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Our ancestors also believed that every person is similar to a certain animal. And it is not only internal, but also external. So, you can figure out the totem by zodiac sign right now. If you want to find your patron from the animal world.


The Ox is the totem of Aries, as for a long time astrologers believed. But today they have a different opinion, believing that the patron can be birds that are swift in flight and bright in color.


The totem for the zodiac sign of Taurus is the cat. After all, she is so similar to his kind, freedom-loving and gentle nature. This totem Great not only for women, but also for Taurus men.


The mouse and the parrot are considered the totem of Gemini. They are just as active and sparkling. If Gemini chooses this totem for themselves, they will become its talisman and protector from many troubles. In addition, they will charge you with energy and positivity.

The cat, squirrel and elephant are a totem for the sensual and caring Cancer. And it is not for nothing that these animals are his patrons. They, just like Cancer, care for and protect their offspring. The bear can also be considered a Cancer totem.

The totem according to the zodiac sign is all representatives of the cat family. Starting with a wild lynx and ending with a cute and fluffy kitten. The slow and self-confident turtle is also the patron saint of Leo.


Virgo is hardworking and persistent by nature, so her totem is the ant and the bee. After all, these insects also do everything for the well-being of their own kind. Astrologers also advise Virgo to pay attention to the beaver.


Beautiful and attractive in appearance, Libra can choose a tiger, dolphin, fox and peacock as a totem from the animal world. They are as graceful, inimitable and beautiful as Libra.


Before us is Scorpio totem according to the zodiac sign, which is the wolf, cat and bear. After all, if nothing threatens Scorpio, then he behaves calmly and restrainedly. Otherwise, you need to be careful with him.


Active, independent and ubiquitous people are a priori programmed for good luck and success. They know exactly what to do to get them on their side. This means that for them the totem is a goose or a high-flying eagle.


The elk is the totem of the self-confident and charming Capricorn. After all, it is this animal that gives him even greater perseverance and steadfastness in achieving his goals.


The totem for the Aquarius zodiac sign is the rhinoceros and the bull. It’s not surprising, because these animals are in many ways similar to the persistent and ambitious Aquarius. Patrons from the world of animals will give him confidence and charge him with positive energy.


Ermine, fox, fish and whale are a totem. After all, these representatives of the animal world feel confident in their element. Although, if necessary, they will hide from everyone instantly.

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The origins of totemism as the very first religion on Earth go back to ancient times, when our ancestors worshiped representatives of the animal world. The totem was a symbol of an animal deity and was a material object of worship with the image of its patron. Ancient ancestors believed that certain qualities inherent in animals were able to help people in difficult moments in life. These special properties surpassed the entire human race in their power: thus, vigilance was attributed to the eagle, and vigilance to the bear. great power, to the wolf - fearlessness. Therefore, ceremonies and rituals were organized in honor of animals, in which they asked their patrons for protection and help.

Totemism has not disappeared from people’s consciousness even in modern world, but acquired new forms - today the totem patron animal can be identified by the zodiac sign of the person under which he was born.

Totem animals-patrons of the zodiac signs of the fire element

People born under a fire sign have a bright and energetic temperament. The fiery will to live, gifted by the elements, helps them accomplish great things, which is why they stand out among other signs with their ardent sense of purpose.


The totem animal of stubborn and persistent Aries is a wise bull, possessing enormous power and a fiery temper. His impulsive behavior accurately reflects the character of Aries.


Leos are distinguished by their ability to do several things at the same time, without losing vigilance. Proud Leos are always convinced that they are right and demand recognition from others. There could be no other option than to find a patron for oneself in the person of the King of all animals - a calculating and full of self-esteem lion.


Sagittarians are leaders by nature - many people see them as their mentors, they respect them, they listen to them. Therefore, the totem animal for Sagittarius is the elk - a symbol of wisdom for our ancestors, embodying the ability to retain power in their hands under any set of circumstances.

Totem animals-patrons of the zodiac signs of the earth element

Zodiac signs belonging to the earth element are known for their balance and calmness. They are confident in themselves, always rational in making decisions and go through all the obstacles life has in store with their characteristic composure.


Virgos embody the harmony of two opposing aspirations - the desire for adventure and the desire to create a family home. Virgos easily manage to endure all the blows of fate, thanks to their strong inner core. They turn out to be devoted friends and faithful companions, which is why their patron animals are the bear and the dog, as the brightest representatives of the animal world possessing these qualities.


