Brick has a long history and is still considered one of the most reliable and beautiful building materials. It is environmentally friendly, durable, retains heat well, and the variety of shapes, textures and colors of modern brick allows you to implement original design solutions in construction. Brick production is a current and promising type of business. How to organize a small brick factory will be discussed later in the article.

Main types of bricks and their features

All wall materials used in the construction industry for the construction of capital projects can be divided into three large groups:

  • ceramic brick – its share accounts for approximately 60% of the market;
  • sand-lime brick – 10%;
  • block made of cement, concrete, artificial stone and other materials: foam block (see), gas block, cinder block, etc. - 30%.

Ceramic brick is the most popular because it has excellent physical, mechanical and aesthetic properties. The raw material for the production of such bricks is clay, mined open method in quarries.

Clay bricks are produced by two methods: plastic molding or semi-dry pressing. It can be solid (solid) or hollow (slotted). It is usually divided into grades based on strength: M75, M100, M150, M200, etc. Numeric value indicates the load in kilograms that 1 square meter can withstand. see products.

Ceramic bricks are divided into categories according to frost resistance: F25, F50, F100, etc. In this case, the number indicates the number of freezing cycles followed by thawing, which the product can withstand without losing its main quality characteristics.

According to their intended purpose, clay bricks can be construction (for the construction of load-bearing walls and internal partitions), facing (for decorating facades, laying fences) and fireproof (for laying out the inner surface of stoves, chimneys, fireplaces).

The advantages of this building material include its strength, wear resistance, relatively low level of water absorption (this means that it can be used for the construction of plinths, basements and used in humid environments), high heat capacity, and good sound absorption. And certain techniques (mixing different types of clay, different durations and intensity of firing) used in the process of its manufacture make it possible to achieve many different shades, ranging from light yellow to dark brown.

Sand-lime brick consists of quartz sand and air lime. It is obtained by autoclave synthesis. It, like clay, is durable and environmentally friendly, but, unlike the latter, it is more susceptible to moisture. In addition, colored sand-lime brick can only be obtained by adding artificial dyes.

In terms of performance and aesthetic characteristics, sand-lime brick is inferior to ceramic brick, but the price is much cheaper, so it is also not difficult to find buyers for it.

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Production technology

A brick manufacturing plant should be located near sources of raw materials (clay deposits or sand quarries, depending on what type of product is planned to be produced).

How to get ceramic bricks

The technology for the production of ceramic bricks based on the principle of plastic molding includes several stages:

  • preparation of raw materials - removing clay from limestone impurities, grinding, adding thickening agents (to prevent products from shrinking), kneading, moistening up to 30%;
  • molding of finished products - belt or vacuum presses are used for this. The plastic clay mass is given the shape of a beam by extrusion, which is then cut with special devices into pieces of the required size;
  • drying of raw material by chamber (continuous) or tunnel (batch) method;
  • firing of products in special industrial furnaces at temperatures up to 1000˚C.

IN Lately A simpler and cheaper scheme for producing bricks is often used - semi-dry pressing. Its principle is as follows: the raw materials are crushed, dried in special drums to a moisture level of 10%, after which they are pressed and sent for firing. Pressing is carried out directly in molds, which allows you to achieve the ideal geometry of the finished products.

If we compare these two production methods, the cost of the finished product in the second case is reduced by an average of 1.5 times, since energy costs for drying are not required, the equipment is simpler and requires significantly less electricity. It is easier and cheaper to build a plant for making bricks using the semi-dry pressing method, and it will take up half the area.

How is sand-lime brick made?

The production of sand-lime brick consists of the following technological processes:

  • preliminary preparation of raw materials: sand is cleaned of impurities and sifted;
  • preparation of silicate mixture: sand and quicklime are mixed in a ratio of 9:1 using the drum method and treated with steam or sent to a silo, where they are moistened and loosened. At this stage, lime slaking occurs;
  • molding of products: the mixture enters molds and is compacted under high pressure;
  • autoclaving: workpieces are processed with hot steam in autoclaves at a temperature of about 2000˚C.

In the production process of any type of brick, operational control plays an important role, designed to prevent defects and deviations from GOST requirements (GOST 530-2007 for ceramics and GOST 379-2015 for silicate).

Each batch of products must undergo visual, measurement and laboratory control (sample) and receive a quality document.

Note: often novice entrepreneurs looking for money consider brick production as an opportunity to make money. However, only raw brick can be made at home using a non-firing method, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the indicators required by GOST without special equipment. It is also unlikely that it will be possible to sell building materials that do not have quality documents.

