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1 option

1.The total area of ​​Asia is:

A) 57 million km² B) 44 million km² C) 19 million km² D) 10 million km² E) 24 million km²

2. Does Asia occupy 75% of the relief?

A) plains and lowlands B) plateaus and plateaus C) plains and mountains

3. The main wealth of South-West Asia, which determines its role in the MGRT?

A) iron ore B) oil C) coal D) gold E) copper ores

4. In which Asian countries is the form of government absolute monarchy?

A) Brunei, Kuwait, UAE, Oman B) Jordan, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan

C) Philippines, Singapore, India, Bangladesh D) Cambodia, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon

E) Japan, Cyprus, Saudi Arabia, Israel

5. Which states are called “ asian tigers»?

A) Thailand, Laos, Japan B) Singapore, Indonesia, India

C) Singapore, Republic of Korea, Taiwan D) Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Turkey

E) Mongolia, Japan, Thailand

6. How many large islands make up the main territory of Japan?

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E)5.

7. The most large island Japan:

A) Honshu B) Hokkaido C) Kyushu D) Shikoku E) Yaku

8. The population of Japan in 2014 was (million people)?

A) 45.5 B) About 100 C) 150 D) 80.1 E) 127.1

9. Specify natural object, which is national symbol Japan?

A) Okinawa Island B) Mount Fuji C) Sagami Bay

D) Mount Asahi E) Kiso River

10. What type of products (goods) significantly predominates in the import structure

Japan? A) Fuel and raw materials B) Ores and finished products

C) Machinery and equipment D) fuel and finished products E) metallurgical products

11. The world's largest oil field, Gavar, is located in the country:

A) Kuwait B) Iraq C) Saudi Arabia D) Iran E) Bahrain

12. Country ranked 1st in the world for cattle:

A) China B) India C) Japan D) Saudi Arabia E) Kazakhstan

13.Chromium ore deposits in Turkey:

A) Eregli and Zonguldak B) Garzan and Germik C) Davrygi and Sivas

D) Fethiye and Basherron E) Ergani and Morgul

14. Countries in which region of Asia stand out for their supplies to the world market

mineral raw materials (tin, tungsten, antimony)?

A) South-West Asia B) South Asia C) South-West East Asia

D) Central E) Eastern

15. Megalopolis of Japan, uniting a number of agglomerations and being the most

largest in the world:

A) Tokyo. B) Osaka C) Nagoya D) Tokaido E) Okinawa

16. In terms of mining of tin and chrome ores, India ranks in the world:

A) 2nd place B) 3rd place C) 5th place D) 6th place E) 7th place

17. In what year was the independence of India declared:

A) 1914 B) 1947 C) 1961 D) 1975 E) 1981

18. Which developing countries in last years became centers of immigration:

A) Southeast Asian countries B) Countries Persian Gulf

C) Countries South America D) East Asian countries E) South Asian countries

19. Which of the following countries is federal?

A) Nepal B) China C) Mongolia D) Japan E) Malaysia

20. The largest metallurgical plant in China is located in the city:

A) Beijing B) Shanghai C) Anshan D) Tianjin E) Urumqi

21. The ASEAN International Organization represents the states of the region:

A) Southeast Asia B) East Asia C) Southwest Asia

D) Central and Eastern Asia E) South Asia

22. Which of the following Asian countries do not have direct access to the sea?

A) Oman, Lebanon, Kuwait B) Iran, Iraq, Syria C) China, India, Japan

D) Pakistan, Bhutan, Malaysia E) Afghanistan, Mongolia, Nepal

23. Is the country located in two parts of the world?

A) India B) Japan C) Turkey D) Indonesia E) Afghanistan

24. Specify main center shipbuilding industry of the Republic of Korea:

A) Seoul B) Busan C) Kaesong D) Nampo E) Chojin

25. What is the main reason that contributed to the rapid growth of the economies of the newly industrialized countries (NICs)?

A) Large mineral deposits B) Cheap electrical energy

C) developed transport D) favorable economic and geographical location

E) "Soft" environmental laws

Final test “Countries of Asia” 11th grade (EMN)

Option 2

1. On the political map of Asia, states are distinguished:

A) ~50 B) ~20 C) ~30 D) ~40 E) more than 60

2.Which Asian region countries are leaders in the extraction of mineral raw materials and fuel?

