At first I didn't want to answer incredibly stupid text about me and my participation against the Tominsky GOK performed by the self-appointed “Russian patriot”, popular blogger Maxim Rumyantsev with the patronymic Moiseevich. I used to think about Maxim, which is probably good. I didn’t delve into his work, but I heard that he respects President Putin, he said something to him at the ONF media forum, the president laughed. I heard that he tirelessly exposes foreign agents - well done guy, I thought.

“Chelyabinsk residents, run for popcorn and seeds - we have a new, export analogue of Andryushka Koretsky: Ekaterinburg infokiller Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev aka “Russian Patriot” has wandered into our place...”- and in the end: “Of course, I stocked up on popcorn, I’ll see how the Sverdlovsk version of Andryusha Koretsky will frolic here in Chelyab. Given the indiscriminateness of journalists and the...snake of the residents, very interesting stories can develop here...”

I remember that the comparison with this Moiseevich, performed by Max Bodyagin, offended me incredibly, since the whole vile background of the appearance of this creature is too obvious, and the guy writes too stupidly and behaves arrogantly.

However, the following fragment is interesting in Bodyagin’s investigation regarding Rumyantsev:

“Quite recently, the above-mentioned journalist (if you can call him that) decided to interview me. So, he came along with another journalist-cameraman, a certain Andrei Vyacheslavovich Romanov, an employee of Spetszakaz LLC. The latter acted as a witness in a libel case against the former vice-governor Oleg Nikolaevich Grachev, now vice-president of the same RMK. It was Romanov who participated in the preparation of the scandalous report shown in the “Man and the Law” program, which became the basis for initiating a criminal case.”

Here, in fact, we have reached the truth. The problem with professional patriots is hypocrisy. Maxim “Patriot” Rumyantsev first calls Putin “Great Pu”, then publicly “privatizes” him. He fights against the “foreign agent” Talevlin, but for some reason does not notice that RMK is actually an offshore company.

According to rumors, its head, Igor Altushkin, spends more time in London than in Yekaterinburg. Look, Norman Foster built the company's headquarters building for him. And nothing. The Patriot somehow passes over this aspect in silence.”, writes Bodyagin.

As if there was no need for proof that the guy with the snob works for RMK, for Grachev, and the criminal case for defamation of Deputy Yurevich against the head of the judicial branch of government in the Southern Urals was conducted by Chelyabinsk counterintelligence officers. And this Moiseevich works for two oligarchs - Yurevich and Altushkin - together with the cameraman who concocted the vile slanderous story in Pimenov’s program.

Wow - a whistleblower of foreign agents - draws attention to the FSB and the Russian court...

I have two complaints against you, Maxim Moiseevich. The first complaint is that you, as is typical of a coward, deleted your boorish post about Dubrovsky. Well, the one where you walked like a dog on the heels of a governor who didn’t want to talk to such...... a governor, whined about foreign agents, and then wrote that Dubrovsky “pointed his finger pistols at you”:

“Boris Dubrovsky’s reaction was lightning fast and patriotic - he showed a gesture in the form of fingers folded into two pistols and pointed them at the journalist...”

Why the governor didn’t damage your beautiful Semitic nose or why he didn’t crush it on you with the elevator is a big mystery to me.

Well, why did you delete it, this post. What were you afraid of? Who advised you to delete it, why you didn’t explain it in any way, and why you didn’t shoot yourself from such shame. At least their same pistol fingers.

Why do you continue to talk all sorts of nonsense about the “anti-Putin movement” “Stop-GOK” and foreign agents allegedly entrenched in it, when 73% of Chelyabinsk residents are against it, and the governor appointed by Putin is also clearly not in favor.

In other words, why are you lying and why are you so stupid?

This is my second complaint to you, “Russian patriot” Maxim Moiseevich.

No, it’s clear that you chose such a social elevator for yourself - exposing foreign agents and went to the president with this. But why don't you follow trends? Agents are no longer a trend, but a fossil of a mammoth.

Take the example of MGER - how deftly the boys keep their noses to the wind. After all, you need to at least monitor the news, or something. Bandera, Americans, Turks. We have to evolve somehow.

Take an example from our BINH. A State Duma deputy, he constantly came up with something new and did not get hung up on one topic.

Come on, Maxim, my dear, is Moses your dad?! Jews are smart people. Why is it so stupid?

Fuck you, not a social elevator.

And finally, of course, the Jewish accent in this gloomy story. Jews can certainly be Russian patriots. But Russians? This is some kind of nonsense, paradoxes of existence, mind games, something beyond good and evil.

Why not choose a social elevator along the lines of Zionism, how can you betray the blood of your ancestors - I don’t understand this. A very good kosher lift is to interpret the Talmud and Torah, let go of the sidelocks and put on a kippah.

And here you are not sincere, and here you are lying.