Such production will require significant material costs for field development, plant construction, and equipment purchase. The budget for opening a brick factory amounts to tens of millions of rubles.

How to open a brick factory (using the example of ceramic brick production)

Construction of a brick factory is a complex and expensive project. At the planning stage of activities, it is necessary to decide how the enterprise will obtain raw materials: buy or extract it independently. The first option is simpler, but more expensive. The second is more difficult, but more effective.


So, the first thing you need to do is register with tax authority organization (see) with the main view economic activity, according to OKVED, 23.32 “Production of bricks, tiles and other building products from baked clay.”

Then it is necessary to obtain the right to extract minerals. To do this, you must first obtain permission for the industrial development of a clay deposit, conduct exploration, and geological study of the subsoil. Next, apply for a license for the right to use subsoil from the Federal Agency for Subsoil Use. Only after this can construction of the plant begin.

Material and technical base

To build a small plant with a capacity of 5 million units of finished products per year, it will take about 106 million rubles. Useful to read.

Rough plan expenses are presented in the following table:

The production area of ​​the premises must be at least 7,000 square meters. m and include the following workshops:

  • for the preparation of raw materials (3,000 sq. m outdoors);
  • for grinding and stirring (300 sq. m);
  • for molding (400 sq. m);
  • for firing (1,300 sq. m);
  • for storing finished products (2,000 sq. m outdoors).

It is worth drawing up a plant design taking into account the parameters of the brick production equipment that will be used.


Automatic production lines are used to produce ceramic bricks. The composition usually includes the following elements:

  • a self-propelled cutter cuts and supplies clay for crushing;
  • crusher breaks large pieces, removes stones;
  • bunkers for storing raw materials;
  • bucket and belt conveyors for moving clay, timber, bricks;
  • the dispenser measures the required amount of raw materials;
  • the grinder grinds the clay to a fine fraction;
  • the mixer mixes the clay with water;
  • press for forming timber (slab);
  • kiln;
  • rail tracks;
  • trolleys;
  • turning tracks;
  • cars;
  • traction mechanisms.

To work on the line, 15 people per shift will be required. The productivity of such equipment is about 800 bricks per hour. Total energy consumption is 90 kW per hour. The gas consumption of the kiln is about 160 cubic meters. m per hour.

The annual demand for raw materials is approximately 900 cubic meters. m of water and 8,700 cubic meters. m of clay (based on 5 million bricks). All indicators may vary depending on the type of finished product.

On average, the cost of facing hollow ceramic bricks produced by plastic molding is 15 rubles. The markup that the plant makes usually does not exceed 20%. With such indicators, the plant’s net profit can reach 15 million rubles per year. In this case, the project will pay off in about 7 years of successful work.

Budget option for brick production

A simpler and cheaper option for a brick business is to open a mini-factory using a semi-dry production method. In this case, the equipment used is simpler. Stone separation rollers, a drying drum, a mill, a brick pressing machine and a ring kiln with removable arches are used.

Brick production - in detail about technologies and choice of equipment, how to correctly register activities + detailed calculations for production.

Capital investments in brick production: RUB 2,000,000. (61,300 at home).
Payback period for brick production: 18 - 24 months (2 months at home).

Brick is perhaps one of the most familiar objects that we have encountered since childhood.

From the place where we were born, where we live, where we work - everywhere.

Understanding the global nature of its manifestation in our lives, a person hatching plans will sooner or later ask himself the question: “Or maybe brick production“Is this the right thing to start with?”

Below we will try to convince him of this and tell him about several steps that need to be taken on the path to achieving the goal.

Since ancient times, mankind has been engaged in the production of bricks as a building material, ever since they unraveled the mystery of baked clay.

And speaking figuratively, the first fired clay pot, in a hypothetical sense, can be considered as the production of bricks.

It just had to take some time before it took on the form we are all familiar with.

If you decide to take up this business, there are a number of issues that need to be resolved.

Among them there are such important ones as:

  • what documents are required;
  • what investments will be required;
  • where to do this;
  • what volume to plan;
  • solving raw material problems;
  • optimal technological approach;
  • what equipment to use for brick production;
  • marketing and logistics issues;
  • personnel selection.

How to register a legitimate brick production business?

The section must begin with the fact that the manufacture of such a product is a matter associated with strict compliance with a number of GOSTs (the list is given below), with environmental issues, hygiene and labor protection.

In light of the above, you need to take a very thoughtful approach to registering this type of business.

At this stage, it is necessary to clearly understand how to register it: either choose, or choose an individual entrepreneur.

Speaking about the last option, it is not always justified.