D) Eastern and Central Asia E) East Asia

3. The lowest place on the Earth's land surface?

A) Red Sea B) Dead Sea C) Yellow Sea

D) Caspian Sea E) Mediterranean Sea

4. Countries in which region of Asia are most well supplied with water?

A) Southwest Asia B) South Asia C) Southeast Asia

D) Central Asia E) East Asia

5. Indicate the countries included in Central and East Asia?

A) Jordan, China B) Israel, Iraq C) Republic of Korea, Mongolia

D) UAE, Qatar E) Afghanistan, Japan

6. What place does Foreign Asia occupy among the regions of the world in terms of population?

A) 2 B) 5 C) 3 D) 1 E) 4

7. The countries with the highest population density are:

A) Bangladesh, Mongolia B) Singapore, Bangladesh C) Singapore, Mongolia

D) Japan, Saudi Arabia E) China, Saudi Arabia

8. Which of the following states is a constitutional monarchy?

A) Saudi Arabia. B) Kuwait C) Brunei D) UAE E) Japan.

9. National religion Japan:

A) Judaism B) Shintoism C) Buddhism D) Hinduism E) Confucianism

10. Japan's specialization in the world economy is:

A) growing tea, rice, cotton, jute. B) heavy engineering

C) Robotics, electrical engineering D) Agricultural engineering

E) military equipment, non-ferrous metallurgy

11. Indicate the shipbuilding centers of Japan:

A) Yokohama, Kobe B) Hiroshima, Tokyo C) Nagasaki, Nagoya

12. Indicate the newly industrialized countries of Asia (NIC):

A) Rep. Korea, Singapore, Taiwan B) China, Thailand, Mongolia

C) Japan, China, Republic of Korea D) Japan, India, China

E) Singapore, Iran, Iraq

13. Determine which parts of China are densely populated:

A) South coast and Central regions. B) Xinjiang, Tibet.

C) Great Chinese Plain, East and Southeast coasts

D) Interior and Manchuria

E) The population is distributed evenly throughout the country.

14. The largest agglomeration in China is:

A) Beijing B) Urumqi C) Anshan D) Tianjin E) Shanghai

15.Most of China's electricity is produced by:

16. How much state languages in India? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3. D) 4. E) 5.

17. By shape government system India is:

A) unitary republic B) federal Republic

C) constitutional monarchy D) federal monarchy E) jamahiriya

18. Which city is the largest industrial center in northern India?

A) Mumbai B) Agra C) Chennai D) Delhi E) Kolkata

19. Highest point Turkey mountain:

A) Great Ararat B) Chogori C) Everest D) Fuji E) Elbrus

20. What are the most developed sectors of the Turkish economy? A) tourism and Agriculture

B) manufacturing industry and crop production

C) mining, metallurgy, oil, textile, food, construction

D) electric power and non-ferrous metallurgy E) tourism, textile and shipbuilding

21. The main livestock industry in Turkey:

A) camel breeding B) sheep breeding C) horse breeding

D) poultry farming E) cattle breeding

22. Indicate the Asian countries that are members of OPEC:

A) China, Japan, Iran, Iraq. B) China, India, Kuwait, Algeria.

C) Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan D) Japan, Mongolia, Qatar, UAE.

E) Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE.

23. Which countries belong to the group of backward countries:

A) Israel, Pakistan B) Cambodia, Taiwan C) Indonesia, Nepal

D) Malaysia, Taiwan E) Afghanistan, Nepal

24.Indicate the Asian country that has the highest average duration life:

A) India B) China C) Afghanistan D) Japan E) Brunei

25. Indicate the region of Asia that is the birthplace of 2 world religions:

A) Southeast Asia B) Southwest Asia C) East Asia

D) South Asia E) Central Asia

Final test “Countries of Asia” 11th grade (EMN)

Option 3

1. 25% of the relief of Asia is occupied by?

