Ancient dream books It has been repeatedly pointed out that if the deceased gives a gift, it is not good.

In fact, this dream has a direct, symbolic interpretation, which does not always mean various forms of negativity.

It all depends on who exactly the deceased was in the dream, how long ago he went to another world, whether he was familiar or not.

To understand why you dream about such a plot, the dream book advises you to pay attention to the gift from the deceased, what you remember about it and what it reminded you of.

The personality of this person, who he was in your life, also plays a role. This is what this dream most often means.

Who was the deceased

Death in a dream, like corpses, graves and everything connected with them, means changes, the past, what has already passed or is about to disappear from your life and destiny.

The modern dream book writes that the appearance, characteristics of a deceased person, whether he was pleasant to you or not in life, often clearly shows what exactly has left or is leaving your life.

Receiving it from a person who died only in a dream, but is actually alive, means parting with him and severe disappointment.

Symbolically, a gift in a dream means experience and what exactly you will take away from communication with him and your relationship. Here's how to interpret a dead person depending on the context of your dream.

Receiving a gift from a deceased father, mother, grandmother or grandfather - to family secret. Most likely, you will be able to survive accepting an inheritance, help or some vital quality from them.

Usually a gift in a dream means experience, knowledge, skills, some ideas about life, as well as specific things, the appearance of an inheritance or just a surprise.

Pay attention to the value of the gift and how it relates to you. For example, for a pregnant woman to receive a gift from her deceased father means the birth of a son or daughter who is similar to her grandfather.

If a grandmother gives a gift, most likely a girl or boy will be born, resembling the deceased person in appearance or character.

However, receiving low-quality items, spoiled food, something rotten, bad and poisoned as a gift from a deceased person dreams of illness or even death. It seems that the connection between you will be completely broken or you may die from the same illness or accident as the deceased person.

It is good if you burn or throw away this item, and also give it back to the deceased person.

Receiving a gift from a long-dead brother or relative is a sign of a new acquaintance or a surprise. The modern dream book writes that you will soon meet a person who resembles a deceased person, or you will unexpectedly use a skill or experience gained with him.

For example, a girl who will soon have a boyfriend may unexpectedly benefit from the advice of her deceased older brother, as well as the qualities that the deceased possessed.

In some situations, modern books write that you can use a thing of a deceased person, which will later serve you very well.

But, if a relative died recently and gave you some nasty stuff in a dream, something moldy, spoiled or dirty, rotten, this is a very bad sign. Modern books write that this dream should be interpreted dangerous disease, ill health or danger.

Also remember that after such a dream you may get sick or get into trouble. If the deceased died a long time ago, and you receive from him beautiful packaging something very bad, then such a dream almost always symbolizes a quarrel, the danger of poisoning, scandals and conflicts. Try to be careful not to get into trouble.

Why do you dream that ex-boyfriend or does your husband, who died in a dream, but not in reality, give you a gift? The dream book writes that soon you will hear news about him or from him, or he will remind you of himself again. Pay attention to what exactly he gave you and how much you liked the gift in general. Here you need to interpret the symbol separately. If during your lifetime you parted badly with a person, and you dreamed that he was dead, but at the same time gave you a gift, then soon he will remind you of himself again and will greatly surprise you with something.

Perhaps he will even make an attempt to return and repent.

If, in fact, your ex-boyfriend or husband died, then receiving a gift from him is a life experience that you take away from this relationship, something that remains with you forever and even the memory of the deceased. This symbol must be interpreted based on the color of the packaging and the contents of the gift.

Receiving a gift from a deceased celebrity is a sign of success and disappointment. If you dreamed that you were now alive a famous person has already died, leaving you a gift or inheritance - expect disappointment in activities related to him, in this person.

A gift generally means the experience, thoughts and knowledge that you take away from communication with him, a certain period of life associated with this person.

This could simply be a search for femininity in a teenage girl through imitation of a famous singer or actress, or the desire to achieve perfection in some business or activity.

In general, the modern dream book writes that a dream of this kind should be interpreted depending on what exactly the deceased person means to you and what specific relation it has to your thoughts and feelings. The gift in this situation is considered the outcome of the relationship, the truth or wisdom that you take away from it.

