Fish oil is well known for its health benefits. This product has been shown to be rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats, which have been shown to help lower blood triglyceride levels, reduce inflammation, and even relieve symptoms of diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.

However, more fish oil is not always better, and too high a dose may cause more harm than good to your body.

Here are nine potential side effects that can occur when you consume too much fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids.

1. High blood sugar

Some research suggests that taking large amounts of omega-3 fatty acid supplements may increase blood sugar levels in people with diabetes.

One small study, for example, found that taking 8 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day over an eight-week period resulted in a 22% increase in blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes (1).

This is because large doses of omega-3s can stimulate glucose production, which can contribute to high blood sugar levels over an extended period of time (2).

However, other studies have shown conflicting results, suggesting that only very high doses affect blood sugar levels.

In fact, another analysis of 20 studies found that daily doses of up to 3.9 grams of EPA and 3.7 grams of DHA (the two main forms of omega-3 fatty acids) had no effect on blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes (3). .

High doses of omega-3 fatty acids may stimulate glucose production, which can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, although the scientific evidence is not conclusive.

2. Bleeding

Bleeding gums and nosebleeds are two side effects of excess fish oil consumption.

According to one large review of 52 studies, fish oil may inhibit blood clot formation in healthy adults, which may increase the risk of bleeding (4).

A study of 56 people found that taking 640 mg of fish oil per day for four weeks reduced blood clotting in healthy adults (5).

Additionally, another small study found that taking fish oil may be associated with a higher risk of nosebleeds, reporting that 72% of teenagers taking 1-5 grams of fish oil daily experienced nosebleeds as a side effect (6).

For this reason, it is often advised to stop taking fish oil before surgery and to talk to your doctor before taking supplements if you are using blood thinners (anticoagulants) such as warfarin.

An overdose of fish oil may inhibit the formation of blood clots, which can increase the risk of bleeding and cause symptoms such as nosebleeds or bleeding gums.

3. Low blood pressure

Fish oil's ability to lower blood pressure is well documented.

One study of 90 people on dialysis found that taking 3 grams of omega-3 fatty acids per day significantly reduced both systolic and diastolic blood pressure compared to placebo (7).

Likewise, an analysis of 31 studies concluded that taking fish oil may effectively lower blood pressure, especially in people with high blood pressure or high cholesterol (8).

While these effects can certainly be beneficial for people with high blood pressure, it can cause serious problems for people with low blood pressure.

Fish oil may also interact with medications that lower blood pressure, so if you are taking medications for high blood pressure, it is important to discuss this with your doctor before taking fish oil or omega-3 fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to lower blood pressure, which can interact with certain medications and cause problems in patients with low blood pressure.

4. Diarrhea

Diarrhea is one of the most common side effects associated with taking fish oil and can be especially common when taken in high doses.

In fact, one review reported that diarrhea is one of the most common side effects of fish oil, along with other digestive tract-related symptoms such as flatulence (9).

Besides fish oil, other types of omega-3 supplements can also cause diarrhea.

For example, flaxseed oil is a popular vegetarian alternative to fish oil, but has been shown to have a laxative effect and may increase the frequency of bowel movements (10).

If you experience diarrhea after taking omega-3 fatty acids, make sure you take your supplements with food and consider reducing your dosage.

Diarrhea is a common side effect of omega-3 fatty acids such as fish oil and flaxseed oil.

5. Acid reflux

Although fish oil is known for its strong beneficial effects on heart health, many people report experiencing heartburn after starting to take fish oil supplements.

Other symptoms of acid reflux, including burping, nausea and stomach discomfort, are common side effects of fish oil and are associated mainly with the high fat content. Several studies have found that fat causes dyspepsia (11, 12).

By sticking to moderate doses and taking supplements with meals, you can often effectively reduce acid reflux and relieve symptoms.

Additionally, dividing the dose into several small portions throughout the day may help relieve indigestion.

Fish oil is high in fat and can cause acid reflux symptoms such as belching, nausea, indigestion and heartburn in some people.

6. Stroke

Hemorrhagic stroke is a condition characterized by bleeding in the brain, usually caused by the rupture of weakened blood vessels.

Some animal studies have shown that high intakes of omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the blood's ability to clot and increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke (13, 14).

These results are also consistent with other studies showing that fish oil may prevent blood clots (4).

However, other studies have reported mixed results, reporting that there is no association between fish and fish oil intake and the risk of hemorrhagic stroke (15, 16).

Further human studies must be conducted to determine how omega-3 fatty acids may influence the risk of hemorrhagic stroke.

Some animal studies have shown that high intake of omega-3 fatty acids may increase the risk of hemorrhagic stroke, while other human studies have found no link.

7. Weight gain

Many people, in an effort to lose extra pounds and speed up fat burning, begin to take fish oil supplements.

Some studies have shown that fish oil in moderation may be beneficial for weight loss.

One study compared the effects of aerobic exercise and fish oil on weight loss. Both factors alone were found to help reduce body fat and improve heart health in overweight people (17).

On the other hand, high doses of fish oil may actually promote weight gain. In fact, in several studies, fish oil helped slow weight loss in cancer patients (18, 19).

This is because fish oil is high in fat and relatively high in calories, with just one teaspoon (4.5 grams) containing about 40 calories and 4.5 grams of fat (20).

Although this may not seem like a lot, consuming excess amounts can lead to rapid weight gain.

Fish oil is high in fat and calories, which can contribute to weight gain when consumed in large quantities.

8. Vitamin A Toxicity

Some types of omega-3 fatty acid supplements have high levels of vitamin A, which can be toxic if consumed in large quantities.

For example, just one tablespoon (14 grams) of cod liver oil can meet up to 270% of your daily vitamin A requirement (21).

Vitamin A toxicity can cause side effects such as dizziness, nausea, joint pain, and skin irritation (22).

In the long term, it can also lead to liver damage and, in severe cases, even liver failure (23).

For this reason, it is best to pay attention to the vitamin A content of your omega-3 supplement and stick to a moderate dosage.

Some types of omega-3 fatty acid supplements, such as cod liver oil, contain vitamin A, which can be toxic in large quantities.

9. Insomnia

Some studies have shown that, in moderate doses, fish oil can improve sleep quality.

For example, one study of 395 children found that taking 600 mg of omega-3 fatty acids daily for 16 weeks helped improve sleep quality (24).

However, in some cases, excess fish oil can actually interfere with sleep and contribute to insomnia.

One study reported that a high dose of fish oil worsened symptoms of insomnia and anxiety in patients with a history of depression (25).

However, current research is limited to case studies and anecdotal information.

More research is needed to understand how high doses may affect sleep quality in the general population.

While moderate doses of fish oil have been found to improve sleep quality, one study found that in large quantities it can cause insomnia.

What doses of fish oil are excessive?

Although recommendations can vary widely, most health organizations recommend taking at least 250 to 500 mg of combined EPA and DHA, the two main forms of omega-3 fatty acids, per day (26, 27, 28).

