Listen online or read the text of the prayer Psalm 26, 50, 90 and Virgin Mary, rejoice in Russian. The most powerful psalms 26, 50, 90 and prayer to the Mother of God will help you protect yourself from the most difficult troubles and bypass any adversity!

In our time, when human life depreciates, people try to protect themselves as much as possible. Some people get a dog for this purpose, others buy weapons or hire security. For an Orthodox person, the main protection is the Lord. As the Scripture says, without His will not a hair will fall from your head. Pectoral cross, artos, holy water and, of course, prayer are the greatest shrines given to us by the Lord, which protect us from visible and invisible enemies.

During military conflicts in Tbilisi, Schema-Archimandrite Vitaly gave instructions to his spiritual children to protect themselves from danger: “When leaving home, read Psalms 26, 50 and 90, at the beginning, between them and at the end, one prayer each: “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” Elder John of Optina said: “If you observe this rule morning and evening, neither fire will take you, nor water will drown you. I’ll tell you more: it won’t be torn apart by a bomb!”

Psalm 26, 50, 90: listen online

According to the testimonies of many Christians who followed this rule, they remained unharmed along with their family and their home even during the bombings of the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. Why exactly these psalms and prayers? Let's figure out what their strength is.

When to read Psalm 26 and how to do it correctly

A person can be attacked not only by visible enemies, but also by unclean spirits, who implant in the mind and soul of a person the desire to retreat from God. In this case, the holy fathers recommend reading Psalm 26 daily. This will help weaken or completely get rid of attacks.

Text of Psalm 26

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Sometimes you come close to me with anger, and destroy my flesh, insulting me, and defeating me, you are exhausted and fall. Even if a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear, even if it rises up to fight me, I will trust in Him.

I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and that I may visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His village in the day of my evil, for He covered me in the secret of His village, and lifted me up on a stone. And now, behold, I have lifted up my head against my enemies: I have died and devoured in His village a sacrifice of praise and shouting, I will sing and sing praises to the Lord.

Hear, O Lord, my voice to which I cried: have mercy on me and hear me. My heart says to you, I will seek the Lord. I will seek Your face, O Lord, I will seek Your face. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn aside in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me, and do not forsake me, O God of my Savior. For my father and mother have abandoned me, but the Lord will receive me.

Give me the law, O Lord, in Thy way and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake. Do not betray me into the souls of those who are afflicted by me, as if I stood up as a witness to unrighteousness and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good of the Lord on the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Psalm 26 protects not only from invisible enemies, but also from those who pose a threat in the physical world. The psalm says that the Lord is great and is the main protector. By reading it, a Christian glorifies the Creator, thereby showing his enemies that he has firm support and hope in him.

When and how to read Psalm 50 correctly

Psalm 50 is a kind of morning prayer, which refers to the canons for Communion, for the Mother of God, and for the Guardian Angel. The meaning of the psalm is contrition and repentance for sins committed. This is a kind of request for mercy, so that the Lord will forgive your sins. Priests recommend reading Psalm 50 at times when a person is overwhelmed by confusion, the soul is crying, and sins are pressing.

The psalm consists of 12 sentences, the meaning of which must be understood from the first lines, accepted with the heart and sincerely believed. All Christians note that after reading the prayer, anxiety goes away, the head becomes clear, and the soul feels good and light. No matter what sin you have committed, you need to remember that the Lord loves everyone and is ready to forgive if a person repents with all his heart.

Text of Psalm 50 with accents

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Your great mercy, and according to the multitude of Your compassions, cleanse my iniquity. Above all, wash me from my iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin; For I know my iniquity, and I will bear away my sin before me. I have sinned against You alone and have done evil before You, so that You may be justified in Your words and triumph over Your judgment. Behold, I was conceived in iniquities, and my mother gave birth to me in sins. Behold, you have loved the truth; You have shown me Your unknown and secret wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be clean; Wash me, and I will be whiter than snow. There is joy and gladness in my hearing; the bones of the humble will rejoice. Turn away Your face from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create a pure heart in me, O God, and renew a right spirit in my womb. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Give me the joy of Your salvation and strengthen me with the Lord’s Spirit. I will teach the wicked your way, and wickedness will turn to you. Deliver me from bloodshed, O God, God of my salvation; my tongue will rejoice in Your righteousness. Lord, open my mouth, and my mouth will declare Your praise. As if you had desired sacrifices, you would have given them: you do not favor burnt offerings. The sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God will not despise a contrite and humble heart. Bless Zion, O Lord, with Your favor, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then take pleasure in the sacrifice of righteousness, the offering and the burnt offering; then they will place your calf on the altar.

Psalm 50- this is, in fact, a prayer before the Almighty for forgiveness even of the most terrible sins. The prayer must be read in order to understand the truth and not sin in the future. In our time, when people are no longer so reverent about faith and are sinning more and more, it is especially necessary to read this psalm so that the Lord not only forgives us, but also guides us to the true path.

Psalm 90: when and how to read it correctly

Psalm 90- a sacred text that has another name: “Living Help.” The prayer is recommended to be read by people who need strong help Gentlemen, when a life situation seems hopeless. “Living Help” is a unique prayer. It is considered a real amulet of all troubles that can happen in a person’s life.

There are many interesting facts related to this sacred text.

  • Psalm 90 is unique in that it is used not only in Orthodoxy, but also in another religion - Judaism.
  • Priests recommend carrying the text of the prayer with you so that you can read it at any time, protecting yourself from danger.
  • In ancient times, when doctors refused to treat complex diseases, people read Psalm 90. The sick not only felt relief, but there were also cases of complete recovery.
  • It is advisable to memorize the text of the prayer. It is important to understand the meaning and sincerely believe in the power of prayer.

Text of Psalm 90

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God.

Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.

Yako Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words.

His cloak will cover you and you will hope under His wing: His truth will surround you with weapons.

Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days.

From things that pass away in the darkness, from clots and the midday demon.

Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand; he won't come close to you.

Look at your eyes and see the reward of sinners.

For You, O Lord, are my hope. You have made the Most High your refuge.

Evil will not come to you. And the wound will not come close to your body.

As His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways.

They will take you in their arms, but not when you dash your foot against a stone.

Tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent.

For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver; I will cover, and because I have known My name.

He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him.

I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.

You need to read the prayer slowly, thinking about every word. To make the effect as strong and powerful as possible, the psalm is read three times. After each time, take a short pause and make the sign of the cross three times. A person must have strong faith that the Lord will not leave his mercy and will definitely help.

How to read the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary”

Among the many Orthodox prayers, vocations are especially popular Holy Mother of God, which is heavenly patroness and intercessor of every person.

The prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary” is one of the most common and consists of welcoming and laudatory phrases taken from the Gospel. It is also called "Angel's Greeting". The text of the prayer is the words spoken by the Archangel Gabriel when he appeared to the Mother of God to announce the future birth of the Savior.

  • before eating;
  • with despondency, sorrows and sorrows;
  • when leaving home;
  • when attacked evil spirits;
  • during the journey.

Text of the prayer “Rejoice, Virgin Mary”

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the Fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

In Russian

Mother of God Virgin Mary, filled with the grace of God, rejoice! The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit born of You, because You gave birth to the Savior of our souls.

It is worth noting that contact Mother of God possible in any life situations. There are no restrictions or prohibitions. This is perhaps the most short prayer Mother of God. It is easy to learn by heart and read any time you need help or protection of the Queen of Heaven. Prayer protects a person from the devil’s machinations, mental and physical illnesses, danger, curses and witchcraft.

In case of serious danger It is recommended to read the prayer 150 times, using a rosary so as not to be distracted by counting.

The hymn to the Mother of God helps to cope with worries, fears and problems. Prayer is a defense during temptations. They read it asking for help to guide loved ones who have left the church on the true path.
As we see, each of these prayers has powerful force. Psalms 26, 50 and 90 with the prayer “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary” are read to avoid sudden death, protect yourself and your family from attacks by visible and invisible enemies. The main thing is to read them daily and sincerely believe in the power of God's help.

Psalm 26

Psalm of David. [Before anointing]

The inscription “before the anointing” is not in the Hebrew Bible, but it is in the 70 and in the Vulgate. This inscription can be understood as indicating that the psalm was written by David before his anointing before the people as king of Israel. Since the psalm depicts David’s position as oppressed and abandoned by everyone, even by his parents (and this last happened during the time of persecution from Saul, when David’s relatives were afraid to have intercourse with him), then with great reason the psalm should be considered written during the persecution from Saul, and not Absalom, to which time David’s parents could hardly have lived.

Since the Lord is my light and my strength, I am not afraid of the attack of enemies and their hordes: they will perish (1-3). I pray to the Lord to give me the opportunity to dwell in His tabernacle, where I will not fear enemies, but will sing to the Lord (4-6). But now, when I am surrounded by enemies and I am abandoned even by my parents, I pray to You, Lord, to protect me (7-12). I believe that I will remain alive and I take courage (13-14).

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life: whom shall I fear?
2 If evildoers, my adversaries, and my enemies come against me to devour my flesh, they themselves will stumble and fall.

2. "Consume my flesh"- eat my body, destroy me, kill me. This was Saul's goal in his numerous persecutions of David.

3 If an army takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear; if war arises against me, then I will hope.

3. No matter how many enemies rise up against David, and no matter how David remains completely alone in the fight against them, his “heart will not fear,” he will not lose courage, since the Lord is his protector.

4 One thing have I asked of the Lord, this only do I seek, that I may abide in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to contemplate the beauty of the Lord, and to visit His [holy] temple,

4. "Contemplate the beauty of the Lord", - that is, to be present at the performance of the divine service, in which everything filled David with sublime thoughts. The Hebrew “noham” can be translated “favor,” i.e., it is desirable for David to live at the temple and enjoy the favor of Jehovah.

5 For He would have hidden me in His tabernacle in the day of trouble, He would have hidden me in the secret place of His habitation, He would have lifted me up on the rock.

5. "He would hide me in the secret place of His village"- there, in inner chambers where the Lord is constantly present. The comparison is taken from the custom of storing treasures in especially hidden and safe places. - "You'd take me to the rock"- replaced the humiliated position with a strong and unshakable existence, as if placed on a rock, inaccessible and indestructible.

6 Then my head would be lifted up above the enemies around me; and I would offer sacrifices of praise in His tabernacle, and would begin to sing and make melody before the Lord.
7 Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I cry, have mercy on me and give ear to me.
8 My heart says from You: “Seek My face”; and I will seek Your face, O Lord.

8. Form of dialogue. It is as if God speaks to David's heart: "seek my face", that is, strive to be closer to Me, since only in God is truth and power.

9 Hide not Your face from me; do not reject Your servant in anger. You were my helper; do not reject me and do not forsake me, O God, my Savior!
10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me, but the Lord will receive me.

10. "My father and my mother left me". David's relatives avoided relations with him, since David was persecuted by Saul as an opponent of the majesty, as an enemy of the king, and closeness to him even on the part of David's relatives could be interpreted by the suspicious Saul as assisting him in his imaginary rebellion against the king.

11 Teach me, O Lord, your way, and guide me in the path of righteousness, for the sake of my enemies;

11. David prays to God to help him to be pure in his affairs, and no matter how difficult his current situation is, not to allow him, even out of necessity, to commit any crime and break His Law. This is necessary for David “for the sake of his enemies,” so as not to give the latter the opportunity to accuse him of anything.

12 Do not deliver me up to the mercy of my enemies, for false witnesses have risen up against me and breathe out malice.
13 But I believe that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

13. "Land of the living." David believes that the Lord will protect him and will not allow him to perish, to Sheol, where all the dead descend; on the contrary, he will live and move among living people.

14 Trust in the Lord, be of good courage, and let your heart be strengthened, and trust in the Lord.

Psalm 26 – why is it so famous and why read it? When are the Psalms of David still read? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

What is a Psalm

A psalm is a poetic work, but it is no coincidence that the book of Psalms became part of church service. This is not just poetry, but prayerful poetry. There are 150 original Psalms, the most famous of which are Psalm 26, Psalm 50 and Psalm 90. We will talk about why they are most often read by Orthodox Christians. The morning and evening services of the Church developed precisely around the reading of the Psalms. There are so-called “morning” and “evening” Psalms, laudatory and petitionary. Their subject matter is different, since they were written in different conditions. For example, King David wrote the penitential Psalm 50 lamenting his sins. This Psalm is very popular because the feeling of regret for one’s own sins always torments a person’s soul. Especially if these are unrepentant sins.

A psalm is an appeal to the Lord. Despite the fact that Psalm 26, like other Psalms, was written by human hand, it is as if Christ himself is speaking to us from the pages of the Psalter. These texts are imbued with the author’s ardent desire to speak with God, ask Him for protection, praise Him and thank Him. Rhyme in original texts There was no psalm, but their structure was still different from other books Holy Scripture. Athanasius of Alexandria said that chanting the Psalms heals a person’s soul stricken by sin, and Ephraim the Syrian said that the Psalms make a person an interlocutor with God.

That is why the reading of Psalm 26 and other Psalms should not be approached formally. Every word of the Psalm must be felt and understood by a person. There is also an interpretation of the Psalms that will help deal with emerging issues. You can also ask your confessor. But most of the Psalms are intuitively understandable to humans and are close to everyone, because the problems, requests and feelings described in them have been experienced by many. This is especially true of Psalm 26, which praises God and expresses admiration and love for the Heavenly Father.

When to Read Psalm 26

Why read the Psalms? The benefits of psalmody and psalm reading for Orthodox Christian no doubt. The Psalter is read constantly. This is the only book of the Old Testament that has completely become part of Orthodox worship. The voice of Christ is felt in the Psalter; it is not for nothing that Jesus left us a covenant to study the Scriptures. In addition, the Psalms are written and composed in such a way that the person reading them seems to have written them himself. This is an amazing property of the psalms, which is noted by everyone who reads them. Who is close to Psalm 26? Psalms 26, 50 and 90 are most often of interest to Orthodox Christians. They reflect questions that concern almost every believer.

Psalm 50 is read when a person’s soul suffers from unrepentant sins, and Psalm 90 is needed for those who are in difficult situation and asks for special protection from the Lord. Psalm 26 glorifies the Creator; it is a Psalm of thanksgiving, which is easy to understand and understand even for a person who has recently come to the Church. “The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear?” says the text of the Psalm. Indeed, who should a person fear if the Eternal and Almighty Lord stands up for his protection? It is this Psalm that reflects sincere love for God, trust in His will. It also contains a request for mercy, for leniency towards human weakness, a plea for help and intercession in the face of evil.

Reading Psalm 26, we absorb the spiritual experience of the author of the Psalm - King David. His appeal to the Lord is a powerful spiritual work that resonates in the heart of every Christian.

Psalm 26. Text

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Sometimes you come close to me with anger, and destroy my flesh, insulting me, and defeating me, you are exhausted and fall. Even if a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear, even if it rises up to fight me, I will trust in Him.

I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and that I may visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His village in the day of my evil, for He covered me in the secret of His village, and lifted me up on a stone. And now, behold, I have lifted up my head against my enemies: I have died and devoured in His village a sacrifice of praise and shouting, I will sing and sing praises to the Lord.

Hear, O Lord, my voice to which I cried: have mercy on me and hear me. My heart says to you, I will seek the Lord. I will seek Your face, O Lord, I will seek Your face. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn aside in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me, and do not forsake me, O God of my Savior. For my father and mother have abandoned me, but the Lord will receive me.

Give me the law, O Lord, in Thy way and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake. Do not betray me into the souls of those who are afflicted by me, as if I stood up as a witness to unrighteousness and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good of the Lord on the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You have read the material Psalm 26. Read also:

Life modern man is always full of dangers that do not escape even Orthodox Christians. To protect ourselves from a variety of troubles and misfortunes, the Lord God, by His mercy, has given us many ways. This and pectoral cross, which Orthodox man never removes under any circumstances, this is holy water, and prosphora, and sign of the cross. But the believer’s most important weapon against any forces of evil has always been and will be prayer. A sincere appeal to God, coming from the very heart and combined with pure faith, can literally words can work wonders, for which there is a lot of documentary evidence. How should you pray to protect yourself from evil? There are many texts, one of which is Psalm 26.

What is a psalm and in what cases can you read it?

Psalm translated from Greek means “song of praise.” This is a special type of song that came to us from the Old Testament. These texts were written by King David, and their collection was included in Old Testament called the book of Psalms.

King David

With the translation of the Psalter from Hebrew into Greek, the psalms began to be actively used in Christian liturgical practice. To this day, these ancient texts are often read in church services. Also, many Christians read the Psalter at home, as part of their prayer rule or in any particular life circumstances.

Since there are many chants, a certain practice has developed of reading certain texts in certain life circumstances. Thus, Psalm 26 is usually read for protection from evil forces. In any danger, you can resort to this strong spiritual help, namely:

  • threat to life;
  • health hazard;
  • attacks by evil spirits and evil spirits;
  • malice or anger coming from enemies.

How else to pray for protection from evil:

Many Orthodox elders spoke about the great protective power of these texts in any trouble. Thus, Ambrose of Optina, in one of his letters to his spiritual son, who participated in hostilities, strongly recommended reading Psalm 26 with the faith that no bullet would hit the reader.

Ambrose Optinsky

In addition, there are testimonies of many Christian believers who have personally experienced the power of prayer. As you know, during war, many people discover God for themselves, because they constantly see death and they themselves can die at any moment.

Interesting: reading protective prayers saved the lives of many people who turned to the Lord with sincere faith and asked for his protection.

Many may wonder what the words “before the anointing” in the title of the text mean. This designation suggests that the text was written by David before he was anointed king. This anointing was performed by the prophet Samuel, according to ancient tradition those days. The words of the prayer themselves are quite simple to understand and say that the Lord God will not leave without his protection and help a single person who comes to him with a pure heart and sincere faith.

How to read Psalm 26 to David correctly

As for external form reading, then it involves breaking the text into component parts, between which a glorification of God is read, as well as prayers for the health of family and friends. Despite the fact that the book of Psalms is included in the Bible, for prayer reading it is better to take the text from a special prayer book. There it will already be divided into all the necessary parts and the prayer will understand in what place one or another text should be read.

Spread of the Psalter

When starting to read a song of praise for protection from evil forces, one should not forget that in Orthodoxy there is no magic or any purely external protective rituals. It is completely useless and even harmful to the soul to read such prayers only for the purpose of formal protection. Moreover, some ungodly people may try, with the help of such texts, to somehow take revenge on their enemies, to “return” the harm done to them, or to harm them in some other way. Such actions are completely unacceptable from the point of view of Orthodoxy, since Christian faith implies love and mercy even towards enemies. If suddenly, out of ignorance, one of the new Christians tried such practices, such a person must definitely repent of what he did and go to confession with a priest or confessor.

There is no difference in the power of prayer here; it’s just that it’s often difficult and incomprehensible for new Christians. ancient language, which is used in temples. In such cases, you can take a prayer book in Russian and read from there. It is much more important to understand what is being read and the internal involvement of the person praying in the process than external formal reading in one language or another.

About other psalms of David:

Perhaps the most important rule that is worth remembering when reading any prayers is that it is not the text itself that protects from evil forces. The psalms should not be treated as incantations or magic spells that must be read correctly for the desired effect. Only the Lord God helps people, and any prayer is communication with Him and turning to Him. That is why it is pointless to read anything without a sincere desire to change your life and build it according to the Christian faith.

Text of Psalm 26

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Sometimes you come close to me with anger, and destroy my flesh, insulting me, and defeating me, you are exhausted and fall. Even if a regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not fear, even if it rises up to fight me, I will trust in Him.

I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and that I may visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His village in the day of my evil, for He covered me in the secret of His village, and lifted me up on a stone. And now, behold, I have lifted up my head against my enemies: I have died and devoured in His village a sacrifice of praise and shouting, I will sing and sing praises to the Lord.

Hear, O Lord, my voice to which I cried: have mercy on me and hear me. My heart says to you, I will seek the Lord. I will seek Your face, O Lord, I will seek Your face. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn aside in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me, and do not forsake me, O God of my Savior. For my father and mother have abandoned me, but the Lord will receive me.

Give me the law, O Lord, in Thy way and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake. Do not betray me into the souls of those who are afflicted by me, as if I stood up as a witness to unrighteousness and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good of the Lord on the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord. Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protection against enemy attacks

Psalms 26, 90

“...And it won’t be torn apart by a bomb”

(What Elder Father John of Optina told me)

Sergei Alexandrovich Nilus and his wife Elena Alexandrovna came to the Optina Elder Father John (Salov). The elder accepted with the joyful affection characteristic of him towards my wife and me.

“Take a stool,” he said, hugging me, “sit down next to me.”

