Everyone Have a good day! Today I will talk about the Wordstat service from Yandex, which is indispensable when compiling a semantic core and studying demand on the Internet for goods or services.

This wonderful resource will help you in a matter of minutes understand how much a particular product, both informational and commercial, will be in demand among potential buyers. Thanks to this, you can choose the right niche for your business, investing money where it is guaranteed to return.

We will analyze wordstat and also give practical advice for its correct use. Service address for those in the tank: wordstat.yandex.ru (this is one of the main tools for SEO and contextual advertising).

Topics of the material

The main functionality of Wordstat

Wordstat, depending on the parameters you set, shows statistical data on user requests in the Yandex search engine. As a rule, with automatic settings, the system provides data for the last 30 days, but if you wish, you can track the history of the request and its seasonality over a longer period of time.

Working with this service is extremely simple. All you need to do is enter the product you are interested in in the query bar, after which you will see how many users for Lately showed interest in him. But first, don’t forget to register and log in to Yandex.

Requests can be anything and consist of one or several words.

Let's look at working in the Wordstat system using a simple example.

Suppose an entrepreneur plans to open an online store selling skis, sleds, skates, special sportswear and other winter sports products.

At the same time, he wants to focus on clients living in his city, so that he can easily organize fittings and delivery of goods.

How to be in this case?

Step-by-step instructions for using wordstat

Step 1. Go to Wordstat

All you need to do for this is open the Yandex search engine, enter the name of the service (Wordstat) into the search bar and then follow the desired link: wordstat.yandex.ru<- либо кликнуть сюда.

Step 2. Setting up the search

Considering that our entrepreneur plans to work in his city, he needs to adjust the system parameters so that it shows data for only one locality.

When you go to Wordstat, you will see an oblong burgundy “window” with a search bar. Under it, the system will offer you several search options: “By words”, “By region”, “Query history”.

When setting up Wordstat, check the box next to the phrase “By words”. As a rule, it is set there automatically, so just check the settings.

Then, you need to adjust the geography of request processing. Under the same window there is a link “All cities”, click on it and select, first the desired country, then the county and then the city.

Let's assume our entrepreneur lives in Samara.

In this situation, we gradually narrow the search circle, removing unnecessary checkboxes, and alternately placing marks on the words “Russia”, “Volga Federal District”, “Samara Region”, “Samara”. Then press the “Select” key

Step 3. Find out the statistics of requests for specific products

In our case, the entrepreneur is primarily interested in the demand for skis and other winter sports products.

Therefore, we enter the phrase “buy skis” into the search bar, and see that 882 requests were received for it in a month. Thus, we see the overall frequency of the request in Wordstat.

What are the search frequencies?

  • The overall frequency is the figure given above. Equal to the sum of all queries where words from the phrase occur;
  • Intermediate frequency is a figure showing the number of queries per month for a query in any word form. Defined by wrapping the query in quotes. For example: “buy skis.”
  • Exact frequency - a figure showing the number of requests per month in the exact form, without word forms. Defined by adding an exclamation mark before each word + wrapping the entire query in quotes. For example, “!buy!skis.”

At the same time, the system offers us not only general data, but also a detailed layout: how many customers wanted to purchase children's, hunting, cross-country skis, etc.

If we simply enter the word “skiing,” we will see that the number of impressions per month has reached almost 20 thousand. But this figure will not be entirely correct, since there will be requests not only from potential buyers, but also from various interested parties who wanted to know what types of skis there are, how to ride them, etc. Therefore, when studying demand, it is best to use not general data, but a phrase with the name of the product and additional commercial words, for example “buy”. Such numbers will be more specific, as they will show us potential buyers.

Also keep in mind that Wordstat works exclusively using dictionary queries, and not using the association method. So don’t be lazy to check other products related to skiing. For example, enter in the “line” the phrases “buy ski boots”, “buy ski poles”, “buy everything for skiing”, “buy ski goggles”, “buy clothes for skis”, “buy skates”, “buy sleds” etc.

By analyzing the number of requests for these products, you will understand which assortment will be most in demand by customers. For example, the query “buy sleds” gets more than 2,600 impressions per month, and the combination “buy skates” gets 1,200. Therefore, sleds in your store need to be given more attention than skates.

Step 4. Consider seasonality

Before drawing a conclusion about how in demand a product is, study the demand for it not only over the last month, but also over the past year. This will help determine whether interest in the product is strongly seasonal.

Let's return to our example with a store selling skis. Previously, we looked at data for November, which is not the most popular month for this sports equipment. To finally decide whether it’s worth opening a store, you need to find out how much skis are in demand in winter.

There we will see that, for example, last winter the number of impressions for the phrase “buy skis” in December and February was about 2.5 thousand, and in January - about five.

Thus, it turns out that this service can help assess not only the demand for a product, but also the degree of its seasonality, which is also very important.

Step 5. Analyze the results

Having received data on query statistics, you need to draw appropriate conclusions.

Let's go back to our example:

If we consider that in January the request “buy skis” receives about five thousand impressions, it becomes clear that there is a demand for this product, and a store selling skis will be quite profitable.

However, Wordstat “warned” us that this trade would be highly seasonal. That is, if our entrepreneur wants to make a profit all year round, then he needs to add summer sports goods to his assortment: bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, etc.

At the same time, when analyzing the number of requests, do not forget that Wordstat shows data only for the Yandex search engine. That is, it does not take into account information that was searched on Google and other search engines. Therefore, the actual number of requests will be approximately twice as large as what Yandex shows.

Important: The data you received in Wordstat can be used not only to assess demand, but also when populating the company’s website. Look at what queries related to your activity profile users enter most often, collect all relevant queries, group them, identify landing pages, order copywriting or rewriting, or better yet SEO texts, conduct a technical audit, work on the commercial factors of the site, write the title, h1, description and wait for traffic to the site.

As a result, it turns out that the Wordstat service is simply irreplaceable when you need to assess the potential demand for goods and services that you plan to offer to consumers.

Moreover, the data presented there will be relevant not only for virtual trading through online stores, but also more or less real for owners of “real” retail outlets, unless of course you have a specific niche.

You can select search queries for website promotion through statistics services. In Yandex, the Wordstat system is used for this task, available at http://wordstat.yandex.ru In our article we will tell you how to find out the frequency of search queries using the Yandex service.

The Wordstat tool was created for people who want to place contextual advertising. It works like this: you enter a word or phrase and get a list of words and phrases with their frequency. But this is not the frequency of a specific request, but the frequency of all requests in which the specified words or phrases were found.

Let's look at an example (see picture below):

In the above example, the frequency for the word “air conditioners” is 1,741,974 - this is the total frequency of all queries that include the word air conditioner. But this does not mean at all that a query from one word “air conditioners” is entered so many times - in fact, no.

How can I see the request frequency?

To see how many times the search query “air conditioners” consisting of one word (without taking into account word forms) is entered, you need to put this word in quotation marks. If you need to check the frequency of a query consisting of several words, then you put the whole phrase in quotes.

See example below:

The number 64,981 means the frequency of all queries consisting of one word “air conditioners”.

How to determine the most popular request form?

How can I find out how many times the query “air conditioners” (plural) is asked, and how many times the query “air conditioner” (singular) is asked? We set the query in quotation marks and put a “!” sign in front of the word form.

See an example of checking the frequency of a single word query in the plural:

The number 50,368 indicates the frequency of a single word query in the plural.

Using a similar scheme, you can check the frequency of a word in the singular and compare the frequencies of different forms of the query. This will allow you to select the form with the highest frequency.

To check the frequency of a multi-word query that contains stop words, you need to put the phrase in quotation marks, put an exclamation mark next to each word, and a “+” sign before the stop word.


How to find out the order of words in a query?

Unfortunately, there are no special operators for this in the Wordstat system, but by default it usually displays the most popular word order.

Also, to find out the order of words in search queries, you can buy contextual advertising placement and see which queries will be used to visit the site more often. It is expensive, but if you want to collect the most complete and high-quality semantic core, the costs will be justified.

Useful articles

To competently work with WordStat search query statistics, we will need to study and put into practice two basic and five auxiliary operators. This article can be considered as instructions for using Yandex.Wordstat.

It is known that if we simply enter the query we are interested in into Yandex statistics at https://wordstat.yandex.ru/, then the frequency will be presented, which reflects the total number of impressions of search results for the previous reporting period in response to all queries containing the given phrase . Thus, the number next to the word “store” reflects the total frequency of impressions for all requests with the word “store” - “online store”, “cellular equipment store”, “store statistics”, “how to choose the right store for shopping” and so on .

In a large number of cases, this is not very informative and not the most useful data and it is necessary to use a number of auxiliary operators and techniques, which will be discussed in this article.

