Timerelative concept, invented by people to designate the form in which physical and mental processes life activity. Time is needed to measure life. But why does time pass faster as you age?

More A. Einstein said that time is an illusion, just like space. Psychologists also agree with the great physicist.

How can you find out what time actually is if the only one instrument of cognition – the human brain? All the world– subjective reflection of objective reality. The psyche determines the world and the passage of time. Personal life experience, consciousness, memory, thinking - all this is not somewhere outside, but inside.

If a person were flying at the speed of light in outer space, he would perceive time as if he were walking on earth, but year his flight would be equal hundred years on the ground!

Two people perceive the same event differently. The way a person is used to perceiving the world is the norm for him, he is used to living this way. It is difficult to imagine and guess that the world is not the same as we see it. A simple example: many people suffering from color blindness find out about it completely by accident and only in adulthood. For example, during a car driving course it is discovered that a person cannot distinguish a red light at a traffic light.

Physics belongs to the category of exact sciences, but physical dimension time does not match with the way the human brain perceives it. The psyche changes the laws of physics. Every person has their own internal clock.

When a person is happy, minutes pass very quickly for him, and when he is in dangerous situation, the second practically stops, stretching incredibly. An eventful period is perceived as longer and longer as time passes. When a person is bored, the hours go by slowly, it seems that the day will never end, but then, looking back at a series of such days, it seems that time has flown by very quickly and in vain.

These days, more and more people are noticing that time flies faster with age, and scientists are increasingly beginning to study this phenomenon.

Eat several versions, why time passes faster with age. The most common of them:

  • the space-time continuum changes and accelerates,
  • time accelerates as metabolism in the human body slows down;
  • Men in last years began to perceive time as increasingly accelerating due to information overload,
  • With age, time speeds up due to the fact that life becomes less rich in new experiences.

The latter version is followed by most psychologists.

Life cannot be measured by hours

The human brain concentrates and commits to memory new experience and significant events are more frequent and brighter than usual actions. The amount of time lived is not calculated in years, but in important events.

Psychologists have proven that the perception of time depends on what a person thinks, feels and does at the current moment.

In childhood and adolescence, a child learns about the world and himself. Every day he meets and learns something new, so the period of life up to 18 years always seems rich and long. Growing up, an individual finds less and less new things for himself, more and more repetitions and habitual actions. Routine classes turn into “gray everyday life.”

An adult lives "on autopilot" therefore, the brain “imprints” life less and less. At 5 years old, in one day a child learned so many new things that an adult would not learn in a year of life at 50 years old.

By doing something new, unusual, exploring the world, a person “turns on” the brain, which most of the time works in “sleep mode”. When activated attention, thinking, imagination, sensation and other cognitive processes, time seems to slow down. Why and why? To have the opportunity to assimilate information, draw a conclusion, and respond correctly.

It has been experimentally proven that in an emergency situation the brain works better. It is also known that in extreme situations time slows down. The body reacts to stress, the instinct of self-preservation activates the brain and it begins to work better. In a split second, in dangerous conditions, you can come up with a solution to a problem that would not be found in a calm environment.

Life– this is a series of lived events, not years. The more eventful life is, the longer it seems.

M. Keener scale

Australian designer M. Keener designed interactive scale, which explains how time perception changes with age. His project is based on the theory of P. Janet, developed back in 1897.

According to this theory, people perceive time relatively comparing him with the already lived period of life. How more years have passed, so Briefly speaking it seems like every next one year in relation to the time lived:

  • at the age of one year, a person’s entire life is equal to one year, this is 100% of life,
  • at the age of two, one year lived becomes 50% of life,
  • three years – 33.3% of life,
  • at twenty years old, one year is 5% of life,
  • at thirty, one year is perceived as 3% of life,
  • at ninety years old, a year is perceived as 1% of life.

At seventy-six years old, a year of life is perceived in duration as a vacation after the first year at the university.

I wonder what after thirty years the acceleration of life slows down and the perception of one year as approximately equal to 3% of life remains.

Thus, the older a person is, the shorter the period for him becomes a year. It is for this reason that subjectively older people in mid-life and best time consider age 18 years.

The American psychologist H. Hershwild studied the phenomenon of procrastination (the habit of postponing even urgent matters “for later”) and discovered that a person imagines himself in the future as some other person. By postponing life for later, a person is deceived, thinking that it will not be him, but someone else, who will solve problems and live.

