Elena Proklova recently made a sensational confession on television about her romances with famous artists. The revelation caused a lot of noise. Many were perplexed: why now, after so many years, stir up the intimate secrets of the past? We called the actress to find out how her husband and family reacted to her secrets.

“I went to the registry office at the age of 18 to break up with Tabakov"

- Elena, about your relationship with famous actors have been saying for a long time. But for the first time, you yourself confirmed the rumors.

With age, a person understands that there is no need to be ashamed of his actions. We need to comprehend them and move on with our lives.

- Your first romance was with Oleg Tabakov, with whom you starred in the film “Shine, Shine, My Star” (1969)?

I can't call it a real novel. But it was a great mutual love. I was very young then, I was 16 years old, and Tabakov drew attention to me. I completely sincerely fell in love.

- Did you want Tabakov to become your husband?

No. I wanted the relationship to be honest and for him not to deceive anyone. Even at the age of 16, it seemed to me that breaking with my family, especially when there were small children there, was vicious. It seemed to me that there must be some kind of incredible love in order to have the right to betray a family. I understood all this, but what could I do? I fell in love, surrendered to my feelings, then I realized that I had to end the relationship. In many ways, the decision to marry my first husband (documentary director Vitaly Melik-Karamov - Ed.) was caused by the fact that I was tossing around and didn’t know how to stop everything.

“Yankovsky was hurt by my coldness”

- You admitted that you didn’t really love your first husband...

No, we loved each other, we still have a wonderful relationship.

- You were married from 1971 to 1975, gave birth to a daughter, Arina, whose upbringing you entrusted to your mother.

I wasn’t ready for motherhood then; I wanted to be fully involved in my profession.

- And yet, then you again started an affair with a married artist - Oleg Yankovsky...

Our relationship began on the set of “A Sentimental Affair” in Leningrad in 1976. I was already divorced. The fact that he was married didn't bother me. Yankovsky had already played in the film “Shield and Sword” and was an idol. He was used to charming anyone he wanted. But at first I treated him coldly, and this hurt him. The first time we met was at the buffet. He looked at me and said: “How amazing, this is fate.” Then I found out that he said this to every girl he wanted to meet. I answered him: “I don’t think so,” and walked to the table. Later he admitted that he was offended: he was used to women immediately melting...

When we were driving back to Moscow, it turned out that we were alone in the compartment - he asked us to get tickets together. Our relationship continued further. We went to film festivals together.

- Did Yankovsky’s wife Lyudmila Zorina know about your novel?

Rumors reached her. Moreover, I talked to her when Oleg and I had an affair. I have a lot of respect for this woman. She did so much for Oleg that I would stop respecting him if he left her. But you can't control your feelings...

- You said that your relationship with Yankovsky ended when you became pregnant from him and had an abortion, although he offered to keep the child...

I didn’t see any other way out: Oleg had a family.

"Mironov was scared"

- After Yankovsky, the famous “Gypsy” actor Mihai Volontir also came into your network.

I starred with him in Chisinau (in the film “Be Happy, Yulia!” in 1983 - Ed.). You see, when you play love on screen, it involuntarily arises for your partner in life. This is enough serious problem our profession.

Volontir's wife came to the shooting and gave her husband a scandal - the walls were shaking! After filming in Chisinau, I left for Moscow, and our relationship ended.

- And you also had an affair with Andrei Mironov...

They always fell in love with me first. And my love is of such a “secondary nature”. Andryusha Mironov was persistent in his courtship, and this evoked a reciprocal feeling in me.

- Did he give you flowers, take you to a restaurant?

We didn't leave the restaurant. Filming in a Caucasian village began with breakfast in a local restaurant and ended after midnight in this restaurant, when all the visitors had left and only the staff remained.

I think Mironov’s wife (actress Larisa Golubkina - Ed.) guessed. It was no coincidence that she came to the shooting to check. She arrived so beautiful and smiling. She said: “I’m glad to meet you. How wonderful it is here.” She realized that we were not just co-stars. And Mironov was scared. Andryushka was a coward, he was afraid. It was Andrei’s wife who first started talking about all this; I remained silent until she spoke out.

Cheating on your spouse - punishment for relationships with married people

- Your husband was in the studio when you started talking about romances with actors...

