MBDOU No. 76 “Droplet” Second junior group Educator: Rud Natalya Gennadievna
Topic of the week: “Wild Animals” native land»
Objective of the project:
-enrich the idea of ​​the native land;
- expand children’s knowledge about the animal world of their native land;
- develop a caring and caring attitude towards wild animals;
- cultivate pride in your native land.
Relevance of the project.

One of the main tasks of educating preschoolers facing the teacher at the present stage is to instill in children love and respect for the Motherland, native land, and a sense of pride in their country. Children's idea of ​​the Motherland begins with a picture, a song, the surrounding nature, and animals of their native land. Any animal, even aquarium fish or a little mouse, decorates our life, making it richer and spiritually richer. Scientists prove that as a result of communication with animals, a person becomes not only kinder, but also healthier. A person cannot be human without an attentive, tender and reverent attitude towards animals. Sensitivity, love for animals, for all living things must be cultivated from childhood, by example. One might wonder whether a person who throws a kitten, puppy, or other Living being, to be a true friend, a good parent, truly loving

you as a person? A child will grow up loving and responsible only if we learn together to respect animals.
Thus, the need modern theory and the practice of environmental education in effective technologies for the formation of an individual’s ecological culture and the lack of demand for the potential of design technology in solving this problem, the need for special development of software and methodological support for environmental design activities of children determined the choice of the topic of this study: “Wild animals of the native land”
Solving this problem is the goal of our research:
-enrich ideas about the native land;
- expand children’s knowledge about the animal world of their native land;
-to form a careful and caring attitude towards wild animals of the native land;
-instill pride in your native land.
The object of the study is the process of formation of environmental culture in children of primary preschool age.
The subject of the study is the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of a project to develop knowledge in children of primary preschool age in the field of socialization.
Research hypothesis: the implementation of the project technology in the process of developing an ecological culture among younger preschoolers will be successful if the following conditions are met:
- creation and enrichment of the subject ecological and developmental environment;
- cooperation and co-creation of children, teachers, parents, social partners
Project type
Long-term, group, informational and creative.
Educators junior group, physical education instructor, ecologist, parents.
Target group
Children 3-4 years old, parents of children.
The methodological basis for the development of the project was
1. The program “From birth to school” edited by Veraksa N.E.
2. Ryzhova N.V. “Our home is nature”;
3. Goncharova E.V. "Ecology for kids."

Project implementation stages:
Preparatory stage:
Selection of literature;
Writing calendar and thematic planning;
Selection of methods and techniques for project implementation.
Selection of literature:
Plan-program “From birth to school”
Calendar and thematic planning for the program “From birth to school”, taking into account FGT
Didactic games in kindergarten
Role-playing games for preschool children (Author N.V. Krasnoshchekova)
Game communication lessons for children (Author S.A. Khromova)
Lesson notes for the second junior group. Program “From birth to school” (edited by Veraksa N.E.)
Writing calendar and thematic planning:
The basic principle of calendar-thematic planning is the child’s “living” of the contents preschool education in all types of children's activities;
The idea of ​​the project (theme) is dominant in direct educational activities and during routine moments;
The main activity is gaming.
Selection of methods and techniques:
Surprise moment
Problem situation
A game
Main stage (implementation):
Routing GCD
Reading fiction"Reading and dramatization of Russian folk tale"Teremok"
Integration of educational areas: cognition, socialization, communication.
Expected results:
Children's awareness that we live in a unique, rich region.
Respect for all living things, care for them, the ability to foresee the consequences of one’s behavior in the natural environment.
enriching children's knowledge about the animal world of their native land and love for their homeland.

Project on the topic: “Diversity of the native land” Completed by: Tikhonov A.S. Checked by: Permyakova L.I.

An ordinary hedgehog. Common hedgehog animal small sizes. The length of its body is 2030 cm, the tail is about 3 cm, the body weight is g. The ears are relatively small (usually less than 3.5 cm). The muzzle is elongated. The animal’s nose is sharp and constantly moist. Hedgehogs have 20 small sharp teeth on the upper jaw, and 16 on the lower jaw. The head is relatively large, wedge-shaped, with a slightly elongated facial section. The paws have 5 toes with sharp claws. The hind limbs are longer than the front limbs. The spines of the common hedgehog short, no more than 3 cm. On the head, the needles are divided into 2 parts by a “parting”. The surface of the needles is smooth, their color consists of alternating brownish and light zones. On the back, sides and head, the needles reach a length of 2 cm. Inside they are hollow, filled with air. The needles grow at the same rate as the hair. Between the needles there are thin, long, very sparse hairs. The head and belly are covered with coarse and usually dark-colored hair. Adult hedgehogs usually have 56 thousand spines, while younger individuals have about 3 thousand.

Nutrition. The common hedgehog is an omnivore. Its diet is based on adult insects, caterpillars, slugs, and sometimes earthworms. IN natural conditions It rarely attacks vertebrates; most often, the hedgehog's victims are torpid reptiles and amphibians. From plants it can eat berries and fruits. Studies of the diet of an ordinary hedgehog show that sometimes in captivity it can eat a viper. This is also possible in the wild due to the low susceptibility of hedgehogs to snake venom. Poisons such as arsenic, sublimate, opium and even hydrocyanic acid also have little effect on hedgehogs. Mice, which sometimes include not so much real mice as less nimble voles, are caught in nature by hedgehogs quite rarely and in small quantities. Among the insects eaten by hedgehogs, some harmful ones were noted (for example, May beetles, hairy ground beetles, nun caterpillars, gypsy moths). Usually, hedgehogs feast on the eggs or chicks of any small birds nesting on the ground.