Of course, if there is a large barn or hangar on the territory of your household, and you are starting brick production at home, and the sales market is limited to your village, then an individual entrepreneur is the most correct way.

If you plan to go beyond the boundaries of the locality, then with this type of entrepreneurship, access to legal entities having a large and stable “appetite”.

And this is important for complete and rhythmic sales, since stores are your client.

When opening a brick production, it is necessary to obtain a number of permits from the relevant organizations, which are unpleasant in essence, but necessary by virtue of current legislation.

Well, if you “take a swing” at building a brick factory, then the future construction site will be consistent with environmental authorities and the sanitation department, as well as the technological process.

Also, the construction process itself will need to be carried out in accordance with sanitary and building codes and regulations.

It’s worth doing this, even though it takes time and nerves.

Otherwise, the flow of persons with the right to levy fines or temporarily suspend business will be inexhaustible, and the amount of resources spent will be many times greater.

Brick production volume planning

It would seem that the answer to this question lies on the surface - the more, the better.

But this is only at first glance.

Marketing work must always be carried out, preliminary agreements must be drawn up with consumers, the domestic market (the market of your locality) must be correctly assessed, and the advertising policy must be thought out.

A technology strategy has also been developed, aimed at the immediate needs of the market, flexibility and versatility of technological processes.

Otherwise, the plant will operate as a warehouse of its own enterprise.

It should always be remembered that, especially at the initial stage, the private sector will be the lifesaver.

Brick production: technologies

This topic is very capacious, and in our article we will focus on the main question - how much it will cost us during the formation of the business.

Brick production is strictly regulated by GOSTs, taking into account permissible deviations from dimensions (GOST - 530-2007), pressure and load resistance (GOST - 8462 - 85), climatic coefficients (GOST - 7076-99), (GOST - 7025 - 91) and a number of other indicators.

Deviation from them will lead to an outflow of consumers and will seriously damage the image of the manufacturer itself.

Speaking about the technological process of brick production in a nutshell, it comes down to mixing the clay mixture, forming molds, firing or pressing and obtaining the final product.

The method of implementing this process is the main component of capital investments.

Based on the raw materials and manufacturing technology, bricks are divided into 4 main categories: ceramic, silicate, acid-resistant, expanded clay.

They are also divided into groups according to form and direction of use.

If we talk about silicate, it is very different from ceramic both in the source materials and in the process of its manufacture.

Production of sand-lime bricks, for example, is not easy to organize at home.

This requires an autoclave, where the formed material, consisting of 9 parts of quartz (sand) and 1 part of lime, is brought to the state of a full-fledged finished product.

And he himself is a rather serious structure, which is not so easy to build, although our craftsmen can do this if they wish.

The production of ceramic bricks opens up more options and ranges from organizing brick production at home to large industrial scale production.

Depending on the volume, the appropriate equipment for brick production is selected.

Making bricks at home

Such production is profitable only if the raw material (clay) is nearby.

If you need to travel 100 km to get it, then the success of such a business will be quite doubtful.

If everything is in order with the raw materials, they go in two ways:

  1. Organization of production on our own land and areas.
  2. Organization of production on rented premises.

With your own space, everything is clear: you need to organize production from scratch, and you don’t have to pay rent, etc. d.

But speaking of the territory outside our own lands, pay attention to the old dilapidated brick factories, of which there are many in more or less large villages and towns.

They were abandoned during the collapse of the USSR and economic stagnation.

Or you can rent something in abandoned industrial areas or outbuildings.

Such rent will not be expensive.

The equipment will also not be pressurized by price, but production volumes will be more than modest.

The most expensive of the set of production equipment will be - brick making machine.

No matter what, since you have calculated everything and decided, then it’s worth starting.

If the clay is located near the production site, and you have resolved issues regarding its production with the village council, then taking into account overhead costs, the cost of one brick will be about 5-5.5 rubles.

Taking a productivity of 200 pcs./hour, the output per shift will be 200x8 = 1,600 pcs.

The average market price of brick (ceramic) is 8 rubles. 50 kopecks

The output per shift will be 1,200 x 8.5 = 102,000 rubles.

Cost = 1,200x5.5 = 66,000 rubles.

Net profit: 102,000 – 66,000 = 36,000 rubles.

The payback period for the equipment will be about 2 months.

Mini-factory: choosing equipment for brick production

As economic calculations show, it is quite profitable to set up a mini-factory with an average productivity of 2,000,000 units/year.

For the most part, they are abandoned, but have communications and access roads, including railways.

This will save costs by millions of rubles, which means it will reduce the payback period of the equipment.