I understand that the “Russian patriot” is always poked at his shnobel and his dad Moses is remembered. The Jewish boy is offended. A Jewish renegade (Maxim Bodyagin also wrote something about the tricks of the “Russian patriot” with Orthodoxy - well, he’s generally a complete scribe, my dears, everyone despised “crosses” - both Jews and Christians), who wants to make a career out of exposing foreign funds with their Jewish predominantly with the capital of the Rodschilds and Rockefellers and their bearers - liberals, who also often have Semitic roots - Pope Moses completely closes the possibility of climbing the career ladder.

And from here complexes arise: I want to follow the governor with a Russian name, Russian patronymic and Russian noble surname like a dog, write all sorts of nasty things about him, about pistols, “anti-Putin movements”, “street liberals”, etc.

And Papa Moses closes any opportunities for a brilliant career.

Finally, Maxim Moiseevich, I - after your second post (about Dubrovsky, which you deleted, and about me) - got acquainted with your work. In addition to the culture shock from the wretched writings of a “patriotic journalist” - really, read, friends, Rumyantsev’s LJ - it’s quiet horror - I was interested in your post about foreigners in the service of Russia. This.

In which you write that Catherine the Great was German, Bagration was a Georgian, and Barclay de Tolly was a Scot. And they were all Russian patriots. Agree.

But where are the examples of selfless service to the Russian people of Jews? Russia - yes. But not to the Russian people. Why? Not because I am an anti-Semite, but because I insist on God’s chosenness, the peculiarity of the wisest and most ancient biblical people, which stands apart from other ethnic groups and is so hermetic that it does not involve serving the goyim.

Examples of other things are renegadeism, opportunism, double-dealing, betrayal, deceit.

Or - the cunning opportunism of a secret Talmudist who wants to pretend to be “one of his own” and harm the goyim, after all.

Well, for example, if the goyim dig a hole as deep as the Ostankino TV tower and an area the size of municipal district directly with a million-plus city, and the goyim will still die from this - then you can be known as a hero in the promised land, perhaps.

Maybe behind the “Russian patriot” project are precisely those same foreign funds with Jewish puppet masters that Maxim Moiseevich tirelessly exposes? I probably wouldn't be surprised.

The famous Jewish historian and theologian Joseph, son of Mattathias, a priest of the first succession from the Hasmonean-Maccabean clan, known as Josephus, probably did approximately the same thing, but adjusted for the era. It was he who planned to destroy the hated Rome from within, having ingratiated himself into the trust of Emperor Vespasian - he, a Jewish priest who took the name of the princeps, formally betrayed his people, but secretly wanted to corrupt the Roman elites with Jewish cunning.

In this post by Maxim Moiseevich, dictated by the deep complexes of a Jewish boy who, no matter how hard he tries, cannot make his way to a place in the sun, knocking with a Semitic snobbel against the impenetrable wall of a traditionally anti-Semitic Russian elite, - “Russian patriot” mentions Chelyabinsk residents:

“Gentlemen of the opposition and my haters, you can still consider me not a Russian patriot - that’s your right, but it’s up to you Once again doesn't paint at all. Especially your comrades who care about human rights: Aivar Valeev (nothing Russian in his name at all, but he is a fan of the environment in Russia), Andrei Talevlin and Andrei Koretsky (the name Andrei is Greek), Vasily Moskovets, Fyodor Maryasov, but zealously shouting and writing that democracy and equality of all before the law are most important.

Unfortunately, so far only your hatred is obvious, directed at those who for some reason disagree with you. Because for some reason only you can be the “dissenter.” But despite all this, Aivar Valeev, I’m ready to pay the bar bill for you again, really. I am Russian in spirit. And Russians are generous souls. You seemed to me a more worthy person and journalist until you became on the same line with those who reproach a person for his origin and patronymic. Well, which of us is more of a Russian patriot, time will tell.”.

You are so bad, Maksimka, I even feel sorry for you.

Do not renounce your father Moses, do not renounce your Jewishness, what is there to be ashamed of, Jews are worthy people.

But what kind of “Russian patriot” are you with such a middle name? Sign up urgently for Torah study courses and make a kosher career.

The only thing is, as I see, you are a lot of lies, and you get from the oligarchic structure - RMK - probably more than 500 rubles per picket, and if you really have a “cunning Jewish plan” to oppress the goyim with the GOK - then of course I’m here I apologize and, so to speak, take off my kippah in front of your chuptsa.

Then you definitely want to be Ben Kolomoisky’s assistant. IN big people you'll get out.

And at the end, Maxim Moiseevich, I’ll tell you about my ancestors. I myself am Alexandrovich, my father is Alexander Ivanovich, my mother is Valentina Ivanovna - pensioners, soviet engineers, father all his working life worked for the defense industry, and my mother worked at the Chelyabinsk Tractor Plant.

My two grandfathers Ivan Semyonovich and Ivan Nikiforovich (which means my great-grandfathers were Semyon and Nikifor) fought, and one of my grandfathers also fought in the Finnish one, survived the blockade, as did his wife, my grandmother Galina Konstantinovna (you realize that another great-grandfather - Konstantin?). The second grandfather was a pilot, a major in the Soviet Air Force, not an ace, but he shot down the Nazis, served as an instructor, and trained young pilot cadets, including aces.

