Michael Newton is an American hypnotherapist who has written several books about the out-of-body essence of a person, which have become bestsellers. The books are based on data obtained from his hypnotic sessions. I wanted to find something new about this man. But he doesn’t write articles, and as a result, I only found an interview with him, which I translated.

Those who have read Newton's books will be interested in learning something new. And for those who have not read them, this material will help you decide whether they are worth reading. You can also see some similarities with the works of .

The interview was conducted by Mary Arsenault and published in the online publication wisdom-magazine.com. Next comes the translation.

In 1994, many people who were asking themselves questions about the meaning of their lives, why we are here and where we are going, had a breakthrough with the publication of Dr. Michael Newton's book, The Journey of the Soul. This book describes the results of more than 20 years of research on regression hypnosis, conducted with more than 7,000 patients. Dr. Newton reports on some amazing discoveries that he was able to discover in the course of his work, about our long stay in the spiritual sphere after physical death, about such a unique life between lives. The book also contains descriptions of how people experience death, what they see and feel immediately after death, meetings with spiritual guides, and manifestations of the Creator.

Using the cases of 29 patients for his first book, he builds a sequence of events that the soul goes through from the moment of physical death until its return to the physical level.

In his second book, The Purpose of the Soul, published in 2000 and named "Best Metaphysical Book of the Year" at the Book Expo in Chicago, Dr. Newton explores the inner workings of the spiritual realm in more detail through the use of 67 additional cases. Topics covered include: astral planes, soul systems, council of elders, soul advancement, time boundaries, body choice, and much more. Both of these books became bestsellers and have been translated into more than twenty-five languages.

Dr. Newton is now retired from practice, and in recent years has been teaching other hypnotherapists the techniques he used to achieve regression hypnosis. His last book“Life between lives. Past Lives and Soul Journeys, written for practitioners and published by Llewellyn, is a step-by-step guide to the methodology and basic definitions used in performing regression hypnosis to reach the spiritual realms. Based largely on new examples, the book is interesting both to practitioners and to people who are not indifferent to Newton’s work.

These three books together constitute a complete trilogy of what can only be described as the most amazing, life-changing breakthrough in knowledge ever offered to man. The results of Dr. Newton's research have been verified by other hypnotherapists located in different parts of the world.

Dr. Newton, psychologist, hypnotherapist, writer, is also the founder of international organization, created for the education and training of hypnotherapists.

Mary: According to the descriptions, you came across evidence of life between lives (LIB) by accident while doing routine hypnosis sessions. What circumstances contributed to this discovery?

Dr. Newton: One day a woman with depression came to see me. She claimed that she felt isolated from society and needed her old friends. I asked her if they were her childhood friends who were no longer around and she said she didn't see them in her real life, only in my dreams. I put this woman into deep hypnosis and asked her if she had ever known these friends during her adult life. She replied: “No.” Were they childhood friends? She answered “No” again. Then we began to explore her past lives, and a couple of these dear friends began to show up unexpectedly. But she kept saying that she didn't see most of them, and that she would really like to see them all together. According to her, this is what made her feel so alone. At this point I had no idea what to do and was confused. I didn't realize that she was a very sensitive woman, capable of going deep and achieving what I call a super-conscious state. By chance, I used words in relation to her that, as I later found out, are key. For example, it was the word “group”. I asked her if there was ever a time when she wasn't lonely because she was with her “group” of friends and she immediately exclaimed “Yes!” Then I just said, “go there” and the next moment she laughed and eyes closed pointed to the office wall, saying: “Now I see them clearly!” I asked her where we were - in a past life? “No,” she said. “I am in the spiritual world.” This opened the door for me. I have already dealt with the experience of past life memories. You could say that I was ready for metaphysical work. The results of this session changed everything for me. I became obsessed with what happened, replaying it over and over again, honing the technique with other clients, and gradually this complex puzzle began to come together.

Mary: How has your work been received in the academic community?

