help you choose the right set of exercises. After examining the baby and talking with him, he will pick up individual program classes. In case of severe lag in the development of speaking skills, it is advisable to consult a neurologist, since problems in speech development may be associated with serious illnesses.

There are exercises designed to induce active speech, and if the child is healthy, then the mother can work with him on her own. Although a consultation with a speech therapist will still be useful: a special program may be needed. Exercises train certain muscles and help the baby begin to actively talk. They develop mobility and dexterity of the articulatory apparatus:

  • language;
  • bridles.

Gymnastics for children should be made colorful and interesting. If the exercises are presented in the form of a game, the little fidget will practice with pleasure and quickly master the subtleties of the world of sounds. It is good to reinforce verbal descriptions with visual images, preparing colorful pictures with images for each exercise.

What else needs to be taken into account: the child does not see his own language, and therefore it is difficult for him to understand the requirements of adults if something goes wrong. Therefore, it is good if he can perform the exercises in front of a mirror and see the position of his lips and tongue. If he still can’t cope, you need to help him by guiding his tongue with a spatula, the handle of a spoon or another clean, oblong and non-sharp object.

At the beginning of classes, you need to invite the child to perform several exercises, and add the rest gradually, no more than one new exercise per lesson. If there are problems in performing old ones, then new exercises should not be introduced. It is better to let the child get comfortable and feel that everything is working out for him.

Complex for children 1-4 years old

It’s hard for kids to concentrate on something for a long time, and they get tired quickly. Therefore, gymnastics should last no more than 10 minutes a day, and it should start with two or three, gradually increasing the time.
Dynamic exercises for children under 4 years old:

  • "Snake";
  • “Kneaded the dough”;
  • “Brushing our teeth”;
  • "Watch";
  • "Swing";
  • "Fed hamster";
  • "Balloons".

Static exercises:

  • "Hippopotamus";
  • "Smile";
  • "Proboscis";
  • "Pancake";
  • "Hungry Hamster"

Alternate static and dynamic exercises, then the child will not get bored. Accompany your explanations with elements of fairy tales or stories about animals. For example, during the “Proboscis” exercise, you can tell that the child is pretending to be a little elephant learning to stretch out its trunk.

A set of exercises for children 4-7 years old

Children at this age are already more prepared for classes, so their duration increases. Articulation gymnastics for children can last 15-20 minutes. This will be enough for the development of the corresponding muscles, and the child will not have time to get tired during this time. The exercises can be performed in any order, but it is better to start with lip exercises. One exercise should last about 5-10 seconds or be repeated 5-7 times. All elements from the complex described below are suitable for this age group.

It is not clear to the child how long he should do the exercise, so the adult should count out loud to 5 or 7 while doing it.

A block of exercises for developing lip muscles.

  • "Smile". The child should be asked to smile without showing his teeth. This muscle position is maintained for up to 5 seconds.
  • "Proboscis". The lips need to be folded into a tube and pulled forward as much as possible.
  • "Hippopotamus". The child should be asked to open his mouth wide and sit in this position for 5 seconds.
  • "Fence". We explain that you need to smile so that the upper and lower teeth are as open as possible. This facial expression also lasts for about 5 seconds.
  • Alternating exercises “Smile” and “Fence”. Performed 5 times.

Block for developing tongue muscles.

