So these are the principles:

  1. Be merciful and kind. I am not a member of a cult and I am not encouraging you to join the Peace Corps. Doing good can be much more difficult in small things, on an everyday scale, than saving the world. This is what the first principle says - in every situation that fills a person’s every day, there are different lines of behavior and, accordingly, options for action. By choosing one that has a good message, you not only do yourself good (because good always comes back), but you also inspire others to do the same. Not only epidemics and affectionate words spread from person to person, mercy and consideration for others can also infect people.
  2. Be brave. The longer humanity exists, the more precisely the beaten paths are worked out, and the easier it becomes to follow them. doesn’t necessarily mean going against the grain and society – you probably don’t want that at all. Being brave means doing what you want, doing what you feel, and saying what you think.
  3. Always remember that you are not alone. Very often it seems to us that we are alone against the whole world. That no one can help us, and we must do everything ourselves. Taking responsibility for your life and actions is very good, but you shouldn’t lock yourself in the bubble of your own “I can” and “I do,” because there are things that are beyond a person’s control or things that you definitely can’t do alone.

    Remember two things: firstly, you are not alone - look around: there are many people around who are ready and able to help you and provide support. Believe in people. Secondly, no matter how you feel about religion, it is stupid to deny that there are no higher powers besides man. There is something much larger in this world than each of us individually. For some it is God, for others it is the Universe, for others it is the unity of all living beings. Don't forget that you are not alone in the scale. huge world. You won’t get lost, they look after you, they help you, they take care of you. Always.

  4. To be here and now. One of the main life principles that is most difficult to follow is to stay in the present, to live in it. Living in the past or future is a huge temptation, an excellent means of escaping reality. But the reality is that if you don't manage your present, either your past will define you or your future will be built by someone else. And in order to manage the present, you need to be in it. Develop awareness, learn to fixate on the “here and now.”
  5. Analyze. Live your life without trying to understand the causes and consequences of your own actions, events of your life means wasting it. Don't float with the flow like a log, get into the boat and control its movement. To do this, you will need to become an analyzer of what is happening both inside and around you. Don't be that person who, when you die, understands less than when you were first born. Analyze yourself - if you understand yourself, you will have access to understanding the whole world.
  6. Explore. In our wonderful world there are enough reasons to be surprised for the life of every person. Humanity has existed for several thousand years, and the world continues to surprise us. Don’t lose your child’s curiosity, look at everything as if you were seeing it for the first time. Don't be afraid to explore new things, make discoveries of any scale, and your life will never be boring. Already now it is filled with thousands of amazing things that are worth learning about, that are worth noticing and studying. Live with wide with open eyes, consciousness and heart.
  7. Love. Without love the most bright life- only a shadow of what it could be, if a person let the highest feeling into it - . Giving and receiving love in order to be happy is as important as breathing and eating in order to live. Trusting your feelings is risky and scary, but remember the second principle? Be brave when it comes to love because it is the only thing that can make you truly happy. Love is the highest reward, and it requires a lot of work. Love needs to be cherished, nurtured, supported and developed - then its fruits will make you the happiest of people.

I propose to touch upon quite a bit today interesting topic associated with human principles. Most people in the world have their own principles, views and beliefs. They are usually called principled - that is, those who will never go against their own moral rules. Those who are absolutely not guided by anything in life and act as they please, without having their own and not paying attention to other people’s principles, are usually called unprincipled.

In this article we will try to analyze each of these concepts, understand why and how principles appear, why they teach us, whether principles change with age, whether it is possible to sacrifice principles and, if so, for what.

What are principles

In any old dictionary, integrity is good quality. Integrity is the desire to follow one’s convictions and principles.

Principles are a kind of conditional (not mandatory) rules or beliefs that a person creates for himself, considering them morally correct, and to which he obeys for a certain (usually indefinite) period of time or throughout his life. A person acts in accordance with his principles and guidelines because he considers them the only correct ones - those that appeal to him most.

Principle—the word itself—comes from a Latin root that means “beginning.” That is, a principle can be considered some initial, fundamental belief. There are also habits, there are simply reflexes and good manners. For example, greeting at the entrance is a habit of politeness, the desire to not be late is punctuality, also a kind of habit, but not a life principle.

A principle is, first of all, a conviction of a moral order. And there are few such convictions in life, but they, like whales, support all other moral constructs.

A principle is an absolute. Now it is fashionable to say that everything in the world is relative, that nothing is absolute. Alas, this is a sad trend of our time.

For example, honor for an officer 100 years ago was an absolute. He took care of her, and nothing could compensate or replace the violated honor. This honor was not always understood correctly, the resulting actions were not always reasonable, but selling honor was unthinkable.

