In Russian there is REFLEXIVE VERBS. Reflexive verbs are verbs that end in “sya”.

1. They change like this:

– Present tense

learn to wash
I study I wash my face
you study you wash your face
he, she, it learns he, she, it washes itself
we study we wash ourselves
you study you wash
they study they wash themselves

– Past tense (Past)

studied, studied, studied washed, washed, washed

– Future tense


I will learn I will wash myself
you will learn you will wash yourself
he, she, it WILL learn he, she, it WILL wash itself
we will learn we will wash ourselves
you will learn you will wash yourself
they will learn they will wash themselves

2. Imperfective appearance

I will learn
you will study
he, she, it will learn
we will study
you will study
they will learn...


2.1 Personal reflexive verbs

The boy is dressing - that is, “The boy is dressing himself”
Mother combs her hair - that is, “Mother combs herself”

Mother dressing her daughter
Mother brushes her daughter's hair


to shave
dry off
defend yourself

2.2 Reciprocal verbs (Reciprocal)

Girlfriends meet, hug, text.


put up
saying goodbye

2.3 Real reflexive verbs

They exist (exist) only in their reflexive form; if we change the form, their meanings change. If they are in reflexive form, they are non-transitive; if they are in non-reflexive form, they are transitive.

– Change in movement, position, state

Katya was walking down the street and stopped in front of a shop window
Both friends were happy to meet
The window opened

Katya stopped the car
This news made me happy
I opened the window


go down
get up
to go down
come back
bend over
turn around
look around


have fun
be upset
be embarrassed
be surprised
be indignant
be interested
be angry

– Beginning, continuation and end

Lecture starts at 7 o'clock
The fashion show has been going on for 5 hours
The film ends at 9 o'clock

– Permanent quality of an object

Cactus pricks
Be careful, the dog bites

2.4 Verbs not used without “ся”

He is afraid to fly on a plane
At 11 o'clock I go to bed


be proud
go to bed

2.5 Verbs with a passive meaning

The experiment is carried out by a famous scientist.

! THERE ARE VERBS THAT ARE USED WITH THE PARTICLE “SELF”(Verbs used with a particle “yourself”)

Reflexive verbs occupy a special place in French. In Russian, reflexive verbs are verbs ending in Xia . In French, these are verbs with reflexive pronouns.

There are three groups or three categories of verbs in French:

  • First group- verbs with endings er:parl er
  • Second group- ending ir: rouge ir
  • Third group(irregular verbs) – endings re, –oir, –ir: comprend re ,v oir ,ven ir

As for reflexive verbs, they are also divided into three categories and have the same endings in the infinitive: the first group is se lav er , second group – s’évanou ir , third group (irregular verbs) – se repent ir , s'attend re .

But they have one peculiarity: such verbs are conjugated with reflexive pronouns - me , te , nous , vous , se. For example:

Se laver - to wash

Je me lave - I wash sya
Tu te laves - you wash Xia
Il/elle se lave – he/she washes Xia
Nous nous lavons – we wash Xia
Vous vous lavez – you wash sya
Ils/elles se lavent - they wash Xia

Example of a reflexive verb

In the conjugation of reflexive verbs, reflexive pronouns agree with them in person and number.

As a rule, reflexive pronouns come before the verb. An exception is the affirmative form of the imperative mood, in which reflexive pronouns are placed after the verb, and the pronoun te takes on the stressed form of the pronoun toi .

Complex tense forms of reflexive verbs are formed with an auxiliary verb être – to be . Note:

Present Passé Compose Impératif
Je me lève
Tu te leves
Il/elle se lève
Nous nous levons
Vous vous levez
Ils/elles se left
me suis levé
t'es levé
s'est levé
nous sommes levés
vousêtes levés
se sont levé(e)s

Lève- toi ( Ne te lève pas)
Levons- nous( Ne nous levons pas)
Levez- vous( Ne vous levez pas)

Three types of reflexive verbs and their conjugation

There are three types of reflexive verbs in French. This:

  • Verbs with reflexive meaning(in Russian these are verbs with a particle –xia: wash, dress - se laver, s’habiller);
  • Verbs expressing reciprocal action(meaning “each other”: write to each other - s’écrire, love each other – s’aimer);
  • Verbs with passive meaning(to be sold - se vendre).