  • “Pancake” (spatula). The relaxed tongue should be placed on the lower lip (without sticking out). Lasts 5 seconds.
  • "Angry Pussy". The tip of the tongue rests on the lower teeth, the lateral ones rest on the molars, and the middle part imitates a slide. The child should lightly bite the “slide” with his teeth. The exercise is performed with your mouth open.
  • "Swing" . The mouth opens and the tongue alternately rises up and down.
  • "Snake". The tongue sticks out as far as possible, while the child should try to make it as narrow as possible. After this, the tongue is hidden. The action is repeated up to 7 times.
  • “Brushing our teeth.” The tip of the tongue needs to be brushed across the upper and then lower teeth from the left to the right edge. Perform 2 times from above and below.
  • "Sail". The end of the tongue rests on the upper teeth and is held in this position for 7-10 seconds.
  • "Painter". We run our tongue across the palate in the direction from front to back (from teeth to throat). You can tell your child that the tongue is a paint brush that paints the sky.
  • "Turkeys". The tip of the tongue should be moved quickly back and forth along the upper lip.
  • "Watch". The child should open his mouth slightly and alternately touch the left and right corners of his mouth with the tip of his tongue. To make it more interesting, you can explain that this is an imitation of a clock pendulum. You need to make 5-10 movements back and forth.
  • "Cup". With your mouth wide open, you need to keep the tongue up, but not touching the teeth.
  • "Delicious jam". The upper lip is licked with a wide tongue (licking off the jam), after which the tongue is hidden. The exercise must be repeated several times.
  • "Woodpecker". Use the tip of your tongue to quickly and forcefully tap the back of your upper teeth for 5-7 seconds.
  • "Motor". The position is as in the previous exercise - the mouth is open, the tongue knocks behind the upper teeth. At the same time, you need to exhale strongly to make the sound “dyn-dyn-dyn.”
  • "Kneaded the dough". The tongue rests on the lower lip (pancake position), while the mouth opens and closes.

For the sublingual ligament of the tongue.

  • "Horse". The child should click his tongue, voicing the clatter of hooves.
  • "Fungus". The tongue is firmly applied (sucked to the palate) and held in this position for 5 seconds.
  • "Accordion". Holding your tongue in the “mushroom” position, you need to open/close your mouth 5 times.

Exercises for the cheek muscles.

  • "Balloons" . The cheeks are puffed out, then the child should hit them with moderate force to force the air out.
  • "Fed hamster". First, both cheeks are inflated, then the right and left ones alternately.
  • "Hungry Hamster". The cheeks are drawn in and held in this position for 5-7 seconds.

Parents or teachers?

Children with poorly developed speech apparatus will not demonstrate dizzying success. Gymnastics is difficult for them, and it is the parents’ responsibility not to give up, despite failures. At the same time, you should not show your dissatisfaction to the child. It is not in vain that speech therapists study the basics of pedagogy. Parents will also have to become a little teacher and a little psychologist to work with their child.

Be kind and patient with your child, behave calmly. What an adult perceives as the norm for little man- whole new world, it takes time to master it. Patience will definitely be rewarded and your baby will delight you with correct diction.

A beautiful mouth shape is every girl’s dream. We’ll talk about how to achieve your goal without beauty injections or surgery in this article. We will talk about special gymnastics. Lip exercises have a variety of effects on appearance lower part of the face, help get rid of nasolabial wrinkles, change their contour, and lift drooping corners of the mouth.

Photo from the site http://doctor-sergeeva.ru

As you know, the face has a large number of facial muscles. The shape of the mouth depends on the tone of the muscle fibers around it.

The name of the muscles that are located in the oral cavity area:

  1. Orbicularis muscle;
  2. Large malar. It is she who is responsible for the position of the corners of the mouth;
  3. Zygomatic minor muscle;
  4. Buccal muscle;
  5. The muscle that lifts the corners of the mouth upward;
  6. The muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth;
  7. Laughter muscle;
  8. Mental muscle.

How lip contour changes with age

As you age, the contour and shape of your mouth may change. The tone of muscle tissue becomes imbalanced, deforming facial features. Blocks in the muscles affect the skin, which, in turn, loses its elasticity and firmness. As a result of such deformations, the most common problem occurs in the area of ​​the lower part of the face - the corners of the lips are drawn down, the cheeks and skin on the chin sag. The face becomes dissatisfied and sad. The outline is no longer clear.

What do drooping corners of the mouth mean?

Drooping corners of the mouth most often appear after 30 years and are a manifestation of age-related changes. If a person often experiences negative emotions, the muscles are constantly under tension, including the depressor corners of the mouth, which begin to point downward.

Contraindications to gymnastics

Face building for lips has its contraindications, like any other workout. Techniques cannot be performed in the following cases:

1. For hypertension.

2. For allergies.

3. After plastic surgery on the face for about two years.

4. For herpes, skin damage, sunburn and acne.

5. After Botox injections.

Efficiency of classes

The results of lip gymnastics will be noticeable if you follow certain recommendations. Firstly, regularity is important (at least 3-4 times a week for 20-25 minutes).