By postponing life, a person wastes time, and when looking back, it seems that life did not exist at all, it flashed by like an instant.

To slow down time
psychologists recommend:

  • make your life more eventful with bright, new, emotionally deep events;
  • constantly learn and learn something new;
  • feel and talk about feelings sincerely, without playing or putting it off “for later”;
  • develop as a person;
  • get out of your comfort zone;
  • do what you love and find interesting;
  • do not be afraid to change your life, to do what is unusual and unusual;
  • do not be afraid to meet difficulties, fears, conflicts, changes.

You need to fill your life with life, enliven it, enjoy every day, appreciate the moments and not waste time!


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Probably, many have noticed that in recent years, something strange has been happening with the passage of time. Days and months fly by quickly, overtaking our capabilities, and we have less and less time to do. It would seem that the day has just begun, but lo and behold, it’s already ending!

Before we had time to “enter” the third millennium, twelve years had already flown by without us even noticing. The previous explanation of this phenomenon, that, they say, the older a person becomes, the faster his life flies, is no longer relevant. Nowadays, not only older people, but even teenagers and young men notice the rapid passage of time! So what actually happens over time?

The days have become shorter

In a private conversation, one priest, known for his special gift of seeing the invisible, told impressive information; time has begun to shorten! Compared to what it was a hundred or more years ago, the current day has become shorter. In real, not calendar, duration, if we take the old time that has not changed for centuries as a standard, the modern day lasts only 18 hours versus the previous 24.

It turns out that every day we don’t get about 6 hours, and that’s why we always don’t have enough time, the days fly by at an accelerated pace. The shortening of the day was especially noticeable at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries.

One can doubt the priest’s insight and the objectivity of his conclusions. But it turns out there are other facts that point to a reduction in time.

On sacred Mount Athos, monks even spend their nights in prayer. Moreover, Athonite elders a special prayer rule: in a certain period of time they must read so many prayers, and so on every day, strictly by the hour. Previously, the monks managed to completely complete this “program” overnight, and before the early morning service they even had a little time to rest. And now, with the same number of prayers, the elders no longer have enough night to finish them!

No less amazing discovery made by Jerusalem monks serving in the Holy Land. It turns out that for several years now the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher have been burning longer than before. Previously, oil was added to large lamps at the same time, on the eve of Easter. Within a year it completely burned out. But now, for the umpteenth time, there is still a lot of oil left before the main Christian holiday. It turns out that time is ahead of even the physical laws of combustion!

The shortening of the day also affected labor productivity. In the old days, using the simplest tools, people managed to do much more than we can now. Archpriest Valentin Biryukov recalls that in the 30s, his father, having returned from exile to his family, with a minimum of helpers, managed to build a new good hut in just a week. And in Boris Shiryaev’s memoirs about the Solovetsky camp, there is an episode of how 50 prisoners, almost half of whom were “walkers,” built and put into operation a hefty bathhouse in just 22 hours! The builders were armed only with hand saws and axes. We now, even with modern electric tools, with all our desire, will not be able to keep up with the hard workers of the past! And not only because they have become lazier and weaker, but also because there is not enough time.

Last times

The end times and the end of the world are only a few years or decades away. No one can speak about this with confidence, but there is a hint in the Gospel: “...For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be famines, pestilences and earthquakes in places... then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and never will be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened” (Matthew 24:7-22).
Some holy fathers, for example, Saint Nile the Myrrh-Streaming, speak about the shortening of the day before the end of the world: “The day will rotate like an hour, the week like a day, the month like a week and the year like a month...”

The problem of the impermanence of time was conceptualized at the intersection of philosophy and theology by the great Russian thinker Alexei Fedorovich Losev. “Considering time according to its essence, as it is given to us in living experience, we state a certain fundamental instability characteristic of the essence of time. It is... heterogeneous, compressible, expandable, completely relative and conditional... Since 1914, time has somehow become denser and began to flow faster. Apocalyptic expectations are explained precisely by the condensation of time..."

Slowing down life

When thinking about the problem of reducing time, you involuntarily turn to the fiction of H.G. Wells. To one degree or another, many of his predictions came true - for example, about the artificial production of diamonds and the creation of bathyscaphes for research ocean depths. Let us remember Wells's story "The Newest Accelerator."

