Thank you, great leader, for your sensitivity, kindness, warmth. We want to tell you sincerely and honestly that we are all very lucky to have you! Please accept our words of gratitude, We have prepared them especially for you. We wish you good luck and patience, We wish you success and plenty of strength. Thank you very much, our wonderful and dear class teacher. For us, you are faithful support and good advice. You will always treat any problem with understanding, you can always cheer us up and give bright hope. Thank you for making our class friendly and cheerful, for the fact that we are always welcome at school interesting activities and exciting leisure time. We wish you bright ideas, prosperity and happiness in life, success and inspiration in your activities.

Thank you speech to teachers from parents of grades 9/11

Your professional classroom management has enabled our children to achieve amazing achievements in all subjects and prepared them for a new life outside of school. The children went to school every day with interest, attended extracurricular activities with enthusiasm, and solved complex and non-standard tasks assigned to them with a sparkle in their eyes.

Thanks to your active participation in the life of each of your students, every day they opened up more and more fully, becoming full-fledged individuals. There was always an atmosphere of mutual support and mutual assistance, respect for each other in the class.

We express our sincere gratitude to you for investing your soul and time in raising our children! We sincerely wish you further creative success and victories in your difficult teaching job! Parents of students in class 11 A 3.

Gratitude to the class teacher from parents at graduation

Our leader - you are very cool! Let us say so in verse! You love your subject, and get along with children, you know how to teach and convince. You easy way you didn’t choose, you achieved everything with your perseverance. With all our hearts we want to wish you success in your class leadership! *** The last call... Summer will fly by - But we won’t come to school as before. Perhaps we’ll stand next to her somewhere, Sighing in the September rain. Whispering “Thank you...” - sincerely, heartily, For every year of hard work... Neither children nor parents, of course, will ever be able to forget you! You are a teacher from God, by vocation. You love children so much, and the children love you! Six years of mathematical knowledge led our not always obedient class... In the four hundred and fourth room, Which is in the school on the fourth floor, Children grew up and grew smarter next to you, And now now they are saying goodbye...

Thank you letter to teacher

  • The unity of school and family in the education and development of the younger generation, the creation of a unified educational environment.
  • Portfolio of a teacher of Russian language and literature
  • Family holiday "Goodbye, elementary school!"
  • Professional portfolio.

Letter of gratitude from parents to the class teacher

What not to write in a thank you letter You should not express personal gratitude from one of the parents or graduates. The thank you letter should be neutral.
If you would like to express your gratitude personally to the class teacher, it's best to do this behind the scenes and not publicly on graduation party. This can be done either orally or in writing.

When writing a thank you note, try to avoid personal issues that concern only you. Even if your class teacher helped you solve some complex or non-standard problem.

It is not always worth using such overly standard and somewhat familiar phrases: “Always your 11th “A” class”; “With love from the parents of grade 11 “A””; “With affection from graduates and parents of class 11 “A.”

Sample text for thank you letters to parents of graduates.

We wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! Principal ……….. Class teacher ………. date Dear Maria Petrovna and Mikhail Ivanovich! The teaching staff of the school…….

Expresses deep gratitude to you for the good upbringing of your son for your interest not only in his educational activities, but also to the life of the school. We wish you good health, family happiness, success in work and further education of your child, who has shown himself to be a thoughtful student, capable of overcoming any difficulties, defeating worthy opponents and showing excellent results.

His victories and achievements are our common joy and reward! Principal ……….. Class teacher ……….

Gratitude from parents at graduation: 11th grade

School life is rich in various holidays. But events like ending school year or schools, never go without words of gratitude to parents, teachers, students and graduates. How to congratulate the class teacher to the graduates? Gratitude can be expressed verbally and in writing, but it is best if the kind words are written in beautiful postcard or a certificate, which can be viewed further for a long time after the class graduates.


Here are the main examples of gratitude to the class teacher from graduates, which can be written on a card presented on behalf of the entire class. What is best to write in a postcard and how to choose it A colorful large postcard or certificate is half the success.

A small postcard, even with the most in beautiful words, will not be perceived, especially if you choose it for prom.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher

Together with your students, you rejoiced at their successes and supported them in difficult situations. Your professionalism and sensitivity helped our children believe in themselves, discover new abilities and talents, and open up like a flower every day.

