A business card is 90x50 mm thick paper that contains all the necessary information about the person or company providing services. Its circulation can be ordered from a printing house, but making it yourself will not be difficult.

First of all, the creator needs to clearly understand its purpose and properties. . She must be: compact, informative, easy to read, stylish and respectable.

How to make a business card on your computer yourself?

The product must contain:

  • company logo, if available;
  • the name of the company and the full name of its owner indicating his position;
  • the services provided in a brief form;
  • all available contact information.

Knowing the basic requirements for making a business card online for free and saving it on your computer or in a program that can be downloaded on the Internet, you don’t have to contact specialists. Finished products are printed on a color printer in the required quantity.

What program do you use to make a business card?

The following simple programs will help you make a business card online and save it to your computer:

PrintMaker. – a business card designer with a simple interface allows you to create a ready-made version that is immediately sent for printing;

VizitkiBespaltno– a simple online designer that generates a business card using a template and provides a link to the finished product;

off note – business card designer that allows you to create a layout in different formats - png, word, pdf.

Creating a card layout online is available to absolutely all Internet users. You just need to go to any of the above programs and, using the designer, decide on a sample, substituting your data there. Upon completion of registration, the created template is saved to your home computer or sent to email.

There are also programs that you can download to your computer and create business card layouts based on a template. These include:

  • Photoshop
  • CorelDRAW,
  • Microsoft Word,
  • Business card master
  • business cards mx.

Using these programs, a business card can be made at home for free. You just need to choose the appropriate layout and enter all the necessary information there. When it comes to the question of how to make a business card yourself, the available program templates will help make your work easier. By default they contain everything you need. The user himself enters only the data of his company.

How to make a business card in Word?

In MS Word It's the easiest way to create a business card for free. To do this you will need to open Microsoft programs Office and select Word among them. In Word with your own hands, the product is formed according to two scenarios:

  • using a table, if there is no need to set a background image;
  • by substituting a picture of the required size as the background of the generated layout.

In the first case, on clean slate MS Word fields should be set, guided by the fact that the standard dimensions are 9 cm in width and 5 cm in length. It is necessary to select “Narrow margins” in the “Page Layout” block with parameters 1.27x1.27 so that the horizontal width is at least 18 cm, that is, it should fit 2 layouts.

Then select the item from the “Insert” menu "Table", which must be created with two columns and five rows. Then you need to select the resulting table and select “Table Properties” in the drop-down list by right-clicking. In the window that appears, set the table column and row sizes. 5 and 9 cm respectively.

Now the pre-selected picture, like a company logo, needs to be inserted into a table cell and the required text must be written there. We do everything for only one cell. We fill out the rest by copying and pasting. To do this, it is better to use hotkeys: Ctrl + C – Ctrl + V or Ctrl + Insert – Shift + Insert.

To insert the required image from a file onto the business card you are creating, you need to open this file and drag a picture into a table cell. Then you should determine its location by adjusting the size. Right-click and select: Text Wrap – Along Contour, which allows you to write text next to the .

Then you should select the font, color and boldness of the text. Once printed, it needs to be nicely aligned.

Another way to create a business card in Word with your own hands using the Insert menu. In it you need to select the “Shapes” item. A rectangle will do. Set its length and height. We use templates and determine the fill color, transparency, the presence of a line along the contour, and its characteristics. Instead of filling, you can select the desired picture and make it the background.

Then right-click on the rectangle and select “Add text”. Set all text parameters and print it.

The result is a finished business card, which needs to be copied and pasted onto a MS Word sheet the required number of times. Then we send the resulting document for printing or send it to a printing house for printing on thick paper.

What is a business card for?

A business card provides the interlocutor with some information about you and your occupation; it is a necessary tool for a business person and an integral part of your image.

Business cards are not only a beautiful attribute, but also a rule of good manners. Moreover, now it’s not at all difficult, as there are many convenient online services for creating business cards, for example,.

Using business cards is convenient: share your contacts with other people without unnecessary steps.

In addition to all of the above, a business card has advertising properties, it is understood that it should also have some effect on the recipient, so when creating it, it is worth considering every detail.