I didn’t warn him that I was going to talk about my novels. He didn't expect it, and his reaction - he got up and left - was spontaneous. I am grateful to him that he left so correctly. Once again he proved to me that he is a real man, knows how to understand, forgive, love and remains a man at the same time.

- But you met the idols of millions...

In terms of social recognition, maybe they were cooler, but in terms of his masculine significance and value, he will give anyone a head start.

- And the fact that he once cheated on you...

I think this was my punishment for my relationships with married men.


Widow Volontir: Why did she defame Mikhai?

Is it even possible to talk about this? - Efrosinya Volontir was indignant when we called her after the broadcast with the confessions of Elena Proklova. - Mihai was a decent person, and I don’t believe that he cheated. We lived with him for 50 years. We had love at first sight, and no Proklova could stop us. She might have fallen in love with him, but they didn't have anything serious.

- They say that you came to the shooting and caused a scandal for him...

I realized that it was Proklova who was looking at my husband with loving eyes, and not he at her. My husband was handsome, women liked him, but he was a decent man, and family was the most important thing in his life. Proklova is proud of her turbulent personal life, but this does not make her look good. After the death of my husband, she decided to talk about the affair, to denigrate him. Why was she silent when he was alive? Mihai would not allow her to spread dirty gossip about him.

Elena Proklova recently made a loud confession. She told the whole country about her bright romances with legendary actors - Andrei Mironov, Oleg Tabakov and Oleg Yankovsky. The artist admitted that she considers frankness one of best qualities of your character.

“I regret money on clothes, not on healthy food!”

When you go on stage, you always feel healthy,” shares 64-year-old Proklova. - All diseases disappear immediately! And this despite the fact that the play in which I am currently playing is very difficult. Today we rehearsed for a long time. Consider that we worked for two performances.

- You are in great shape! How do you support yourself?

It is important to drink good water from sources, preferably saints. At least two liters per day. I do exercises and try to stay in good mood always, no matter what happens! Proper nutrition- this is one of the most serious topics in my life. I spare money on clothes, but I will never skimp on healthy food. I prefer decent plant-based food, preferably grown in my own garden.

- Do you have your own garden?

I am an avid gardener, gardener and florist. I love the earth. The philosopher Cicero once said that the person who has a library and a garden is a priori happy. And I have both.

- What kind of housewife are you?

My zodiac sign is Virgo, that’s why I’m a very boring housewife, punctual, everything has to be in its place. Maybe my loved ones grumble a little because of this, but I get such a thrill when everything is well-groomed. I treat things the same way as living beings, respecting the amount of time spent by many people on their production. Therefore, I try to use every thing until it becomes old and useless, after which I try to make something new out of it, and give it to someone.

“I’m tired of movies about showdowns and corpses”

- Elena Igorevna, how do you like to relax?

I have always been a fan of seaside holidays and loved Thailand. Warm sea, luxurious fruits and you can spend your entire vacation in shorts without thinking about what to wear. And now the format of my vacation has changed due to the fact that I am already getting serious, and I want to relax in my own climate. I bought an apartment in Sochi, and recently I bought land there and am building a country house.

- Yours last work was in the cinema in 2010. Why aren't you filming now?

This is a sad story for me. IN last years there were enough offers. But I didn’t like the scripts, I refused. Then, when I saw these films on the screen, I was baptized and said: “Lord, thank you very much for turning me away from this work!” I'm tired of movies about cop showdowns and corpses. Even in any love story there is always a crime. And then, I got tired of everyday life. If earlier in the cinema and in the theater our souls could relax, admire, and dream, now this is not the case.

Elena Proklova is a woman with a busy personal life. The actress was married three times. Elena was separated from her second husband, doctor Alexander Deryabin, by grief. Proklova lost first her twins, then her son, who lived only 9 days. The actress’s third husband was businessman Andrei Trishin: the star officially divorced him after thirty years of marriage, but they continue to live together. The union was not destroyed by Proklova’s recent confession of having affairs with the then-married legendary actors of the USSR - Oleg Yankovsky, Andrei Mironov and Oleg Tabakov.

For some reason in Lately“Everyone has become interested in my novels,” the actress is perplexed. - When I was asked about them on one of the programs, I could not help but answer. I am not ashamed of what I once did. After all, these are all the lessons of my life!