The market today offers an abundance of equipment for the production of bricks, from which it is easy to assemble a plant of any capacity.

The plant itself will be a standard set of equipment for a particular product range and will differ in capacity and number of personnel:

MixersMixing clay raw materials.
Slurry Strip Cutting DeviceCutting clay into strips.
Automatic machine for cutting raw bricksForms blocks from strips: raw brick.
StoveHeat treatment.
DryersNot used with standard production technology using only firing.
LoadersTransportation, unloading/loading.

We will not go into the details of pricing, since in all the diversity of supply and demand on the market, you will suddenly be surprised to learn that the price announced here for this or that equipment for making bricks costs several thousand rubles more/cheaper.

Let's resort to dry statistical figures, which claim that on average, with capital investments equal to 2,000,000 rubles, the payback period will be 18-24 months (depending on production indicators).

Brick production staff

Such mini-factories for the production of bricks do not require a large number of personnel and, as a rule, are limited to a technologist, a foreman and several workers of medium and low qualifications.

Their main responsibilities are to monitor the consumption of raw materials, send products to the warehouse, etc.

The video shows the step-by-step process of brick production:

Investments in brick production

Interesting fact:
Brick is not only a building material, but also a collectible and a museum exhibit. The World Brick Museum (Maizuru, Japan) is one of the most famous in the world. Every brick presented in it was once part of one or another world-famous structure.

As with any other type of business, this question is quite ambiguous.

To understand the order of costs, a classical understanding of the path along which the entrepreneur will move is required.

To put it more clearly what he is willing to do, in terms of:

  • planned volumes;
  • brick making methodologies;
  • purchasing equipment;
  • choosing the location of the production process;
  • logistics.

Table of approximate investments for organization homemade bricks

Name of equipment, raw materials, types of other costsCost, rub.)Notes, comments
Total: 61,300 rub.
Lego molding machine40300 New Chinese, produces. 200 pcs./hour. An exact copy of the Soviet one, which can still be purchased (used) for 17-18,000 rubles.
Raw material mixer15000 Average price of new
Bake6000 Average cost of laying an annealing furnace

Summarizing the above, it can be argued that with a balanced approach to a business such as brick production, it is quite possible to get an economically healthy production with good financial dividends.

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Brick– rectangular artificial stone, the most common building material. Produced from various minerals, it has high density and strength, which results special processing source material.
The business of making bricks is promising and has a high level of profitability. It can be organized in any industrial premises. In addition to purchasing equipment, a project, organization of commissioning and startup work, and personnel training are required.

There are 4 main types of bricks:

  1. construction - solid and hollow, used for masonry;
  2. facing - in the “body” of the void, used for finishing;
  3. clinker - for covering road surfaces;
  4. hyperpressed - for finishing.

You can produce silicate (from quartz sand and lime), ceramic (from clay) or hyper-pressed (from clay, waste from brick factories, shells, screenings) bricks.

Production of sand-lime bricks

This production requires large premises and significant investments in expensive equipment:

  • two bunkers (for sand and binding components);
  • two dispensers (for sand and binders);
  • faucets;
  • press;
  • automatic stacker;
  • autoclave;
  • two trolleys;
  • conveyors;
  • transfer trolleys.

Sand-lime brick is white, but it can also be colored if you add alkali-resistant pigments. For the composition clearly established rules does not exist - the proportion of lime can be from 6 to 8%. The weight of each component is determined using hopper scales. When preparing the mixture, water is needed, which helps to extinguish the lime and obtain a plastic mass.

The mass obtained in the mixer is placed in pressing boxes, moved along the pressing table, then using trolleys it is moved to the autoclave, where final processing takes place within 12 hours at a pressure of 0.8-1.2 MPa and a temperature of 190 ° C.

Video: Hydraulic press (machine) for sand-lime brick

Production of ceramic bricks

The production of ceramic bricks requires a much larger area, but less financial investment.

Equipment you need to purchase:

  • dump truck, excavator, bulldozer (for clay extraction);
  • receiving hopper;
  • conveyor;
  • rollers (coarse and fine grinding);
  • press;
  • drying chamber;
  • kiln for firing.

There is no air access in the drying chamber, the temperature rises gradually. The dried brick enters the kiln, which consists of three zones: preparatory, heating and firing.

Clinker brick produced using the same technology as ceramic. Only the composition of the initial mixture differs (the base is shale clay) and the firing temperature (up to 1500oC).

Initial capital for organizing a brick production business industrially is 135-150 million rubles.

