The culture of any nation closely connects the date and time of a person’s birth with his actions in life and position in society. This connection
very clearly traced between a specific person and the position of celestial objects at the moment of birth. Everyone knows the zodiac signs that accompany a person through life, but this system is considered relatively young and not always accurate. More ancient systems have a higher percentage of accuracy in describing human character, his fate and human destiny. More than one scientific treatise is devoted to this point, and more than one scientific astrologer deals with this professionally - this is a topic for a separate multi-day discussion. But the descendants of the ancient Slavs were always interested in the moment of patronage of this or that deity, its influence on the fate of man.

The Slavs have long used their system of patronage, which was distinguished by its perfection, but was also quite simple. In a few documentary sources, this system is called the palace of the Svarog circle, which, by analogy with the signs of the zodiac, divides the sky into several parts, each of which has its own psychophysical effect. At the moment when the Sun passes a certain sector of the circle, the inhabitants of the earth receive a set of certain characteristics. The circle of Svarog is divided into 16 palaces, which have their own properties and have a certain effect on each person. Each descendant of the Slavs is simply obliged to know his palace of the Svarog circle by date of birth, since not only his fate depends on this, but also the choice of a talisman or rune that will help him achieve certain results in life.

Every day the number of people who are drawn to the memory of their ancestors is growing exponentially, and one of the first questions asked by the descendants of the Slavs is “how to recognize your palace.” On the Internet or in specialized literature you can find many options for determining your palace, the simplest of which is a table of correspondence between the modern Gregorian calendar and the Chislobog Kruglolet (ancient Slavic calendar). But especially inquisitive modern Slavs know how to find out their palace by date of birth - there is a completely working algorithm in which, through simple mathematical calculations, you can accurately independently find out the date of birth according to Kruglolet. The trick and at the same time the difficulty of determining your date of birth by Slavic calendar The problem is that the start date of the year is floating, so we recommend using either ready-made correspondence tables or special services. An important factor that should not be forgotten during calculations is that the Slavs have their own chronology system.

The halls of the Slavs by date of birth allow you to find out real information about the characteristics of your character, which can be adjusted. It is worth remembering that the palaces only determine the basic properties and personality traits, and a person throughout his life by changing his internal energy changes what is inherent in it by nature. An important feature of knowledge of the palaces are warnings and warnings about what should be avoided, what to change, and what requires additional development. Astrological horoscopes, which have already become familiar to many, is just one of the interpretations of the Halls of the Slavs, who had unique knowledge and thousands of years of experience.

For modern man, a descendant of the ancient Slavs, it is not always easy to independently calculate your palace according to the instructions, so specialists in ancient Slavic mythology developed special program calculating the correspondence between the Gregorian calendar and the palace of Svarog.

Forget about all those dates that are presented on websites or other resources as correct, this is possible and true, but all this data is calculated for a certain date of birth, because our ancestors lived according to a different calendar and there were completely different calculations (40 - 41 days lasted month, 9 days was a week). How to calculate the palace, you ask? So, to simplify the calculation, they created a program in the form of the “Slavic-Aryan” Clock with a calculation algorithm according to the Slavic calendar. And therefore, in order not to mislead you with dates, we have created for you a separate service for calculating the Hall by date of birth, which takes into account all the subtleties and features of the calculation and the likelihood of calculation errors is reduced to zero.

From some gadgets (phones, tablets) the calculation will not be possible because they do not reproduce flash. The solution to the problem is to postpone the calculation from a phone or other device and proceed to the calculation from a personal computer or laptop.

Here are the names of days and months according to the Slavic calendar. Go to the calculation service and find out your data according to the Slavic calendar.

How does the Svarog circle differ from the zodiac systems?

The Slavic horoscope by date of birth (halls) is based on an intricate design, which became the basis for the circle of the Zodiac. In the calendar of the ancient Slavs, all stellar objects were displayed - the Sun, Moon, planets, galaxies, which occupied a certain place in the sky. Quite often the horoscope of the Slavic-Aryans is compared with zodiac horoscope– in some points they are similar, but there are much more differences than similarities. The first and most important difference is the 16 palaces, which can be figuratively called months lasting 21-23 days. It is generally accepted that the palaces of the Slavs determined the set of soul traits bestowed by the gods.

Features of the design and use of the Svarog circle

The horoscope of the Slavic-Aryans was based on the knowledge gained over thousands of years and the life experience of hundreds of generations. That is why all the palaces allow you to maximally characterize any person - his talents, hidden qualities and fears. At correct interpretation and understanding the palaces, you can predict not only the fate of a person, but also the nation as a whole, and avoid troubles. All amulets of the circle have their own specific properties that will help make a person’s life better and reveal the potential of each person. At the same time, the amulet of the circle of Svarog gave a person those qualities that the gods did not give him.

Description of the Chetogov Halls

Svarog circle is a unique system of systematization of astrological data, on the basis of which many valid zodiac judgments were created. The basic element of the circle is the halls, consisting of certain 9 halls, but that’s not all; each hall has 9 tables. On both sides of which there are benches. On one side of the table there are 36 benches for men, on the other there are 36 benches for women. Each bench has 760 seats. We will not go into this detail, but will simply study what the halls are like.