9 October 2017, 16:52

Actress Elena Proklova has not acted in films for a long time, but, nevertheless, she has not disappeared from television screens. In 2002, Proklova took part in the reality show " Last Hero 3: Stay Alive", from 2006 to 2010 she acted as the permanent co-host of Gennady Malakhov, and from October 25, 2010 to October 12, 2012, again on Channel One, she hosted the program "Housing and Communal Services". For many, the scandalous story with Desheli cosmetics: first, within the framework of the Housing and Communal Services, Proklova spoke about the dangers of this brand, and six months later she became its face.

And outside of her television activities, the actress periodically provides viewers with food for discussion. Many were not given rest plastic surgery actresses, others were outraged by the stuffed animals that filled the entire house of Proklova and her (former) husband Andrei Trishin, an avid hunter. Proklova regularly appears among the guests of talk shows on a variety of channels, and in the summer of 2015 she made a loud statement: I filed for divorce! The husband has fallen out of love: he doesn’t pay attention, he’s not interested, he doesn’t give compliments, let him be free. For several months, the movie star’s divorce was discussed in the media, then there was a lull. But in December 2016, Elena Proklova came to the Secret to a Million program." And then it began.......

Elena Proklova in the program "Secret to a Million"

Proklova was married three times and never hid the fact that in between marriages she had a stormy personal life. The press wrote all sorts of things, but the actress herself never voiced any names or details of her novels, explaining that she had no right to do so. For the time being. In the “Million Dollar Secret” studio, the actress apparently became so accustomed to the role of the penitent Magdalene that she has not left the character to this day. One thing is surprising: why does repentance happen every time not in church or at a psychoanalyst’s appointment, but on the air of central television channels?

"In general, I allowed myself a lot. I don’t regret a single novel, because it was always according to mutual love, and the main theme was always not to hurt those around you."

Proklova and Oleg Yankovsky

A big revelation for the country was Proklova’s story about a stormy affair with the married Oleg Yankovsky. The acquaintance took place in Leningrad on the set of the film “Sentimental Romance”. The actress talked about it like this:

“We met for the first time at the buffet. I was walking with a cup of coffee, and Yankovsky himself came to meet me! After “Shield and Sword” it was the love of all the people. He said: “God, how amazing you are... You are my destiny.” As I later found out, this was his catchphrase, which he told every girl he wanted to meet and have some kind of relationship with. I looked up, said: “I don’t think so,” and went to the table with his friends. He later admitted : “I was so offended, I was so used to it that any woman would blossom in response.”

In the evening the film crew returned to Moscow. It turned out that Proklova and Yankovsky were traveling in the same SV compartment.

“Then he said that he went to the girls who were handling tickets and said, “Please, make me in the same compartment as Proklova.” From this trip, the relationship began, the interest began. I was unmarried, whether he was married or not, I was in At that time, he didn’t care much. Bouquets of flowers, he flew to some of my filming in other cities, we went abroad together to some film festivals... It was beautiful,” recalls Proklova.

The relationship between the lovers has gone far.

“It was serious love, both on my part and on his,” the actress confessed.

As a result, Proklova even became pregnant from Yankovsky. The actor was ready for this and even persuaded Elena to leave the child, but Proklova decided everything herself:

“This was my second serious abortion. And I had it on September 2, my birthday. And it was the hardest birthday of my life. He stood under the window, he asked not to do this, but I categorically decided that this should not happen "He forgave me, but what could he do? He knew that he had no right to a second family."

The actress also ended her relationship with her married lover on her own initiative: “May this family forgive me, his wife and I saw each other at the time when I was having an affair, I really didn’t like it, I was categorically against it, that’s how the circumstances developed. I was walking together with his son, who adores dad, who will now return to his mother. Philip and I took Arishka to the skating rink, but how can this be taken away? And it was seeing how much his wife loved him that I decided that this had to end. And I did it cruelly, overnight and painfully for him.”

Proklova herself admits that she was happy in this relationship, even if she had to experience pain. They avoided meeting with Yankovsky for some time, but shortly before the actor’s death, at the wake of Alexander Abdulov, they met and talked:

“We talked, told a lot about who had experienced it. And we were very grateful to each other for the fact that we did exactly that. I think that before last days I had a place in his heart."