For comparison, a typical 1,000 mg fish oil capsule typically contains about 250 mg of combined EPA and DHA, while one teaspoon (5 ml) of liquid fish oil contains about 1,300 mg.

According to European Food Safety Authority Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can be safely consumed in doses up to 5,000 mg daily (26).

If you experience any negative symptoms, simply reduce your intake or consider meeting your omega-3 needs by eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids.

Up to 5,000 mg of omega-3 fatty acids per day is considered a safe amount. If you experience any negative symptoms, reduce your intake or switch food sources.

Fish oil is a vitamin preparation consisting of components of animal origin, intended to combat hypovitaminosis.

Instructions for use "Fish oil"

What is the composition and release form of the drug “Fish Oil”?

The active ingredient of the drug is represented by fortified fish oil, the amount of which is 500 milligrams. The active component contains 500 IU of vitamin A, 50 IU of vitamin D, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, and also some other polyunsaturated acids are included in the Fish Oil composition.

Excipients: propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water, gelatin, glycerol.

The drug Fish oil is available in yellow, oval-shaped gelatin capsules with a seam along the periphery. The medicine is sold in packs of 10 pieces. The pharmaceutical product is dispensed without a prescription.

What is the effect of Fish Oil??

Fatty acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins contained in the drug, have high biological activity and are extremely beneficial to humans. The range of effects of the drug on the body is extremely wide. The active components of pharmaceuticals affect many systems and organs of the human body.

Fish oil, or rather the unsaturated fatty acids contained in it, help normalize the lipid composition of the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of the development or progression of pathologies such as atherosclerosis, and therefore prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction.

In addition, the effect of “Fish oil” helps to normalize the functional activity of the central nervous system, which is especially important for people living in metropolitan areas and constantly exposed to stress.

Normalizing brain activity consists, first of all, in the prevention of depressive disorders. In addition, certain fatty acids suppress aggressiveness and help normalize mood.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the drug have an antioxidant effect, which is an effective measure to prevent the development of cancer. In addition, experts have proven that similar processes underlie the biological aging of the human body.

Fish oil is an effective means of eliminating vasospasm, which is very positive for arterial hypertension and some vascular disorders of the central nervous system.

Vitamin D is a regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Only if there is a sufficient amount of this vital substance, the minerals mentioned above can be absorbed from the intestines in full.

Vitamin A is a regulator of many parts of metabolism. This substance is essential for cell division and therefore its deficiency can affect the condition of the intestinal epithelium, cells of the immune system, as well as the function of hematopoiesis.

What are the indications for use of the drug "Fish Oil"??

The indications for Fish Oil include the following conditions: hypovitaminosis A and hypovitaminosis D.

What are the contraindications for use of the drug "Fish Oil"??

Contraindications for “Fish oil” are included in the instructions for use in the following cases of its use in conditions such as:

Age less than 7 years;
Pulmonary tuberculosis;
Hypervitaminosis A or D;
Urolithiasis disease;
Liver and kidney diseases;
Increased sensitivity;
Chronic pancreatitis;
Increased calcium levels in urine;
Lactation period;
Acute infectious skin diseases.

Relative contraindications: severe heart disease, gastric ulcer, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, severe atherosclerosis, old age.

What is the use and dosage of the medicine "Fish oil"?

It is better to take capsules after meals, without chewing, with cold or cool water. The recommended dosage of Fish Oil is usually 1 – 2 pieces 3 times a day. Application of "Fish oil" for a period of time - 1 month (duration of treatment).

Fish oil - overdose

An overdose of Fish Oil is expressed by the following symptoms: dizziness, double vision, irritability, confusion, headache, thirst, constipation, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, heart rhythm disturbances, psychosis, and so on.

Treatment is symptomatic. The patient is advised to discontinue the drug, eat a diet with a reduced calcium content, drink significant amounts of fluid, and monitor the functioning of the body’s most important systems. There is no specific antidote.

What are the side effects of Fish Oil??

Side effects of Fish Oil are as follows: nausea, diarrhea or constipation, allergic reactions, blood clotting disorders.

Similar consequences may occur with long-term use of the prophylactic agent. The drug must be taken for exactly a month. Repeated courses - only after visiting a doctor.

How to replace Fish Oil, what analogues to use?

Analogues of “Fish oil” include the following drugs: Fish oil-Teva, Adzhivita fish oil, Seven Seas.

The fight against hypovitaminosis should ideally be comprehensive. The leading role in this process is given to proper and balanced nutrition. In addition, it is very important to give up bad habits, rationalize the ratio of work and rest, lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and so on.

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It has always been known that fish oil contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are very beneficial for people suffering from heart disease, high blood pressure, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, bipolar disorder, and even some types of cancer. In general, taking omega-3s contained in fish oil concentrate only has an effect positively. Therefore, fish oil or cod liver oil has become a daily and essential supplement in the diet of many people.

However, there are always two sides to a coin, it has been found that there are some side effects. Of course, you want to know - which ones? I would like to clarify right away that they are not very dangerous if you take fish oil according to the recommended dosage, but if you take large or too large doses, the consequences can be very dangerous. To learn about the dangers of consuming too much fish oil, read on…..

Side effects survey results 1422 people, which I found on one foreign blog.

  • 24% fishy aftertaste or belching;
  • 4% vitamin poisoning;
  • 30% indigestion – heartburn or abdominal pain;
  • 4% nosebleeds;
  • 2% blood thickening;
  • 3% blood in urine;
  • 5% heavy metal poisoning;
  • 28% all of the above;

Omega 3 Fish Oil - Side Effects and Consequences

  • Belching and a fishy aftertaste are the most common and minor side effects, at least for me, because... the aftertaste goes away very quickly, and belching happens even less often.
  • Vitamin poisoning is another side effect, since fish oil contains vitamins A and D, which can be harmful to health if ingested in large quantities.
  • Stomach upset is another side effect. Large amounts of fish oil can cause heartburn, even diarrhea or diarrhea.
  • Bleeding. When taken in high doses, fish oil may increase the risk of bleeding. This can manifest as nosebleeds, small strokes, and blood in the urine.
  • Heavy metals and other environmental pollutants such as mercury, dioxides and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) can accumulate in some fish. Therefore, consuming poor quality fish oil (without preliminary purification during its production) can cause such poisoning. Buy good quality fish oil and everything will be fine.

Is there some more unmentioned side effects, including nausea, abdominal pain, bloating. In any case, even consumption of high doses of marine fish fatty acids clearly causes serious side effects. For example, in a recent study, some leukemia patients were given 17 grams of fish oil concentrate per day (equivalent to 15-30 recommended single doses), which did not cause the significant Omega-3 side effects described above.

In some patients treatment with high doses of omega-3 leads to increased bleeding time. Subsequent clinical studies involving consumption of 2-5 grams of omega-3 per day did not confirm these adverse effects. Another study found that combination treatment with aspirin or warfarin (an anticoagulant) and omega-3 medications did not increase the risk of bleeding.