Mini enterprise for the production of hydropressed bricks

The hydropressing method differs from standard clay production only in the final stage - the absence of firing. For those who don't have millions, this is the most best option. In practice, this is home production - a mini business for making bricks, which requires a machine (mechanical or powered).

As raw materials you can use any clay, screenings, broken shells, flour, waste from large brick factories. The machine is suitable for use practically in field conditions. Using a mechanical machine, which is equipped with a dispenser and a hopper, bricks can be made in three sizes. The working mixture is compressed in the mold, the products are not fired, but dried in natural environment(on a rack installed under a well-ventilated canopy). The drying process takes from 6 to 15 days. A mechanical machine costs approximately 15,000 rubles. Two people are needed for the work; approximately 1,200 bricks can be made in one shift, and more than three hundred thousand in a year.

There is similar equipment that is powered from the network. It costs four times more (60,000 rubles), in one cycle (4 minutes) you can make 32 bricks of fairly high quality, in 8 hours - 10.5 m3 (3840 pieces). In addition to the machine, you will need a concrete mixer and molds of various sizes. More than two workers are not required for such a mini-factory. The services of a truck with a driver will be required from time to time. There is no need to hire an accountant; a visiting specialist can prepare the documents once a quarter.

An important aspect of the activity is the organization of sales. Large construction organizations purchase materials in large volumes; a mini plant is not suitable as a supplier for them. The first step is to pay attention to the needs of the private sector. To attract buyers, you can post advertisements on the construction market, near country houses and garage cooperatives, use the services of a local newspaper or on local television.

Mini plant profitability

It is profitable to open production in regions where waste from the cement or mining industry is available, which will serve as raw materials.

One brick costs 5-8 rubles (including VAT). One electric machine in 8 hours makes it possible to produce 10.5 m3 or 3840 pcs. Production costs are approximately 14,370 rubles (for gray material) or 16,800 (for colored material) per day. After selling gray bricks, you can get 17,200-30,720 rubles per day. The difference (profit) will be 2,830-16,350 rubles per day. If you produce colored material, which costs more (10 rubles per piece), then per day you will get 38,000-16,800 = 21,200 rubles.

From the calculations we can conclude that brick production is quite profitable, pays off quickly, and therefore deserves attention.


All about brick making from Discovery:

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→ 07.04.2014


The page publishes only reviews that are useful to others and indicate that the person had experience in this matter.


    I read reviews and am surprised, thoughts from people who have never encountered this business themselves. I'll tell you this, think about building a personal house, then buy a plant and a press for the production of bricks or blocks, buy materials and get to work. With a good load of the “brick” installation and the desire to work, a brick for a house measuring more than 200 square meters. meters will be ready in a week. And the cost of such bricks or blocks will be three times lower than the market price. Then tell and show your own bricks to your friends and acquaintances, then your work will go further, you are guaranteed to have to make bricks for sale. Further, you can make molds and installations for sale yourself, which is what I did. Things are constantly going uphill.

    Any business related to the construction industry can bring considerable income. Currently, prices for materials are growing exponentially, and therefore, the discovery own business for the production of drywall, cinder block or brick will be especially cost-effective. Although, of course, it will require considerable investment.
    For anyone who is just starting out in the construction industry, I recommend opening a small enterprise, because... such a start is most optimal. This will require less initial capital and relatively small ongoing expenses. Before starting an enterprise, of course, you should draw up detailed business plan, in which it is necessary to accurately calculate all economic indicators, the degree of feasibility and take into account all possible pitfalls and obstacles. Believe my bitter experience, it is better to do this with professionals. This way you can protect yourself from many very unpleasant surprises in the future.
    Brick production is not an easy task, and therefore you cannot do it without a true professional who firmly knows all its intricacies.
    Brick can be silicate (composed of lime and quartz sand) and clay (made by firing). The production of the first type is based on a special autoclave synthesis method. In addition to sand and puffed lime, the product contains a number of various additives. Pressing takes place using the dry method. Autoclave processing requires professional equipment, because... Products must be treated with water vapor at appropriate temperature and pressure.
    Brick made strictly from quartz sand and lime is only white. To make other colors, various kinds of pigments are added to its composition. The advantages of the autoclave method are that the strength of the product at the end can be varied depending on the needs of the customer, practically without changing the constituent materials and methods of processing the product. It should be remembered that the quality of each type of brick must correspond to very specific characteristics, the main of which are: compression density, frost resistance parameters and application temperature.
    In order to produce sand-lime brick you will need a lot of equipment:
    bunkers for sand and binders;
    dispensers (sand and for other elements);
    mixers (with two shafts and with a rod);
    silo reactor;
    good and powerful press;
    automatic stacker (there is no point in starting without it today);
    autoclave to speed up reactions;
    transfer carts (for loading full and empty trolleys);
    autoclave trolleys;
    These are practically all the components that will be needed to organize a line of average production capacity, which will produce at least 20 million tons of bricks per year. Believe me, this is quite a bit. In order to ensure the uninterrupted operation of such an enterprise in two shifts (otherwise bricks will not be produced), at least 24 workers will be needed, in addition to whom one cannot do without an accountant, a storekeeper, a sales manager and, of course, a production manager.
    Such a line consumes at least 700 tons of fuel per year. In addition, it naturally requires separate industrial premises with the necessary infrastructure, convenient access, etc. The ideal option, of course, is the nearby railway line. However, this is already in the realm of fantastic luck. In any case, the production should be located in the industrial zone of the city, which will provide you with an influx of regular customers and convenient transportation of products and Supplies. The transport fleet must contain at least one freight car equipped with a loader crane.
    Generally speaking, such production will cost much less than, for example, the popular production of ceramics today. It consumes less fuel and three times less electricity. The process itself requires less physical labor, and the finished product is many times faster. All this naturally affects the cost of the product, and accordingly has a positive effect on profits.

