Studying at school and university is not easy for everyone. Even if a person has an excellent memory, literacy and developed logic, he still needs to study a lot, read and constantly repeat what he has learned. Already acquired knowledge also needs to be regularly updated, refreshed in memory, and supplemented with new information. There are also a number of obstacles that prevent students from achieving success: some subjects are incomprehensible to some, some do not like a strict routine, many have difficulty getting up in the morning and absorbing varied information during the school day. However, the main thing in this matter is your desire, determination, and following simple recommendations. Then you can begin to study well, and classes will gradually take up less and less of your time, as you will master the base of skills and knowledge necessary for learning.

We are starting to study well. Useful tips
Simple recommendations will help you change your usual form of studying: start studying according to a well-thought-out scheme, rationally distribute your energy and time, master large volumes of materials and remember what you have learned for a long time. Good results will not keep you waiting; you will see that learning is gradually becoming easier, and you can be proud of your knowledge.
  1. Immediately pay attention to the psychological side of the issue. It is important for you to prepare yourself for classes, find emotional stimuli, and the right motivation. For example, always remember that there are no useless subjects, neither at school nor at university. Even if you are convinced that you will never need any science, take it for granted to study it. Mastering the intricacies of any subject can unexpectedly help you in the future. By studying a complex discipline, you develop thinking, logic, memory, and willpower. All these qualities and abilities are far from useless for everyone modern man. Also, people often unexpectedly find their true calling, sometimes having already received one higher education. At school, you become a universal specialist at the secondary education level: study all subjects with dignity, then it will not be difficult for you, if necessary, to suddenly change the direction of your activity, to reach heights in a current, in-demand profession.
  2. If a problem arises with a specific subject, you feel internal resistance and cannot force yourself to delve into the topic, go deeper into its study, motivate yourself purposefully. Try to find something interesting in the discipline, convince yourself that you need it and like it. By overcoming yourself, delving into what previously seemed unattainable and very difficult, you will gain confidence. In the future, it will be much easier for you to cope with difficult tasks.
  3. If getting up in the morning or having a rigid daily routine bothers you, try to get used to these circumstances. To do this you will need to adhere to given schedule not only in school days, but also on weekends and holidays. At first, such a transition is difficult, but then you yourself will forget that you once lived differently. The body will adapt, enter a new mode, you will begin to get enough sleep and will begin to remember materials and perceive information much better.
  4. For many, the problem is the perception of large amounts of information, learning in the classroom or at lectures. Attention is scattered, it is difficult to immediately understand what the teacher is explaining. How to start studying well when these factors become a serious obstacle? Take the learning process into your own hands. To begin with, try to purposefully concentrate your attention in class: don’t think about extraneous things, don’t talk to your desk neighbor, don’t get distracted. Most likely, after this the situation will improve noticeably. If the techniques did not help, and you still do not perceive the teacher’s speech well, you cannot understand the examples on the board, start filling in the gaps yourself. Find out which type of memory you have better developed. Speak the materials out loud, write them down, read the textbook. Perhaps you perceive information better visually: then you will need to write short notes for yourself and draw diagrams. During such classes, you will notice that the topics begin to be remembered by themselves, and you already have a good understanding of the materials.
  5. Make a clear action plan. This is especially important when you are already far behind others in some subjects. Your plan must indicate which disciplines need to be given increased attention, which topics must be repeated. Work according to a schedule: study at the same time every day, take short breaks, but do not be distracted from your studies for more than 1-1.5 hours if you have not yet finished work for the day. Distribute the load wisely - you shouldn’t forget about health either. Assess your capabilities, but remember that, having studied fully now, later you will spend less and less energy on studying, because you will master basic knowledge and techniques. Purposeful work will definitely lead to success.
  6. Study all the topics, strictly follow the program and do not skip a single section, even if you are sure that you will not be asked about it, and there are no such questions in the test or exam. Any gaps will definitely have a negative impact on your studies: there is nothing superfluous in the textbooks, the program, everything is interconnected, built in strict sequence. Do not violate it, then it will be much easier for you to understand and remember the material.
  7. Complete tasks immediately, do not put it off until the next day. Homework It’s always easier to do it on the same day, when all the teacher’s explanations and lesson work are still fresh in your memory. This way you will reinforce the topic well.
  8. Seek advice and help from teachers, teachers, discuss difficult moments with classmates. Feel free to ask questions and clarify anything unclear. Your interest is evidence that you are striving to understand the topic; this will please any teacher.
  9. As you begin to study better, don’t be afraid to make a mistake or answer incorrectly. Everyone has occasional mistakes. If you doubt something, it is important to find out how correctly you understood the material. Get rid of the fear of answering at the board, making reports, messages. You can rehearse at home and train. This will help you start studying well, since it is stiffness that often prevents you from demonstrating your knowledge adequately; stress prevents you from accepting corrections and advice from the teacher.
  10. Take care of all your notes, notebooks, diagrams, tests. Don't throw them away, even if you move to another class, as they will probably be useful to you in the future. Keep your own notebooks and notepads, writing down everything you don’t understand and learn by heart.
Keep all your school supplies and books in strict order, follow a daily routine and do not forget to study on your own, delving into incomprehensible topics, repeating what you have already begun to forget.

