The question “T is a suffix or the ending of a verb?” For decades now, questions have been asked and simple people, and famous philologists. Modern approach to the study of the Russian language allows for the existence of two points of view, each of which has its own pros and cons.

Is t' a suffix or an ending?

School grammar for a long time considered “t” and “ti” as endings or formal indicators of the infinitive. The majority of manuals intended for higher educational institutions adhere to the same position to this day. Among linguists, the opinion that “t” is an ending is shared by Shansky N.M., Baranov M.T., Kuznetsov G.S.

Defending their version, scientists argue as follows: an infinitive means that it can have an ending. This explanation cannot be called satisfactory; moreover, it leads to contradictions. This is due to the fact that the infinitive in modern linguistics is considered an unchangeable word, and, accordingly, cannot have an ending.

Is th a suffix or ending for verbs?

New school textbooks support another point of view, according to which “t” and “ti” are suffixes on verbs. This theory was developed by linguists such as V.V. Babaytseva, N.S. Valgina. Answering the question: “T is a suffix or an ending?”, scientists, first of all, tried to prove the inconsistency of another position that reveals this problem. They argued that the “t” of a verb cannot be inflected, since it does not express grammatical meaning words and is not preserved in forms formed from the infinitive.

This approach seems convincing, but it has also caused a lot of controversy in linguistic circles. “If “t” is a suffix, then why is it not part of the word?” - this question became one of the main ones for everyone who became familiar with the new theory. It’s easy to answer if you remember the basics of morphemics. In modern Russian, suffixes are divided into formative and word-forming. Morphemes of the first type are not included in the stem. This is what we see in the infinitive.

What about "whose"?

Do not forget that in the Russian language there are examples of the initial form of the verb that end in “ch”. How to deal with such cases? What is the “whose” in such words: an ending or a suffix?

There are also several answers to these questions:

  1. Is a suffix.
  2. Represents inflection.
  3. Goes to the root.

The first two points of view are outdated. “Whose” was defined as a suffix or ending by analogy with “t” and “ti.”

Modern linguistics believes that this combination is part of the root. You can prove that this opinion is correct by changing the verb: oven-bake. In forms formed from the infinitive, “whose” is retained, which means it is part of the root.

What is the result?

It is impossible to unambiguously answer the question: “Is T’ a suffix or an ending?” Both points of view described above are considered valid in modern Russian. Each of them has its supporters. However, currently school program gives preference to the position according to which “t” is a formative suffix. In higher educational institutions It is common to consider both theories.

1. The spelling of personal endings for verbs of the present or future simple (if the verb is perfect) tense differs depending on the type of conjugation:

1) verbs of the first conjugation have the endings: -у(-у), -ест, -ет, -ем, -ет, -ут(-ут):

I carry, I carry, I carry, I carry, I carry, I carry;

2) verbs of the second conjugation have endings: -у(-у), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at(-yat):

sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting.

Verb conjugation is determined in two ways:

According to the personal ending, if it is stressed:

sing - I ref. (sing - by Yu T); sit - II resp. (sit - sit I T)

By the suffix of an indefinite form (infinitive), if the personal ending is unstressed.

For ease of memorization and understanding, I propose to neglect morphology a little and simply list the verbs that are conjugated according to conjugation I, and those that are conjugated according to II.

So, according to rules II the conjugations will change:

Verbs, indefinite form ending in it(its):

wither, cook, ride, sting, coy, fuss, mow, circle, feast on, beckon, measure, pray, dress up, be unwell, please, nurse, foam.

Verb "measure" and its derivatives (to measure, to measure, to measure, etc.):

measuring, measuring, measuring, measuring, measuring, measuring;

The forms “measure, measure, measure, measure, measure, measure” are formed from the colloquial verb “measure” and are considered non-literary.

According to rules I, the conjugations will change:


shave (shave, shave, shave, shave, shave, shave);

to be founded (used only in two forms: to be founded - to be founded;

four verbs in at(at): drive, hold, breathe, hear;

seven verbs for eat: see, twirl, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure.

- Other verbs ending in the indefinite form to "at, eat, ut" , as well as verbs in "ot" with unstressed personal endings.

Here are some of them:

mutter, recover, warm, enslave, harden, click, waver, prick, sway, blush, babble, babble, grind, adore, darken, solder, cry, flog, count, pour, melt, trample, pull, whisper.

Verbs "to lay" and "to lay" and derivatives from them (to cover - to lay out, to cover - to lay, to spread - to lay, to re-lay - to re-cover):

spread, spread, spread, spread, spread.

Verbs like “to recover, to become frosty, to become disgusted, to become disgusted, to grow moldy” :

get well, get well, get well, get well, get well.

In the indefinite form and past tense of verbs “bayat, bleat, winnow, repent, bark, lie, toil, hope, soar, sow, melt (not to be confused with the verb to conceal), find fault, teat, smell” suffix -yat, therefore:

melting, melting, melting, melting, melting.