Business cards are also an integral element of corporate identity.

Functions of business cards

Business cards serve to perform the following basic functions:

Informative— the specified data on the business card provides some information about you and your activities: your name, position, contacts, so that a person can contact you or your office.

Image- such a small piece of thick paper as a business card, depending on the design, be it cheerful or elegant, bulky or laconic design can say a lot about you not only as a person, but also as a businessman. High quality and tasteful business card creates a positive image of you or your company in the eyes of the recipient.

Promotion function- most likely, a satisfied client will remember that he has your business card and will gladly, if necessary, pass on your contact information to his friends and comrades. A business card also helps spread your logo and slogan, making them more recognizable and memorable.

Types of business cards

In modern business world The following types are distinguished:

Personal business cards You may need them during normal acquaintance and communication in friendly companies. Performed in a completely free style. Most often you will see a surname, first name, mobile phone or email address. Job title and company name are usually not indicated, but the person's area of ​​activity may be noted.

Business cards an integral attribute of an entrepreneur, their presence is necessary to comply with the basic rules of business etiquette. They are given to potential partners and provide information about the owner. They indicate your first and last name, the name of the organization you represent, as well as contact information. In addition, it is generally accepted to place the company logo and a list of services offered on it. When making such a business card, do not forget to adhere to the corporate style.

Corporate business cards unlike business ones, they do not represent specific person, but the company and the services it provides as a whole. During registration, they provide information about the company, field of activity, list of services provided, contact information, website address, and often include a location map.

How to properly design a business card?

When creating a business card, it is desirable that the design include the following elements:

  • company name and logo (in the case of corporate business cards);
  • name and position;
  • postal address, telephone number (possibly several);
  • E-mail address;
  • website address (URL).

In addition, pay attention to the following requirements for business cards:

1. An overabundance and clutter of information creates a negative impression of the cardholder, while a large number of Empty space on business cards in most cases creates the impression of neatness.

2. Check the text seven times for errors. Handwritten corrections are not acceptable as they create a negative impression.

3. Pay attention to whether the color scheme is RGB or CMYK. Color images on screen and on paper do not always look the same. RGB colors are used for display on the screen. The CMYK color scheme is used for typographic printing, so layout elements must be made in this color model.

4. Make sure the resolution is at least 300 dpi.

5. Standard sizes are 90x50 mm, less commonly used are 90x55 or 85x55 mm.

6. Make sure there are indentations to avoid errors during cutting.

7. If you are creating not only business cards, but also other printed materials, make sure that they are all in the same color.

8. As your business contacts expand, you should think about creating a business card for foreign language. If you do business in a specific region, it is worth making business cards in the local language. In addition, it is advisable to make business cards on English language, which is the language of international business communication.

How to create a business card?

You can resort to several options for creating business cards. You can always order business cards from a designer or a printing agency.
However, to create a business card, it is not necessary to resort to the services of printing salons. If you're wondering how to create a business card yourself, you have two options:

  1. Draw in a graphics editor, for example, Photoshop, Inkscape.
  2. Use one of the many online editors and online generators, on whose websites you will find modern business card layouts. It's easy to add and edit personal information into the layouts.

Having created business cards yourself, all you have to do is find a printing house and order printing.
But here, too, modern services have gone far; with their help, in just a few clicks you can order printing of business cards and their delivery without leaving your home.

Creating business cards using the Logaster online service

The advantage of the Logaster service is the ability to create the above business cards in a matter of minutes. However, before you move on to creating a business card, you need to create your logo.

Below is presented to you step-by-step instruction, how to make a logo and then a business card.

1. Select the “Create Logo” option, enter your company name or words that will be associated with your business. Below you can add a slogan that you want to convey to your customers. Below, select your area of ​​activity. Click the “Next” button.

2. Choose a suitable logo. The choice of icon for your logo usually depends on your field of activity.

3. Now you can edit the logo: choose the color, font. To cancel an action, there is a “Reset element” button at the bottom. If you are satisfied with the design, click on the “Next” button.