Professor Gibbern has invented a wonderful elixir with which you can change the time for a specific person. The person who drinks the drug speeds up all the processes in the body hundreds of times, and he manages to do as much in a second as he would not be able to do in a few minutes in ordinary life. At the same time, the world around seems frozen, and even the bees move at a snail's speed.

It is clear that this is a fairy tale, but the fairy tale is a lie, and in it...
In the case of our real time, we have in some way reverse effect. For some reason for mysterious reasons Life processes in the world could slow down. We breathe more slowly, our heart beats less often, and our cells take longer to regenerate.

Thanks to the slower functioning of the body, we manage to do about 25 percent less for every minute of time than representatives of previous generations did. Accordingly, the worldview has changed, and time in our perception has accelerated and flies by a quarter faster.

But this is just a version, which, by the way, does not explain the example of the lamps at the Holy Sepulcher. It is more likely that time itself, despite its apparent constancy, can “shrink.” What do scientists think about this?

The earth has grown old

Interesting explanations for the variability of time were given by the famous physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, corresponding member of the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, the late Viktor Iozefovich Veinik.

Academician Veinik put forward a scientific hypothesis that time, as a physical phenomenon, has a material carrier - a certain substance of time, which he called the “chronal field”. During the scientist's experiments, an electronic wristwatch placed in the experimental setup he created could slow down or speed up its speed. Based on his experiments with the substance of time, Veinik concluded that there is a temporary field of the planet - the “chronosphere”, which controls the transition of the past to the future.

The scientist looked at the speed of certain processes (he called this the term “chronal”) and came to the conclusion that the intensity of these processes in the world is decreasing - for example, the intensity of the radioactive decay of atoms, nuclear and chemical reactions.

Of all living beings, the highest speed of the body is observed in newborns. For them, all processes proceed quickly - babies grow quickly, gain weight quickly, quickly learn to understand the world... And the life around them, accordingly, seems very slow to them. If a child is only two days old, then for him one day is half his life! And with age, the speed decreases many times. This also affects our perception of time - the lower the intensity of the processes, the faster time flies.

For an older person, the weeks begin to flash by as quickly as the days did in his youth.
But that is not all. It turns out that not only do people grow old specific people. The entire society and civilization as a whole is gradually “decaying”! On our planet, the speed of life processes is steadily decreasing, causing the passage of time to accelerate for everything on Earth.

IN ancient times, at a high speed of processes, life on the planet was literally in full swing - the dinosaurs were the size of a three-story house, the grass was like modern trees, and the process of radioactive decay of the atom was incredibly intense. The first people were also distinguished by gigantism, confirmation of this can be found in the Bible: “At that time there were giants on the earth... these are strong people, glorious people of old” (Genesis 6:4).

Over time, the “violence” of life weakened more and more, representatives of the plant and animal world decreased in size, and the world began to age. Nowadays, the intensity of all processes has decreased thousands of times, and these days we can even feel the slowdown of time happening literally before our eyes.

By the way, even now there are still places on Earth with a slightly increased chronal, for example, Sakhalin Island. The burdocks there are like huge umbrellas, and the grass is the size of a bush. French scientists tried to plant these giants on their land, but failed. A year later, the transplanted giants became ordinary, short and unremarkable plants. And one inquisitive scientist traveled from Moscow to Vladivostok with a radioactive clock and found that the rate of decay of atoms, reflected in the course of the clock, is not the same in different places.

Time compression

Representatives of the occult movement in alternative science - eniology, which studies the patterns of energy-information interaction in nature, society and the Universe, also show keen interest in the problem of time compression. Interestingly, in this area their findings echo the above-mentioned prophecies about Last times.
According to Doctor of Medicine Yuri Lir, real time in the Universe has noticeably accelerated (and we, accordingly, cannot keep up with it). This process began in the middle of the 20th century, when the solar system entered an incredibly powerful flow coming from the center of our galaxy and carrying a huge amount of energy and information in a wide variety of variations. This affected the psyche of every person and people’s perception of the world around them.

There are many theories about changing the course of time, says Lear. - I consider the most convincing opinion of the Soviet scientist, Professor Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev, who experimentally proved that time is the energy in which the Universe resides. And this energy can change the flow density. According to Kozyrev's theory, if solar system The rotation speed changes, and the time automatically changes.