Thank you for your patience, attention and care towards your students! Thank you for preparing our children for 4 years, putting your soul into them, building them into full-fledged individuals, and guiding them on the true path of improvement! We wish you new professional achievements, reach new pedagogical heights with your students! Parents of students 4 "A" class 2. Text of a letter of gratitude to the class teacher from parents of graduates Dear Tatyana Evgenievna! We sincerely thank you for educating and educating our children - students of grade 11 B at school No. 131 in the city of Omsk.

Poem from children “May the first ray of sun outside the window give you good luck and luck, Thank you for your love, warmth, And your endless patience, May all your dreams come true soon, And a good day will always come for you, And all the students make you happy, How We’re sorry to leave - we love you!” Sample words of gratitude in prose “Dear Margarita Markovna! Graduates and parents of grade 11 “A” sincerely thank you for your creative work and sleepless nights, the knowledge and skills that you instilled in your students.

We will never forget your lessons, sensitive, responsible attitude towards your students, kindness, dedication and devotion to your work, energy and enthusiasm, without which we would hardly be able to cope not only with school, but also with life problems and difficulties.

Letter of thanks to the class teacher from parents, grade 11

When moving from initial to high school Gratitude to the class teacher from the students primary school can be written on a bright postcard or letter. Usually it also contains a small wish from parents and students of the class. The card can contain two wishes from parents and students, written on different pages of the spread. Most often, parents write wishes in prose, and words of gratitude from children are presented in the form of a beautiful and short poem (no more than 8 lines). Sample congratulations from parents “Dear Svetlana Petrovna! We sincerely thank you for your excellent upbringing of children, knowledge, skills, creative approach to students, competent, professional and responsible attitude to your work. We wish you good health, good mood, talented students that you could be proud of!”


We sincerely thank our beloved and dear class teacher for the kindness and understanding shown, for constant optimism and strong character, for a worthy example good man and support. Thank you very much for the interesting school life, easy learning and exciting leisure time! The management is great - It’s not a simple matter, and sometimes dangerous - Thank you very much! For your work and nobility, please accept our gratitude, because your leadership is a great joy for us.

Thank you for your knowledge, for your honesty and kindness, for your faith and understanding - we are lucky to have you! How I want to say thank you and give free rein to your gentle, warm words. You are not just a great leader - for us you are a support, support and savior. May God give you both happiness and goodness, So that the house is quiet and warm. I wish you health, success, mood, good luck, light, joy, luck.

Dear Maria Petrovna and Mikhail Ivanovich! The teaching staff of the school….. expresses deep gratitude to you for the good upbringing of your daughter……… We wish you good health, family happiness, success in your work and in raising your children/child.

Principal ……….. Class teacher ………. date Dear Maria Petrovna and Mikhail Ivanovich! The teaching staff of the school……….. Expresses deep gratitude to you for your interest in the educational activities of your son Ivan and for your participation in the affairs of the class and school. We wish you good health, family happiness, success in work and in raising your children/child Principal ……….. Class teacher ……….

Our leader - you are very cool!
Allow us to say so in verse!
Love your subject and get along with children,
You know how to teach and convince.
You didn't choose the easy way,
You have achieved everything through your perseverance.
We want to wish you with all our hearts
Good luck with your class leadership!

Last call...
Summer will fly by -
But we won’t come to school like before.
Maybe we'll stand next to her somewhere,
Sighing under the September rain.

Whispering “Thank you...” - sincerely, heartily,
For every year of hard work...
Neither children nor parents, of course,
They will never be able to forget you!

You are a teacher from God, by calling.
So love children, and children love you!
Six years to mathematical knowledge
Taught our not always obedient class...

In room four hundred and four,
What's in the school on the fourth floor,
Children grew up and grew smarter next to you,
And now they are saying goodbye...

Sometimes they smiled radiantly,
They also knew how to be strict:
Three gold medalists for good reason
As a result, our class is graduating!

Not only the sciences were taught -
You interacted with children more often than we did...
You always answered our calls,
From autumn we walked side by side until winter,

And from spring, naturally, to summer -
This is the leader's regime...
Warmed by Irina Vasilievna,
We thank her for everything!