Previous research had shown that treating diabetic patients with high doses of omega-3s negatively affected blood sugar levels, however, two large meta-analyses later did not confirm these preliminary observations.

Fish oil is a vitamin preparation consisting of components of animal origin, intended to combat hypovitaminosis.

Instructions for use "Fish oil"

What is the composition and release form of the drug “Fish Oil”?

The active ingredient of the drug is represented by fortified fish oil, the amount of which is 500 milligrams. The active component contains 500 IU of vitamin A, 50 IU of vitamin D, eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids, and also some other polyunsaturated acids are included in the Fish Oil composition.

Excipients: propyl parahydroxybenzoate, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, purified water, gelatin, glycerol.

The drug Fish oil is available in yellow, oval-shaped gelatin capsules with a seam along the periphery. The medicine is sold in packs of 10 pieces. The pharmaceutical product is dispensed without a prescription.

What is the effect of Fish Oil??

Fatty acids, as well as fat-soluble vitamins contained in the drug, have high biological activity and are extremely beneficial to humans. The range of effects of the drug on the body is extremely wide. The active components of pharmaceuticals affect many systems and organs of the human body.

Fish oil, or rather the unsaturated fatty acids contained in it, help normalize the lipid composition of the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of the development or progression of pathologies such as atherosclerosis, and therefore prevent the occurrence of myocardial infarction.

In addition, the effect of “Fish oil” helps to normalize the functional activity of the central nervous system, which is especially important for people living in metropolitan areas and constantly exposed to stress.

Normalizing brain activity consists, first of all, in the prevention of depressive disorders. In addition, certain fatty acids suppress aggressiveness and help normalize mood.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in the drug have an antioxidant effect, which is an effective measure to prevent the development of cancer. In addition, experts have proven that similar processes underlie the biological aging of the human body.

Fish oil is an effective means of eliminating vasospasm, which is very positive for arterial hypertension and some vascular disorders of the central nervous system.

Vitamin D is a regulator of phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Only if there is a sufficient amount of this vital substance, the minerals mentioned above can be absorbed from the intestines in full.

Vitamin A is a regulator of many parts of metabolism. This substance is essential for cell division and therefore its deficiency can affect the condition of the intestinal epithelium, cells of the immune system, as well as the function of hematopoiesis.

What are the indications for use of the drug "Fish Oil"??

The indications for Fish Oil include the following conditions: hypovitaminosis A and hypovitaminosis D.

What are the contraindications for use of the drug "Fish Oil"??

Contraindications for “Fish oil” are included in the instructions for use in the following cases of its use in conditions such as:

Age less than 7 years;
Pulmonary tuberculosis;
Hypervitaminosis A or D;
Urolithiasis disease;
Liver and kidney diseases;
Increased sensitivity;
Chronic pancreatitis;
Increased calcium levels in urine;
Lactation period;
Acute infectious skin diseases.

Relative contraindications: severe heart disease, gastric ulcer, alcoholism, hypothyroidism, severe atherosclerosis, old age.

What is the use and dosage of the medicine "Fish oil"?

It is better to take capsules after meals, without chewing, with cold or cool water. The recommended dosage of Fish Oil is usually 1 – 2 pieces 3 times a day. Application of "Fish oil" for a period of time - 1 month (duration of treatment).

Fish oil - overdose

An overdose of Fish Oil is expressed by the following symptoms: dizziness, double vision, irritability, confusion, headache, thirst, constipation, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea, heart rhythm disturbances, psychosis, and so on.

Treatment is symptomatic. The patient is advised to discontinue the drug, eat a diet with a reduced calcium content, drink significant amounts of fluid, and monitor the functioning of the body’s most important systems. There is no specific antidote.

What are the side effects of Fish Oil??

Side effects of Fish Oil are as follows: nausea, diarrhea or constipation, allergic reactions, blood clotting disorders.

special instructions

Similar consequences may occur with long-term use of the prophylactic agent. The drug must be taken for exactly a month. Repeated courses - only after visiting a doctor.

How to replace Fish Oil, what analogues to use?

Analogues of “Fish oil” include the following drugs: Fish oil-Teva, Adzhivita fish oil, Seven Seas.


The fight against hypovitaminosis should ideally be comprehensive. The leading role in this process is given to proper and balanced nutrition. In addition, it is very important to give up bad habits, rationalize the ratio of work and rest, lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, and so on.

People use fish oil to cope with heart disease, stroke, depression, psychosis, lack of attention, hyperactivity, Alzheimer's disease, dry eyes, glaucoma, age-related macular degeneration, pain, premature birth, high blood pressure during pregnancy, diabetes, asthma, problems with coordination, dyslexia, obesity, kidney disease, osteoporosis, psoriasis, to prevent weight loss, and more. According to public opinion, fish oil is a miraculous panacea.

But, as in any case, the whole point may not be a miracle, but incorrect information. This is true for fish oil.

The magical glory of fish oil occurs primarily due to the large amount of fatty acids it contains. Omega-3s are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are not produced by the body, so they must be obtained from the diet.

Over the past decades, study after study has linked Omega-3 intake to a range of health benefits.

Despite this love from researchers, recent studies debunk previous results, leaving uncertain answers to questions. Here's what modern science says:

Neither consuming fish nor taking fish oil supplements protects against stroke, heart attack or death.

Eating 2 to 4 servings of fish per week reduces the risk of stroke by 6 percent compared with those who consume one serving or less, and five servings per week reduces the risk of stroke by 12 percent. But studies have not proven the effectiveness of fish oil supplements.

Fish oil supplements have not been shown to be effective against cognitive decline. A 2011 meta-analysis did not support the claim that Omega-3s improve mood.

But experts warn that the research is not yet conclusive.

Although healthy Omega-3 fats are found in the fatty tissue of fish, it is also a site of accumulation of various pollutants from the environment, which means that the oil obtained from these tissues will contain a high concentration of toxins.

Heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury are not easily broken down and end up in fish and fish oil. Side effects of heavy metal consumption may include cognitive decline, abnormal nervous system function, blindness, poor coordination, deafness, the development of certain types of cancer, permanent liver and kidney damage, and death.

Polychlorinated biphenyls can lead to skin problems, muscle spasms, chronic bronchitis and nervous system disorders, dioxins and furans are associated with a huge number of harmful effects on the body, including problems with the skin, liver and immune system, endocrine and reproductive disorders, and the development of some types of cancer.

Here are some side effects of fish oil

Fish oil supplements may cause nausea, diarrhea, loose stools, decreased appetite, and constipation. These effects can be reduced if taken with food, starting with small doses and gradually increasing them.

Other side effects include loss of short-term memory, headaches, hemolytic anemia, depression, somatic disorders, increased risk of bowel cancer, nasopharyngitis, worsening of asthma symptoms, decreased physical activity, increased appetite, increased blood pressure.

Omega-3s can increase blood sugar levels. Caution is advised if the patient has diabetes or hypoglycemia, or if the patient is taking medications, herbs, or other supplements that affect blood sugar levels. Your doctor may need to monitor your glucose levels.