!!! But: hide from conceal.


Vaevsky will personally kill anyone who “hides the snow” or “melts the mystery”

Verbs want, run, dream belong to heteroconjugates,

those. They have endings of I and II conjugations .

Thus, the verb “want” in the singular changes according to the I conjugation (you want, wants), and in the plural - according to the II (want, want, want);

verb to run in 3rd person plural has the ending -ut (run), in the rest - endings of the second conjugation: run, run, run, run;

the verb to brezzhit has only two forms: the 3rd person singular - brezhit (II conjugation) and the 3rd person plural - brezhut (I conjugation).

From the verb "to torture" forms are used both I and II conjugations :

torment, torment, torment, torment, torment, torment and torment, torment, torment, torment, torment.

The II conjugation forms are preferred, while the I conjugation forms are considered colloquial, they go back to the obsolete verb “to torture”.

Many verbs prefix you- takes on the stress, resulting in difficulty in writing. In these cases, a dubious ending is recommended check with an unprefixed word :

they will reprimand - they say (to reprimand - to speak), if you get enough sleep - you sleep (to get enough sleep - to sleep), if you cut your hair - you will cut your hair (to cut your hair - to cut your hair).

2. There are different similar sounding forms of the 2nd person plural imperative mood(determined by “do it quickly!”) and the 2nd person plural form of the present or future (for perfect verbs) indicative tense (determined by “you will do it”)

For example: knock(first option) and knock(second option)

The imperative mood is formed using the suffix -i- and the ending -te : sit, write, jump;

in the indicative mood, the verb has an ending depending on the conjugation: -ete or -ite. Let's compare:

I conjugation Write more carefully! (imperative mood) - You write carefully, so the work is easy to read (indicative mood)

II conjugation Hold the pen correctly! (imperative mood) - If you hold the pen correctly, your handwriting will turn out beautiful (indicative mood).

The letter "ь" in verb forms

b is written:

1) in the infinitive form of the verb (does everyone remember what an infinitive is?):

burn - burn, entertain - have fun, read;

2) at the end of the 2nd person singular of the present or future tense (that is, in those verbs that answer the question “what are you doing? What will you do?”):

if you burn, you get burned, if you entertain, you have fun;

3) in the imperative mood after consonants:

throw, throw, dress, leave, hide, cut;

When forming the imperative mood of the plural “b” the following is preserved:

throw, throw, dress, leave, hide, cut.

+ Exception: lie down - lie down - lie down.

"b" is not written:

In forms like “let’s go, start, do”;

In personal forms of verbs with the root “da-”:

will be given (indefinite form - to be given), will be given (to be given), will be given (to be given), will be given (to be given), will be given (to be given), will be given (to be given);

But! in the infinitive of this group of verbs “b” is retained.

1. Verbs on -at (-yat) /-it /-eat

P r a v i l o. IN verbs With percussion prefix You-thematic vowel being checked By non-prefixed verb (sit through sit). IN verbs without consoles You - With truncated basis after consonants (cope, believe) And after vowel O without accents is written -and(t) (cost, build), after vowels A, e, at is written -I(t) (bark, sow, smell). IN verbs With untruncated basis after doubles soft without accents is written -e(t) (worm, toughen up, become disgusted), after hissing And ts -a(t) (listen, eat, put on airs, click) or -e(t) (run out of money, decapitate, be indifferent).

EXCLUSIONS: verbs scrub, glue (And after A, e); see, depend, hate, offend, Also get winded (e V verbs with a truncated stem after paired soft consonants), hear (A in verbs with a truncated base after a sibilant), cough (I in a verb with an untruncated stem) ; Verbs torment (torment And I'm tormenting) And measure (I'm measuring And I'm measuring) and their prefix derivatives have two series of forms.


Verbs with a prefix You-: get sick(get sick ) , run out(run ) , stay in bed(lie ) , squeeze out(reap ).

Consonants: put(I'll put ) , add, warp, adapt, hunch over, glorify, ride, make a hole, fry, become weathered.

Verbs with stem truncated after O: double(two ) , double, triple, assign, build, arrange, upset, arrange, cost, honor and their prefix derivatives.

Verbs with stem truncated after A, e, at: babble(I bet ) , bleat, winnow, desolder, make fun of, play, act, start, repent, bark, cherish, loom, hope, despair, smell, dispel, fly, sow, do, melt, find fault, hope, smell cognate with other prefixes.

Verbs with an untruncated stem after paired soft ones: toughen up(it will become more severe ) , get pregnant, get lice, go bald, rot (from-, is-), worm, roughen, curl up, become disgusted, become disgusted, lousy (behind-, O-), get serious, advise (O-), act out (behind-), be barren and intransitive verbs with a prefix de- (obes-): dehorse, become infertile, depopulate, bleed, become weak, become landless, debilitate, defish, toothless.