Where there is more energy, time “decreases”, compresses.
- Alas, we do not feel like inhabitants of the planet and treat our common house The earth couldn't be worse! - Dr. Lear continues. - Consciousness modern man artificially narrowed and tied to a specific point of residence. He does not feel what is happening to the planet. Hence the lack of responsibility for everything he does at a particular time. As sad as it is to admit, catastrophic phenomena like tsunamis and typhoons are a consequence of people’s attitude towards each other, a terrible payment for unreasonableness human behavior.

Why did the terrible tsunami waves hit Indonesia and Thailand? I believe that the main cesspool of humanity is located there today. Everything that rich perverts can afford is there. On a gigantic scale and cheaply. That is, these are modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Hence the result. And now it’s the turn of the United States to pay for the decline of spirituality, pride, arrogance and the desire to rule the world...

But despite water disasters, the main danger for modern humanity lies not in water, but in fire.
“There is an increasing amount of energy coming to Earth,” Yuri Lear is sure. - Nowadays, the Sun has increased all types of radiation so much that many of them are no longer amenable to conventional instrumental study! The spectrum of solar radiation confidently moves from yellow color to white, that is, the luminary is heating up. This is the same fire that the Savior and the apostles speak about in the New Testament. If we combine this with the prophecies in the Tibetan Book of the Dead, with the calendar of the ancient Egyptians and the secret, sacred calendar to the Mayaquiche Indian book “Popol Vuh” (this is the Bible of the Mayan Indians), then it will become clear: very soon we will face a transition to a new state, to a different time .

For us today, this means one thing: following the calls of the ancient prophets, we need to behave like humans, and not like bestials. There is no place in the future for those who do not fit into the system of moral values! Humanity, which does not want to observe the laws of the One whose creation it is, is doomed...
And yet, under no circumstances should you fall into despair and give up, foreseeing the imminent end of the world! Firstly, the end of everything on Earth is in the hands of God, and “about that day and hour” no one knows except the Creator Himself. And secondly, there is no need to think about the fate of the entire planet - let's think better about ourselves, about our life and our purpose on Earth. After all, only you and no one else will have to answer for how you lived your life, whether it is long or short.

As a child it seemed that summer holidays last a lifetime, and every New Year had to wait forever. Why does time fly faster as you grow older, and weeks, months and even seasons change each other at a breakneck speed? Let's figure it out together with "Futurist".

A matter of perception

Apparently, such accelerated “time travel” is not at all associated with responsibilities and anxieties adult life. Research shows that our perception time, making us feel increasingly busy and constantly running around.

There are several theories to explain this shift. According to the first of them, this is due to a gradual change in a person’s internal biological clock. The slowing of metabolism as we age is reflected, among other things, in slower heartbeat and breathing. Children experience a much greater number of biological markers (heartbeats, sighs) in a given period of time than adults, making them feel that time is taking longer.

According to another theory, the time we perceive is related to the amount new information which we absorb. It is more difficult for the brain to cope with a large volume of new stimuli, which is regarded as a longer period of time. This explains situations with so-called slow motion, which often occurs a second before an accident. Unfamiliar circumstances mean an influx of new information that the brain needs to process.

In fact, faced with unexpected situation, the brain records the memory in much more detail, which was proven in an experiment in which participants experienced free fall. So it is more likely that this event appears to slow down in our memory, rather than time slowing down at that moment.

Where does the time go

However, such explanations do not answer the question of why time is shortening while our age is only increasing. Psychologists have put forward a theory that the older we get, the more familiar our surroundings become. We stop noticing the details of a house, apartment or workplace. For children, on the contrary, the world is full of unfamiliar things, interacting with which they gain new experiences. That is why children devote a significantly larger part of their brain activity to the restructuring of mental ideas about outside world. According to this theory, processing ideas slows down time for children, but for busy adults it slips through their fingers like sand.

The more familiar everyday life is, the faster time flies, and with age, more and more things become painfully familiar. This explanation is based on a biochemical mechanism: during the perception of new stimuli, the neurotransmitter dopamine is released, which helps to judge time. After 20 and until old age, dopamine levels drop, thereby speeding up time.