Our dear teacher!
What a pity that it’s time for us to part...
The eleventh "B" and his parents, lovingly, wish
Health, happiness, joy, goodness!!

Dear Irina Nikolaevna!
Let me thank you today for taking part in the fate of our children. On this bright day, we really want to express our admiration for how coherent and friendly the atmosphere at the school has remained all these years, which has allowed today's graduates to become leaders.
We also want you to know that all parents of students who graduated this year appreciate your commitment to teaching our children.
Looking back, we understand how much care and warmth was invested on your part so that our children could study in good and comfortable conditions, which greatly helped them in obtaining the knowledge necessary for later life. We would like to sincerely wish you health and success in your future work!

Our dear, (Name, patronymic)!
You are our class teacher, and a sage who skillfully guided our children, blind and inexperienced chicks, to the right path in life. Now, thanks to you, their eyes have been opened and they are ready to take their first flight into adulthood.
Now they all understand it. Forgive them, (full name), for the fact that they did not always listen to your advice, and, making mistakes, acted in their own way. After all, by doing so they made your kind heart worry and worry.
But they will forever remember the life lessons that you taught them. And your advice will help them in difficult moments of their life.
Thank you, (full name)! We and our children will always remember you!

Our dear teacher!
On this holiday, we want to express our gratitude for your kindness, patience and time spent on our children. We really want you to know that we are very grateful that you helped them pave the way from “darkness to light”, investing in them all the knowledge and skills that you yourself had.
Thank you so much for never passing by when they had any trouble, but on the contrary, always trying to help and lend them your friendly shoulder.
Of course, they have many different difficulties ahead, but thanks to you, they now know that any obstacle that stands in their way life path, can be overcome with hard work and perseverance.
We thank you on behalf of our entire parent team and wish you success in your work and personal life!

"You can handle children

And control the process

Maintain order in the classroom

And every day there is a surge of emotions.

You lead the class well

And you guys understand,

You will always help and advise,

And everyone in the class is happy to see you.

May life bring you joy,

You are always lucky in everything,

Classroom teacher - important person in the lives of your children, and in the lives of parents too. The class teacher knows your children better than you know yourself. Therefore, congratulations for him must be sincere.

It is better to refrain from pretentious phrases and congratulate the class teacher as if he were your own loved one. Such a congratulation should be like a congratulation to the main member of your large and friendly family.

Form of congratulations to the class teacher from parents

The form of congratulations can be different. You can put on a comic performance. Gather your parents and talk to them. Some people know how to write poetry, some people know how to sing. Such a congratulation from you will look informal and will appeal not only to the class teacher, but also to your children.

If you still stop at the usual congratulations, then try to approach this congratulation with your soul here too. Congratulations should be unusual, extraordinary and from the heart.

What to talk about

In your congratulations, you need to express sincere wishes to the class teacher. If the children are already finishing school, then do not skimp on pleasant words. After all, it was this person who spent most of the time with your children. They grew up before his eyes and everything good that they know and know is largely the merit of their class teacher.

If it's just the end of the school year or Teacher's Day, then express your joy that your children have such a wonderful homeroom teacher. We wish you continued successful joint communication and leadership.

The main thing is that everything you say comes from the heart. Think about the role of the class teacher in your child's life, and you will understand that he knows your child even better than you.

Ask your children. They probably know what flowers the class teacher likes. Surprise him with the flowers he loves the most. It is better to discuss congratulations with all parents; everyone will contribute and tell you how to organize congratulations.

Below we give several examples of congratulations in poetry and prose.

Our children have grown up and tomorrow

They will scatter in all directions,

And they will meet obstacles along the way.

And grievances will not be hidden for years.

When they were next to you,

We greeted the day confidently

They trusted you like a mother,

Forgot about boredom and laziness.

We didn't always find time

To help in word and deed,

You took on this burden,

Seeing in everyone either a son or a daughter.

Exams, worries are over,

Someone is leaving school forever,

We don't know what awaits us ahead,

But we will never forget you!

Our good friend, mentor, teacher.

We can do anything with you!

Anyone could go on reconnaissance with you.

Your soul ached for everyone.

A parting word, a kind look,

We rejoiced at our victories together.

