In order to know exactly how, according to the regulations, you are supposed to address a military personnel, you need to understand the ranks. Ranks in the Russian Army and shoulder straps provide clarity in relationships and allow you to understand the chain of command. IN Russian Federation there is both a horizontal structure - military and ship ranks, and the vertical hierarchy - from the rank and file - to the highest officers.

Rank and file

Private- this is the lowest military rank Russian army. Moreover, the soldiers received this title in 1946, before that they were addressed exclusively as fighters or Red Army soldiers.

If the service is carried out in a guards military unit or on a guards ship, then when addressing a private, it is worth adding the same word "guard". If you want to contact a military personnel who is in the reserve and has a higher legal diploma, or medical education, then you should contact - "Private Justice", or "private medical service". Accordingly, it is worth adding the appropriate words to someone who is in reserve or retired.

In a ship, the rank of private corresponds to sailor.

Only senior soldiers who perform the best military service are given the rank Corporal. Such soldiers can act as commanders during the latter's absence.

All additional words that were applicable for a private remain relevant for a corporal. Only in the Navy, this rank corresponds to Senior sailor.

The one who commands a squad or combat vehicle receives the rank Lance Sergeant. In some cases, this rank is assigned to the most disciplined corporals upon transfer to the reserve, if such a staff unit was not provided for during service. In the ship's composition it is "sergeant major of the second article"

From November 1940 to Soviet army a rank appeared for junior command staff - sergeant. It is awarded to cadets who have successfully completed the sergeant training program and graduated with honors.
A private can also receive the rank - Lance Sergeant, who has proven himself worthy to be awarded the next rank, or upon transfer to the reserve.

In the Navy, a sergeant of the ground forces corresponds to the rank foreman.

Next comes the Senior Sergeant, and in the Navy - chief petty officer.

After this rank, there is some overlap between land and sea forces. Because after the senior sergeant, in the ranks Russian army appears Sergeant Major. This title came into use in 1935. Only the best military personnel who served excellently in sergeant positions for six months deserve it, or upon transfer to the reserve, the rank of sergeant major is awarded to senior sergeants certified with excellent results. On the ship it is - chief petty officer.

Next come warrant officers And midshipmen. This special category military personnel, close to junior officers. Complete the rank and file, senior warrant officer and midshipman.

Junior officers

A number of junior ranks officers Russian army starts with rank Ensign. This title is awarded to final year students and graduates of higher military educational institutions. However, in the event of a shortage of officers, a graduate of a civilian university can also receive the rank of junior lieutenant.

Lieutenant Only a junior lieutenant can become a junior lieutenant who has served a certain amount of time and received a positive educational certificate. Further - senior lieutenant.

And he closes the group of junior officers - Captain. This title sounds the same for both ground and naval forces.

By the way, the new field uniform from Yudashkin obliged our military personnel to duplicate the insignia on the chest. There is an opinion that the “runaways” from the leadership do not see the ranks on our officers’ shoulders and this is done for their convenience.

Senior officers

Senior officers begin with rank Major. In the navy, this rank corresponds to Captain 3rd rank. The following Navy ranks will only increase the rank of captain, that is, the rank of land Lieutenant Colonel will correspond Captain 2nd rank, and the rank ColonelCaptain 1st rank.

Senior officers

And the highest officer corps completes the hierarchy of military ranks in the Russian army.

Major General or Rear Admiral(in the navy) - such a proud title is worn by military personnel who command a division - up to 10 thousand people.

Above the Major General is Lieutenant General. (The lieutenant general is higher than the major general because the lieutenant general has two stars on his shoulder straps and the major general has one).

Initially, in the Soviet army, it was more likely not a rank, but a position, because the Lieutenant General was an assistant to the general and took on part of his functions, in contrast to Colonel General, who can personally fill senior positions, both in the General Staff and in the Ministry of Defense. In addition, in the Russian armed forces, a Colonel General may be the deputy commander of a military district.

And finally, the most important serviceman who has the highest military rank in the Russian army is Army General. All previous links must obey him.

About military ranks in video format:

Well, new guy, have you figured it out now?)

Sailors are always respected and serious people for whom work comes first. But at the same time, they all have families who are faithfully waiting for them and loving them. The profession of a naval sailor is not only responsible and serious, but also interesting. Members of the Navy can see a lot during their career. Although there is also a risk to life.

What are the military ranks in the Navy?

Let's start with the fact that in the Russian Navy, military ranks are divided into two categories: military and naval. The first ones have categories:

  1. The ladder begins with soldiers and foremen, who, in turn, are divided into soldier, corporal and foreman.
  2. Next come the warrant officers. This rank is divided into warrant officer and senior warrant officer.
  3. Officers. Here the subcategories are:
  • junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain;
  • senior: major, lieutenant colonel, colonel;
  • highest: major general, lieutenant general, colonel general, army general and marshal of the Russian Federation.