Why do you dream that an unknown dead person or a living dead person gives you something? This dream means temptation, danger or deception, fraud. You should not take such a gift, as it means trouble, death or a situation from which it will be very difficult for you to get out of later.

If you liked the gift of the deceased or turned out to be valuable, then soon you will receive some knowledge, advice or a hint that will greatly help in your life. But if the gift turned out to be bad, bad and of poor quality, dirty or frightened you - beware of unpleasant news, danger or illness.

If the deceased was terribly disfigured and gave you a gift in a beautiful package, do not take it in a dream, as the dream predicts great trouble for you. Taking such a gift means illness and danger to life. If there is something important and useful there, refer to the old experience. Perhaps he will be the one who will tell you how best to act in a difficult situation.

What can a dream in which a dead person appears promise? Interpretation of dreams with the deceased in the role of father, mother, grandmother and other relatives.

Do not be alarmed if you see a dead person in a dream. It becomes scary when you watch the deceased in his dreams, and even in a creepy form. But you shouldn’t expect that after such a dream you yourself will go to the next world. Most often they appear to warn about something important.

Why do grandmothers dream about a dead person?

If you saw your grandmother in a dream, then an unexpected addition to the family awaits.

It is not necessary that you yourself will give birth to a child soon; your sister may also have one. Perhaps it won't be a baby, but just new person in your circle of relatives, for example, a daughter-in-law. In any case, the family will become larger by one person very soon.

Why do you dream about a dead father?

If you saw in your dreams your own father, who has already left the world of the living, then be on your guard, because danger awaits you. Losses and disappointment in love await. You will find yourself in a difficult life situation, only the closest relative will help in solving it. Don't be afraid of challenges because they will make you much stronger.

Why do you dream about a dead mother?

If in a dream you saw a mother who had already died, then in reality you will be surrounded by extraordinary and reverent care. Your loved one will do everything so that you do not need anything and are happy. Appreciate this man, because gentlemen like him are very rare. Not everyone is destined to become happy wife good husband.

Why do you dream about a dead grandfather?

If you happen to see a grandfather in a dream who has already died, then get ready for someone to lecture you. This person is older than you and knows how to live correctly. He has vast experience behind him, so do not push him away, but rather listen to sincere instruction.

Why do you dream about a dead brother?

If you dreamed of a deceased brother, then you will meet a new friend on the way. He will support you in everything. Even if the worst happens and everyone turns away from you, this person will always be there. He will help you selflessly and sometimes even to the detriment of himself. You will be grateful to fate for this person until the end of your days.

Why do you dream about a dead uncle?

If you met your late uncle in a dream, then this indicates that success awaits you in your work. You will advance up the career ladder soon, or receive an increase in salary. The bosses will reconsider their attitude towards you and will value you more. Don't let management down, do your job conscientiously.

Why do you dream about a dead friend?

If you managed to see a friend in a dream who has left the other world, then expect good news. They will come from friends. Perhaps one of them decided to tie the knot. They will want to invite you to a solemn celebration on this occasion, and maybe they will ask you to act as a witness. Do not refuse such an offer so as not to offend your friends.

Why do you dream of dead people you know alive?

If you dreamed of acquaintances who had already died, but in your vision they turned out to be alive, then the situation will soon improve noticeably. You will be more respected in the team at work, there will be enough money for everything you need, family relationships will strengthen. You will feel truly happy and confident.

Why dream of washing a dead person?

If you washed a dead person in your dream, then in the life of a dizzy you will achieve success, but only if you make every effort to achieve your goal. The time will soon come when you will be extremely lucky in everything. Whatever you undertake, everything will be a success. Don't miss this lucky chance to significantly improve your life.

Why do you dream about a dead man?

The vision with the deceased husband is good sign, because the dream promises that a suitor will soon appear on the horizon. Stop tormenting yourself and don’t think that the deceased will not like you getting married again. You can’t bury yourself alive like you did before. Live on and enjoy every day. Understand that the deceased will be happy for you, because he is now suffering with you from tears, resentment and, closed to all men, your heart.

Why do you dream about a dead person in a coffin that you don’t know?