Learning is only good. Work algorithm
How to start studying well? Remember the tips, follow the simple algorithm.

  1. Come up with several incentives and write them down on a large sheet of paper, and design the poster beautifully. For example: “I will only study well in all subjects and achieve success in life,” “I will cope with (the name of a particularly difficult subject for you) and develop willpower and determination. This will help me always overcome difficulties.”
  2. Identify the most difficult disciplines, topics, compose detailed list. Take time to study them and repeat them.
  3. Create a daily routine and post it in a visible place. Always follow it.
  4. Distribute loads wisely. Take breaks, change the type of activity: for example, study physics first, then Russian, and then do an algebra assignment.
  5. Don't leave any gaps or skip topics.
  6. Always study on your own: repeat, delve into the material if you feel that you have a worse understanding of something.
  7. If you don't understand something in class, ask the teacher questions.
  8. Create your own collection of useful materials: write short notes, draw diagrams with examples.
  9. Don’t forget to please yourself for your success: relax, do what you love, play.
Constantly monitor yourself, do self-examination, find out what needs to be repeated and clarified. Remember the tips and the algorithm, then you will definitely be able to start studying well.

There are many deep learning techniques, just like various programs for teachers, but the question of high-quality and complete learning always comes down to the question of the student himself about how to force himself to study if all the laziness or the material seems unnecessary, or spring has come along with falling in love . There are always many situations that frustrate the need to study. In children, this process was controlled by adults, parents or educators, but the older the student becomes, the greater the responsibility for mastering knowledge falls on him.

It's always worth starting with emotional state teacher, because the lack of motivation and thirst for knowledge cannot always be stimulated from the outside; sometimes this is extremely undesirable. So, if a person is in a situation of experiencing acute grief, adapting to new conditions, or has become a victim of collective bullying, then stimulation from studies can cause overstrain in nervous system, ending in general disorder. In these situations, you need to give yourself time without requiring you to make an effort; you can apply for academic leave at the university and attend school classes as much as possible.

Of course, initially it would be nice to figure out whether the person is studying in the right place and whether he needs training in these particular subjects, and only then look for additional reasons and look for reasons in the surrounding space.

Psychologists recommend starting with overcoming internal resistance. How more people spends time without studying, the more serious the resistance to starting classes will be (remember the reluctance to study when returning from vacation, while by November everything was becoming much easier). So, in order to force yourself to study at school and not be lazy, you need to get ready for classes in the morning. Taking with you several gadgets with installed toys or being constantly online are things that only contribute to problems with lessons.

The global goal should eventually be divided into small daily ones, but do not forget about replenishment. Start fulfilling your pleasures immediately after completing the important part of the plan - this is how the habit of a constant study load is formed. Important rule success and high productivity lies in good health, so you should not start studying in poor physical condition, feeling hungry or tired. Initially, you need to put your physical well-being in order - if you are hungry, in pain and unwell, it is better to postpone classes.

