For a long time I took my friends to Belgrade as an excursion, where the main exhibit were the Serbs - tall, broad-shouldered, beautiful (at least to my taste; judging by the way my friends crooked their necks, our tastes coincide). But four years ago I had to learn the difference between tourism and emigration and figure out in practice what it’s like to build a relationship with a Serb when a return ticket will no longer save you from failure.

Serbian men love children. I understand that the beginning is harsh, but what can you do, this quality really distinguishes them from everyone, except perhaps the Israelis. In no other country in the world have I been invited on dates with my son, nowhere have casual acquaintances tinkered with him so enthusiastically and sincerely, nowhere have I had dialogues:

“And it doesn’t bother you that I have a child?”

- What are you talking about, this is such happiness!

And they are not lying: they really think that the blue-eyed, blond two-year-old only makes me more attractive. And even more. 27-year-old Dragan, for example, stayed for hours with my son Stefan while I ran with my girlfriends to drink coffee - an attraction, for my taste, of unprecedented generosity. Two months later we broke up because I didn’t want any more children. You understand, right? At the age of 27, he could not bear the fact that I was unlikely to start producing mini-dragans like an assembly line. Sometimes it seems to me that it was the love for children that became the reason for the dislike for. Only in Serbia have I ever heard the offended “You don’t trust me?” in response to a proposal to use, so to speak, barrier contraception. My friend Tiyana laughs joyfully in such cases: “Of course I don’t trust, I’m a nurse and I know too much to trust anyone on the fifth date.”

Romance among Serbs is specific. Flowers only appear in a woman’s hands on her wedding day – a bride’s bouquet, as expected. But bring you a jar winter preparations the old way family recipe– a Serb can easily do this. And don’t delude yourself: 99% is that the author of this culinary masterpiece is not he, but his mother (or grandmother). A man's job is to bake brandy. Maybe some more grilled meat. In general, feeding a woman is sacred. Or at least give him something to drink when we're talking about about going public. In the sense that a restaurant or bar is the right direction for a first date.

Although I’m lying, just recently a young politician invited me to visit and promised to cook dinner. Well, how was dinner... On the table there was a bottle of the cheapest wine (fortunately, in Serbia, cheap wine is quite okay) and White bread, baked with cheese, ham and ketchup. “I,” he says, “wanted to make pasta, but there is no colander here. And there is no corkscrew - I had to buy one with a lid.” The absence of a colander and a corkscrew was easily explained by the fact that the politician himself does not live in Belgrade and is not aware of what his friend had put in his drawers there.

The story with a friend’s apartment is completely typical. Young boys who, of course, live with their parents, and candidates for lovers with many years of experience in the erotic field tried to drag me around as friends. Firstly, because here, even at 50 years old, an unmarried man can easily live with his parents - some continue to save for an apartment, periodically accidentally blowing away what they have accumulated, others simply do not understand why move to a place where they will have to do the laundry and cook themselves.

Waiting for an invitation from a Serb for a romantic weekend at a hotel is a completely unrealistic task. According to reviews from the managers of the Veliki Hotel in Novi Sad (the second largest city in the country), this option is used only by married gentlemen who prefer to enter the room separately from their mistress, pay in cash and, if possible, not show their passport. No, I had a man with whom we spent almost a press tour around the outskirts of Novi Sad (I stubbornly didn’t want to invite him to my place, but he had a mother and son at home, there was no time for pleasure). Remembering six months of hassle over every possible (and dozen impossible) occasion, I think it would be better if he dragged me around to friends, but behaved like a human being.

Serbian women, by the way, are sure that a man’s qualities greatly depend on the region of residence. When I moved from Novi Sad to Belgrade, my friends kindly envied me: “At least they’ll meet people there, but ours are sitting at the counter, waiting for you to come for him.” I don’t know, I don’t know, out of everyone public places I only managed to interest someone on the tram - there was no romance, but Urosh smiled charmingly. Almost as charming as the 19-year-old waiter Branislav, who in two hours managed to ask for my phone number, leave his, tell me his biography (good for him, I would have had to retell it for almost thirty years) and ask me to marry. Just in case, she refused, in case he was serious.