4. If you like everything, then click on the “Save” button.

5. After creating the logo, Logaster will generate a large number of business card layouts in color scheme your logo. To do this, go to the logo page and click on the triangle in the edit menu above the logo. Click "Create a business card with this logo." Choose your favorite design and save.

6. Next, using the editing options, you need to enter personal data or data of your employee.

Most business cards are a small piece of paper with a name and phone number written on it. This option is suitable if you are looking for someone to go on a date with, but it is not at all suitable for adequately representing your business.

With a little effort you can create a business card, which will help you stand out from the crowd and become a worthy advertisement for you and your business. Here are some tips and ideas that will help you develop a high-quality business card that works for you.

9 reasons why you need a business card

There are several reasons why a business card is one of the most effective tools promotions:

1. Speed

Give someone your business card and they will instantly know what you do.

2. Persistence

Just as the seller maintains contact with the buyer, the business card still works quite well long time after you have parted ways with a client.

3. Versatility

You don't need to constantly write down your details; everything you need is on the business card. Anyone can understand it.

4. Individuality

The entire character and essence of your business is on your business card. She is as unique as you.

5. Friendliness

The exchange of business cards has a special meaning, symbolizing the beginning of a convivial relationship.

6. Convenience

The card fits between your thumb and forefinger and doesn't take up much space in your pocket or wallet. Business cards can always be with you: leave them in a visible place, throw them in mailboxes and give it away when you meet new people.

8. Elegance

James Bond didn't say, "I'll send you a message." He gave a white business card, which was the epitome of elegance.

9. Cheap

Printing business cards does not cost a lot of money - a couple of hundred rubles for 1000 pieces.

How to create an effective business card

Here are a few simple tips, which will be useful to you when creating your own business card:

1. Stick to Basic Printing Principles

This may seem obvious, but it's worth noting that a business card is a print advertisement just like any other. Therefore, the following basic principles of printing on paper apply in this case:

  • Leave a margin of 2-5 mm from the edge for trimming. This is due to the fact that printed products are printed, as a rule, on large sheets, which are then cut into finished products. The cutting error ranges from 0.05 to 1.5 mm, depending on the type of product, and it is almost impossible to get exactly into the cutting line.

Getting an ugly white stripe along the edges even with a minimal error is as easy as shelling pears. The so-called departures are precisely needed in order to avoid this. Therefore, place marks so that the printer can see which lines the product should be cut along.

  • Do not post important elements layout close to the edge, otherwise they risk being cut.
  • Work at 300 dpi for better image quality. If the number of dots/pixels per inch is insufficient, the product quality may suffer.

Many designers use grid for location business card design elements. This helps achieve the correct sequence of information and also shows whether you have aligned the text well.

More detailed information To prepare the file for printing, ask the printing house where you plan to print business cards.

2. Be moderately creative

There are several standard business card layouts depending on what country you live in. One of the traditional sizes in the CIS is 90 x 50 mm, although you will find many other varieties on the Internet. Even with such small business cards, you can still get creative. Start with a definition main information, which you want to put on your business card: usually your name, phone number and email address. Then work on the design to make that data interesting.

3. Use a special coating

Using a special coating will help give your business card a solid look and make it stand out from hundreds of others. Special coatings include foil stamping, UV stains and metallic ink, but these will cost your business card more. In these ways you can make your business card more impressive, memorable and pleasant to the touch.
Different printers offer different variants coatings, so talk to the experts about what they can offer you. And don't be afraid to turn to a professional if your regular printer only supports four-color printing.

4. Cutting a business card

A great way to make your business card unique is to use trimming to remove some elements, leaving empty space. You can round corners or cut out different shapes on your business card.

Dies are expensive, although more and more printers support laser cutting capabilities, so this processing option is becoming more economical for short runs. There is a lot on the Internet creative examples, which you can use their process to create architectural features in your business card design.

5. Use non-standard materials

Most business cards are printed on cardstock. This is the most economical option for printing business cards. If you want to add more creativity, you can print on any other materials such as clear plastic, metal, wood and even chalkboard.
Remember that portability is important in a business card: it should easily fit into a pocket or purse - so be guided by this when choosing a material.