Dr. Newton: When I first discovered that it was possible to reach people's immortal souls through deep hypnosis, I didn't tell anyone about it. Of course the people I worked with knew about it. They told their friends, many of whom became my clients. But I didn't try to study any metaphysical materials, I didn't want to be influenced by anyone. I was just working alone, trying to piece together the whole picture. Most of the research was done in the 60s and 70s, and I didn't start writing Journey of the Soul until the 80s. It took me several years to write the first book because nothing like it had been written before and I wanted the material to be as clear as possible. When I finally published, my colleagues read it and thought I was crazy. They couldn't believe it. Although some people liked it, mainly those who worked with hypnotherapy. But my work was interesting to a wide audience, people who wanted to know information about what other aspects of life there are, what the purpose of their existence is.

Mary: For most people, religion has traditionally filled the information gap regarding life after death. Did you have any particular religious beliefs or ideas before your research?

Dr. Newton: No, I frankly did not belong to any religion and still remain so, although I respect people's faith because it supports us. My religious life, so to speak, consisted of philosophical questions and an interest in reincarnation. You could say that I was almost an atheist, and it is curious why I was “chosen” to do this work and bring this information to people. In my opinion, I was not well suited for this. However, my research and my clients have given me a new foundation of spiritual faith.

Mary: How can you be sure that people's descriptions of spiritual experiences are true and not just fantasies?

Dr. Newton: Well, one of the main rules that a serious researcher must follow is to never push patients into answering questions. This is misleading. I treated each case as if I was hearing this information for the first time. I never asked questions like: “Do you see it this way and that way?” Rather, I was asking, “What is this thing you see?” At first I did have concerns that people might be fantasizing, even though I knew they were in deep hypnosis. But people in such a state do not fantasize. Their minds are too well organized. The consistency of the observations convinced me to continue my research. I was amazed. It didn't matter what a person's religion, culture or nationality was, in deep hypnosis they all said very similar things. In addition, several recent years I've trained people from all over the world to do this and their results are the same as mine. All this confirms the reliability of the results, and I am delighted with this.

Mary: Have your clients’ religious beliefs changed after your sessions?

Dr. Newton: Sometimes, for example, a Christian, entering the spiritual realm for the first time and seeing someone in front of him, can say: “I see Jesus coming towards me.” I am very patient with people and careful about their religious beliefs. I say: “This is wonderful! Let him come closer and tell me what you see.” This someone comes closer, and I hear: “No, this is not Jesus, this is so-and-so”; he may be a friend or a spiritual guide. After the session, many wake up crying with joy. What excites them most is that, contrary to any religious denominations they may belong to, this information comes directly from their own memory.

Mary: Have you ever acted as a patient in such sessions?

Dr. Newton: Yes, but I must say that I waited for a long time before you find the right person. At one of my trainings, I found a very qualified female psychotherapist and asked her if she could work with me. She had a wonderful session.

Mary: Have any of your clients checked information about their past lives from records in the archives?

Dr. Newton: Perhaps some clients will check the veracity of their experience through old records when they have the opportunity. I once tested one myself, mainly because it happened near where I live in the High Sierras. This woman said that she was a member of the Donner Party (an episode of American pioneer migration to the West during which 44 people starved to death in the Sierra Nevada mountains in the winter of 1846-1847), which was blocked by a blizzard in the mountains and was forced to resort to cannibalism, to survive. This happened not far from me, and thus I was able to compare the entries in the diaries of those people with what this woman said. It was simply amazing how much she knew everything!

Mary: Do you have any idea why knowledge is coming to us right now regarding our lives between lives?

Dr. Newton: Personally, I think there are two factors here: the first is the huge overpopulation of the Earth. Never before in history have there been so many people living on Earth at the same time. We are like rats in a maze - especially people living in big cities– and this entails a loss of self-identification. I think that certain forces may have allowed me and others to reveal a little more of this information than would have been permissible in more early times, precisely because of this fact. The second reason, I think, is the widespread use of drugs. Of course, alcohol has been around for thousands of years. However, now even children primary school have access to drugs such as cocaine and heroin and because of this their consciousness weakens. This is what our guides don't want. The soul cannot function through a drugged mind. Escaping reality is not the reason we are here.

Mary: Your latest book, Life Between Lives: Hypnotherapy for Spiritual Regression, gives hypnotherapists step by step instructions to achieve regression to life between lives. Is this book all that is needed for the aspiring hypnotherapist, or do you recommend additional training?