—What psalms do you read? - he asked me a question. I was embarrassed: usually in my short, purely worldly, not even the rule, but the rule, I did not read any psalms.

“I know,” I answered, ““Alive in help,” “Have mercy on me, O God”...

- And what other ones!

“Yes, father, I have read all the psalms and, although not by heart, I know everything; but my little rule...

The elder interrupted my self-justification:

“I don’t want to ask you what your rule is, but about whether you still read Psalm 26—“The Lord is my enlightenment?”

- No, father, I don’t read.

- Well, so I’ll tell you what! You once told me that the enemy was shooting his arrows at you. Do not be afraid! not a single one will touch you, don’t be afraid of any rubbish: rubbish will remain rubbish. Just take my advice as a rule, listen: read in the morning and evening before your prayer both of these psalms - the 26th and the 90th, and before them the great Arkhangelsk joy - “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.” If you do this, neither fire will take you, nor water will drown you...

At these words, the elder stood up from his chair, hugged me and with some special strength, in a rolling ringing voice, did not even say, but shouted:

“I’ll tell you more: it won’t blow up with a bomb!” I kissed the old man’s hand that hugged me. And he again, pressing himself close to my ear, again loudly exclaimed:

- And the bomb won’t explode!* And don’t pay any attention to any rubbish: what can rubbish do to you?.. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. Well, now go with the Lord!

And with these words the elder sent us away in peace.

I knew that person, more precisely, the woman to whom the elder was hinting, calling her rubbish: she clung to the Optina splendid-leaved tree like a lichen, and for a long time, with her false holiness and the name of the elders, she fooled the Optina pilgrims. I understood her, and she took revenge on me where she could. God be with her!..

“And the bomb won’t explode!..” Prediction of Fr. John (Salov) was fulfilled exactly at the time civil war. According to the memoirs of M.V. Smirnova-Orlova, Elena Alexandrovna told her that once, when she and her husband were riding in a tarantass under fire, a bomb exploded next to them, but they were not hit at all.

Archangel's greeting to the Most Holy Theotokos

Virgin Mary, Rejoice, O Blessed Mary, the Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit of Your womb, for You have given birth to the Savior of our souls.

Psalm 26

(speaking of the believer’s perseverance in persecution and his consolation through the protection of the Lord)

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom shall I fear? The Lord is the Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Sometimes those who are angry approach me and destroy my flesh; those who insult me ​​and defeat me become exhausted and fall. Even if a regiment turns against me, my heart will not fear; Even if he fights against me, I will trust in Him. I have asked one thing from the Lord, and this I will require: that I may live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, that I may behold the beauty of the Lord, and that I may visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His village in the day of my evil, for He covered me in the secret of His village, and lifted me up on a stone. And now, behold, you have lifted up my head against my enemies: the waste and devouring in the village of His sacrifice of praise and exclamation; I will sing and make praise to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice in which I cried, have mercy on me and hear me. My heart says to you: I will seek the Lord, I will seek your face, O Lord, I will seek your face. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn aside in anger from Your servant: be my helper, do not reject me and do not forsake me. God, my Savior. As my father and mother abandoned me. The Lord will accept me. Give me the law, O Lord, in Thy way, and guide me on the right path for my enemy’s sake. Do not betray me into the souls of those who are afflicted by me: for I have stood up as a witness of unrighteousness, and lied untruthfully to myself. I believe in seeing the good of the Lord on the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good courage, and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord.

Psalm 90

1 He who lives in the help of the Most High will dwell in the shelter of the Heavenly God. 2 Says the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge. My God, and I trust in Him. 3 For He will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words, 4 He will cover you with His cloak, and you will trust under His wing; His truth will surround you with weapons. 5 Thou shalt not fear from the fear of the night, from the arrow that flies during the day, 6 from the thing that passes in darkness, from the cloak, and from the demon of the midday. 7 Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will be at your right hand, but it will not come close to you, 8 but look at your eyes, and see the reward of sinners. 9 For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge. 10 No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body, 11 for His angel commanded you to keep you in all your ways. 12 They will lift you up in their arms, but not when you dash your foot on a stone, 13 tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross over the lion and the serpent. 14 Because I trusted in Me, I will deliver, and I will cover, because I have known My name. 15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in tribulation, I will destroy him, and I will glorify him, 16 I will fill him with long days, and I will show him My salvation.