What happened in Moscow on May 29 claimed the lives of 16 people. These are people whose lives were suddenly cut short due to the raging nature of nature, which rarely happens in Central Russia. Law enforcement officers began to understand the circumstances of each person’s death. After all the checks and examinations, it will be clear who should be responsible for these victims. And what tragedies occurred due to the accident.

Until now, utility workers have not had time to remove all the fallen trees on the streets of Moscow. According to preliminary estimates, there are about 14,000 of them in the capital. Several thousand people remain without electricity, writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda website with reference to the Moscow region department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Dozens of people remain in hospitals. Soon after the hurricane, their number was announced - more than 150 people.

It wasn't just people who suffered from the devastating storm. The storm wind in Moscow destroyed hundreds of bird nests, the Moscow 24 channel reports. Hundreds of people's houses in their summer cottages and cars were damaged, and windows in their apartments were broken by the wind. About how to get compensation if a tree, pole or billboard fell on your car, yesterday.

Personal stories

One of the dead is Stanislav Smirnov. May 24 young man turned 28 years old. Very young, he was walking along Andreevskaya embankment when a hurricane suddenly began. He and 20-year-old Alina Solovyova took shelter from the bad weather in a gazebo, which became fatal mistake- a strong gust of wind knocked down a tree onto a fragile structure. The man was soon to become a father, writes MK.

17-year-old Valery Gudkov was a promising football player. On May 29, he was in the park on Ugreshskaya Street, where he was covered with branches during a hurricane. Another athlete whose life was claimed by the Moscow hurricane is 20-year-old Pavel Samoilov, a second-year student at Moscow State University, a player on the football team of the Faculty of Geography. His friends said that the young man loved meteorology, sent his loved ones photographs of beautiful clouds and atmospheric phenomena.

Ekaterina Sinelnikova died in the Gorky Park area. She was 35 years old. The woman worked as a pediatric dentist, but that day she had a day off. She wanted to go shopping and meet a former colleague.

“Apparently, before going to meet us, Katya decided to take a walk in the park. When the weather began to deteriorate, we wrote an SMS to Katya so that she could wait out the storm in the metro. But no one answered the message,” said Tatyana Bradchenko, a friend of the deceased.

On the territory of Gorky Park, an uprooted tree also killed 37-year-old Chertanov resident Andrei Temnikov. A half-century-old poplar tree fell on 62-year-old pensioner Nina Andreeva and her sister near their house. The woman's sister survived.

11-year-old Anna Makeeva was the late child in the family of a 53-year-old housewife and a 57-year-old employee of a capital bookmaker's office. The eldest son has not lived with his parents for a long time, so they gave all the love, attention and care to their youngest daughter. On May 29, the girl came home from school and asked her parents to go for a walk with a friend. When the hurricane hit, she ran for cover, but fell and died from hitting her head.

86-year-old Vitaly Ilyin died while working on his summer cottage when a pine tree fell on him. In the Krasnogorsk district of the Moscow region, an iron sheet covered another victim of the hurricane - 57-year-old Ivan Babii. On the same day, 84-year-old Alexander Kiselev did not return from his walk.

Hurricane. Instructions

May 31st announced in Moscow. As reported by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on the night of June 1 metropolitan region will cover strong wind, rain and thunderstorm. Wind gusts can reach 7-12 meters per second, in some places - up to 24. A similar trend may continue on the day of June 1. Rescuers warn that gusts of wind may cause damage to power lines, downed trees, damage to advertising structures, traffic jams, damage to cars and injury to people. If you are caught in a hurricane, follow following rules security:

  • Do not use gas stoves or electrical appliances
  • Do not go inside damaged buildings
  • You cannot hide from the wind behind billboards, next to fences or under trees. You should also stay away from power lines during a hurricane.
  • When outdoors, protect your eyes, mouth and ears from dust and sand.
  • Do not stay near poles and objects with flammable and toxic substances
  • Try to find shelter in an underground passage, the entrance of a house, or a store. Avoid unstable structures such as gazebos
  • Do not touch downed power line wires
  • After the storm subsides, do not go close to swaying banners, signs, or other structures that could collapse.
  • You can't walk on bridges
  • While indoors: close windows and doors tightly, do not stand near the window during a storm, turn off gas and electricity, and remove things that could be blown away by a gust of wind from the balcony and window sills.
  • Resident rural areas it is necessary to extinguish the fire in the stove, and also to bring valuables from the yard inside

collected information about Muscovites who died during the hurricane on May 29. According to the latest data, the number of victims has reached 16 people. Among them are a veteran of Roscosmos, an employee of a Moscow theater, children and students. The effect of the disaster has already been compared with the consequences of the recent terrorist attack in St. Petersburg.