Unprincipledness is a person’s lack of any principles, a tendency to act differently from what is usually accepted in society. This concept has many synonyms, including spinelessness, conformism, lack of will and opportunism. An unprincipled person can, over time, turn into a sycophant, an invertebrate worm who cannot stand up for himself or for his loved ones, and to defend his interests not necessarily with his fists, but at least with his words. Such a person does not have his own firm convictions and therefore, in order not to stand out from others, he invents these convictions for himself, but does not comply with them.

How principles appear and why they teach us

Where do these principles come from? Where did the concept of honor come from in the young nobleman? This concept, of course, was communicated to him. It was brought up. Naturally, any principle that a person follows is either brought up and instilled from childhood or arises as a result of life experience.

The principles are very different. So, starting from the usual: never call (write) first, do not eat meat or drink coffee, use things only from the same manufacturer and others; to quite unusual and radical ones: for example, it is customary for Muslims to take revenge for the death of a relative; cannibals in Africa teach children, as a matter of principle, not to eat their fellow tribesmen, but to feast only on their enemies. That is, the principle can be both a restriction (an officer’s honor, a cannibal’s appetite) and an incentive to action (Muslim blood feud).

What then do principles teach if they can be so varied? What then unites them under one concept?

It's quite simple: honor forces an officer to always act in his own interests, a Muslim who is ready to take revenge also does it for a higher purpose, because he believes that it is right (of course, from the point of view of the safety of other people, this is not very good). Both one and the other sacrifice a lot for the sake of their principles, both are ready to give their lives for their beliefs. Yes, the example is a little radical, and if there are better ones, please provide them in the comments to the article.

Often, principled people are ready to give up a comfortable chair in the office, and delicious sandwich for the sake of an idea, although in our time this is also a very rare occurrence. Our principles tend to be more down-to-earth, covering food, clothing, relationships and people.

Can principles change with age?

There is only one answer to this question: of course they can. Moreover, they must change, because it is impossible to adhere to the same beliefs as a teenager and as an adult.

Changing principles usually occurs through three main reasons:

  1. Change of world view.
  2. Human maturation, both age-related and mental.
  3. Under the influence of other people, whose life core (beliefs) turned out to be more significant.

In general, teenagers are characterized by maximalism, so here whims and principles are often intertwined. The abandonment of such considerations will take place on its own, with age. Different principles help us at different stages of life. Some of them remain, while others are abandoned due to their possible insolvency.

The question of integrity and unprincipledness is very interesting and the main thing in it is to find a middle ground. It is impossible to have a bunch of principles and constantly follow them, because in this case the time will come when none of your friends and family will want to put up with them, and you will be left alone. At the same time, you cannot be an “invertebrate” and float with the flow of life, hitting the shores, and without drawing any conclusions from this for yourself.

Usually, a person’s integrity a priori presupposes his uncompromisingness. He is not ready to deviate from his rules even when it concerns people dear to him. This is definitely wrong! Of course, different situations happen in life, and if you don’t neglect your own principles for the sake of friends and dear people, then why are such principles needed at all? This turns out to be the same thing as not caring about anyone and being unprincipled.

Remember that whatever principles you have, use them wisely. They should not offend, harm or bother you or others. Be prepared to give in, go for it, neglect your own principles, especially for the sake of loved ones.

Yuri Okunev School

Hello friends. Yuri Okunev is with you.

Today we’ll talk about human life principles. What are they, do you need them, how to find them and integrate them into your self-organization system.

We have already noted that in the system of self-organization, principles play the role of boundaries within which we move towards our goal. Moreover, it is rather heaven and earth, above and below. The width of the channel is determined by the formulation and.

Principles are the rules of the game for achieving your goals.
If players start breaking the rules, the game loses its meaning. A football player who makes his way to the enemy goal using hand grenades and a Kalashnikov assault rifle is unlikely to receive a prize for winning the game.

We play exchange. The main idea of ​​this game is to provide something useful to the world.

If we destroy our planet in pursuit of success, the game will lose its meaning.
If we destroy our values ​​(family, health, friendly relations etc.) victory, whatever it may be, is unlikely to make us happy.

You can give this image. Values ​​are the inner circle, our zone of happiness. What we always want to see in our lives. Principles are an outer circle, a boundary that we will not cross in our actions under any circumstances.

The latter is a vital principle. They are the ones that interest us in the first place.

How to find your principles?

The principles are formed along two vectors.