Omega-3s may increase low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, may worsen symptoms in patients with torsade de pointes, increase the risk of bleeding, and decrease blood pressure.

Taking fish oil over many months can cause vitamin E deficiency and increase the risk of vitamin A and D toxicity—so take it in moderation, says MNN.

Several years ago, scientists noted a surprisingly low incidence of heart disease among the Inuit tribes of Greenland, despite their high-fat diet. They suggested that this was due to the presence of cold-water fish in the diet, rich in omega-3 fatty acids. More recent studies have confirmed the cardioprotective effects of fish oil and identified other options for taking it.

Composition and release form


  • Capsules
  • Soft gel


Active ingredients: fish oil produced from the liver of cod fish (1 g contains: retinol 350-1000 IU and ergocaliciferol 50-100 IU).

Medicinal properties of fish oil

This drug is represented by polyunsaturated omega-3 acids. They differ from polyunsaturated omega-6 acids from vegetable oils and have different effects on the body. Fish do not produce these fats, but obtain them from the plankton they eat, and the colder the water, the higher the omega-3 content in planktonic organisms.

Cold-water fish such as salmon, mackerel and tuna have high levels of the two most active forms of omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentone (EPA) and docosahexanoic (DHA). The third type, alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), comes from some vegetable oils (such as flaxseed) and leafy greens (such as purslane). However, ALA does not affect the body in the same way as EPA and DHA

Mechanism of action

Omega-3 fatty acids play a key role in a number of vital processes in the body, participating in the regulation of blood pressure and blood clotting, as well as in immune and inflammatory responses. They may be useful in treating or preventing many diseases and disorders.

Prevention of diseases when using Fish oil

It is clear that this drug reduces the risk of heart disease in a variety of ways. The most important thing is that in the presence of omega-3 fatty acids, platelets do not form blood clots, which can lead to heart attacks. Further, acids can lower levels of triglycerides (fats found in the blood) and can lower blood pressure. In addition, studies have shown that taking acids strengthens the conduction system of the heart, preventing heart rhythm disturbances.

However, the clearest evidence of cardiovascular benefits comes from studies in which participants ate fish rather than taking fish oil supplements. Omega-3s suppress inflammatory processes in the arterial walls, which predispose to the formation of platelet accumulations. As a result, it appears that taking therapeutic doses of the drug may be one of the few ways to prevent re-occlusion of the arteries, which is often observed after angioplasty (a procedure in which a small balloon is passed along the artery to the site of the blood clot and then inflated, which compresses the clot, expanding the vessel and improves blood flow to the heart).

Effect on the human body

Omega-3 fatty acids, due to their anti-inflammatory properties, are also used for joint damage, systemic lupus erythematosus and psoriasis. Research shows that when fish oil is used, rheumatoid arthritis patients experience reduced swelling and stiffness and can manage with lower doses of anti-inflammatory medications.

In a one-year study of patients with Crohn's disease (inflammatory bowel disease), 69% of patients taking fish oil supplements (about 3 g per day) were symptom-free; only 28% of patients using placebo were symptom-free. Fish oil may also ease the inflammation that accompanies menstrual cramps. Additionally, omega-3 acids may play a role in supporting mental health. Preliminary research has shown that these acids may reduce the severity of schizophrenia by about 25%.

Indications for use of fish oil

  • According to the instructions, the drug is used to reduce triglyceride levels and increase the content of “good” cholesterol
  • To prevent primary and secondary cardiovascular diseases
  • To lower blood pressure
  • To reduce pain and inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis


  • Fish oils inhibit blood clotting, so do not take them without your doctor's advice if you have a blood disorder or are taking anticoagulants.
  • Fish may contain methylmercury and should be given to children and pregnant women with caution.
  • If you are sick, especially with diabetes, or if you have high cholesterol or are undergoing surgery, talk to your doctor before taking fish oil.

Side effects

  • The instructions for use note that fish oil capsules can cause belching, bloating, nausea and diarrhea.
  • Possible negative effects include increased blood sugar levels, increased risk of bleeding, and increased levels of low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol.
  • When taking very high doses, a slight fishy body odor may occur.

Instructions for use

Method and dosage

For elevated triglyceride levels, 2 g of the drug per day. To prevent heart disease, 500 mg - 3 g per day. For high blood pressure and rheumatoid arthritis, 3-5 g per day. If doses exceed 3 g per day, consult a physician regarding the increased risk of bleeding.

How to take Fish oil

  • If you eat fish at least twice a week, supplements are not required to prevent heart disease.
  • Supplements are recommended for rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  • Supplements are easier to tolerate if taken in multiple doses. Try taking not 3 g at once, but 1 g 3 times a day.
  • Without a doctor's approval, diabetics should take no more than 2 grams of supplements per day.

Facts and Tips for Taking Fish Oil

  • If you cannot tolerate one type of supplement, try another. Side effects may vary between brands.
  • Don't save money by buying supplements in bulk because they can spoil very quickly. Always store the medicine in the refrigerator.
  • Don't buy cod liver oil to supplement your omega-3 supply. It contains a lot of vitamins A and D, which can be toxic in large doses.
  • Preliminary research conducted at the University of California has shown that the drug may help fight breast cancer and keep breast tissue healthy. Experiments on animals have also proven that with regular use of the drug, breast tumors are less common.
  • This drug may prevent the development of colon cancer. In one study, participants who received 4 grams of the drug per day produced much less of a potent carcinogen associated with the development of colon tumors than those who received a placebo.

Price in pharmacies

The price of Fish Oil in different pharmacies can vary significantly. This is due to the use of cheaper components and the pricing policy of the pharmacy chain.

Read the official information about the drug Fish Oil, the instructions for use of which include general information and a treatment regimen. The text is provided for informational purposes only and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

Scientists first started talking about the benefits of fish oil after studying the health of the Inuit tribe living in Greenland. Representatives of this people turned out to have surprisingly strong, healthy hearts, despite the fact that their diet was based on exclusively fatty fish. Further research showed that this fat contains omega-3 fatty acids, which bring undeniable benefits to the cardiovascular system. Since then, scientists have found more and more evidence that fish oil can help prevent many health problems or promote recovery from a number of diseases.

Fish oil supplements have been used for decades. Once upon a time, liquid fish oil with an unpleasant fishy odor was a nightmare for children into whom their parents enthusiastically poured the healthy product. Now all you need to do is take a small capsule.

Such dietary supplements are usually made from:

  • mackerel
  • cod
  • herring
  • tuna
  • salmon
  • halibut
  • whale oil

Fish oil capsules often also contain calcium, iron and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C or D

Fish oil is useful not only for preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system, it has gained a reputation as “food for the brain”, so doctors recommend using it in the fight against depression, psychosis, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Alzheimer’s disease. Fish oil is good for the eyes; it helps prevent glaucoma and age-related molecular degeneration. Women can take fish oil to prevent period pain and complications during pregnancy. Research confirms that fish oil is essential for the development of the brain and bone structure of the fetus.

Face mask with fish oil, what are its benefits?