The passionate desire to get married among Serbs usually goes away in their early 20s, then they can live for years (according to statistics, up to 34 years) without getting married. But if it comes to the altar, then most likely the altar will not be in figuratively– the majority of the country’s inhabitants are Orthodox and not only get married, but also get married. However, every fifth marriage breaks up. But weddings are so fun that it’s no harm to repeat the event later. But even if you don’t have a wedding or a long life happy life with a Balkan chosen one, their sense of humor, open smile and overwhelming charm are a sure reason to go to Belgrade on vacation.

If you also want to become the heroine of our erotic-geographical section and tell us about the peculiarities of national romance in any country, write to us at

Serbia is a close country, but at the same time distant, because in Russia they know very little about it. I will tell you a little about Serbia itself, although, of course, one such text is clearly not enough to fit in a lot that every self-respecting Russian needs to know about it, for the history of Serbia and Serbian statehood is closely connected with the history of Russia itself, from the adoption of Christianity to current times.

What do we know about this country, besides dry statistical data from Wikipedia? The fact that it is located on the Balkan Peninsula, that the Serbs are Orthodox. Many people associate the region with the collapse of the SFRY, with armed conflicts the early nineties, ethnic cleansing, NATO bombing and the Hague Tribunal. And although, in general, Serbs are treated favorably and with compassion, they know practically nothing or very little about the country. By the way, in terms of popularity, Serbia is in 20th place among other tourist destinations.

Orthodoxy. In the 12th century, the Russian abbot of the monastery on Mount Athos tonsured the young Rastko as a monk and gave him the name Savva. Savva believed that Faith can save us only together with and through good deeds. As Professor V. Jeremic wrote, “our faith is of a deep emotional nature, at the level of feelings and instincts it shapes the personality, creating an eternal basis for unchanging unity. This is implied by the term “conciliarity,” an indigenous Slavic concept, the meaning of which is well known to our two peoples.”

Why does this happen, and why do Russians feel so good on Serbian soil?

It is important for every traveler to know that Serbia is a country in many ways similar to Russia in terms of intercultural communications. Like us, in Serbia there is collectivism: personal interests must be sacrificed for the good of the group, the collective. Nepotism is very common, especially in the regions. Bearing in mind that the state is agricultural: 85% of the population lives in rural areas, survived and survives at the expense of the village, we can make the assumption that this phenomenon will be quite common.

As in a community, everyone submits to the elder or chief. No decision can be made unless it is agreed upon by senior management. In companies, for example, such management will reverently be called “gazda” (Turkishism, close in meaning to our expression “master”). The company is a kind of pyramid of pyramids. Someone necessarily obeys someone, although this may not be immediately noticeable. To understand who is the best in the department, you need to track who asks for coffee. The one who asks is usually the eldest. The one who runs as fast as he can to prepare it is the junior, who is given all kinds of assignments and personal requests.

Serbs are insightful, they are excellent psychologists who easily read the information they need using non-verbal signals. This dates back to the times of Turkish rule, when by clothes, hairstyle, accessories, tone of voice, bow and many other details invisible to the eye of an outside observer, one could understand a lot about religious affiliation, occupation, marital status, condition and social status. This atavism is still alive in people's minds. Therefore, as a rule, the boss will talk loudly, he will have sweeping gestures, expensive and rather flashy clothes, and massive gold jewelry. You will notice that the higher a person is in rank, wealth or social status, the more physical space he will occupy.