To make studying more positive, you need to devote time to internal tuning - you can listen to pleasant music before classes or purchase inspiring accessories.

If the question concerns completing homework, then changing study locations can help, thus increasing attention. For example, you can read in the park, do written assignments at the table, and create various creative projects on the floor in the kitchen or in the hallway. Take notes new information, use to abbreviate long concepts your own code, this way you will save time on repetition, since visual, auditory and motor memory is used.

It is necessary to find a reason that forces you to postpone or even skip classes. If these are temptations outside world, that is, the need for proper organization places of study, if it’s laziness and lack of motivation, then you will have to work with your internal states, find worthy goals and incentive bonuses.

Correct goal setting

You will have to force yourself to study at the university on your own; moreover, no one else will monitor your efforts or level of motivation. If you build the wrong concept, then at the end of the semester you will simply be expelled; it is in this situation that the question of setting a goal arises. When entering an educational institution, for the first few months you should make a plan for yourself where this training should lead you.

Goal setting is relevant not only for successfully graduating from university, but for any educational program. Main mistake With self-study is to set a goal - to start learning. This is a false path, since the goal must always capture several steps to develop forward. So, we can formulate this as the need to study well or improve performance in specific subjects, possibly increasing the number of additional courses.

To choose and formulate a goal correctly, ask yourself the question “For what?”, and as a result, from one name it will be possible to put together rough plan actions. For example, when you just need to graduate from university, it is not clear why, there are no instructions on when and how exactly. If there is a need to finish medical University in the next six years, in order to continue to remain at the scientific department and invent a cure for convulsive syndrome in infants, then the whole picture changes. A person understands in this situation that he not only needs to attend classes and complete tasks at the institute, but that he can get to his goal through additional master classes and conferences, and most importantly, studying here is a means and an intermediate link to go further. And when the significance and severity of the activity is already reduced in consciousness, then it is performed quite easily, almost playfully.

Finding Motivation

If a person understands the purpose of his training at a deep level, then this is already a motivating factor, but in some cases it is not sufficient. It helps to involve other people in this by telling them that you are going to finish the course by a certain date or about your desire to attend classes together with someone. Some will be motivated by the desire to keep their word, while others will benefit from constant calls and reminders from friends that it’s time to study today.

Figure out for yourself what is more important in studying – the process or the result. If the result is important, it will be relevant to search teaching aids, where the entire program is available in a condensed form, negotiate with teachers, look for workarounds. Find a thrill and be able to bypass the system while everyone else is cramming unnecessary information. If the main thing for an individual is the learning process itself, then it is worth taking care of its psychological side - looking for information in various sources, and not just listen to the teacher, prepare reports on your own and participate in conferences, bring new topics for discussion. Personal activity and understanding of the direction of one’s individual movement motivates additional achievements.

The motivation for attending classes varies - this is a great reason to show off your outfits and gadgets, find friends and like-minded people. A person’s attitude towards learning changes radically if a attractive peer appears in a group or class - perhaps this will result in joint writing of essays or the desire to stand out in class by answering.

Those who are not helped by inspiring ideas will have to face negative motivation - this is when there is a threat of expulsion, calling parents, or collecting fines (especially in private educational institutions). Negative motivation is the strongest, but is it possible to bring the process to completion every time? critical point, everyone must decide for themselves.

Arrangement of the workplace

An important point is that the study space matches the objectives of the course. There is a lot of talk about the need for a bright, secluded room, remote and closed from all kinds of interference, but if the activities concern painting, then the optimal place would be a park, and if it is playing the guitar, then the appropriate place is unlikely to be quiet. Of course, they should not be disturbed, and where new knowledge occurs, everything necessary should be present, but this is not necessarily the monk’s cell.