Today each of the guys will say:

Life was very interesting for you and me!

It all seems like yesterday

And even your husband took part.

Excursions, hikes, evenings,

After all, this is also a little happiness!

Let everyone envy

How do you cook and sew with us!

With such a leader our class

He was in sight, always held in high esteem by everyone!

Thank you for everything you gave us,

Sorry for the worries and disappointments!

We wish you love, hope and dreams,

Ideas, good luck, smiles, inspiration!

For several years you have invested your endless knowledge and soul into our class and into each of us! Today I congratulate you with gratitude and love and wish that your students never disappoint and bring only satisfaction from the years you spend together!

You are mother and father rolled into one,

You are our spiritual and physical guardian -

And comforter of fiery hearts,

And our ideological super-inspirator.

We wish you hundreds of thousands of years

Good health, so that your nerves don’t go crazy,

So that you love life just as sincerely

And to keep the good light of the class.

Video congratulations

This is the congratulations parents organized for graduation:

The main thing is to approach congratulations creatively:

Here's a graduation from elementary school:

All words must come from the heart:

An extraordinary, special holiday in school life. It is equally important for both graduates and parents, because they lived with their children through all the ups and downs of school. And on this memorable solemn day, they are excited again, saying words of gratitude to the director, class teacher, and teachers. To last minutes Before the graduation ceremony, you didn’t have to look for words of gratitude; the portal has prepared for you a small thematic selection of “parents’ response at graduation.” She will help you make this holiday even brighter, more soulful and soulful.

Parents' response at graduation for the class teacher

  • The class teacher is like a second mother. She knows everything, will always help, advise and support. By her example, she secretly charges and inspires students to achieve their goals, so warm, sincere words of gratitude are one of the first to be addressed to her.
  • On behalf of all parents, I want to thank you, dear (name). Thanks to hard work, teaching talent, patience and the ability to communicate correctly with schoolchildren, you were able to teach children everything that could be useful to them in later life. Your work is truly priceless. Children talk about you very often, they love and respect their teacher, and this is worth a lot. Let your students listen to you and your colleagues understand. Happiness to you, (name)!
On this warm summer day, we all gathered here for a reason. Today our children and their teachers celebrate graduation. Of course, each teacher contributed to the education of our children, but most of all I would like to thank the class teacher. It was the leader who did the most for the 11/9th grade students; she gave them not only school knowledge, but also simple life advice. Thanks to this man, they grew up to be kind, honest and decent people, for which she thanks a lot!

We would like to say a lot now -

How grateful we all are to the teachers,

Who gave all their strength,

And how we worried about the children!

Children love our teacher,

She is considered the best in the world.

And a low bow to her from mom and dad!

She managed to find an approach to us too!

The director unites the team,

Protects the entire school from storms and troubles.

We sincerely wish her continued

Burn with teaching work!

  • Dear (name), I would like to thank you for leading the class through interesting and educational 11 years of life. Thank you for never giving up and having iron patience. All the parents gathered here sincerely wish you health and strength to teach the next generations of children. Never know troubles and worries. Happiness to you, (name)!
  • On behalf of all parents of 9th/11th grade students, I would like to thank the class teacher for his kindness, care and ability to find a common language with the children. You have become a second mother for your students, they love you and respect you very much. It is difficult for us, like them, to part with such a wonderful person, but, alas, life goes on as usual, and it is time for the children to leave the cozy walls of their home school. I would like to wish you, (name), good health and good students. May there be something good in every day, and may your heart always be warm.
  • The class teacher is a very important person in the life of each of us. Even after many years, our children will remember your advice and instructions. You opened up more and more new horizons for them, helped them get through problems and experiences. It was thanks to you that they became kind and sympathetic people. Thank you, (name), and low bow!

Parents' response to teachers at graduation

Over the years of study, children become acquainted with, admire and study with interest many subjects, all thanks to the knowledge and work of teachers. These words of gratitude are for them:

  • Dear teachers! On this special day, I first of all want to say a big thank you! Thank you for giving the children unforgettable years of study, for always being kind and tolerant towards them. The work of a teacher is not only about teaching, you need to be a psychologist, a friend and a parent, and you can do all of this. I am proud that my child graduated from this school and was taught by such wonderful teachers. Thank you!
  • On behalf of the graduates' parents, I want to thank all the teachers who taught our children. Step by step you helped them overcome life's obstacles. You taught them not only school subjects, but also simple life things: friendship, kindness, empathy, patience. Today they easily overcome any difficulties, because from an early age they learned to be strong and self-confident. Happy holiday to you, dear ones, because this is your celebration too. And a huge thank you!
We love all teachers - it’s no secret.