Stanislav Smirnov, 28 years old


The head of the lighting department of the theater "At the Nikitskie Gate" was caught in a hurricane on Andreevskaya embankment. Stanislav decided to take shelter from the bad weather in the gazebo. 20-year-old Alina Solovyova ran there with him. A few minutes later, a century-old tree fell on the gazebo. Colleagues say that Stas was a positive and smiling person. “A professional who strived for development and was interested in something new. IN free time I walked a lot and rode a hoverboard. Stas loved the theater. I knew a lot of performances in various theaters and loved to talk about them. He could be trusted, which is rare these days”? - recalls a friend of the deceased, Evgeniy. Stanislav is due to have a baby soon.

Valery Gudkov, 17 years old


Valery was a promising football player. On Monday he found himself in a park on Ugreshskaya Street. A woman who was collecting lilacs nearby saw the guy buried under massive branches and called rescuers, but they were able to get to Valery only after 1.5 hours. He was already dead.

Valera has been interested in football since childhood. I started at the Molniya sports school, then moved to Timiryazevets, and later to Labor Reserves, where we already met. Valera graduated from a sports school with the second adult category. He had great success in football and wanted to play at a professional level. He was a fan of Spartak and celebrated the championship this year,” recalls the footballer’s friend Sergei.

Anna M., 11 years old


The girl was the late child in the family of a 53-year-old housewife and a 57-year-old employee of a Moscow bookmaker's office. Several years ago, Anya became interested in sports dancing, and she was sent to the Todes school. The result was not long in coming - as one of the best, she was taken into the team to participate in a dance festival, which was recently held in the city of Kazan. The girl confidently took second place, overtaking more experienced opponents. On Monday, Anya came home from school and asked her parents to take a walk with the boy from the neighboring house. During the day, the village of Kratovo fell into the hurricane zone. While running away, Anya tripped, fell and hit the back of her head on the protruding curb of the concrete path. The schoolgirl died on the spot from her injury.

Nina Andreeva, 62 years old


Together with her sister, Nina Ivanovna was returning home to Narimanovskaya Street from the clinic. A few meters from the entrance, a half-century-old poplar tree fell on the women. Nina Andreeva’s sister escaped with broken ribs.

When the local police officer called me and said that my mother had died, I didn’t believe it right away. Thought it was a joke. “We lived together with our mother in perfect harmony,” explained the pensioner’s son, Alexander.

Vitaly Stepanovich Ilyin, 86 years old


Vitaly Stepanovich - Candidate of Sciences, worked in the space engineering system for more than 40 years, and began his working career next to the legendary Korolev. Together with his wife Inessa Nikolaevna, he was at the dacha near the village of Barvikha. Pensioners, as usual, were working at the site when the weather began to deteriorate. One of the pine trees broke in half and fell on Vitaly Sergeevich. The old man lost consciousness, and his wife rushed to a neighbor for help. The man pulled the victim out from under the tree and carried him to the house. By the way, by that time three pine trees had fallen on the house, breaking through the roof and partially destroying the second floor of the dacha. We waited for an ambulance and rescuers for about an hour and a half - all the entrances to the site were littered with fallen trees. Despite the assistance provided by doctors, the pensioner died on the way to the hospital. His spine was broken and his skull was damaged.

Pavel Samoilov, 20 years old


Pavel is a 2nd year student at the Faculty of Geography at Moscow State University, a player on the faculty’s football team. The only son in a family of geographer teachers. He loved travel, mountains and really wanted to do mountain cartography. Just a few days ago I was planning a trip to Scandinavia and the Faroe Islands.

Pashka was a shining example of how one can and should love life. A successful photo shot, a beautiful canopy on the football field, a Panama hat with ducks - any little thing could make him happy,” recalls classmate Alexander Donetskov. “He felt nature, knew how to admire the big and beautiful world, and was inspired by people. He was also a geographer to the core. I wanted to conquer the peaks, to see as much as possible more people and countries, learn new things. Almost everyone at the faculty knew him, and that makes his loss seem even more incredible.”