6. Make your business card useful

Some people keep almost every piece of paper they receive, while others throw everything away as soon as possible. If you don't want your business card to be thrown away, add some extra functionality to it.

Some designs that are more memorable have additional features. For example, a business card that also serves as a hairpin holder or turns into a miniature “chair” for your mobile phone.

7. Create your own business card

If you creative person, make your own business cards. You can find printing kits on eBay at affordable prices, allowing you to easily turn any cardstock into your own business card. It will take a lot of time, but it will bring you great pleasure and become in a good way self-expression!

8. Check twice

This tip applies to everything you type. He is very important. When you send your work to print, make sure you double check every detail. There's nothing worse than receiving pre-made business cards only to find out you've misspelled your name or email address. Check twice, print once!

9. Use both sides

What do you do when you first receive a business card? Of course, you turn it over. This means that writing something on the back is mandatory.
You can add additional information, such as an address in in social networks. Or show off your portfolio or services by making a different design on each business card.

10. Be bold

Black calligraphy font on a white background may look impressive to you, but it won't stand out among ten other identical business cards.
Font, color and imagery can help express your brand's personality so that customers remember you.

Take risks: professional does not mean boring.

11. Choose your paper carefully

When people turn over a business card, they also notice the quality of the paper, so you need to make sure your material is special. Try very thick paper (about 600 GSM) with bright colors along the edges of the business card.
Think carefully about the type of paper. A glossy business card will catch your eye, but a matte one will be much easier to add if necessary.

12. Follow etiquette

Don't try to hand someone a business card without saying hello first, because even the best design can't prevent a bad first impression. Don't leave business cards on your windshield or door mats. It is better to give it into the hands and smile sweetly at the person.

13. Be aware of the cost

It is very important to keep your budget in mind. Many companies spend a lot of money on business card designs because they want them to stand out. Because of high cost they only produce limited editions. You need to remember that business cards are distributed free of charge to all people who may be your clients. This means that they must be produced in large quantities and at reasonable prices.

What information should I use on my business card?

The business card needs to display the most essential data, for example:

  • First name, last name, position;
  • Contacts - work and home: address, phone number, e-mail, skype login, addresses of pages on social networks, website address;
  • Company name;
  • What the company does;
  • List of services and products. Here you need to be careful and not write the entire list, but only the most important services and products;
  • Company slogan;
  • Map, office location;
  • Image of products, services, type of activity;
  • Facts about the company. Examples: “5 years in the oil production market”, “ free shipping drilling rigs”, etc.

So, we’ve talked about the basic principles that you should rely on when creating a business card; it’s time to summarize your knowledge and create a universal toolkit. The most important components creative work We have compiled an infographic that will help you develop a unique business card design in 7 steps.

Business card designers

Creating a business card online using services greatly simplifies the task for those who are doing it for the first time. Many services offer ready-made beautiful templates, convenient functionality and downloadable files containing all printing requirements. Below we have collected the most useful business card designers.

English-language service with dozens of interesting and modern templates. In just a couple of minutes, you can add the desired text and download business card designs for free in PDF and JPEG formats. The disadvantage of the service is that it does not have rich enough functionality for working with text and pictures.

One of the advantages of the popular Logaster service is the ability to quickly select a field of activity and then work on a business card design. The user has access to many templates that can be edited by changing colors.

Well-known English-language service for creating various products, including business cards. The undoubted advantage of the service is its large selection of templates and editing capabilities. Many designs can be downloaded for free in PDF, PNG, JPEG.

This resource also specializes in various types printing products, there was also a place for business cards. Psprint has its pros and cons. On the one hand, there are over 200 templates available, which are divided into categories depending on your industry. There are plenty of editing options, but, on the other hand, you can only save it in PDF format; other methods are not available.

A fairly simple service with which you can quickly create a business card. You need to enter your details and upload a logo, after which a link to finished work. There is little room for creativity; the resource is suitable for those who value simplicity and speed.

A convenient designer that allows you to create a business card manually by selecting the desired colors, adding text and images. You can save the project only in PDF format.

A simple and convenient service with excellent functionality, with which you can create a stylish business card.