Dr. Newton: Although an experienced hypnotherapist could theoretically use my book as a guide to regression to the life between lives, in reality a session takes approximately three to four hours, which places high demands on both therapist and client, both mentally and physically. Most hypnotherapists are accustomed to alpha-only sessions lasting approximately 45 minutes. For FFM regression, the client must be in the theta state, the state we reach before falling asleep, and it usually takes an hour just to get the client into this state before any other work can begin. This requires certain skills from the therapist. This is not for everyone, and I strongly recommend that you take additional training before attempting to use FFM regression in practice.

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(1931—2016 ) is a consulting psychologist with a doctorate who practices hypnosis therapy. Over the period of fifty years of work with people, Michael Newton created and developed a method of spiritual regression, the essence of which is to return to the memories of one’s own soul from the moment of the death of the physical shell. The practical experience of the sessions was embodied in books that became bestsellers and were translated into 25 world languages.


In 1998, Dr. Newton received the annual award from the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists for “The most unique contribution of a hypnotherapist” for his years of research into soul memory and mapping the cosmology of life after death.

In 2001, at the annual book exhibition, his second book"Journey of the Soul"was awarded by the Association of Independent Publishers “Best metaphysical book of the year”(Metaphysical Book of the Year).

A year later he founded "Society for Spiritual Return", after a while it was renamed to "Institute Hypnotherapy of Life between Lives named after. Michael Newton» (The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy).Starting in 2002 and for three years, he held a leadership position.From 2002 to 2005, Newton served as the first president of the Society for Spiritual Regression.The specificity of his institute lies in teaching students regression methods and the practice of mental movement through memories from previous lives and the period between incarnations on Earth.

He has a doctorate in Psychological Consulting(Counseling Psychology) and is a certified hypnotherapist and member of the American Counseling Association. At the department (faculty) of higher educational institutions He worked as a teacher and consultant, and also remained active in private practice. In addition, Dr. Newton has worked as a corporate and behavioral consultant and as a group therapy director for mental health centers and spiritual recovery organizations in collaboration with hospital and social service agencies.

In 2005, Newton took a break from teaching and returned to seeing patients. He became an active participant in popular television and radio programs, video conferences and lectures.

Michael Newton has been practicing hypnotherapy for over fifty years. Dr. Newton has developed his own age regression technique, with which he regresses his clients to a state in which they are able to remember their past lives. He is considered a pioneer in unlocking the mysteries of life after death through Spiritual Regression.

Until his retirement, Newton willingly shared his accumulated information and personal beliefs about the life of the soul after disincarnation. Today, Michael is not practicing, holds a position on the Institute's board and participates in the development of training programs.

Writing activity

How professional psychologist and a man who professes hypnosis therapy, Michael Newton, did not immediately come to the experience of returning to the memory of the soul outside the body. First of all, he was focused on correcting problems that arose due to emotional and psychological disorders. In working sessions, he helped people understand the relationship between mental and sensory sensations. To eliminate harmful behavior, Michael practiced a technique called age regression. It consisted of immersing a person in a state of hypnotic sleep and returning to memories of the past time. This provided an opportunity to understand the origins of childhood traumas or concerns. For about ten years, Newton conducted a successful practice, being skeptical about the issue of reincarnation. But a series of events occurred that changed his thoughts and views.

One day, a young man came to see Newton, who had been troubled by chronic pain in his side since childhood. Using a hypnotic state, Newton wanted to teach the patient to regulate pain. The story of a man put into a trance and the search for the root cause led to a memory from a past life. It turned out that during the First World War this young man was stabbed to death with a bayonet on the battlefield in France. The case of a person returning to his memory from previous life became the first of its kind and opened the door for Newton to work with past incarnations of the soul.

In 1968, a key discovery was a session with a patient named Una, who suffered from loneliness and melancholy. Immersed in a trance, the woman was able to describe her state between death and a new incarnation on earth. She also spoke about those who met her in the world of souls. The session amazed the author; he discovered new system views on death, our own destiny, the people accompanying us and the meaning of life. From that moment on, the author began to research, study and record observations. During the 1980s he was somewhat isolated. Newton reduced his work with patients, devoted himself to the technique of spiritual regression and practice with the memories of the soul about the state between visits to the Earth. During this period, the author avoided esoteric publications and everything that could change or distort his view. But only a quarter of a century later, after the first stunning session, Newton presented the collected material in the form of a book. In 1994, the Llewellyn publishing house presented to the audience the debut project of a novice author called "Journey of the Soul". The book excited readers so much that it instantly became a bestseller. Michael Newton did not stop there and, later, three more books were published under his name:

"Soul's Purpose"— was published in 2000, it was the author’s second work. The writing of the book was prompted by the expanded information revealed as a result of sessions with “mature” souls. A striking difference from the first publication is the lack of structure according to chronological order, with which souls move after leaving the body. The chapters are divided by topic, in them you can find information about the world of souls, earthly spirits, about death, the loss of a child and our destiny. The book has a more structured presentation of material and data about the structure of communities of souls and the circle of fate.