In ballet they say that normal person should occupy one square meter personal space, so, in fact, the Serbs competently occupy their square meter, while the average compatriot of ours will feel uncomfortable and try to hide, cower. Serbs have much shorter personal space than in the West. In this culture, tactile contact is accepted: hugs, pats on the back and shoulder, strong male handshakes. Serbs are exceptionally child-loving people! If you have a child with you, then they will definitely praise the child, pay a lot of attention and try to treat them with something or do something good. If it’s small, they’ll take you in your arms and say: “Ma ti si bebo moja maaaala!” - they will show it to everyone around, repeating that they have never seen such a beautiful baby before. Everything is completely sincere!

By the way, to guarantee good welcome in a new team, you need someone to bring you and introduce you, a person they know and trust. Then you too will become one of us. They will trust you because they know and trust your friend, and this is a more reliable guarantee than a bank one.

If a person has been accepted into a family or team, then tactile contact is a sign of goodwill. When meeting, be sure to kiss three times on the cheek, a real “à la russe”. Among men, this is a normal, traditional practice; there is no need to think anything extra, because this is a primordially Orthodox phenomenon that has nothing in common with homosexuality. Serbs are virile, courageous, and straightforward.

There is a certain paradox here, because despite all the straightforwardness of the statements, starting a conversation or meeting with the most important thing is simply not accepted. First you need to “warm up”, talk about family, relatives, privacy. They are psychologically “probing” you, trying to find out more about you, and at the same time win you over. If they offer you rakia, don’t be embarrassed, be sure to take 50 grams, for your health and Have a good mood, otherwise you will offend the owner, and this should not be done under any circumstances. Business is business, but communication and emotional openness during business meetings or negotiations is one of the most important components of success.

And, by the way, an important piece of advice: do not forget to sincerely thank those who treated you well, helped you, and hosted you. Of course, they will tell you that you don’t need anything, that they are simply happy to see you and are happy to help you for free. All this is true, but believe me, it will never be superfluous to show attention, do not skimp on feelings and positive emotions. And as a parting gift, give him some Russian souvenir.

Liliana Samokhvalova

If you are interested in knowing what Serbian men are like, we will now tell you in detail.

Features of the Serbs

Local citizens, as a rule, treat their spouses very carefully and tenderly; of course, there are problems, but everything can be solved. Men from this country are kind, caring, sympathetic and sweet. Some of them spare no expense to please their beloved woman. Although everything is individual, you may not get caught good guy(for example, rude and arrogant), but this happens in every country.

Women are treated differently in Serbia, perhaps due to the small number of girls in the country. The local guys can be compared to mountaineers. As you know, Serbia is a country dominated by patriarchy, but at the same time, girls here are quite respected and revered people. Of course, the Serbian patriarchy is better than the eastern one. Serbs, as a rule, do not drink much; they are reserved when it comes to alcohol.

Decency is another distinctive feature of the Serbs.

The disadvantage that I would like to note is strong emotionality.

It is also worth paying attention to the characteristics of the family, which sometimes make you wonder whether it was worth going to Serbia. Although many citizens are very good people who treat their sons' spouses very well.

In this country, as a rule, people rely on each other that in a given situation a brother, matchmaker or godfather will help.

Many Serbs are overly self-confident and consider themselves irresistible seducers. In reality, he is either a complex, boorish type, or just a guy who hides behind such a mask to attract girls.

Some Serbs are hot-tempered and jealous. Another distinctive feature is touchiness.

Remember that when dating a Serbian, you should learn as much as possible about him. Because there are a lot of people online who are not looking for a relationship. Such people are called sex tourists.

In this country guys can be divided into two types:

The first is that men are quite respectful of girls from the Russian Federation. But at the same time, representatives of the fair sex should listen to their Serbian men.

The second is that men believe that Russian girls are ladies of “fickle” behavior who do not deserve any respect. Such men can even raise their hands against a girl.

Fortunately, there are very few of the second type of young people in the country.

Who do the Serbs love? Of course, children. They have a special attitude. During a divorce, such a dad will “fight” for his child. When communicating with a Serb, always follow the same tactics that the citizens of the country themselves have chosen. Women are subordinate to their spouses in everything. In general, there are fewer divorces here than, for example, with eastern young people.