Russian-language site that allows you to create a business card from scratch. There are several text placement options to choose from, you can choose colors, upload a background or logo. Save file in PNG format available

A business card designer that allows you to edit ready-made templates or create a card yourself. The range of functions here is small, the templates are quite simple, and the work is saved in PDF.

How to create a business card online

Graphic editors are universal design tools, but they are not accessible to everyone. In such cases, online services come to the rescue; we have already talked about some of them. Let’s look at two resources and tell you in more detail how to use them to develop a business card design.

Logaster is primarily a logo generator, but you can also create a business card here.

To get started, click " Create a business card».

To begin with, it is proposed to develop a logo that will appear on your business card. Therefore, you must immediately enter the company name and select a logo.

After you have created a logo, you are asked to choose the most suitable one from the available business card templates; the choice of different concepts is quite large. Having selected the desired concept, click “Next”.

The selected concept can be edited by changing the background color and logo, as well as the entered data. Once your final business card is ready, click “Save.”

Once you have saved the layout, you will be prompted to create account. If you are already registered on the site, the “My Designs” section will open, where you can select the desired work and download it.

The download cost is not that low, but with Logaster you can create a high-quality business card that will be worth the money spent. The business card is available in PNG and PDF formats.

Printdesign's online editor is simple and easy to use, allowing you to create your own business card in two steps.

First, you need to select one of the three available business card sizes or set your own parameters.

In this case, you can start creating a business card from scratch or using ready-made examples by clicking on “Euro business card templates”.

If you do decide to use the templates, they are all divided into categories, so you can choose the appropriate field of activity.

You can start editing the template you like by clicking the “Open in editor” button.

If you decide to create your own business card from scratch, then all the most necessary tools are available to you:
— adding text, lines, icons, banners;

Using the Options menu, you can enable the display of grids, rulers, and text blocks. The business card can be made either double-sided or single-sided (removing the back side of the layout).

There is a fee for downloading a design from Printdesign, but you can save a PDF file with watermarks for free.

Creating a Business Card in Photoshop CS6

Photoshop is a universal program; it is perfect for creating business cards. Unlike online services, this graphic editor has a much more extensive set of tools that give even more room for creativity. The more creative you are, the more likely your business card will stand out from the rest.

Of course, to create business cards you need a special toolkit, which can be developed through training and constant practice. In this regard, educational videos will be especially useful, so we have selected several videos that will help you make your own business card in Photoshop.

So, you can learn some techniques for working with background images, lines and frames in Photoshop using the following video.

Other videos on creating a business card in Photoshop:

A short video that will help you create a simple and stylish business card in Photoshop.

A detailed video on how to draw a vector business card in Photoshop. Also in the video you can learn about some of the intricacies of pre-press preparation.

Free business card templates

Finally, we've put together a list of creative business card templates to give you a little push in the right direction. You can use the templates as a source of inspiration or as a basis for future designs. All of them are available for free download.

Why do you need a boring and unmemorable business card? Let your name be etched in everyone's minds with this amazingly bright and colorful design that is suitable for both personal and commercial use.

Let everyone know who you are and what you do with this modern and vibrant business card template aimed at creative professionals. 300 DPI CMYK PSD format, multi-layered and fully editable so you can add your own touches.

This beautifully designed retro business card with a wonderful vintage design will help you make an impression. Designed in Photoshop, the template (in ) is free for personal and commercial use. Perfect if you like the vintage look!

A zigzag pattern is at the heart of this business card template. The combination of black, white and bright yellow really highlights best qualities this design, making it especially sophisticated.

Whatever one may say, flat design is currently the most fashion trend. Business Card Journal – A flat business card template complete with a Zeitgeist design, with a long shadow. Although this template is similar to a personal business card, it can also be used for businesses in any industry.

These double-sided horizontal business cards come in either rounded or square corners. Created in high-resolution 300dpi CMYK color mode, the design is easy to personalize by changing the color and text. Plus, there are six colors to choose from!

American designer Pixeden has created a wide range of free business card templates, and Horster is just one of many brilliant renditions. Here you will find ready-made graphic design layouts and templates - ready for CMYK printing at 300dpi.