Logarithms in time

But none of these theories correspond to the almost mathematical constant acceleration of time. The marked reduction in the duration of a certain period of time with aging suggests a logarithmic scale in time. The logarithmic scale is used instead of the traditional linear scale when measuring earthquakes (Richter scale) or sound (decibels), because it allows you to display a very large range of values. The same is true for time.

On the logarithmic Richter scale, an increase in magnitude from 10 to 11 does not correspond to a 10% increase in earth motion, as it would on a linear scale. Each increment on the Richter scale represents a tenfold increase in motion. On a logarithmic time scale, all important historical events known to us can be written down on one page in ten lines.

Kids time

But why does our perception of time follow a logarithmic scale? The idea is that we evaluate a period of time as a proportion relative to the life we ​​have lived. For example, for a two-year-old child, one year is half of his life: that’s why in early childhood You wait forever for every birthday. For a ten-year-old, a year is already 10% of his entire life (which makes the wait a little less cruel), and for a twenty-year-old it is only 5%.

On a logarithmic scale, for a twenty-year-old to experience the same proportion of increase in age that a two-year-old experiences between birthdays, he would have to wait until he is 30 to celebrate. Given this fact, the acceleration of time with age no longer seems so surprising.

We typically think of our lives in terms of decades (our 20s, 30s, and so on), which assumes equal weight for each. However, on the same logarithmic scale, we perceive different periods of time as the same length. On this scale, the following age differences will appear the same: five and 10 years, 10 and 20, 20 and 40, 40 and 80.

I would not like to end on a sad note, but the five years that you lived from the age of five to ten are equivalent in duration to the period between 40 and 80 years.

In general, take action. Time flies whether you are having fun or not. And it will run faster and faster every day.

No person is born with a “built-in” internal clock. Children learn to keep track of time thanks to their parents, daily routine, and school. Sometimes the habit of synchronizing your behavior with the rest of the world takes months to develop, sometimes it takes several years. Eventually we all adapt. And now standard time units are becoming our faithful companions. This system is ideal: minutes flow into hours, hours into days of the week, days of the week into months and years. But there is a big difference in how we perceive the passage of time.

Can time move at different speeds?

Sometimes it seems to us that time flies like a jet plane, and sometimes that it moves at the speed of a snail. Suddenly the realization comes that another January has come, but now it has almost come to an end. It seems that the older we get, the faster the years follow each other. On the other hand, you're standing in a crosswalk at a red light and can't wait for those long 90 seconds to pass. It feels like an eternity separates you from crossing to the other side of the road.

Study of the perception of the passage of time

Scientists have always been interested in this problem. Why do short periods of time seem infinitely long to us, and long ones replace each other with dizzying speed? Some of them devote most of their lives to studying the issue. Let's try to figure out what is the reason for this distortion.

The main conditions under which time dilation occurs

If you collect numerous stories different people together, you can track that everyone’s circumstances are different. But they all entailed the feeling of slowly creeping hands on the dial. Conventionally, experts divided all these conditions into six main categories: intense suffering (danger), intense pleasure, anticipation (boredom), altered state of consciousness with the help of drugs, meditation and novelty. Below are some illustrative examples.

Intensity of sensations and permanent boredom

Violence and danger are highlighted in separate category due to the intensity of mental and physical sensations. For example, a wounded soldier lying on the battlefield will always feel like help will never come. Also, military personnel often describe that the very picture of the battle is seen by them as if in slow motion filming. But sometimes strong feelings can be associated with pleasure and ecstasy (here time really gives us the opportunity to enjoy the moment.) The state of permanent boredom is also included in a separate category: a queue for an appointment with a doctor, arrest for 15 days, a salesperson without an influx of clients. On the one hand, these situations are sharply limited in time, but when a person is placed in waiting conditions, it seems to him that the hands on the dial are not moving at all.

Based on altered state of consciousness or novelty

People often experience a distortion in their perception of time when they experience an altered state of consciousness. This is facilitated by the drug-induced experience of taking LSD or mescaline. High levels concentration or meditation can also affect the subjective perception of the passage of time. Athletes who are in the waiting area often talk about this. Finally, there is shock or novelty. This happens every time you start learning a complex skill or go on vacation to an exotic location.

What is the paradox?

There is a clear pattern across all of these categories. All of them distort time at the moment when either almost nothing happens to the observer, or too much happens. But you will never feel this during your normal activities. In other words, time slows down when a situation can be assessed as too easy or too difficult.