Proklova and Oleg Yankovsky in the film "Sentimental Romance"

Yankovsky with his wife, actress Lyudmila Zorina, and son Philip

By the way, at “Secret for a Million” Proklova casually mentioned an affair with Oleg Yankovsky’s nephew Igor. The actress starred with him in the television movie "Dove". Not so long ago, as a participant in another “frank” program, “Actually,” Proklova admitted that she partly had an affair with Igor in order to annoy Oleg.

Proklova and Igor Yankovsky in the film "Dove"

Proklova and Oleg Tabakov

After Yankovsky, Lera Kudryavtseva began asking about Tabakov, with whom young Lena starred in one of her first films, “Shine, Shine, My Star” with Alexander Mitta. Proklova’s tone immediately changed from dramatic to humorous:

“The love of my youth! I was 15-16 years old! At the same time, the most popular novel was “Lolita”... And, of course, as a real artist, a man, he could not help but desire such a relationship.”

"We were in love with each other. I'm just like a child in love with talent and fireworks male charm, he helped me become an actress, enter the Moscow Art Theater. And I am flint. Everything that he would have wanted did not happen in our lives, no matter what anyone said,” Proklova assures.

It would seem that this should definitely have stopped there. But the actress continued:

"When I had already become adult woman and we tried to restore our relationship, it did not bring pleasure to either me or him."

Proklova and Tabakov in the film "Shine, Shine, My Star"

At that time, Oleg Tabakov was married to actress Lyudmila Krylova. Now he is married to actress Marina Zudina.

Tabakov and Lyudmila Krylova

Tabakov and Marina Zudina

Proklova and Andrei Mironov

Of course, there were some revelations about Andrei Mironov, with whom Proklova starred with Alla Surikova in the film “Be My Husband.” In this case, Proklova was laconic:

“Yes, there was an affair during filming.”

Apparently, Mironov is not a very bright page for her past life. There was more talk about the sudden arrival of Larisa Golubkina in Sochi on the set.

“Yes, my wife came. She came to our set, beautiful, smiling, and said, “I’m glad to meet you,” “Oh, how wonderful everything is here.” She, of course, understood everything. I think that’s why she came.”

Open secret. Golubkina herself openly and repeatedly talked about how Mironov himself called her and asked her to urgently come to the set because he felt that he was falling deeply in love with his partner Proklova. However, when Larisa finally arrived, he was shy.

“And Andryushka is a coward. He was a coward, he was afraid, worried... funny!” Proklova grins.

Proklova and Mironov in the film "Be My Husband"

By the way, on the set of this film, Proklova did not develop a serious love with Mironov, but she did develop with the artist Alexander Adamovich, who came to the shooting with his son Philip, a young actor who played Ilya, the son of the heroine Proklova.

“Yes, I fell in love with him more. For you, Mironov is an idol, but for me he was one of my admirers. Well, what can I do: this Adamovich came, yes, I fell in love, lost my head and said to Mironov: “Andryusha, I’m sorry.” , that’s all, the end." Then there was suffering and persuasion on his part for a long time, but I’m such a person. Why not? I was a single woman, unmarried, I had the right to answer everything I wanted to answer." .

Alla Surikova says:

“Sasha Adamovich, an artist, the father of the boy Philip, who played the role of her son in our film, fell mortally in love with her. Sasha came to us for a couple of days on an expedition and... left his French wife and two children because of Lena. Adamovich and Proklova lived together together for two years. He then returned to the family. But not for long... He died - probably because of this Love."

Alexander Adamovich

For some reason, it was Adamovich who was remembered better than other men by Elena Proklova’s aunt, who came with her to the “Million Dollar Secret” studio and subsequently to Boris Korchevnikov’s “Live Broadcast.” But it was the aunt who announced the name of another famous lover of the actress.

"An affair turned up with Leva Prygunov, who wanted to change Lena’s life, Lena had plans to cross-stitch icons, and Lena categorically refused to play in the film “Crew”. I still have a grudge against him!”

Proklova herself did not say anything about Prygunov, but giggled approvingly in response to her aunt’s stories.

Lev Prygunov

But Proklova spoke in detail about another of her novels.

Proklova and Mihai Volontir

Proklova met “Budulay,” already famous throughout the USSR, on the set of the film “Be Happy, Yulia!” Naturally, a romance broke out. The role of “leader” in this union belonged to Proklova. This is how she remembers Volontir:

“My great-grandmother called me the Almshouse. She said: “Lena, the almshouse again!” Because I always got the part of a comforting woman, a woman who revives lives, who gives strength. I now understand that this is probably a man’s favorite technique.. .Complain about how lonely I am, how unhappy I am. It was the same with him. I thought, God, so famous, so handsome, so talented, kind, so lonely, so unhappy..."

Volontir was also married. He lived with Efrosinya Dobinde-Volontir, an actress of the National Theater of Moldova, until the end of his days.

“He was terribly afraid of her. She somehow arrived on the set, I think they told her. Mihai dealt with her himself, in the morning she was no longer there, but there was a big scandal in the hotel. The hotel was shaking!” - Proklova confesses.

The romance between the partners, as always, ended abruptly and, as always, on the initiative of the wayward actress.

“He stayed with the family, I went home. I always ended abruptly. He came and tried to restore something.”

Proklova and Volontir in the film “Be Happy, Yulia!”

Volunteer with his wife Efrosinya Dobynde

With her sexual revelations, Proklova gave her acquaintances from the past the basis for developing the topic. So 77-year-old director Leonid Monastyrsky admitted that the actress had no equal as a woman.

“It was only Andron Konchalovsky who thought that he “picked” her, but she was the one who chose. At one time Lena and I lived with her grandfather in an apartment on Mosfilmovskaya. There were two paired telephones there. A bell rings, Lena picks up the phone and gestures to me so that I take another one. I hear Andron’s voice: “I’ve been impressed for six months, come back...” And Lena shows me with a gesture, saying, “You see how much they want me, but you don’t appreciate me.”

It is strange that Konchalovsky, who described his love affairs in such detail in his memoirs “Low Truths” and “Exalting Deception,” did not say a word about Proklova.

Andrei Konchalovsky, apparently, loved himself too much to actively pursue Proklova.

The loving actress admitted that she was always the receiving party in relationships and fell in love only in return, “mirroring” the attitude towards herself. Proklova also believes that love for famous partners flared up as a continuation of roles. Today the actress’s position is difficult to understand. On the one hand, she continues to insist: “I was free and I could afford it. I did not pretend to marry married lovers.” On the other hand, she portrays some semblance of repentance and even says that the infidelities of her third husband Andrei Trishin with a young neighbor in the dacha are retribution for the sins of her youth.

In July of this year, Proklova, as a guest of the Slavic Bazaar, gave an interview in which she was reminded of her intimate revelations. The actress played the role of a victim, “tired of hiding the truth”:

“At some point I felt ashamed of the way I felt about my life. I always took into account how other people, their families, children, grandchildren, treated my life, taking into account the opinions of the audience. Why should I lie? "as I am. I wanted it both for myself and for my viewers. Well, love me if you know everything about me, or do you not need me like that? You have to love, knowing the person."

During the course of this conversation, Proklova managed to bury Tabakov and Prygunov alive:

“I allowed myself to say this after these people were gone. I didn’t name a single name of living people... I’m not ashamed, I lived a very honest life. I don’t think that acting novels are something "beyond what is accepted in society. Another thing is that these are people who are interesting to hear about. If I'm there with Vasya, it's not interesting."

Just 2 months later, Elena appeared in the studio of the program on “Actually,” and when it came to her novels, Proklova again changed her policy, saying that she closed this topic because her revelations caused too much trouble to the families of ex-lovers. However, 10 minutes later she listed their names again...

According to Elena, she did not talk about all her famous suitors. Let's place bets, who's next? Vysotsky? How far? Filatov? Zolotukhin? Kikabidze? Nakhapetov? Petrenko? Kalyagin? Boyarsky? Kalnins? And these are just Proklova’s film partners... Recently, the actress appeared at an evening in memory of Oleg Efremov, but did not say a word about her affair with the artistic director of the Moscow Art Theater. But who knows what will come to her mind next time?

In her early youth, Proklova was charming. Feminine, seductive, at the same time childishly spontaneous and bitchy, affectionate and daring, easily accessible, but not completely belonging to anyone. Perhaps now she is forced to remember the past by female loneliness, perhaps by the fear of being forgotten by the viewer. But does the end always justify the means?