Ship ranks have slightly different names:

  1. Soldiers, sergeants, sailors. Here the ranks are in ascending order: sailor, senior sailor, foreman of the 2nd article, 1st article, chief, chief ship officer, foreman.
  2. Midshipmen: midshipman, senior midshipman.
  3. Junior officers: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, lieutenant commander.
  4. Senior officers: captain 3rd rank, 2nd rank, 1st rank.
  5. Higher officers: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral, fleet admiral, marshal of Russia.

The uniform of military personnel in the Navy does not always include shoulder straps on which ranks are determined. Often, military sailors have stripes on their sleeves that identify their position and rank.

More information about the procedure for assigning titles

Like the Army, the Navy assigns a member's rank on the day his or her military rank expires. The legislation establishes the following deadlines:

  • to become a private or a sailor, you must serve for 5 months;
  • a year is required to serve in order to become a junior sergeant or sergeant major of the 2nd article;
  • You must serve three years to receive the ranks of senior sergeant and chief sergeant;
  • the same number of years is allotted to become an ensign or midshipman;
  • You must serve two years to become a junior lieutenant;
  • three to lieutenant;
  • three more to first lieutenant;
  • 4 years to captain and lieutenant commander;
  • 4 – up to major and captain of the 3rd rank;
  • It takes 5 years to become a lieutenant colonel or captain of the 2nd rank.

To receive the rank of senior officer, you must serve in your previous position for at least 1 year. As a rule, naval soldiers receive their next military rank 2 years after receiving the previous rank. The deadline includes:

  1. The break time (if any) due to the military being brought to criminal liability for unjustified reasons, as well as in the case of illegal dismissal with subsequent reinstatement.
  2. Time to stop military activities.
  3. Number of years spent in reserve.

Note that for special achievements, a naval soldier can receive another military rank ahead of schedule.

What are the responsibilities of the Navy?

Like any other troops, the Navy works for the good of the country. The main functions of the naval personnel are:

  • usage military force in case of a threat to the country from the sea. The Navy is also obliged to contain and suppress possible threats to Russia;
  • protect the sovereignty of your country by any means;
  • creating conditions to ensure the security of the state;
  • by order of the commander-in-chief, participate in various operations.

If we talk specifically about departments, then each of them has its own responsibilities. For example, naval aviation is engaged in missile and bomb strikes, and also provides cover. Coastal units defend the coast and lead ground fighting, protecting the sea border.

How to get into the Navy

Many young guys dream of working for the good of their Motherland, namely, protecting it. In order to become a member of the Navy, you must meet all categories. To be more precise, to become an employee you need:

  1. Have a complete secondary education. But it is preferable, of course, to graduate from a maritime school.
  2. Be at least 165 cm tall, and also have at least the second group of mental stability.
  3. Have a fitness category of at least A-2 (although you cannot get into the military infantry with such indicators).

Conscripts who are tall and good-looking are often taken into the honor guard company. However, secondary specialized education will not hurt in this case either.

(in order from sailor to high command) mostly go back to those that appeared during the USSR period.

A little history - naval ranks and tables of ranks

As is known, in last year During the reign of Peter I, the table of ranks was introduced. It was a table where the positions of civil and military service were divided into fourteen ranks. However, naval ranks were not included in every row of the table.

The XIV rank among naval ranks was given to a midshipman, corresponding to a collegiate registrar, ensign, cornet and artillery bayonet cadet. At the beginning of the reign of Paul I, the rank of midshipman began to refer to the XII rank. Also included in this rank was the rank of non-commissioned lieutenant, which existed until 1732.

A naval lieutenant was classified as rank X until 1884, after which a midshipman was promoted to this rank. The rank of lieutenant, in turn, began to refer to rank IX.

People who managed to reach rank VIII in the navy Russian Empire, acquired the right to personal nobility. These positions included captains of the first three ranks and a senior lieutenant, who appeared in the navy shortly before the First World War. Rank V included the rank of captain-commander, which was finally abolished in 1827. Among the famous bearers of this title was the pioneer Vitus Bering.

Achieving rank IV in the service opened the door to hereditary nobles for a person. In the navy, people who reached the fourth and higher ranks commanded naval formations: rear admiral, vice admiral, admiral and admiral general.

This also included the rank of Schoutbenacht, who did not take root on Russian soil, and was replaced by a rear admiral. It is noteworthy that this naval rank was used as a pseudonym by the first Russian emperor himself - “Schautbenakht Peter Mikhailov.” The third rank was the General-Kriegskommissar of the Fleet, whose responsibilities included financial support of the naval forces. The title was abolished in 1817. Six people received the highest rank of admiral general in the history of the Russian Empire. Three of them were representatives of the imperial family.