  1. Homebodies

    – In this Hall, a person receives at birth the knowledge that he needs to master a profession. Also certain knowledge and skills in housekeeping and family management. This Hall is also called the house building, i.e. how to arrange everything in your life.

  2. Military valor

    – In this Hall, a person receives classical ancient Wisdom, directing him to serve the Forces of Good, with the abilities to do so inherent at the genetic level. various types martial arts, which determine the powerful level of both bodily, mental and spiritual forces. A person receives these powers regardless of whether he is a man or a woman. Sometimes this Hall is called: the Hall of the military caste or military class. People born in this Hall are united by the combination of two highest principles, which are called Duty and Honor.

  3. Creation

    – In this Hall, individuals with a great desire for creation are formed. They create everything they can for the benefit of the Family and for the edification of future generations. People born in this Hall have an insatiable thirst for knowledge. various aspects life, with the subsequent implementation of the ideas that have arisen in practice for the benefit of one’s Family and people. In ancient times, people born in the Hall of Creators were called great architects (builders).

  4. Mercy

    – Those born in this Hall, as a rule, control their abilities that they have from birth - this can be attributed to controlling their body: flexibility, plasticity, the ability to regulate the heartbeat, hold their breath, etc. And with sufficient development of these internal abilities, and to control other organisms, let’s say: the grandmother “whispered” and the person’s tooth does not hurt. Therefore, this Hall is also called: the Hall of Magi-healers.

  5. Irinations

    – (irination is a system of connection, fusion at the physical, biological, genetic and other levels). This Hall is a place where various life systems connect on the basis of Harmony and Love. People born in this Hall perceive other people's problems as their own, spiritually imbued with the state of another person, or animal or plant. As a rule, such people become teachers, mentors who carry Ancient Wisdom to their descendants. Very often those born in this Hall have large families. Those who became priests or priestesses received the title “Confessors,” let’s say: The priest Vedamir was the confessor, and his disciple Magus Velimudr followed in his footsteps; from female images, this is primarily Tara and Yogini-Mother (Baba Yoga).

  6. Wisdom and death

    – Those born in this Hall have enormous powers of divination, i.e. clairvoyance. From birth they are given the opportunity and ability to move along the River of Time both into the future and into the past. Such people were called “the caste of priest-foretellers and priest-soothsayers.” Very often, warriors who very often encountered death on the battlefields also fell into this caste, i.e. they looked beyond the boundary of life and death, which led to the discovery of this gift in them, and then they were called “Prophetic” (example: prince-warrior Prophetic Oleg).

  7. Rulers of destinies

    – People born in this Hall have the ability to control the Elements of both the Revealed World and the Navi World. As a rule, such people (especially in past times) formed the caste of priest-rulers of nature and priest-guardians of the Gates of Interworlds in all the Lands of the Svarog Circle.

  8. Hall of Fates

    – Those born in this Hall are initially destined for a fate with many different tests in order to select the best children of men, for whom a special mission is intended in Svarga the Most Pure. As a rule, in ancient times the caste of rulers consisted of such people: princes, kings, gridni, rodans, as well as elders and elders (this is worldly, secular power). But this does not mean at all that it was a caste of slackers; they were all engaged in creative work. Representatives of the managerial caste could only be a person who had achieved certain results in his professional and creative activities.

  9. Wisdom and Vedas

    – (Hall of Vedas). Those born in this Hall are united by the desire to understand and preserve the Ancient Wisdom of the First Ancestors and the Wisdom of the High Gods. As a rule, the Vedic caste (high priests-guardians of the primordial Wisdom) was made up of people born in this Hall. The area of ​​their knowledge and aspiration has no boundaries, because they care about everything. They say about such people: “they are in this world, but not of this world,” i.e. operate with such concepts and categories that to an ordinary person they are difficult to understand.

The circle of Svarog consists of 144 parts - 16 palaces, consisting of nine halls. Each part of the circle had its own rune. If a person is born on the border of two palaces, then the features of the two houses are inherent to him to the same extent.

Find out your hall of the palace of the Svarog circle

You can calculate it yourself. Let's try to explain the calculation to you, and so let's start with your date of birth, approximately August 16, 1995. We go to the service and enter the initial data - we get the Palace of Ras under the auspices of Tarkh. At the same time, we get the date according to the Slavic Kruglolet - this is the 6th day of Tailet. We return to the table - look at the period - 35 Heylet - 18 Tylet, the number of days in the hall - 23, the length of the hall - 2 days 13 hours 20 minutes. Accordingly, to determine the hall in the hall, we need to calculate how many days were lived in the hall, and then divide it by the length of the hall. In our case, it is necessary to take into account that Haylet is an odd month, which means it has 41 days, so we count 6 days of Haylet + 6 days of Taillet = 12 days. To determine the hall, simply divide the number of days by the hall length coefficient (data taken from the table) - 12/2.56 = 4.6.

4.6 is the border of two halls - Mercy and Irination, which means that a person absorbs the figurative structures of both Halls or both Halls, i.e. In one case one system may predominate, in another another.