A different, fun approach to showing yourself. Rich colors and a set of icons will allow you to quickly and effectively display all the most important information.

This one is for lovers of antiques! Business card template in the form playing cards comes in three color solutions and will certainly attract the attention of any client. Clean, crisp and sharp, you can download these templates today and print them instantly.

A unique playing card template will be your ace in the hole. One of the most unusual templates business cards we've ever seen. It comes complete with two PSD files (front and back), with a dieline and a path. Design measurements are 3.5" x 2" (0.25" bleed).

Coming in vector file format (.ai and .eps), this template is fully customizable, allowing you to change the color, font, and layout to suit your personal style. This old school design will definitely appeal to many.

One of the best business card templates that are suitable for advertising your photography skills. The download from Pretty Preset includes two different designs, both of which you can add your own images to using Photoshop or Photoshop Elements.

Do you want a modern and stylish business card design? Then this template is what you are looking for. This 3.75" x 2.25" 300dpi Photoshop mockup is a worthy addition to our list of free business templates.

If you want something simple but with pops of color, you can try these templates. You can choose from two different design options, add more or less text. Its parameters are as follows: size 3.5×2 inches (excluding cropping area), resolution 400 dpi, PSD format.

These are ideal business card templates if you are an illustrator. Cartoon design measures 3.5 x 2 inches (excluding crop area) at 300 dpi. The great font on the card is Impact.

We loved the style and shape of these quirky business card templates. Placing your logo in a speech bubble will instantly make it stand out and bring attention to what matters most - your work. To open this file, you need a vector editing program (such as Adobe Illustrator).

Here we have a sleek and sophisticated business cards template. The elegant color scheme is ideal for any designer who wants a business card that is simple yet impressive. Contains two PSD files: front and back.

Some of you probably prefer minimalism, and this design by Karmicfix on DeviantArt is a perfect example. The file is in the format Adobe Photoshop PSD where you can choose one of two patterns.

It's no secret that cats are the kings of the Internet, and we're sure there are some cat lovers among you. Show your love for your for a pet with these cat business card templates. The size of business cards is 3.5×2 inches, resolution 300 dpi.

Show your love for comic book heroes with a Batman business card template. Elegant and professional, the cartoon style business cards measure 90x50mm and are created in vector format, meaning they're also fully editable to suit your style.

Creating a business card is not an easy process, but in this case the result is worth the effort. How more knowledge and skills, the higher the quality, and, accordingly, the more potential clients. We hope that our tips were useful and simplified the process of developing a business card. Creative success to you, friends!

How to create a business card: design tips, useful services updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

Business card
is a carrier of contact information. Business cards come in a wide variety of printing methods and materials. But there are certain standards that a business card must meet.

The business card usually contains the name of the company. Owner's first and last name. His position and contact information.
The most common business card format 90x50 mm. Less common 85x55 mm.

There are three types of business cards:

1. Personal, indicate name and telephone number. Used in informal communication and friendly acquaintance.
2. On corporate First and last names are not indicated. Write the name of the company, field of activity, list of services.
3. Business contain personal information about the owner, as well as the company name and type of activity. Used at official meetings and business negotiations.

How to do business card mockup so that it would be accepted at the printing house? Developing a layout is not cheap. After reading this article, you yourself will be able to a short time make a professional layout according to .

The layout is an electronic file made according to certain requirements and prepared for printing. To make a layout, you need to have some knowledge of design programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw. In this article I want to teach you how to create a layout yourself.

To get started, you need to download a file in which all the necessary settings are made.

Next, you need to open it using the appropriate program. Below is the Illustrator screen. The business card layout measures 94x54 mm. The extra 2 mm around the perimeter is called departures and are cut off when making business cards. Layout created in color palette.

We edit the file, changing the text, adding images. You can learn more about how to make a similar layout watch the video tutorial.

Watch the video tutorial on creating this CAFE-BAR layout:

Please note that when printing, 2 mm are cut off along the edges of the business card. You should not place important elements at the very edge. In this business card layout text (or other useful elements) should be placed 5-7 mm from the edge.