Please note: if the reflexive verb is in a sentence in indefinite form, the reflexive particle must change and agree with the person to whom the verb refers: Je dois me decider. - I have to make up my mind.

Negative form reflexive verbs are formed as follows: negative particle ne is placed before the reflexive pronoun of the verb, and the second negation pas – after the verb (in complex tenses - after the auxiliary verb):

  • Nous ne nous rencontrons pas aujourd'hui. - TodayWeNotlet's meet.
  • Nous ne nous sommes pas rencontrés hier. - WeyesterdayNotmet.
  • Je ne me change pas le soir. - INotchanging clothesIn the evening.
  • Nous ne nous changers pas le soir. - WeNotlet's change clothesIn the evening.

Interrogative form starts with a question Est-ceque, then the pronoun, then the reflexive pronoun and the verb itself:

  • Est-ce que tu te loves? - Youwash yourself?
  • Est-ce que vous vous ê tes décides? - Youdecided?

In French there are a number of verbs that are used only in the reflexive form:

s'abstenir– abstain
s'accouder– lean on your elbows
s'agenouiller- kneel down
s'écrier- scream
s'écrouler- collapse
s'emparer- take possession
s'empresser- hurry
s'evader- run away
s'enfuir- run away
s'évanouir- get swoon
s'envoler- fly away
s'ingénier- manage
se moquer- mock
se réfugier- take shelter
se repentir- repent
s'en alle r – leave, leave
s'endormir- fall asleep
se souvenir- recall

And there are verbs that change their meaning in reflexive form:

  • Attendre wait; s’attendre à qch – expect, hope
  • Entendre hear; s'entendre - reach an agreement
  • Mettre put; se mettre à – get started, start

Notice both verbs in the sentence:

  • J'attends mon ami. Je m'attends à ce qu'il vienne. - II am waitingmyfriend. I hope he comes.
  • J'ai entendu que vous vous ê tes entendus de votre rencontre. - Iheard, WhatYouDealOmeeting.
  • J'ai mis le disque dans le magnétophone et je me suis mis àécouter de la musique. - IputdiskVrecord playerAndstartedlistenmusic.

Reflexive verbs in French and their conjugation are a rather voluminous topic, but very important. The main thing to remember is that the conjugation of reflexive verbs is very similar to the conjugation of ordinary French verbs, only you need to remember about reflexive pronouns and know the place where they are located. Good luck with your learning!

Reflexivity of verbs– a grammatical category of verbs, indicating the direction (or non-direction) of the action or state called by the verb on the subject. Reflexive and non-reflexive verbs in Russian are conjugated forms of verbs that differ in the presence or absence of reflexive postfixes -sya/-sya, as well as by shades of meaning.

What is the reflexivity of verbs in speech is best seen in specific examples:

Alexei washed his face

AND got ready. Woman started talking with a neighbor(reflexive verbs).

Kitty played with a candy wrapper and ran away outside. Yesterday walked rain(irreflexive verbs).

Reflexive verbs

Shades of the meaning of reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs express an action directed at the subject (the speaker, the doer, etc.).

Examples of reflexive verbs with different shades of meaning:

  • Putting on shoes, dressing, swimming(action is directed towards oneself);
  • See each other, hug, quarrel(reciprocal action that is performed by several subjects in relation to each other);
  • Happy, sad, upset(physical or mental state of the subject);
  • The fabric wrinkles, the cat scratches, the nettle stings(constant property, quality of the subject);
  • Build, tidy up, get some money(indirect reciprocal action performed by the subject in his own interests);
  • I wish it was getting dark(impersonal action).

Formation of reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs differ from non-reflexive verbs by the presence of reflexive postfixes. If you don’t know how to determine the reflexivity of a verb, then just look to see if the verb has a reflexive postfix - if so, then the verb is reflexive.