“Life between lives. Past Lives and Journeys of the Soul"— the book was published in 2004 with main goal— systematize all the collected material and create a kind of guide for hypnotherapists on the method of spiritual regression. The author shares his thirty-five years of experience in conducting sessions, where he describes in detail everything from preparation for work and personal qualities hypnotherapist, ending with a list of questions that Newton himself uses when communicating with the soul. The book is structured differently than the previous two editions. If previous books were intended to convey dialogues with subjects, then this one reveals the session from the position of a hypnologist and his view of what is happening. It is important to note that on the pages of this book Newton does not try to give a personal assessment, so the presentation of the material comes down to generalization and interpretation of information, in accordance with the sources.

"Memories of Life After Life"- a 2009 book that combines the experience of 32 hypnotherapists. Michael Newton was the editor-in-chief of this book. All specialists live and work in different countries peace. Not only do they support and practice the method of spiritual regression, each of them has received their practice from the Newton Institute and are certified. All hypnotherapists have chosen helping people as the main purpose of their work. The book tells the stories of people life path which led to the inability to explain and solve their problems in the usual ways. The information received during the sessions radically changes their perception of life. The book's chapters are traditionally presented in the form of conversations between therapist and patient. As an interesting addition, at the end of each chapter there are reviews and thoughts from people some time after the session (from a couple of months to several years).

It was this work that became the first brick in the foundation of the idea of ​​life beyond death according to Michael Newton. The book, published in 1994, was the first to describe life after death from the point of view of the soul, and it differed from the usual human ideas. The text of the publication is presented in the form of dialogues between a doctor and subjects in a state of hypnosis, as if the reader is invited to attend the session. The author assigns himself the role of a “herald,” a person who voices the information given to him from above. The book contains separate paragraphs with observations based on other, undescribed sessions. In these fragments, the author correctly conveys information, depriving the text of his own assessment. The publication includes 29 dialogues that most clearly illustrate the chronology of the soul’s path. The reader will be able to learn about his own “I”, about the motives that force us to be born on earth again and again. And also understand what the mental world is and what the purpose of earthly life is. The author consistently reveals the secrets that occur at the moment of death, meeting with kindred spirits and the structure of the world outside the body.

The book caused ardent reviews among people. The ideas conveyed by the author turned out to be simple, credible and understandable to everyone. The stories of the subjects complement, expand the usual worldview, reveal the purpose and, of course, cause passionate discussions. The author is believed or criticized, his assumptions are refuted or confirmed in the world around him. But whether the other world that Michael Newton described exists, everyone can decide for themselves after reading his books.

A well-known American specialist in the field of regressive hypnosis, a member of the American Association of Consulting Hypnologists, Ph.D. Michael Newton was initially quite skeptical about the phenomenon of reincarnation. However, many years of practice related to the treatment of psychological trauma in his patients unexpectedly led him to a lot of evidence that this phenomenon really exists.

And this is how he himself talked about it: “I am a traditional psychotherapist and initially I did not work with past life regression, nor with anything that I do now. I worked with behavior modification and my patients were people suffering from insomnia, depression and other disorders.

One day a man came to me and asked: “If you use hypnosis, could you send me to my past life"At the time I was very arrogant and stated that I didn't do that kind of thing, that I was traditionally 'academic' in my outlook and that he should go to someone else.

However, this is what happened next. A few years after that call, a client came to me complaining of pain in his side. He said that he had already consulted many doctors, had an x-ray done, and was told that it was psychosomatic pain, i.e. the reason is in his thoughts. And that if he just forgets about it, then the pain will go away. But the pain was so severe that he could not get enough sleep. And he asked me: could I find its root cause in his childhood, could I do a regression into his childhood?