Or use the sample Hall table.

Even and Odd Months

Days of the week from which the months of the Krugolet years begin

The ratio of days of the Gregorian calendar at the beginning of each Slavic-Aryan Calendar

How does the Svarog Circle work?

How does the Svarog circle stand for?

The Svarog circle consists of several circles (sorry for the tautology):

  • External with the names of the palaces and gods;
  • Circle of runes of time;
  • A circle of palace runes that serve as the basis for amulets;
  • Circle of elements - earth, fire power, solar energy, moon, deity, starry sky, trees, water, heavenly power;
  • The fifth circle is the days of the week, patrons and luminaries;
  • The central circle is a nine-rayed star, each ray of which is a symbol of the human chakra.

Daariyskiy Krugolet Chislobog

Video about the Svarozh circle Lecture

The essence of palaces and their impact on humans

Slavic palaces by date of birth are a great opportunity to comprehend yourself, discover hidden possibilities, and perhaps awaken the memory of your ancestors, which will allow you to gain the strength and wisdom of your family.

Our ancestors believed that two palaces located nearby had similar characteristics, so they always considered them in pairs. There were pairs of palaces:

  • Maiden and Boar. A person born under these palaces strives to understand the world around him in all its forms. People under the auspices of Virgo and Boar do not like it when someone puts pressure on them when making a decision. They try to be leaders and like to make decisions themselves;
  • Pike and Swan. A calm and measured life is the basis of the way of life of people born under these palaces. The biggest problem of such people is making an independent decision;
  • Snake and Crow. Such people are active and afraid of loneliness. Their special attitude to love in all its manifestations is a priority, so they are very amorous;
  • Bear and Busla. These palaces are manifested by the fact that people are good-loving from the very beginning. They are constantly trying to make the world a better place. The principles of their Clan are their basis of being, prosperity and well-being, healthy offspring and happiness of children - this is what people born in these palaces constantly think about;
  • Wolf and Fox. Like their amulets, people who are born in such palaces are in an endless search for the meaning of life and truth. By nature, they are experimenters, curious and not afraid of change and challenges;
  • Tur and Los. For them, even the hardest, monotonous work is not scary, since they believe that only through work can one achieve everything in life. Their peculiarity is that their activity appears with the onset of spring, and gradually fades away by autumn;
  • Finista and Horse. The desire to do several things at once often plays a cruel joke on people born in these palaces. Perseverance and hard work are not their path. Natural maximalism and ingenuity give them the opportunity to achieve high results if they successfully complete the task;
  • Orla and Race. People who are born into these palaces are distinguished by good nature and goodwill. They are always ready to help everyone, but sometimes they go overboard. They are a little lazy, which is why knowledge of the world is difficult for them. They wait for knowledge to come by itself, when the necessary time comes.

To select, simply click on the appropriate one.

The culture of our ancestors is very interesting, and therefore is still in great demand. One of the most popular questions for people interested in this topic remains the question: “How to choose Slavic amulet by date of birth?

The amulets of the Slavs, chosen by date of birth, carry enormous power, since they are selected not just like that, but according to their nature and life needs. Sacred symbols that decorate the house have a huge protective effect. Adherents of the old faith still use them to this day.

The Old Slavonic world implied reunification and harmony with nature, so every symbol that was used had either an animalistic connection or a floral one. Each option is worth talking about separately.

Svarog circle

Some amulets of the ancient Slavs by date of birth are determined by the Svarozh circle. Divided into signs corresponding to certain time periods. Each period has its own symbol, which will serve a certain person with power and truth.

August 27 – September 20

The Virgo range begins on August 27th and ends on September 20th. Restless, young and beautiful. The symbol of Jiva (Goddess of forests and hunting) will help.

September 20 – October 11

From September 20 to October 11, the Boar period begins. They love order and obey the law in everything. The main feature is punctuality, and Rakhmata (God of justice among the Slavs) helps with this.

October 11 – November 3

This time is Pike range. They are talented, love consistency and rarely take change for granted. Rozhany (was the patron saint of prosperity and comfort among the Slavs) will be a reliable amulet.

November 3 – 24

Swan. belong to him family people, and their sacred symbol is the sign of Makoshn (Goddess of fortune telling and mystical power).

November 24 – December 16

The serpent begins to rule from November 24 to December 16. You can rely on representatives of this time and entrust your most intimate secrets. Their patron is Semargla (Slavic protector of fire and fertility).

December 16 – January 7

Raven rules during this period. People born under the auspices of the Raven are positive and sincere. Varun (fate) adds wisdom.

January 7 – 31

Bear - main leader, does not give way to anyone. Svarog (father of the Slavs) will help you move forward in your career and achieve success in politics.

January 31 – February 25

Busla time. They are reasonable and think through every step before acting. Patron – Rod (creator of the universe).

March 22 – April 14

Wolf period. They love creativity and in order to achieve success they use the amulet of Veles (the Slavic protector of livestock and the arts).

March 22 – April 14

The fox begins to influence from March 22 to April 14. Cunning, proud and independent. To help in their affairs they use Madder, the patroness of winter and darkness.