There is no such thing anywhere else!

The chemistry teacher teaches everyone according to their minds -

So much so that the test tubes are all filled with smoke!

Our math teacher is like a sorcerer,

He rarely asks problems without any fuss!

Russian teacher - philosopher and poet,

He will put everything on the shelves and give advice.

History teacher is a treasure trove of knowledge,

He will tell you about Berlin and Petrograd.

We hasten to congratulate everyone on your graduation!

And let’s end our congratulations here.

  • Today is a special day for all of us. After all, today our children are finishing school, finishing their 9th grade. It was a happy and long 9 years. During this time there was a lot of things, there were joys and difficulties. But we all overcame them together, because we had one goal - to finish 9th grade. And now this moment has come, our children are graduates. Standing on this stage, I would like to say separate words of gratitude to each teacher for his contribution, for his work. Without you none of this would have happened. You are not just teachers, you are teachers for life. Your knowledge will always help, your personal life experience will be an example for all today's students. And even though their lives will all turn out differently, none of them will forget you.
  • It seemed to me, like every parent present here, that graduation was still very far away. But before I had time to come to my senses, it came. It's time to admit that the kids have become adults. It’s hard to say what I feel more – sadness or pride for my child. But, I know for sure that I am filled with a feeling of gratitude to every teacher of this school! I am grateful to you, dear teachers, for your attention and care for your students. For the fact that you did not give up even when they themselves gave up, stubbornly leading them to their goal. Thank you for believing in them! You good people and wonderful teachers!

Parents' response to the first teacher at graduation

Who else should I say thank you to if not him? The entire future school life depends on the first teacher. It's like first love with knowledge.

  • Our children are already graduates, they have completed 9th grade and are in a hurry to say goodbye to their beloved school. Of course, during the 9/11 years of study, many teachers shared their knowledge with them, but the closest person will always be the first teacher. You have done so much for our kids that words cannot express how grateful we are to you. We are glad that one fine day we decided to place our children under your wing. You are not only a teacher, but also a mentor, friend and second mother! Thank you very much!
  • You, (Name), are the most important person in the lives of our children! Yes, they have grown up a long time ago, but believe me, they never forgot their first teacher. Thanks to your good heart our kids were always surrounded by the necessary care and their subsequent years at school became much easier for them. Did you see them hidden talents and taught them to be a friendly class, which they remained until today. Thank you for everything, dear (Name)! Let there be more than one class of children in your life, because you are truly a talented teacher. Be healthy and happy!
  • The first teacher... How much does he mean in a person’s destiny? I, like probably everyone present, remember my first teacher and always remember with joy that distant school time. In general, the first years of school are especially memorable, which is why it is so important that they go well. This is not always the case, but our children were lucky; on their way they met an excellent teacher and part-time primary school teacher - (Name). This man managed to make the life of little students bright, fun and educational. In my opinion, this is what helped them learn and overcome with ease. thorny path knowledge and finish school well. Thank you very much. We wish you happiness career growth, family well-being and good health!

Parents' response at graduation to employees of the educational institution

  • Dear (Name), you are certainly main man At school. Without your sensitive leadership it simply would not exist. Yes, being a director is not easy, but you do it very well. We, like our children, have always admired your hard work and ability to organize work in educational institution. Thank you for conscientiously performing your duties. Let work bring happiness and good income!
  • Dear school canteen workers! We would like to say thank you to everyone who treated our children with such warmth and care. You not only fed our kids delicious food, but also took care of them. Many people speak negatively about school food, but the students of (school name) were lucky, because they were fed better than in many cafes. Please accept our thanks and always cook as well as you do now!