Oksana Fandera, the wife of the director of the film “In Motion”, escaped from his unhealthy hysterics in the warm embrace of Konstantin Khabensky

The broadcast of the series “Mysterious Passion” has ended on Channel One. The project was long-awaited, but in reality it turned out to be a dummy. Alas, there are practically no positive reviews about the film. Although the cast was strong. But either the team led by director Vlad FURMAN (he became famous for directing several parts of “Gangster Petersburg” and “Agent national security") was not entirely coherent, or they were unable to feel the full depth of passions on the basis of which the rather thin script was written. In a word, there was no catharsis for the audience.

In this series, Philip YANKOVSKY, the son of Oleg Ivanovich, played well. He got the role of Yan Tushinsky, whose prototype was Evgeny EVTUSHENKO. Philip, of course, knows the poet personally thanks to his father. However, he has a lot to be grateful to the famous dad for. After all, it was he who saved his son’s marriage with Oksana FANDERA many years ago. And now she helped Philip emerge victorious in his battle with a terrible disease.

In 2009, shortly after pancreatic cancer killed Oleg Yankovsky, his son was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma. The disease is rare and unpleasant. In the last stages, bleeding growths begin to appear, plus hellish breaking pains throughout the body, plus a state of monstrous fatigue - as if I had been driving piles for three days without rest. But then, seven years ago, Philip refused treatment. Yes, the symptoms of the disease were not pleasing, but he learned to drown them out.

The son of the great Oleg Ivanovich developed a bad habit, which seemed to make Yankovsky’s life brighter and more fun, in his youth. When the parents found out, they sounded the alarm. But, for obvious reasons, they could not control every step and hour of the grown-up heir. Of course, dad and mom saw salvation in Oksana and the children she gave birth to from Philip. They thought that for the sake of their son Vanya and daughter Liza, Filippok would give up the nonsense that makes the mind cloudy.

Oleg Ivanovich, like no one else, understood: without Funders, this charming Odessa girl with big black eyes and a sensual mouth, his offspring will disappear. IN literally words. Only she knew how to find the key to her husband and, by some miracle, hide the family drama from the public. And she tried with all her might to prevent the destruction of this marriage. For taking care of his unlucky son, Yankovsky’s father thanked the beautiful Odessa girl like a king: he took him to expensive shops and bought various gifts. From the outside it seemed to everyone that Oleg Ivanovich had far from fatherly feelings for his young daughter-in-law. And she reciprocates his feelings. Of course, no one held a candle, but in this case everything was quite decent - Oksana has principles! No, no, we are not making a saint out of her, although living for so many years with a not entirely balanced spouse requires a lot of strength and patience.

People in acting circles say different things about Oksana. That she slept with unknown lighting crews and a director Roman Prygunov(who starred in the thriller “Loneliness of Blood” in 2002). And allegedly Prygunov later said that she was so sensual that during an orgasm she almost lost consciousness. By the way, at the same time, in 2002, Philip had a relationship with the singer Lena Perova, who played main role in his directorial debut, On the Move. When good people informed Fandera about her husband’s hobby, she rushed to the set. I caught the infidel in an inappropriately aggressive state. If not Kostya Khabensky, who took Oksana to his room in time to wait out the storm and lick her wounds, that scene did not end well.

Chain of random events

However, Philip was never a “walker” like dad. Even in student years when his childhood friend Fedya Bondarchuk and classmates Volodya Mashkov Yes Valera Nikolaev They squeezed everything out of life to the fullest. He was modest and quiet. He preferred music and leisurely conversations over a glass of something inspiring to carnal pleasures. In 20-year-old Fander, he saw first of all a muse. But, of course, not ethereal. And with a delicious ass and other tempting curves.

“On his part, I felt a pathological curiosity about my figure,” Oksana recalled more than once. – For some reason, Philip was amused and greatly surprised by my excessive sociability, openness, smile, laughter and habit of kissing when we met. Over the many years of marriage, I realized one thing important thing: No matter how hard it is, you can’t give up. We must fight - for ourselves, for loved ones, for the sake of children, for the sake of general happiness. And Philip and I have it!