The need for the Internet in the workplace is debatable, because it makes it accessible and a large number of necessary information and distracting sites (social networks, games, online stores). When starting to change your learning approach and in the absence of willpower, it is optimal to install a browser that blocks distracting sites - this is also the organization of the workplace.

Ensure that you not only have the necessary materials, but also create the appropriate atmosphere. For example, essential oils Citrus fruits improve mood and concentration.

A mug of tea or coffee on a portable warming stand will eliminate the need to constantly be distracted and leave the room for a drink. Take care of the sound, because complete silence cannot always help; for many, on the contrary, it is a factor that causes nervous tension.

Background lounge music and various sounds of nature, artificial noises will help smooth out the harsh sounds of falling furniture from neighbors and muffle the screams of children on the playground.

Let us remind you once again that furniture must comply with the principles of orthopedics, since an uncomfortable posture, compression of the main arteries, and an inconvenient angle for a joint ultimately lead to rapid fatigue. With constant tension in these parts of the body, not only loss of performance will occur, but also the development of diseases.

Time management

To ensure that studying does not get boring, does not seem like something all-consuming and terrible, and also in order to plan your whole life, it is necessary to regulate the time allocated for studying. If you do not deal with such issues, then in the end it may turn out that the whole day was spent studying, with periodic distractions on all sorts of small details (talking on the phone, cooking, finding your sister her skirt, etc.).

Give yourself a schedule containing certain hours every day, which are devoted exclusively to study. At this time, all messengers are turned off, the phone is not put into vibration mode, and all signals are turned off. Everything a person does during this time should be devoted exclusively to study. In addition, it will be useful to allocate a small period of time in your schedule for unscheduled or additional activities. If a person tries to do more in the allotted time, then the quality will suffer significantly; it would be better to have a free window on most days, but on occasion he can be occupied with studying.

The schedule should be planned taking into account the alternation of types of activities and subjects or courses. You shouldn’t have physics and math classes back to back, but literature and three creative clubs in the evening. An example option might look something like this: solved problems, played sports, took a walk, read a new chapter from a fiction book, took a lunch break, made a presentation.

Drawing up diagrams and using non-standard memorization techniques will significantly save time spent on studying. In addition to learning these supporting techniques, you can use time management techniques, which talk about ways to delegate tasks and make the most of every minute. As a result, having mastered all these technologies, you can learn a significant part of the necessary material or prepare a presentation on the subway, on the way home.

Development of willpower

Willpower is the main assistant in achieving any goals, including learning. But you should use it wisely, without trying to drag everything, solely by forcing yourself. Periodic breaks, weekends and rest, which replenish mental resources, allow maintaining the proper level of volitional processes.

You can start by keeping your room and clothing tidy. Try to regulate your interaction style - not to be rude, but to listen, not to find excuses, but to do it. Create a routine for yourself - this is a moment that involves both, and saving time for study.

The key to studying is consistency of effort, and developing your ability to maintain consistency can begin with disciplined waking up or doing exercises every day. Fines for failure to comply with time limits are appropriate. Visiting a museum once a month or walking in the park once a week will also lead to the development of strong-willed qualities, provided that they are carried out in any weather and in any mood.

Difficulties will arise at each stage of changes and addition of new actions to the schedule, but the most difficult is the first stage, when a person begins to regulate his lifestyle independent of needs.
Resistance can take on the most various forms, colds are quite likely. Most important point if the situation worsens, persistently continue the actions, then within three weeks a new habit is developed and it becomes easier. The meaning is something like this: even if the road to the institute is blocked with snow, then read the available articles on your specialty, and if you get sick when you need to run, then at least go out and walk the usual distance.

Rewarding yourself for success

Reward for studying is a great additional motivation. Here you should choose things or actions that bring pleasure. If it's something sweet, then don't let it be candy from a bag lying in the kitchen - set aside time for a purposeful trip to the nearest mini-markets in search of what you want now. New things, beautiful jewelry, a paid account in the game - all this may well become an incentive for success in educational activities.