When it comes to the dial or calendar, each time block has its own standards. They are no different from each other. Each minute consists of 60 seconds, and each day consists of 24 hours. Standard units of time become significantly different when they begin to be perceived in terms of the “density of human experience.” Thus, perception can be influenced by objective and subjective information.

High experience density

Experience density is high when a lot happens in a short period of time. Military veterans know this firsthand. On the other hand, the density of experience can be equally high even when, hour after hour, almost nothing happens. People in solitary confinement will tell you about this. It would seem that this time is completely empty, but people with a stable psyche are able to completely change their worldview, and those with a weaker psyche nervous system going crazy with obsession. All these circumstances place people in unusual conditions. The paradox is that people tend to focus their attention on strange circumstances, which only increase the density of experience that affects the perception of a standard time unit. This is how distortion is formed.

When time flies by

We have found that time moves slowly when the density of experience is extremely high. It is logical to assume the opposite. Time will fly by when the density of experience associated with a standard time block is abnormally low. When you tend to look back (to the near or distant past), life periods as if they are shrinking. Time compression is ensured by two general conditions. Let's look at them in more detail next.

Routine tasks

Adults in the workplace are surrounded by many daily responsibilities. All of them are repeated day after day with only minor changes. But performing each of them requires increased attention and concentration. The period of familiarization and training has already passed, now you can carry out many of the standard tasks and instructions without focusing on them special attention. Experienced motorists who simultaneously perform several actions will tell you about this. A person who has had a stressful day at work will tell you this. Despite the general busyness, there was not a high density of unique experiences.

In the end, the busy worker was pleasantly surprised when time in the office passed so quickly. WITH clear conscience he goes home along his usual route. And along the way, he will do all his usual things: call his relatives, go to the nearest supermarket for bread. In the evening there will be the usual dinner and the usual TV series. Every day is the same. That is why they replace each other so quickly.

"Erosion" of episodic memory

The second main condition fast current time is the “erosion” of episodic memory. And this also applies to each of us. Our memories of routine events fade over time. Can you remember what you were doing on December 17th? If no significant events occurred on that day, you are unlikely to remember the entire chain. But a little more than a month has passed since that moment! And the memory is already trying to clear space for more necessary information.

And the further back you look, the more “forgetful” you will demonstrate. One of scientific research revealed a striking pattern: people thought that last year flew by more quickly than last month, and last month flew by faster than yesterday. Objectively this makes no sense, but our memory eats away at the density of experience within a standard time unit.


All the situations we described above can be considered anomalous. As a rule, in normal conditions, we perceive 10 minutes as 10 minutes. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we have learned to synchronize our experience with standard units of time, and vice versa.

Diana Raab

American author, psychologist, teacher and motivational speaker.

Why does time begin to pass faster as you age?

The endless summer of childhood ends, time begins to move faster and faster. Everyone faces this sad fact sooner or later.

There are various theories why this happens. The most logical is that in childhood and adolescence we constantly do something for the first time. The first kiss, the first night away from home, the first love, the first day at school or university, the first car... Each such first event fascinates and makes us remember the smallest details. And the more we remember it, the more intense it seems.

When we experience a similar experience again and again, there is no longer that novelty. Therefore time speeds up.

We experience a similar state in. The first few days don't go by as quickly as the next few days. This is because in the second part of the trip the surroundings become more and more familiar.

Neuroscientist David Eagleman, who studies the perception of time, calls it an elastic thing that changes depending on how closely we interact with our experience. The stronger this connection, the slower time moves.

Time slows down if we are attentive. Because we just start to notice more.

This happens especially often during emergency situations or some traumatic events, since in this case we are more likely to focus on details. If you've ever been in a car accident, you probably remember the feeling that the ambulance was taking forever.

How to slow down time

If time depends on our perception, then we can slow it down.

A good way is to train mindfulness.

This can be done while eating, savoring each bite of food slowly and for a long time. This is called mindful eating.

Another way is to be in nature, watching water or trees and listening to birdsong.

Here are some topics you can use for this exercise:

  • Write about special moments from the past year.
  • Write about all the moments related to birth or death that affected you.
  • Write about achievements that you are proud of.
  • Write a letter of gratitude to someone who did something kind for you.
  • Write about a new passion.
  • Write about any positive changes in your life.

Other ways to develop mindfulness are described in these articles.