Representatives of the Taurus sign are maximalists in all endeavors, who are guided by one rule: “If you go, then go to the end.” They are true to their principles, always extremely honest and insightful. Such qualities of Taurus were reflected in their patron animal, the falcon, a free and mannered animal.


Capricorns are unique people who have hidden reserves of energy power that opens up at the most needed moment. They have an optimistic attitude and know how to contemplate, but cannot tolerate loneliness. The patronizing animal, which also needs a mate, for Capricorns is the antelope - graceful and playful.

Totem animals-patrons of the Air Element Signs

Representatives of the zodiac signs of the air element are naturally talented people, endowed with good intuition and the gift of charm.


Geminis always feel as if they are standing at a fork in the road - a feeling of constant uncertainty makes them doubt own decisions. But the choice they ultimately make always comes from the heart. The fussiness and darting from side to side of the twins is expressed by the nimble vole mouse, which patronizes this zodiac sign.


Libras are characterized by pragmatism and caution. They are always in high spirits and good spirits. They prefer to work in a team, because it is with the support of others that Libras demonstrate their abilities most clearly. This feeling of “belonging” to a team is characteristic of bees, which is why the bee is the totemic patron of Libra.


Enthusiastic Aquarians are inspirers and motivators. They know how to instill hope and faith in people, they can give useful advice and almost never make mistakes about people. Aquarians inherited such a wise “beginning” from the horse, the most noble totem animal.

Totem animals-patrons of the Signs of the water element

Water zodiac signs are like a bunch of bare emotions: they are always extremely sensitive, vulnerable and understanding. Thanks to these qualities, they are especially popular among members of the opposite sex, who always see in Scorpios a “kindred” soul, ready to listen and offer help.


Cancers are distinguished by their hard work. They prefer to lead a measured lifestyle, where everything should be laid out “on the shelves.” This desire for organization is very reminiscent of the behavior of the beaver, the totem animal of Cancers.


Scorpios are always mysterious and mysterious; their true essence is always difficult to unravel. They can be unpredictable, which causes an extreme degree of curiosity and interest among others. Snakes, the patrons of Scorpios, beautiful in their mystery, have such “tortuosity.”


Pisces always know what they want; they seem to be able to foresee the future, which they gladly use for their own purposes. They are always full of romance, sometimes naive, but all the more attractive. Pisces dreamers have found theirs totemic patron in the form of a seagull, and, like her, “hovering somewhere in the clouds.”

Dream theme:

The energetic connection between people and animals was noticed in ancient times. Each Zodiac Sign is protected by a totem animal, which helps a person in life and brings good luck.

In pre-Christian times, our ancestors worshiped totem animals. Depending on the time of birth, a person acquired a patron animal, to which he addressed his requests and desires. It was believed that the totem animal accompanies a person throughout life path, protects from troubles and helps to realize one’s abilities. The Slavs made amulets with the image of their patron from the world of animals. Such a talisman attracted good luck to the owner.

A person’s totem animal is determined by the location of the Sun in one of the constellations at the time of his birth. Accordingly, each Zodiac Sign has its own patron animal.

For those born under the sign Aries, patronizes the bull - a powerful and wise animal. He has enormous strength and equally large-scale stubbornness and temper. It perfectly reflects the impulsive nature of Aries.

Totem animal Taurus- bear, wise owner of the forest. In ancient times, the bear was revered as one of the most important animals, the guardian of the family hearth and protector of the home. The bear rarely attacks on its own, but if you anger it, it will show its enormous power. A similar line of behavior is characteristic of Taurus.

Gemini corresponds to the vole mouse. The mouse has always symbolized material wealth and family values. Unlike many animals, voles live in pairs and remain faithful to each other throughout their lives.

For representatives of the sign Cancer The totem animal is the beaver. Beavers are calm, hardworking and able to adapt to almost any conditions. This animal enhances the positive aspects in the character of Cancers.

Leos, of course, corresponds to a lion. Few other animals can compete with the king of beasts. Leo is peaceful, dignified, reserved and calculating. Representatives of the zodiac Leo are also endowed with charm and the ability to calculate their actions.

Virgos patronized by the dog. Dog - devoted friend and defender. She protects the house from intrusion by strangers and senses a person’s emotions. This totem animal is very suitable for Virgos, who are distinguished by empathy and constancy.

Totem of the representatives of the sign Scales- bee. Bees are hardworking, active, intelligent animals, organized into a society. Strong in their unity. This is also typical for Libra, who show their considerable abilities when they feel the support of the people around them.