It was very difficult for the family in 2014. When Philip was taken to the hospital in serious condition and diagnosed with the third stage of the disease, which he brushed off for five years. When you are facing an abyss, the question is: “Why me?” - gets up by itself.

Igor YANKOVSKY, like his famous uncle, had problems with his son Denis - the guy even received a prison term for possession of drugs (in the photo Igor Rostislavovich with his German wife Evelyn)

– Lymphomas are not caused by lifestyle or bad habits. For example, smoking, as happens with lung cancer, says the doctor Vyacheslav Dymov. – You are not to blame for anything and did not do anything that could provoke the development of lymphoma. Lymphomas usually arise from a chain of random genetic events, but doctors have not yet been able to determine their sequence in each patient.

Genetics is a complicated matter. Just like karmic retribution. According to the laws of karma, as is known, their children always pay for the misdeeds of fathers. Usually with your health and problems in your personal life. Oleg Ivanovich lived for 47 years in marriage with Lyudmila Zorina and instilled in his son the “truth”:

- I must marry once and for all! And there can be thousands of novels. But only if they don't ruin your family life.

One day Yankovsky almost destroyed his. Because of Elena Proklova. Who slept with his nephew Igor. Zorina suffered inhumanly. You have to pay for this...

Mom's word

Then, in 2014, standing by the hospital bed of her son, who was almost not breathing, Lyudmila Zorina tightly squeezed his thin palm and said harshly:

“I won’t let anyone take my second beloved man away from me!” You will be treated as long as I live!

The words of the mother, the sobs of the wife, the phrase “We really need you, dad!”, sparingly pronounced in a manly manner by the matured bass voice of Vanya’s son, the rosy forecasts of the doctors - apparently everything played a role here.

Philip underwent seven courses of polychemotherapy, a serious restorative course of immunostimulating treatment in Israel.

- I'm back in action! – smiling charmingly, he told everyone the other day white light at the Moscow premiere of the thriller “Queen of Spades” Pavel Lungina, where his 26-year-old son played the main role. – Ready for big roles and new horizons. Thanks a lot to everyone who supported me. I will never forget your kindness and care. Now I will keep my health under strict control. I promise!

As a naive, enthusiastic child, she first came to the set. Before casting 12-year-old Proklova in the role of a charming pioneer in the film “They’re Ringing, Open the Door,” Alexander Mitta looked at almost ten thousand Soviet schoolgirls! Not finding his heroine among them, the director was indignant and appealed to the team. After another such scene, assistant director Viktor Proklov responded: “Well, what should I do now, bring my granddaughter to you?”

Lenochka gave the impression of a meek and naive child, but the entire film crew noted her extraordinary endurance and character. They were given to their girl by professional sports: at the time of filming, Lena was already a master of sports in rhythmic gymnastics. The coaches predicted high achievements for her, but fate had other plans for Lena.

A novel covered in mud

Proklova herself recalls her pure, first love with tenderness, never mentioning whether her affair with the brilliant Tabakov had intimate details.

Elena was barely 16, Oleg Pavlovich was 34, when Alexander Mitta approved both of them for the filming of “Shine, Shine, My Star.” There, they say, a serious romance began between the actors, in the midst of which Tabakov seduced the young Proklova.

She protests. They say it’s the gossip around intimate life a minor actress and already famous actor prevented them from taking decisive action. But she recognizes the fact that Tabakov became her first true love, taught her to feel and got a place in her heart for life.

I wanted a dress

And Elena will get married a little later - at 17. The wedding was scheduled for her brother. The actress was organizing the celebration with her future daughter-in-law, and suddenly she herself wanted to show off in a “princess” dress. Proklova’s then-young man was her brother’s friend Vitaly Melik-Karamov My parents really liked it. The marriage was blessed. The Proklov sister and brother celebrated their wedding on the same day.

Family life I found Elena in her first year at the Moscow Art Theater School. My husband started demanding children from the first day. At the age of 18, the couple had a daughter, Arina.

It was a time of constant proposals and hard work. Elena left her daughter in the care of her parents, and she was constantly on set. “It seemed normal to me to be a Sunday mom. You bring sweets on the weekend, jeans from abroad, and you’ve already fulfilled your duty. In general, I’m a relative mom.” It must be said that Arina’s daughter argues with this statement.

Proklova’s husband was a supporter of the classic patriarchal family and tried to make sure that Elena took care of the house and children, and not creativity.

One day, in the heat of a family quarrel, he presented her with a choice: “Either me or the theater!” "Theater!" - Lena, tired of such a relationship, shouted, collected her things and the child and immediately left.

Love to death

The actress was in no hurry to start a new serious relationship after such a marriage. But she never ceased to be popular with men. It seemed as if the most talented actors fell at Elena’s feet, wandered around her in flocks, and loved her to the point of madness.

For example, Andrei Mironov, who received the main role in “Be My Husband,” chose his partner for filming himself, and settled on Proklova. Having tried to hit on the actress, he was surprised to discover that she was having an affair with the father of the boy Philip, who participated in the filming, a set designer Alexander Adamovich.

Married man love for Proklova forced her to leave the family. They lived together for two years, after which the duty of husband and father returned Adamovich to his French wife and two children.

Soon Elena received news of her lover's death. In her circle they still say: “Adamovich died of longing for Lena.”

Doctor Sasha

For a long time, Proklova perceived her second official husband only as an annoying admirer. He really fell in love with her acting talent at first, showered her with flowers and met her at the theater, which only caused the actress’s dissatisfaction. But for ten whole years he firmly believed that this was “his” woman and that she would come to him herself.

Time passed and my daughter grew up. One day, Arina was admitted to the hospital with a disappointing diagnosis: the girl had an ulcer. One of the actors, sympathizing with Elena, gave the address of the famous doctor Alexander Deryabin. Elena immediately rushed to him. Imagine her surprise when the door was opened by that same admirer.

At first, Arina began to recover, and then serious passion flared up between Sasha and Lena. They soon got married, but Arina didn’t like her stepfather: he put her on a tasteless diet, what kind of child would love such a doctor, Sasha?!


That marriage marked the beginning of a drama that would force Elena to leave the stage for eight long years. But everything started well: the young people began to dream of a child. The happiness of the couple knew no bounds when it turned out that Proklova was pregnant with twins! But after the birth it turned out that both sons were too weak to live. They died less than a minute after birth. Realizing this, Proklova lost consciousness.

Elena went into deep depression, the meaning of life was lost. She thought that God was punishing her in this way for her early glory, for her success.

Instead of being there and comforting his wife, Deryabin also closed in on himself. Later, Elena will say that at that time they both had somewhere to escape from grief, and at that time they had not yet acquired serious family traditions and warmth. The tragedy ended in divorce.


Elena went to her brother for reassurance. After some time she had to receive a guest. Her brother's friend, eight years younger than Proklova, struck her heart at first sight. The day after we met Andrey Trishin took her with him to St. Petersburg, and then to a long, happy life.

However, it didn't start out easy. The wedding of an ordinary builder and famous actress called misalliance. The new stepfather seemed very young to my daughter - he was only 25, the girl did not accept him. But that wasn't the worst thing.

The dark streak that began for Elena in her last marriage continued with Andrey. The long-awaited pregnancy ended with the birth of a weak son, who spent a whole week in a special box and then suddenly died. This time the right words of consolation were found. The tragedy brought the lovers closer together and forced them to fight for their happiness. But the next pregnancy brought Proklova to the hospital already in the sixth month, and an incorrect diagnosis deprived the happy couple of another child.

By the age of forty, the actress terminates all contracts and takes her health seriously. She will never regret the decision to leave both the stage and the camera. But a careful examination will reveal the cause of the series of tragedies: Lena’s blood is too thick, which simply does not pass through the placenta, which impedes the development of the fetus.

Second wind

Elena spent all nine months of her next pregnancy in the hospital. She endured 700 injections in the stomach, necessary to thin the blood and pass through vital elements for the child, and gave birth to a charming girl, Polina. I haven’t worked at full capacity for eight years. During the first six years I left the acting scene altogether and devoted myself to my family and children.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Elena Igorevna returned to the profession, began acting again, and also appeared on television as a presenter. Now her career is in perfect order.

Everything would have been fine if a year ago all the media had not announced that the actress had divorced her husband. She stated on camera that after thirty years of marriage their relationship had cooled, and read ex-husband new family.