If you saw something in a dream unknown person in a coffin, then you will soon go to an unfamiliar country or city for permanent residence. It will be hard at first, but then everything will work out and you will feel great there. Life will change dramatically, but it will only benefit you. You will make new acquaintances, get a job Good work and you will live better than before.

Why do you dream about kissing a dead person?

If the deceased kissed you or tried to do so, then this is not good. Try your best to avoid that kiss. The fact is that such a phenomenon portends you illness and hard life. Try to rest more often so as not to “earn” health problems. Trust strangers less so that they don’t drag you into some kind of scam.

Why do you dream of a dead man at the table?

If you saw a dead person at your table in a dream, then expect guests. Unpleasant people will come to visit you in the near future. Be patient and try to meet them as expected. Do not make trouble with guests and do not openly express your true attitude towards them. Show yourself as an excellent hostess and sincere interlocutor.

Why do you dream of beating a dead person?

If you beat the deceased in a dream, then expect changes in your life for the better in the near future. Your relationship with your relatives will improve; there will be no trace of misunderstanding on their part. In addition, you will become a freer person financially, get rid of debts and loans. You will even be able to help others in financial matters.

Why do you dream about sex with a dead person?

If you dreamed like this a strange dream, in which you entered into intimate intimacy with a deceased person, then remember that this is not good. Be careful when choosing a partner for a love relationship. Don't go to bed with someone you don't know well. Such a dream may portend diseases in the field of gynecology. Do not rush to open your heart to new male acquaintances.

Why do you dream of a smiling dead man?

If the deceased smiled at you in a dream, then in reality in this case you should expect trouble. Be careful and do not succumb to the persuasion of strangers to join any scam. In the near future, do not make new acquaintances and do not sign any contracts. You can be set up at any moment, so don’t let your guard down for a minute.

Why do you dream of a dead person leaving?

If you saw a dead person walking into the distance in a dream, then expect success in all areas of life. Finally, failure will turn away from you and the black streak that for a long time pursued. You no longer hoped for better times, but they are about to come. Now everything will fall into place, and you will feel joy from life and your professional activities.

Why do you dream of feeding a dead person?

If you put a deceased person to rest in a dream, then expect an increase in income in the near future. Perhaps you will be promoted or even get a job new job. Don't be afraid of changes in life, because they will all happen only in better side. Soon all the bad things will be forgotten and move aside, giving way to happiness. You will be able to visit those places that you have long dreamed of, but finances did not allow it.

Why do we dream a lot about coffins with dead people?

If you saw a lot of coffins with the dead in your dream, then this is a sign of tears. Someone will soon seriously upset and disappoint you. You will forever lose trust in this person. It will be difficult to believe in a sincere relationship in the future, but time will heal the wounds and you will learn to love and open your heart again. Every person you meet on life path, is important and plays a role in your destiny and becomes a teacher in some way. Appreciate everyone, that's why bad people you are being taught something.

Why do you dream of a dead man asking for money?

If you happened to see how the deceased asked you for money, then expect that luck will soon turn away from you. It will stop delivering not only to love relationships, but also in work, in everyday life and in everything else. Very difficult times will come, but you will be able to survive them with dignity with the help of true friends and family. Those who really care about you will never turn their backs and will come to your rescue in any situation. Enlist the support of these people and move on with your life.

Why do you dream of a dead man giving flowers?

If you received a bouquet of flowers from a deceased person in a dream, then this phenomenon can be interpreted as a transfer of the fate of the deceased. You can repeat the path of the deceased person in your dream if you accept such a gift. You should not be afraid of this, because, knowing the fate of the deceased and its negative aspects, you can avoid wrong steps and go against the villainous fate.

Why does a dead man dream of being cold?

If you saw that the deceased was very cold in your dream, then this is a sign of loneliness. It will fall on you soon. You yourself will not want to build a relationship with the man you love, you will move away from your family and seem to go into hibernation. The burden of depression will hang over you for a while, but it will soon pass. Friends and closest relatives will bring you out of this state.

Why do you dream about a dead man giving paper money?

If you saw the deceased handing you banknotes, then expect unpleasant news from afar. Relatives will tell you something sad. Perhaps this will be due to the serious illness of one of the people close to you. Prepare for bad news, but don't be discouraged. Now you and your family need to stick together to get through these difficult times.