There are many types of pleasures for which there is no need for material investments. This can be a walk, because a person really deserves it, and he does not need to sit at textbooks. Meeting with friends, talking about latest events, trips to interesting places– all this feeds the soul and interest. You can also spend time taking care of yourself - putting on beautiful makeup, taking a bath, working out on the horizontal bar.

In any case, rewards must be adequate to the achievement. That is, if you previously read a paragraph every day, then the maximum you can get for this is a mug delicious tea, because this is not an achievement, but the norm. Current tasks completed on time are worthy of minor rewards; successful completion of a year or session can be celebrated with a major purchase or a joint visit to the club with the group. Completing a monthly course is a worthy reason to praise yourself, but the amount of this praise should not exceed the achievement of graduating from a higher educational institution.

For those who are interested in at least attending classes, you can arrange all sorts of pleasantries every day, but when it becomes habitual, you need to stop pampering yourself for everyday tasks. This doesn't mean it's stopping, it's just becoming new goal, perhaps more difficult and requiring more time, but more encouragement.

Get organized. Buy a separate folder and notebook for each subject. Being organized allows easier access to the necessary information, which means it becomes easier to study. Throw away old assignments and notes when you no longer need them. Always have a lesson or class schedule for the week, a notebook and a pen with you.

  • Yours workplace It should also be organized, like any other place associated with studies and activities (for example, a desk at school). If your desk is cluttered with unnecessary things, it will be more difficult for you to decide to clear it, let alone study at it. In addition, in clutter it is much more difficult to find the things you need, which can also interfere with your studies.
  • Make friends with smart people. More precisely, “make friends with smart people and “use your friendship to your advantage.” Of course, many of your friends are already smart, but can you remember at least one time when you met outside of school or university to do homework?

    • Spend a lot of time in their company, even if you just watch what they do. Learn their good habits and learning style. If you are in the same class or group, set aside time to discuss educational material at least once a week, instead of discussing your teachers and classmates.
    • Sit next to them in class/auditorium. When you see your friend regularly reach out and answer the teacher's questions, you definitely won't be able to shift your attention to anything else.
  • Make friends with people who have already taken the material in this course. Communicate not only with excellent students, but also with those who have already completed the program of your subject. Many teachers and professors give similar assignments and tests every year, and if your friends still have assignments from last year, it’s better for you!

    • These pupils/students can also tell you in detail about different teachers and their teaching style. Knowing how best to communicate with your teacher ahead of time will give you a distinct advantage in the classroom.
  • Use your time wisely. You're probably tired of hearing this from your parents, but this point is more relevant than ever if you want to study perfectly. To do everything in one short day - lessons, sports, music school, proper nutrition and sleep (yes, the last two points are also very important!) - you need to learn how to manage your time. But how?

    • The first thing you need to do is create a schedule for each day. Prioritize the most important things and allocate more time to them. Prioritizing this way will help you create a good schedule with ease. Of course, once you make a schedule, don't forget to stick to it.
    • Be realistic. For example, don't plan to study for eight hours straight every day. First of all, it's simply unrealistic. Secondly, you will be so tired after the first day that the next day you will most likely decide not to get out of bed at all or spend the entire day in front of the TV with a big plate of junk food.
    • Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today! If you need to write an essay, start now. If you have a test or exam looming on the horizon, start preparing today. Even if you think you function better under stress, do at least a small portion of the work now. You can't afford to worry about an unfinished assignment the night before it's due.
  • Find a new place to study. If you are sitting at home or in a dorm, and the TV is always looming in front of your eyes, most likely you will lose your temper and watch TV instead of preparing for classes. To avoid this, start studying outside the home, such as in the library. It is important that the area is quiet and free of anything that could distract your attention from your lessons. Have you ever found yourself reading a few pages, but have no idea what exactly you just read? To avoid this situation, study in the library, where you can focus on the task and nothing else.