Patron animal Scorpios- cat. The cat family is characterized by mystery, independence, and a tendency to independently choose its owner. Such external emotional restraint, thoughtfulness and closeness are characteristic of Scorpios.

Sagittarius corresponds to the elk - one of the totem animals most respected by our ancestors. The moose embodies strength, wisdom and power over circumstances. He gives family happiness and is the patron of motherhood. It was believed that seeing a Moose from afar was a lucky sign.

Totem animal Aquarius- horse. The horse has always been considered an indispensable helper and friend. There has always been a special connection between this animal and man. Aquarians are also able to have a beneficial effect on others and provide assistance at the right time.

Capricorns patronage is provided by the antelope - an elegant, swift and energetic animal. They do not live alone and are very shy. Capricorns are also characterized by increased activity and realize themselves in society.

Pisces patronizes the snail. The snail has a high degree of survival and adapts to almost all conditions. In addition, it is believed that snails carry the energy of calm and friendliness - and indeed, they are the most harmless animals. Representatives of the Pisces sign share this energy with others.

Your guardian animal accompanies you at every stage of life. A talisman with the image of a totem animal will protect you from adversity and bring prosperity. We wish you success and don't forget to click on the buttons and

07.10.2015 01:10

People often associate themselves with some animal. Some people feel like a gray mouse, while others feel like...

A certain energetic connection can arise between people and animals. According to a person’s zodiac sign, there is a totem animal that brings good luck and protects from problems.

Aries - sheep, bull

The Ox will support Aries in his endeavors

Aries is characterized by impulsiveness, strong character, charm and stubbornness. Next to animals, which are totemic for him, a representative of this sign gains confidence in his abilities and calmness. The sheep personifies the zodiac sign itself, and the bull symbolizes the stubbornness and fortitude characteristic of Aries.

The talisman can be made in the form of a figurine or figure. It is better to keep it in a safe place at home or in the office. This will protect the product from negative external influences. The support provided by a totem animal helps to protect oneself from dangers and successfully resolve emerging problems.

The colors of the products must be bright to evoke positive emotions for the energetic Aries: crimson, yellow, red. Suitable materials: metal, glass, stone.

Taurus - turtle, owl, bear

The owl can be placed on the desktop

People born under this constellation are always slow, calm, and hardworking. At the same time, they can become hot-tempered if their interests are offended.

The clumsy turtle personifies the regularity characteristic of Taurus, which ultimately always leads to achieving the goal. The cow symbolizes the prosperity that these connoisseurs of material well-being so strive for. The bear is the owner of the forest. He rarely attacks first, but is always ready to defend himself and his loved ones.

Amulets in the shape of a turtle or a bear are best worn around the neck. In this way, they will develop the internal potential of their owner and help achieve their goals. An owl can be made in the form of a figurine and occupy an honorable place in the house.

Suitable colors: yellow, blue, green. Products must be made exclusively from natural materials that are pleasant to the touch: wood, stone.

Gemini - dolphin, crow

Such amulets will appeal more to men

Geminis are always charming, cheerful and sociable people. They easily make contacts and inspire trust among others. At the same time, they are characterized by duplicity, which is not immediately apparent.

The dolphin is the totem animal of Gemini, since it is also distinguished by its good nature and ability to win over others. But the raven is a cunning bird that always recognizes its own benefit. Crow distinguishes high level intelligence, which is characteristic of representatives of this sign.

The raven can be made in the form of an amulet around the neck, a figurine, or a small figure. The dolphin is usually used as an amulet.

Changeable Geminis like stones that shimmer different colors. Favorite shades: yellow, green, gray. Of particular importance is purple- it has mysticism, mystery.

Cancer - penguin, hamster, crab

Pets have always been and will be Cancer's secret love.

Representatives of the Cancer sign are very closed, sensitive and insightful individuals. They find it difficult to get along with people and value their family. The most important thing in life for them is home.

Penguins are distinguished by a strong attachment to their relatives, the ability to organize their existence in extreme conditions. Hamsters are cute and almost harmless pets that make you want to protect them. Crabs are characterized by fortitude and endurance, despite their slowness.

Penguins can be made in the form of amulets. You can also hang a photograph of this animal on the wall. The hamster will become a suitable pet for Cancer, which will evoke positive emotions and calm. If possible, you should have an aquarium at home that will contain crabs in addition to fish. But a simple image of a crab with clearly drawn claws will have a beneficial effect and give confidence.