Registration of marriage with a Serb

If you are a citizen of the Russian Federation and decide to marry a Serb, then this can be done both in Serbia and in the Russian Federation. The marriage will be concluded according to the laws of the state in which you will register.

What documents are required to register a marriage with a Serb in the Russian Federation? Now we'll tell you.

  • The first is, of course, a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  • Second - original passport, copy, notarized + translation.
  • If one of the parties has already been married, then a certificate of dissolution of the union is needed.
  • Fourth - a certificate from the office (at the Serb’s place of residence). It confirms that the man has no obstacles to register the union. To receive the document, you need to provide the office with a copy (notarized) of the foreign passport (or ordinary) of the Russian citizen with whom the Serbian is going to marry. Of course, the copy must be translated into Serbian. In addition, you need a citizen’s birth certificate, translated and certified.It is better to have documents translated in Serbia; the cost of the service is about ten dollars per document. A certificate of no impediment is valid for three months; it is issued only for registering a union with a specific person.
  • Fifth - an extract from the book on marriage at the place of residence, if the Serbian has previously been married and is now divorced. It is valid for six months from the date of issue.
  • Sixth – notification. When you submit an application to the registry office, you need to provide a special notification about the registration of a Serbian with migration registration.Documents received in Serbia must be translated into Russian. It is better to translate within the Russian Federation. Translations must be certified by a notary. On average, the price of one urgent translation costs 1,200 rubles, and a non-urgent translation costs 900 rubles.Please check that your full name is translated correctly.
  • Seventh is a statement. People registering a union submit a joint petition for marriage (in writing) to the registry office.

You must also provide the following information:

  • details of documents (passports) that certify the identity of those entering into marriage;
  • Full name, date and place of birth, citizenship, age on the day of state registration, optionally indicate nationality;
  • place of residence of both persons;
  • the last names they want to have after marriage.

Persons who register a marriage sign this application and indicate the day of preparation. The future husband may not be present at the writing if there is a power of attorney application in your name.

If you wrote an application not in accordance with the form or did not wait for the required month period from the day it is filed until the solemn date, the marriage is considered invalid. Is it possible to reduce this period? Yes, if there is a good reason.

According to the agreement between the Russian Federation and Serbia on mutual visa-free travel of citizens, Serbs can be in Russia for thirty days, and registry offices, as a rule, register a marriage on the 32nd day after filing the petition. You also need to take into account the fact that it takes several days to register for migration at your place of stay and translate the documents, then there are no longer thirty days left, but 25 (or even less). How to be? There is a solution.

There are several options:

1. If a Serbian citizen falls ill, the period of stay can be extended. This means that you need to take sick leave. If you have such a document, your registration will be extended for ten days (this is the maximum). The sick leave must be taken to the Federal Migration Service.

3. Birth certificate of a Russian citizen, which is translated into Serbian. Of course, the document must be notarized.

4. Extract from the book about the birth of a Serb.

5. If a Russian citizen has already been married, then you need a certificate of divorce, of course, translated into Serbian and notarized.

6. Form No. 35 (certificate of marital status from the registry office at the place of registration). This document is needed if the citizen has not been previously married. Do not confuse form No. 35 with other similar ones.

It is best to have documents translated into Serbian in Serbia. This way you can avoid additional assurances at the consulate and embassy.

7. There must be a translator (accredited) from Serbian to Russian at the wedding. The service is paid separately.

8. People registering for marriage submit a joint petition to enter into a union (in writing).

9. Would you like to get married in the homeland of your future spouse, that is, in Serbia? Then you need to prepare your spouse's baptismal certificate and yours. The wedding takes place after the conclusion civil marriage. In addition, you need a document that confirms that you have passed the “marriage test”, during which the priest at your place of residence finds out if there are any obstacles to the wedding (family ties, etc.).