    There is a constant demand for classic bricks and properly organized production will bring good profits. Of course, there is a lot of competition in this sector, but the constantly increasing volumes and pace of construction are increasing the demand for bricks and it is possible to carve out your niche in this business. We started by searching for suitable premises and choosing production technology at the lowest cost.

    Our business plan
    To start production, you need a premises of at least 500 sq.m with all the necessary communications. For these purposes, we rented a warehouse near the city, where the fee for use was minimal. This approach made it possible to significantly reduce production costs.

    Important! The production area must be divided into three parts: a warehouse and preparation of raw materials, main production and a storage area for finished products.

    The next step is choosing technology and purchasing equipment. We considered three options for making bricks.
    1. Plastic molding of bricks - it turned out that this is the most expensive technological process. Its use is profitable with production volumes of at least 35 million bricks per year. For us, this option turned out to be unfeasible from all sides.
    2. Hyper-pressing technology is a less expensive method, but difficult from the point of view of purchasing and operating equipment. Profitable when producing 3 million bricks per year. For our team, this technology seemed too complex and energy-intensive.
    3. Traditional molding and firing - this method fully corresponded to our financial capabilities and qualifications. To break even, it is necessary to produce more than 500 thousand bricks per year. Our costs for purchasing equipment amounted to 2 million rubles.

    Our business paid off within 2 years. Of course, if you have great financial resources and are confident in selling large volumes of products, then you can start organizing the production of bricks using the method of plastic molding or hyper-pressing. In the first case, your investment in the business will be 100 million rubles, in the second it will be less, about 10 million!

Many aspiring entrepreneurs who turn their attention to the building materials market are doing absolutely the right thing. This area is rapidly developing and will continue to develop, since brick production will always be in demand in this area.

It’s worth starting with the fact that brick production is a very profitable activity, since at any time of the year the demand for it is always quite stable. The level of competition in the market is high, but with the increasing pace of construction, potential entrepreneurs have a chance to find their niche. According to experts, in the next few years, the production of ceramic bricks will grow at a rate of 4-5 percent per year.

Investments in business

First you need to find premises to start production. The minimum size of the premises where brick production takes place is at least 500 square meters. This size necessary to accommodate a full-fledged production line. It is worth noting that the premises do not have to be purchased; you can rent it. In this case, the rental cost will not be high.

It is worth noting that, unlike other types of production, brick production does not require a sewer connection. This allows you to save a lot of effort and money. The premises consists of three zones: a warehouse for finished products, a warehouse for raw materials and a production workshop. The ceiling height must be at least five meters. After the premises have been found and everything is ready for work, it is necessary to purchase equipment for the production of bricks. You need to purchase equipment based on the method you plan to make bricks.

Brick making methods

Today, there are several ways to produce this type of building materials. The first method involves the production of sand-lime bricks based on plastic formation. This method production is considered the most expensive in terms of costs. Based on costs, it is possible to produce more than 30 million bricks. The second method involves the production of bricks using hyper-pressing.

This production method appeared relatively recently, but allows you to get high quality products. Given the costs of this type of production, more than 2 million bricks are produced annually. The third method involves standard brick production technology using the firing method. This method is the cheapest and oldest. It is possible to produce no more than 400 thousand bricks annually. You are free to choose how to produce bricks, it all depends on your financial capabilities. The first type of business requires an investment of 100 million rubles, the second - 10 million, and the third - 2 million.