Leo - wolf, ladybug, lion

A ladybug on a chain helps calm sudden outbursts of anger in Leos

Lviv is distinguished by nobility, pride, goodwill and vanity. They know how to charm, but at the same time they cannot always restrain their excessive impulsiveness and power of character.

The reserved and proud Leo best reflects the essence of the zodiac sign of the same name. Wolf - strong predator who knows how to build relationships within the pack. Ladybug balances the character of Leo, bringing a certain lightness and charm.

Lions and wolves can be depicted in paintings and photographs, present in the form of figurines at home or on the desktop. ladybug It is recommended to wear it around the neck as a talisman, which will have a very beneficial effect on the character of Leo.

Gold amulets are best suited for Leo. Colors of figurines: scarlet, gold, orange, black.

Virgo - dog, raccoon

Virgos always appreciate the devotion of a four-legged friend

Virgo is a practical, rational sign. These are true workers, devoted to their family.

A neat and curious raccoon is distinguished by its cleanliness and good nature. A dog is an intelligent animal, always ready to faithfully serve the people dear to it.

Virgos, as a rule, are happy to have four-legged pets at home, which are distinguished by the same devotion and intelligence. Dog figures will also provide energy. Images of a raccoon evoke positive emotions.

Virgo colors: white, blue, green. The figures can be made of stone - jasper, malachite.

Libra - bee, tit

The bee will calm Libra's restless soul and help him concentrate on work.

Calm and non-conflict Libras are characterized by a sense of humor, hard work and a desire for harmony. They understand style and gravitate towards everything beautiful.

The bee knows how to work and survive in large cluster relatives. She always acts by the rules. The tit is a charming, light and bright bird.

The metal of Libra is bronze. Wearing an amulet and this metal will give stability and confidence. Figurines made of crystal are perfect. For products made of stone and other materials, it is better to choose pastel shades: blue, purple, beige.

Scorpio - cat, scorpion, snake

A scorpion on your chest will reduce the number of reasons for grievances

Scorpios are considered the most mysterious of all zodiac signs. While outwardly composed, they are internally very emotional and vulnerable. They can be truly cruel and selfish.

The cat has a special meaning for this sign. She is arrogant, knows her own worth, and values ​​independence. Scorpio is the symbol of the sign. Its sting protects it from enemies and allows it to deliver a fatal blow at the right moment. A snake is a dangerous and unpredictable animal.

Snakes, beetles and spiders are suitable pets for the bravest representatives of the sign. They will calm and promote the development of intuition. You can also have a scorpion in an aquarium at home. The cat will relax and reduce anxiety.

When choosing body amulets, you should give preference to a white metal scorpion.

Sagittarius - elk, parrot, partridge

A bright parrot is an excellent match for a fiery Sagittarius

Representatives of this sign are impulsive, generous, open and very amorous. The bright and lively parrot personifies the friendliness and charm characteristic of Sagittarius. The elk symbolizes wisdom. Partridge is a symbol of family well-being and love. This totem helps restless Sagittarius gain the desire to settle down and create a family home.

It is best to have a live parrot at home. This smart animal will evoke positive emotions in its owner. Images of elk or partridge may be present in photographs or paintings. You can also purchase animal figurines.

The greatest energy for Sagittarius will be carried by talismans of blue, cyan, and violet shades.

Capricorn - goat, black cat, turtle

Phlegmatic cat breeds are perfect for Capricorn as a companion.

Capricorns are distinguished by practicality, purposefulness, and secrecy. They are leisurely and thorough.

A figurine of a goat will bring prosperity and health. The black cat, which is shunned by all people, protects Capricorns from negative energy ill-wishers. The image of the animal can be worn on the chest, made as a tattoo, or used in the form of figurines at home and at work. But the greatest strength and protection will be given by a living black cat, which will always be nearby as pet. The turtle, like the representatives of the sign, does not tolerate fuss, but always achieves its goals. An animal figurine can be placed on your desktop.

Aquarius - unicorn, dove

Unicorn - mythical creature, but to some extent also a totem

Aquarians spend their entire lives in search of new sensations and accomplishments, looking for something new and unusual. It is precisely because of the unique thinking and irrepressible imagination inherent in this sign that the main mascot is considered to be the mythical animal - the unicorn. The dove symbolizes peace and good luck.