Ivan Babiy, 57 years old


Ivan Georgievich Babiy was a specialist in landscaping the Zhilstroy company, and May 29 was his last working day at the site in the village of Putilkovo. He was finishing laying the lawn near the Church of the Archangel Michael under construction on Bratsevskaya Street. When the wind blew, Ivan Georgievich was about to go to the temple to shelter from the weather, but did not have time. An iron sheet torn off from the fence fell directly on his head. The man died before the ambulance arrived. By the way, Ivan Georgievich took up landscape design relatively recently. Before that, he served as a sailor in the Black Sea Fleet.

Alexander Kiselev, 84 years old


Relatives of Alexander Andreevich put him on the wanted list on the evening of May 29, when he did not return home from a walk in Lobnya, near Moscow. Volunteers from the Lisa Alert detachment immediately organized a search and first of all went to where he, according to his wife’s assumption, could be: to a small vegetable garden, which he cultivated on his own right in the thicket of the forest. Getting there was not easy - the path was blocked with trees. Volunteers found the old man in his garden. He was crushed to death by a birch tree. The man was probably weeding a garden bed when a tree trunk broke from behind and fell directly on the elderly man’s back. Alexander Andreevich is survived by two children and four grandchildren. All his life, Kiselev worked as a process engineer at one of the capital’s factories.

Nikolay Kotov, 65 years old

Pavel Samoilov.
“Plowing was a sociable guy; friendly and trusting relationships with those with whom he interacted, including university teachers, were important to him,” says Timofey Samsonov, a fellow student of the deceased. - In personal conversations, he unfeignedly shared with me his university dreams, asked about his future as a cartographer. He idolized travel, mountains and was very eager to engage in mountain cartography - and we even had small plan about this theme. Just a few days ago, he spoke with ecstasy about his upcoming journey to Scandinavia and the Faroe Islands.

Warm, friendly relations remained between the parents and their only son until the end. Pavel himself once wrote on his social network page: “I’m helping my mother check the children’s work on geography.” His parents are teachers. And dad is also the leader of the Moscow team in geography at the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, the most important person in preparing for the Olympiads in geography at the Center for Pedagogical Excellence (focus of pedagogical excellence). Actually, Plowing was also not the only one who went to the All-Russian Olympiad in Geography, although he wanted to become a prize-winner and did not become one. Until recently, Pavel worked at the same center as a teacher.

Knowing that I love meteorology and everything connected with it,” adds his friend Sasha, “more than one sent me photographs of beautiful clouds or atmospheric phenomena he saw. A great guy, a geographer, who idolized travel. As if I heard, yesterday he was returning with a young lady and friends from the university after the final exam.

Recite the material “Lives taken by the whirlwind: Roscosmos veteran, football player, stage worker”

Pashka was a shining example of how one can and should love life. A successful photograph, a red canopy on the football field, a Panama hat with ducks - any little thing could make him happy, recalls classmate Alexander Donetskov. “He felt nature, knew how to admire the enormous and magnificent world, and was inspired by people. He was also a geographer to the core. I wanted to conquer peaks, to see more people and places, to learn new things. Almost everyone at the faculty informed him, and that makes the loss even more unimaginable.

New reports are also being received about disaster victims in the Moscow region.

57-year-old Ivan Georgievich Babiy died in the village of Putilkovo, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region. An iron sheet that rolled away from the fence took off half of his head. The guy died before the ambulance arrived. He was a specialist in landscaping the territories of the Zhilstroy brotherhood, and May 29 was his final working day at the site in the village of Putilkovo. A native of Ukraine was finishing laying a lawn near the Church of the Archangel Michael under construction on Bratsevskaya Street. When the wind blew, Ivan Georgievich was about to go to the sanctuary to shelter from the weather, but did not have time. An iron sheet that rolled away from the fence fell straight on his head.

According to colleagues, Babiy worked utilitarianly without days off. His main concern was to earn as much money as possible to pay for the education of his daughter, who lives in Germany. He was very worried about her fate. The capable girl graduated from school with honors, but Ivan Georgievich was not satisfied with the quality of education in Ukraine. Therefore, he sent his only child to study in Europe and worked hard so that the young lady would not need anything abroad. By the way, Ivan Georgievich took up landscape design relatively recently. Before that, he was intended to be a sailor in the Black Sea Fleet.