    • At a minimum, create a space in your home dedicated specifically to studying. You don't want to fall asleep every night feeling guilty about going to bed instead of studying for a test! Set aside a table or sofa/chair only for studying. This tactic will help your brain get into the habit and be ready to learn when you occupy that “special” seat.
  • Eat right. You know that feeling you get after a big breakfast with a milkshake and a piece of pie for dessert? That's right, after such a feast you usually just want to sleep. To study effectively and not lose focus, you need to eat right: eat single servings made from healthy foods. Reduce your sugar intake and fatty foods. If your body, brain, and stomach are healthy and full of energy, then it will be easier for you to learn new formulas for your algebra test.

    • Breakfast before an exam or test should be light. And under no circumstances drink too much coffee! Eat a few pieces of toasted bread and an apple or something similar. But be sure to have breakfast! Hunger can prevent you from focusing on a task.
  • Establish a consistent sleep schedule. Avoid cramming at night before an exam - it will only hurt you the next day. Sleep is very important for both your health and your grades. When you're barely able to stand after a full night of studying, you'll have a hard time concentrating on any task or lesson.

    • Try to get 8 hours of sleep every night, no more and no less. Follow the same schedule throughout the week so you can easily wake up at the same time Monday through Friday. Sure, you can sleep in a little longer on the weekend, but once your routine is established, it'll be much easier to get up at 7 a.m. (or even earlier) when Monday rolls around again.
  • Of course, people visit schools, colleges, and universities primarily for the sake of knowledge. However, good grades are the most obvious evidence that a person has acquired this knowledge. How to study with an “A” without bringing yourself to a state of chronic fatigue and enjoying the process? Below are simple recipes, using which you can instantly forget about the “twos”.

    How to study with an “A”: developing intelligence

    The higher the student’s brain activity, the faster and easier he absorbs knowledge. How to study for "5"? There is a wide range of games that have a positive effect on intelligence. Without hesitation, we can call chess the absolute champion among them. The game may seem simple at first glance, but it trains logic perfectly. Puzzles that stimulate

    How to study with an “A” if chess and puzzles seem boring? There are creative ways to develop intelligence. For example, drawing is considered beneficial for brain activity. It is not at all necessary to have the talents of Leonardo da Vinci, since you are allowed to draw everything, from funny faces to landscapes. Employment is also welcome ballroom dancing, since they develop the ability to analyze, because the dancer has to simultaneously remember about music, posture, and rhythm.

    It is easy to strengthen your intellect by doing everyday activities. To do this, you just need to “break the pattern.” For example, if while brushing your teeth the brush is always in right hand student, you should move it to the left. When faced with an unusual situation, the brain begins to work.

    A few words about motivation

    How to study for "5"? Schoolchildren and students will not get good grades without a clear understanding of why they need them. There is no standard motivation suitable for each individual in nature, since all people are different from each other.

    For some students, the prospect of entering a university or getting a well-paid position becomes an excellent motivation. Others dream of gaining the approval of teachers and relatives, and gaining authority in the class. Still others are afraid of staying a second year at school or being expelled from the university. For the fourth, parents promise a desired gift for good grades. Any motivation will do, as long as it is effective.

    Class schedule

    How to study with excellence? “A” in most cases remains inaccessible to those who get used to studying occasionally and often arrange “holidays” for themselves. Therefore, you will have to work on acquiring new knowledge every day, evenly distributing the load. A simple solution is to allocate a certain amount of time for homework and additional classes - say, 3 hours a day. You should definitely include minutes of rest in your schedule, for example, taking a ten-minute break every 45 minutes.

    Many excellent students own experience have an idea of ​​what stress is. To avoid being one of these hard workers, you should not start doing your homework immediately after returning from school. Best options relaxation - walking, reading, watching TV. It is advisable not to rest for more than 1.5 hours, since then it will be difficult to force yourself to start doing your homework.

    How to study well by doing homework“from time to time” or completely forgetting about it? Unfortunately, this is not possible, since completing homework assignments is necessary to consolidate the material covered in class.