These operators are used for a number of tasks - predicting traffic from organic search and special placement, predicting returns from SEO and others.

Basic WordStat Operators

Among the basic operators, without the use of which it is impossible to correctly understand the results of WordStat statistics, we include the “Quotation Mark” and “Exclamation Mark” operators. Their definition and use are presented below.

    As you can see from the example, using the “Exclamation mark” operator you can quickly find queries with the desired word form of one or more words from the phrase.

    Using the Quote Mark and Exclamation Mark operators together allows you to get the so-called “ Exact request frequency» based on which the traffic forecast to the site is based on context or organic results. All you need to do is correctly predict the CTR (number of clicks per 100 impressions) for the selected or occupied position.

Auxiliary techniques and operators

Even greater opportunities when working with WordStat from Yandex open up with the use of five additional operators. This:

    "Or" operator— specified by the symbol “|” and is useful when you need to compare or “shift” several phrases in statistics, as well as for quickly selecting semantics for a page.

    Square Brackets Operator— is specified by the symbols “” between which the phrase is enclosed. Allows you to fix the order of words in the query. Important for assessing the popularity of similar phrases, especially for frequent queries.

    Operator "Plus"— specified by the “+” symbol and is useful when you need to find search queries with stop words (prepositions, conjunctions, particles).

    Operator "Minus"— specified by the “-” symbol and is useful when you need to exclude queries using a number of words.

    Operator "Grouping"- is specified by the bracket characters "()" and is useful when you want to group the use of the operators described above.

Examples of using

Here are examples of using each of the operators, a query code in WordStat for an independent task, and a table of search queries before and after application.


Sample code:
putty | putty

"Square brackets" and getting the exact request frequency

Sample code:
"[!office furniture]"


Sample code:
affairs + on


Sample code:
windows - plastic

"Grouping" and a more complex query

Sample code:
(word stat | wordstat | wordstat | word stat) (operators | techniques | +what | tricks | rules | +how)

Additional features

In the illustration above, the numbers indicate: 1 - the request itself, 2 - the date of update of Yandex statistics for these phrases, 3 - the total number of impressions for phrases that match the request, 4 - the total number of impressions for the phrase.

It is very important here not to confuse the total number of impressions from column 4 and the number of exact queries for the phrase, which can be obtained using the “Quotation Mark”, “Exclamation Mark” and “Square Brackets” operators.

Additional features of WordStat include studying the history (seasonality) of demand in a topic, obtaining frequency in a given region, and analyzing the popularity of phrases in mobile searches (tablets, mobile phones).

These functions are often useful when planning advertising campaigns.

Request history

You can quickly understand how interest in the release of the new iPhone 6S model is changing. Unfortunately, Query History does not currently support operators (OR, Grouping, Square Brackets).

Studying dynamics on request [New Year]. Sharp seasonal surges and dips after the onset of January are clearly visible.

Frequency in a given region

Obtaining the request frequency in a given region deserves special mention. By dividing the total request frequency by region, we can estimate both the frequency of a given request in the region of interest to us (Moscow, Moscow and the region, St. Petersburg, etc.), and the relative popularity of a particular request in the region.

From the example below it is clear that queries with the words “buy” and “Kazan” are mainly asked by residents of the city of Kazan, which is very obvious. Using this function in practice sometimes reveals more unexpected patterns.

Collection (parsing) of requests of a given length

In practice, it can be useful to use the technique of parsing queries of a given length (of 2, 3, 4 words, and so on) with the inclusion of a keyword. This feature is especially relevant if you work on a popular topic and collecting the first 41 pages does not allow you to get all the search phrases.

To collect all phrases with a length of 3 words, a construction like this is used:

"IPhone IPhone IPhone"

This query allows you to collect not just 41 pages of search phrases of arbitrary length, but 41 pages of three-word phrases with the entry “IPhone”. Sequential analysis of queries with a length of 2 to 7 words allows you to significantly increase the reach of your target audience.

To speed up the collection of frequencies, fast parsing of Yandex.Wordstat and storage of target kernels, it is recommended to use programs and online automation services, which include. After quickly setting up the collection parameters, you can get a wide semantic core within the topic.

The analysis was carried out using tools in .


We have reviewed all the main functionality of the WordStat statistics service. Now all you have to do is correctly apply the acquired knowledge in practice for your projects.

We will leave two more interesting and hidden features of WordStat up our sleeve for our subscribers. Want to know them? Then subscribe to updates from the “Promote Yourself” project. Good luck!

