Adjectives can have degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative.

The comparative degree of an adjective indicates that a characteristic characteristic of an object is manifested in it to a greater or lesser extent than in another object or objects:

Your briefcase is heavier than mine.
Your briefcase is heavier than mine.

The superlative degree indicates that in some one way the subject is superior to all other subjects:

Yerevan is the most ancient city peace.

The comparative degree of adjectives has two forms:
simple and compound.

Simple form of comparative adjective
is formed by adding the suffixes -ee (-ee), -e, -she to the base of the initial form of the adjective:
kind - kinder, young - younger, thin - thinner.

The suffix of adjectives -k- (-ok-, -ek-) can be dropped if a simple
the comparative form is formed using the suffixes -e, -she.
In this case, there is also an alternation of consonants in the root:
low - lower, high - higher, thin - thinner.

Some adjectives have a comparative form with a different stem:

good is better, bad is worse, small is smaller.

The forms of the comparative degree in -ee(s), -e, -she can be joined by the prefix po-, which enhances or softens the degree of manifestation of the characteristic in one of the objects:

kinder (s), softer, thinner.

These forms, as well as bolder-type forms, are characteristic of colloquial speech:

By nightfall the wind became stronger. The nights have become warmer.

The simple form of the comparative degree is unchangeable,
has no endings, but acts as a predicate in a sentence
or (less commonly) definitions:
Kind words are better than soft pie. Put on a warm coat.

The simple form of the comparative degree cannot be formed from all adjectives (timid, tall, businesslike, etc.).

The compound form of the comparative degree is formed by adding the words more or less to the initial form of the adjective:

fast - faster, loud - less loud.

The second word in the compound form of the comparative degree changes according to gender, case and number:

deeper snow, deeper river, along deeper rivers.

Adjectives in the compound form of the comparative degree in a sentence can be predicates and modifiers:
Our arguments are more subtle and profound. No one could give more convincing arguments.

When forming a compound comparative form
Avoid mistakes like more beautiful.

The superlative degree of adjectives has two forms:
simple and compound.

The simple superlative form of adjectives is formed by adding the suffixes -eysh- (-aysh-) to the base of the initial form of the adjective:
modest - the most modest, great - the greatest.

Before -aysh- there is an alternation of consonants:
strict - the strictest, quiet - the quietest.

The suffix -k- may appear: close - closest.

The simple form of the superlative degree changes according to gender, number,
cases. In a sentence it is a predicate or (less often) a definition:
The journey is most interesting. This was a story about an interesting journey.

The simple superlative form is most often used in literary speech.

Adjectives and adverbs in many languages ​​of the world have degrees of comparison. In English these are Positive Degree, Comparative Degree and Superlative degree, in Polish - rywny, wyższy, najwyższy, in French - le positif, le comparatif, le superlatif. The Russian language is no exception; it has positive, comparative and superlative adjectives. How are they different and what are their forms?

Degrees of comparison: types, table

Adjectives and adverbs derived from them have the ability to form degrees of comparison.

There are three of them:

  • Positive.
  • Comparative.
  • Excellent.

Each of them expresses different level possession of an object or a special certain quality.

For example: resourceful boy ( positive), however he can be more resourceful ( comparative), and in a certain life situation and become the most resourceful ( excellent).

From which adjectives can we form degrees of comparison?

As you know, all adjectives Russian language are divided into several categories.

  • Qualitative - means the characteristics by which an object or Living being can have different degrees: sweet, sweeter, sweetest.
  • Relative - they call the signs of an object or living creature according to their relation to circumstances, actions or other persons, things: a telephone call, a wooden building.
  • Possessive - indicate that something belongs to someone: Pushkin’s stanza, father’s parting words.

Only from the first category can the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives be formed (charming - more charming, the most charming), since it is impossible to say: “a more wooden building” or “the most Pushkin stanza.”

Adverbs that come from the qualitative category of adjectives can also form degrees of comparison: cheerful - cheerfully (more cheerfully).

Comparative degree of adjectives in Russian

Before moving on to consider the comparative degree, it is worth mentioning a little about the positive degree. This is the name given to the initial degree of comparison (boring). In fact, it is considered only formally as a degree of comparison. But the next one is the comparative degree of the adjective (more boring, more boring). It serves to show that a certain object or person has a given quality in greater/lesser quantity than someone/something else. For example: “This tea is stronger (stronger) than the one we drank yesterday.”