Parting words to graduates from parents

  • On behalf of all the parents gathered here, I would like to congratulate the graduates of grade 11/9! May the goals you set for yourself be achieved. Let studying at a university become a pleasant adventure and at the same time a ticket to good life. Never give up, and then you will definitely achieve your goal. We believe in you and love you very much!
  • Our beloved children! We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts on completing your secondary education! Most of them coped with their task with dignity and successfully passed the exams, you are just great! Now everyone has a certificate, it only contains assessments of your knowledge - this is a ticket to the ship called life. Even if not everyone got first class cabins, there will still be time to fix everything and achieve more! In the meantime, have fun and enjoy your youth, but don’t forget about your parents. Good luck!
Time has flown by so quickly, as if yesterday our children were hesitantly stepping into first grade, and today they are already celebrating the end of school. Our beloved children, we would like to wish you success in your studies, true friends, good health and good mood. May there always be a smile on your faces and love in your heart. May each of you achieve success in your chosen profession and find a good, profitable job. Don't forget about hometown and the school that gave you the path to life. Happiness and goodness to you. Happy graduation!
  • Our beloved children, on this special day I would like to wish you much, much happiness and good health. May your cherished dreams come true, and may your school friends never be forgotten. Always go forward and do not forget that we, parents, love you very much and are always waiting for you to come home. Don’t forget the teachers who gave you knowledge and their care. May your guardian angel always be with you. God bless you!
We wish you, dear children,
So that they are not afraid of anything in the world.

A letter of gratitude to a teacher or class teacher can be written only by the parent committee, but also by the school administration in the person of its director; gratitude can be expressed for any achievements, participation in events of a various nature, a significant event in the life of the teacher and the school. Below we offer sample texts of a letter of gratitude for the teacher and class teacher from parents, as well as from the school administration. Examples of thank-you letter texts: 1. Text of a thank-you letter to a primary school teacher from the parents of students. Dear Anna Gennadievna! We, parents of 4th “A” grade students, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the attention, care and sensitivity shown towards our children. For 4 years, you accompanied our children, helping them overcome difficulties and failures in their studies, empathizing and supporting them in difficult times.

Words of gratitude to the class teacher

Thank you very much for an interesting school life, easy studying and exciting leisure time! Thank you, great leader, for your sensitivity, kindness, warmth. We want to tell you sincerely and honestly that we are all very lucky to have you! Please accept our words of gratitude, We have prepared them especially for you. We wish you good luck and patience, We wish you success and plenty of strength. The management is great - It’s not a simple matter, and sometimes dangerous - Thank you very much! For your work and nobility, please accept our gratitude, because your leadership is a great joy for us.
Thank you for your knowledge, for your honesty and kindness, for your faith and understanding - we are lucky to have you! Today, our class teacher, we say “Thank you”, You have become a school mother for us, Having made the class friendly and family. Thank you for scolding, feeling sorry for us, Thank you for often praising us, We are grateful to you that you loved us as your own children.

Graduation Teacher Appreciation Speech

You, like second parents, took care of our children, day after day, in frost, rain and sunny days, despite the hardships and illnesses. You worried about their failures and rejoiced in their victories. Thanks to you, they learned Ohm's law, the Pythagorean theorem, the multiplication table, read hundreds of books and learned a huge number of poems.

Our children learned what politeness, friendship, mutual assistance, responsibility are... Thank you for the knowledge and friendly support you are ready to give to every child, because everyone has and once had a teacher, the president of the country, the minister, the ordinary worker, scientist or doctor.

Words of gratitude for teachers


An example of a letter of gratitude from the director to the teacher Dear Liliya Anatolyevna! Please accept my sincere gratitude for your pedagogical gift, competence and long-term work in teaching and educating our students. I express my deep gratitude for your patience, hard work and personal approach to each student! I look forward to further collaboration.

Wish good health and personal happiness! Sincerely, Director of MBOU Secondary School No. 81 M.I. Dyakonova Letter of gratitude to the teacher from parents A letter of gratitude to the teacher from parents of students can also be written by hand, in beautiful, legible handwriting.
The drafting requirements are slightly simplified. An example of gratitude from parents Dear Maria Petrovna! Let me express my sincere gratitude to you for the contribution you make to the upbringing and education of our children.

How to write kind words about teachers and express gratitude for their work?