Reproduction After hibernation, hedgehogs begin mating season. Fights often occur between males over females. Males bite each other’s legs and muzzle, push each other, and use their quills in battle. During a fight, hedgehogs snort and snort loudly. After the battle, the winner circles around the female for hours. During mating, the male is behind the female. As a rule, a female brings only one brood per year. There are usually 38 (most often 4) cubs in a litter. Hedgehogs are born naked, blind, with bright pink skin, their body weight is only 12 grams. A few hours after birth, hedgehogs begin to develop white and dark soft quills.


Municipal preschool educational institution

“General developmental kindergarten No. 7 “Kalinka”


“Inhabitants of their native land. Wild animals"

Project completed


MDOU No. 7 "Kalinka"

Pimenova Lyudmila Robertovna




Patriotic education of children is one of the main tasks preschool. The feeling of patriotism is multifaceted in content - it is love for one’s native places, pride in one’s people, a feeling of one’s inseparability with the outside world, and a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one’s homeland.

Patriotic education of a child is a complex pedagogical process, which is based on the development of moral feelings. A child’s sense of homeland begins with his relationship with his family, with the closest people - mother, father, grandmother, grandfather - these are the roots that connect him with his home and immediate environment. The feeling of the Motherland begins with admiration for what the child sees in front of him, what he is amazed at and what evokes a response in his soul. And although many impressions are not deeply realized by him, but passed through childhood perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot.

The teacher’s task is to select from the mass of impressions received by the child those that are most accessible to him: nature and the animal world (at home, kindergarten, region); people's labor; traditions; social events, etc. Moreover, the episodes to which children’s attention is drawn should be bright, imaginative, concrete, and arousing interest. Therefore, when starting the work of instilling love for the native land, the teacher must think about what is most appropriate to show and tell the children, highlighting what is most characteristic of a given area or region.

The integrated teaching method helps the teacher develop the child’s personality, cognitive and creative abilities. The project method is considered as one of the integration options in preschool education. The project method of activity was chosen as the most effective remedy training and education as a method of developing creative cognitive thinking.

Relevance. The problem of moral and patriotic education of preschool children is one of the most pressing. Patriotic education is the basis for the formation of a future citizen. Patriotic feeling does not arise on its own. This is the result of long-term, targeted educational influence on a person, starting from childhood. A child is not born evil or good, moral or immoral. What moral qualities a child will develop depends, first of all, on the parents and adults around him, how they raise him, and what impressions they enrich him with.

Familiarizing preschoolers with their native nature is the first steps in understanding their native land and nurturing love for the Motherland. The concept of the Motherland is associated with specific ideas about what is dear and close to the child - with love for his parents, his home, the nature that surrounds him. The ability to see and understand the state of a living being is a subtle movement of the soul, depending on interest in a plant or animal, on the degree of development of observation, moral feelings, and this is where responsibility for all living things begins.

Impressions of native nature received in childhood leave an indelible mark on the child’s soul, and sometimes determine the interests and sympathies of a person for life. The educator needs to introduce the child to the world of nature, develop realistic knowledge about its objects and phenomena, teach him to observe, notice, reflect and reason, i.e. actively communicate with nature, acquiring new knowledge, skills and abilities.

Communication with nature decorates our lives, making it richer and spiritually richer. Sensitivity, love, attention, a tender and reverent attitude towards all living things must be cultivated from childhood. A child will grow up loving and responsible only if adults teach by example how to treat animals with care and surrounding nature. Therefore, it is very important to organize classes aimed at understanding the environment, the life of animals and plants, and to instill in children a caring attitude towards all living things.

Project type: cognitive and creative.

The nature: child and animals.

Duration: average duration– 1 month (September 2014).

Participants: pupils senior group“Bee”, teachers, parents.

Problem: respect for animals and environment native land.

Object of study:wild animals of the forests of the Egorvsky region.

Educational area:cognition, speech development.

Objective of the project: create conditions for the development of cognitive and creativity children during the project implementation.

Project objectives:

Reinforce the concept of small homeland;

To give an idea of ​​the wild animals living in the forests of the Yegoryevsky region, their way of life, nutrition, housing, and how animals in the forest prepare for winter.

- intensify andenrich lexicon children, through nouns, adjectives and verbs on the topic of the lesson;

Develop coherent speech by composing a descriptive story about wild animals of your native land;

To develop a caring attitude towards animals and the environment of the native land;

Develop social skills: the ability to work in a group, negotiate, take into account the opinion of a partner, and also defend one’s opinion;

Cultivate perseverance and accuracy.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the project is based on scientificprinciples of its construction:

The principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child. The developmental nature of education is realized through the activities of each child in his zone of proximal development;

Combination of the principle of scientific validity and practical applicability;

The unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education process for preschool children, in the process of implementation of which such knowledge, abilities and skills are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

The principle of integration of educational areas ( Physical Culture, health, safety, socialization, labor, cognition, communication, reading fiction, artistic creativity, music) in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas;

Software solution educational objectives in joint activities of adults and children and independent activities of children, not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during routine moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education;

Construction educational process on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.

Principles of humanization, differentiation and individualization, continuity and systematic education.

Reflection of the principle of humanization in the draft program means:

Recognition of the uniqueness and uniqueness of each child’s personality;

Recognition of the unlimited possibilities for developing the personal potential of each child;

Respect for the child’s personality on the part of all participants in the educational process.

Differentiation and individualization of upbringing and education ensures the development of the child in accordance with his inclinations, interests and capabilities. This principle is implemented through the creation of conditions for the upbringing and education of each child, taking into account individual characteristics its development.

The implementation of the principle of continuity of education requires the connection of all levels of preschool education, from early and junior preschool age to senior and preparatory school groups. The priority from the point of view of continuity of education is to ensure by the end of preschool childhood such a level of development of each child that will allow him to be successful in primary school. Compliance with the principle of continuity requires not only and not so much that children master a certain amount of information and knowledge, but rather the formation in a preschooler of the qualities necessary for mastery educational activities- curiosity, initiative, independence, arbitrariness, etc.

Expected results of the project:

Increasing the level of knowledge about wild animals in natural conditions;

Revealing a sustainable interest in wildlife;

Teaching children to apply acquired knowledge in productive activities;

Development of coherent speech and enrichment of children's vocabulary.

Resource support for the project.

Regulatory support:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

Law of the Moscow Region “On Education” dated July 27, 2013 No. 94/2013-03.

Federal state educational standard for preschool education.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in general education programs.”

Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN 2.4.1 3049-13 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool educational organizations.”

Charter of MDOU No. 7 “Kalinka”.


The educational subject environment of the kindergarten and specifically the senior group is equipped taking into account the age characteristics of children. All elements of the environment are interconnected in scale, content and artistic design. The kindergarten has a teaching room, a speech therapist's office, a music room, a gym, a sports ground, areas for children to walk, group rooms are equipped taking into account the age characteristics of children. A music library of modern and classical music, a stereo system, a DVD player, and a TV have been selected, which contributes to a more complete perception of the work being done with children. There is also didactic material on getting to know the outside world.

Information and methodological support:

Internet resources,

Library of children's fiction;

Innovative methodological literature;

Didactic material on familiarization with the outside world;

Photo albums;


Project effectiveness criteria:

The results obtained correspond to expectations with the least expenditure of resources;

There have been innovative changes in the organization of the educational process;

Pedagogical experience is interesting to colleagues;

The motivation of the teaching staff to widely use their experience is growing;

Parents are involved in the activities.

Project implementation stages.

I. Preparatory stage:

Selection of illustrated material on the topic;

Selection of methodological literature, fiction for reading, riddles on the topic;

Selection of materials for making crafts with your own hands.

Target: To develop children's knowledge about wild animals of their native land. Learn the names of wild animals, determine the main features appearance, habitat, nutrition, interaction of wild animals with each other.

II. Active stage:

Educational conversation “Wild Animals” (Appendix 1);

Conducting a physical education lesson “The hedgehog stomped along the path” (Appendix 2);

Solving riddles according to the chosen topic “Guess who it is?” (Appendix 3);

Carrying out Warm-up games “To the watering hole” (Appendix 4);

- reading fictionabout wild animals:“The Cat and the Fox”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Little Fox Sister”, “Three Bears”;

DIY crafts from pine cones on the theme “Wild Animals” (Appendix 5);

Carrying out finger gymnastics “Hello”, “In Yegoryevsk”, “House and Gates”, “ Gray wolf", "Brown target" (Appendix 6).

III. Summarizing:

Detailed examination of pictures of wild animals;

Exhibition of DIY crafts made from pine cones on the theme “Wild Animals”.

Goal: To generalize, clarify, form and expand knowledge about wild animals of the forests of the Yegoryevsky region. Develop cognitive activity and thinking. Arouse interest through joint completion of tasks and creative activities.

Handouts: oilcloth for modeling, plasticine, pine cones.


During the implementation of the project, all activities were interconnected. The educational process was built on the basis of a person-oriented model of interaction with children, using health-saving technologies and social gaming technologies. The use of these technologies made it possible to avoid physical and emotional overload of pupils, create conditions for the emergence of individuality, and satisfy the need for physical activity of children.

The project makes it possible to establish positions of independence, activity, initiative in finding answers to questions, systematize information, and use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in games and practical activities.

The promise of the project method is evidenced by the facts that it provides the opportunity to develop observation and analysis of phenomena, comparison, generalization and the ability to draw conclusions, creative thinking, logic and cognition, joint cognitive search and research activities, communication and reflective skills, and much more. what are the components of a successful personality


1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.”

2. Law of the Moscow Region “On Education” dated July 27, 2013 No. 94/2013-03.

3. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in general education programs.”

4. Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN 2.4.1 3049-13 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, content and organization of the work regime in preschool educational organizations.”

5. Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education of preschool children.-M: TsGL, 2005.

6. Kolomina N.V. “Education of the fundamentals of ecological culture in kindergarten” (lesson scenarios) Creative Center “SPHERE” Moscow 2003

7. Nikolaeva S.N. “Education of environmental culture in preschool childhood.” - M.: Education, 2010.

8. Molodtseva L.P. Gaming environmental activities in kindergarten.-M.: Nauka, 1996

9. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in preschool educational institutions: theory and practice. M.: VLADOS, 2000.

10. Ryzhova N. A. “Environmental education in kindergarten. - M.: 2003

11. Solomennikova O.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. Program and guidelines. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2005.

Annex 1


Educational conversation “Wild Animals”

Educator: Hello, dear guys! We all live in a great huge country - Russia. We all love our country very much and especially love our hometown, whose name is Yegoryevsk. Our beautiful city surrounds amazing nature. In the summer we can relax on the banks of rivers and lakes, breathe fresh air and enjoy the singing of birds, walking in the forest, picking berries and mushrooms.

Educator: Guys, today we will go on an amazing and exciting journey through the majestic forest of the Yegoryevsky region, where wild animals live. I will tell you about the life of these wonderful animals. But first, please tell me what wild animals do you know?(fox, bear, wolf, lynx, squirrel, hare, elk, wild boar, beaver, hedgehog, mole, vole mouse)

Well done! So, look at this picture(looking at a picture of a fox).

Who is depicted on it?(fox)

That's right, fox.

Fox - one of the most famous inhabitants of our forests. This animal is medium in size with a long, very beautiful tail and large pointed ears and a white chest. The back of the ears is black, the tip of the tail is white, and there are also black spots on the paws. In winter, the fox is red in color, and in summer it is gray. The fox is omnivorous; its diet is based on small rodents, mainly field mice, as well as hares, hedgehogs and birds, plants, fruits, berries, and mushrooms. Foxes live in burrows. The fox is a very smart and cunning animal.

Educator: Now look at this picture(looking at a picture of a bear).

Who is this? (bear)

At the bear's large head, small round ears, small eyes, claws on paws. And the color of the fur is brown, hence its name. It feeds on plant foods - loves fruits, nuts, berries, some plants, mushrooms and of course honey. During hungry spring periods, after hibernation, it can eatwild boar , moose or deer. He won't refuse fish either. The bear hibernates in winter, for this it makes a den for itself, usually under fallen trees.

Educator: You, of course, know this beast from children's fairy tales (looking at a picture of a wolf).

That's right, it's a wolf.

Wolf - ancestor of the domestic dog. In my own way general appearance a wolf may resemble a large dog. The wolf has fur gray, high strong paws. Wolves are pack animals. They live in a den, only for raising wolf cubs. As a den, they use bushes, fallen trees, and sometimes they can occupy the holes of marmots, badgers and other animals, and only in extreme cases they dig them themselves. The wolf is a typical predator that obtains its food by constantly searching for and chasing victims.

Educator: Who knows what a wolf eats? (ungulates, rodents, hares)

Domestic animals (sheep, cows, horses), including dogs, are often targeted by wolves. In summer, wolves can feast on eggs, chicks or birds sitting on nests, and sometimes attack waterfowl and other birds. They also eat some plants, mushrooms, lizards and frogs.

Educator: Now guys, pay attention to this wonderful beast (looking at a picture of a lynx).

Who does he look like?(cat)

That's right, a cat.

Lynx - enough large animal, with a spotted gray-red color, tufted ears, wide shaggy paws and a short tail. The lynx feeds on hares, and it also hunts birds, small rodents, and, less often, small ungulates, such as roe deer, deer, as well as foxes and other small animals, and sometimes attacks domestic cats and dogs. Their shelter is a den under the upturned roots of a fallen tree, some kind of hole, a small earthen cave, a rock crevice, an old badger hole located in a secluded place that is difficult for people to reach.

Educator: Is this animal familiar to you? (looking at a picture of a squirrel)

That's right, it's a squirrel.

Squirrel is a small animal with an elongated slender body And fluffy tail. The animal has a rounded head, large black eyes and long ears with tufts, which are especially noticeable in winter. In summer, squirrels are mostly bright red, brown or dark brown, and in winter they are black and gray. The abdomen is light or pure white at any time of the year. Squirrels live in hollow trees called nests, occupying the empty homes of magpies, blackbirds and crows.

Educator: What do squirrels eat?(seeds, hazelnuts, acorns, mushrooms, berries, plants)

Squirrels also eat insects, bird eggs, and lizards. For the winter, all squirrels make supplies: they put acorns, nuts, cones in hollows, and dry mushrooms, hanging them on branches.

Educator: You also know this animal(looking at a picture of a hare.)

Hare - the animal is quite large. The hare's physique is fragile, its ears are long, its tail is small, black or black-brown on top. The hare's eyes are reddish-brown, and its hind legs are longer than its front legs.

Educator: What color is a hare's fur in summer?(gray or brown)

Winter fur is slightly lighter than summer fur, and the head, front of the back and tips of the ears remain dark in winter. Hares live on the edges of forests, clearings and meadows, digging a shallow hole under a bush or fallen tree. The hare very rarely digs holes, but can occupy abandoned fox holes. IN summer time The hare eats plants and young shoots of trees and shrubs, as well as vegetables. In winter, the hare feeds on dry grass, seeds, residues of garden crops (potatoes, carrots), shrubs and woody vegetation (bark, shoots).

Educator: Who knows what kind of animal this is?(looking at a picture of a moose)

This is a moose.

Elk - a fairly tall animal, it has a short body and neck, high withers with a small hump and very elongated legs. The moose has a large, hook-nosed head, and under the throat there is a soft leathery outgrowth - the so-called “earring”. Moose fur is very coarse, males have large antlers, but females do not. The moose's color is brownish-black, with light gray, almost white legs. Moose feed on shoots of coniferous and deciduous species, leaves of trees and shrubs, tree bark, grass, and mushrooms. In addition to humans, wolves and sometimes even bears hunt moose. Sick, young and old animals become their prey.

Educator: Look at this picture(looking at a picture of a wild boar)

What kind of animal is that?(boar)

As you noticed, the boar is very similar to the well-known pig.

From domestic pig it is distinguished by a more compressed and shorter body, higher and thicker legs. In addition, the boar has a longer and thinner head, long ears that are sharper and stand upright, and sharp, highly developed fangs. All domestic pigs originated from wild boars. The fur is brownish-gray. The bristles, black-brown with an admixture of yellow, on the body of the boar, not counting the lower part of the neck and the back of the abdomen, form something like a mane. Its muzzle, lower legs, tail and hooves are black. These are extremely cautious animals - the boar tries to avoid meeting people. But they are not cowardly at all. They can be brave when irritated, injured, or protecting their young - at this point, boars are very dangerous. An adult boar has practically no enemies except humans. But wolves and lynxes are dangerous for young or sick animals. Boars feed on plant foods (roots, fruits, acorns, etc.), but also include various small animals and carrion. In rare cases, wild boar attacks fairly large, but sick or wounded animals, such as roe deer or even deer.

Educator: Pay attention to this animal(looking at a picture of a beaver)

It's a beaver - one of the most unusual representatives of the forest. Being a large terrestrial rodent, it is perfectly adapted to an aquatic lifestyle. The most prominent part of the beaver's body is its tail, covered with large horny bristles, similar to an oar. The beaver has small eyes, wide and short ears, almost not protruding above the level of the fur. Under water, its ears and nostrils can close, and its eyes can be closed with special membranes. The beaver's teeth are very strong and sharp, thanks to them he gnaws through tree trunks in order to build a dam on a river or lake and build himself a house - a hut. The beaver has very thick and beautiful fur, light brown, brown or black. Beavers usually settle along the banks of slow rivers, ponds and lakes, in reservoirs, canals and quarries. Beavers live in burrows or huts, and they always enter under water. Beavers dig holes under steep banks. This is a very complex labyrinth with several entrances and exits. Beavers are strict vegetarians - they eat only the bark and shoots of trees, and sometimes indulge in herbaceous plants.

Educator: You know this thorny beast for sure (looking at a picture of a hedgehog).

That's right, it's a hedgehog.

Hedgehog - an animal that leads a nocturnal lifestyle. The hedgehog's ears are relatively small, its muzzle is elongated, its nose is sharp and constantly wet. The hedgehog's spines are short, hollow inside, and filled with air. The head and belly of the hedgehog are covered with coarse and usually dark hair. Hedgehogs prefer edges, small clearings, copses, and floodplains. They can easily live next to a person. During the day, hedgehogs sleep in a nest or other shelters. Hedgehogs make nests in bushes, holes, abandoned mouse holes or under tree roots. Hedgehogs, like many nocturnal animals, have poorly developed vision, but an excellent sense of smell and hearing. With the onset of frost, the hedgehog tightly seals the entrance to the hole and falls into hibernation. The hedgehog feeds on insects, slugs, caterpillars, earthworms, sometimes lizards and frogs, and eats fruits and berries. Hedgehogs often feast on chicks or eggs of any small birds that nest on the ground, as well as mice.

Educator: Guys, let's take a look at one of the most mysterious animals living in the forest (looking at a picture of a mole).

What kind of animal is this?(mole)

The mole's fur color is usually black, the lower part of the body is slightly lighter. The mole represents the world of animals that live underground in meadows, fields, vegetable gardens, orchards and floodplains. Moles dig many passages underground with their front paws and make nests for themselves in the roots of trees, or under old stumps, where they spend the winter actively without hibernating. Moles feed on soil invertebrates, among which earthworms predominate, as well as various insects, slugs, lizards, mice and frogs.

Educator: Who knows what this cute little animal is called? (looking at a picture of a mouse vole)

mouse vole looks like a regular mouse orrats u. However, the difference lies in their blunt muzzle, short round ears and small tail.On the back, the skin is grayish-brown, and on the belly it is whitish.The vole settles on forest edges and clearings, in meadows, fields and river valleys. Voles live in colonies, which consist of several families. Under the ground they dig holes with a complex branched network of passages. Each burrow has several chambers that are designed for different purposes: in some chambers they make nests, and in others they store food supplies. Voles feed on plant foods, mainly stems, leaves and buds of various plants, seeds, nuts, as well as various insects. IN winter time they live under the snow, where they have nests woven from dry grass.

Educator: Today guys, you met amazing wild animals living in forests, nI only told you about some of them, in fact there are many more.

The teacher places pictures with wild animals on a magnetic board and invites the children, if they wish, one at a time, to come to the board, take a picture of an animal and tell everything they know about it.

Educator: What do you guys think, do wild animals live well in the forest? And why?(Okay. This is their house.)

Educator: How should people behave in the forest?(In the forest you can’t break anything or offend animals. You can’t pollute the forest.)

Educator: Guys, you are all great, you made me happy with your answers. Remember that we - Yegoryevites - must take care of our home, our homeland,treat animals and the surrounding nature of your native land with care.And that we are citizens of a very strong, powerful country, whose name is Russia.

Appendix 2

Physical education minute"The hedgehog was stomping along the path":

Once upon a time there lived a gray hedgehog and his hedgehog. Clap your hands.
The gray hedgehog was very quiet
Stretches – arms up with fingers spread out.
And the hedgehog too. Stretching - arms to the sides.
And they had a child - a very quiet hedgehog.Squatting - smoothly lowering your arms down.
The whole family goes for a walk, along the paths at night,
Walking in place with arms swinging along the body.
Hedgehog father, hedgehog mother,
Walking is brisk.
And a baby hedgehog.
Walking is slow.
Along the remote autumn paths, they walk quietly: thump, thump, thump
. Walking on your toes.

Appendix 3

Game "Guess who it is?"

The teacher places pictures with wild animals on a magnetic board as a hint when solving riddles.

Educator: Guys, now we are going to play the game “Guess who it is?” I will ask you riddles, and you will guess them. As a hint, you can use the pictures presented on the magnetic board.

Cunning cheat

Red head.

A fluffy tail is a beauty.

Who is this? (Fox)


He sleeps in a den in winter,

Under a huge pine tree,

And when spring comes,

Wakes up from sleep.(Bear)


He looks like a shepherd

Every tooth is a sharp knife,

He runs with his mouth bared,

Ready to attack a sheep.(Wolf)


I thought it was a cat

He shouted: "Shoot"

It turned out that it was... (Lynx)


The tail is a fluffy arc,

Do you know this animal?

Sharp-toothed, dark-eyed,

Loves to climb trees.(Squirrel)


Long ear

A ball of fluff,

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots. (Hare)


Touching the grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest,

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide.(Elk)


This beast, with two fangs,

With very powerful legs,

And with a cake on your nose,

He digs earth in the forest.(Boar)


I live in a river backwater,
In a warm fur coat,
I'm constantly at work,
I care about platinum
Without a nail or an axe,
We are master builders of houses.
Cheerful, cheerful,
Who is this, brothers?(Beavers)


He himself is round, not a ball,

The mouth is not visible, but the biter

You can't take it with your bare hand,

And this is called... (Hedgehog)


I dug everything up - both the meadow and the garden -

earthmoving apparatus,

In the dark, during walking hours,

I dug under the field, alleys.(Mole)


It rustles under the snags,

He is in a hurry to get out into the field.

Eats millet, barley, carrots,

Red mouse... (Vole)

Appendix 4

Warm-up game “To the watering hole”:

One day, along a forest path, animals walked to a watering hole.(children calmly walk in a circle one after another);

A calf trampled after the mother moose(they walk, stomping loudly);

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox(sneak on tiptoes);

A hedgehog rolled after its mother(squat, move forward slowly),

A bear cub followed the mother bear(they waddle);

Baby squirrels jumped after the mother squirrel(jump squat);

Behind the mother hare - oblique hares(jump on straight legs);

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs(walk on all fours);

All mothers and children want to get drunk(face in a circle, make a tongue movement and lap).

Appendix 5

DIY crafts from pine cones on the theme “Wild Animals”

For this we need:



For example, to make a hare, we need one cone, white, blue and pink plasticine. We sculpt a bunny's face, paws and ears from white plasticine. We make it from pink plasticine inner side ear, nose and mouth of a bunny. And the eyes are made of blue plasticine.

Appendix 6

Finger gymnastics “Hello”

(Fingers right hand take turns “hello” with the fingers of your left hand,

tapping each other's tips).

Hello, golden sun!

Hello, blue sky!

Hello, free breeze!

Hello, little oak tree!

We live in the same region -

I greet you all!

Finger gymnastics “In Yegoryevsk”

The wind rose in Yegoryevsk(rubbing palms);

It's starting to rain(clicking fingers);

The rain is getting heavier(alternating claps of palms on the chest);

It's starting to rain real hard(clap thighs);

And here comes the hail - a real storm(stomping feet) ;

But what is it? The storm subsides(claps on thighs) ;

The rain is subsiding (claps palms on chest);

Rare drops fall to the ground(clicking fingers);

The quiet rustle of the wind(rubbing palms);

Sun! (hands up) .

Finger gymnastics “House and Gates”

There is a house in a clearing(children depict the roof of the house with their fingers);

Well, the path to the house is closed(turn palms toward you, middle fingers touching each other, thumbs up);

We are opening the gates(turn palms parallel to each other);

We invite you to this house(depict the roof of a house);

A dog, a bunny, a cockerel, a fox, a bear!(bend fingers on both hands);

Everyone lives in the same house(depict a roof);

They are called neighbors!

Finger gymnastics “Gray Wolf”

Gray wolf sneaks into the thicket(make a “mouth” of a wolf with both hands, move forward with both hands);

Very scary, real(bend the fingers on both hands, starting with the little finger);
Oh, that gray wolf!
(they “threaten” with their index fingers);

He teeth, click and click!(they make a “mouth” of a wolf from their fingers, rhythmically tap their fingers, the last word make a “lock” out of fingers).

Finger gymnastics “Brown Target”

Brown target in winter(clench and unclench fingers);

Sleeping soundly in the den(put hands under cheek);

In the spring he woke up(pulls hands up);

He yawned and stretched:(yawn and stretch);

Hello, red fox!(bend fingers alternately);

Hello, little sister!

Hello, little gray wolf!

Hello, little white bunny!

And a prickly hedgehog brother.

Project in kindergarten for children of senior preschool age “Animal and vegetable world native land."

1) Author of the project- Deryagina Yu.A.
2) Project type– Long-term.
3) Project type- Informative.
4) Project participants– Teachers of MBDOU “Smile, parents, employees national park"Vodlozersky".
5) Form of conduct- direct educational activities, examination of illustrations in encyclopedias and fiction, conversations, thematic consultations for parents on this topic, excursions.
6) Venue – Onega, Arkhangelsk region.
7) Dates – September – May 2017 -2018.
8) Children's age-5-6 years.
9) Project product– exhibition of crafts “Autumn Fantasy”, presentation “Journey through the Northern Forest”, creation of the album “Red Book” Arkhangelsk region", didactic game "Whose leaf?".
Expected results - Children will expand and deepen their knowledge of the flora and fauna of their native land through all types of activities.
Relevance of the topic:
Child- a preschooler learns the laws of nature for the first time. What happens first, what happens next. How are living things interconnected and interdependent? inanimate nature. What time do they arrive migratory birds; when animals give birth to babies; where do insects come from, what plants and trees grow on planet Earth; What are ecosystems? Children receive basic knowledge from observations, experiments, conversations and, of course, during direct educational activities in kindergarten.
Unfortunately, modern children, especially “northern” children, have very limited opportunities communication with nature. Children know the plants and animals of other countries quite well and are much worse than those who live next to them. Based on this, a goal was set.
Target: Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the flora and fauna of their native land. Foster a caring and friendly attitude towards nature.
- Formation general ideas children about the forest as an ecosystem; formation of ideas about animals and plants as elements of a specific ecosystem; enrichment of vocabulary in children.
- Development in children of curiosity, a desire to learn as much as possible about the nature of their native land; development of attention, memory, thinking, coherent speech.
- Development of a humane, emotionally friendly and careful attitude to the surrounding world; the formation of the idea that man is part of nature, that he must preserve, protect and protect it.
This methodological development The project may be useful for preschool teachers, deputy heads. for UVR, as well as all those who deal with the problem environmental education preschool children.
Project implementation plan:
GCD:“Forest - ecosystem”, “Animals of the Arkhangelsk region”, “Flora world of our native land”, “Our friends - birds”, “Life of the White Sea”.
Didactic games:“Who gives the voice?”, “Name the animal according to the description”, “One is many”, “What grows where”, “Collect a plant”, “It is possible - it is not possible.”
Conversations:“Native Prionezhye”, “Take care of nature!”, “Gifts of the northern forest”.
SCD for modeling “Animals of the North”.
GCD for drawing “Birds are our friends.”
GCD for the application “White water lilies - transparent dewdrops”.
Excursion to national park"Vodlozersky"
Participation in the regional photo exhibition “Birds outside my window”
Participation in the international event “March of Parks 2018”.
Preparatory stage.
- Collection of information about the flora and fauna of the native land.
- Collection of reference and fiction literature on this topic.
- Organization of search activities of children and parents to collect information about animals and plants listed in the “Red Book” of the Arkhangelsk region.
- Design of card diagrams for educational games. Making feeders for the “Birds outside my window” photo contest.
Main stage.
-Educational conversations on the topic of the project. Reading stories about nature G. Ya. Snegirev “Who Plants a Forest”, “Stories about Nature”. G. A. Skrebitsky “Forest Voice”, “White Fur Coat”.
-Reading poems. N. Rubtsov “Birches”, “Bear”.
-Excursion to the Vodlozersky National Park to the photo exhibition “Birds outside my window.”
-View the presentation “Journey through the Northern Forest.”
The final stage.
-Collective work on sculpting “Animals of the North”.
-Holding an exhibition of crafts from natural material"Forest Tale".
-Making applications of water lilies using the origami technique.
-Creation of the album “Red Book of the Arkhangelsk Region”.
-Development and production of the panel “Osprey – Bird of the Year” as part of participation in the “March of the Parks” campaign.
Conclusion. Having set for ourselves the goal of this project - to expand and deepen the knowledge of older children about the flora and fauna of their native land through all types of educational activities, we achieved positive results. Children began to take great interest in the nature of their area. We learned about endangered species of flora and fauna in the Arkhangelsk region, and about the rules of behavior in nature.
Applications to the project.

"Whose leaf"

1. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. From birth to school - M.: Mozaika - Synthesis, 2016.
2.Introduction to nature in kindergarten. Senior group. – M.: Mosaic – Synthesis, 2016.
3. Voronkevich O. A. Welcome to ecology! Senior group. Part 2. – St. Petersburg. "Childhood - Press", 2015.
4.. Zebzeeva V. A. Theory and methods of environmental education for children. Educational - Toolkit. – M., 2009.
5. Serebryakova T. A. Environmental education in preschool age– M., 2008.
6. Physical education minutes/ comp. S. A. Levina, S. I. Tukacheva. - V.: Teacher, 2005.

Natalia Vinogradova
Information card of the project “Wild Animals of the Native Land”

Project Information Card

Project on« Wild animals of our native land» .

Duration project – 2 weeks;

Type project - creative, informational, short-term, collective;

Participants project– pupils of the compensating group "Grasshopper", parents;

Teacher speech therapist: Mikhailova Elena Sergeevna;

Group teacher: Vinogradova Natalya Nikolaevna;

Musical director: Vodovozova Zoya Leontievna.

Children's age – 5-6 years

Target project– Development of cognitive interest in the world around us and accumulation of knowledge about diversity wild animals, with the involvement of parents.

Tasks project:


Give children an idea of wild animals of the native land;

Formation of children's cognitive abilities in the process of joint creative activity.


expand children's vocabulary with the help of proverbs, sayings, riddles and poems about wild animals;

develop coherent speech, attention, memory;

develop children’s ability to observe, analyze, compare, identify characteristic, essential features wild animals.

Educational: Raising a humane, socially active personality of a child, capable of understanding and loving native nature;

raise children's attention to endangered species wild animals.

Form of the final event project– concert for children of the younger group (poems and songs about animals, skit "Under the Umbrella").

Products project:

Competition of joint creative works children and parents on the topic project;

Exhibition of crafts, drawings;

Wall newspaper "Journey to wild animals» .

Expected results for project

To intensify children's interest in educational activities in the field "Cognition";

Children’s acquisition of necessary knowledge on the topic « Wild animals» ;

Development of communication abilities and skills to build complex sentences, draw conclusions.

Stages project

Children's actions

Actions of teachers Actions of parents

I. Preparatory (problem, planning, forecasting results/products project) 1. Introduction to the problem; 2. Understanding the problem; 3. Acceptance of the problem; 4. Adding new ideas to the problem. 1. Formulation of the problem; 2. Determination of the final product (crafts competition on the topic project, concert for the younger group); 3. Motivate children and parents to participate in project; 4. Compilation "cobwebs" project; 5. Involvement of other specialists (musical director); 6. Study of methodological literature on project activities; 7. Search for analogues of this project; 8. Description step-by-step work above project. 1. Introduction to the problem; 2. Understanding the problem; 3. Acceptance of the problem; 4. Adding new ideas to the problem.

II. Activity (direct activity on project, step-by-step assessment) 1. Registration card indexes fairy tales and stories about wild animals "How animals are preparing for winter» ; 3. Listening to a variety of children's fiction; 4. Listening to audio recordings of fairy tales; 5. Participation in integrated joint activities based on the plots of fairy tales wild animals; 6. Drawing a loved one animal; 7. Modeling a bunny; 8. Application « Animals in winter» ; 9. Examination of illustrations;

10. Learning the words of the characters in the scene;

11. Learning poems about wild animals;

12. Participation in musical theater shows games: "The deer has a big house", "In a forest clearing" and so on. ; 13. Movable games: "By the Bear in the Forest", "Sly Fox", "Homeless Hare" etc. 14. D/i "Whose baby", "Call me kindly", "One-many" etc. 1. Organization of a developmental environment for independent play activity children: enrichment of the theater creativity center and literary center in the group; 2. Educational activities with kids ( "Cognitive Development"):

Organization of excursions "How animals are preparing for winter» to the zoological museum;

Conducting integrated joint activities on the topic « Wild animals» .

3. Educational activities with children ( "Speech development"):

Reading a variety of children's fiction on the topic (V. Bianchi "Fatal Beast", Hungarian fairy tale "Two Greedy Bears", Latvian fairy tale "The forest bear and the naughty mouse" and etc. ;

Conducting educational activities on speech development based on plot pictures.

4. Educational activities with children ( "Artistic and aesthetic development"):

Consideration paintings by Shishkin"Morning in a pine forest";

Drawing "Hedgehog", "My favorite animal» (using stencils);

Application: silhouette applique « Animals in winter» ;

Modeling: "Bunny";

Manual labor and design: Origami "Fox".

Learning musical theatrical games ( "The deer has a big house", "In a forest clearing" and so on.);

5. Educational area ( "Social and communicative development"):

Tabletop-printing and didactic games: “Whose baby?”, lotto « Wild animals» , "Call me kindly" etc.

Organization of dramatization of a skit "Under the Umbrella" with kids.

6. Educational area ( "Physical development"):

Outdoor games: "By the Bear in the Forest", "Sly Fox", "Homeless Hare" etc. 1. Design card indexes favorite fairy tales and stories about animals; 2. Visit to the Zoological Museum - excursion "How animals are preparing for winter» ; 3. Drawing with children animals for exhibition.

III. Final (product presentation project, self-analysis) 1. Participation in a drawing competition "Favorite animal» . 2. Participation in the creation of a wall newspaper "Visiting wild animals» . 3. Concert for children of the younger group, skit "Under the Umbrella".

1. Holding an exhibition of drawings. 2. Creation of a wall newspaper "Visiting wild animals» . 3. Organization and conduct of children's leisure activities. Concert for younger children, skit "Under the Umbrella". 1. Participation in a drawing competition "Favorite animal» . 2. Preparing for the concert (costumes for the scene)

Publications on the topic:

Target. Expand and systematize children’s knowledge and ideas about the wild animals of our forests. Tasks. -Promote the expansion of knowledge.

Information card of the project “The Long-awaited Spring. Holiday March 8" Implementation period: 02/29/2016 - 03/11/2016 Project type: informational.

Information card of the project “New Year's Kaleidoscope” Relevance. " New Year"is the most favorite holiday among children and adults. But most often, everyone expects only gifts from Santa Claus. Modern.

Information card of the project “Stars. Space. Cosmonauts" Implementation period: 04/11/2016 – 04/14/2016 Project type: informational, creative, practical. Age of children: first junior group.