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Use of postfixes:

  • -xia– added when the verb stem ends in a consonant (take cover, climb);
  • -s– added when the verb stem ends in a vowel (rose, spilled).

As a rule, reflexive verbs are derived from non-reflexive ones: kiss - kiss, judge - sue, but there are also non-derivative reflexive verbs: smile, laugh, be proud. All reflexive verbs are intransitive.

Non-reflexive verbs

Irreflexive verbs are both transitive and non-transitive; they can mean an action directed at the subject (read a magazine, do a puzzle), as well as state, position in space, multidirectional action, etc. (walk, stand, think, dream). Non-reflexive verbs do not have postfixes -sya/-sya.


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They are also called pronominal, since they include pronouns.

In Russian these are verbs ending in - Xia / -sya(train Xia, entertain Xia…).

In French this "xia" is before verb. And as if justifying the French reputation for individualism, it changes with each face.

Se laver (to wash oneself = to wash oneself)

Je me love. – I wash my face (literally: I me mine).
Tu te loves. – You wash (literally: you you wash).
Il se love. – He washes himself (literally: he myself washes).
Elle se love. – She washes herself (literally: she myself washes).
Nous nous lavons. – We wash ourselves (literally: we us mine).
Vous vous lavez. – You wash (literally: you you wash).
Ils se lavent. – They wash themselves (literally: they myself washed).
Elles se lavent. – They wash themselves (literally: they myself washed).

As you can see, saying “yourself” (that is, not in a specific sense) is only possible in the third person (he, she, they) or in the infinitive, because here we can also talk about someone unknown. All other faces are completely specific! And the French emphasize this :))

I can only wash me(in the sense of “I wash myself”).
If you see the phrase “Je te lave” - this is already “I you my”, that is, the verb is not reflexive.

So, we remember that we need to put the se particle in front of the verb in the correct form and correctly conjugate the verb itself.

Je me lève tôt et je vais au travail. – I wake up early and go to work.
Tu te leves? -Are you getting up?

Despite the fact that the particle se stands separately from the verb (and even before it!), it should be considered as integral part of the verb. This means that we will deny the verb together with this pronoun:

Je ne me love pas. – I Not I wash my face.

If in a phrase two verb (and the second one is just reflexive and is in the infinitive), then the particle se still needs to be changed according to persons.

Je dois me laver. – I must wash (wash me).
Tu peux te réveiller plus tard. – You may wake up later (wake yourself up).
Je vais me promener. – I I'm going for a walk ( me take a walk).
Vous venez de vous habiller. – You just got dressed ( you dressed).

If the verb begins with vowel or unpronounceable h, then some pronouns are shortened to:

S"appeler – to be called (to call oneself)

Je m" appelle… – My name is... (I call me)
Tu t"appelles… – Your name is... (you call you)
Il s" appelle… – His name is... (he calls himself)
Nous nous appelons… – Our name is... (we call us)
Vous vous appelez… – Your name is... (you call you)
Ils "appellent… – Their names are... (they call themselves)

Reveille-toi! - Wake up!

Je me suis promené(e). – I took a walk.
Vous ne vous êtes pas rasé(s.) – You haven’t shaved.

The concept of recurrence does not always coincide in Russian and French.
For example:

Some verbs can be used in both reflexive and non-reflexive forms (as in Russian).

Je me lave – I wash my face sya.
Je love la vaisselle. – I mine dishes

Je vois mes amis chaque jour. – I I see my friends every day.
On se voit chaque jour. – We see Xia every day.

Ils s" ecrivent. – They rewrite Xia(write to each other).
Ils écrivent des lettres. – They write letters (but not to each other).

There are verbs that Always returnable. You just need to remember them:

se souvenir de – to remember
s"en aller - leave
se moquer de – laugh at
s"enfuir - to escape
s"écrier - to exclaim

Je m"en vais tout de suite. – I'm leaving now.
des moments divins. – Remember the wonderful moments.
Vous vous moquez de moi
je suis humilié. – You laugh at me, I am humiliated.