Where to look for suppliers

After you decide on the type of product you are going to produce, you need to start looking for a supplier. This is very easy to do, since in almost every region there are places where you can purchase such equipment. It is best to purchase equipment from reliable suppliers who are located near you. Thanks to this, the further operation of brick production products will be easier.

For the production line to operate correctly, four workers are needed. Despite the semi-automation of the equipment, there is enough work for each employee.

So, the investments will be:

  1. room,
  2. documentation,
  3. equipment,
  4. raw materials.

Experts believe that today the building materials market is thriving and is happy to accept new participants. If you have a well-written business plan, you don’t have to worry about an influx from competitors; you need to focus on buyers, the number of which is sure to grow every year. Most of the investment goes to the purchase of equipment. A business plan for brick production should include the acquisition of an expensive and high-quality production line. The quality of your products and the demand for your plant depend on this. The business plan for brick production should include information about production methods that directly affect the volume of investment.

Own business: brick production

If you choose plastic forming, you will need to invest about a hundred million rubles, counting on an annual production of about 30 million bricks. If you choose the hyperpressing method, then you need to invest at least 10 million rubles when receiving about 2 million bricks per year.

When drawing up a business plan for brick production, you should count on stable income. The first step is to explore everything possible risks sales market and focus on the potential buyer. A well-drafted business plan for brick production allows you to occupy a profitable niche in the market and earn the trust of the buyer. It is worth remembering that clients will actively purchase only high-quality building materials. Therefore, we can say with confidence that the level of income depends solely on your actions.

Also, don’t forget about the payment costs wages for employees of the enterprise. Maintenance of all elements of production also requires costs. The production business plan also includes an entry on semi-automation of production. The costs also include the cost of paying for the premises. A well-written business plan can make your business quickly pay off and be effective.

Income and profitability of the project

Based on practice, it is known that the payback of the plant occurs within 1-3 years. It is worth noting that this business has serious prospects. Perhaps this business plan will help you create your own successful enterprise for the production of brick products. Thus, making bricks is a fairly cost-effective and profitable business.

Over the many centuries of the history of building materials, brick has established itself as a reliable universal material. The latest developments in the construction industry are not able to completely displace brick from the market, and this situation will continue for a long time. Brick is excellent for the construction of permanent buildings and structures due to its properties. The production of clay bricks has not undergone significant technological changes over the past few centuries, but other methods of making brick masonry blocks have appeared. Among them, the most popular are sand-lime brick production technologies, as well as the use high pressure as an alternative or addition to firing.

Types of bricks and their characteristics

Brick is usually called solid blocks for laying structures of certain sizes. If there is a large deviation from the standards of length, width and height, the products are simply called building blocks. A single, simple Russian-made brick is made 250 mm long, 120 mm wide and 65 mm high; there are also one-and-a-half and double versions with a height of 88 and 138 mm, respectively. Europe has adopted its own standards for brick sizes, which is associated with the historical development of the measurement system. The material for making bricks can be a large number of bulk and crushed substances, but the most popular are clay and sand with lime. This is reflected in the name of the blocks; red ceramic bricks are made almost entirely from clay, while the production of sand-lime bricks is based on a mixture of sand and lime. The characteristics of such material are somewhat lower than ceramic ones, which is compensated by the relatively low price. The third type of hyper-pressed blocks can consist of a wide variety of materials, depending on the characteristics planned by the manufacturer. All three main types are divided into a large number of subtypes with different properties and areas of application.


Brick production methods vary depending on the raw materials used. The technology for producing clay bricks using high-temperature firing has remained unchanged for several thousand years, while the production of sand-lime bricks began only in late XIX century. Sand-lime brick does not require firing, like ceramic bricks; instead, the mixture is exposed to water vapor under high pressure. Hyperpresses for the production of brick blocks generally appeared relatively recently; this method does not use exposure to high temperatures when forming a solid material. Nevertheless, hyperpressed bricks are not inferior in their properties, and often surpass their “ancient counterparts”. Experts compare this material with high-quality clinker bricks.

Production of ceramic bricks

Equipment for producing bricks from clay using plastic or semi-dry methods must include the following mandatory components and premises:

Fireclay brick

In the construction of stoves and other fire-resistant surfaces, the use of ordinary bricks is unacceptable. Sand-lime brick is not able to withstand even the temperature of a regular firewood combustion flame, and a simple ceramic block loses its strength properties at temperatures above 800 ° C. And constant temperature fluctuations adversely affect the properties of ordinary bricks. A material is required that can withstand periodic high heating and subsequent cooling over a long service life. Fireclay brick is considered one of the most popular fireproof materials, the manufacturing of which is based on the production of bricks from special clay - fireclay. The equipment for producing bricks from it is similar to that described above, but distinctive features From the technology of producing conventional ceramic blocks there are two stages:

    When preparing raw materials, refractory clay undergoes preliminary high-temperature treatment; mineral additives, in particular aluminum oxide, are used to improve the refractory properties of the finished product.