Information about comparative forms

In the above example, you can see that the comparative degree in Russian can be formed in the following ways: using suffixes or by adding an additional word (in in this example this is “more”). It turns out that we can distinguish 2 forms of the comparative degree of adjectives in the Russian language: simple and compound, or as it is sometimes called - complex.

Methods for forming a simple shape

There are several ways to form it.

  • Using the suffixes -ee, -ey, -e, -she, added to the base: cheerful - more cheerful. However, it is worth remembering that if suffixes of the comparative degree of adjectives -e, -she are used, then alternation of consonants in the root of the word may occur, and the suffixes -k, -ok, -ek may be eliminated altogether. For example: narrow - narrower, ringing - louder.
  • Sometimes a simple form can be formed by adding the same -ee, -ey, -e, -she, as well as the prefix po-. For example: soon - quickly, quickly - quickly. Adjectives formed in this way are usually the province of colloquial speech.
  • Sometimes the comparative degree of adjectives in Russian is formed using a different word stem: bad - worse.

It is worth remembering that not every qualitative adjective can form a simple form. It so happened historically that it is simply impossible to form it from some words. For example, from adjectives such as “grand” or “businesslike”. After all, you can’t say: “grower” or “more businesslike.”

Unlike the positive, the simple comparative degree has no ending and does not change. For example, the adjective “light” changes according to gender and number: “light”, “light”, “light”, etc. In addition, it is declined according to cases. But the comparative degree of the adjective - “lighter” - is unchanged.

In this form, words, as a rule, perform the syntactic role of a predicate: “Words of love are sweeter than honey,” and in some cases they serve as definitions: “Make sweeter jam.”

Complex shape

Unlike the simple one, it is formed not with the help of suffixes or prefixes, but by adding the words “more” or “less” to the adjective in the positive degree. For example: “Rembrandt was a more brilliant artist than most of his contemporaries, but he was truly appreciated years after his death.”

Adjectives in complex form they decline according to cases, change according to numbers and, accordingly, according to gender, while “more” and “less” remain unchanged. For example: more powerful (powerful, powerful, powerful).

Both in simple and compound form, comparative adjectives in a sentence serve as predicates or modifiers: “Their relationship was closer and more elevated than that of anyone around them.”

Having considered the information about the comparative degree, it is now worth moving on to studying the superlative degree. And it will help you not to forget how the comparative degree of adjectives is formed - the table.

It briefly outlines all the information about simple and complex forms and their formation.

Brief information about superlatives

It serves to demonstrate that a certain object or living being is absolutely superior to any other in a certain quality, which is represented in it to the highest degree.

For example: “The third little pig’s house was the strongest and the wolf could not destroy it.”

A little about superlatives

Knowledge of how simple and complex comparative degrees of adjectives are formed will help you understand this topic. In the case of the superlative degree, both of its forms have similar names: simple and compound (complex) and are formed according to the corresponding principle.

They are formed according to the same principle:

  • The simple one is formed by adding the suffixes -eysh, -aysh to the stem: caring - caring. Similar to the comparative, the superlative may also lose the stem suffix -k: low, lowest. A word formed using a simple superlative form is declined according to cases and changes according to numbers and genders. While the comparative degree of an adjective in a simple form is devoid of this property. For example: “light”. As mentioned above, in comparative form it is invariably “lighter”. But in the superlative degree - “brightest”, it can change: “brightest”, “brightest”.
  • The compound form is formed by adding the words "most", "least" or "most" ("most", "most", "most") to the adjective in the positive degree. For example: the brightest, the least entertaining, the funniest. In some cases, the comparative degree of the adjective plus the word “all” may also participate in the formation. For example: “This girl completed the task faster than anyone in the class.” As with the comparative form, the superlative adjective changes according to the same categories. And the additional words: “most” or “least” remain unchanged: “The wolf ran the shortest route to Grandma’s house and got ahead of Little Red Riding Hood.” However, “most” also changes: “The wolf ran the shortest route to Grandma’s house and got ahead of Little Red Riding Hood.”