Serbs, a South Slavic people from both distant and close country. Close because everything Slavic languages are similar, and between their bearers, willy-nilly, there is something in common. Distant, because not much is known about Serbia and the Serbs. The history of the country itself deserves a separate article, and in this one we will try to reveal what the appearance and character of the Serbs are like.

Imprint of history

Determination, perseverance, belligerence and unshakable will have long been imprinted on both their character and appearance. History itself instilled these traits. All the wars that have ever taken place in the European part of the continent have always affected this small state to one degree or another. For example, Switzerland has not been at war with anyone for 600 years. As for Serbia, it is the only state in Europe to which armed foreign aggression was applied after the end of World War II. Moreover, they were subjected not to simple military intervention, but to radioactive bombing.

But after all this, the Serbs were able not to run away wherever they could to calm countries, but to remain in their own and defend it. Having united, they gradually created a new state. They respect their culture, traditions, strive to realize national self-sufficiency and proudly declare everywhere that they are Serbs. Their appearance, however, always speaks about this better than any words.

The country's history has made them all nationalists, but not those who, like adherents of Nietzsche's theories, seek to exterminate other nations. They are proud of themselves and try in every possible way not to tarnish the reputation of their nation.

Serbs: appearance of men

Serbian men are distinguished by their warlike style. Tall stature is typical - short people are less common - broad shoulders, straight posture. The nose deserves special attention; it is at the same time thin, straight and at the same time aquiline, which is what Serbs are mainly famous for.

The appearance of a man with such characteristic features His stateliness greatly attracts Russian women. On the one hand, such a person is still a Slav, with a close Russian mentality and the same Orthodox religion. On the other hand, this is a southern dark-haired man, like from oriental fairy tales.

By the way, Serbs have dark hair, not black; in the northern parts of the country they also have light brown hair. The stately appearance is complemented by a large Adam's apple, slightly protruding cheekbones and a proud posture.

Serbs: women's appearance

Serbian women are famous for their correctness. Everything in their faces is harmonious, located exactly as it should be. Like men, they are tall. When it comes to talking about which people in Europe are the tallest, one answer is always heard - the Serbs. The appearance of a Serbian woman is Slavic, but with a southern bias - brown eyes, dark hair.

They have a trait that today has even become a reason for jokes - a love for everything sexual. Aggressive and bright makeup, excessively revealing clothes. They often fail to find a balance between sexuality and vulgarity, and as a result, even the most decent woman can be mistaken for a depraved person.

People famous for their beauty

Among each nation it is customary to distinguish especially beautiful people. Looking at them, people of a different ethnic group can get an idea of ​​the characteristic appearance of the nation. The list of “most beautiful Serbs” includes world famous athletes:

  1. - a football player who plays for the national team in the position of an attacking midfielder. The twenty-seven-year-old young man has a typical militant Serbian appearance. Height - 181 cm, straight prominent nose and symmetrical facial features.
  2. - professional tennis player. By looking at it carefully, you can understand what the Serbs look like. Dark hair, soft brown eyes and at the same time a strong-willed figure.


But the characteristic appearance for Serbs is one thing, their character is completely different. The main feature present in the majority of the population is the desire for equality. When Turkish rule loomed over them at one time, all the nobility disappeared. they left for other countries, defected to the Islamists, and died in military battles. As a result, the country was left with a population completely equal in origin.

But, by the way, despite their love of freedom, they never forget about their blood ties - even individual kinship is valued here. There is also the so-called twinning.

Serbs are born insightful psychologists. They only need to look at clothes, hairstyle, accessories and hear the timbre of their voice to understand who is in front of them. But they can only use these skills in relation to their own people.

It so happens that each social layer here has its own obvious distinctive features. Bosses speak a little louder, allow themselves to gesticulate rather wildly, and wear extremely presentable, expensive clothes. Of course, this is not a mandatory rule, but nevertheless everyone adheres to it, which allows you to identify who is in front of you.