  • More details

Side effects and contraindications

One of the well-known side effects of taking fish oil is an overdose of heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury. Although this is the most well-known harm from dietary supplements, it is also the easiest to avoid. You should not buy cheap fish oil preparations, the manufacturers of which do not pay due attention to chemical control of the fish being processed.

Unpleasant side effects from fish oil - belching, diarrhea, heartburn - are associated either with an overdose or with individual intolerance to the product

The benefits of fish oil have been known for a long time. To strengthen the body, it was previously given en masse and without fail in hospitals, sanatoriums, kindergartens, and schools. We took fish oil in liquid form - we drank a teaspoon a day. Obtained from the liver of sea fish, mainly from the cod, mackerel, and herring families, the natural fat had a strong fishy smell and unpleasant taste without being properly purified. Technologies have improved and now this unique product, rich in fatty acids, vitamins and microelements, is produced in an easy-to-use form - the fish oil capsule does not smell and does not cause taste rejection.

Operating principle

An official document containing all the information about the purposes and how to use fish oil produced in capsule form - instructions. This is a mandatory supplement to any medication and must be carefully studied.

Fish oil or, as it is also called, cod oil is a product of natural origin. In appearance and consistency it is a thick liquid of light yellow or golden color, similar to vegetable oil. What can fish oil capsules be used for? Useful properties are determined by the composition:

  • A mixture of polyunsaturated fatty acids (oleic, palmitic and other compounds of the Omega-3, Omega-6 and 9 groups) is the most valuable component. They neutralize the effect of harmful enzymes, do not allow the blood to thicken and accumulate cholesterol, protect joints from inflammation, and nourish them. They improve cardiac activity and muscle function, restore hormonal balance, and regulate fat metabolism. The body cannot synthesize these fats on its own, so the only source of supply is food.

  • Vitamin A is an antioxidant, participates in the synthesis of muscle tissue proteins, sex hormones, ensures the normal functioning of the immune system, strengthens epithelial and cartilage tissues, and is important for the health of skin, nails, hair, visual acuity, and the formation of bones and teeth.

  • Vitamin D - affects bone growth, helps tissues absorb dietary calcium and phosphorus, regulates their metabolism, stimulates the synthesis of a number of hormones, and helps fight respiratory infections. An effective remedy for the prevention of heart and cancer diseases, depression.

Thanks to the complex composition and the presence of especially valuable eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids of the Omega-3 class, vitamins with fish oil are a preparation with a wide range of therapeutic effects. Due to its active components, it is capable of producing the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory – can be used to treat diabetes, arthritis, atherosclerosis;

  • immunostimulating – activates immune reactions;

  • hypolipidemic – suppresses the synthesis of plasma lipoproteins, which are carriers of cholesterol;

  • antiplatelet – prevents the formation of blood clots, reducing the ability of platelets and red blood cells to stick together, facilitating their passage through the capillaries;

  • vasodilatory - affects the synthesis of prostaglandins, which regulate the tone and relax the muscular walls of blood vessels, which has a vasodilating effect;

  • exhibits pharmacological properties characteristic of antidepressants;

  • normalizes metabolic processes, prevents the accumulation of fat in the body.


The question often arises: is fish oil a dietary supplement or a medicine? Officially it is not a medicine, it is classified as a dietary supplement - it occupies an intermediate position between a medicine and food. Intended for correcting nutrition, introducing biologically active substances into the body, restoring and maintaining the balance of microelements, proteins and vitamins. The dietary supplement sets in motion self-regulating reactions, stimulates the body's defenses, allowing it to independently fight the causes of the disease.

What does fish oil capsules treat? This food supplement is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • chronic lack of vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, manifested by constant fatigue, apathy, weakness, blurred vision, dullness, brittle hair, nails, dryness and flaking of the skin. This may be a consequence of a long-term strict diet, exhaustion of the body caused by stress, intoxication, diseases of the digestive canal and other serious disorders;

  • the onset of the winter period, when vitamin D, also called solar vitamin, is significantly lacking;

  • lipid metabolism disorders and as a consequence of a number of diseases - obesity, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathologies;

  • childhood rickets, calcium deficiency, identified growth abnormalities, arrest of proper development or insufficient formation of the bone skeleton, incl. teeth;

  • stress, nervous system disorders;

  • eye diseases caused by injuries, infections, visual stress, age-related changes;

  • frequent respiratory and inflammatory diseases, digestive disorders;

  • receiving wounds, thermal or chemical burns of the skin, mucous membranes - it is used topically, in the form of oil, to quickly restore damaged tissue;

  • tuberculosis of the lungs, bones and joints;

  • diseases of the venous system and musculoskeletal system;

  • anemia (anemia) – a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood;

  • diabetes - increased blood glucose levels, leading to excessive urine output.

Use for rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a slowly progressive joint disease accompanied by chronic inflammation. The first signs are swelling, swelling around the joints, pain, and fever. It occurs with exacerbations, remission and relapses replace each other. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and prevention are closely interrelated and must be carried out in parallel. Preventive measures are aimed at restoring and maintaining normal calcium balance, increasing its absorption in the intestines and preventing excretion from the body. A calcium diet and regular fish oil can restore impaired metabolic processes. Reviews from doctors confirm the correctness of this statement. Fish oil is a complex of substances necessary and effective in the fight against connective tissue diseases:

  • vitamin D – promotes the absorption of calcium from food;

  • Fatty polyunsaturated Omega-3 acids – prevent the synthesis of substances that cause inflammation. And as a result, they save you from joint stiffness, pain, and discomfort.

The low price of fish oil in capsules and positive properties allow patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis to reduce their intake or replace the usual non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract with this natural remedy.

Use for osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is based on a violation of the metabolism of bone tissue, which leads to a decrease in density, strength, increased fragility of bones and a tendency to fractures even with minor falls. It may not manifest itself in any way for many years. The pain occurs acutely and lasts for a long time, becoming chronic. Stooping develops and the spine becomes deformed. Non-drug and drug prevention helps prevent this serious, progressive disease of the musculoskeletal system - the same medications and methods are prescribed for the treatment of osteoporosis. Therapeutic measures include diet, sun exposure, giving up bad habits and taking medications of various types:

  • correction of bone metabolism;

  • inhibition of bone tissue destruction;

  • stimulation of bone formation.

Fish oil dietary supplement contains a number of beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on bone tissue:

  • polyunsaturated acids help prevent bone resorption;

  • Vitamin D can replace about 20 minutes of time spent in the sun.

The capsule may contain from 150 to 450 mcg of retinol (vitamin A). Taking large amounts of vitamin A daily increases the risk of hip fractures. You should consult your doctor about the admissibility of using fish oil and its dosage.

Use for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is characterized by dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage. The disease is accompanied by constant aching pain in the back, loss of sensitivity, numbness in the limbs, and aches. The main causes of this orthopedic disease are impaired metabolism, poor nutrition, injuries, overload, stressful situations, and age-related changes. An integrated approach to treatment helps eliminate the cause of the disease and relieve pain.