Relatives of 84-year-old Alexander Andreevich Kiselev put him on the wanted list on the evening of May 29, when he did not return home from a walk in Lobnya, near Moscow. Kiselev himself is an original resident of Moscow, and he and his woman will have a dacha in Lobnya. Volunteers from the Lisa Alert detachment immediately organized a search for the grandfather and first of all went to where he, according to his wife’s assumption, could be: to the drip garden, which he cultivated on his own right in the thick of the forest. The path there turned out to be difficult - the path was littered with trees that could not withstand the pressure of the hurricane. As a result, volunteers found the grandfather in his garden. He was crushed to death by a birch tree. The guy was probably weeding the garden bed when the trunk of the tree broke and fell straight onto the elderly guy’s back. Alexander Andreevich is survived by two children and four grandchildren. All his life, Kiselev worked as a process engineer at one of the capital’s factories.

Recite the material “I was speaking from school, waiting for the bus: stories of those killed in the Moscow hurricane”

There are nine names on the list, the identities of the rest are being established, reports “ Tsargrad” with reference to the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. According to the portal, as a result of the rampant disaster in the city, the following people died:

Pavel Samoilov, 20 years old
Ivan Babiy, 57 years old
Nina Andreeva, 62 years old
Daria Antonova, 20 years old
Nikolay Kotov, 65 years old
Andrey Temnikov, 37 years old

Valery Gudkov, 17 years old
Stanislav Smirnov, 28 years old

According to confirmed data from the capital's authorities, 11 people died during the hurricane. Two more people died in the Moscow region. According to media reports, the families of the victims and victims will receive compensation from the Moscow authorities. The head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, instructed the heads of the investigative units to comprehensively study and establish all the circumstances of the incident, and the employees of the central office of the Investigative Committee to monitor this process.

Hurricane-force winds hit the capital region Monday afternoon. It knocked down trees, billboards and dropped metal sheets from rooftops onto pedestrians. Dozens of cars were damaged by fallen structures and trees.

A hurricane hit Moscow on Monday afternoon, uprooting trees. Some of them fell on parked cars. There are dead and wounded.

/ Monday, May 29, 2017 /

Topics: Incidents

As a result of the devastating hurricane in Moscow, 11 people died and 75 people received various injuries. Interfax reported this on Monday, May 29.

In turn, the mayor of Moscow expressed condolences to the families of the hurricane victims and noted that the city authorities are taking all necessary measures to eliminate the consequences of the disaster.

Nina Andreeva, 62 years old
Daria Antonova, 20 years old
Unknown, 20 years old
Ivan Babiy, 57 years old
Pavel Samoilov, 20 years old
Andrey Temnikov, 37 years old
Ekaterina Sinelnikova, 36 years old
Nikolay Kotov, 65 years old
Stanislav Smirnov, 28 years old
Unknown, 28 years old
Valery Gudkov, 17 years old

According to official data from the capital's health department at 19:11, 11 people were killed and over 50 were injured of varying degrees of severity. According to forecasters, the threat of squally winds in the east and southeast of Moscow will persist at least until late evening.

Metro-Moscow publishes a list of the dead and offers condolences to the families of those who passed away.

1. Nina Andreeva, 62 years old

2. Daria Antonova, 20 years old

3. Unidentified woman, 20 years old

4. Ivan Babiy, 57 years old

5. Pavel Samoilov, 20 years old

6. Andrey Temnikov, 37 years old

7. Ekaterina Sinelnikova, 36 years old

8. Nikolay Kotov, 65 years old

9. Stanislav Smirnov, 28 years old

10. Unknown, 28 years old

11. Valery Gudkov, 17 years old

Until 2017, the most destructive on record in modern history capital there was a hurricane that hit Moscow on the night of June 21, 1998. Then, according to the Moscow Health Committee, nine people died and another 165 people were injured.

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Nina Andreeva, 62 years old Daria Antonova, 20 years old Unknown, 20 years old Ivan Babiy, 57 years old Pavel Samoilov, 20 years old Andrey Temnikov, 37 years old Ekaterina Sinelnikova, 36 years old Nikolay Kotov, 65 years old Stanislav Smirnov, 28 years old Unknown, 28 years old Valery Gudkov , 17 years old Boris Dudalev

More than 10 people became victims of the worst disaster in the last 16 years in the capital. .