I conducted such a session and looked at many aspects from his childhood, but there was no case of falling on sharp objects and knife wounds. Nothing that could cause this sharp pain in the side. Not satisfied with these results, I told this man, who, by the way, very quickly entered a hypnotic state. This is an important point, because this is the “key” to the work with past lives that I am now doing. I said, "Go to the source of your pain. Tell me about the first time you felt it."

And suddenly he found himself on the battlefield in France during the First World War, fighting for a British division. This is how the person simply regressed into one of his past lives and at the same time continued to lie on my couch. And I am very skeptical by nature, and I asked him to describe the stripes of his division on his arm, what kind of battle it was, where he was, who he was fighting with. Because I didn’t believe what was happening at the session then. He described all the details quite accurately. And I was a history buff, so I knew he was accurate in his words.

Then I realized that this was my first experience with past life regression. I found myself confused, like a little boy lost in the kitchen when his mother was not around. After that incident, I realized that past life regression is a reality. I, of course, was skeptical and did a lot of experiments, after which time passed and then another case happened almost by accident.

A woman came to me who complained of loneliness and isolation from society, despite the presence of people around her. She felt like she wasn't part of this world. She felt disoriented in the life she led and even contemplated suicide. I also started working with this woman, but without touching past lives. We worked with her childhood, revising it under hypnosis early years and nothing that could cause such a condition appeared.

But, as with that man, I asked her: “Go to the source of your loneliness and lack of companionship.” And again she sank very quickly and deeply to the level of hypnotic somnambulism. She was very hypnotizable. And then she said, “Right now I can see all my companions right in front of me.”

I didn’t understand, thinking: “Who we're talking about? What kind of “support group” is this, who are all these people?” And she stared at the wall of my office and said: “These are my soul mates". There were eight of them and she described who was who. I couldn’t believe it, chills ran down my spine, because then I was talking to someone who talked about life between lives. And this was the area with which I had never dealt with, never read any books about it, and there were no books then that touched on this topic.

After that incident, I began to explore the area of ​​\u200b\u200bbeing between lives. Since then, gradually, my practice has become helping people who would like to learn about their immortal nature. People began to come to me asking who they really were, who their soul mates were, what their spiritual group was, why they were here on Earth, etc. For me, these are the basic questions in life and their psychological benefit is that knowing these answers supports and gives them strength. That's how I got to where I am today."

Mile Newton was far from the only American hypnotherapist who encountered experiences of remembering past lives in his practice, but he was one of the first and back in 1994 he wrote a book about this, “Journeys of the Soul.” He also wrote the books “The Purpose of the Soul” and “Life Between Lives,” written in 2000 and 2004. All these books were published in Russian.

Unfortunately for us, this wonderful researcher, who, despite his former skepticism, was not afraid to face the facts, and last year himself set off on his new journey “between lives,” which someday lies ahead for all of us.

It so happened that it was regressive hypnosis (the interest in which led me to study as a hypnotherapist) that occupied a special, if not the most important, place in my practice. But during my acquaintance with regressive hypnosis, so many changes have occurred in this area that today it has become quite difficult for an outside observer to figure out what’s what. That's why I decided to write this article.

If 10-15 years ago in Moscow it was difficult to find one or two specialists on regressive hypnosis, then today there are almost no problems with this. And a huge number of people offer their services for past life regressions and the space of life between lives. Previously, the combination of a hypnologist and a regressionist was rare and sounded very exotic, but today you can’t find any kind of “experts” in this field on the Internet. There are regressologists, reincarnation coaches, consultants and past life guides, and many more. And it would be wonderful that the topic of regressive hypnosis is gaining popularity and is developing so rapidly in Russia (those who have read M. Newton’s books will probably agree with me), if not for one “but”.

Unfortunately, among the ranks of newly minted regressologists and reincarnationists, a condescending, if not dismissive, attitude towards the method of regressive hypnosis itself is increasingly common. Because of this, there is a systematic erosion of all basic concepts related to the works of Michael Newton. No, of course, Michael Newton is not the only expert in this field and what he wrote is not the ultimate truth. There are other recognized masters. And what they (others) write sometimes differs from what Newton writes (although there are many common points). But this separate topic. The problem is that representatives of “alternative methods” with clear conscience adopt Newtonian terminology (“life between lives”, “guides”, “mentors”, “advice”, etc.), and use it to advertise techniques, to put it mildly, quite far from those developed by Michael Newton.