April 14 – May 6

During the Tour, wise, sensible people are born. For harmony, you should use the Roof (light and warmth).

May 6 – 29

Elk is flexible and soft. Starts its course on May 6 and ends on May 29. The best amulet is Lada (Slavic guardian of family and love).

May 29 – June 20

Finist. The soul is the main thing, which means you need to grow spiritually, that’s exactly what they think. To get rid of failures, they use the Most High (God who monitors the law and its implementation).

June 20 – July 13

Horse. With the help of the amulet they become good parents and achieve prosperity. Defender - Kupala (sunlight).

July 13 – August 4

Eagle. To avoid danger they use Perun ( Slavic god warriors and valor).

August 4 – 27

Race. They are loving, but often do not know how to achieve reciprocity from the opposite sex. Dazhdbog (the giver of fertility and light) will help you gain confidence in your abilities.


How to choose your amulet if you don’t know which totem you belong to? Ancient Slavic amulets based on date of birth are inextricably linked with protective palaces, which are similar to standard zodiac signs. There are 16 palaces, each of them has its own characteristics, its own totem and its own time.

Wolverine (January 10 – February 10)

Wolverine is an animal that does not tolerate strangers and defends its territory in any way, and if it is unable to defend itself, it wanders. He has sharp eyesight, good hearing and incredible sense of smell. People like these animals also protect their home from strangers and ignore outside advice. They are clean and love order. And although they stand up for the family, they respect even their enemies. There is no hatred in them.

Most of those who know about the honor of wolverine are not afraid to turn their backs on it.

Raven (February 10 – March 9)

Crows are very wise and understanding. It is difficult for the men of this patron to understand why they should exhaust themselves and spend years studying, since they have many talents from an early age. The logic of ravens is so developed that they can intuitively give an answer to complex issue or give important advice.

Such individuals are characterized by slowness, calmness and rapid movement towards their goals.

Ermine (March 10 – April 9)

A magnificent beast that understands how strong and energetic it is. Constantly on the move, constancy causes apathy and despondency in these people.

They defend their rightness and do not admit the mistakes of others. Good deeds are done. They love those around them. It is difficult to confuse them, as they purposefully go towards their dreams, breaking stereotypes.

It is important for an ermine to receive approval for his actions, because this is what encourages him to conquer new heights.

Toad (April 10 – May 9)

A creature that has control over three elements - water, earth and air. It adapts to any habitat and, if desired, can even live on a tree.

It is precisely because of this connection with nature that the ability to work is limited to the simplest, but at the same time difficult professions: most work in ordinary villages, while others are engaged in serious affairs in the state.

Toads do not get upset over trifles and quite rarely fall into a depressed state. For women, it doesn’t matter what kind of environment you find yourself in, because wherever there are toads there is comfort.

Toads can be found among great musicians, singers and artists.

Grasshopper (May 10 – June 9)

Despite his fears, the grasshopper is ready to take risks in order to turn his life around. better side. Grabs at everything at once and cannot always sit down to do one thing for a long time. At the same time, the affairs that they conduct are done with ease and ease.

IN positive mood, whenever the Grasshopper is met. They “infect” other people with their good mood.

Hamster (June 10 – July 9)

Periodicity is the main thing that characterizes a hamster. The mood depends on the time of year. In spring and summer, these are established animals that are ready to cope with any problem and resolve the situation. They are ready to spend days and nights for the intended goal, but with the arrival of autumn they slow down, become depressed and are not capable of doing any work.

Everyone around them loves hamsters for the good nature and positivity that they bring.

Ravlik or Snail (July 10 – August 9)

Very sensitive to other people. They come to help even when it is not necessary.

Snails live in their own imaginary world, where it is good, and most importantly, they like it more than in the real one. Thoughts are focused on the fact that if only they had been born two or three centuries ago, they would definitely have been princes, not subordinates.

Good interlocutors, they will never upset or humiliate you. They will help you find a way out of any situation and give practical advice.

Snails are very smart, but this will never lead to a successful career and prosperity.

Ant (August 10 – September 9)

Ants are hard workers and the only ones who are never afraid to take on a task and do it efficiently. The ant's family is happy - after all, everything that is done is done for their sake. He solves life's troubles himself and comes out unscathed. The employees respect him, and the boss appreciates him, because such a colleague is still worth looking for.

Hard work will be rewarded and promises great success and career advancement.

Khrushchev (September 10 – October 9)

Khrushchev does not want change and has a very hard time accepting changes in life. If life is good, you have a job you love and a family, then moving forward causes a lot of stress. But if something suddenly gets off the ground, then Khrushchev reproaches himself for not having done something earlier.

At a certain point, Khrushchev turns into a young and promising Beetle, but this can only be done by those who strive for self-improvement. The rest are destined to remain ugly worms.

Although changes are difficult for Khrushchev to bear, soaring to the top of the career ladder is not difficult.

Beaver (October 10 – November 9)

The beaver wants order in everything: in business, in the home and in relationships. The nature that surrounds adapts to the existence of Beavers, and not vice versa. The work in hand is progressing slowly, but systematically, and most importantly, effectively. Animals envy Beavers, because in their hands any business turns into a stunning success.