Capsule tablets are one of the elements of therapy. Her goal:

  • preventing and slowing down destructive processes;

  • pain relief, inflammation relief;

  • neutralization of free radicals that destroy the genetic apparatus of the cell and damage connective tissue;

  • restoration of discs, vertebrae, spinal cartilage tissue, acceleration of healing;

  • preventing the progress of dystrophic changes in vertebral structures;

  • promoting the absorption of calcium and phosphorus and penetration into bone tissue, in order to restore its density, ensure the strength of bone mass, and strengthen ligaments.

To prevent osteochondrosis, the above diseases and for joint pain, you must follow the recommendations of your doctor. It is important to consider the contraindications and side effects inherent to the fish oil drug.

If a ban is not established, then use the beneficial sun vitamin containing it according to the prescription or instructions. The following daily intake is usually recommended:

  • 1-3 capsules, frequency: 3 doses - to strengthen the body;

  • 3 capsules/day – for elderly people as part of preventive measures;

  • 6-10 capsules/day – for diseases of the joints and ligaments.

How to take fish oil in capsules - instructions and rules:

  • It is preferable to take dietary supplements after meals or simultaneously with meals;

  • without holding it in the mouth, swallow immediately;

  • drink plenty of lukewarm or cool water;

Considering the popularity of the drug, the popularity of its healing properties and how much it costs, it is important to note that uncontrolled use of the drug is unacceptable, because this can lead to an overdose of vitamins A and D. It is not recommended to combine dietary supplements with eating a sufficient amount of fatty fish and flaxseed oil, or to take other multivitamin complexes in parallel.


There are absolute and relative contraindications.

With an absolute ban, there are no exceptions; the medicine is prohibited from being taken under any conditions. Thus, fish oil is strictly contraindicated in the presence of the following factors:

  • individual intolerance to components, hypersensitivity, allergies to fish and seafood;

  • hypervitaminosis of vitamin A, D;

  • increased levels of calcium in the blood plasma;

  • chronic inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), pancreas (pancreatitis);

  • renal failure;

  • urolithiasis – stones in the organs of the genitourinary system;

  • progressive active form of tuberculosis;

  • poor blood clotting, tendency to bleed;

  • severe injuries, surgical operations, postoperative condition.

Relative contraindications are temporary and require increased attention, caution during use and constant medical monitoring. These include:

  • period of pregnancy, breastfeeding;

  • children, old age;

  • long-term use of fish oil;

  • alcoholism;

  • heart failure;

  • chronic diseases of blood vessels;

  • excess thyroid hormones (hyperthyroidism);

  • stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers.

Side effects

Studying fish oil in capsules: it is known that the benefits and harms have a big difference in percentage.

Does fish oil capsules cause side effects? Fish oil is a pharmaceutical product of natural origin and during production the raw material (liver of fish from the cod family) undergoes multi-stage purification to remove accumulated and potentially harmful toxins and wastes. Undesirable consequences may occur if the recommended therapeutic doses are not followed and taken on an empty stomach.

In this case, these are:

  • indigestion, stomach upset, diarrhea;

  • foul fishy odor;

  • decreased coagulability, blood viscosity, blood pressure, bleeding from the nasal cavity;

  • combination of symptoms of acute cholecystitis and pancreatitis;

  • inadequate response of the immune system in the form of an allergic rash, swelling, itching.


The beneficial qualities of fish oil have been tested and proven experimentally in numerous clinical studies. Its beneficial effect on the human body is confirmed by general medical specialists and nutritionists. If you strictly follow medical recommendations and instructions for use, the drug can be taken by both adults and children. The advantages of fish oil include its medicinal properties and the advantages of using a capsulated dosage form:

replenishes vitamin D deficiency, compensating for the lack of sunlight;

  • the possibility of use for losing weight and combating obesity without debilitating strict diets by restoring impaired metabolism and stimulating the production of enzymes that burn fat cells.

  • What else is the benefit of fish oil capsules for children:

  • Thanks to packaging in gelatin capsules with a thin protective shell, children are more willing to swallow such a medicine.

  • Price

    Cost of fish oil depends on the type of dosage form, the amount of the dosed drug, the presence of food additives, the country and manufacturer. In liquid form there are cheaper products. Approximate prices for encapsulated fish oil are presented in the table.

    With a number of wonderful qualities, fish oil can help the body stay healthy. But before you buy it, you must first obtain professional advice from your doctor and study all the information about the drug: instructions and price, composition, medicinal properties and, of course, contraindications.

    Before taking medications, be sure to consult your doctor and undergo the necessary examination

    The problem of blood thinning is one of the most pressing areas of modern pharmacology, since the impetus for the formation of blood clots and the development of many diseases is too thick blood. The drugs available today to reduce viscosity can significantly worsen the condition of the mucous tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, which, in turn, will cause the next round of complications. For this reason, the development of new types of drugs that would provide maximum effect without side effects continues. But if there is no vital need to take such medications, and you can get by with other means, it is better to replace them with natural substances, such as fish oil: it not only thins the blood, but also heals the entire body at the same time.

    Causes of increased blood clotting

    There are many factors that contribute to blood thickening. First of all, these are age-related changes in hormonal levels, natural aging of the body, therapy with certain drugs, dysbacteriosis, and insufficient oxygen supply to the body.

    Taste habits and dietary habits play an important role. Therefore, you need to think about whether everything is normal with your diet in case of the following diseases:

    • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis or predisposition to thrombosis
    • Cardiac ischemia
    • Vascular atherosclerosis
    • Sudden weight gain or obesity
    • Diabetes
    • Congenital or acquired blood diseases
    • Disorders of the liver and pancreas
    • Gastrointestinal diseases.

    Blood thickening also contributes to:

    In addition to these factors, dehydration also contributes to increased blood clotting. Dehydration can develop due to prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, or when systematically consuming too little fluid. In this case, constant dehydration negatively affects the composition of the blood, it becomes more viscous and circulates worse in the body.

    How does blood thickening appear externally?

    You can recognize a person with thick blood by several signs. One of the main symptoms of blood disorders is increased and rapid fatigue with the usual lifestyle and stress.

    Chronic drowsiness, memory impairment, and frequent headaches can indicate poor blood condition.

    A problem with blood often affects a person’s psycho-emotional state: he becomes overly nervous, aggressive, and easily falls into depressive moods.

    But since all these signs often accompany other diseases, only a specialist can immediately determine the cause of the problem. Therefore, if uncharacteristic manifestations appear, it is better not to hesitate and immediately make an appointment with a doctor. After the tests, the exact cause of the depressed state will be known.

    Possible complications

    If increased blood clotting is not detected in time, the problem will worsen over time and result in numerous health complications. First of all, the risk of blood clots increases, which, if not eliminated, will cause poor blood flow through the vessels and their subsequent blockage. As a result, this will provoke a heart attack, stroke, and in especially severe cases, death.

    The formation of blood clots in the extremities contributes to the occurrence of tissue edema in the places where it is localized.