The capital's authorities reported that 11 people were killed as a result of the hurricane that hit Moscow on Monday afternoon, and medical care More than 50 victims contacted. This was stated by the Moscow Department of Health, reports “ Interfax".
Moscow Department of Health: “At the moment, more than 50 victims, including children, have sought medical help. The calls continue. 11 victims have died.”.
The temperature in Moscow dropped by 10 degrees in a few hours during the hurricane - from 25 to 15. The Hydrometeorological Center warned that stormy gusts of wind could still happen again.
. . . . . The Ministry of Emergency Situations warned the day before about impending bad weather, but the hurricane took many by surprise.

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. . . . . Earlier, the capital's mayor's office confirmed that as a result hurricane wind 11 people died, more than 50 people sought help.

Nina A., 62 years old, Daria A., 20 years old, girl whose identity is being established, 20 years old, Ivan B., 57 years old, Pavel S., 20 years old, Andrey T., 37 years old, Ekaterina S., 36 years old , Nikolay K., 65 years old, Stanislav V., 28 years old, young man, identity to be determined, 28 years old, Valery G., 17 years old.

The capital's authorities will pay compensation to the families of people who died during today's hurricane in Moscow. This is reported by “ Interfax" with reference to an informed source in the mayor's office.

The agency's interlocutor did not name the amount of compensation. According to him, the number of dead and injured is being established. The source noted that the victims will most likely also receive compensation.
There have been no official comments on this matter yet.
The hurricane that hit Moscow on Monday knocked down about 1,000 trees. It is reported that 11 people became victims of the raging disaster. The transport sector has also suffered. Thus, fallen trees paralyzed the movement of Aeroexpress trains in Vnukovo and caused a disruption on the MCC.

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Central office Investigative Committee will monitor the progress of inspections launched in connection with the loss of life during today's hurricane. The corresponding instruction was given by the head of the department, Alexander Bastrykin.

Svetlana Petrenko, official representative RF IC: “Alexander Bastrykin instructed the heads of the investigative units to comprehensively study and establish all the circumstances of the incident, and the employees of the central office of the Investigative Committee to monitor the progress and results of these checks.”.
To date, investigations are being carried out into the deaths of eight people from falling trees and destruction of structures. Seven people died in Moscow, another 11-year-old girl died in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region.
Meanwhile, the capital's authorities have confirmed the death of 11 people in Moscow. Information about 50 victims was also confirmed.

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The hurricane that raged in the capital turned out to be the strongest natural disaster in the last 16 years. Trees and metal structures fell on passers-by and were torn off the roofs of houses.

The sky turned gray. Clouds gathered over the capital. And although forecasters were unanimous the day before, predicting gale force winds and a yellow level of danger, many were taken by surprise by the bad weather. The squally wind tested everyone's strength. It left no chance for advertising structures, trees, and carried away poorly secured tiles. What can we say about the people who tried in vain to hide under umbrellas and awnings. The capital's health department reported 11 deaths. The number of victims is in the dozens.
In the capital, people died under falling trees and other structures. A pedestrian on Kirovogradskaya Street was crushed to death by a bus stop, which was torn out of the asphalt by a gust and carried away. The number of victims in the first hour alone reached 20.
The movement of commuter trains, including Aeroexpress trains, was difficult on several routes. Passengers at railway stations are asked to choose other modes of transport. Emergency crews clear the paths of fallen trees. Along with the gusty wind, the speed of which exceeded 20 m/s, came the rain. The Internet is filled with amateur footage. Muscovites in in social networks exchange impressions.
The impact of the disaster was felt not only by the capital, but also by the Moscow region. In the village of Kratovo in the Ramensky district, an 11-year-old girl was crushed to death by a tree. And in the village of Putilkovo, Krasnogorsk region, a 57-year-old man died - he was hit by a torn metal sheet of a fence. Two more children in the Moscow region were injured. A 12-year-old boy in Odintsovo was injured on Mozhaiskoye Highway and was taken to hospital. An 8-year-old boy was wounded in the village of Tomilino; doctors are fighting for his life, TASS reports.
Could not withstand the onslaught of the wind and famous pyramid Hunger on Novorizhskoe Highway. The 11-meter structure, made of fiberglass panels and blocks, collapsed like a house of cards. The wind did not spare cars parked in yards either.
Dozens of drivers saw their cars pinned to the ground by trees. And in the air, along with the leaves from the trees, metal sheets were circling.
A summer cafe in the west of Moscow was also hit by the elements. Wooden tables and chairs are broken. Nearby are uprooted trees. Fortunately, the visitors managed to hide under the roof. However, not everyone was frightened by the impact of the elements and forced to flee. There was an owner who took the dog out for a walk in such weather.

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