Before starting work on creating a new Internet project, experienced webmasters evaluate its prospects - does it make sense to invest time and money? It may happen that a large-scale undertaking ends in failure due to the fact that the niche is absolutely not in demand.

Knowing the most popular queries in Yandex or other search engines for which you are promoting will help you choose a niche with a large target audience from the very beginning.

  • popularity of the topic on the Internet;
  • audience's solvency.

First of all, they look at popularity, since good traffic can be monetized in any case, for example, by adding the site to the Yandex advertising network (YAN) or Google Adsense.

Topic popularity = lots of search queries = high-frequency keywords

This means we need to find out the frequency of the words and phrases that interest us.

How to find out the frequency of specific requests

If you already have certain ideas on the future theme of the site, then it is enough to sketch out a preliminary list of the most popular queries in this topic and “break through” their frequency through the service - wordstat.yandex.ru.

For example, if you came up with the idea of ​​making a website about reindeer breeding, you can see how many people are searching for “how to breed deer.”

The popularity of the query in the Yandex search engine will be expressed in specific numbers, and then you can assess for yourself how it will fit into your business plan.

We see that the topic about deer is not particularly in demand, maybe it’s worth choosing some more popular queries for the site and investing in them.

The maximum that we can get from this service is to look at the popularity of complex key queries (consisting of 2 or more words) with the obligatory inclusion of one of them.

For example, we look for what people most often want to buy. Their requests should look like this: “buy...” (instead of an ellipsis, the word). In the Wordstat field we enter “buy” and in the list of suggested options we will see all the most popular requests to buy in Yandex. A selection of keys for a tire store can begin with the general request “buy tires”:

From the list you can already see what and how much they are looking for. From a general request, many groups of narrower specialization can be distinguished. Each of these groups can then be considered individually according to the same scheme and queries of 4-5 words can be isolated. For an online store, everything will end with the narrowest queries – product cards.

Similarly, you can search for the words “watch”, “download”, etc. If the topic you need has similar unifying words, then you are in luck. It’s more difficult when all the queries in a topic are not similar to each other. I’ll tell you later how to fish them out.

Where to get ALL search queries

You already understand that the wordstat service will not show us all the statistics on the Internet and will not “burn” the most popular queries, it will only tell us the frequency of what we asked.

Some webmasters recommend using the Google trends service for searching, which shows currently popular topics on the Internet, but this is ineffective, since it is full of show business news, cinema and other nonsense - there will be no real clue for a promising site.

There is a real way to get a complete selection of all key queries that search engines processed, but this pleasure is not free - it’s called Pastukhov’s Database (site pastukhov.com).

To satisfy curiosity about the most popular keys, Pastukhov has posted several dozen keys from the TOP directly on the website in this form,

but for work it won’t work (complete downloads, watches, games, movies, songs), and for the full version they ask from 200 to 600 dollars, depending on different promotions.

If you constantly create a lot of websites, then the database can be useful, but there is an option to find out popular keywords cheaper, or rather, for free.

LiveInternet – the most popular queries for FREE

We will use the Liveinternet statistics service for this. Unfortunately, using the data from this service will not provide a 100% match with the data from the search engines Yandex or Google, since not all Internet sites use traffic counters from LiveInternet and not everyone who uses makes their statistics public, but the sample there is very large, therefore, more than enough for real work. In the end, we need a list, and then we’ll get the exact numbers using Wordstat.

A useful thing about Liveinternet is that you can immediately sort by category - dig up search queries not across the entire Internet, but in a specific topic (although you can do it across the entire Internet too).

Open the website – liveinternet.ru

If we need data on general search queries across the network, then we go straight to the ranking of sites; if we need key phrases on a specific topic, then we select one of the headings.

For example, I chose the computers group. Now we need group statistics - this is a link with a graph icon at the top of the list of sites in the ranking. Please note that we can specify the country and region - for sites that are tied to a territory, we need queries that are popular in a given area.

In the statistics we will see general traffic figures and much more, but we are interested in the left column of the menu and, specifically, the “By search phrases” item.

A significant proportion of requests here are hidden under the code name “Others,” but don’t let this confuse you, the most popular ones are open.

To make the selection as convenient as possible, in the settings of the final table, select “By months” and “Total”. Below you can configure a certain number of lines displayed simultaneously on the page (from 10 to 100).