    How it will help

    Among the products that affect the condition of the blood and help thin it, fish oil occupies a special place - a natural remedy whose effect is comparable to that of a medicinal one. This is explained primarily by its composition, since among the unique compounds of fish oil there are polyunsaturated fatty acids - omega-3 and omega-6. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effect, the substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of the blood.

    They have several actions at once:

    • They lower lipid levels and, accordingly, bad cholesterol. The compounds normalize the content of LDL and lipids of too low density, change the composition of fluid in cell membranes, and increase the activity of membrane receptors.
    • Prevent platelet aggregation and then thrombus formation. The effect is due to the ability of fatty acids to change the composition of lipids in membranes, including platelet membranes. Under their influence, the concentration of arachidonic acid decreases and at the same time the content of eicosapentaenoic acid increases. As a result, there is a decrease in the synthesis of compounds that ensure blood clotting.

    Sources of fish oil

    Before you start using fish oil to thin your blood, you need to make sure that the problem is a minor disorder and not caused by a serious illness. To do this, you need to visit a doctor and take the tests he prescribed.

    If it turns out that the cause of viscous blood is some disease, then treatment of the underlying disease will be required. But if it turns out that you can get rid of the problem by changing your diet, then it makes sense to start drinking fish oil regularly.

    Its source is fatty varieties of sea fish. But since no one can guarantee safety due to the ecological state of the environment, it is better to use pharmaceutical fish oil. Moreover, you should choose a product obtained from fish from the northern seas - it is considered the most useful and safe.

    Fish oil is produced by many companies in various dosage forms - in solution or capsules. Therefore, depending on your preferences, you can choose the most suitable product for yourself.

    How to take fish oil

    In order for a natural remedy to give the maximum effect, it is better to first consult a doctor about how to drink it and in what quantity.

    The drug is available both in the form of a solution and in capsules with different levels of fish oil. There are preparations with a concentration of the substance in one capsule of 250, 300, 500 or 800 mg.

    It is not recommended to drink the product on an empty stomach. It is best to take it during or after a meal, with plenty of liquid. The capsules should not be bitten or chewed, nor should they be kept in the mouth for a long time. Otherwise, they will become soggy and difficult to swallow.

    If there are no other instructions from the doctor, then you should drink the drug for 2-3 months. After its completion, it is necessary to check the composition of the blood and its coagulation indicators. The need and duration of further intake of fish oil depends on this.

    Side effects from taking fish oil

    Usually the drug is perceived normally by the body, but in some people it can cause a deterioration in well-being. The most common symptoms observed after taking fish oil are:

    • Allergic reactions
    • Nausea
    • Stomach upset, diarrhea
    • Fishy burps and bad breath
    • Exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis
    • or existing skin injuries

    Signs of fish oil overdose

    • Headache
    • Nausea, vomiting
    • General weakness
    • Drowsiness
    • Painful sensations in the bones of the legs
    • Enhancing the removal of minerals from bones
    • Hyperthermia
    • Increased sweating
    • Skin rashes.

    It is also possible that other individual symptoms may occur. If signs of intoxication appear, fish oil should be discontinued and symptomatic therapy should be carried out. During the recovery period, it is better to limit foods containing calcium.

    Who should not take fish oil to thin the blood?

    People who have:

    • High level of sensitivity to fish oil
    • Clotting problems, hemophilia
    • Susceptibility to bleeding
    • Pulmonary tuberculosis in the active phase
    • Pathologies of the kidneys and liver
    • Idiopathic forms of hypercalcemia and hypercalciuria
    • Exacerbation of cholecystitis or chronic pancreatitis
    • Hypervitaminosis D
    • Overactive thyroid gland
    • Sarcoidosis.

    The use of fish oil during pregnancy requires consultation with a doctor.

    What should you not combine fish oil with?

    When taking fish oil, several compatibility conditions must be observed. This primarily applies to blood thinners. Such a combination of different drugs with one effect can thin the blood too much and cause bleeding.

    In addition, when consuming fish oil, you need to consider:

    • It is not advisable to take fish oil with salicylates and other NSAIDs.
    • The product is not recommended to be combined with vitamin complexes containing retinol and vit. D to exclude hypervitaminosis A and D
    • In case of treatment with courses, it is necessary to regularly check blood clotting indicators
    • If you are going to undergo surgery, you should stop taking fish oil several days before the operation.

    If a person takes fish oil to reduce blood viscosity and at the same time is forced to take drugs with sodium fluoride, then the interval between doses should be at least two hours. Tetracyclines can only be taken orally within a 3-hour period.

    How to prevent blood from thickening

    To prevent severe blood thickening, taking fish oil alone is not enough. It is necessary to reconsider eating habits, diet, and increase the amount of fluid consumed.

    • First of all, you need to avoid excess consumption of sugar and those foods that provoke the formation of bad cholesterol.
    • Introduce other foods into your diet that help thin your blood.
    • Avoid alcoholic drinks or reduce them to a minimum.
    • Take walks more often and increase physical activity.

    Increased blood viscosity, which occurs for many reasons, can be eliminated in various ways, including fish oil. It will not only cope well with the problem and improve the composition of the blood, but at the same time improve the health of the body.

    Although Eskimos eat a lot of fat, they rarely suffer from cardiovascular disease. This is explained by the predominance of fish high in omega-3 fatty acids in their menu.

    Description, medicinal and beneficial properties of fish oil

    What it is

    Among the lipids contained in fish, the most important group is polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are usually designated by the term “omega-3,” which indicates the peculiarity of the chemical structure of the molecule. The effect on the human body of these acids differs from the effect of other polyunsaturated fatty acids - “omega-6” contained in vegetable oil. The fish body (like the human body) is unable to synthesize omega-3 acids; fish obtain them through the food chain, feeding on plankton. The lower the water temperature, the richer it is in plankton, so tuna, mackerel and salmon species of fish that live in cold seas contain the highest concentration of these acids, especially the most biologically active eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids.

    Medicinal properties of fish oil

    Omega-3 and some other essential fatty acids found in fish oil, are converted by cells into prostaglandins - hormone-like substances that regulate many vital processes. Control of blood pressure, blood clotting, inflammatory reactions, and the functioning of the immune system - all this requires adequate intake of omega-3 acids. Therefore, they can be used to prevent and treat a variety of diseases.


    Fish fat reduces the risk of cardiovascular pathologies in several ways simultaneously. Omega-3 acids inhibit platelet aggregation - the first stage of blood clotting. As a result, the risk of thrombosis, which threatens vascular blockage and myocardial infarction, decreases. They reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood (risk of atherosclerosis), as well as blood pressure. Recent research suggests the ability of omega-3 acids to support normal heart rhythm. These findings apply to people consuming fatty fish rather than fish oil supplements.

    By acting on the walls of the arteries, omega-3 acids prevent their inflammation, which contributes to the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. In therapeutic doses, fish oil is one of the means to prevent re-collapse of arteries after angioplasty. Its beneficial effect on blood vessels is also used in the treatment of Raynaud's disease.