Save the business card in PDF format.

The file is ready for printing and can be sent to the printing house!

(Visited 6,619 times, 1 visits today)

Creating your own business cards often requires specialized software, which allows you to create business cards of any complexity. But what to do if there is no such program, but there is a need for such a card? In this case, you can use a tool that is not standard for these purposes - text editor MS Word.

First of all, MS Word is a word processor, that is, a program that provides a convenient way to work with text.

However, having shown some ingenuity and knowledge of the capabilities of this very processor, you can create business cards in it no worse than in special programs.

If you don't have MS Office installed yet, now is the time to install it.

Depending on which office you will use, the installation process may vary.

If you have subscribed to cloud office, then installation will require you to do three simple steps:

  1. Download office installer
  2. Run installer
  3. Wait for the installation to finish

Note. The installation time in this case will depend on the speed of your Internet connection.

Installing offline versions of MS Offica using the example of MS Office 2010

To install MS Offica 2010, you will need to insert the disc into the drive and run the installer.

Creating a business card in MS Word

Next, we will look at how to make business cards yourself in Word using the MS Office 365 Home office suite as an example. However, since the interface of the 2007, 2010 and 365 packages is similar, these instructions can be used for other versions of Office.

Despite the fact that MS Word does not have special tools, creating a business card in Word is quite simple.

Preparing a Blank Layout

First of all, we need to decide on the size of our card.

Any standard business card has dimensions of 50x90 mm (5x9 cm), which we will take as the basis for ours.

Now let's select a tool to create a layout. You can use either a table or a Rectangle object here.
The option with a table is convenient because we can immediately create several cells, which will be business cards. However, there may be a problem with the placement of design elements.

Therefore, we will use the “Rectangle” object. To do this, go to the “Insert” tab and select from the list of shapes.

Now let's draw an arbitrary rectangle on the sheet. After this, the “Format” tab will become available to us, where we indicate the dimensions of our future business card.

Here we set up the background. To do this, you can use the standard tools that are available in the “shape styles” group. Here you can choose a ready-made fill or texture option, or set your own.

So, the dimensions of the business card are set, the background is selected, which means our layout is ready.

Adding design elements and contact information

Now we need to decide what will be placed on our card.

Since business cards are needed so that we can provide contact information to a potential client in a convenient form, the first thing we need to do is decide what kind of information we want to place and where to place it.

For a more visual representation of your activities or your company, some thematic picture or company logo is placed on business cards.

For our business card, we will choose the following data placement scheme - in the upper part we will place the last name, first name and patronymic. There will be a picture on the left, and contact information on the right – phone, mail and address.

To make the business card look beautiful, we will use a WordArt object to display the last name, first name and patronymic.

Return to the “Insert” tab and click on the WordArt button. Here we select the appropriate design style and enter our last name, first name and patronymic.

Next, on the “Home” tab, reduce the font size, and also change the size of the inscription itself. To do this, use the “Format” tab, where we set the required dimensions. It would be logical to indicate the length of the inscription equal to the length the business card itself.

Also on the “Home” and “Format” tabs you can make additional settings for the font and display of the inscription.

Adding a logo

To add an image to a business card, go back to the “Insert” tab and click the “Picture” button. Next, select desired image and add it to the form.

By default, the image has text wrapping set to “in text”, which is why our card will overlap the image. Therefore, we change the flow to any other, for example, “top and bottom”.

Now you can drag the image to the desired location on the business card form, and also change the size of the image.

And finally, we just need to post contact information.

To do this, it’s easier to use the “Inscription” object, which is located on the “Insert” tab, in the “Shapes” list. Having placed the inscription in the right place, fill in the information about yourself.

In order to remove borders and background, go to the “Format” tab and remove the shape outline and fill.

When all the design elements and all the information are ready, we select all the objects that make up the business card. To do this, press the Shift key and left-click on all objects. Next, press the right mouse button and group the selected objects.

Such an operation is necessary so that our business card does not “scatter” when we open it on another computer. Also, a grouped object is more convenient to copy

Now all that remains is to print business cards in Word.