As for the syntactic role, adjectives in this degree, as a rule, act as predicates: “A most amazing journey.” Less often - definitions: “It was a story about an amazing journey.” And in complex form, they most often serve as definitions: “He was smarter than everyone else at school.”

Superlative and comparative degrees of adjectives: exercises to consolidate knowledge

To better remember all the material presented, you should practice by doing a few fairly simple exercises.

The topic of comparative degrees of adjectives itself is quite easy. However, in order to avoid mistakes, it is worth remembering the basic rules, especially since in most European languages ​​adjectives also have 3 degrees of comparison. Therefore, having figured out what they are in Russian, you can safely take on the study of the grammar of foreign languages.

Qualitative adjectives have an inconsistent morphological feature of degrees of comparison.

School grammar indicates (see, for example, complex 2) that there are two degrees of comparison - comparative and superlative. It is more correct to distinguish three degrees of comparison - positive, comparative and superlative. The positive degree of comparison is the initial form of the adjective, in relation to which we recognize other forms as expressing greater/lesser or greatest/smallest degrees of the attribute.

The comparative degree of the adjective indicates that the attribute is manifested to a greater / lesser extent in this object compared to another object (Petya is taller than Vasya; This river is deeper than the other) or the same object in other circumstances (Petya is taller than he was last year; The river is deeper in this place than in that one).

The comparative degree can be simple or compound.

The simple comparative degree denotes a greater degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed as follows:

basis of the positive degree + formative suffixes -ee(s), -e, -she/-zhe (fast-ee, higher-e, earlier-she, deeper).

If at the end of a stem of a positive degree there is an element k/ok, this segment is often truncated: deep-y - deep-zhe.

Some adjectives have suppletive forms, that is, formed from another base: bad - worse, good - better.

When forming a simple comparative degree, the prefix po- (newer) can be added. A simple comparative degree with a prefix is ​​used if the adjective occupies the position of an inconsistent definition (Give me a newer newspaper) and does not require introducing into the sentence what this attribute is being compared with. If there is in a sentence both what is being compared and what is being compared with, the prefix po- introduces a conversational connotation (These boots are newer than those).

The morphological features of the simple comparative degree are uncharacteristic of an adjective. This

1) immutability,

2) the ability to control a noun,

3) use primarily as a predicate (He is taller than his father). The position of definition can only be occupied by a simple comparative degree in a separate position (Much taller than other students, he seemed almost an adult) or in a non-separated position with the prefix po- in the position after the noun (Buy me fresher newspapers).

The compound comparative degree denotes both a greater and lesser degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed as follows:

element more/less + positive degree (more/less high).

The difference between a compound comparative degree and a simple one is as follows:

1) the compound comparative degree is broader in meaning, since it denotes not only a greater, but also a lesser degree of manifestation of a characteristic;

2) the compound comparative degree changes in the same way as the positive degree of comparison (original form), i.e., according to gender, number and cases, and can also appear in a short form (more beautiful);

3) a compound comparative degree can be either a predicate or a non-isolated and isolated definition (A less interesting article was presented in this journal. This article is less interesting than the previous one.)

The superlative degree of comparison indicates the greatest/smallest degree of manifestation of the characteristic ( highest mountain) or to a very large/small degree of manifestation of the trait (the kindest person).

The superlative degree of comparison, like the comparative, can be simple or compound.

The simple superlative degree of comparison of an adjective denotes the greatest degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed as follows:

basis of the positive degree + formative suffixes -eysh- / -aysh- (after k, g, x, causing alternation): good-eysh-y, high-aysh-y

When forming a simple superlative degree of comparison, the prefix nai-: the kindest can be used.

The morphological features of the simple superlative degree of comparison of adjectives are the same as those of the positive degree, i.e., variability by gender, number, case, use of the attribute and predicate in the syntactic function. Unlike the positive degree, the simple superlative degree of comparison of an adjective does not have a short form.

The compound superlative degree of comparison of adjectives denotes both the greatest and the least degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed in three ways:

1) element the most + positive degree (the smartest);

2) element most/least + positive degree (most/least smart);

3) simple comparative degree + element of everything / everyone (He was smarter than everyone else).

The forms of the compound superlative degree, formed by the first and second methods, have morphological features characteristic of the positive degree, i.e. they change according to gender, number and cases, can have a short form (the most convenient), act both as a definition and as a nominal part predicate. Forms of the compound superlative degree, formed in the third way, are unchangeable and act primarily as the nominal part of the predicate.

Not all qualitative adjectives have forms of degrees of comparison, and the absence of simple forms of degrees of comparison is observed more often than the absence of compound forms.

The absence of simple comparative and superlative degrees may be due to

1) with the formal structure of the adjective: if the adjective contains a suffix that coincides with the suffixes of relative adjectives, it may not have a simple comparative degree (emaciated - *more emaciated, *emaciated, advanced - *more advanced);

2) with the lexical meaning of the adjective: the meaning of the degree of manifestation of the attribute can already be expressed at the base of the adjective - in its root (barefoot - * barefoot) or in the suffix (thick - * fatter, angry - * feisty, white-ish - *whiter, blue-ish - *blue).

Compound forms of degrees of comparison are not formed only for words with a semantic limitation, i.e. in the second case. So, there are no forms *more feisty, *less whitish, but there are forms less emaciated, more advanced.

Completeness/brevity of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have a full and a short form

The short form is formed by adding positive degree endings to the stem: Ø for the masculine, -а for the feminine, -о / -е for the neuter, -ы / -идла plural(deep-Ø, deep-a, deep-o, deep-i).

A short form is not formed from qualitative adjectives, which

1) have the suffixes characteristic of relative adjectives -sk-, -ov-/-ev-, -n-: brown, coffee, brotherly;

2) indicate the colors of animals: brown, black;

3) have suffixes of subjective assessment: tall, blue.

The short form has grammatical differences from full form: it does not change according to cases, in a sentence it appears primarily as a nominal part of the predicate (cases such as the red maiden, the white combustible stone are phraseologically archaic); the short form acts as a definition only in a separate syntactic position (Angry at the whole world, he almost stopped leaving the house).

In the position of the predicate, the meaning of the full and short forms usually coincides, but for some adjectives the following semantic differences are possible between them:

1) the short form denotes excessive manifestation of a characteristic with a negative assessment, cf.: short skirt - short skirt;

2) the short form denotes a temporary sign, the full form - permanent, cf.: the child is sick - the child is sick.

There are such qualitative adjectives that have only a short form: glad, much, must.

Transition of adjectives from category to category

It is possible for an adjective to have several meanings belonging to different categories. In school grammar this is called “the transition of an adjective from category to category.” Yes, y relative adjective a meaning characteristic of qualitative ones may develop (for example: iron part (relative) - iron will (qual.) - metaphorical transfer). Possessives may have meanings characteristic of relative and qualitative ones (for example: fox hole (possessive) - fox hat (relative) - fox habits (qualitative). Qualitative adjectives, used terminologically, function as relative (voiceless consonants). When In this case, the adjective retains the type of its declension, but often changes morphological characteristics: qualitative ones lose degrees of comparison and a short form (for example, it is impossible to say * This consonant is deaf), and relative ones, on the contrary, can acquire these characteristics (With each word his voice became more and more honeyed , and his habits are becoming more and more fox-like.).

The comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives are used very often, both verbally and in writing. And this applies not only to the Russian language. Today we are interested in foreign vocabulary, namely comparative and superlative degrees in English language. Nowadays, there is an increasing need to communicate in it. In order to speak correctly and to be correctly understood by the foreigners around you, you need to study the rules for the formation of these degrees.

What is an adjective

Before we talk about how comparatives and superlatives are formed in English, let's take a quick look at the adjective itself. What part of speech is this? In a nutshell, an adjective is used when we need to describe an object, person or process. Answering questions which one?, which one?, which one?, which ones?, this part of speech helps us not only describe them, but also compare them with each other, as well as declare the superiority of a particular object or character.

  • We live in it big home for a very long time.
  • Old the park looks much better better early in the morning.
  • We are the youngest experts in this field.

The highlighted words clearly show what function the adjective performs in a sentence. This function is definition. And in this sense there is no difference between Russian and English.

Degrees of comparison: rule

Comparative and superlative adjectives are two of the three forms in which this part of speech can be used. There are three degrees of comparison:

  • Positive - here the adjective has its initial form, for example: white, fat, tall, good, etc.
  • Comparative - this form is used when we want to compare something with something, to show the advantage of something over something, for example: better, taller, fatter, smarter, smaller, etc.
  • Excellent - we use this option when we want to show that someone or something has the highest degree of quality, for example: the highest, the most expensive, the best, the smallest, etc.

The choice of word option also depends on what idea you want to convey to your interlocutor. We will consider all possible rules for the formation of both degrees separately.


In English grammar, there are rules by which both comparative and superlative degrees are formed. Exercises to check your understanding of this topic are aimed at ensuring that you correctly form one degree or another with any adjective. First, let's look at the comparative form. In order to form a comparative form from any adjective, you need to follow these rules:

  • If the word is one-syllable or two-syllable, but the stress falls on the first syllable, then we add the suffix “er” to it: smart (smart) - smarter (smarter); hard (heavy) - harder (heavier).
  • If a word ends in “e”, one letter “r” is added to it: large (large) - larger (more); polite (polite) - politer (more polite).
  • If a one-syllable word ends with a consonant letter preceded by a short vowel sound, then the last letter is doubled when a suffix is ​​added: big (large) - bigger (more); hot (hot) - hotter (hotter).
  • If the adjective ends with the letter “y”, when adding a suffix it changes to “i”: noisy (noisy) - noisier (noisier); easy (simple) - easier (simpler).
  • If an adjective has more than two syllables, no suffix is ​​added to it. We put before this adjective the comparative adverb “more”, which translated into Russian means “more”: beautiful (beautiful) - more beautiful (more beautiful); interesting (interesting) - more interesting (more interesting).
  • If you need to indicate that the quality is lower than that of another object, then instead of the above-mentioned word we take “less”, translated as “less”: beautiful (beautiful) - less beautiful (less beautiful); interesting (interesting) - less interesting (less interesting).

Thus, we can easily form sentences where we want to compare the qualities of different objects.


Comparatives and superlatives are formed very easily by Russian-speaking users, since the concept of comparison and superiority is very similar to what we know in Russian. So, to form the last degree, we need to apply concepts such as “most, most/least”. But here too there is certain rules to follow:

  • If the word has one syllable, we add the suffix “est” to such an adjective, and the article “the” will appear before the newly formed word: smart (smart) - the smartest (smartest); hard (heavy) - the hardest (the heaviest).
  • If there is an ending “e” at the end of a word, we will only use the suffix “st”: large (large) - the largest (largest); polite (polite) - the politest (the most polite).
  • If a word ends with a consonant preceded by a short vowel sound, we double it in writing last letter. This does not manifest itself in speech: big (large) - the biggest (largest); hot (hot) - the hottest (hottest).
  • If the last place in a word is the letter y, when adding a suffix we change it to i: noisy (noisy) - the noisiest (noisiest); easy (simple) - the easiest (simplest).
  • For long polysyllabic words there is another way of formation. We put the adverb “the most” in front of the word, which translates as “the most, the most”: beautiful (beautiful) - the most beautiful (the most beautiful); interesting (interesting) - the most interesting (the most interesting).
  • If you need to indicate that the quality is the lowest, then instead of the word “most,” we take “the least,” translated as “the least”: beautiful (beautiful) - the least beautiful (least beautiful); interesting (interesting) - the least interesting (least interesting).
  • There are words consisting of two components. In this case, we also put the indicated adverbs in front of them: easy-going (sociable) - more easy-going (more sociable) - the most easy-going (the most sociable); easy-going (sociable) - less easy-going (less sociable) - the least easy-going (least sociable).

Comparative and superlative degrees: words of exception

There are words that, despite everything existing rules, form degrees in their own way. Such words must be learned by heart. The comparative and superlative degrees of such words are included in a separate table.





farther, further

the farthest, the furthest

the oldest, the eldest

the latest, the last

When using a word consisting of two components, one of which is an exception word, you need to use exactly its form: good-looking (beautiful) - better-looking (more beautiful) - the best-looking (the most beautiful).

Set phrases

Both the comparative degree and the superlative degree are used in sentences as part of special constructions. Most often these are the following options:

  • The construction “the... the...”. The more I read, the more I know. The more I read, the more I know.
  • The construction “as... as...”. He is as tall as his brother. He is as tall as his brother.
  • The construction “not so... as...”. She is not so fit as me. She's not as slim as me.

These are the most common variants of sentences in which we use the mentioned degrees of comparison.

Adjectives in Russian. They are indispensable when it is necessary to compare one characteristic of an object or phenomenon with another. Let's try to understand the intricacies of this topic.


Before you start studying the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language,” you need to find out how this part of speech differs from all others. And it really has a lot of features. It is difficult to imagine our speech without this colorful, graceful group. With the help of adjectives we describe appearance (short, handsome, homely), character (kind, grumpy, difficult), age (young, elderly). However, not only human qualities, but also many other things can be represented with their help. For example, none piece of art cannot do without the use of adjectives. And even more so the lyrics. Thanks to this part of speech, stories, poems, novels acquire expressiveness and imagery.

Helps to form such artistic media, as epithets (dazzling beauty, wonderful morning), metaphors of a heart of stone), comparisons (looks like the happiest; the sky is like azure watercolor).

A distinctive feature of adjectives is their ability to form short forms. The latter always play the role of a predicate in a sentence, which gives this part of speech another advantage - it gives dynamics to any text.

What is a degree?

Anyone who studies the Russian language faces this question. Degrees of comparison of adjectives are a characteristic that helps to compare one object with another.

For example, there are two balls in front of us. They are exactly the same, only one of them is slightly different in size. We need to compare them with each other and draw a conclusion: one ball more another. We can approach this issue from the other side and note that one ball less than the second one. In both cases, we used a word that characterizes the degree of comparison of these objects.

Now let’s add to our items another one of the same kind, but much larger. We need to differentiate it from others. How will we do this? Of course, use comparison. Only now you need to indicate that the third ball is immediately different from the first and second. In this case we will say that he biggest among them.

This is precisely why we need them. We will describe each of their types in detail below.


When we have an adjective in front of us that no one compares with anything, it is characterized by a positive degree. But if one item needs to be compared with another, then we will use comparative degree adjective name.

It has two subspecies. The first is called simple, or suffixal. This means that the word used in this degree has a suffix characteristic of it.

For example: This table chic. Neighbor's table more luxurious ours.

In the first case, the adjective is in the positive degree. In the second, the suffix “ee” was added to it and with the help of this they compared one table with another.

The second type is the composite degree. As the name suggests, its formation occurs not with the help of morphemes, but with the use of special words.

For example: This project is very successful. The last project was more successful.

The word “more” helps us compare one project to another.

Another example: We received valuable information. The previous one turned out to be less valuable.

Now, using the word “less”, we indicated a feature that manifested itself to a lesser extent.

It is worth remembering that degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language, regardless of variety, are formed only from Neither possessive nor relative have this ability.


In some situations, we need not just to compare one object or phenomenon with another, but to distinguish it from all others similar to it. And here the degrees of comparison of adjectives in Russian will also come to our aid. This degree of comparison is called excellent, which already implies the highest limit.

Like comparative, it has two varieties.

Using suffixes, a simple degree is formed.

For example: Ivanov strongest of all the athletes on the team.

The word “strong” with the suffix -eysh- formed and distinguished the athlete Ivanov from other members of the national team.

Next example: New tulle the most beautiful from those that I have seen.

In this case, the auxiliary word “most” gave this sentence the same meaning as in the previous example. This form is called compound.

Sometimes it can be accompanied by the prefix nai- for emphasis: the most beautiful.


In some cases, forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives have exceptions.

These include the words “good” and “bad.” When we begin to compare objects with their help, we will encounter some difficulties.

For example: We held good evening. Let's try to form a chain of degrees of comparison.

In a simple comparative we will see that the word “good” does not exist. It is replaced by “better.” And for the word “bad” we’ll choose “worse”. This phenomenon in Russian is called suppletivism of fundamentals. This means that the word needs to change dramatically in order to form a comparative degree.


Thus, we managed to find out not only the basics, but also some nuances on the topic “Degrees of comparison of adjectives in the Russian language.”

Now this rule will not cause you any difficulties, since it is not at all complicated.