Exercises for wrinkles around the mouth

Exercises for the orbicularis oris muscle that will help cope with this problem:

  • Initially, lubricate the skin with moisturizer. We try to pronounce the letter “o” with our lips, pulling them inward over our teeth. Use your fingers to pull the skin upward along the nasolabial folds:

  • The index fingers are on the nasolabial folds and press inward. Pull your lips forward, jaw down.

  • The index fingers pull the skin down along the nasolabial fold. The corners of the lips resist and pull upward.

  • Use your fingers to pull the skin in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth to the sides. And resist, moving them in the opposite direction.

  • Place your thumbs under the upper lip, lower your jaw, stretch your hands to the sides at an angle with resistance.. Tension and emphasis on the upper lip.

  • The index fingers are in the area under the nose and apply pressure. We pull our lips up.

Lip exercise 6

  • Pull your lower lip with your fingers and perform resistance, pull it back.

Lip exercise 7

  • Use your hands to pull the corners of your mouth forward, provide resistance and move back.

  • Use your palm to press on the lower part of your face and press down. The lower lip pulls up, offering resistance.

  • The final exercise of this oral cavity training. Using your fingers, pull up the skin above the upper lip. The bottom one stretches down.

This simple complex can be performed every day at home. For more details, you can watch the following techniques in the video:

This type of gymnastics works well against wrinkles around the mouth and sagging skin.

How to lift the corners of your lips up with exercises

Also, against drooping corners of the mouth, any exercises with resistance are needed, for example:

  • Using your palms, press on the skin around the mouth. We try to lift the corners of our lips upward, depicting a smile.
  • We fix our index fingers along the nasolabial folds and press down. We pull the corners up.
  • We pull the lips in and press them to the teeth. We try to stress them out as much as possible.
  • It is necessary to pronounce the letter “o” by straining your mouth very hard. Tension is replaced by complete relaxation.
  • Place your index fingers on the corners of your lips and move inward. That is, the fingers are trying to bring the corners to the center. At the same time resistance is performed with the lips.
  • First you need to open your mouth, drawing an oval shape. After this, the upper lip is pressed against the lower teeth. You should try to portray a smile with the corners. It is recommended to repeat until you feel a burning sensation.
  • Fold the sponges into a tube. Inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. The lips must be pressed together as tightly as possible.
  • To begin with, the mouth is drawn out into a tube. You need to hold your chin with your palm so that it does not move. Mouth movements are performed that resemble those of a fish. Upper lip up, lower lip down, chin in place. The exercise is performed for 2-3 minutes.
  • The most difficult exercise on this list. It's called "eight". You need to draw a figure eight with your mouth extended into a tube in the air.
  • Do not forget that the deformation of the shape of the mouth is caused by spasmed muscles in this area, therefore main and best exercise to lift the corners of the mouth should be an exercise to relax the muscle that lowers the corners of the mouth from:

Photo from the book by N.B. Osminina “The World of the Face and Its Secrets”


  • Place your index fingers on the corners of your mouth, place your thumbs on the jaw arch where the triangular muscles attach to it (see picture).
  • Pull your fingers slightly towards each other. Take your time, wait until the skin is moisturized and moves freely. When the skin becomes moisturized, it will mean that the muscles have relaxed.
  • Next, work on each corner of your mouth in turn.

For techniques from the lip course, watch the video from a famous trainer:

With these simple lip exercises you can achieve good results. The main thing is to perform the complex every day (or at least 4-5 times) for 15-20 minutes and then the effect will not be long in coming.

Lips give us a lot of trouble. The circular muscle, which encircles the oral cavity in a ring, is not attached to any bone, but more than a dozen other muscles are woven into it. This “floating” position of the orbicularis oris muscle allows us to articulate and express emotions, but it is also a provoking factor for wrinkles. Especially if you have bad facial habits (pursing your lips) or everyday habits (smoking, drinking a cocktail through a straw).