Thus, we get a list of the most popular queries in a given category. You shouldn’t be surprised if non-thematic ones pop up among the queries - this is due to the fact that the selection is not based on real categories of queries, but on sites that are in the Liveinternet rating. And it often happens that a site is mistakenly placed in the wrong category and its requests are taken into account. It also happens that the site is thematic, but it has a page with text on a different topic, which gives significant search traffic that is not related to a given category.

So, you will need to select the most popular words and phrases by hand.

Now we can expand our selection to select specific key phrases for writing articles for our website. To do this, we take a list of words taken from LiveInternet and return to our favorite Yandex Wordstat. By entering words one by one, we will get narrower meanings of popular queries, but, most importantly, in the right column we will find queries that are similar in topic, expanding our initial selection.

Here is a method for freely obtaining the most popular queries in search engines without purchasing all sorts of Pastukhov databases and other lists.

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It is difficult to say unequivocally how many webmasters from the CIS have made life easier with the Yandex Wordstat resource. With its help, you can get statistics on popular queries from users to understand trending niches for business, create information and entertainment resources, commercial projects, etc. We will look at the most popular queries in Yandex in 2018 for novice webmasters and ordinary users who are interested in knowing what other people write most often in the search engine.

First, I would like to talk about how to get accurate information regarding the frequency of words and phrases:

    To obtain reliable information regarding the frequency of use of a phrase or word, you must use quotation marks. Example: “Query rating in Yandex” - 44 impressions per month;

    To obtain accurate data on the frequency of a phrase in a certain declension, it is necessary to use an exclamation mark;

    To obtain data for a group of similar words, you must additionally use brackets and the | sign. Example: “(word stat | word stat | wordstat).”

We will not use well-known operators to collect statistics, since we are interested in the most popular words for the month.

List of the best queries in Yandex in 2018


The word “VKontakte” opens the TOP 10 popular queries of 2018 in the Yandex search engine. We are talking about a social network that was created in 2006. Even then, the resource was translated into 90 different languages ​​of the world. Despite the development of competitors, the development of Pavel Durov, who is no longer the owner of the site, is still very popular in the CIS. On the Internet you can find a huge amount of information resources for individual social network applications. At the moment, Durov is the owner of the Telegram messenger, which is gaining users almost as quickly as VKontakte once did.

With the advent of bloggers and major television programs, not many people continued to spend their time searching for news using Yandex. Nevertheless, this thicket exists and remains quite popular in general. This can be explained by the fact that many people find it easier to perceive textual information. At the same time, some publishers have earned such a powerful reputation that even alternative methods, which are more pleasant and interesting to read, cannot combat online news publications. Whether this is good or bad, you be the judge! But, if you decide to create a news portal, make sure that you are doing it for the required audience of users.

No, no, we are not talking about a movie, but about a social network that has become twice as popular as VKontakte. This is surprising, but rather not the merit of the developers of the Odnoklassniki website, but rather the mistake of the new management of competitors. However, this is another popular request of 2018 in Yandex, which deserves the attention of every person intending to make money from a group or their own resource dedicated to the social network.

The portal ranks 27th among the most popular sites on the planet. This is a phenomenal success, in my opinion.

Do you love games? If so, you're probably on the list of 65 million people who used this - a very popular query on Yandex in 2018. Actually, there is nothing to be surprised about. Most users download or run online flash games for children. It's surprising that the figure is so insignificant.

As for the prospect of creating a resource dedicated to this topic, it exists. There is a lot of traffic, the network is huge, but there is also a minus - monetization leaves much to be desired. For obvious reasons, it is necessary to try to find partners so that the labor and financial costs are recouped.

It is unlikely that fans of multimedia content will be surprised to learn that the word “Video” is one of the most popular Yandex queries this year. Naturally, among the entire stream of keywords, the greatest demand is for phrases that suggest viewing content for an adult audience. In addition, a relevant mid-frequency keyword is the word Video plus:


This suggests that every day video hosting takes up more and more space on the World Wide Web among resources for watching videos.

Judging by popular queries on Yandex, there are more music lovers among Slavs than movie lovers. But in reality everything is somewhat different. In fact, about 20-30 million users are searching for music. The rest of the queries are repeated, that is, you can enter the phrase more than once. In addition, the search engine displays a query such as “Songs of Songs” in the report. It's about the work. This is a book. Here are some funny moments you can discover using Wordstat. To be honest, it is difficult to imagine that the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon could enjoy such fame. There may have been a mistake.