    The raw material is not fired at 1000°C, and at 1500 and above, the firing time is at least 5 hours.At such temperatures, sintering of the material occurs and transformation chemical composition generally.

The porosity of fireclay brick determines its strength and thermal insulation properties.

Clinker blocks

Cladding walls and other structural elements is not only beautiful appearance material, but also its resistance to weathering and mechanical damage. Brick manufacturers have been producing a particularly durable material since the 18th century, comparable in wear resistance to natural stone. The name comes from German for the ringing response of the brick when tapped; this is not surprising, because clinker blocks are one of the densest materials in their class. Clinker brick production places increased demands on the quality of raw materials; control of the content of iron, calcium and magnesium oxides, as well as a sufficient content of aluminum oxide, is required. The firing temperature of the facing material using this technology is 1000-1400 ° C, otherwise The production technology repeats the method of producing conventional ceramic bricks. One of the main disadvantages of clinker ceramic blocks is their good thermal conductivity, therefore, when cladding the external walls of a building, additional heat and sound insulation may be required. Bricks using this technology are produced in a wide variety of designs,including with voids on the rear b side and glaze on the front.

Sand-lime brick production technology

The process of forming solid blocks from a mixture of lime and sand is based on heat treatment of the finished solution and arose relatively recently, while the use of the mixture in construction dates back a couple of millennia. In the production of sand-lime bricks, 3 main stages can be distinguished: preparation of raw materials, slaking of lime and the actual production of blocks. Preparation includes the following stages and apparatus:

    Sand seeder. The fraction of sand raw materials should be no more than 2.5 mm, in addition, the sifting process allows you to clean the sand from organic inclusions.

    Installations for grinding quicklime.

    It is possible to install a silo for preliminary lime slaking

    A device that meters the supply of raw materials to a mixture. The mixture consists of 90-92% sand, the rest is slaked lime, color pigments and modifiers.

Lime slaking plants are divided into 2 types:

    Drum installations using water steam allow you to quickly complete the quenching process in the mixture, but are energy-consuming.

    Multi-section silo structures allow for a continuous flow of finished mixture, although reaction may take up to 10 hours.

At the last stage, blocks are formed in pressing machines and the raw material is sent to an autoclave, where under pressure and exposure to water steam high temperature Calcium hydrosilicate compounds are formed in the brick, which provides hardness to the building block. Autoclave processing lasts 10-20 hours, so for continuous production it will be necessary to install several autoclaves.


This machine for the production of bricks and other blocks based on building mixtures is a fairly universal tool, because the replacement of molds can be done without significant modifications to the entire installation. There are models on sale equipped with dispensers, mixers, and even transporters of products to the place of drying or additional processing.

Hyperpressed brick blocks

This manufacturing option does not use heat treatment at all, since it is based on the astringent property of cement. The production line is kept to a minimum, allowing it to be placed in a small area. In addition to the hyperpress itself, the equipment may include the following installations:

    Filtering and crushing equipment for grinding raw materials and removing organic debris.

    Dispenser for automatic control of the supply of components.

    The mixer can be built into the design of the hyperpress.

    Installation of transportation of bricks to the storage location.

Ready-made mini-factories

Despite the abundance of manufacturers, the building materials market is not oversaturated, according to experts; they also note a stable annual increase in demand and construction volumes. Therefore, your own mini-factory for the production of bricks can become profitable family business. The payback for such a business can range from one to two years, depending on the established production and qualifications of the workers, as well as the ways of marketing the finished material. Minimum investment for technological equipment and commissioning can range from 3 million rubles. up to 1 billion. To this it is worth adding the rental of suitable premises and the purchase of raw materials. It is especially worth paying attention to the production of hyperpressed bricks, which require the least amount of space to accommodate installations.

Production in a garage

To start the production of bricks on a local plot, it will be enough to spend money on a hyperpress, then all other operations will have to be done manually. The cost of such a brick will be minimal, but labor costs will be noticeably higher.


The profitability of the brick business is confirmed by many examples. However, production will require not only serious financial investments, but also efforts to maintain the work process, quality control and search for distribution channels. In a year or two, your efforts will definitely pay off with stable profits.