Orbicularis oris:

Over time, the orbicularis oris muscle shrinks, decreases in size - and as a result, the red border of the lips decreases, the lips themselves become narrow, and purse-string wrinkles form around them (just across the muscle fibers).
Our task is to strengthen orbicularis muscle mouth, improve its blood circulation and nutrition, then the result will be smoothing of the skin. An exercise that I call “Proboscis” copes well with this task - because in it the lips are pulled forward with a wide proboscis.

But first, warm up!

Warm up for lips

1. Holding the corners of your lips with your fingers (to prevent wrinkles from forming), wrap your lips over your teeth and pat your lips. From 10 to 20 times.
2. Without removing your fingers, make an open “O” with your lips, then an open “E”. While articulating strongly, silently pronounce O-E. From 10 to 20 times.
Strengthening the orbicularis oris muscle: exercise “Proboscis”

Initial position: sitting or standing, the spine is straightened as in the “String” exercise. The muscles of the cranial vault are pulled back and upward. Tighten your lips and extend them with a wide “proboscis”. Place the fingers of both hands on your lips: index fingers on the top, thumbs on the bottom (photo on the left).

Performance: We “press” our fingers into the area around the mouth, directing the movement strictly perpendicular to the teeth, causing the lips to turn out slightly and separate from the teeth (photo on the right).
Start with 10 pressures, pause for 10 seconds. and press again ten times. Gradually increase the number of presses and bring them to 20 in each approach.

Important! Do not relax the tension of your lips - when pressing, your lips should maintain the shape of a ring. If they have lost this shape and are almost closed, this means that you have relaxed the muscle tension. Tighten your lips again and restore shape.

Safety precautions: When stretching your lips, do not make a “chicken tail” out of them, form a wide ring, making sure that wrinkles do not form on the upper lip. The fingers make short, strong movements strictly perpendicular to the plane of the teeth, without displacing the skin.

If something doesn't work out for you, start with a simplified version of the exercise.

A simplified version of the “Proboscis” exercise

Performance: Tighten your lips and stretch them out with a wide “proboscis”, as if you want to “stick” to the mirror with the inner surface of your lips. Hold your lips tense for 5 to 10 seconds, then relax. Repeat. Start with 5 repetitions, gradually increase to 10.

Relaxation: after performing the exercise, blow through relaxed lips with the sound “Pffff”, as if blowing away an invisible fluff. Do a finger shower for the area around the lips.

And very important advice! We often unconsciously purse our lips, which causes the appearance and deepening of wrinkles around the mouth. Make it a rule to “keep your mouth shut”: when you are not speaking, raise the tip of your tongue to the upper palate and place it behind your upper teeth on your gums. You will feel that it is almost impossible to tense your lips in this position. And your face will immediately appear softer and younger.

Good luck!

Yulia Zartayskaya, your face culture instructor

With a younger and middle child preschool age you should learn a set of general strengthening articulation exercises aimed at developing the speech apparatus as a whole. These exercises can be considered an excellent prevention against speech defects in children.First, invite your child to examine his organs of articulation in front of the mirror and name them: “Lips, teeth, cheeks, tongue.” Notice to the child that he has upper and lower lips, upper and lower teeth, and only one tongue. Say that the tongue is very mobile and dexterous. He can perform a variety of movements.First of all, offer your child games for the lips, cheeks and lower jaw, and only then move on to exercises to develop tongue mobility.

Articulation gymnastics should not turn into a series of tedious exercises, so it is carried out in the form of a fun game. A child, carried away, will not notice that he is being taught. This means that the process of developing speech motor skills will proceed faster and more successfully.

During one lesson, you should not try to complete all the exercises, do it several times a day, performing 2-3 exercises each time.

Here simple exercises that you and your child can start doing now. And later, when the children have mastered these exercises, together with you we will teach them more complex exercises.

Please note that some exercises have several names, but the method of execution and purpose are the same.

Exercises for the lower jaw, lips and cheeks

1. “Hippo”, “Window” or “Chick”

Goal: Learn to calmly open and close your mouth, relaxing the muscles of the tongue. Hold-keep lips and tongue in a given position.