Why do you dream of a coffin with a dead person in the house?

If you happen to see that there is a coffin with a deceased person in your house, then expect unexpected profits. It will come from an unusual source. You never thought before that this type of activity could generate income. You will be pleased with yourself for bringing material benefits to your family, and you will also be satisfied with your job because you really enjoy it.

Why do you dream about a dead man coming to visit?

If a dead person came to visit you in a dream, then this means a meeting with an influential person. He will provide support in the most difficult financial problems and will always come to the rescue. You have been missing such a person for a long time and now, finally, he will come into your life. Now you will know that all the suffering and tears were not in vain. Fate has prepared a generous gift for you in the form of a faithful assistant and reliable friend.

Why do you dream of a dead man covered in blood?

If you saw a dead person bleeding, then soon you will meet with all your relatives. You will gather around one large table and have a fun time, having heartfelt conversations and conversations about the past. Then you will often remember this meeting with warmth in your heart.

It’s rare to get together like this and talk about all sorts of topics. We are starting to get used to the fact that relatives only gather at funerals, and this is very frightening. We need to radically change such sad traditions and see our family more often without any reason at all, because life is short, and it should be spent only on pleasant moments.

Why do you dream that a dead man is strangling?

If a dead person tried to strangle you in a dream, then this is a sign of your disagreement with the life situation. You are unhappy with your job, your relationship with your loved one, and so on. You try to run away from problems because they really stifle you. It’s better to try, together with your family, to solve everything that worries you and change your life for the better, than to suffer like this. Otherwise, you risk “earning” yourself breakdown or mental disorder.

Why do you dream of a dead man with a child?

Why do you dream of a dead man in black?

If in a dream you saw a deceased person in a black robe, then this is sad news. They will come from your friends. Prepare for shock, because this news will make the hair on your head stand on end. Friends will help you get through this difficult time. Do not refuse their offers of help and moral support. Anyone can find themselves in such a situation, and you yourself will probably have to support someone in the same way.

Why do you dream of a dead man in white?

If you saw a dead man in white clothes in a dream, then get ready for the fact that life will go white stripe. Good luck will follow you in all areas of life. The time is right to realize your plans and dreams. Don't miss the moment and do what you've been wanting to do for a long time. As they say, a holiday is coming on your street, so take advantage of the happy occasion.

Why do you dream about a dead man taking money?

If in your dreams you happen to see the deceased taking money from you, then this is a sign of luck and good fortune. All troubles and debts will go away, and life will be filled with joy and happiness. You will stop crying at night because things are not going at all the way you want and dream. Life will sparkle with new colors, you will meet new people and perhaps even get a new, higher-paying position.

Why does a dead person dream of being alive for up to 40 days?

The soul of the deceased is still rushing between two worlds until the 40th day. She's not in heaven yet, but she's not in hell either. Until that day the soul waits God's Judgment. She can visit places that were dear to her during her life, including her own home, family and friends. Some relatives of the deceased note that until the 40th day the presence of the soul of the deceased can be felt by a specific cadaverous smell, suddenly appearing in the house.

Often friends and relatives can see the deceased until the 40th day. In dreams, he can tell what he is pleased with or, conversely, what he is dissatisfied with. For example, one woman saw her late husband in a dream, all wet and frozen. He said that her tears made his grave damp. Then the woman stopped crying so much for the deceased, and dreams of the deceased no longer bothered her.

Do not worry or worry when in a dream you see a dead person who recently died. He can give you valuable advice in dreams. Until day 40, the deceased can still openly warn you about something important through a dream. It is worth listening to his advice, because deceased relatives know better what is best for you.

Just don’t go after a dead person under any circumstances. Even if he tearfully asks you to follow him, take your hand, try to hug and kiss you, never do this in your sleep. This means that the deceased is very sad without you, and thus he is trying to call you to the grave with him. There have been cases that after such dreams people did not live long, and also went to another world, following the deceased, seen in dreams before the 40th day.

Now you know how to interpret your dream about a dead person. We hope that now you will stop being afraid of such dreams, because they contain a deep meaning and a warning about something important.

A dead person who appears alive in human dream, in most cases carries some kind of news. Correct interpretation depends on who the living deceased was to the dreamer, under what circumstances the contact took place, what feelings the person experienced.

What if you dream of a living dead person?

Often parents appear in dreams, but in reality they have already passed on to another world. The dream has a clear warning value. Mother and father, even in the next world, do not leave their child without parental care and try to warn against possible errors, warn of impending misfortunes. It is very important to hear and remember the words they say. Perhaps they will help to correctly interpret the meaning of the warning.

If a deceased mother appears drunk to her son or daughter, then this is a clear reason to urgently reconsider her lifestyle, which, apparently, needs radical changes for the better.

If revived parents in a dream give flowers to their child and congratulate him on something, then this is a very good sign. With a high degree of probability, cherished dreams will come true, hidden dreams will come true.

Deceased parents who come into dreams with words of reproach towards their child indicate a deep feeling of guilt towards them, sitting deep in the person’s subconscious. This is a kind of remorse for the lack of attention and care shown by a person during their life. In this case, church repentance helps believers.

A dream in which a dead person persistently calls a person to come with him is not very pleasant. This may turn out to be a harbinger of serious illnesses and ailments that will befall a person in the near future. The picture has an even more fatal meaning when the deceased takes a person by the hand and leads him, and he unquestioningly obeys this. Unfortunately, a serious threat to human health and even human life is extremely close!

Under no circumstances should you accept any gifts, especially money, from people who come to life in a dream. Such gifts in reality can result in serious losses, which will mainly be caused by a person’s excessive trust in the people around him. It is worth increasing your vigilance tenfold, showing a healthy distrust of too tempting offers, at least for the immediate time after such a dream.

If the deceased in such situations has a detached, “zombified” look, then, alas, nothing will depend on the will of the person in reality.

What does it portend?

Why do you dream of a living dead person demanding some promises from the person watching the dream? If you managed to convince a person in a dream, and he still promised something to the resurrected person, then this does not bode well. This is when luck goes away, a dark streak in life comes. It is even more dangerous to give a deceased person some personal items in a dream. Possible loss vitality, a serious illness may be on the way.

If a deceased person comes to life in a dream, but continues to lie silently and motionless, then in this way he wishes the person the same success and prosperity that he had during his lifetime. Of course, this is relevant if during his lifetime he was indeed successful and wealthy. Otherwise, if such a “wish” in a dream comes from a deceased loser, this is a serious reason to be wary of whether such a fate awaits the dreamer.

But a kiss with a dead person, oddly enough, foreshadows the successful completion of complex and confusing cases.

There is absolutely no need to be afraid of dreams in which a person’s living relatives and friends suddenly die. No matter how sad and unpleasant event this was not imagined; such a dream, on the contrary, is an omen of their long and successful life in harmony with their health.

Human memory constantly stores memories of people who were once very close and dear during their lifetime. Often their appearance in a dream is simply a sign of slight warm sadness, a kind of nostalgia for those happy days when these people were around.

If a deceased person gives flowers in a dream, do not rush to be upset. Most likely, the dream means that you remembered this person the day before, especially if you dreamed about your late husband, brother, or father. Explaining why one dreams of such a manifestation of attention from the deceased, modern dream books predict a number of changes in personal life and the world around us.

Seeing a barely dead person in a dream is quite natural. His image should not frighten you or alarm you. Any gift given by the deceased can be interpreted as a friendly disposition in the past. The bouquet carries a hint that changes are coming social status dreamer For example, a young girl will soon meet the only one who will become support and support for the rest of her life.

Do not rush to despair, even if you dreamed that the dead man was giving flowers and inviting you to come with him. Psychologists in their dream books advise paying attention to gender, family ties, and other nuances:

  • brother, father - to prosperity;
  • ex-husband - to a fateful meeting;
  • a close female person - a warning;
  • stranger - to a change in weather.

Fate favors the brave

Nostradamus's dream book interprets a dream in which a dead person gives flowers, leading to significant profit in reality. It turns out that generous rewards await you, rewards for quickly completed work, if you dreamed of any offering from the deceased. Moreover, they can be expressed not only in monetary terms.

Valuable prizes, generous gifts from project sponsors - this is exactly what one dreams of about a bouquet received from a late husband, former admirer, or boyfriend. In addition, the dream means that those dreams and aspirations that you have long forgotten about will soon come true if you happen to smell a pleasant aroma in a dream.

Prepare for marriage, long-term union

Why dream of a situation in which a dead man gives flowers to a lady, family dream book describes in its own way. A person will appear in a woman’s life who can solve all her problems. The ex-husband suggests that it’s time to open up to new feelings, update your wardrobe, change your hairstyle.

If you dreamed that the deceased was much older than his age, then another acquaintance will bring not only good luck in marriage, but also a comfortable life. Seeing young ex-spouse in a dream - to the appearance of temporary admirers. At the same time, short novels, meetings, night walks will bring a lot of positivity into everyday life.

Exercise caution

Aesop's dream book, telling why a deceased woman dreams of holding out a fragrant bunch of barely picked daisies, violets, lilies of the valley, snowdrops, warns that you need to watch your actions and words. Excessive gullibility and talkativeness can lead to irreparable disaster.

Seeing a dead stranger or woman with any offering in a dream means a change in the weather. Most often, night vision means a quick trip to a resort, a change in climate, or circumstances. Eat folk sign, indicating that any newly deceased person seen in a dream promises rain, squally winds, bad weather in all its manifestations.

A bouquet of fresh flowers is a sign of respect, or more ardent feelings experienced by the person presenting it. Why do you dream of giving flowers? If you take deciphering such a plot seriously, then according to dream books, first of all you need to pay attention to the personality of the person to whom you are presenting the bouquet. For example, this is a woman, a man, a relative or a complete stranger.

What matters is the variety, the color of the buds, and other qualities of the flowers presented - size, freshness, aroma.

Dream Interpretations about Bouquets

The dream book gives several interpretations of the theme of “giving flowers.” When in a dream you hand flowers to a certain person, realizing that you are grateful, grateful to him, then in real life try to repay kindness for kindness to a certain person. However, this can only be done with the help of some outsider.

When do you dream that you are presenting a bouquet out of necessity. This may be a requirement of etiquette, or a gift that you give with the desire to receive something in return, then in reality you will have to sacrifice your own principles. Or agree to the conditions, the demands of an unpleasant person, on whom, however, much depends. It is difficult, unpleasant, but, alas, there is no other way to achieve what you want.

The dream book promises that if you present a florist’s work to your wife (or spouse) in a dream, then this is a wonderful sign indicating that mutual feelings not cooled down, you respect and appreciate each other. Fortunately, fate has sent you a faithful, worthy partner.

The dream book explains it differently: why dream of giving flowers that hurt, pierce your hands, at the moment when you hand over the bouquet. The dream serves as a warning - unfortunately, the passion does not reciprocate and even has love affair on the side. Be prepared to receive bad news about your partner cheating.

Why dream of giving flowers to the deceased? Such a dream, of course, will force you to look into your dream book. But there's nothing to worry about. Its meaning is good health, comfortable, long life. It is considered even better to give flowers to a person who has recently died. In this case, he transfers part of the unused energy, shares the experience and knowledge accumulated over his life.

Inflorescences live and artificial

It is important to remember what plants were in the bouquet in the dream: live or artificial? If we're talking about about those created by nature - living ones, then according to the dream book, you experience sincere, deep feelings for the person to whom you are presenting them.

Therefore, pay attention to the reaction of the recipients of the bouquet. If in a dream he accepts it from you with joy and gratitude, then he will real life treats you well, loves, appreciates, respects you. But if in your night dreams your gift from the florist’s shop was rejected or received with indifference, then when you wake up, take a closer look at the person who was given flowers in a dream. Perhaps he no longer values ​​you as much, does not experience the same feelings. What to do? There are two options. The first is a frank conversation. Second - show ingenuity, do something beyond the scope of daily worries and activities.

You will be deceived, and cynically and cruelly! This is why you dream of giving artificial flowers! Therefore, when you wake up from a dream in which you observed a similar plot, think carefully: who in your immediate environment is capable of carrying a stone in their bosom, preparing nasty surprises, betraying?

Who gets the gift