But no one wants to live like a beaver.

Even if the whole world collapses, beavers always find themselves safe place, where they wait out the disaster.

Dog (November 10 – December 9)

The dog is loyal and strong. He is honest and always keeps his promises, does not lie. The code of honor is above all else for him, so he will never in his life hit someone who has their back turned to him. He is often mocked for these habits, because modern society fussy and does not understand old customs.

Friends always come first. If possible, the dog will not miss the chance to give advice and be present in every minute of their life.

You can trust a dog with your life, your deepest secrets, and money savings. Even their enemies trust them. He can tear anyone apart for his friends, even if his opponents are a very influential person.

It promises great success in your career, because you won’t find a better boss in the whole wide world.

Bear (December 10 – January 9)

The bear is the king of the forest, but banal laziness prevents great success. If possible, he can get his cherished dream, become fast and invulnerable. But at such moments it is very difficult for him to calculate his strength.

Knowing his strengths, he will never offend the weak and defenseless. Small victories are also victories, so he is content with even this.

Rules for choosing

The listed talismans will help you and your home. Their figures should be placed either at the threshold or on the windowsill facing the street. The palaces provide protection from evil people, disasters and cataclysms that can befall the house.

Slavic amulets by date of birth must not only be chosen according to the date of birth, but also adhere to several rules:

  • Decide what you expect from the amulet and use it every day.
  • The material from which the talisman will be made must be natural: wood, stone or silver.
  • Intuitively choose the one you like the most. This is how you will benefit more.
  • Pay attention to what changes happen to you.

Selecting a Slavic amulet by date of birth is a very painstaking job. Approach this seriously and systematically.


From time immemorial, people have used various amulets, talismans and amulets to protect their lives from interference evil spirits and attract luck, money, love and everything your heart desires. Our ancestors were no exception.

There is a certain type of Slavic amulets called “paintings” in honor of the 16 pagan zodiacs of that time. Each person had his own palace, to which a certain amulet belonged. These amulets were carefully protected and hidden from prying eyes, endowing them with great magical influence.

The Old Slavic horoscope consists of 16 zodiac signs - palaces, which together form a complete annual cycle, called the Svarozh circle. This year begins in early spring.

The palaces received their name according to the Slavs’ idea that all zodiacs live in the huge heavenly palace of the god Svarog, in which everyone is allocated their own chambers - palaces. It was believed that these were large spacious halls with high ceilings, decorated with gold and flowers of each sign. To calculate your sign in the Slavic horoscope, just look at which palace your date of birth belongs to.

  • 20.09 – 12.10. First Hall - Virgo. The patron is the goddess of life and prosperity Jiva. This palace symbolizes the first birth, the acquisition of body and soul, the beginning of life itself. The apple tree is considered the sacred tree of Jiva, as a symbol of the unity of the family.
  • 12.10 – 3.11. Second Palace – Boar. The patron is the god of order and justice Ramhat. Indicates a person’s rejection of lies and hypocrisy. Many also call it the palace of judges; during this period, everyone gets what they deserve. sacred tree– pear as a symbol of the equinox.
  • 3.11 – 24.11. Third Palace – Pike. The patron is the goddess-protector of pregnant women Rozhana. This period is associated with procreation, preservation family values, connection with ancestors. The sacred tree is the plum, which accumulates useful substances from the soil all year round in order to give them to people in the form of delicious sweet berries.
  • 24.11 – 17.12. Fourth Palace – Swan. The patron is the goddess of abundance Makosh. Harvest time. The goddess embodies the true feminine principle, is favorable to those whose work is closely connected with the earth, symbolizes a life of abundance and the prosperity of the family. The sacred tree is pine.
  • 17.12 – 8.01. Fifth Palace - Serpent. The patron is the god of fire Simargl. During this period, a person is able to learn true wisdom. The harvest is harvested, a person can sit down and calmly think about his own future, and begin to make plans for the next year. The sacred tree is the linden tree, which in ancient times was often called the “fire tree” because a decoction of its bark and inflorescences was used to treat those suffering from extreme heat.
  • 8.01 – 1.02. Sixth Hall – Raven. The patron is the goddess of fate and crossroads Kolyada. A time of change, idleness, Christmas and New Year's festivities. The sacred tree is larch, as a symbol of a new beginning.
  • 1.02 – 25.02. Seventh Palace – Bear. The patron is the supreme god of the pagan pantheon, Svarog. He was revered as the ruler of the universe, who created all living things around him, and the palace was associated with love and forgiveness. Those born at this time were distinguished by their sincerity and desire for self-sacrifice for the sake of loved ones.
  • 25.02 – 22.03. The eighth palace is Stork. The patron is the god of the family and hearth and home Genus. Symbolizes the power and connection of generations in each family, blood ties and procreation. This is a period of new beginnings that will soon bring the first profit. The sacred tree is willow.
  • 25.02 – 22.03. Ninth Hall – Wolf. The patron is the god of secret knowledge and the other world Veles. It's time to accept responsibility and consequences for past actions. The palace was associated with the patronage of domestic animals and communication with wildlife. The sacred tree is poplar.
  • 22.03 – 15.04. Tenth Hall – Fox. The patron is the goddess of winter snow, tranquility and eternity Marena. Madder is a prototype of the Snow Queen, familiar to us from Andersen's fairy tales. She plunged the earth into winter sleep, giving people and the soil the opportunity to rest before the imminent spring work. Sacred tree - hornbeam.
  • 15.04 – 7.05. Eleventh Hall – Bull. The patron is the god of wisdom and prudence Kryshen. It was believed that Kryshen grazed huge herds of bulls in the heavenly domains of Svarog. He was described as a caring owner and an exemplary family man, who, if necessary, did not hesitate to take up the sword. The sacred tree is aspen.