How to do: Smile slightly, open your mouth slowly (as for singing the sound “a”:“a-a-a”), hold your mouth open for 5-10 seconds, close slowly. We repeat the exercise 3-5 times. We give the child time to rest and relax. We suggest you swallow your saliva. We repeat the exercise again 3-4 times.

Note! The tongue lies calmly in the mouth, does not pull back, the tip of the tongue is near the front teeth. If the child has difficulties, sing the sound “a” with him: “a-a-a” - the lips and tongue will take the desired position.


The hippopotamus opened its mouth

He held it, then closed it.


Open your mouth wide - “hot”, close your mouth - “cold”


Tell the baby that he is a chick, and call yourself a mother bird. Tell the chick that you will now feed him. Ask your child to open his mouth wide (show him how to do this) and stay in this position for a few seconds.Bring your fingers, folded together, to open mouth child, as if you were putting or pouring something. At the same time, recite the poem:

Open your mouth wider -

Eat, little bird, don't yawn!

2. “Smile”, “Fence” or “Frog”

Goal: To develop the ability to hold lips in a smile, exposing the lower and upper front teeth. Strengthen the lip muscles and develop their mobility.

How to do: Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower parts are visible.teeth. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 1 to 5-10. Return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time to rest and relax. We suggest you swallow your saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Note! Make sure that when smiling, the child does not tuck his upper or lower lip inward. If a child does not show his lower teeth, he needs to be taught With closed lips, lower and raise only the lower lip. We do this exercise like this: we put our finger on the lower lip, lower it and raise it. The teeth are closed, the lower the jaw is motionless. If a child has difficulties, you need to sing the sound “and” with him: “and-and-and” - and your lips will stretch into a smile.


The puppy is smiling, teeth on display.

I could do the same. Here look. Now.


We imitate frogs

We pull the lips straight towards the ears.

The lips smiled

Here are our teeth.


Our lips smiled

They reached straight for their ears.

You try “eeeeee” and say

Show me your fence.

3. “Proboscis” or “Pipe”

Goal: To develop forward movement of the lips, strengthen the muscles of the lips and their mobility.

How to do it: Pull your closed lips forward like a tube. Keep them in this positionwhile counting from 1 to 5-10. Return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time to rest and relax. We suggest you swallow your saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Note! Make sure that your mouth does not open while performing the exercise. The teeth are almost closed. If the child cannot move his lips forward, offer him reach out with your lips to the candy and take it with your lips. You can offer the game “Who is the strongest?” her?" when a child holds a bandage or a clean handkerchief (rolled into a cone) with his lips, and you try to pull it out. You can sing the sound “u” together with your child: “oo-oo-oo” - and the lips will take the position of the tube.


The baby elephant pulls its proboscis

And the banana is about to come out.

Fold the sponges into a tube

And show the baby elephant.


My lips-tube-
They turned into a pipe.
I can blow loudly:
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo!

4. “Hamster” or “Ball”

Invite your baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and hold in this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax, and swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Note!Make sure your cheeks remain puffed out and air does not escape through the lips.


The hamster will puff out his cheeks,

He has grain in bags.

We'll puff out our cheeks too,

Let's help the hamster now.


The child puffs out his cheeks, then show how to bring his fists to his cheeks and lightly hit his cheeks with them. The “ball” will burst, and the air, making a sound, will come out. Say a poem:

Blow up the balloon

Let the air out.

5. “Ring”

how to do it: Tell your baby that you can make a ring: you open your mouth, rounding your lips with a mouthpiece, and pull them forward (lip position as when pronouncing the sound O). Hold your lips in this position for 2-5 seconds and ask if he can make the same ring.

Say a poem:

Fold round sponges

and show me the ring.

6. “The baby is crying”

How to do: Tell your baby what, when Small child cries, he shouts: “UA-UA! ”, and then say this onomatopoeia, but silently, only moving your lips. Thus, you show the articulation exercises “Tube” and “Chick” one after another. Ask your child to repeat these movements with his lips. You need to change the position of your lips 2-5 times in a row.

7. “Cheerful - sad”

Goal: to develop the skill of quickly changing the position of the lips.

How to do: Tell your child that when a person is happy, he always smiles, and when he is sad, his lips curl into a tube. Show your baby a happy person first, and then a sad one. (Movement of the lips, as when pronouncing the sounds IU sequentially.) You need to change the position of the lips 2-5 times.

8. "Kiss"

How to do it: Show your baby how to pull his cheeks inside his mouth by sucking in air. In this case, the lower jaw is slightly lowered, the lips are closed. Hold this position for 2-5 seconds, and then forcefully open your lips, smacking your lips slightly. If the child cannot retract his cheeks, ask him to extend his lips slightly forward and smack his lips. Repeat the exercise 2-5 times.

Teach your baby to blow a kiss. Make sure that the child smacks his lips exactly at the moment when he brings his palm to his lips, and not earlier and not later. Say a poem:

I will put the sponges into a tube.

Then I’ll kiss my mother.

9. "Fish"

Purpose: to prepare the child’s lips to pronounce the sounds M, P, B,

How to do: Tell your child that the fish can’t talk:

The mouth opens

What can I say, he doesn’t know!

Then show how the fish opens its mouth. To do this, first open your mouth wide, then close it sharply, closing your lips tightly. Gradually increase the pace.

Now invite your child to pretend to be a fish blowing bubbles. When your child learns to do the exercise, recite the poem:

The fish opens its mouth -

She blows bubbles.

10. "Tiger"

Goal: to develop lip mobility, prepare them for pronouncing the sounds O, N.,

How to do it: Invite your child to pretend to be a tiger. To do this, demonstrate a “tiger” grin: move your lips to the sides and bare your teeth. Now ask the child not only to bare his teeth, but also to expose his claws; to do this, he needs to raise his hands to his face, bend his fingers, tense them and hold them in this position.

Everyone knows the evil tiger

The tiger scares everyone around.

11. Alternation “Proboscis” - “Smile” - “Hippopotamus”

Goal: Strengthen the lip muscles and train their mobility by switching lip positions. Develop voluntary attention.

How to do: The exercise is performed in the form of a game “Do as I do” or “Look and repeat.” The game can be played by voicing lip movements (“oo-i-a”) and silently. An adult performs alternate lip movements in any order (“u-i-a”, “a-u-i”, “i-u-a”, “i-u, u-i”), holding the lips in each positions for 3-5 seconds, and the child repeats.

Note! The transition from one position to another is smooth.The exercise is very useful for children with attention deficit.

The child smiles

The baby elephant stretched out its trunk.

Here's a hippopotamus yawning

Opening your mouth wide.

Sometimes it is enough to detect early problems in the formation of a child’s jaw and contact a specialist for help. Then you can prevent many anomalies using simple, accessible and free methods, spending just time practicing with your beloved child.

What is myogymnastics?

This is a specific set of exercises for the facial and chewing muscles, which are located around the dentition and in one way or another affect its formation. With their help, you can change the beginning of bite defects, improve diction, and also partially influence the correct formation of the jaw and facial contours. It is not surprising that myogymnastics occupies such an important place in orthodontics.

Its use is especially effective for children 4-7 years old. It is believed that after a child reaches 9 years of age, these exercises are no longer able to act as a therapeutic method. Yet they are often prescribed in addition to other orthodontic treatments on the dental system.

A. Rogers developed the first diagnostic parameters and gymnastic complexes of this type back in the last century. Based on his work, new exercises are being developed in dentistry today, trying to prevent or correct most problems in the functioning of the jaw muscles.

Facial myogymnastics is most often prescribed in the following variations:

  • as an independent method of treatment;
  • as preparation for any orthodontic interventions;
  • or as an additional influence during such correction;
  • to consolidate the result after special treatment;
  • and as a method of preventing future jaw function.

Doctors say that it is important to initially carry out the appropriate diagnosis and only then decide on the exercises that will be adequate in each specific case. Therefore, self-medication is completely excluded. Only a specialist can determine what exactly is right for the child and choose the best option.