So, for example, one of the most important moments for (in the life between lives) is a very deep trance. And most clients (according to M. Newton) take about an hour to just get close to the desired condition and achieve the required depth. Well, many modern “masters” promise to easily guide us into past lives and life between lives in a light trance. And in just an hour session. And also via Skype. And in general, as it later turns out, without hypnosis. Here, of course, everything is not simple either, and half of them, although they do not use the term “hypnosis,” still essentially work with hypnotic states. But, alas, far from those that Newton wrote about. And then notes appear that their rich practical experience does not confirm what Michael Newton described. How can he confirm? It’s strange to sow oats and expect that wheat will sprout from it.

While the techniques of regressive hypnosis are not a secret behind seven seals. Michael Newton himself published a manual for hypnotherapists(describing his method in detail) so that his followers would not be involved in “reinventing the wheel”, but could focus on therapy or research - whoever is interested in what. But, alas, most domestic “guides to past lives” do not bother themselves with reading these materials, and some even “do not master” Michael Newton’s books to the end (and do not even hide it). Not to mention the fact that approximately half of them either know hypnosis at the level of a beginner amateur or do not know it at all. And this is despite the fact that in a successful session of regressive hypnosis, the level of mastery of the technique by the specialist plays a paramount role. After all, regression into the life between lives is not just hypnosis, but in a certain sense hypnotic " aerobatics" It’s not for nothing that in America the Institute, founded by Michael Newton to train specialists in regressive hypnosis, only accepts those who already have several years of practice in conventional hypnotherapy.

I would not like to make false accusations and belittle the merits of specialists working in other techniques. Michael Newton, although he was the first to introduce the concept of “life between lives,” did not receive a patent for it. It's general. But still... Well, you somehow learned to get almost there - and it’s great. It turns out something vaguely reminiscent of regressive hypnosis - and that’s good. And this can also be interesting and even useful for someone. But why call it regression and create the appearance of something that is not there?

After all, a huge number of people begin their search for specialists in regressive hypnosis precisely after meeting Newton and his “Journey of the Soul”. And what do they see? “I will spend time in past lives, life between lives, organize a meeting with a mentor, etc. (85% of terms introduced by M. Newton). And since the average reader is not familiar with all the nuances of regressive hypnosis techniques, he has no doubt that it will be something “wrong.” And as a result, the client will most likely face disappointment or, at best, doubts (“when I read it, all this seemed somehow more vivid and convincing, but here...”). And in this way, not only the “specialist” is discredited, but also the very direction of regressive hypnosis. And it's a shame. After all, those who took two or three day courses and suddenly felt like a regressologist or in general “found new profession“After training via Skype, they mislead others, not always for the sake of mercantile interest. At least half of them do this simply out of ignorance.

Moreover, past life regression (and not the life between lives, as Michael Newton describes it) can actually be done in a standard (hour) hypnosis session. The only problem will be that during such a session (when the operator either does not know how or does not want to put the client into a deep trance to save time), the presence of consciousness is largely preserved. And this means that there remains the opportunity to think out, fantasize and wishful thinking. It is worth noting that in full-fledged regressive hypnosis, consciousness is also present, but to a much lesser extent. As one of my clients said about deep trance, “this is an amazing state, as if it’s not me who speaks, but someone who speaks to me.”

Meanwhile, regressive hypnosis is really developing in Russia. And along with newly minted and not very competent regressologists, quite serious (from an educational point of view) specialists appear on the Internet every now and then. There may not be many of them, but they exist. And it pleases. Well, as a summary, we can summarize the following: if you are interested in regressive hypnosis (the way Michael Newton described it), focus on long sessions, deep trance and professionals in the field of hypnosis (preferably Ericksonian), and most importantly, those who are well acquainted with the most method and theoretical basis of Michael Newton.

Interest in regressive hypnosis(hypnotic past life regression) is quite often the reason people come for a session. Let’s immediately make a reservation that regressive hypnosis actually involves not only travel to past lives, but also any trance memories (usually occurring in a state of association). But ordinary people most often understand this term as the process of viewing previous incarnations of the soul during a hypnosis session. Let's talk about it in more detail.