Although the table of ranks ceased to operate after the creation of the USSR, many ranks reappeared in the fleet Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation.

Main categories of naval ranks

Based on their composition, military personnel can be divided into the following groups:

  • Conscript and contract personnel.
  • Junior officers.
  • Senior officers.
  • Senior officers.

Russian citizens passing conscript service in the navy, they receive the rank of sailor. It roughly corresponds to a private in the ground forces. Sailors appeared in the fleet of the Soviet Union in 1946. Before this, the lowest military rank in the navy was called “red naval officer.”

Next comes the rank of “senior sailor,” which corresponds to the “corporal” of ground forces. The senior sailor commands the group or serves as an assistant to the chief petty officer. The rank of senior sailor can be obtained by employees who comply well with discipline and their duties.

The following four ranks correspond to the sergeant ranks of the ground forces:

  • Foreman of the first article.
  • Foreman of the second article.
  • Chief Petty Officer.
  • Chief ship's foreman.

Following the foremen are the “midshipman” and “senior midshipman.” These naval ranks correspond to the ranks of warrant officer and chief warrant officer.

The modern division of naval ranks dates back to the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, issued in 1943. He approved the division of officers into junior, senior and senior. The decree included titles for each group, which have survived to the present day.

Junior officers of our country's fleet are called: junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant and lieutenant commander. A junior lieutenant can lead a combat post. More senior representatives of this category of officers can be assistant commanders of a ship of the fourth rank or even command such a ship.

Senior officers include captains of the first, second and third ranks. They can also be called captri, kavtorang and caperang. These representatives of the officer corps can command military vessels of the appropriate rank.

In modern Russian fleet rank warship determined based on the complexity of management, strength of personnel and combat power. The first rank includes cruisers, nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers. The second rank includes large landing ships, destroyers, and large missile ships.

The third rank includes small missile and anti-submarine ships, medium landing ships, and minesweepers. The fourth rank includes small landing craft and torpedo boats.

Higher officer ranks Our country's fleets were first established in 1940 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council. This is the system we are familiar with:

In the ground forces, these ranks correspond (in ascending order) to major general, lieutenant general, colonel general and army general. A rear admiral can lead a squadron or serve as an assistant to a flotilla commander. A vice admiral may command a flotilla or operational squadron and also serves as deputy fleet commander. At the head of a separate fleet is an admiral. IN modern Russia one admiral of the fleet, who is the commander-in-chief of the naval forces of our country.

The rank of "fleet admiral" was introduced in the Soviet Union in 1940. It corresponded to “general of the army.” None of the naval commanders of the country of the Soviets received it at that moment. In fact, the highest rank was admiral.

In 1944, two naval commanders received it. The first was Nikolai Kuznetsov, who at that time held the post of People's Commissar of the Fleet. He was a member of the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, and Nikolai Kuznetsov’s actions in commanding the country’s fleet were successful. In 1945, the title of “Admiral of the Fleet” was given to Ivan Isakov, who led the main naval headquarters during the war before his injury.

In 1955, an additional decree was issued that adjusted the highest naval ranks of the country of the Soviets. To the rank of “Admiral of the Fleet” was added “Soviet Union”. Holders of this rank had the right to wear the "Marshal's Star" - an insignia introduced in 1940.

This highest naval rank was abolished in 1993 because the country referred to in its name no longer existed. The highest rank of naval officers became again "admiral of the fleet".

The rank introduced in 1955 was personal. In the history of the Soviet state, only three people received the title “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union.” Immediately after the introduction of the new military rank, N.G. received it. Kuznetsov and I.S. Isakov. A year later, Kuznetsov fell into disgrace and lost his highest rank. It was returned to the naval commander posthumously during the years of Perestroika. In 1967, Sergei Gorshkov was awarded the highest naval rank, who went through the war with the rank of rear admiral and supervised the construction and rearmament of the fleet in the post-war years.

The rank of Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union corresponded in the 1960-1990s to the rank of Marshal of the USSR. In turn, the “admiral of the fleet”, who was of lower rank, corresponded to the general of the army and the marshal of the military branch.

The Commander-in-Chief of our country's naval forces may bear the rank of admiral or admiral of the fleet. Thus, the first naval officer to hold this position in post-Soviet Russia, Felix Gromov, became commander-in-chief in 1992, being an admiral. He received the rank of fleet admiral four years later, shortly before retirement.

The next commanders-in-chief (Vladimir Kuroyedov and Vladimir Masorin) took this post as admirals, and after that received more high rank. Vladimir Vysotsky and Vladimir Chirkov were commanders-in-chief, remaining with the rank of admiral. Also, the current Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Korolev retains the rank of admiral, received in 2013.

The chiefs of the General Staff of the Fleet, who were the first deputies of the commander-in-chief, as a rule, bore the rank of vice admiral or admiral. Andrei Volozhinsky, who began serving in this post in 2016, retains the rank of vice admiral.

The Navy of modern Russia became the successor to the fleet. Most senior naval officers began their service in the Soviet Navy. For this reason, the ranks in the fleet in modern Russia (in order from sailor to admiral) have not undergone fundamental changes compared to the Soviet period.

Excerpt from the order of the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport dated December 5, 2013 No. 84 “On approval of uniforms, wearing rules, insignia, norms and procedures for providing clothing (uniforms), including uniforms, to federal state students educational organizations, subordinate to the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport"

VIII. INSIGNIA officials

8.1 Insignia of officials of the Federal Fisheries Agency are divided into:
a) sleeve insignia;
b) shoulder marks;
c) chest stripes.
8.2. In accordance with the position being filled, the following insignia of officials of the Federal Fisheries Agency are established:
15 job category - 1 wide and 3 medium galloons;
14 job category - 1 wide and 3 medium galloons;
13 job category - 1 wide and 3 medium galloons;
12 job category - 1 wide and 2 medium galloons;
11 job category - 1 wide and 1 medium galloon;
10 job category - 1 wide braid;
9 job category - 4 medium braids;
8 job category - 3 medium braids;
7 job category - 2 medium and 1 narrow galloon;
6 job category - 2 medium braids;
5 job category - 1 medium braid;
4 job category - 4 narrow braids;
3 job category - 3 narrow braids;
2 job category - 2 narrow braids;
1 job category - 1 narrow braid.


9.1. The insignia of officials of the Federal Fisheries Agency are:
a) sleeve insignia:
b) shoulder marks:
The shoulder insignia is a removable block made of black woolen fabric, onto which insignia made of gold braid are sewn according to official categories.
Shoulder insignia are located on the shoulders when wearing a uniform wool jacket, tropical suit, shirts and women's uniform blouses. It is allowed to wear a shoulder badge with a field white on a white shirt (blouse).
Dimensions of the shoulder insignia: length 14 cm (for women - 12 cm), width 5 cm. Shoulder insignia are made removable and fastened with a small uniform button.
Width of the braid: wide - 3 cm, medium - 1.3 cm and narrow -0.6 cm. The gap between the braids is 0.3 cm.
The upper braid forms a loop in the form of a diamond, the horizontal size is: for a medium braid - 4.5 cm, for a narrow braid - 4 cm.
On the shoulder insignia are placed: for the 14th position category - a large emblem of the Federal Agency for Fisheries, and for the 15th position category - a large emblem of the Federal Agency for Fisheries, framed by two laurel branches, superimposed on galloon stripes in the lower part of the shoulder strap according to the drawing.
The shoulder insignia of enlisted personnel does not have galloon stripes.

10.1. FLEET.
10.1.1. Transport self-propelled, dry-cargo, passenger and oil tankers of long- and short-distance navigation, transport railway and automobile ferries, icebreakers, rescue ships (with a power of more than 2000 hp), hydrographic (over 1000" BRT) and training ships, transport tugboats long voyage

Chief mate, first mate, chief (senior) engineer, assistant captain for training

Second Mate, Passenger Mate, Senior Operator Engineer, Hydrological Engineer, Second Engineer, Electrical Mechanic for General Ship Electrical Equipment, Senior Electrical Engineer, Electrical Radio Navigator Engineer, Head of the Radio Station

Third mate, third engineer, second 5th electromechanic, second electromechanic for general ship electrical equipment, refrigerator mechanic, first radio operator, passenger service administrator, assistant captain for the fire department

Fourth mate, fifth mate, utility mate, fourth engineer, third electromechanic, fourth electromechanic, third electromechanic for general ship electrical equipment, repair mechanic, crane mechanic, ship systems mechanic, radio mechanic, electric radio navigator, second radio operator, boatswain

10.1.2. Small-sea transport tugboats, rescue ships (less than 2000 hp), non-self-propelled long-distance transport vessels, hydrographic vessels (less than 1000 GRT).

10.1.3. Non-self-propelled transport vessels of small navigation, tugs, ferries, cutters and boats, self-propelled dry cargo and tankers of the port and service fleet, floating self-propelled cranes and reloaders

10.1.4. Boats, motorboats, motorboats with low-power engines, non-self-propelled dry cargo and tankers of the port and service fleet, non-self-propelled cranes and reloaders

10.1.5. Self-propelled dredgers of the technical (dredging) fleet


Senior assistant baggermeister, senior mate, senior (chief) engineer

Second assistant baggermeister - second assistant captain, second engineer, senior electrician

Third assistant baggermeister - third assistant captain, third mechanic, second and third electromechanics for general ship electrical equipment, head of the radio station

Fourth mate of the baggermeister - fourth mate, fourth mechanic, fourth electromechanic, head of the radio station, boatswain, radio operator

10.1.6. Non-self-propelled dredgers, self-propelled dredging scows of the technical (dredging) fleet

10.1.7. Fire guards, non-self-propelled scows of the technical (dredging) fleet

10.1.9. floating docks


10.2.1. Head of Shipping Company

10.2.2. Deputy head and chief engineer of the shipping company, head of the fleet department as part of the shipping company (internal self-financing)

10.2.3. Deputy Head of the Fleet Department; Head of Service: Transportation and Fleet Movement, Port Facilities and sea ​​routes ship management, navigation, icebreaker fleet and Arctic operations, logistics, commercial, technical, transport fleet maintenance; head of the department: personnel, organization of work with overseas sailors, technical, second; Chief: Dispatcher, Navigator, Technologist, Chief of the Head of the Head of the Shipping Company, Assistant Head of the Shipping Company for Safety

10.2.4. Captain Mentor

10.2.5. Head of the fleet management department, deputy head of the service, department specified in paragraph 3 of section; head: electro-radio navigation camera, naval personnel reserve base, fleet maintenance base, department in the service; chief specialists in the services specified in paragraph 3 of section; senior marine inspector, mechanic-mentor

10.2.6. Head of the sector in the service specified in paragraphs. Sections 3 and 5, senior deviator, marine inspector, group dispatch engineer, group mechanical engineer; senior: fleet dispatch engineer, HEGS engineer, passenger service department engineer, port services engineer, personnel inspector (engineer), technical department engineer, safety engineer; head of a radio center, radio station, head of office

10.2.7. Fleet dispatch engineer, HR inspector (engineer), passenger service department engineer, HEGS engineer, safety engineer, deviator, deputy chief and chief engineer of a radio center, radio station

10.2.8. Fleet dispatcher, senior operator of the fleet traffic control room, dispatcher (shift dispatcher), city manager ticket office, senior cashier of the city ticket office

10.2.9. Cashier and information desk attendant at the city ticket office


10.3.1. Head of Department

10.3.2. Deputy Head and Chief Engineer of the Department

10.3.3. Chief navigator, captain-mentor

10.3.4. Head of the service: transportation and movement of the fleet, ship management, navigation, logistics, maintenance of the transport fleet; assistant head of department; head of department: technical, second, personnel; chief dispatcher, head of HEGS

10.3.5. Deputy head of the service and department specified in paragraph 4 of section; senior: deviator, group mechanical engineer; senior: fleet dispatch engineer, ship service engineer, marine inspector, technical department engineer, safety engineer, personnel inspector, mechanic mentor

10.3.6. Head of the electro-radio navigation camera, safety engineer, deviator, fleet dispatch engineer, personnel inspector

10.3.7. Fleet dispatcher, senior operator of the fleet traffic control room, dispatcher (shift dispatcher)


Cat. I

II cat.

III cat.

10.4.1. Head of the port

10.4.2. Deputy Head, Chief Port Engineer

10.4.3. Harbor Captain

10.4.4. Head of department: mechanization, cargo and commercial work, assistant to the port manager on safety precautions, chief dispatcher, head of the port fleet; head of the section: communications, cargo area, oil loading area, cargo and passenger port point, maritime terminal hall, deputy port captain

10.4.5. Senior pilot

10.4.6. Senior: ship accident investigation inspector, dispatcher, safety engineer, port supervisor deputy: chief dispatcher, head of the department, division specified in paragraph 4 of the section, port supervision shift supervisor, deputy head of the marine terminal

10.4.7. Pilot

10.4.8. Dispatcher, senior inspector and port supervision inspector, head of the passenger port point, safety engineer

10.4.9. Marine station duty officer


10.5.1. Head of Department

10.5.2. Deputy Head and Chief Engineer of the Department

10.5.3. Bagermeister—captain-mentor, head of the dredging caravan

10.5.4. Head of Service: Railways, Mechanics and Ships; Head: Technical Department, Marine Inspection; Assistant Head of the Safety Department; head of technical department

10.5.5. Deputy head of the service and department specified in paragraph 4 of section; head: sea channel, travel distances; mechanic-mentor, senior safety engineer

10.5.6. Party leader, naval inspector, group mechanical engineer; deputy head: sea channel, route distance; deviator, safety engineer


Group I Detachment

Group II Detachment

10.6.1. Squad leader

10.6.2. Deputy chief and chief engineer of the detachment

10.6.3. Captain Mentor

10.6.4. Head of the department: chief mechanic, rescue and towing operations, head of the territorial group of the detachment, mechanic-mentor

10.6.5. Deputy head of the department specified in paragraph 4, head of the coastal base; senior: diving specialist, work manager, marine inspector; senior engineer: underwater technical, ship-lifting, underwater explosive and rescue operations, safety

10.6.6. Fleet dispatcher, diving master, diver instructor, safety engineer


10.7.1. Head of the hydrographic base

10.7.2. Group captain, mentor captain

10.7.3. Deputy chief and chief engineer of the base

10.7.4. Head of: pilot service, expedition, detachment, party, electrical radio navigation camera; mechanic-mentor, group mechanic, senior engineer of the ship supervision service for the prevention of pollution of the Arctic seas; deviator; senior dispatcher, first class lighthouse chief, senior pilot

10.7.5. Deputy head of the expedition, detachment, party, head of the pilot watch, lighthouse of II and III classes; senior: dispatcher, safety engineer; topographer; pilot


10.8.1. Register Office

Deputy Director

Chief Engineer

Department head

Deputy Head of Department, Chief Specialist

Lead, senior engineers

10.8.2. Inspectorate of the Register of the Russian Federation
Head of the Basin Inspectorate

Deputy Head of the Basin Inspectorate, Head of the Inspectorate

Deputy Head of Inspectorate, Chief Engineer-Inspector

Senior Engineer-Inspector

Inspector Engineer




10.12. B/0 "MORPASFLOT".

10.12.1. Chairman of the association

10.12.2. Deputy Chairman of the Association

10.12.3. Head of Department: Operation and Commercial Work, Passenger Services, Operation of the Local Passenger Fleet

10.12.4. Assistant to the Chairman, Head of the Central Marine Cash Offices

10.12.5. Deputy heads of departments specified in paragraph 3 of section

10.12.6. Senior Economist for Ticket Operations, Senior Dispatcher for Passenger Operations

10.12.7. Passenger Operations Dispatcher

10.12.8. Senior ticket cashier, cashier of central maritime ticket offices


10.13.1. Head of the school, rector

10.13.2. Deputy head of the school, vice-rector, head of the educational department, head (dean) of the faculty, head (head) of the department, professor of the department, head of the research department, head of the branch of the school, institute

10.13.3. Deputy head (dean) of the faculty, head of the personnel department, head (head) of industrial practice, deputy head of a branch of a school, institute, head of an educational consultation center, head of educational workshops, associate professor, senior teacher, head of graduate school, academic secretary

10.13.4. Teacher, training master

10.13.5. Floating practice inspector

10.13.6. Laboratory assistant, commandant, boatswain


10.14.1. Head of the school, director of the technical school

10.14.2. Deputy head of the school, deputy director of the technical school, head (head) of the specialty department

10.14.3. Head of physical education, head (manager) of workshops, head (manager) of industrial practice, chairman of the cycle commission, head (manager) of an educational consultation center, deputy head of a department in the specialty, senior teacher

10.14.4. Head of HR Department, Industrial Training Master

10.14.5. Laboratory assistant, commandant, boatswain


10.16. V/0 "SOVFRACHT".


10.17.1. Minister

14 with coat of arms

10.17.2. Deputy Minister

10.17.3. Member of the Board

10.17.4. Head of Department, Main Maritime Inspectorate, Head of the Office

10.17.5. Deputy head and chief engineer of the department, deputy head of the Main Maritime Inspectorate, office; chief navigator of the MMF; Deputy Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council; head of an independent department, assistant minister

10.17.6. Deputy head of an independent department, head of a department in the department and in the Main Maritime Inspectorate, assistant to the first deputy minister, scientific secretary of the Scientific and Technical Council, deputy head of the department, leading inspector of the Main Maritime Inspectorate

10.17.7. Deputy head of department in the department, chief specialist, assistant to the deputy minister

10.17.8. Leading engineer of the department: operation of the fleet and ports, technical operation of the fleet and ship repair yards; Lead Safety Engineer

Ranks in the Russian army: comparison table+ samples of shoulder straps + 12 interesting facts on topic + 7 army customs.

Even if in class military training mustachioed military commander forced you to cram ranks in the Russian army, we are sure that nothing remains in your head except the uncontrollable “laughing” in class, the braids of your classmates and the first cigarettes smoked around the corner of the school.

It’s time to fill this gap in order to distinguish a “real colonel” from a “warrant officer Shmatko” at first glance.

Ranks in the Russian army? Where are they “distributed”?

In the Russian army, all military ranks are divided into 2 large categories:

  • ship's (those received by brave sailors);
  • military (assigned to “land rats”).

Category No. 1. “Ship”: “You are a sailor, I am a sailor...”

Those who serve in:

  • Navy(its submarine and surface forces). Oh, these brave officers in naval uniform– how many girls’ hearts they broke!;
  • military naval units Ministry of Internal Affairs Yes, yes, there are also marine policemen!
  • protection (coastal) Border Service of the Russian FSB.

    No, they do not catch poachers with two buckets of crucian carp, but protect water boundaries from illegal immigrants and other violators.

Category No. 2. “Military”: “And I love military men, handsome, hefty ones...”.

Meeting a sea captain in a white jacket is quite a difficult task if you do not live somewhere near the gentle sea. But don't despair!

In the Russian army, ranks are also obtained in:

  • Armed Forces;
  • Ministry of Internal Affairs (precinct and other police “people”);
  • Ministry of Emergency Situations (brave “Malibu rescuers”);

    “If you think that the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is pure heroism and a thriller, then I have to disappoint you: sometimes you just have to carry out explanatory work with priests so that they don’t burn the church with candles, and with them the old women parishioners and the cats from the trees film and tell grandmothers how to light the stove in winter and not suffocate from carbon monoxide. But the title, uniform and social benefits make the work much more bearable.”, - Vadim from Khmelnitsky shares his impressions of the service.

  • Intelligence Service (external) (yeah, yeah, those same followers of Stirlitz!);
  • Federal Security Service;
  • other military units.

All ranks of the Russian army in one table: let’s dispel the “darkness of ignorance”

So that you don’t fall asleep on the third line of a simple listing of ranks in the Russian army, we offer you a simple cheat sheet (military and ship ranks placed on the same line correspond to each other):

Ranks in the Russian army:
Type Military Korabelnoe
Lance Sergeant,
staff Sergeant,
Senior Warrant Officer
senior sailor,
foreman of the second article,
foreman of the first article,
chief petty officer,
chief ship's foreman,
senior midshipman
Junior officersjunior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
junior lieutenant,
senior lieutenant,
Senior officersmajor,
lieutenant colonel,
captain 1st rank,
captain 2nd rank,
captain 3rd rank
Senior officersmajor general
Lieutenant General,
Colonel General,
army General,
Marshal of the Russian Federation
rear admiral,
vice admiral,
fleet admiral

As you can see from the table, there is one more military rank! But what!

Find 10 differences: shoulder straps for different ranks in the Russian army

So that at first glance it is clear “who is who?” V Russian troops, insignia were introduced - sleeve insignia (for sailors), shoulder straps and epaulettes (for all fighters).

1) Shoulder straps of non-officer ranks

2) Shoulder straps of officer ranks

Top 12 interesting facts about ranks in the Russian army

  1. The only one who can command a Marshal of the Russian Federation (even give him the command “Take a prone position!”) ​​is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who is also the President of the Russian Federation. Moreover, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief is a position, not a rank in the Russian troops.
  2. The current President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, left the FSB with the rank of colonel, but now the position allows him to “build” the holders of the highest military ranks.
  3. The Minister of Defense commands both sailors and ground forces. Therefore, there is no rank higher than fleet admiral in the Navy.
  4. Do not try to express your respect for the brave warriors by carefully writing out their ranks in the Russian armed forces with a capital letter. The fact is that all these words (from sailor to marshal) are written with a small letter;
  5. If you are lucky enough to serve in guard units, then the word “guard” is added to the rank, for example, “guard colonel.” Agree, it sounds!
  6. Even if you have retired or retired and are quietly growing cucumbers in your dacha, your title is assigned to you with the prefix “reserved” or “retired.”

    “A colonel, even if he is retired or in reserve, will still embarrass the traffic cop sergeant who stopped him for violating the rules traffic. The poor guy will scold and scold him and let him go without a fine. That’s how the title works for you!”– military pensioner Alexander from Kharkov says with a laugh.

  7. To the ranks of military doctors and lawyers they add “justice” (for example, “captain of justice”) or “medical service” (for example, “colonel of the medical service”).

    This, of course, is not George Clooney from ER, but it also sounds great!

  8. Those who entered a military university to study, but so far only see their high ranks in the Russian troops in sweet dreams, are called cadets, and those who have already managed to “sniff gunpowder” (have a military rank) are called listeners.
  9. For a whole year of (command) service, the maximum that you “shine” in the Russian army is the rank of sergeant.
  10. Since 2012, the ranks of chief petty officer and petty officer have not been assigned (they are simply “skipped over”), but they remain on pieces of paper. This is such a “wonderland”!
  11. Although the rank of major is higher than that of lieutenant, by some strange, inexplicable logic, a lieutenant general in the Russian Federation is higher in rank than a major general.
  12. In the Russian army, the next rank is awarded for personal merit and length of service. If about your bright moral character, high level“combat and political training” is up to your commanders to judge, then how much you need to “blow off” from rank to rank, we will guide you:

    No.Rank in the Russian armyLength of service
    1 Private, sailor5 months
    2 Junior sergeant, sergeant major of the second class1 year
    3 Sergeant, petty officer first class2 years
    4 Senior Sergeant, Chief Petty Officer3 years
    5 Ensign, midshipman3 years
    6 Ensign2 years
    7 Lieutenant3 years
    8 Senior Lieutenant3 years
    9 Captain, Lieutenant Commander4 years
    10 Major, captain 3rd rank4 years
    11 Lieutenant Colonel, Captain 2nd Rank5 years
  13. Then, to get another “star” on your uniform, you will have to serve for 5 years. A prerequisite is also to have a position suitable for your new rank:

    RankJob title
    PrivateAll newly drafted into the army, all lower positions (gunner, driver, gun crew number, driver, sapper, reconnaissance officer, radio operator, etc.)
    CorporalThere are no full-time corporal positions. The rank is assigned to highly qualified soldiers in lower positions.
    Junior Sergeant, SergeantSquad, tank, gun commander
    Staff SergeantDeputy Platoon Leader
    Sergeant MajorCompany Sergeant Major
    Ensign, Art. ensignMaterial support platoon commander, company sergeant major, warehouse chief, radio station chief and other non-commissioned positions that require high qualifications. Can occupy lower officer positions if there is a shortage of officers
    EnsignPlatoon commander. Usually this rank is awarded in conditions of acute shortage of officers after completing accelerated officer courses
    Lieutenant, Art. lieutenantPlatoon commander, deputy company commander.
    CaptainCompany commander, training platoon commander
    MajorDeputy battalion commander. Training company commander
    Lieutenant colonelBattalion commander, deputy regiment commander
    ColonelRegiment commander, deputy brigade commander, brigade commander, deputy division commander
    Major GeneralDivision commander, deputy corps commander
    Lieutenant GeneralCorps commander, deputy army commander
    Colonel GeneralArmy Commander, Deputy District (Front) Commander
    Army GeneralDistrict (front) commander, deputy minister of defense, minister of defense, chief General Staff, other senior positions
    Marshal of the Russian FederationHonorary title given for special merits

The Russian army does not live by rank alone! 7 interesting military signs and customs

Ranks in the Russian army are, of course, a burning topic, but we also want to talk about interesting traditions, signs and customs in the army:

  • Only the lazy have never heard of “washing” a new rank with the ritual dipping of “stars” into a glass of vodka and Sabantuy with their colleagues.

    To carry out this important, almost magical ritual there is a whole instruction -

    a paratrooper is unlikely to take someone else's parachute.

    We suspect that this sign arose due to the fact that no matter how much you love your brother Seryoga, who sleeps with you in the barracks in the next bed, you cannot be sure that he will prepare the parachute as carefully as you;

    “Even though I still feel every unsuccessful jump in my bones and groan at bad weather, but the landing is what made me a real man. And it’s not about shoulder straps, benefits and a normal pension, but the fact that it was there that I learned to do something through “I can’t”, learned what real male friendship is and, thanks to my service, traveled all over the world. I had a chic, rich youth without a mobile phone, the Internet and pretentious coffee shops", - Vladimir from Penza shares his memories.

  • One match cannot be used to light cigarettes for three or more fighters.

    Experienced people say that during this time the sniper will have plenty of time to open aimed fire;

    Submariners do not shave during combat missions.

    Well, well, you won’t find young ladies on a submarine during the day with fire, so there’s no one to show off to;

  • Submariners don't like the number 9, since many accidents occurred with boats in which this very “nine” was in the number (K-9, K-129, K-159, etc.);
  • Paratroopers swimming in fountains on Airborne Forces Day– this is from the “Understand and Forgive” series;
  • The paratroopers make their first “jumps” from a stool, holding a box of matches between their knees.

    Of course, you need to land softly, and the matches should not fall to the floor;

    graduates of military universities after the official part High school prom They hide several bills under each shoulder strap.

    The money is received by the junior cadet who is the first to salute the newly-minted junior lieutenant and congratulate him on his promotion to the rank.

All shoulder straps and ranks of the Russian

Federations in one video:

We hope that the article helped you “discover America” of ranks in the Russian army and deal with this interesting question Once and for all.

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