    Working space

    Many pupils and students complain that they cannot concentrate on their studies when they are at home. In most cases, this is due to numerous distractions. How does this or that classmate study for only 5? There is probably nothing stopping him from studying. Therefore, to achieve this goal, it is enough to remove all kinds of laptops, tablets, and smartphones from the desktop. It is advisable to leave only what is necessary for work, in other words, notebooks, textbooks, stationery. Each item should have its own place, as any hint of chaos has a relaxing effect.

    How to study only at five, without getting tired prematurely while doing your homework? The chair on which the student sits plays an important role; comfort and compliance are required. The manner of sitting is also important, it is desirable that the back remains straight, which prevents excessive stress on the spine.

    Accumulation of a “knowledge base”

    We are talking about all kinds of notes, tests, textbooks. Don't throw away materials that have been used in the past academic year. Often the topics of lessons are duplicated and have a close connection.

    How easy is it to study at school? It is useful to return to the material you have covered from time to time, for example, to solve problems that have already been completed once, even if they seem simple, to re-read your notes. This will help the knowledge to be firmly deposited in memory. First of all, it is necessary to repeat topics that are difficult for the student to master.


    Most schoolchildren and students do not think about the impact appearance on the marks. Teachers' idea of ​​a responsible student always includes neat, formal clothing. Elegant suits can be worn not only on exam days, but also on weekdays. Special attention You should pay attention to hair and makeup (this applies to girls). It is advisable to abandon extreme options, excesses, and give preference to the classics.

    An interesting experiment showed that it is enough for a pupil or student to change his ripped jeans to a formal trouser suit in order for the attitude of teachers towards him to improve. Subconsciously, seeing such a transformation, the teacher decides that the student has come to his senses.

    Show interest

    Teachers are people too, most of them want their students to be interested in their subjects, listen carefully, and ask clarifying questions, perhaps even beyond the scope of the program. However, excessive passion for discussion, especially if it goes far from the current topic, is not welcome; it is better to listen more and talk less. Of course, this does not apply to a situation in which a teacher asks a student a question that requires a detailed answer.

    How to study with straight A's? The less often a student skips classes, the better his final grades are. The point is not only that you may not understand the topics that were studied in the absence of the student. Many teachers see absenteeism as a disregard for the subject and for themselves personally, which automatically provokes conflict. Even if you missed a lesson due to illness, you should definitely study it yourself new topic and do your homework.

    After all of the above, it becomes clear how this or that person only studies at five. By following these simple rules, you can quickly forget about the time when bad grades dominated your diary.

    Many of us have such a familiar person: diligent and responsible from school. I gave 100% throughout the semesters. He spent days and nights poring over notes and textbooks and was happy when he passed his exams with excellent marks. And indeed, how could one not rejoice and feel happy when early childhood from all sides everyone kept repeating: “If you study with straight A’s, you will have everything in life.” But life turns out to be surprisingly strange. And not understandable. The other one didn’t bother with books at all at that time. Throwing my briefcase away after last lesson, he ran to where his friends were waiting for him, football, volleyball, trips to the forest and to the river - this replaced his tedious cramming.

    And then the first one, who had always been an excellent student, came to take a job with the one who studied as he had to. For hire. With payment, of course, orders of magnitude, or even tens of orders of magnitude, less than the owner.

    Here life story. Alexander VASILIEV, father of three children, holder of a diploma with honors, works for hire.

    I have been studying constantly for as long as I can remember. He was kind of a nerd. I exhausted myself with classes. Did not see white light. Why? Because he was so motivated by his parents. “An excellent certificate will open the way to prosperity and happiness!” This life credo of the older generation has become a way of life for many who now have children themselves. And yet, he has life experience. Your own. Alas, very, very far from this obsessive credo.

    Now I “stand on the other side” and convince my son not to repeat the mistakes of former excellent students who sacrificed the true skills of being the master of their own destiny on the altar of assessment grades. And that's why.

    1. Not a single employer has ever asked what color my certificate and diploma are.

    How does an employer get to know job candidates and evaluate them? Does he meet with everyone personally? No. That's what resumes are for. But for some reason not a single resume for any job – from a loader to a project manager – contains the column “Achievement”. What's in mandatory? Experience! The same sporting achievements and skills in different areas activities - and all this is included in the resume, as a rule - but not the marks in the certificate, have real value for a positive decision.