Grandmother on the father's side - Elena Zakharovna Koretskaya (fourth great-grandfather - Zakhar) - regimental wife and housewife, all her life - in garrisons with her husband, keeper of the hearth.

Top down:

1) coat of arms of the Koretsky princes, a version of the famous“Chases” of the dynasty of rulers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, the Gedeminovichs.

2) The founder of the family, Prince Samuil Koretsky, the portrait resemblance to my grandfather, an aviation major, is amazing!

And the Koretsky family, however, Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian origin. Either we are Gademinovichs, or from the serf peasants of the Koretsky princes. The family begins in the Rivne region of Western Ukraine - from the city of Korets, where a monument of that era is located - the Koretsky Orthodox Convent.

The website is now in its seventh year. And all these years, without considering myself a “Russian patriot,” although I have more rights to this, I fought against the oligarch Yurevich and his corrupt team, which you, Maxim, as well as the oligarch Altushkin, serve.

The criminal record you mentioned was earned by me as a result of a custom-made, politically motivated criminal case on the direct orders of Yurevich, and it was supervised by Oleg Grachev, now a PR specialist for RMK, whose instructions you follow.

And Yurevich, by the way, was removed from his post by Putin, and you are lying that you respect the president.

Here's the schedule.

Sorry that I wrote harsh and probably rude words to you, but you yourself noticed on the blog that all I can do is swear. That's my style.

Russian people - they are as you write - broad souls, they say what they think - directly and frankly.

You, Maxim, come to your senses. Do something useful. Without you, foreign agents will be identified, exposed and banned. There are specially trained government services for this.

Stop grabbing someone else's governor by the button. Otherwise you won’t end up with “pistols”. Understand - it looks disgusting from the outside. Everyone understands that you are a careerist, that you are not selfish in your “struggle.”

Behave decently, as befits any Moiseevich.

Read good books, not outdated manuals.

Eat matzah.

No offense. I wish you well.

Listen to wonderful Jewish songs.

Return to your roots, Jewish boy with black eyes, and there is such Russian sadness in them.

09/07/2016 at 13:39, views: 10892

The “stubborn” pun has been observed by residents of the Nizhneserginsky district for the last three years. Since in protected places“dacha resident” Maxim Rumyantsev arrived, life in the municipality began to sparkle with new colors. The village of Atig, where journalist Rumyantsev received a plot of land from the state, suffered first.

Maxim Rumyantsev said that he was ready to answer for his every word. However, he lied again and may now become a defendant in a criminal case for libel.

"Knocked down" truth teller

The conflict between the head of the Atig village, Vladimir Morozov, and the journalist of the Resonance television company (now the editor-in-chief of the Center for Free Journalism) Maxim Rumyantsev began in November 2013. Then, at the suggestion of the mayor, the tractor driver made ditches along rural roads in order to prevent the road surface from being washed away by melt and rain water. The equipment also drove along Kalinin Street (where the journalist built a bathhouse), thus creating a small ditch between the road and the entrance to the site.

It would seem like a good thing - the mayor was concerned about the problems of the villagers. However, Rumyantsev threw a tantrum and decided to teach everyone the “correct” life. He decided to act using the usual methods, taking with him his neighbor in the area, Sergei Nikolaev. On December 5, 2013, Maxim Rumyantsev met the head of the village of Atig in the administration of Nizhny Seryoga. Leaving the building, Vladimir Morozov walked to his SUV and got ready to drive, but the lively journalist persistently pounded on the windows.

“I turned the wheels in the opposite direction from Rumyantsev, which excluded the intersection of my trajectory with Rumyantsev, and began to move away. But as soon as I started moving, Maxim Rumyantsev took a step towards my car, leaned over and slammed his hand on the hood in the area of ​​the front fender of my car to prevent my departure. I braked sharply, and he immediately straightened up and no longer interfered with my departure. I left unhindered, because I saw that there was no collision, much less a ramming of the journalist,” Morozov says in his blog.

But according to the “victim” Maxim Rumyantsev, Morozov ran over him, damaging the meniscus on either his left or right knee - the journalist began to get confused in his testimony from the very first day. Nevertheless, despite the imaginary accident, after which Rumyantsev limped significantly, he will remember this day for a long time.

General's reception

Rumyantsev did not stop there and decided to bring the official to justice, but “stumbled” over the forensic medical examination.

“An expert in Nizhny Sergi discovered that no damage was noted on Rumyantsev’s right knee; the left knee with the meniscus has nothing to do with the imaginary accident, because it was so long ago that it was recorded in Rumyantsev’s medical documents. This served as a reason for refusing to initiate a criminal case against me,” says Vladimir Morozov.

However, the “storyteller” Rumyantsev did not lose heart and went further, personally turning to the head of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, Valery Zadorin.