  1. Which I will not do under any circumstances.
  2. What should I do.

The method of modeling limiting situations will help us decide. We take each of our values ​​in turn. And we are looking for a boundary that we will not cross, either for the sake of the highest result, or to avoid complete failure.

For example, let's take the value - wealth, material security, money. Let's ask ourselves:

What will I not do even for a hundred million (billion) dollars?
What will I not do even if I have no livelihood left?

I must warn you that extreme situations, even imaginary ones, are always an uncomfortable zone. Don't try to avoid scary and awkward questions. They are the ones who will show where your internal boundaries lie.

The gradient might look like this:

  • For the sake of wealth, are you able to deceive a colleague or kill an animal? A person? Your child?
  • In order not to die of hunger, can you steal, rob, kill, engage in prostitution? What if your family’s life is at stake?

After the pendulum of possible situations swings in your head from one extreme to the other, you need to formulate the emerging principle in acceptable, positive form.

Positive the form implies the absence of any negatives in the text. If you come to the definition: “I will never cheat for the sake of money,” you should write down as a principle: “I conduct my affairs honestly.”

Eligibility implies that you choose a framework that makes practical sense for you to adhere to. Honesty increases your self-esteem and the trust your clients place in you. And the principle “I will not kill my children for money” is unlikely to be needed by a mentally healthy person.

Having worked through all your values ​​in this way, you will receive a basic list of your own principles.

We look at the Ten Commandments of Moses, the Sermon on the Mount of Christ, the regulative and religious principles of the Vedas, the moral code of the builder of communism, Hubbard’s “The Way to Happiness” and any other lists of life principles that are available to us.

Comparing them with the list received earlier, we supplement, expand, reduce, and arrange until we are completely satisfied - until we get those rules, following which will really make our life the way we want it to be.

Following principles is not easy

Following the principles means following the football rules in the match, even if the opponent pulls out a nuclear bomb from his wide trousers.

A truly principled person can be one for whom principle is more important than life.

At one time I was struck by an episode from the film “The Battle of the Red Cliff”.

The hero swears on his head that he will get ten thousand arrows by morning, and when the morning recount shows that there are only 9900, he is ready to accept execution without trying to justify himself.

From our point of view, what difference does it make 9900 or 10000: the task of providing the army with arrows has been completed. But for a person for whom honor is more valuable than life, it does not matter how many percent the promise is not fulfilled. Living without keeping your word is unthinkable.

  • Jesus went to the cross, affirming the principle of love for God.
  • Giordano Bruno chose a fire to prove the true structure of the solar system.
  • King Leonidas led his Spartans to Thermopylae Gorge following the duty of a king and a warrior.

Why do we need principles if they are so difficult to follow? What good are they? Why play by the rules when many don't follow them?

To begin with, imagine two people standing next to each other. One is principled, the other is unprincipled. Who would you like to do business with? Go on reconnaissance? To live next door?

Yes, perhaps it’s more difficult with a principled person: he will demand that you fulfill your duties precisely. But in general, living surrounded by principled people is safer than vice versa.

So, principled people stabilize society, make it safer, understandable, and predictable. Okay, but why should we be like that? Life is already not an easy thing, why complicate it further by introducing additional restrictions? I will answer.

What are you getting

The main purpose of the principles is to ensure movement towards set goals. This is insurance that prevents the climber from falling into the abyss when his fingers slip and his legs lose support. An additional guide for situations in which there are no guidelines. The basis that allows you to stay on your feet and not lose sight of your goal in a flurry of incoming life events.

Let's move on. Having principles makes a person undoubtedly more valuable to society. And if we are committed to sharing and serving, living up to the principles is a worthwhile investment of effort. Following the principles you are getting better.

Following the principles you are getting stronger.

Imagine a person who always holds given word. He promised that such and such a project would be completed by tomorrow morning. And so he comes to you and says, “I need you to do such and such part of the project. Now".

It is likely that he will not even have to pull a bazooka out of his pocket and hit you on the head for the necessary actions to be completed. But if necessary, he will do it. His life is at stake, and often his responsibility for other people. It is impossible to refuse.

The principle in this case creates the pressure necessary to achieve the goal. Plain water supplied from the unit high pressure, cuts steel and concrete.

Strength is required to follow principles. It is more difficult to win with the rules than without the rules. This means that you need power more than other people. You begin to consciously develop it in yourself. The power of persuasion, the power of example, physical strength, etc.

Principles organize. Order is a necessary condition for effective activity.

By following the principles, you make your contribution to the creation of a reasonable society in which you live and your children will live.

Lack of principles may lead to short-term benefits, but is always a loss in the long run. An unprincipled person loses friends, partners, relatives, and employees. Nobody wants to work with him. And it is almost impossible to create anything noticeable in this world alone. Any big project is a team effort.

To summarize we can say:

Principles ensure that we achieve our long-term goals because they allow us to gain the support of other people and protect us from making fatal mistakes.

The place of life principles in the system of self-organization.

Let's take a table of our values ​​and key areas of activity and provide it with principles.

VALUES Key areas Operating principles
MindfulnessTMContinuously improving efficiency
HealthPhysical trainingMaintaining a daily routine
Healthy eating
Regular training
FamilyFamily (Wife, children, parents, brothers)Mutual respect
Notice the good.
Don't skip misunderstood words
Provide mass
CaseProject 1 Creation (service)
Exchange with excess
Greatest benefit for speakers
Project 2
Safety Be ready.
EarthHouse, garden, vegetable garden, field, forest, carEnvironmental friendliness
ProsperityFinanceRevenues exceed expenses
Brightness of life, hobbies.Cinema, fine literature, tourismTime for business, time for fun
SpiritualitySpiritual practiceAdvancement towards God

The principle must be defined as precisely as possible. In this tablet we have indicated the names of the principles. But we need to define for ourselves what exactly we mean by this.

For example, “Healthy eating” is understood by one as first, second, third and dessert; second, as a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates; the third one counts healthy food, in which there is a lot of meat, the fourth is vegetarianism, the fifth is a raw food diet. Reveal your principles, Describe them.

Operating principles
Name Description
Value - Health
Maintaining a daily routineI get up at 4:30 every day. I go to bed no later than 23:00
Regular trainingCharge every day. Evening workout at least three times a week.
Healthy eatingI do not consume: meat, fish, eggs, tea, coffee, onions, garlic.

In the morning light breakfast without grains: dairy products, sweets, fruits, dried fruits, herbal tea.

At lunch main meal: I eat as much as I want, including grains, all six tastes are welcome.

For dinner, milk with spices or buckwheat, or stewed vegetables, or fruits, or tea with dried fruits.

Snacks Avoid between meals if possible. If I really want to, I snack on fruit. I drink a lot of clean water.

Based on your knowledge and common sense, describe what exactly you understand by each principle. In the future, your understanding will definitely change, but first you need to at least look at it from the outside.

Don't try to jump over your head ahead of time. Write down what you actually observe in your life. The most hardworking ones are allowed to fantasize and further describe how it would be ideally.

That's it. A few hours of hard work and your individual system of life principles has been created. Ready list principles as a guideline, options from world authorities and feedback on your work I give on the course. But the above is more than enough to obtain acceptable results.

Dare, achieve your goals, prosper and succeed.
Share information with friends, subscribe to blog updates.

And if you still have questions, I invite you to an individual consultation. Details.

Why do many people feel dissatisfied with their lives? Where can you find happiness and a sense of fulfillment? These questions worry a person more often than others; in search of an answer to them, he is ready to sacrifice his time and effort. The sages believe that for true happiness it is necessary to follow three main principles in life. They claim that by following them, human soul will bloom like a flower, and life itself will sparkle with rainbow colors.

Every moment will be filled with joy and happy moments. But in order to find happiness, first of all, you need to understand yourself and understand why until now you have not been able to accomplish something that has a certain value for you. Only by working on mistakes will a person be able to turn all his wishes into reality. There are no people who do not dream of prosperity and happiness, and the overwhelming majority generally want to win fame and recognition. However, only a few manage to achieve all this and therefore the question arises: what is wrong with my life and what is needed to make it better?

If prosperity passes you by, think about why this is happening. It would seem that happiness is so desirable, but why doesn’t it knock on our door? Psychologists have long identified a number of reasons from which it follows that some people are luckier than others. And the main reason is the wrong choice of life principles. Look back and analyze your life. Surely you will see many mistakes that were made only because you do not know how to set priorities correctly. Perhaps you were so focused on yourself that you missed out on your happiness, because it comes to those who are ready to share it with others.

The following tips will help you understand how to correctly interpret the signs of fate and dream correctly, because most often it is the inability to correctly formulate one’s thoughts and goals that leads a person to a dead end. Remember that all your deepest dreams will materialize, but it is necessary that you yourself come to the realization that everything in life is not accidental.

1. Be more merciful.

The ability to sympathize and be compassionate is considered almost the main principle of life. Every person needs a source of inspiration. Without it, he will not be able to create, develop and be free. You can also find inspiration in other people. The more often you help others, the more good you receive in return. Another thing is that, as a couple, even the most merciful deeds remain unanswered, however, reciprocity from the recipient should not worry you so much. Act according to the dictates of your heart, because when you help someone, you provide help not to please your feelings, but in order to make someone’s life at least a little better. We all live in society and are inextricably linked with each other by social relations; if one of us feels bad, then the other must certainly come to the rescue. Don't leave people in trouble, give them a helping hand.

2. Don't waste your time.

Another important point, which, along with the first, psychologists have included in the list of tips urging you not to miss your luck. It is difficult to imagine the principles of life without this point. There are only two things a person can never get back. These are opportunities and time. Every second person turns a blind eye to this very significant and important principle. There are often situations in life when we miss our opportunity, and only then realize that we may have neglected our own happiness. To avoid making such a mistake again, you need to understand why people are given time.

Time is needed for a person to make the most of it. Don’t lose your opportunities, try to find benefit in everything. This life principle must be followed with early years, because life is fleeting, and having missed extra year, you may lose several years of happiness. A person who values ​​success will never waste his time. Rich people know firsthand that even from life’s difficulties you can get the maximum benefit, because they teach a person to better navigate time. In addition, do not try to waste your actions and words; first of all, learn to value yourself.

3. Don't lose hope.

The ability to remain calm in the most difficult moments of life is an invaluable quality. By remaining calm, a person learns one of the basic principles of life - hope and faith. Countless difficulties may arise along your path, but if you follow each difficult situation give up and lose faith in the best, then you will turn into a weak-willed creature. Hope helps to cope with adversity and gives a person confidence in the future. Also, be careful not to become wasteful. Don't waste your energy, without it you won't be able to achieve success.

Don't forget these three principles of life. Your goal will become achievable if you begin to learn to love and appreciate, trust and believe, hope and wait.

Today is May 4th and it is my birthday. I'm still young). On this day I decided to publish a post about my principles in life. The photo, by the way, is from my last birthday.

Previously, it seemed to me that I did not have any special principles. Until you write them down or think about them, it seems like they don’t exist. There's just a lot you don't realize. This can be called not principles, but a declaration or something else.

My personal principles:

  1. Do the best I can, based on available resources. According to the principle, now or never.
  2. Little by little, but every day. I write articles little by little, type them and edit them. And within a year of applying the principle, there were about 100 good articles, and the rest of the articles were not so good.
  3. The price for freedom not to work. Slavery is free, but freedom must be earned. I pay a price for the freedom not to work. This price is falling social status and fulfilling my duties as a housewife. I have learned to be more flexible, and I no longer react so violently when pestered with questions.
  4. Following a dream. The one who walks will master the road. Take at least one step a day towards your dream. My dream is to become a famous blogger and publish a book. There is a price to pay for a dream - you have to give up old habits, the desire to do nothing.
  5. It's better to go slowly than to stop completely. Let nothing be done today, or little done, but it was done yesterday. If it’s difficult to move towards your goal every day, then you can do it every other day).
  6. Make good use of every day. The more I work on myself and engage in creativity, the more unpleasant the feeling is when you do nothing - the effect of a wasted day appears. I heard the phrase that we hate ourselves for not doing anything. We may not hate you, but we want the day not to be lived in vain.
  7. Enjoy life every day. You have to learn and accustom yourself to this. For now, this principle is more like a goal and a reminder that has not yet been fulfilled. People who feel good today ensure their happiness tomorrow. If you didn’t laugh today, it means you didn’t live today.
  8. Learn to be here and now. I'm learning to be more aware. To go towards your goals, to enjoy life, you need to be conscious. Otherwise you forget.
  9. Engage in self-development. I like it and it’s useful, it’s a kind of creativity on oneself and creating the canvas of one’s life.
  10. Compete and compare yourself only with myself from yesterday. Remember that comparison with others is the greatest theft in the world. When you compare yourself or others, you steal joy, success and motivation from yourself and others.
  11. It is better to do something bad and wrong than to do nothing. My relatives often stop me and tell me that I need to do the right thing, prepare, and the like. Therefore, often nothing is done. In reality, it's just procrastination and perfectionism. When they try to slow you down, tell yourself that it is better to do it wrong and do it badly than not at all.
  12. Repeat to yourself: I always make the right decisions. Some bring results, while others bring experience. There is no negative result, it’s just a result, and the rest is just labels.
  13. Never listen to advisers if I intend to do something. Some say it's harmful or pointless, or simply don't approve. It’s better to do it no matter what, even if others don’t understand, even if I make a mistake. You don't need anyone's approval to be yourself.
  14. Strive to become the best in your business. In your chosen field. Constantly work on yourself and improve. Even if it's for a long time does not bring results, even if it never will, just engage in creativity and development for yourself.