Verbs with an untruncated stem after sibilants and ts: words starting with - at: listen, eat, click, bang, put on airs, words starting with - eat: run out of money, decapitate, be indifferent, deuterate.

P o d r a v i l o. IN infinitives verbs With producing basis on O is written suffix -and(t) (double, double, triple, assign, build, arrange, upset, arrange, cost, honor), V infinitives verbs With producing basis on other vowels is written suffix -I(t) (babble, bleat, winnow, desolder, make fun of, play, act, start, repent, bark, cherish, loom, hope, despair, sense, dispel, fly, sow, do, melt, find fault, hope, smell and their prefix derivatives).

EXCLUSIONS: scrub, glue.


suff. e(t)/i(t)/i(t)/a(t): exception– unstressed e(t) after a paired soft in a verb that does not retain this suff. in personal forms ( see)§ 34 paragraph 1 excl.

suff. e(t)/i(t)/i(t)/a(t): exception– unstressed e(t) after a paired soft in a verb that does not retain this suff. in personal forms - suff. verb with prefix You determined by a prefixless verb ( sit through)§ 34 paragraph 1 excl.

suff. e(t)/i(t)/i(t)/a(t): exception unstressed and(t) after a sibilant in a verb that retains a suffix. infinitive in personal forms ( torment)§ 34 paragraph 1 excl.

suff. e(t)/i(t)/i(t)/a(t): exception– unstressed and(t) after a paired soft in a verb that retains a suffix. infinitive in personal forms ( measure)§ 34 paragraph 1 excl.

2. Verbs on -ovate (-eat) /-to come (-ive)

P r a v i l o. IN infinitives verbs is written ova(eva) , If V personal forms verb ends on -wow(-Yuyu) (envy I'm jealous, grieve I'm grieving). IN the rest cases is written yva(willow) (scout I'm scouting, inspect I'm inspecting).

EXCLUSIONS: interfere, get stuck, outshine, mean, be perplexed, overlook, overwhelm, suspect, renew, corrupt, doubt, exhort, hope.

And the exception is under the rule. It is written ova(eva) V verbs nesov. kind With percussion suffix -vá- And With verifiable previous vowel e (root or suffix owls. kind) (flutter I'll get divorced, start idea, weaken weaken).

Note: Forms experiencing, punished, I undertake, connects formed from obsolete Church Slavonic verbs test, be punished, undertake, connect.


with alternation ova(eva)/u(yu)

without alternation ova(eva)/u(yu)

-ova(eva), - ov -+ - A - , - stvo-, - irov-, also at the root

suff. - Eve-

suff. - e- + -va-








spend the day








be indignant









wall up










scurry about





get stuck



be perplexed










get sick


be stunned





become impoverished




cool down





look after


become obsolete

gree- : warm up


warm up

heat warm

de- : to do




put on



ne- : hum

start singing


sing out


se-: sow sow

those-: for-those

bi-: score

knock out


brie-: shave


live-: heal up survive

get along take root

whether-: pour flood



pi-: wash down


rest-: (o)rest



Verbs on ova(eva)/yva(iva): exceptione уj in personal forms of the verb - in words formed from the stem owls. view from suff. e (word) and suff. wa (overlook)§ 34 clause 2 excl.-cont.

Verbs on ova(eva)/yva(iva): exceptione in the absence of alternation with уj e (word) and suff. wa (start singing)§ 34 clause 2 excl.-cont.

Verbs on ova(eva)/yva(iva): exceptione in the absence of alternation with уj in personal forms of the verb - in verbs with the root on ev (word) and suff. A (open, mock)§ 34 clause 2 excl.-cont.

3. Verbs on suffixal - en(et )/- yang, - en(it) )/- yang

P r a v i l o. IN verbs on suffixal - en(et )/- yang, - en(it) )/- yang without accents is written -en(et), - en(it) , eg: stiffen, be dumbfounded.

EXCLUSIONS: turn purple, get drunk, intoxicate and their prefix derivatives .

Note: The wording of the rule does not include words with roots in -in, -en, for example . : turn blue, blame, sorry, connect, lengthen, blue, repair, turn green, ring, petrify, blaze, freeze, take root, marry, get enraged, get lazy, impute, hold off, get pregnant.

EXAMPLES: verbs screw in, become flighty, get watery, grow wooden, become stiff, ossify, stiffen, bleed, freeze, leaf out, turn pale, be dumbfounded, glaze over, be naughty, turn cold, traverse, become violent; bleed, chill and their prefix derivatives become stiff, become stiff, ossify, become numb, freeze, harden, poison, stiffen, go berserk, become icy, freeze over, leaf out, ossify, become numb, glaze over; sincerely, bloody, reveal.