  • 7.05 – 30.05. Twelfth Palace – Elk. The patron is the intercessor goddess Lada. The Old Slavs believed that the goddess helped young girls meet their destiny and maintained peace and harmony between members of the family. The sacred tree is birch.
  • 30.05 – 21.06. The Thirteenth Palace – Finist. The patron is the god of rage and justice Vyshen. He was portrayed as a warlike, gray-haired old man with a rather violent disposition, but honest and fair. The sacred tree is the cherry.
  • 21.06 – 13.07. Fourteenth Palace – Horse. The patron is the god of joy and good luck Kupala. This palace got to the hottest summer time in a year when people enjoyed the bright sun every day and were on the eve of the harvest. The sacred tree is the elm.
  • 13.07 – 4.08. Fifteenth Palace - Eagle. The patron is the god of lightning and wars Perun. Time for weddings and starting a family. This period was marked by simple daily duties and noisy folk festivals. The sacred tree is oak, as a symbol of power and prosperity.
  • 4.08 – 28.08. Sixteenth Hall – Lynx. The patron is the keeper of knowledge and protector from evil spirits Dazhdbog. This is the last palace that closes the entire cycle of the Svarog circle. His time was designated as last days rest and peace before the hard autumn work and the beginning of preparations for cold winter. The sacred tree is ash.
  • To determine your Slavic amulet, you need to know in which palace you were born. Each zodiac in such a horoscope carries certain character and personality traits for each person. You cannot wear a talisman of someone else’s palace - this can negatively affect your life balance, since the energies of various cycles, yours and the amulet’s, will never be able to agree with each other.

    Before choosing such a talisman, familiarize yourself with its main functions in a person’s life. Some amulets require additional activation or recharging. If you were born at the junction of two palaces, then you should listen to your intuition and your subconscious.

    You can move away from a specific zodiac and give preference to amulets that symbolize the seasons of the Svarozh cycle. Study the characters and descriptions of the signs in each of them, you will immediately understand which one will be closer to you.

    Each amulet Slavic horoscope was depicted in the form of a small plate on which a circle was depicted, with three equilateral triangles enclosed in it, intertwined in the form of a pentagram. In the center of the circle was the symbol of the zodiac, to which the amulet belongs. Such amulets were made from wood, copper or silver.

    To choose your talisman, you need to know your date of birth and which palace you belong to.

    To begin with, you need to remember that if you buy a Slavic amulet in a store, then it must be freed from the imprint of someone else’s energy. After all, until the moment it came to you, it was held in the hands of more than one person - this is the master manufacturer, the delivery service, and so on.

    In order to cleanse the talisman, wait until the full moon and place it overnight in a glass with cold water , after adding three pinches of salt to it. After this, you should always carry the amulet with you or store it at the head of the bed.

    You cannot wear a Slavic amulet on leather laces or bone pendants. These materials symbolize death and destruction. The energetic impact of the amulet on your life may be completely opposite to what you expected. If you want to wear the talisman around your neck, then hang it on a woolen thread.

    The symbol of the patron of the palace will help strengthen the effect of the amulet to which it belongs. For example, if you wear the amulet of the Wolf's palace, then attach a wolf fang to it, a feather is suitable for the Raven's palace amulet, and so on.

    If you purchased a silver or copper amulet, then burn it in the fire for a few seconds before putting it on. This will give him the ability to not only protect your family happiness and attract good luck, but also help take care of your physical and mental health.

    20.09 – 12.10. The first palace is Virgo. Patron….

    and in the picture where the amulets are drawn there is already a different date for Virgo... From 28.08 to 20.09

    If you want to improve your life, select talisman stones based on your date of birth that can safely, quickly and effectively solve many problems.

    In the article:

    Rules for choosing amulets stones

    There are several ways to decide on a talisman stone. The most common is selection. You can carry it out by the date or month of birth; this article will discuss this method. But first, some important tips.

    The best talisman is one that is given as a gift. At the same time, the mineral needs time to get used to you and start working. The longest grinding period is for a diamond, which does not tolerate separation from its owner.

    If you are going to buy an amulet, be sure to clean it and charge it after purchase. The talisman collected energy on the counter where people touched it. You can find out how to do it correctly from the relevant material on the website.

    Each mineral has its own character. Wearing it indiscriminately can lead to unpleasant consequences: from changing your character for the worse to deteriorating your quality of life. Not everything goes together, so be careful.

    Often a person does not like the stones that are suggested by selection by zodiac or date of birth. The best option– personal feelings. The main thing is that it evokes positive emotions.