Especially for You taught us various sciences, And sometimes you scolded us and got angry, But we carried such a science through life coolly. You are our most beloved teacher, we will never forget you. And now our kids are running fun into your classroom!!! Especially for How happy we are to all gather again, as a class, as if in the old days. How glad we are to see you again - our dear class teacher (teacher's name)! And again pictures of school days are drawn, when we were carefree, and you opened the road for us - the road of knowledge, the road to life.

We thank you for all your work - so difficult and priceless, for your wisdom and support. It is still very important to us today. Thank you, dear (teacher’s name)! More words of gratitude in prose → Thank you for the knowledge, for the science, for sparing no time and effort, for not giving up from weakness, when enthusiasm waned.


Home » Letters » Letter of gratitude to teacher A letter of gratitude is a written expression of gratitude, usually addressed to to a specific person. This document is drawn up on the organization’s letterhead or on a special printing form, which large quantities sold in kiosks with printing products.

Often a thank you letter is written to teachers. Grateful parents of students express words of gratitude to their children's teacher, for example, in connection with the end of the school year, primary school, secondary school.
Not only parents, but also the students themselves can express gratitude by contacting their teacher or class teacher. In this case, you should purchase a printed color form, in which you just need to enter text with pleasant words for the addressee (teacher).

Thank you letter to teacher

Thank you again from the bottom of my heart and we wish you health, happiness and patience in your future endeavors! in Poems Our class teacher, allow me to congratulate you, hand you a large bouquet, read out the poem with all my heart Our large and friendly class congratulates you today. And today on spring day you are in good mood. We respect you very much and admit to you directly, We are sons and daughters for you, Well, and you are a second mother.

Words of gratitude to the teacher

We don’t even know how to express to you all the gratitude for your kindness and responsibility that you placed on your shoulders, taking us under your wing as very young children and leading us through the darkness of ignorance to the light of science. Today, on this significant day for us, we want to thank you for the fact that all these years, within the walls of our beloved school, you have replaced our father (mother) for us.

With your help, we were able to become much stronger and wiser. Thank you for never really complaining about us to our parents, but on the contrary, for helping us understand exactly what we were wrong about. Now we can say with confidence that a craving for goodness and responsibility has settled in our souls forever.

In the first case, you can emphasize the similarity of the teacher with a second mother, highlighting the aspect of not so much teaching the subject, but rather guardianship and care. Here is one example of such speech:

  • Our dear (actor teacher), on this memorable day we want to thank you with all our hearts.

    For your help, for your friendly support and participation. You didn’t just teach us subjects and life, you protected and protected us, gave us advice and wise instructions. It was to you that we came with our hardships and difficulties, only you could wholeheartedly share our victories and new achievements. Today, like many years ago, we want to confess our love and respect to you. You are not just a teacher, you are a friend and a reliable comrade! Thank you for your hard work, believe me, it did not go unappreciated.

Text of a thank you letter to the teacher

To the class teacher, first teacher Anna Ivanovna Prokhorova. Dear Anna Ivanovna! There are so many troubles and failures in life! There are so many simple problems in life, And sometimes you’re in the mood to cry, And there’s sadness and shadows of folds on your face...

But you were able to save yourself from boredom, find patience in yourself, and find a lot of strength. And they were able to pull themselves together in time, so that they could only come to lessons with affection! To physical education teacher Valery Konstantinovich Korneychuk Dear Valery Konstantinovich! Thank you for the interesting lessons. We really love outdoor games in the lessons and the “Fun Starts” competitions. We promise to always be ready for lessons and always try to win competitions.

Music teacher Alevtina Aleksandrovna Tishchenko.

We wish you love and kindness, And bright, happy days, For the fact that fate has connected us together, We are grateful to you and to her. There is one person in our school, He worries about us like a family member, And if at times we get rowdy, He sometimes doesn’t get enough sleep at night.

The whole class will unanimously thank you! After all, you are a sincere, wonderful person. Although we make a lot of mistakes, But everyone knows: our cool one is the coolest! How I want to say thank you and give free rein to your gentle, warm words. You are not just a great leader - for us you are a support, support and savior. May God give you both happiness and goodness, So that the house is quiet and warm. I wish you health, success, mood, good luck, light, joy, luck. Our great teacher, we say thank you. For all your efforts and care, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts.