
Good afternoon, thank you for your simulator. And since I have not been very successful in learning English for several years, I don’t care how the software works based on Petrov’s lessons. This is a very good idea, but not as well implemented as Petrov’s own systematic and concise approach to presenting material.

I will make a number of significant comments that will undoubtedly make the simulator better and will be much more convenient to use.
We are talking about the second test with listening and writing three forms. It’s very good that you can train both listening and writing at the same time. Learning through writing makes it easier to remember.
If you bring this simulator (test) to perfection, then others will not be needed.
1. The list of irregular verbs I compiled for training, consisting of 88 verbs, disappeared irrevocably when I turned off the computer - it would be nice if it was saved. Make up the same thing every day... not a good task :) It’s very convenient to set yourself a goal - to learn 6 verbs every day, for example, 60 in 10 days. I made a list and drove, because it’s quite possible! But now there is no such possibility (. There is no point in making your own list either. A piece of paper and a pen are more convenient (
2. Verbs for the test (for training) are given in 6. It is extremely important to make the setting to return to the previous six for repetition. Repetition is the key to success, but without this function, using this simulator is almost useless.
3. The function of general clearing of everything written is very necessary. That is, I wrote, checked, cleared it with one click, and after a while returned to the same verbs - wrote, checked, cleared. And I still don’t remember it. Now there are two options - either delete everything written manually (in the age of technology, people expect a completely different ease of use), or move on to other verbs without learning the previous ones.
4. The listening function next to each form of the verb, and not just the infinitive, will be very helpful. This will make the simulator more effective. Nowadays we have to turn to other sources for pronunciation.
5. Correct answers - it will be much more effective for the student to turn this function off and on himself. Now the correct answers appear during checking and “hang” until the student writes them down and presses the check button again. It will be more helpful if the student can see the error but correct it from memory. For example, incorrect answers are highlighted in red and the student either immediately writes the correct answer or clicks the hint only for this option and removes it when he sees fit.

Another exercise is not at all convenient for use; words previously moved to the correct places are shifted when new ones are moved to adjacent cells, turning the exercise not into memorizing words, but simply into Tetris.

I really want it to be useful service was brought to mind and was good for both students and creators (after all, only a good product will be able to bring not only benefit to others, but also profit to the creators;)).

1. Find the irregular verbs in the following list and give all three forms of these verbs.

come – want – use – give – eat – read – finish – take – try – ask – begin – help – let – play – leave – know – seem – work – think – swim – move – live – run – bring

2. Find the 2nd and 3rd forms of irregular verbs in the text and distribute them into the appropriate columns.

II form III form

Chris is a professional artist. He fell in love with drawing when he was 3 years old. He spent all days long in the garden with a box of crayons and a drawing-pad. Now he has already sold more than 200 of his paintings. He has taken part in the International exhibition of modern artists this year and has won praise as the youngest artist there. Two years ago Chris met a nice girl, Anna. So last Saturday they got married and today they have flown to the Maldives.

3. Put the verbs from brackets into form II and translate the sentences.

1. He... (drive) his grandfather to the doctor.

2. Jack... (wear) a strange red tie.

3. Little Greg… (blow) out 5 candles on his birthday cake.

4. They… (hold) an opera festival in August.

5. We accidentally… (break) the umbrella.

6. My daughter… (lose) her way in a new city.

7. My mother… (make) vanilla pancakes in the morning.

9. Our cat... (catch) three mice in the garden.

10. I... (go) to the ballet school in my childhood.

4. Put the verbs from brackets into III form and translate the sentences.

1. My brother has… (take) his girlfriend to a Mexican restaurant.

2. Sam has… (fly) to Iceland

3. Susan has… (find) two interesting jobs at the agency this week.

4. I have already… (send) you about ten messages.

5. We have just… (meet) Mr. Jackson at the airport.

6. Where has your teacher... (go)?

7. Which wedding hat have you… (choose)?

8. Has Rachel ever … (be) abroad?

9. The train has just… (leave) the station.

10. I haven’t … (tell) her anything.


come – came – come

give – gave – given

eat – ate – eaten

read – read – read

take – took – taken

begin – began – begun

let – let – let

leave – left – left

know – knew – known

think – thought – thought

swim – swam – swum

run - run - run

bring – brought – brought

II form III form

1. drove (He took grandfather to the doctor.)
2. wore (Jack wore a strange red tie.)
3. blew (Little Greg blew out 5 candles on the birthday cake.)
4. held (They held an opera festival in August.)
5. broke (We accidentally broke the umbrella.)
6. lost (My daughter got lost in a new city.)
7. made (My mother prepared vanilla pancakes in the morning.)
8. wrote (Mary wrote a long note in her diary.)
9. caught (Our cat caught three mice in the garden.)
10. went (I went to ballet school as a child.)

1. taken (My brother took his girlfriend to a Mexican restaurant.)
2. flown (Sam flew to Iceland today.)
3. found (Susan found two interesting jobs at the agency this week.)
4. sent (I have already sent you about 10 messages.)
5. met (We just met Mr. Jackson at the airport.)
6. gone (Where did your teacher go?)
7. chosen (Which wedding hat did you choose?)
8. been (Has Rachel ever been abroad?)
9. left (The train has just left the station.)
10. told (I didn't tell her anything.)

Material prepared via Skype

Stas Mikhailov in London Fearless romantic and conqueror of millions of hearts Stas Mikhailov invites us to his birthday. He is 50. But this is not the time to take stock, but only a short stop along the way to reflect on the stages passed and take a breath. But not alone, but with friends and everyone with whom he has a long-standing mutual love. Let there be even more of them.

The most successful star of our time, LOBODA, is on a European tour for the first time! Having just recently become a mother, the bright and tireless Svetlana Loboda will bring her “Space Show”, which will give even the most sophisticated viewers a lot of impressions and pleasure. LOBODA does not follow fashion trends, it sets them. Pop is a queen, woman is a provocation. The singer is never afraid of experiments and prefers bright images, which later become the “hottest”. LOBODA is like a chameleon in fashion - you never know what her style will be tomorrow.

Modal verbs in English are a class auxiliary verbs. Modal verbs are used to express ability, necessity, certainty, possibility or likelihood. We use modal verbs if we talk about abilities or possibilities, ask or give permission, ask, offer, etc. Modal verbs are not used independently, but only with the infinitive of the main verb as a compound predicate.

Irregular verb trainer

The English irregular verb trainer will help you remember their spelling and meaning. Fill in the empty cells. If you spelled it correctly, the word will change color from red to green. Refresh the page or click the "Start Again" button and you will see the new order of empty cells. Train again!

Levels of knowledge in English usually defined by the Common European Framework of Reference for Language (CEF or CEFR). CEFR divides the English language into 6 levels: from A1 to C2. Sometimes, for more precise definition The level of language proficiency in this scale uses sublevels, which are indicated by the sign “+”

Spoken English: expressing your opinion | 03.11.2015

Spoken English: expressing your opinion These phrases will be useful to you when preparing for the speaking part of international English exams. Expressing your opinion, assumptions, ideas

The developer of the irregular verb trainer wrote it when he couldn’t find anything like it in the App Store. Unlike other apps for learning English, Irregular verbs trainer only serves to memorize irregular verbs, but it does an excellent job of this task. The program works as follows.

There are three learning modes available: Simple Test, Mixed Test and Place Words. In a simple test, the user is shown the first form of a verb and asked to enter the second and third.

In a mixed test, the third form is shown, and the second and first forms must be remembered by yourself. In the Place Words mode, three forms of the verb are presented on the screen. The user needs to correctly determine which form is which. Although the tasks are similar, they use different approaches, which helps memorize verbs.

In each test, statistics of correct answers are kept. If you answer incorrectly, the training ends. Also, Irregular verbs trainer remembers the number of correct answers in a row and shows your record, which motivates you to answer correctly.

The application is quite simple and does the job. The only thing I can complain about is the somewhat unintuitive choice of matching verbs to forms in the “Rank Words” mode. Otherwise, the Irregular verbs trainer really helps.

Draw results

As promised, we gave away nine promotional codes for the application, choosing the winners using They became:

  1. Hedgehog in Panama
  2. Artem
  3. Sangul
  4. Dmitriy84
  5. Rinat
  6. Novel
  7. Sangul
  8. Andrey
  9. Iryna

We congratulate the guys and ask them to check their email, and we thank everyone else for participating!

The developer of the irregular verb trainer wrote it when he couldn’t find anything like it in the App Store. Unlike other apps for learning English, Irregular verbs trainer only serves to memorize irregular verbs, but it does an excellent job of this task. The program works as follows.

There are three learning modes available: Simple Test, Mixed Test and Place Words. In a simple test, the user is shown the first form of a verb and asked to enter the second and third.

In a mixed test, the third form is shown, and the second and first forms must be remembered by yourself. In the Place Words mode, three forms of the verb are presented on the screen. The user needs to correctly determine which form is which. Although the tasks are similar, they use different approaches, which helps memorize verbs.

In each test, statistics of correct answers are kept. If you answer incorrectly, the training ends. Also, Irregular verbs trainer remembers the number of correct answers in a row and shows your record, which motivates you to answer correctly.

The application is quite simple and does the job. The only thing I can complain about is the somewhat unintuitive choice of matching verbs to forms in the “Rank Words” mode. Otherwise, the Irregular verbs trainer really helps.

Draw results

As promised, we gave away nine promotional codes for the application, choosing the winners using They became:

  1. Hedgehog in Panama
  2. Artem
  3. Sangul
  4. Dmitriy84
  5. Rinat
  6. Novel
  7. Sangul
  8. Andrey
  9. Iryna

We congratulate the guys and ask them to check their email, and we thank everyone else for participating!