    Dangerous stones by date of birth

    There are minerals that have a strong effect on owners. They can only be worn by those born during a certain period. Exceptions are rare.

    Opal is suitable for those born at the end of September. For others, decorations can lead to melancholy and apathy.

    Pearl Recommended for Pisces, other signs should follow certain rules. For example, Aquarius should not wear it during periods of sadness, so as not to aggravate the situation, and Scorpios should prefer black pearls. It threatens Virgos with the development of weak character. Absolutely not suitable for Leos and Aries.

    Amber better . For those born under another constellation, it cannot become a talisman.

    Amazonite Suitable for Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio, not recommended. He has a peculiar character and it is very difficult to please him. By-effect- laziness, which is difficult to fight.

    Grenade it doesn't matter when you were born. He loves emotional, bright, proactive people. Negative effects - a tendency to envy, dissatisfaction with life.

    Sapphire does not tolerate harm to others, depriving them of joy, love, friendship. If you are not sure of the purity of your thoughts, choose another piece of jewelry, even if it is your amulet.

    Wear hematite a person who cannot resist should not own desires. It provokes cruelty and rudeness.

    Amulet by date of birth - day of the month

    consider the date, day of the week and month of birth separately. The following list is for determining the talisman by date of birth.

    • 1, 10, 19, 28 - coral, opal, topaz, ruby.
    • 2, 11, 20, 29 - cat's eye, jade, opal, pearl, tiger's eye.
    • 3, 12, 21, 30 - amethyst, emerald, coral, topaz.
    • 4, 13, 22, 31 - aquamarine, diamond, garnet, opal, sapphire.
    • 5, 14, 23 - diamond, light sapphire, zircon.
    • 6, 15, 24 - aquamarine, beryl, emerald, green opal, peridot.
    • 7, 16, 25 - pearls, moonstone, opal, tiger's eye.
    • 8, 17, 26 - lapis lazuli, opal, sapphire.
    • 9, 18, 27 - garnet, coral, ruby, red opal.

    Talisman stones by date of birth - day of the week

    The day of the week plays an equally important role in the selection of amulets:

    1. Monday- pearls, moonstone, opal, others white or having a light base.
    2. Tuesday- hematite, coral, lapis lazuli, ruby, sodalite, jasper, blue, red, dark minerals.
    3. Wednesday- aquamarine, turquoise, sapphire, blue topaz, and other heavenly shades.
    4. Thursday- amethyst, fluorite, charoite, other violet.
    5. Friday- emerald, malachite, jade, tourmaline, peridot, chrysoprase; green or having such inclusions.
    6. Saturday- smoky quartz, dark minerals.
    7. Sunday- topaz, carnelian, zircon, amber, and others of a warm golden color.

    Amulet by month of birth

    Options for choosing an amulet based on your month of birth for those who want to acquire a reliable and powerful amulet.

    1. January- pomegranate, hyacinth, cat's eye, turquoise.
    2. February- amethyst, pearls, hyacinth, hawk's eye, rock crystal.
    3. March- aquamarine, heliotrope, jasper, ruby, tourmaline.
    4. April- diamond, sapphire, agate, emerald.
    5. May- emerald, agate, carnelian, chalcedony, chrysoprase, tiger's eye.
    6. June- pearls, alexandrite, agate, turquoise, emerald, cat's eye, chalcedony, aquamarine.
    7. July- ruby, turquoise, carnelian, onyx, sardonyx, aventurine, chrysolite.
    8. August- peridot, alexandrite, sardonyx, topaz, carnelian, moonstone, ruby, citrine.
    9. September- sapphire, sardonyx, peridot, agate, smoky quartz.
    10. October- tourmaline, opal, aquamarine, beryl, lapis lazuli, garnet.
    11. November- topaz, pearls, coral, peridot.
    12. December- zircon, turquoise, heliotrope, ruby, chrysoprase, amethyst, agate.

    Choosing amulets according to the season of birth

    For those who are not satisfied with the distribution of talismans by month, we offer options by season.

    • Winter- diamond, turquoise, labradorite, moonstone, sapphire, quartz, crystal. Everything is light, white, blue, blue - like winter nature.
    • Spring- amethyst, green diamond, emerald, peridot, topaz, chrysoberyl, spinel; others having bright shades of the first green.
    • Summer- garnet, opal, topaz, ruby, chrysoberyl, zircon, spinel. Talismans differ from spring ones in their depth of color and warmer shades.
    • Autumn- hyacinth, garnet, sapphire, topaz, yellowish oriental peridot. Those born in autumn are advised to use red, blue and yellow stones.

    A snowflake pendant will suit winter people, and a red maple leaf pendant will suit autumn zodiac signs. If you were born in the spring,

    Slavic amulets have the strongest magical power . They are able to protect a person from various manifestations of evil and help attract positive things.

    However, not every amulet is suitable for a certain person. You need to choose a talisman based on various parameters, which may include your date of birth.


    The culture of the ancient Slavs is full and diverse with legends and myths, the main characters of which are divine beings. The Slavs have always believed in the existence of higher powers capable of influencing events occurring around them.