As for the academic opinion about past life regression, it expresses something like this: if a person’s ideas about the world include the concept of reincarnation (Hindus, Buddhists, etc.), he can easily hallucinate such images during regressive hypnosis. If he is, say, a convinced materialist, then the likelihood of such an experience is extremely low. But, for obvious reasons, scientists do not undertake to accurately state the truth or falsity of what was seen during such a “viewing of past lives.” There are, of course, other more and less radical opinions. Ultimately, everyone decides for themselves what to believe and how to explain this mysterious hypnotic phenomenon.

It is probably worth talking separately about the so-called LBL regressions. Its author is the famous American hypnologist Michael Newton. For people studying regressive hypnosis(precisely as past life regressions) his works have become true classics, along with the works of Dolores Cannon and Raymond Moody. Michael Newton once discovered that during hypnotic past life travel, one can not only see previous incarnations, but also what happened between them. LBL (Life Between Lives) is life between lives. In short, Michael Newton, having devoted several decades to studying this particular “space,” found out that “life between lives” sometimes not only lasts longer than the incarnations themselves, but also surpasses them in a certain sense in its importance. Moreover (according to M. Newton), thousands of people who were his clients described this “space” very similarly, regardless of their gender, age, race or religious beliefs.

You can read more about his research in the books by Michael Newton: Journey of Souls, Destiny of Souls, Memories of the Afterlife: Life Between Lives Afterlife: Life Between Lives Stories of Personal Transformation).

An important feature of traveling into past lives and into the space of “life between lives” is its duration in time. Regressive hypnosis– the task is quite long and labor-intensive. According to Michael Newton, full hypnotic regression (especially into the space between lives) requires a fairly deep level of trance. And if in a normal session, inducing and deepening the trance takes 10-15 minutes, then in the case of regressive hypnosis into the space of life between lives, it is recommended to increase this part to one and a half to two hours. Therefore, an entire LBL regression session often lasts 4-5 hours (and sometimes longer). Although, of course, a lot here depends on individual characteristics client. There are people who are able to achieve the trance required for regressive hypnosis within 10 minutes, and there are those who will not be able to dive deep enough even after several hours. True, both are extremes that do not occur often.

A session of regressive hypnosis (into past lives and life between lives), like any hypnotic trance, from the point of view of the client’s subjective feelings, can differ greatly from person to person. different people. Some people see events as if on a screen, some experience the pictures in association (being inside the “film”), some feel it as emerging memories. Very often after a session the question arises: “What was that?”, “Did I come up with it myself, fantasize it, or did it really come from outside?” And no one will give a definite answer to it except you yourself. For some, after a session of regressive hypnosis, all doubts disappear - from the series “you can’t imagine such a thing if you want it,” for others, it’s the other way around. Perhaps this is due to the ability to plunge into a truly deep trance (with a minimal level of presence of consciousness), which is initially developed in everyone to varying degrees.

In any case, hypnotic regression into past lives, and even more so regressive hypnosis according to Michael Newton’s method (into life between lives) is not only an exciting and fascinating experience, but often very useful. After all, having made your amazing discoveries, Michael Newton did not stop being a hypnologist, and most of his hypnotic regressions had a powerful transformational effect. After such viewing of past events, someone experienced qualitative changes in their relationships with loved ones who appeared at the session in “ new role" Someone understood the nature of their “unreasonable” fears and phobias. Some, thanks to a look from a different perspective, found the strength to survive the loss of loved ones. And someone – what is called “found himself” and his place in life. Followers of Michael Newton also, for the most part, before a session of regressive hypnosis, ask clients to formulate a request (goal) to which the journey is dedicated. And most of those who come to a past life regression session do this not at all out of research interest, but to solve specific problems.

If you want to pass the regression hypnosis session(past life regression using the Michael Newton method - life between lives) in Moscow, it is best to do this in several stages. Most best option- these are three sessions:

  • 1st – introductory meeting (introductory conversation, formulation of requests, testing of trance ability, trial experience of hypnosis);
  • 2nd – trial session regressive hypnosis (test of deep trance ability, short test regression to childhood and/or past life);
  • 3rd – basic LBL regression (viewing one or more past lives, traveling into the space between lives).

If desired, this process can be reduced to two meetings, and in rare cases (to learn how to plunge into a deep trance) several (2 to 5) additional sessions may be required.