Serbs by nature are hardy, courageous and not afraid of anything. This is not due to recklessness, but to the fact that a difficult history taught them to be fearless. Now this quality is passed on from parents to children. Like all southern nationalities, they are hospitable, they will generously welcome guests with a table set with the best dishes, they will joke and even sing songs. But in case of danger, even children will not be afraid to defend their home and country.


According to tradition, everything significant days accompanied by music. Often people sing them themselves, gathered around a large table. They do this at weddings, birthdays and even funerals.

When a person is accepted into a circle of close people, it is simply impossible not to understand. Meetings in this case will be accompanied not by a handshake, but by a kiss on the cheek, always three times. In general, all Serbs are quite normal when it comes to kissing when meeting. These traditions do not imply anything obscene, even if two men kiss.

Serbs keep the oldest tradition of gatherings. People gather in churches, public places and discuss something. Honor Orthodox traditions for them it is as important as national ones. Serbs go to church, celebrate all church holidays, honor wedding rites and observe fasts.

By the way, it is not customary for Serbs to take off their shoes. Even if you come to visit in winter or from a dirty street, you can safely enter the house without a twinge of conscience.

It is also interesting that the first person to visit a Serb on Christmas morning is considered by custom to be a divine guest. Depending on who exactly comes to the house, he can understand what the year will be like. Serbs sincerely believe that if no one comes to visit on this day, it is a bad sign.

It is customary here to bring new people in person and introduce them to the team. If a new person is brought in by someone whom everyone respects and trusts, then he automatically begins to enjoy the same goodwill.

Attitude to clothing

Serbs prefer to treat their clothing informally. IN Everyday life They wear loose European clothes in a casual style. However, appearing in some places in sportswear can cause not only misunderstandings, but also become a reason for refusal to visit some public places. In particular, this applies to restaurants, cafes, and official events. They also react in the country to excessive open clothes, beach Such outfits are considered inappropriate.

Evening dresses deserve special attention. When choosing them, Serbs are guided by their national costume. In general, he is treated with special awe and respect. Men's suit consists of a shirt with a traditional pattern and pants with a wide leg. Festive outfits are decorated with silver cords and buttons. Women's attire is represented by a loose white shirt, richly decorated with all kinds of embroidery (in different parts of the country, the ornament on clothing may differ), over which they wear an equally richly decorated sleeveless vest.

Popular bad habit

The Serbian people have one common negative addiction - smoking. In Serbia there is no division into smoking areas and areas where it is prohibited - all places, by definition, are smoking. For a long time, this was allowed both in train compartments and in shops. Therefore, you should not be surprised if someone suddenly lights a cigarette next to you on the bus.

But in defense of the Serbs, we can say that they drink extremely rarely, and if they do drink, they do not get rowdy, as happens in Russia. Serbs are extremely surprised when they hear that Russians, having gotten drunk, start brawls, and do not understand at all where this came from for the latter.

Youth is something to be proud of

As mentioned earlier, Serbs honor both their people and their history. And even the youngest. Young people can easily take a tour of their country and tell about its history just as well as a professional guide.

Young people, in general, all feel their responsibility to the country. They try to study well, achieve sporting success, defend the honor of your country and raise its position in the eyes of the world community. Sports grounds in cities and villages are packed from early morning until late evening.

Taboo topics

Upon arrival in Serbia, you need to learn that they don’t like to remember the war. In Russia, they often like to raise this topic for general discussion, to remember for a long time about fallen heroes and victories won. Perhaps this is due to the fact that everything is long behind us and there are practically no people left who personally remember the war times.

In Serbia, the events of the Yugoslav conflict are still fresh in memory. For this reason, the fraternal peoples of the former Yugoslavia still cannot reconcile (Bosnians, Macedonians, Slovenes, Montenegrins, Croats, Serbs). The appearance of the Serbs in such cases will say without any words that the memories of the war have not yet sunk into oblivion. It is better to choose sports or, for example, agricultural topics for conversation, without forcing these people to relive recently occurring events.