There are also verbs that can be either reflexive or non-reflexive. At the same time, they are completely will change their meaning. You just need to remember them too!

se douter – to suspect
douter – to doubt

s"ennuyer - to miss
ennuyer bore someone, bore someone

se plaindre de – to complain
plaindre – to regret

se taire - to remain silent
taire – to keep silent

se tromper - to be wrong
tromper - to deceive

Tais-toi, je ne veux pas savoir ton opinion. – Shut up, I don't want to know your opinion.
Je tairai
votre secret. – I will keep your secret a secret.
Tu te trompes
j"en étais sûr. – You're wrong, I was sure of it.
Ils veulent vous tromper, ne les croyez pas. – They want to deceive you, don't believe them.

If you need explanations of this grammar topic in voice, as well as an additional set of exercises, you can find it in our audio course

Practical lesson No. 2

Topic: Orthoepy and accentology

Exercise 1. Find words with errors in the letter composition of the words, write down the correct version.

Unprecedented, silverless, billuten, future, guest worker, grapefruit, depilation, identical, incident, competitive, competent, compromise, ascertain, ridicule, slip, precedent, escort, legal advice.

Exercise 2. Read the words, observing the pronunciation standards.

1. Bakery, mustard, poor student, bachelorette party, Ilyinichna, of course, penny, shopkeeper, dairy, on purpose, Nikitichna, candlestick, sunflower, decent, laundry, trifling, birdhouse, boring, creamy, scrambled eggs.

2. Informer, subscriber, loader; happiness, count; exhaust, inhuman, man, defector.

3. Later, buzz, unclench, ruthless, heartburn, burned, fattened.

4. Not at all, something, nothing, because, in order to.

Exercise 3. Are the consonants before the letter E pronounced softly or firmly in the following borrowed words? Sample assignment: anemia [n"e], antithesis [te].

A de quat, al those rnativa, ac those roid, beef those ks, bru Not weave, de-jure, in those tore, clair Not T, re yid, re le, re yting, jurisprud de nation.

Exercise 4. Select words with the correct stress and write them down; if pronunciation options are possible, indicate:

hopeless e hopeless - hopeless

exc at excited - excited

ist e kshiy – expired

nap O drunk - drunk

undershot O flaxen - undersalted

neots e unappreciated – unappreciated

obd e lazy - deprived

OS at expected - condemned

priority O th - priority

Pogr at married – immersed

Exercise 5. Explain the pronunciation of the highlighted words.

A) He was tall, strong folded person.

Folded together the books took up little space.

B) Submerged suitcases in the car.

Immersed in thought, he sat in one place for a long time.

Immersed The scuba diver did not appear on the surface for a long time.

B) They didn’t have time book places in the hotel.

Finally the masters came book doors.

Exercise 6. Place stress on nouns.

Asymmetry, gas pipeline, bureaucracy, religion, veterinary medicine, gas pipeline, dispensary, contract, leisure, nap, life support, invention, iconography, spark, rubber, catalogue, quarter, flint, garbage chute, thinking, intention, obituary, oil pipeline, parterre, dowry, beets, carpenter, legalization, strengthening, phenomenon, intercession, Christian, expert.

Exercise 7. Place emphasis on the adjectives, if possible, indicate them.

Explosive, dirt road, ancient, one-time, jagged, prettier, kitchen, mosaic, one-time, moldy, plum, tiger, Ukrainian, expert.

Exercise 8. Place accents in adverbs. Make up phrases with them.

Exorbitantly cheap, exorbitantly expensive, extremely, anciently, masterfully, sometimes, in the morning, immediately.

Exercise 9. Place stress in the infinitive form of the verb.

Pamper, clog, seal, cough, turn purple, wrinkle forehead , wrinkle the sleeve, facilitate, vulgarize, uncork, grow moldy, reward, force, notify, petition.

Exercise 10. Form the past tense forms of the reflexive verbs m. and zh. gender and place emphasis on them. Example of completing the task: join in – joined in, joined in.

to undertake, to undertake, to engage in, to begin, to rise, to undertake, to give birth to, to break loose.