Operating principle

To achieve the expected result, you need to adhere to the following basic principles of treatment:

  • sequence - first, simple exercises are studied and actively used, and only after mastering them can one begin more complex complexes;
  • systematic - you need to practice daily, regularly, on an ongoing basis, without taking long breaks;
  • consciousness - myogymnastics helps best when the child understands what is required of him and performs the correct movements with great desire;
  • activity - muscles must perform maximum amplitude;
  • individual approach - only taking into account the jaw structure of a particular child can we talk about any exercises, since they are not universal and different combinations are used in each clinical case;
  • age range - the best period for effective results is from 4 to 7 years;
  • integrated approach – the greatest achievements can be boasted by those patients who used myogymnastics in conjunction with other methods of treating dentoalveolar anomalies, for example, the Rokabado complex is often supplemented with autogenic training and acupressure.

Advantages and disadvantages

The effectiveness of myogymnastics is determined by the following advantages:

  • restores full functionality of the masticatory muscles;
  • normalizes the overall tone of the face;
  • improves the functioning of the lower jaw, making it more mobile;
  • influences the development of essential joints.

The advantage of the method is that it is applicable not only in orthodontics, but also in speech therapy, having a positive effect on diction.

True, there are some disadvantages:

  • when performing special exercises, it is quite difficult to control the correct impact on the desired muscles and accurately set the required duration of the session;
  • Unfortunately, not all forms of malocclusion and other jaw anomalies are amenable to such effects, and for adults they turn out to be ineffective.

Thus, it would be unnecessary to perform gymnastic activities in case of hypertrophy of the facial muscles, paresthesia of the cheeks and other anomalies caused by the pathological structure of the bone itself.

Myogymnastics for malocclusion

Depending on the shape of the occlusion and the intensity of the defect, the following exercises are prescribed.

  1. Stand up straight, extend your arms and bring them back. Raise your chin and try to push it forward as much as possible. Periodically return to its original position. Do up to 10-15 repetitions in one session. You need at least three approaches per day.
  2. Gradually increase the load and after 30 days make it more difficult. By pulling the lower jaw forward, they try to position the incisors in front of the upper ones.
  3. In addition, it is proposed to perform a special Rubinov exercise. To do this, you need to close and open your mouth without any displacement for at least 3-5 minutes. Repeat at least five times a day.
  1. You need to strongly squeeze and unclench your teeth. To check how well the child is doing, you can press your fingers to your face in the area where the molars are growing.
  2. To add gain, do the same thing, but with increased resistance. Place the index and middle fingers on the front part of the row and, when opening the mouth, try to prevent active movements of the jaw. Thus, a person puts in much more effort, working the right muscles well.
  3. Another exercise is done using a pencil or stick of a suitable size. A rubber tube is placed on this object and bitten with the incisors.

Treatment involves the following effects:

  1. They try to reach out with their tongue and press hard on the back of the palate. Do this for 3-5 minutes or until the first feeling of muscle fatigue.
  2. They throw back their head and open and close their mouth. When the jaws are closing, you need to reach with your tongue towards the far edge of the palate.
  3. Over the course of some time, the lower jaw is pulled forward until the upper incisors are completely covered.

If detected: open the jaws wide, trying to move the lower one to the side where it is observed problem area. And then they close them in the same position and hold for up to five seconds.

  1. They try to pull the lower row of teeth forward so that it is in front of the upper one. Hold the position for at least 10 seconds.
  2. Complicate the previous version by simultaneous turns of the head, first to the left, then to the right. Repeats are performed 10 times.
  3. You need to put your feet shoulder-width apart, throw your head back, and put your hands behind your back. Try to push the lower jaw so that the edges of the teeth meet.

Tongue exercises

Also, in some cases, myogymnastics is needed to correct the position and functioning of the tongue. Most often it is prescribed in cases of problems with swallowing. The following exercises are used:

  1. “Clock” - with carefully closed lips, make movements with the tongue in a circle, passing along inside lips
  2. “Naughty tongue” - place it in an extended position, slightly pushing it forward. Closing your mouth, do it so that you can “slap” it with the top row.
  3. “Painting the ceiling” - let the child imagine that the tongue is a brush and the sky is the ceiling. You need to try to move it along the upper part of the mucosa with maximum care, without missing anything.
  4. “Jackhammer” - the mouth is opened wide and the tongue is reached to the roof of the mouth. In this position, they try to quickly close their lips, imitating a hammer blow.