The image of a unicorn may be present in the paintings. An amulet in the form of a dove will bring good luck and give emotional freedom. The dove can also be used as a figurine. When choosing talismans, preference should be given to white and blue flowers. They symbolize the air element of Aquarius and endow their owner with positive energy.

Pisces - snail, fish

An aquarium is an excellent solution for comfort in a Pisces home

Pisces are dreamers and romantics, whose imagination often takes them far from real everyday problems. They are always ready to adapt to the situation without entering into conflict.

The best mascots are decorative fish. They not only provide representatives of the sign with energy, but also help to heal from ailments. The right decision is to put a colorful aquarium with fish at home. The snail, despite its external fragility, has strength and endurance. An amulet in the shape of a snail will give you peace of mind and give good mood. You can also keep live snails in the aquarium along with fish. It is advisable to choose talismans in blue, purple, and steel shades.

Each sign has its own strengths and weak sides. A correctly selected amulet will help you get a boost of energy and protect yourself from adversity.

Each zodiac sign has its own special characteristics and energy, and they also have their own symbols, including totem animals that personify the character of a person of a particular sign. Let's find out which animal might represent your zodiac sign!

1. Aries: Dog

The most suitable animal for Aries is a loyal and brave dog. You've probably watched dogs trying to dig something out of the ground or get a toy from under the sofa: they will never stop until they get their way. Dogs are also brave protectors and very loving creatures who will always come to the aid of their loved ones.

2. Taurus: Turtle

The bull and the turtle have more common features than it might seem at first glance. They are both slow, clumsy and have an amazing gift for coping with all problems - albeit long and leisurely. Taurus, like the turtle, cannot quickly change the direction of its actions, but will approach the ideal solution step by step.

3. Gemini: Dolphin

The dolphin, as an animal with high intelligence, as well as a desire to be in the company of its fellows, is ideal for this sign. Dolphins swimming alone are very rare, as they are very vulnerable on their own. The same can be said about Geminis, who are terribly afraid of being left alone.

4. Cancer: Penguin

Penguins, like crustaceans, have a strong bond with their home and loved ones, which helps them travel long distances to food and shelter. The ability to create and maintain coziness and comfort even in the most difficult circumstances, plus developed intuition, are the main advantages of Cancer.

5. Leo: Wolf

The wolf is a strong and strong-willed animal. Lions and wolves are social animals, they are able to recognize a leader and they themselves know how to manage a pack. Wolves, like lions, are in constant motion, they need active activity, and they can always control the situation around them.

6. Virgo: Raccoon

The raccoon is a very curious and intelligent animal. This little animal always knows exactly what he wants, and most often he gets it. Despite the fact that he has a couple of questionable habits, he is very careful and selective, for example, when it comes to food. And the way he carefully washes his paws very well reflects Virgo’s desire for cleanliness and order.

7. Libra: Otter

A suitable animal for Libra is the otter. Otters often sacrifice themselves for the sake of their offspring, which reflects Libra's tendency to neglect themselves in favor of others. Interesting fact is that in nature, otters help maintain the ecological balance in a body of water, which is also very similar to Libra in their desire to bring everything into harmony and balance.

8. Scorpio: Cat

The most suitable animal for Scorpio may be a cat. Our cat friends, like Scorpios, often behave mysteriously, persistently and even arrogantly. But as soon as they realize that you are worth their attention, they will show you all their tenderness and kindness.

9. Sagittarius: Parrot

The parrot is the cutest and very smart bird. They can adapt to any circumstances and conditions. They are sociable and friendly. And the ability of these birds to fly (and sometimes fly away, breaking out of the cage) reflects Sagittarius’ desire for constant movement and freedom.

10. Capricorn: Owl

Owls in mythology, like Capricorns, are considered very wise creatures. They save inner peace and can give good advice. An owl will always find without outside help The best way, how to take yours. In addition, these birds are dispassionate and unemotional, just like Capricorns, who hide their emotions deeply, so it is sometimes difficult to understand what they really feel.

11. Aquarius: Unicorn

The unicorn is one of the most original and unreal creatures, living only in fairy tales and myths. His rebellious spirit, poise and independence fit perfectly with the qualities of Aquarius. Sometimes it may seem that Aquarius himself is living in his own myth, however, like this mysterious creature, he often makes sacrifices for the benefit of those around him.

12. Pisces: Chameleon

As you know, the chameleon has an amazing ability to completely adapt to environment and merge with her. Being a fickle sign, Pisces acts in exactly the same way, pretending to be who other people want them to be, and skillfully disguising their true self.