A) plains B) plateaus and plateaus C) plains and mountains

D) mountains and highlands E) hills and lowlands

2. Largest pools coal in Asia are located in the countries:

A) China, Afghanistan B) China, India C) Saudi Arabia, Kuwait

D) Jordan, India E) Japan, China

3. Countries in which region of Asia are the most well off forest resources?

A) South-West and South Asia B) South and East Asia

C) Southeast and Central Asia D) Central and East Asia

E) Southeast and East Asia

4. What are the countries of South-West Asia?

A) India, Lebanon B) Lebanon, Japan C) Jordan, Bahrain

D) Brunei, Malaysia E) China, Republic of Korea

A) Mongolia B) Bangladesh C) Kazakhstan D) Pakistan E) UAE

6. Are the main oil flows from the Persian Gulf ports directed?

A) to the USA and Canada B) to North America and Europe

C) to China and Southeast Asia D) to Northern and South America

E) in Western Europe and Japan

7. Form of government in Japan?

A) Kingdom B) Sultanate C) Duchy D) Empire E) Principality

8. Determine what two religions are practiced in Japan

A) Confucianism and Buddhism B) Buddhism and Lamaism.

C) Christianity and Buddhism D) Shintoism and Buddhism

E) Buddhism and Hinduism.

9. What type of products (goods) significantly predominates in Japanese exports?

A) Fuel B) Ores and other raw materials C) Machinery and equipment.

D) Food products. E) Raw materials for the chemical industry.

10. Indicate the automotive manufacturing centers of Japan:

A) Yokohama, Kobe B) Hiroshima, Nagoya C) Nagasaki, Nagoya

D) Tokyo, Osaka E) Fukuoka, Osaka

11. Indicate the chain of cities in China:

A) Beijing, Pyongyang, Urumqi, Tianjin. B) Dalian, Wuhan, Shanghai, Harbin.

C) Baotou, Phnom Penh, Hong Kong, Shanghai. D) Macau, Kitohyushu, Haifoi, Harbin.

E) Ho Chi Minh City, Bangkok, Beijing, Manzhou.

12.Which city in China is a tourist center?

A) Beijing B) Shanghai C) Anshan D) Tianjin E) Chongqing

13. In which part of China are special economic regions located?

A) in Western China B) in Eastern and Southern China C) in Northern China

D) in Southeast China E) Northeast and Northern China

14.What place does China take in the world in terms of electricity generation?

A) 2nd place B) 3rd place C) 1st place D) 6th place E) 5th place

15. Predominant religion in India:

A) Christianity B) Sikhism C) Hinduism D) Buddhism E) Islam

16. What are the main rivers of India?

A) Ganges, Indus B) Ganges, Assam C) Savitri, Indus

D) Brahmaputra, Karmanasha E) Godowari, Damodar

17. Large heavy industrial area of ​​India, rich in mineral resources

formed in the states: A) Southern B) Western C) Central

D) North-Eastern E) North-Western

18. List the largest ports in India:

A) Delhi, Kolkata B) Mumbai, Chennai C) Mumbai, Mangaluru

D) Bhilai, Kolkata E) Chennai, Delhi

19. Specify The largest city Turkey:

A) Izmir B) Ankara C) Adana D) Bursa E) Denizli

A) Ambarly B) Tarsus C) Kyzyl-Irmak D) Tigris E) Euphrates

21. Türkiye ranks first in the world in collecting:

A) wheat B) citrus fruits C) hazelnuts D) grapes E) olives

22. Indicate the country of settler capitalism:

A) Iran B) Israel C) Afghanistan D) Kuwait E) Saudi Arabia

23.Which countries of South-West Asia have large metallurgical plants,

working on imported raw materials?

A) in Kuwait and Algeria B) in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait

C) in the United United Arab Emirates, Qatar D) in Qatar and Bahrain

E) in Kuwait and Bahrain

24. Indicate the country that ranks fifth in the world in passenger car production


A) Republic of Korea B) Japan C) North Korea D) China E) India

25. Oil exporting countries are united into international organization:


Answers to the test "Asian Countries" 11th grade (EMN)

1 option

Option 2

Option 3

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In this test, we have prepared for you 10 difficult questions that cover a wide range of knowledge in geography. If you manage to answer everything, then your memory and erudition can be envied. Test your strengths and capabilities in this area. Are you really strong in geography, or does your knowledge require a portion of new and fresh information?