    2. Our memory is designed in such a way that it has long been “freed” from all this clutter scientific theories, hypotheses and “passed” disciplines.

    Practice and real work instantly put everything in its place. That is, life priorities. All those sciences memorized in the pre-exam nights and driven into the depths of memory the next day were simply not in demand. In just a few weeks of practice, I had to master professional skills first and seriously. Was it necessary to suffer for so many years and worry about grades on “dead” knowledge? Why do I need the non-existent Latin, Bulgarian and Old Church Slavonic languages ​​in my life today? Life itself pointed to the obviousness of the answer.

    3. The constant exhausting pursuit of “excellent” is inversely proportional to good health.

    Again real life and a real plan at work, we ranked value priorities. As it turned out, after university, health, and not numbers on a certificate, is at the forefront of professional and life achievements. But I had to stay awake for days. Don't finish eating. Be nervous to the point of hiccups and colic. Lose weight, or, conversely, gain weight sharply. That is, in essence, purposefully, with your own hands, ruining your health. And that's all, why?

    4. Constant study means constant solitude. Lack of communication skills can be fatal.

    I had a classmate. The soul of the company, the ringleader, the joker and the merry fellow. He was always at the center of the team - at the table, during breaks between lectures, in the smoking room, and in the gym. I just barely studied. But he was “rose”, fresh and dynamic. All the excellent students looked down on him. Weak C student, what awaits him? And what awaited him was a wide network of personal acquaintances - something that I had missed, which later easily helped resolve issues in business and career growth.

    After many years, it has become clear that business and career are, first of all, relationships between people. And not marks on the score sheet at all. And studying - best time for sustainable dating. Is it worth missing out on such a priceless chance?

    5. Everything that is most valuable from the point of view of professionalism was not taught by the university, but by the motivation to solve effective problems.

    The most striking, widespread and obvious example of this is foreign language. How long do we teach him, or rather, torture him? Together with school - 13-15 years! And what? Never mind. But when it was necessary for a promotion career growth, which naturally entails a salary, it took not much more than a year to master a foreign language perfectly. And communication with new friends - native speakers - helped me a lot in this when I became interested in online games at the same time. Motivation, and not moral satisfaction from an A, is a stimulant for the effective acquisition of new knowledge and skills. Now I know English almost perfectly.

    Based on this, I give the same advice to my own children. And let those parents for whom excellent grades are the only indicator of the success of their son or daughter throw rotten tomatoes at me.

    The difference between “4” and “5” is not worth the titanic effort, because it does not affect absolutely anything.

    A personal bank account is made up of real professional skills, and not a list of exam grades.

    Communication skills and personal connections, and not a diploma with honors, will provide you with career and material advantages.

    Motivated meaning should be at the forefront own actions, and not the desire to please the desires of others.

    Opinion of psychologist Marianna VINOKUROVA:

    If parents tend to attach very great importance Any assessment of a child, he may get the feeling that he is loved only for good grades; if he gets bad grades, his parents will no longer love him. The child grows up anxious, he is afraid of even minimal failures, he will have low self-esteem, he will never be able to truly enjoy his achievements.

    Adults must be able to make it clear to the child that they will love him regardless of how he studies, and most importantly, that they will be happy only if he is happy.

    Also, a child can learn from his parents that the way he studies will be the way his future life will turn out. If a child studies poorly, he may decide that he can no longer change anything, nothing will happen to him. If he studies with excellent marks, then in the future even a small failure may be a shock for him, and he may not be prepared for it - after all, he was the best student, graduated from school with straight A's - and suddenly failure... And in this case, The main thing is that adults themselves do not have such an unambiguous attitude towards school performance, understand that school develops some basic skills that will be necessary in the future, and one of these skills is the ability to achieve social success (good grades) and cope with those situations when success is not achieved. Like learning to ride a horse: first you need to learn to fall.