    Omega-3 acids have a general anti-inflammatory effect, so they help with joint diseases, lupus and psoriasis. Patients suffer less from swelling and joint stiffness. They even manage to reduce the doses of traditional anti-inflammatory analgesics. In a study of patients with Crohn's disease (a form of chronic intestinal inflammation), taking approximately 3,000 mg daily relieved symptoms in 69% of patients versus 28% in the control group receiving a placebo.

    Methods of using fish oil, contraindications and side effects

    Indications for use

    Prevention of cardiovascular diseases (increased levels of lipids in the blood).

    Possibly hypertension.

    Diseases associated with the body's inflammatory response.

    Contraindications to the use of fish oil

    Omega-3 fatty acids slow down blood clotting. If you suffer from bleeding problems or are taking anticoagulants, use fish oil only after consulting your doctor.

    Fish oil is contraindicated for two days before and after surgery.

    Diabetic patients should only take fish oil with a doctor's approval: in high doses, this supplement can cause an increase in blood sugar levels.

    Methods of application

    Treatment of cardiovascular disease, Raynaud's disease, lupus and psoriasis: 2-4 softgels per day. Rheumatoid polyarthritis: 4 capsules per day. Chronic intestinal inflammation: 4 capsules per day.

    Reception scheme

    Capsules should be swallowed during meals. For better tolerability, divide the daily dose into 2-3 doses. While you are being treated with fish oil, try to eat more vegetables and fruits and/or use dietary supplements: you need especially many antioxidants during this period.

    Release form

    Capsules (hard and soft)


    Possible side effects of fish oil

    Omega-3 acids slow down blood clotting. Conclusion: It is not recommended to combine fish oil intake with anticoagulant therapy without consulting your doctor.

    Both hard and soft fish oil capsules can cause belching, bloating, nausea, and diarrhea. If the doses are high enough, the person begins to smell like fish.

    There is some evidence that high doses of fish oil make it more difficult to control glycemia (blood sugar levels), although this effect is not always observed. Just in case, diabetic patients should limit themselves to 2000 mg/day if the doctor agrees. Those with elevated levels of triglycerides and “bad” cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein) should also be careful with therapeutic doses of fish oil. If you overdose on fish oil, the latter indicator may jump.

    The usefulness of fat obtained from fish lies in its unique composition. It is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids that have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. With regular consumption of fish oil, the risk of developing insulin resistance, blood clots, and low-density lipoproteins is reduced.

    Fish oil contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), the most important of which are alpha-linolenic and eicosapentaenoic acids for the body. They are responsible for the efficiency of transfer of biogenic amines to the central nervous system and improve blood supply to the brain. These processes directly affect the increase in cognitive performance. EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) has anti-inflammatory properties.

    The beneficial effect of PUFA precursors - neuroprotectins - is to protect neurons from the harmful effects of oxidative stress. The latter is the result of excessive physical activity, including during training. This explains the high need of athletes for a constant supply of these substances into the body.

    The benefits of omega-3 PUFAs extend beyond their effects on the brain. The results of studies conducted in the seventies of the last century showed that people taking omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids are much less likely to be susceptible to diseases such as coronary heart disease (IHD), atherosclerosis of the extremities, and hypertension.

    Benefits for the body

    This animal fat is actively used in the treatment of night blindness, anemia, rickets, tuberculosis and other disorders. Its high content of vitamin A helps maintain excellent vision. Fish oil allows you to restore clarity of thinking and improve your mood in case of organic depression that develops against the background of degenerative and vascular processes, epilepsy, neuroinfection, chronic intoxication, and trauma.

    The high content of vitamin D in fish oil makes it an effective preventative against disorders of the skeletal system. Vitamins of group D are directly involved in the production of serotonin from the amino acid tryptophan, which is also called the “hormone of joy.” The function of serotonin is to regulate appetite, motor activity and mood. All this has a positive effect on the general condition of the body and human well-being.

    Fish oil burns saturated fat and helps you achieve significant weight loss results faster. Recent studies have shown that omega-3 can prevent the development of Alzheimer's disease. This fact finds both supporters and opponents. Discussions on this matter are still ongoing. Suppression of oxidative stress by fish oil leads to decreased sensitivity to adrenal hormones.

    Fish oil contains:

    • arachidonic, oleic, palmitic acids;
    • omega-3 and omega-6;
    • cholesterol;
    • phosphorus and .

    Daily consumption rate

    Determined by the individual characteristics of the body. The acceptable amount of fish oil that will not harm the body is considered to be from 1.0 to 1.5 grams per day. For those involved in weightlifting, this figure doubles and amounts to 2-3 grams. As you lose weight, you need to consume even more fat, bringing its amount to 4 grams per day.

    There is no need to take breaks between doses. One should take into account the fact that it is quite difficult to obtain in its pure form due to improper storage. If storage rules are violated, more metabolites are converted into free radicals. The latter do not bring any benefit, but, on the contrary, cause severe damage to the body.

    Instructions for use

    Fish oil is indicated for hypovitaminosis (deficiency) of vitamins A and D, depression, neuroses, nervous system disorders such as neurocirculatory dysfunction - vegetative-vascular dystonia (VSD), as well as for improving the conductivity of the central nervous system. For athletes, this animal fat is indispensable. It accelerates the metabolic processes occurring in tissues and helps improve physical performance.

    Omega-3 is available in capsules. Take them only after meals. If you take capsules on an empty stomach or before meals, this is fraught with various gastrointestinal disorders. The daily intake of capsules can be found on the back of the package. When unsaturated fatty acids are taken in the form of a tincture, it is drunk three times a day with meals, but not more than 15 ml.

    You can get PUFAs from fresh fish. The main thing is that the product is stored properly. In this case, it will be enough to eat 150 grams of fish per day.

    Capsules are the most convenient form of administration

    The ban on this drug during the Soviet Union was due to its origin. Fish oil, obtained from cod liver or fish remains, contains many substances harmful to the body, including heavy metals. Today, the drug from these sources is found on the market, but is not recommended for use.

    Fish oil that is beneficial to the body should be labeled “fish” on the packaging and not “from cod liver”. “Fish” oil comes from meat, not leftovers or liver. The more expensive the type of fish used, the better the quality of the fat obtained from it. This is the reason why you should not buy fish oil capsules that are too cheap.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Gastrointestinal disorders are the main side effect caused by improperly taking fish oil on an empty stomach. Omega-3 has a number of contraindications for use. It should not be used if you have kidney stones, hyperthyroidism - increased thyroid function, or excess calcium levels in the blood.

    Taking polyunsaturated fatty acids is contraindicated in disorders associated with decompensation of systems, including febrile syndrome, as well as during exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. When a substance leads to allergic manifestations, this is fraught with the development of anaphylactic shock.

    Fish oil, like any drug or product, has its contraindications for use. In the absence of individual intolerance, manifested in the form of allergic reactions that prevent illness from taking it, it brings invaluable and multifaceted benefits to the body, allowing you to keep yourself in good shape and maintain health.