    People's lives were full of sacred symbols, to which they attached special meaning. It was believed that each symbol was under the protection of a specific god.

    That is why the symbols were endowed magical meaning. They were placed on household items, body jewelry, clothing or weapons. The Slavs tried to protect themselves as much as possible from the influence of dark forces.

    Ancient amulets the following properties were attributed:

    • Attracting good luck and success;
    • Normalization of internal state;
    • Protection from magicians and witches;
    • Preservation of the family hearth;
    • Increase in cash;
    • Help with studies and work;
    • Revealing hidden skills;

    What is a talisman?

    The amulet was a mandatory attribute of Slavic culture. It was difficult to find a person who would not surround himself sacred symbols.

    Any thing with an image could act as a talisman magic symbol. Its presence automatically made it sacred. It could be a wardrobe item, a body amulet, any textile product or figurine. Amulets were made from a wide variety of materials.

    But most often they turned to materials with a certain natural strength. For example, stone, wood, silver, gold or bronze. Each type of material can enhance the effect of one symbol, and reduce the effectiveness of another.

    The Slavs treated amulets with special honor. They believed that in these seemingly insignificant objects there was a powerful force. Warriors covered their weapons with symbols before their campaigns. Women passed on amulets to their daughters.

    If a family was born Small child, his parents sought to make new amulets for additional protection baby. Any amulet had a specific purpose and even a location in the apartment. There was also a division of amulets into women's and men's.

    Calculate by date of birth

    IN Slavic culture There was a Svarog circle, which divided the sky into 16 equal parts. Each of them included certain constellations, and, accordingly, the period in which the person was born.

    If we draw an analogy, we can say that the Slavic Svarog circle is a modern horoscope. And the signs of the zodiac are ancient palaces. The only difference is the number of characters available. Each period had its own name and characteristics.

    In Svarog circle included the following halls:

    • Chamber of the Virgin (from August 27 to September 20);
    • Hall of the Boar (from September 20 to October 11);
    • Pike's Hall (from October 11 to November 3);
    • Hall of the Swan (from November 3 to November 24);
    • Hall of the Serpent (from December 2 to December 16);
    • Hall of the Raven (from December 16 to January 7);
    • Hall of the Bear (from January 8 to January 31);
    • Busla Palace (from February 1 to February 25);
    • Hall of the Wolf (from February 25 to March 22);
    • Hall of the Fox (from March 22 to April 14);
    • Hall of Tours (from April 14 to May 6);
    • Hall of the Elk (from May 6 to May 29);
    • Finist's Hall (from May 29 to June 20);
    • Hall of the Horse (from June to July 13);
    • Hall of the Eagle (from July 13 to August 4);
    • Hall of Ras (from August 4 to August 27);

    Each palace has a specific symbol that is visually different from any other. This symbol serves to a specific person personal amulet.

    In addition, each palace bestows individual character traits on people born during the period of its activity. For example, Vepr has an analytical mind. He tries with all his might to achieve his goals. The corresponding amulet will only enhance existing qualities.

    Raven is the direct opposite of Boar. He is extremely distracted and awkward. But at the same time, he is a good family man. The Fox is characterized by diplomatic skills, while the Moose is characterized by a secretive character. Charms help enhance positive traits each sign and reduce the negative ones.

    Charms according to character and zodiac sign

    Today, the approach to choosing a talisman has changed somewhat. There is nothing wrong with choosing a talisman based on your own feelings. The main thing is close contact with the amulet. This is especially true for talismans made of stone. For example, Turquoise has the ability to attract friends.

    Which may not be necessary for all people. Chrysoprase is not suitable for conservatives; it will be an excellent assistant for those who want to open new doors. Jade promotes family happiness, so it will not help those who want to achieve career success.

    You can choose a talisman based on your zodiac sign. Moreover, not only a stone, but also an image of a number or an animal can serve as a magical object. Each zodiac sign has certain amulets. Zircons or rubies are suitable for Aries.

    Leos will feel most secure with an amethyst or diamond. The ardor of Capricorn will be able to pacify malachite. But Jasper can give financial well-being Virgos. Representatives water element Stones such as pearls or aquamarine are suitable. And agate can become a talisman for Libra.

    The amulet can also be any object with the image of the zodiac sign itself. Neck pendants are the most popular. They can be made from various metals, but the most common are gold or silver.

    When choosing a talisman, you should take into account that the power of fire signs is supported by gold, while for others, a silver talisman would be more relevant.

    Also, the amulet may not have a material shell, but remain in the mind of its owner all his life. Such amulets include numbers. Each zodiac sign has its own numerical patron. For example, for Taurus this is the number six. Lucky number Libra is a seven. And the number three will bring happiness to Sagittarius’ life.

    Rules for using amulets

    Amulets remain effective only if they are used correctly. It is advisable for the magical item to always be close to its owner. Contact must be maintained constantly so that the amulet does not lose its magical properties.

    Under no circumstances should you throw the amulet in front of everyone or show it to others too often. Periodically, the amulet needs to be cleaned and recharged with the help of prayers and special rites.

    You can give the amulet only to close people, otherwise it will not fulfill its direct functions.