Investigators had to study the circumstances of the case again, and regional forensic experts had to deal with Rumyantsev’s right and left knees. The result of the repeated investigation conducted by the Revda department of the Investigative Committee and Yekaterinburg forensic experts was a reasoned refusal to initiate a criminal case against Morozov. Nevertheless, Rumyantsev continues to spread information that he was “hit by a car for telling the truth.”

Bath story

The second episode of the “struggle for truth” is connected with the “burnt” bathhouse of Maxim Rumyantsev. The fire occurred in the early morning of July 3, 2014. There was no smell of gasoline or other liquids characteristic of arson. Experts wrote a technical report in which they concluded that the cause of the fire was the effect of the hot chimney of the stove on combustible materials in the steam room. According to one version, the cause of the emergency was unprofessional brickwork or violations during construction.

The bathhouse “burnt for the truth” in reality turned out to be only “burnt.” However, this did not stop Rumyantsev from earning “capital” in the form of media hype.

As Maxim Rumyantsev stated then, his bathhouse was allegedly set on fire by attackers, and he suspected... correctly, Mr. Morozov of the insidious incident! Allegedly, this circumstance was indicated by the torn lock on the bathhouse.

“It would be more pleasant for any person to appear as a “heroic truth-teller” rather than as a “crooked-handed stoker or builder.” But not every crooked stoker will blame people who are unpleasant to him for arson that did not happen. Rumyantsev is also not a child and understands that the firefighters entered the bathhouse, which caught fire due to an incorrect design of the chimney or improper kindling, without waiting for Rumyantsev’s arrival from the city,” the head of the village commented on Rumyantsev’s tales.

Is truth the weapon of liars?

If we take into account his slogan “Truth is our weapon,” then the “Russian patriot,” as Rumyantsev calls himself, has long discredited the tenets of journalism, forgetting about such principles of the profession as honesty and objectivity. Although, where do they come from? According to some reports, Rumyantsev was unable to complete the journalism department program at USU. Gorky (now UrFU). Interestingly, the “dropout” tried his hand at the St. Tikhon’s Theological Institute, but was expelled from there too.


Probably, if Maxim Rumyantsev had studied thoroughly at a religious university, he would have been taught humility, tact and discouraged from interfering in privacy. For example, in the life of the rector of the Ural State Mining University Nikolai Kosarev. Rumyantsev “flew around” his summer cottage in Nizhny Sergi on a radio-controlled quadcopter, taking photos of the cottage and bathhouse. The spy not only caused moral inconvenience to the rector’s family and guests, but also at least raised the question of an invasion of privacy.

“Russian patriot” Maxim Rumyantsev even conducted a journalistic investigation, trying to prove that Kosarev’s site is in contact with the coastline of the Nizhneserginsky reservoir, which is a violation of the Water Code of the Russian Federation. On this occasion, he was not too lazy to send a corresponding appeal to the prosecutor's office. “The photograph shows that the free passage along the shoreline of the Nizhneserginsky pond is closed and fenced,” Mr. Rumyantsev writes on the website of the Center for Free Journalism.

He was not bothered by the fact that free passage along the shore is practically impossible physically due to the natural landscape, and not the installation of a fence. The coastal part from the site of Nikolai Kosarev and his neighbors has never attracted the attention of vacationers; moreover, it has too steep a slope - no one would even think of looking for “adventures” there.

The same fence of Nikolai Kosarev that the “honest journalist” took up arms against

There is an opinion that Nikolai Kosarev was “ordered”, and Rumyantsev allegedly agreed to try on the role of an “infokiller”. This version is also supported by the fact that Nikolai Kosarev’s inner circle received a proposal to reduce the information noise around the head of the university.

However, all Rumyantsev’s efforts have so far been unsuccessful. According to MK-Ural, an inspection by the supervisory agency found that there are currently no grounds for taking prosecutorial response measures. According to preliminary data, other regulatory authorities have also not yet identified violations of the law by Nikolai Kosarev. It turns out that Rumyantsev unreasonably “burdened” government employees with work?

“I’ll go sharpen the parts, and he’ll go blow up the balloons.”

Perhaps Maxim Rumyantsev should look for another specialization, for example, study at the Faculty of Law. In this case, his passion for writing statements would clearly have subsided. Thus, continuing the confrontation with the head of the Atig village, Vladimir Morozov, the arrogant journalist writes complaints to various departments, practically paralyzing the work of the municipal administration. However, most of the claims are not confirmed.

Sometimes it even gets ridiculous: for example, Maxim Rumyantsev, who periodically submits statements to the Sverdlovsk prosecutor’s office, decided to complain to the court against the same prosecutor’s office in the person of the press secretary of the regional supervisory agency, Marina Kanatova.

According to Rumyantsev, he should have been given an answer on an official form (the request concerned the situation with the road to the village of Serebryanka near Nizhny Tagil), but they answered on e-mail. Thus, the subject of “litigation” was the procedure for providing information. The Oktyabrsky District Court recently made a decision recognizing the actions of the representative of the prosecutor's office as justified, and Rumyantsev's demands as not subject to satisfaction. It is significant that Rumyantsev did not bother to inform the general public about his defeat.

This is not the first time that Maxim Rumyantsev has failed in legal proceedings. In 2013, while working as a reporter for the Resonance television company, he released a story in the program “Truth of Life”, in which a police sergeant from Nizhny Seryeg A. Goller was unfoundedly accused of theft. The law enforcement officer was described as "a werewolf who was caught red-handed in the act of stealing and caught red-handed in the act of crime."

However, the interdistrict investigation department established that Sergeant Goller was not involved in the theft. This was later confirmed by the Oktyabrsky District Court, to which the policeman filed a claim for the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation. The court found that the information voiced regarding Goller was defamatory and untrue.

Let us note that Maxim Rumyantsev in this story did not bear responsibility for the “gag” - the defendant was Media Holding Resonance LLC. According to one version, the overly talkative journalist was subsequently asked to find another job, not wanting to be responsible for the employee’s idle talk.

It is obvious that this defeat will be followed by others, and the restless journalist will still be forced to answer for his words. Including under the articles provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The head of Atig, Vladimir Morozov, who became the target of attacks from Maxim Rumyantsev, appealed to the President of the Russian Federation with a request to bring the “honest journalist” to justice.

“You answered him at the Media Forum that you will support people like him. I understand that you meant support for journalists who are not afraid to go against officials, and not at all liars who falsify invoices and then spread slander, and spread it even when they are already familiar with the investigation and have signed that they have been warned on liability for knowingly false denunciation. Dear President, I ask for your participation in bringing to justice citizen Rumyantsev, who misled you, and now talks about your support for his actions, thereby realizing his selfish interests,” writes Vladimir Morozov in an address to the president, hinting at those same 300 thousand rubles received by Rumyantsev in the form of a grant.

By the way, the appeal has already been considered and sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the purpose of objective and comprehensive consideration. “I will answer for every word I say before God and society, because I am a journalist!” – Rumyantsev exclaimed when communicating with the president. Well, you really have to answer.

Vladimir Morozov himself intends to end his career as a mayor and does not intend to participate in the elections for the head of Atig, which will be held in December 2016. He will go back to business (the mayor's family owns a metalworking enterprise). By the way, those close to Maxim Rumyantsev were also seen in commerce - his relatives were organizing weddings, selling Balloons.

“I’ll leave, but don’t let him consider it his merit.” He bullied everyone. My task is for him to stop being a scribbler. “I’ll go sharpen the parts, and he’ll go inflate the balloons,” summed up Vladimir Morozov.

Dear Vladimir Vladimirovich!

I was born and raised in the small Ural village of Atig, Nizhneserginsky district, Sverdlovsk region, I live and work there. My fellow villagers, who have known me all my life, placed their trust in me and elected me as the Head of the Municipality.

The village is subsidized, the population is 3200 people. During perestroika, we had no bathhouse, no club, no cinema, wastewater treatment plants stopped working, and there never was a gym. It’s not easy to organize everyday life and fight for the well-being of fellow villagers, but I make every effort to make their life more comfortable, so that not a penny of budget money is spent in vain.

Recently I managed to return the property of the housing and communal services, which had been in a bankrupt state for six years, we purchased new equipment, we are repairing roads, lighting the streets, but most importantly, I strengthened the trust of the village residents in the authorities and earned a reputation as a conscientious business executive, which I value very much.

The problem that led to the appearance of this letter of mine arose three years ago, when a summer resident appeared in the village - a journalist, blogger from Yekaterinburg Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev - a very conflicted person who worked in large quantities The media, but not staying anywhere due to duty.

Having entered journalism about two or three years ago (before that he was an individual entrepreneur, he worked in small business - in particular, he inflated and sold balloons), with the goal of as soon as possible to create the image of a high-class journalist, he made the meaning of his life the search for shortcomings, in order to extract the maximum benefit for himself from each situation.

When it turned out that real shortcomings were not enough for this, he began to invent them and, worst of all, falsify them, in order to then use the power of law enforcement agencies and the media to persecute the objects of his attacks on fictitious grounds.

For almost three years now he has been harassing me in his reports, not disdaining slander. But this was not enough for him: taking advantage of impunity, he tried to falsify a criminal case against me, promoted himself on this, and in the end, as a “fighter for truth,” he ended up meeting with you at the Media Forum, where he told you: “On the set of Porsche Cayenne “They rammed me, they burned my bathhouse.” I endured and did not react, because my fellow villagers know the truth, and they are not very interested in Rumyantsev’s inventions.

Another reason why I had to endure it was the neighbor and like-minded person of Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev - Nikolaev Sergei Fedorovich, who introduced himself (by presenting his ID) as a member of the regional Government, as well as his wife at that time - an employee of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Considering the subsidies of our village, in order to do something useful for the residents, we create projects, and then submit applications to the Government of the Sverdlovsk Region to join the programs in order to allocate money for the implementation of these projects.

At the moment, we have completed, but not implemented, projects for the construction of the Atlant cultural and sports complex, two treatment facilities, which cannot be delayed, gas pipelines low pressure for connecting residential buildings.

I believe that the destructive and deceitful actions of this group of three people, taking into account the capabilities and connections of the Nikolaev couple and the journalist Rumyantsev, caused me (forming a negative image) and, most importantly, our entire village, enormous damage, expressed in the freezing of the implementation of projects.

Who will allocate money to the “frostbitten” Head, as these people represented me in the media, juggling and even falsifying facts? Rumyantsev publicly accused me of “ramming a car for truth” (which did not happen) and “burning a bathhouse for truth” (there was no arson, much less burning of a bathhouse).

You answered him at the Media Forum that you will support people like him. I understand that you meant support for journalists who are not afraid to go against officials, and not at all liars who falsify invoices and then spread slander, and spread it even when they are already familiar with the investigation carried out law enforcement agencies and signed that they were warned of liability for knowingly false denunciation.

Based on documents, I publicly demonstrated that the “bathhouse burned for the truth” and the “ramming with a car for the truth” with which Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev reported to you are lies and falsification.

Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev manufactured and disseminated this lie and falsification publicly, using his professional skills as a journalist and blogger.

I showed in detail, with scans of documents, photographs and a statement of facts in the blog, that Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev slandered me and deceived you:

1. “Auto-setup” of Putin by Maxim Rumyantsev. How the “truth teller” deceived President Putin and General Zadorin. DOCUMENTATION

Now - when I began to tell the truth and confirm my words with documents, many people are confused: can the winners of competitions that hide behind your name so easily become eloquent liars who know how to convincingly present their lies and know that no one will understand their “exploits”? will check for authenticity?

Do we really not have any truly worthy people in our country?

Is it really possible to hide behind loud statements and do vile things with impunity and count on your public approval?

I believe that Russia is going through difficult times, and that you can endure a lot, and you can live without a lot, but you cannot live without faith in law and justice.

And it is impossible to leave unpunished lies to the President, who, I think, not allowing the idea that he can be blatantly deceived, is forced to praise the liar and falsifier, which he subsequently actively uses in self-PR.

There are no two truths. My truth is confirmed official documents, while the “truth” of Maxim Moiseevich Rumyantsev relies on posturing, loud unfounded statements, demonstration of some documents and facts instead of showing the whole picture (i.e., juggling facts), and even falsifications.

Dear President, I ask for your participation in bringing to justice citizen Rumyantsev, who misled you, and now talks about your support for his actions, thereby realizing his selfish interests.

Sincerely, Head of the Municipality of the Workers' Village Atig Morozov Vladimir Sergeevich

623075 Sverdlovsk region, Nizhneserginsky district, Atig village, st. K-Marx, d. xx tel: + xxxxxxxxxxx

And why a resident of Yekaterinburg so fanatically stands up for the Sverdlovsk “Russian Copper Company” is absolutely clear to us. His offensive escapade, however, is a huge gift for the “foreign agents” from Stop-GOK, or more precisely, for all normal Chelyabinsk residents

Journalist from Yekaterinburg Maxim Rumyantsev, presenter popular blog"Russian patriot", dedicated his professional activity exposing foreign agents working in the interests of Russia's external enemies to weaken our state. This is more good than bad. More precisely, it's even great. But not in the case of Maxim Rumyantsev.

Because the “Russian patriot” sometimes gets carried away, and he sees foreign agents where there are none - just as, for example, a home-grown ufologist obsessed with contacts with extraterrestrial civilizations sees different little green men everywhere.

Details are in the material “website”.

So, for example, in the “Stop-GOK” movement, protesting in Chelyabinsk against the construction of the Tominsky GOK, the “Sverdlovsk patriot” (let’s call Maxim that) sees only these same agents, and tirelessly exposes them.

It is possible that the “Sverdlovsk patriot” sees the patriots of Chelyabinsk as foreign agents because the patriot in this case is not so much Russian and not even just Sverdlovsk, but rather he is a “patriot of RMK” - the “Russian Copper Company”, as they say, associated with the offshore in Cyprus, registered in Yekaterinburg.

That is, it is possible that Maxim Rumyantsev is not just a “RMK patriot”, “RMK agent”, but the very best agent of Cyprus, a Cypriot agent, that is, an ordinary foreign agent.

Be that as it may, foreign agent Maxim Rumyantsev, clearly working in the interests of the Russian Copper Company from Yekaterinburg (it is possible that even for a grant), deliberately insulted and mocked the Governor of the Chelyabinsk Region, Boris Dubrovsky.

How much are patriots nowadays, I wonder? Are they sold wholesale or retail to oligarchs?

Judge for yourself. A foreign agent of the Sverdlovsk “looters” (Sumin’s quote!) and Cypriot offshore companies (so they say!) Maxim Rumyantsev mockingly (a value judgment, so it seemed to us!) congratulates Boris Dubrovsky on the upcoming New Year and continues:

“We see how you work on the lead of foreign agents NGOs, we would like to see your tough position as a metallurgist, but we see that the whole direction of metallurgy is collapsing... We see how you appeal to the highest officials and one gets the impression that you cannot restore order in the region yourself..."

Dubrovsky was offended, and it’s obvious: “Are you the one who congratulated me just now?”, turns around and goes into the elevator. In the governor’s back, Maxim Rumyantsev says something about a “patriotic position,” although, as we are convinced, this is precisely what was implied in the head’s speech Southern Urals in front of the ZVU asset.

The position of the patriot of Chelyabinsk and the Chelyabinsk region, Governor Dubrovsky Boris Aleksandrovich. To which Maxim Rumyantsev is like the moon.

“In this regard, let me quote the words of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, which he said at the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Paris: “I urge you to discuss problems related not only to climate change, but also to the exhaustion of natural resources, degradation of the human environment."

The fact that the President of Russia equates global climate problems with threats to human habitats speaks volumes. At our level, in the region, we are obliged to calculate the consequences of man-made impacts on nature for decades to come.”.

Any objections, Maxim? Do you want to challenge the words of Vladimir Putin?

Who, it seems to me, loves nature, life, animals - more than oligarchs, and even more than copper.

In general, Maxim Rumyanev is openly blissful:

“For a long time, the Chelyabinsk governor considered the South Ural opposition, fed by the West, to be moderate and undead. I even listened to their opinions and calls. In a sense, I followed them. Since he himself is a metallurgist, and NGO-foreign agents and their followers (Andrei Talevlin, Yuri Cherkasov, Vasily Moskovets, Evgenia Chirikova) called specifically for the destruction of metallurgy, Dubrovsky began to wonder - is he doing everything right for the development of the region? If not, then what and how will he report next time to the President - “Vladimir Vladimirovich, for the sake of the future of our children, we destroyed or closed all factories, because the environment is more important! Did I do everything right, Vladimir Vladimirovich?! NGO-foreign agents advised me. In fact, these environmental NGOs are independent from Russia. Therefore, their point of view is not biased by Russian patriots or the opposition, and the big things must be seen from a distance - from the undead West.

And since the environment is most important, we can sacrifice factories too!” Of course, may it be good for everyone: both us today and future generations.

And it’s okay that Chelyabinsk environmental activists use the symbol of color revolutions and neo-Nazis - a clenched fist. There was exactly the same one in Ukraine, Egypt, Serbia...”

Here, of course, lies sit on lies and drive on with stupidity. Talevlin - yes, he is officially recognized as a foreign agent. I used “Stop-GOK” for the elections to the ZSO, and for my native “Yabloko” I haven’t even seen it since six months ago.

Now the movement is used by the communists - already for elections to the State Duma. And to present Zyuganov as a foreign agent is, excuse me, nonsense. As well as the parliamentary party - the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, which is generally loyal to the Kremlin.

“Russian patriot” Rumyantsev loves everything Soviet-patriotic: KGB, Cheka, CPSU, Kalashnikov, Gagarin, etc. So what exactly is the matter?

Patriots to the core, communists who hate the undead West more than United Russia and the All-Russian People's Front put together, do not like the Sverdlovsk marauders from the undead Cayman Islands, but for some reason, a foreign agent and patriot of the Cayman Islands, Maxim Rumyantsev, attacks the governor appointed by the president and chosen by the Russian people.

Which side did Chirikova lean against Stop-GOK? Did you dream about Chirikova, Maxim? Maybe you had an erotic dream about Chirikova’s boobs?

Her bare tummy and navel and the late Nemtsov? How did Nemtsov put his playful little hand on Sisa Chirikova? Are you envious of Nemtsov, Maxim?

Who recognized Cherkasov and Moskovets as foreign agents, by which court?

What kind of whim is it about Maxim’s dream about Dubrovsky’s address to Putin “we destroyed and closed all the factories”?

What kind of stuff are you smoking, Maxim? Weed from the Cayman Islands, or what? The Tominsky GOK is not a plant, it has not yet been built, Dubrovsky has not destroyed or closed a single plant.

Are you hallucinating?

What remains is the “Stop-GOK” emblem, a clenched fist and the similarity of this emblem supposedly with “symbols of color revolutions.”

In general, I suggest that the “Stop-Gokovites” draw a new emblem - “two pistols” of the Chelyabinsk governor, aimed at the chest of the “independent journalist”.

But the fist is a working sketch, the emblem is different - a skull, it is most often used at rallies.

And the skull is a very respectable patriotic symbol.

And even Orthodox.

For example, the Serbian Chetniks, our brothers, used the skull as an emblem of the struggle against the Croatian Ustasha fascists.

Orthodox banner bearers write next to the skull: “Orthodoxy or death.”

And this is not to mention the fact that on the electrical panel they often draw a skull with the words “high voltage, don’t get in, it will kill you!”

I have never seen a clenched fist at any Stop-GOK rally.

But let's look at the RMK emblem. This is a pyramid.

Masonic symbol of the world behind the scenes, dreaming of enslaving the world!

She is also depicted on the dollar bill.

And on the YUKOS emblem, and where is YUKOS -

there is also a Russophobe, a foreign agent and a nasty prisoner of conscience Khodorkovsky.

And in America's shadiest financial institutions, evil empires

there is a pyramid.

This ominous symbol of world globalism, the world's backstage and purity.

And in British intelligence, the Mi-5 is also a pyramid!

Just like RMK.

And also this pyramid- emblem of the Total Information Awareness initiative, under the auspices of the US Department of Defense.

And in general, the devil is where the pyramid is used, this terrible symbol of Freemasonry, Templarism and God knows what else, which turns out to be served by Maxim Rumyantsev.

Maybe he even serves the Reptilians and Anunnaki? It's scary to think!

What a twist! How did we expose you, Maxim? It turns out you are a Masonic agent, an agent of YUKOS, " Open Russia", MI5 and who the hell else!

You say, am I exaggerating? Well, no more than you.

Let's now talk about the ugly opposition.

Do you know, Maxim, that State Duma deputy from A Just Russia Valery Hartung, like you, secretly sympathizes with the RCC? They Anatoly Eremin, adviser to RMK, as they say, for the money of Igor Altushkin.

Oh, what does the white ribbon do, the symbol of the “swamp” opposition on Valery Karlovich’s jacket?

And who is that next to him? Did you find out, right? Ilya Ponomarev...

Thumbs down! Down with Putin?

Are you with them, Maxim?

Ex-Socialist Revolutionary Party member, foreign agent Ilya Ponomarev, former party member of the like-minded owner of RMK Igor Altushkin, the conductor of his mercantile interests in the Chelyabinsk region, Gartung Valery Karlovich.

Oh, who is this? Gudkov father and son, ex-Socialist Revolutionaries, white ribbon workers.

They are for Russia, Without Putin.

You too, Maxim?

Where's your white ribbon?

And who, do you know, is Maxim? This is Chelyabinsk blogger Alexander Podoprigora. Wow, how he is for RMK!

Gory, excuse the pun.

Supporter in different time these people:

Liberal economist Kudrin.

Liberal oligarch Prokhorov.

So, you are their supporter, Russian patriot Maxim Rumyantsev?

And this is Oleg Grachev, PR curator of RMK and specifically the Tominsky GOK.

You are also against Russian system justice, Maxim?

Yes, you are an oppositionist, my friend! The most stubborn!

Advisor to the President of RMK Grachev, Vice President, by the way, - right hand former governor Yurevich.

Here he is, next to Altushkin, at the opening of the Mikheevsky GOK.

Former Chelyabinsk governor Yurevich, removed after criticizing the ONF, at whose media forum you, Maxim, were present - for squandering budget funds.

Fired by President Putin, with whom you spoke once.

And after that, Putin appointed governor Dubrovsky, to whom you, Maxim, were rude and humiliated.

Thus, the circle is closed. Thank you, Maxim Rumyantsev, for your trolling of our governor. Who knows, after that he’ll say something good about RMK. When RMK's agents are boors like you.

And now that we have found out everything about you, Maxim Rumyantsev, what kind of bird you are and who you serve - let me offer you an exciting sexual walking tour straight to the Cayman Islands.

Go there, Maxim!

Andrey Koretsky, illustrations from open sources, including LJ and VK Maxim Rumyantsev

This time Rumyantsev did not act as an applicant. According to the journalist, investigators called him as a witness.

Maxim Rumyantsev, patriotic journalist:

The investigators called me, apparently for PR. They also need PR. They remembered that at one time I filed a statement against Simakov, and decided to call. Investigators can call anyone. I agreed. I was really shocked by the content of his scandalous video. Not the fact of catching a Pokemon in the temple, but his comments.

According to Rumyantsev, the attention of the special services was attracted by Sokolovsky’s early videos on the Internet. Allegedly, experts saw signs of extremism in these works, and in this case an applicant is not required to initiate a criminal case.

Let us remind you that after catching Pokemon in the Temple on Blood investigative committee charged Sokolovsky under two articles: Part 1 of Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Inciting hatred or enmity, as well as humiliation of human dignity”), as well as one episode under Part 2 of Art. 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Violation of the right to freedom of conscience and religion, committed in places specially designed for worship, other religious rites and ceremonies”), for which he faces five years in prison. Investigators explained that they detained him for videos in which linguists saw signs of extremism. In addition, a ballpoint pen with a built-in microphone and recording device was found in his house, and he is now facing a case under Art. 138.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Illegal trafficking in special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information"), the maximum penalty for which is four years in prison.

At first, the Kirovsky Court of Yekaterinburg decided to apply a preventive measure to Sokolovsky in the form. But on September 8, the Sverdlovsk regional court overturned the decision of the first instance and.