In cases of cutting the frenulum of the tongue, the following exercises are suggested:

  1. Lick the upper and lower lips alternately. Movements should be carried out from one edge to the other, and also try to reach the chin and the edge of the nose.
  2. They do it in a similar way to count all the teeth in a row.
  3. Place the tip alternately on each cheek.
  4. They make clicking sounds like a horseman, with their mouth open.

Repeat the complex up to ten times.

If you have difficulty swallowing, to develop the function of the anterior part of this organ:

  • The tongue is held in the “column” position.
  • Cut rubber rings from the pipette, place them on the tip of the tongue and press them against the alveoli. In this position, swallow and close the mouth without closing the dentition. It is important to constantly ensure that the rubber rings do not slip off. Swallow up to 10-12 times in one go. You can start with five or even two.
  • Hold the same ring with your tongue with clenched teeth. Gradually increase the execution time from 5 to 15 minutes.

Ideal for correcting the functioning of the middle part of the organ:

  • clicking 50-60 times;
  • press the rings to the palate with your tongue with closed teeth and parted lips.

The rear part is designed as follows:

  • gargle simple warm water for a while;
  • perform yawning movements.

For lips

If there are problems with their closure, do similar exercises, but in a different combination:

  • squeezing your mouth tightly, move your tongue in a circle;
  • they pull it forward, placing it on the lower lip, and try to hit it with the upper lip;
  • opening the mouth, place the tip of the tongue on the palate, and when closing it try to imitate the sound of a hammer;
  • extend the bottom row until the upper incisors overlap and hold this position for 10 seconds;
  • complicate actions by performing them with turns to the sides;
  • extend the lower jaw, throwing the head back.

That is, some of the exercises are repeated similarly to some other problems.

For the orbicularis oris muscles

The following options for myogymnastics are especially effective if you have interlabial space and the habit of not breathing through your nose:

  1. They alternately stretch their lips forward, as if blowing out a candle, and then stretch them into a wide smile. At the same time, you can try to pronounce sounds.
  2. Purse your lips tightly, and at this time draw in as much air as possible with your nose to inflate your cheeks. Now you can press sharply on them with your fists and exhale. The lips do not unclench.
  3. If there is a problem such as protrusion of the incisors, then again the jaws are clenched tightly and try to take in more air. But they do this under each of the lips, upper and lower, alternately.
  4. A cardboard strip is clamped between the rows and held for up to an hour. But for the first exercises, they start with just a minute.
  5. For additional training, let the child blow on some light moving object - a feather or a piece of cotton wool.
  6. They stretch the corners of the mouth with their little fingers, and at the same time try to bring them together with their muscles.
  7. Make cotton rolls and place them under the lips near the frenulum on both sides. They try to pronounce dull sounds (p, m, b).

How to increase the effectiveness of exercises?

To achieve the best results, you need to adhere to a certain technique and the following rules:

  1. Actively work the muscles with maximum amplitude.
  2. But at the same time, the physiological limits of permissible movements are maintained.
  3. Gradually increase the speed, intensity and difficulty of each exercise.
  4. To remain safe, you need to allow your muscles to rest for exactly the same amount of time as they worked before.
  5. Repeat each movement until you feel tired.
  6. Set aside a specific time for classes and strictly follow it on a regular basis.

Video: about myogymnastics.

Special devices

The following aids are also used in orthodontics:

  • Vestibular plates - they are worn during sleep in order to normalize breathing and correct the position of the tongue and lower jaw. You need to insert it with your thumb, while simultaneously pulling out the special ring.
  • Metal disc - aimed at weaning the child from bad habits by type of thumb sucking, as well as correction of mouth breathing and distal occlusion. You need to close the disc with your lips, and at the same time move your lower jaw slightly forward. It is necessary to ensure that its position is strictly horizontal.